Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 24

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    jt milll HWWWWWH
In ths 3s0 Hiv ;
D EAR Busy Bees: We have had a
visitor at our house. Yes, in
deed, a very polite and kind fellow
to be sure. The other morning when
we opened the front door there lay
big eyed dog wagging a greeting
with his tail. He cante inside and
made friends with each member of
the family and sat on his hind paws
and listened to all we said to him
with the most'atert expression on his
jface you ever saw. He stayed two
days and barked for his food and
played ill the yard and seemed very
pleased with himself, and. us, and then
his owner came for him and he went
home, '
We thought we would never see
Mr.' Dog again bill what do you think
yesterday noon here he was at the
front door, and he barked and ran
round the yard-and then went away.
' At first I couldn't think what he
'did it for and then when I remember
ed what a polite dog hvw9I de
cided that he was making his bread
and butter thank you call. Don't you
think he was?l J
- Lovingly, -s
I ' ' Uncle Sam in France.
?By Bertha" Dunker,' Aged 14 Years,
f Strang, Neb. Blue Side.
' Vncle 8am hae tone to Franc
e To make tha kalaer dance,
Ha can do It, too, all rifht
5 No matter It It. takae many dayi and
mgnia. , -v-'. ' -f ' -
He'll teak htm know ':!.
That Uncle Bam'a'fot him Just ao.
And Old Bill will bav to give up In
i For ho wlli linow Unci Sam'a ovar there.
So wo won't have to aend our aoldlera
no mora, S
Nor wait tor their return at th doorj
Tor Unci Bam haa a-one to Franco
To make the kkleer danca. ,
(CoDvrliht.rilt. by Balllr 4V Bjdtton Co.
: Presto Digi, the Magician.
(C K ND now, if you like, we will
IX be pleased to have you visit
some of our houses," ' said
Mr. Bowko, the Mayor, in a friendly
tone. ' ; ' ;
"But we can'tl" exclaimed .Twinkle.
"We're too hig," and she got up arid
sat down upon, the bank, to show him
how big sht'f eally was when com
pared with tfie prairie-dogs
"Oh, that doesn't matter in the
least the .Mayor replied. "I'll have
Presto Digi, our magician, reduce
you to out size. a
, "Can hi?" asked Twinkle, doubt
fully. .-' '
-"Out magician can do anything,"
declared the Mayor. Then he sat up
and put both his front paws to his
mouth and made a curious sound
that was something like a bark and
something like a whistle,' but not ex
actly like f either one.
Then everybody waited in silence
until a queer old prairie-dog slowly
put his head out of a big mound near
the center of the village, r.
"Good morning, Mr. Presto Digi,"
said 'the Mayor.-. '; "V
"Morning1" answered the magician,
blinking his eyes as if he had just
awakened from sleep. '
Twinkle.! nearly laughed at this
scrawny, skinny, personage; but by
good fortune, for she didn't wish to
offend him, she kept her face straight
and did not even smile.
: "We hafe two guests here, this
morning," continued the Mayor, ad
dressing the magician, "who- are a
little too large to get into our houses.
Soj aa they -ire- invited to ta jo
J i
NOTE Busy Bees wUl please l
I send their aociety items to Mar- 4-
i garet Shotwell, Busy Bee So- f
Y ciety Editor, care Bee office. X
r j
; Katherine Goss made reservations
for 18 members of the O. T. club at
the Field club matinee dance Fri
day, ... . ,
Margaret Bolln, from Douglas,
Wyo., is spending a month with her
grandma and aunts, the Misses Alma
and Blanche Bolln. ,
Louise and Eleanor Robertson had
a Fourth of July supper at Mrs. C. K.
Robertsons and spent the evening
shooting off fireworks.
Billy, Emma and Helen Hoagland
left Tuesday for their grandfather's
ranch, Waterdale, Colo., where they
will spend a few weeks riding ponies
and hunting and fishing.
Marjorieand Betty Manley cele-
i FerLirae Actresses in -a
Pretty "Fairy Tale" Playette l
i 4
(I . .; yU tth$$t ;
You should ave seen the "Sleeping Beauty and the Prince," a little
play that was given by' tome of the Franklin school children Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Julius E. Rau. When I tell you that the' children sold $35
worth of ticket! and that 250 people came to tee their play you will know
just what wonderful success it was. In the picture you will tee four of
the little girls who took part The little lady who is so deep interested
in her painting is Louise Wood, and the girl standing beside her, who was
called "The Mistress of the Ink Bottle," is Miss Alice Wixson. The little
dancing girl is Mist Eleanor Taylor, while the musical lady with her ban jo
is Mist Ruth Betherds.
luncheon, it would pllase us all if
ypu would kindly reduce them to fit
our underground rooms.
"Is that all .you want?" asked Mr.
Presto Digi, bobbing his head at the
children. , , ,
"It seems to me a great deal," ans
wered Twinkle. iTm afraid you never
could do it." ,
"Wowt" said , the magician, in a
scornful voice that was almost a bark.
"I can do that with one paw. Come
here to me, and don't step on any of
our mounds while you're so big
and clumsy." '.
So Twinkle and Chubbins got. up
and - walked slowly - toward the
magician, taking great care where
they stepped. Teenty and Weenty
:re frightened, and ducked their
ads with little squeals as the big
children passed their mound; but
they bobbed up again the next mo
ment .being curious to see what
would happen
When the boy and girl stopped be
fore. Mr.. Presto Digi's mound, he
began waving one of his thin, scraggy
paw and at the- same time made a
gurgling noise that "was deep down
in his throat. And his eyes rolled
and twisted in a very odd way.
.Neither Twinkle nor Chubbins felt
any effect from the magic, nor any
different from ordinary; but they
knew they were growing smaller, be
cause their eyes were getting closer
to the magician. .
J'U that enough?" asked Mr.
Presto, after a while. - ; .
"Just a little more, please," replied
the Mayor; I don't want them , to
bump their heads against the door
ways." yv . ; v
So. the magician' again ..waved Jiis
paw and chuckled and gurgled and
- rrrrr
brated he Fourth (at the Field club,
jhey were daintily' dressed in white
dresses and pink sashes.
Jean Borglum is Hooverizing on
vmosr. everyming.. one gave op ucr
usual firecrackef celebration on the
Fourth because her parents assured
her that a whole bushel of fireworks
would be forthcoming after the war.
Mary Elizabeths Party
Mary Elizabeth Nicholson, the lit
tle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
C. Nicholson, was hostess to 14 neig
borhood children on the Fourth for
a picnic lunch. The children shot off
fire crackers an date goodies and had,
a fine time.
Awful Waste
McDougat (on Channel steamer)
Hoot, mon, ye'H soon be better.
McTavish It't n.i the soeknesa I'm
mindin', it's the awfu' waste. I paid
18 pence for that deenner Boston
t ' '
blinked, until Twinkle suddenly1
found she had to look up at him
as he squatted on his mound.
"Stopl" she screamed; "if you keep
on, we won't be anything at allT
"You're just about the right size,"
said the Mayor, looking them over
with much pleasure, and when the
girl turned around she found Mr.
Bowko and Mrs. Puff-Pudgy stand
ing beside her, and she could easily
see that Chubbins was no bigger than
they, and she was no bigger than
"Kindly follow me," said Mrs.
Pudgy, "for my little darlings .arc
anxious to make your acquaintance,
and as I was the first to discover you,
you are to be my guests first of all,
and afterward go to the Mayor's to
luncheon." ; K: .
- The Home of thePatf-Pudgys.
So Twinkle and 'Chubbins. still
holding hands, trotted along to the
Puff-Pudgy mound and it was strange
how rough the ground now seemed
to their tiny feet They climbed up
the slope ot the mound rather clum
sily, and when they came to the hole
it seemed to them as big as a well
Then they saw that it wasn't a deep
hole, but a sort of tunnel leading
down hill into the mound, and
Twinkle knew jl they were careful
they were not likely to slip of
tumble down.
Mrs. Puff-Pudgy popped , into the
hole like a flash, for she was used to
it, and waited just below the open
ing to guide them. 4 So Twinkle slip-1
pea down , to the Moor of the
tunnel and Chubbins followed close
after her, and then they began to go
downward. ,
"It's a little dark right here." said
Mrs. Puff-Pudgy; "but I've ordered
the maid to light the candles for you,
so you'll see well enough when yotfre
in tne rooms
"Thank you," said Twinkle, walking
alonjj the hall and feeling her way by
Keeping ner nand upon the smooth
5iucs or tne passage. I hope you
won't go to any trouble, .or put
airs, just because we've come to i
"If I do," replied Mrs. Puff-Pudgy,
"it's because I know the right way
to treat company. We ve alwavs be
longed to the 'four hundred " vou
know. Some folks never know what
to- do, or how to do it but that isn't
the way with the Puff-Pudsrvs-l Hi?
you, Teenty and Weenty get out of
nere ana behave yourselves I You 11
soon have a good look at our visi
tors." ,
.vna now iney came into a room
so comfortable and even sflletulid
that Twinkle's eyes opened wide
with amazement. , , '
It was big, and of a round shape.
and on the walls were "painted very
handsome portraits of different
(Prize Story)
Ann's Patriotism.
By Lucile Bauer, Aged 12 Years, At
wood, Kan. Blue Side.
' Blue Side.
"I don't see why we have to buy
war savings stamps," said Ann to her
chum May.
"I tho't our government was rich,
but it doesn't look as if it was, be
cause they've had three Liberty
loans and now they want us to buy
war savings stamps." s
"But," said her companion, "have
you stopped to think who or what the
government is?" v "No 1" -
"Well then, will you let me tell
"Our great, free and fair govern
ment is the people united into one
great, strong nation and the wealth
of the people is the wealth of the
nation, and that is why, still united,
we must give our -money, fathers
and brothers and our time to make
the whole world united, and make
it so that no one man can rule his
fellowmen .
"The thrift stamp and the war sav
ings stamps will help us if we only
hear their plea 'Buy me, so I can
fight too.' Do you understand why
we should buy them?"
"Ye-e-e-es, I was wondering this
morning whaf to do with that $5 bill
father gave me on my birthday and
I was just on my way down town to
buy a box of chocolates with it. But
I guess I can dp without choco
lates," said Ann as she went toward
the post office where war savings
stamps were sold.
(Honorable Mention.)
The Largest Firecracker.
By Theodore Perry, Aged 11, Strat
ton, Neb.
One Fourth of July a man offered
any boy a prize that could make the
largest firecracker that would make
the most noise. Alt the b.oys set to
work taking small' firecrackers and
building them into one big one.
At last the day arrived when they
would shoot them all off.
A big crowd of boys walked down
the street carrying big firecrackers.
But there was one boy that did
not have a firecracker.
Jimmy, which was the name of this
boy, was very happy and whistled
all the way.
As soon as they got ther-i the boys
went out one by one and shot off the
Finally all were done except Jim
my. .' He went out and held up a thrift
stamp card full of thrift stamps.
This is what he said:
"I think this is the biggest fire
cracker for it is blowing- up the
kaiser." I
He won the prize.
Their Astonishing Adventures in Nature-Fairyland
prairie-dogs of the Puff-Pudgy fam
ily. The furniture was made of white
clay, baked hard in the sun and dec
orated with paints made irom Diue
clay and red clay and yellow clay.
This gave it a gorgeous appearance.
There was a round table in the mid
dle of the room, and several comfort
able chairs and sofas. Around the'
walls were little brackets with candles
in them, lighting the place very
"Sit down, please," said Mrs. rurt-
Pudgy. ."You'll want to rest a min
ute before I show you around."
So Twinkle and Chubbma sat upon
the orettv clay chairs, and Teenty
and Weenty sat opposite them and
stared with their tniscnievous rouna
eyes as hard as they could.
"What nice furniture," exclaimed
the girl. 1
"Yes," replied Mrs. Puff-Pudgy,
looking up at the picture of a sad
faced prairie-dog; "Mr. PuffTPudgy
made it all himself. He was very
handy at such things. It's a shame he
turned out so obstinate." v
"Did he buildsthe house, too?"
"Why, he dug it out, if that's what
you mean. But I advised him how
to do it, so I deserve some credit
for jt myself. Next to the Mayor's
it's the best house in town, which
accounts for our high social stand
ing. Weenty 1 take you paw out of
your mouth. You're biting your
claws again."
"I'm notP'said Weenty.
"And now," continued Mrs. Puff
Pudgy, "if you are rested, "I'll show
you through the rest of pur house."
So, they got up and followed her,
and she led the children through an
archway into the dining room. Here
was a cupboard full of thecunningest
little dishes Twinkle had ever seen.
They were all made of clay, baked
in the sun, and were of graceful
shapes, and nearly as smooth and
perfect as our, own dishes.
Teenty and Weenty.
, AUS around he sides of the dining
room were pockets, or bins, in the
wall; and these were full of those
things the prairie dogs are most fond
of eating. Clover-seeds filled one
bin. and sweet roots another; dried
mulberry leaves that must have
come from a long distance were in
another bin, and even kernels of yel
low field corn were heaped in one
place. The Puff-Pudgys were surely
in no danger of starving for some
time to come. ,. -
Teenty! Put back that grainof
wheat." commanded the mother; in
a severe "voice. .
Instead of obeying, Teenty put the
wheat . in his mouth and ate it as
quickly as possible.
"The little dears are so restless."
Mrs. Puff-Pudgy said to; Twinkle,
"that it's hard to manage them."
Little -Stories By..'
Busy lee's
The Busy Bee editor received
several clever cartoons from the pen
of Busy Bee artists, but regrets in
ability to reproduce them in today's
paper because for the most part,
they were done in pencil or blue ink.
Only drawings made in black ink re
produce well for newspaper purposes
Lewise Wessel of Nebraska City
sent two lovely fashion drawings;
Mary Alexander of Grand Island,
Clarence Slattery of Norfolk; Frank
The Poor Belgians.
By Elsie Nelson, Aged 9, Box 2,
Shelby, la. Blue Side.
Dear Busy Bees: VVhen your fathers-is
in town sometimes he brings
candy home for you to eat. Well, you
know these poor, dear, little French
and Belgian children are waiting for
their dear daddy to come home with
good things for them to eat Now,
don't you Busy Bees wish you could
go over and tell them "somewhere in
France" is daddy, and he may not
come back to you, for he is giving his
life to our country." And I wish they
wouldn't feel sad, for I should think
they ought to feel proud of their
dear daddy. Now can't you Busy
; ' War CartaE-
"They don't .behave," remarked
Chubbins, staring hard at the
"No, they have a share of their
father's obstinate nature," replied
Mrs. Puff-Pudgy. "Excuse me a min
ute and I'll cuff them. It'll do them
But" before their "mother could
reach them, the children found
trouble of their own. Teenty sprang
at Weenty and began to fight, be
cause his brother had pinched him,
and Weenty fought back with all his
might and main. They scratched with
their claws and bit with their teeth,
and rolled over and over upon the
floor, bumping into the wall and up
setting the chairs, and snarling and
growling all the while like two
puppies. .
Mrs. Puff-Pudgy sat down and
watched them, but did not interfere.
"Won't they hurt themselves?"
asked Twinkle, anxiously.
"Perhaps so" said the mother; "but
if they do, it will punish them for
being so naughty. I always let them
fight it out, because they are so Sore
for a day or two afterward that they
have to keep quiet, and then I get a
little rest" x
Weenty set up a great howling,
just then, and Teenty drew away
from his defeated brother and looked
at him closely. The fur on both of
them was badly mussed up, and
Weenty had a long scratch on his
hose, that must have hurt him, or he
wouldn't have howled so". Teenty's
left eye was closed tight but if it
hurt him he-bore the pain in silence.
Mrs. Puff-Pudgy now pushed them
both into a little room and shut
them up, saying they must stay there
until bedtime; and then she led
Twinkle and Chubbins into .the
kitchen and showed them a- pool of
deaj water, in a big clay basin, that
had been caught during the last rain
and saved for drinking purposes.
The children drank of it, and found
it cool and refreshing.
Then they saw the bedrooms, ahd
learned that the beds- of prairie dogs
were nothing more than, round hol
lows made in heaps of clay. These
animals always curf , themselves up
when they sleep, and the round hol
lows just fitted their bodies; so, no
doubt, they found them very com
fortable. .
There were several bedrooms, for
the Puff-Pudgy house was really very
large. It was also very cool and
pleasant, being all. underground and
not a bit damp, y ' ' y
After they bad admired everything
in a way that made .Mrs. Puff-Pudgy
very proud and happy, their hostess
took one of the lighted candles from
a brackei and said she would now
escort them to the house of the Hon.
Mr. 'Bowko," the Mayor.
- (Continued Next, Sunday.)
Our Lattle.Fdk
Dyba of the South Side and Edith
Green of Jungmann school, Omaha,
splendid war cartoons.
The one by Edith Green is par
ticularly good. It pictures a soldier,
sailor and farmer with background
of the Stars and Stripes and this in
scription: "Red, White and Blue.
These men are brave and true," and
appropriate verses for each.
The. editor regrets that these con
tributions cannot be published.
Bees find something to do to help
them or to help their dear daddy win
the war? I'm sure there are lots
of things. ,
A Trip to Fairyland.
By Evelyn Luce, Aged 12, o719
Florence Boulevard, Omaha,
Marion' had been put to bed and was
dreaming happily. ,
This is the dream. Just as the clock
struck 12 a small canary flew in the
window. He lighted on the bedpost
handed Marion a tiny piece of paper.
"Read this," commanded the canary.
What the note contained:
"Swallow the leaf that the bird will
give you and then wish to be smaller
than the canary."
Marion did this and then hopped on
the bird's back and flew away. Sud
denly they stopped in front of a tree.
In the tree were these words:
"Press the white spot on the other
side of the tree and then walk in."
Marion and the bird did this -and
walked in. Marion was surprised to
see the pretty roses and lanterns.
"Why," said Marion to herself,
"there are those pretty roses Aunt
Helen gave me. I wonder what they
are doing here?"
Marion stayed and watched the
fairies dance. Then the fairies and
everything disappeared.
"Ohl" screamed Marion, former
mother was giving her a good shak
ing for not getting up when she fcad
called her.
When Marion' went downstairs there
stood her flowers.
"It sure is very strange," thought
Marion, "but I won't say anything be
cause they think it's foolish to
dream about1 such things."
So this is the end of Marion's
Hallowe'en dream. For Marion, had
remembered when she got up in the
morning that it had been Hallowe'en
night , '
How Tom Helped His Country..
By Maxine Reichenburg,'Aged A,
147 No. 33d street, Omaha.
Tom had a dog his name was Ring
Master, but Tom calledv him Ring.
Tom and Ring lived in the cOuntfy.
They would race and play together
all the time. Ring was all Tom had
to play with. Ring was a collie.
In the country where Tom lived
there was a Fort Tom' and Ring
often watched the soldiers drill.-Today
as they passed Tom saw some
officers training dogs for the war.
Tom went up to one of the officers
and asked if Ring would be any use
to them. The officer said he would.
So Tom left Ring and went home.
For the next few days Tom was
very lonely . without Ring, , but he
was not sorry he gave Ring to his
How the Bee Won.
By Mildred Langhorst, Aged 10, Fon
tenelle, Neb. .
The Omaha 'Sunday Bee and the
Nebraska Ruralist were ' discussing
which was the most useful., The
Nebraska Ruralist said,' "Mrs. Jones
uses me for patterns. They don't
use you for that much." The Bee
said, "Mr. Clare wants to see the
headlines to see- how the war is;
whether United States is ahead or
losing. Mrs. Clarke, wants to see
what Burgess-Nash Co. has in tailored
goods. These children- want , the
comical section. , They t all want me
at the same time." Now said Miss
Bee, what other reasons do you have
that you're most useful? The Nebras
ka Ruralist was , shocked when it
heard how many more reasons the
Bee had than she why she was most
useful. That's why the Bee won its
first case. ,
My Vacation.' ,
By Salpnia Naimann, Aged 11, Route
v 1. box 2, Gilead, Neb.
-This year I am going to spend my
vacation at home on the farm. My
mother has a war garden. I like,
to help weed in it. .We raise chickens,
4. Writ plainly on one aide of the
paper only and number tha page.
2. Uae pen and ink, not pencil.
5. Short and pointed article! will be
riven preference. Uo not uae over
250 word.
4. Original atoriea or letters only
will be uaed.
8. Write youi- name, aire and ad- T
dreaa at the top of the first page. T
A prize book wIU be given eaeh T
week for the beat contribution. T
Addreoa aU eommanlcatlone to X
Children's Department, Omaha Bee, A
Omaha, Neb. 4
ducks, and have a guinea. We used
to raise turkeys. They would not
stay at home, so we gave up raising
them. I have joined the Red Cross.
I am saving on clothes,' food and
other things. The next time I have
a quarter I am going to buy a thrift
stamp. I . have a brother "over
there." Hi's name is Herman. He
joined the medical department He ,
has a medal for bravery. We have
23 little goslings, nine are full-grown.
We have eight ducks and 325 chick
ens. I wish some of the "UusyBees
would write to me. So goodby.
Autobiography of a Duck.
Verda Clark, Aged 11, Central City
Neb., Route 1. ,
The first thing I knew of life I was
hatched out of a duck egg." At first I (
could not eat or run around, so just.
sat around and peeped. ,
One day, when I was strong enouglf
to run around, I was taken out of the
nest and given to an old hen. Wa .
would run around and she would try
to make us learn to scratch, but we
would not learn.
One night it rained about two ,
inches. That morning we went out .
for a walk. W,e came to a large pool
of water. There was a rock in the
center of the pooL Mrs. Duck wat .
there with her children. My mother
asked her how she taught her chil- .
dren. She said that's easy enough.
She said I will show you how. She
started out and her children followed
her, and then we followed them.
Our mother was so frightened the , ,
jumped. on the rock and clucked at
loud as she could.
,The old mother duck dived and
took a mbuthfull of mud, all her fami- .
ly did the same and when we did it
that scared the hen worse than ever.
After a while we came out and went
with our mother to the house.
The next day she led us to the
pond, and ever after that she was not
afraid to let us go in the pond. I
and my brothers and sisters grew up
I must dote now, because a little
boy and girl are coming towards me t
with an ax to chop my head off and
eat me for their Christmas dinner.
Wake Up, Young America!
By Valura Bates, Aged 12, Kenhard,
Young America, they are calling,
They are calling now for youj
To help us win by saving ' ; " -
For our own Red, White and Blue, v '
So buy a little Thrift stamp
And start your book today
To help us lick 'the kaiser
And drive the Huns away.
The Thrift stamps they are Httle,
But helpful in the war; ,
So help us win by saving
'Till you can't save any more
And when the strife is over
And our banner proudly flies.
The people will be shouting
Though there's tears in many eyest
And yet, every little Liberty loan
Will help to win this war .
And we'll win it all by saving
Until the battle's o'er;
And from giving we'll ne'er stop, 1
'Till our country's "over the top."
The Nightmare.
By Sophia Felton, Aged 10, Neola,
la. Blue bide.
This is the first time I have writ.
ten to the Busy Bee section, and wish
to join the Blue side.
One night, when I had the measles,
I began to cry and cry. Papa awoke
me and asked what the matter was. I
said I thought Paul, my brother, was -trying
to kill me.
The next night I got out of bed.
My father asked me what the matter
was. That night I told him I thought
my sister was after my toes.
I hope Mr. Wastebasket is out to '
A Letter From Marie.
Marie Jones, Aged 10, Hynnis, Neb,
Dear Busy Bees ,1 Like to read the '
stories that the Busy Bees write.
I have four sisters and one brother.
Their names are Frances, Ruth, Loit
and Margaret. Frances, r who is 11.
.feeds the chickens every night and.
morning. Ruth is 6, who wipes the .
dishes and Lois, who is 3, puts them
away. My brother Boyd, who is 8.
gets the coal for the next day and .'
myself gets the wood and takes care
of Margaret, who was 4 monthspld
this month. I go to school in town. .
I live on a ranch 12 miles southeast
of Hyannis. I like country life bet
ter than city life. This is my first
letter. I wish some of the Busy Bees
would write to me.
I A Little Rhyme. .,v
By Ruth Palmer Aged 11, Lin
coln, Neb.
Dear Busy Bee:
It has been a long time since I
have written to -you. I enjoy the
page very much. '
I suppose you i- are purchasing V
Thrift and War Savings stamps. I ' ;
have. $100 .worth, of War Saving
!l am not much of a poet, but I will
write this little rhyme and send it
in to you on time hoping a book will .
be mine. It is not much of afhyme,'
but it comes from the heart of a
"True American." ,
My old ahoea ana dssjea
Are Rood enough for me.
And I will bny Thrift Stamps
That our country may be free. - '
Listen Busy Bee children
t And a way I will tall 1 - . - ;
How by pnrehaalne; Thrift ataape.. .
. In a free country wa may dwalfc ".
.' .-. .'