TITS OMAHA SUNDAY . BEE: JULY 7, .1918. Conducted by Ella Fleishman West Ambler A aut Javiu, 3UU VI A taun. ww ,'of West Side, left Friday for New """"York, where he will be in government work in the packing of meat for over seas, v x Airs, tdward . Mccreary arnvea from Des Moines to spend the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson. She will go to Bur- ;' tincrtnn Ta fr wnrlr for th cnvem- ment. . Mr. and Mrs. O. C Wreith and daughter, Dorothy, left Tuesday for a long auto tMp to Fayetteville, Ark., to spend their vacation with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Jensen and son, Dale Frederick, left Wednesday to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. It art Stevens and children at their cottage at Valley. , Fred Schenck of Geneva, Neb., is the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. C, Roberts in Eckerman. ' Miss Ithol Garman went to Lincoln Tuesday to spend the week end with 'relatives. J. T. Gantz and wife entertained for flip ivftpL- tnA thpir ftiiMi-pn R 1? Gantz, A. G. Gantz, J. H. Gantz and !Mrs. Frank Hensman and families to the number of 25 in all. Mrs. Frank Totter and family have had as their guests this week her sis ters. Mrs. Edith , Hutchins, Mrs. J. R RpnHnn. lmshand and two children who arrived on Monday in their auto from Los Angel,es, making the. trip jn two weeks. Messrs. AV. R. Blackett, E. D. Grover, Park Edgar, Hans Neilson, ' V. C. Butts and Rev. C. H. Chen . owith and families motored to Valley Thursday to spend the Fourth with ( Messrs. Earl Stevens and F. C. Jen ' sen and families at their summer cot tage. Mpssr; Tlmmac Jhanrlir anil Al. Dert jonnson took a party ot young ? people to Fremont the first of the week on a fishing trip. Frank Otis arrived Tuesdav from .Lansing, Michr, to spend a few weeks with former Michigan neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barr .have had ; as their guests the last week, his sis v ter, Miss Grace Barr of Boston, Mass., and brother, Rev. Harold Barr of Des Moines, la. la., and Miss Marie Carlson, from Fremont, spent the week end with their aged mother, Mrs. Ola Carlsen, in Wesr Ambler. Mrs. M. A. Pittman has had as week-end guests her niece, Mrs. L. A. Edwards, husband and son of Hub ;., bell, Nf b. ' JohnLong and wife and son, Carl, ana,jamuy are spending' tne week- - end with their daughter and sister, Miss Louis Armbrust and husband, at - their new country home near, Millard, , Neb. , J, 4 Miss Esther Crane, a recent grad uate of Central High school, is at St ' Joseph hospital quite ill from a ser ious operation, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gantz, after a long and anxious waiting, had a 1 cheery letter from their son saying he had reached overseas safely. t: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Givens and daughter, Miss Sarah, and Mrs. Al- hert Dowling and son, Horace, mo- tored to Watertown, S. D., Monday f. to spend a week with relatives. ' Miss Martha Garman and niece, Catherine Kaley, returned Monday (rom a twto weeks' visit with relatives . a Blanchard, la. Mrs. I. A. Miller was the Week-end ' guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parks ' in Monmouth Park and attended the Fourth of July program at Eontenelle park. Rev. and Mrs Wiljiam Esplin ar . rived Wednesday evening from Blair, "where they are managers of the Cro wd! home for superannuated minis ter and their families, to spend the Fourth with their daughters, Mrs. Minnie Esplin and Mrs. Oscar Hager. Mrs. C H. Roberts gave a farewell reception Saturday evening for her , cousin, Mabel Salmon, who left Satur , day night for New York, where she will sail Monday for France,! where she will do canteen work over there. Dr. and Mrs. H. Busman haveone to Denver for a two months' visit - Miss Marie Krug is spending her , vacation in Denver and other Colo rado points of interest. . Mrs. V. H. Smith and son, Paul, are visiting with relatives at Weep ing. Water. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Noe, jr., and f children, accompanied by Miss Mary Williams, motored uo to Lake Min. -netonka, where they will have a cot tage for the hot weather. ' Mrs. William L. Watt and small : daughter, Emmy Lou, who have been ; visiting with Mrs. Watt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bates, expect ?to leave this week for their home in . Vancouver, B. C ,v - Lt John Rahn, Richard Van Scoy, Robert Parks, Rudolph Rothholtz S and Edward Welsh were South Oma ha boys who left the balloon school Wednesday for an aviation field in California. John Parks, jr., son of Jack Parks, , has enlisted and gone to Fort Lo 1 pan; his cousin, John Parks, son of James Parks, left during the week ' for a naval training base. This makes " the eighth one of the Parks cousins to join the colors. ' . Mrs. Michael Queenan is very much improved after her recent serious ill , ness. ' Miss Helen Rahn has returned from a visit with friends at Murdock, J, Neb. Mr. Herbert Lowson has gone' to - Basin, Wyo., where he expects to '.o- gate. Mrs. Lowson and small daughter, Margy, will be with Mr Xowson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal V tet Slate, until Mr. Lowson is perma ... nently located. Mrs. H. G. Kiddoo is now at home and very much improved after her . j " . Mr. and Mrs. James Northrup are ' entertaining Mrs., Northmp's parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, of Red Oak, la. ; Mr. and, Mrs. John Nixon have a i baby girl, born this week. Mrs. A Nixon was formerly Miss Mary Mc- Culloch. . The Women's Christian Temper '.ance union will hold its regular meet - ing next Thursday afternoon at the . home of Mrs. R. C Hanning. The Dorcas club will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. John Marry ' The marriage of Mist Maude Den- ' SOUTH SIDE $ T 'Americam MtEra wfien Rudyard Kipling, in one. of h,is stories about Hans Breit- 1 mann, made the assertion that the caged ape had "too much Ego in its 4 Cosmos, he voiced a truth that could apply to us, as a race. Too prone to place too much importance in ourselves, and to imagine that we individually are the center of the universe, around which the rest of the family, humble satellites, revolve to obey and revere us, have we not, as the ape, "tocomuch Ego in our Cosmos?" Years ago, a man of God first arrested my attention to this phase of human nature, in a sermon on the text "He saved others, Himself He could not save." I pondered on this. "Why," I asked myself, "should any one who had the power to save others, not be able to save himself?" Divinity, T 1 1 It L .1 ... X rcasuilCU, SllUUia DC niuic jiumcnui man man. T In my unconscious egotism, I, feeling my own earthly nature, as- signea 10 .nrist, ine rysiai nnsi oi oiuncy Lanicrs oeauiuui poem, my own thoughts. There was too much Ego in my Cosmos. But we do live and learn, if we keep our' spiritual natures, attuned to God's laws. In "following my gleam," though at times it has seemed faint as T the fire-fly's glow. I have "held fast follower in my Master's footsteps, If we will but sink self m God's will, only good can happen. This is a wonderful age, and we are living amid glorious opportunities. We are in the midst of stirring events, so stirring that we cannot afford to pass them by. , My only son, my man child given me of the "Lord," has just voluntered, with my full consent, in the navy. I know all about the U-boat's destructive oower. and I know the conflict in battle-scourged J .'Europe is appalling, a world calamity, indeed, but I also know "The . Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea. And in giving my only son to his country, I realize as never before the force of that man of God's sermon from the text, "He saved others, Himself He could not save." , "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have ever lasting life." We must sink our own esotism in thouehts of world service. If X we would not perish spiritually. We mothers of America, with hearts mothers and grandmothers before most, to our country. I know the cry, "I can't! I can't! I can't 1" I have 2 felt like wailing myself, but, O mothers of America, you can, you can, and you must give even if you give as of old Mary gave, her 1 earthly all For we, poor, miserable daughters of Eve, with the curse X still on us, must work out our own salvatton along these lines. j And when we have gotten over the first shrinking of the spirit, we 1 -will attain to a, glow for world service. We, the mothers of America $ are finding our souls. We, in laboring to help the Red Cross, in packing dainties for our boys, and other mothers' boys, God bless 1 them all, will attain the peace that follows the giving up of self. Al- 4 ready the gospel of work is appealing more and more to us. Well said Carlyle, "An endless significance lies in work, in idleness alone is there perpetual despair." Search the Scriptures, mothers of America, search diligently and T you will attain "the peace that passeth understanding." 3. Christ states, S. John, Chap, x, 17th verse, "Therefore doth My Father y love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again." T Our sons, with the example of .Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt X a trio of noblest American names, betore them, myst be encouraged to travel in His steps. In conclusion mothers of America, let us give, all of us. Theodore Roosevelt's famous advice to young men. "Hit the line hard!" and they will go forward to victory. v Mrs. Lula Light Hostetter, Maxwell, Neb. Former Nebraska Woman On Coast to Coast Motor Tour Mrs. Edwin Arnold, formerly Miss Dora Diers of Fremont, who is mak ing a coast to coast motor tour in the interest of Americanization, is in Omaha today with Mr. Arnold and Miss Dorothy, their daughter. . " The family are en route to Pase dena, Cal., whese they will reside. Mrs. Arnold is the special representa tive of the national committee of 100 to make an "Amernca First" iour., "In the two weeks which I have just spent in Nebraska," says the patriotic tourist, "I have seen that the people formerly accused of pro-Germanism have undergone a complete change of heart. Every one is proud of this state. Easterners have stopped talking about the indifference of the middle west." , Mrs. Arnold spoke on Thursday afternoon both at the Chamber of Commerce and before a meeting of the Americanization committee of the Douglas County Council of Defense. "American industry has sent agents to foreign lands to' bring laborers to this country with promises of liberty and equality. It is up to us to see that these people have their rights. They are no longer foreigners or im migrants. They are "new Ameri c&ns. The "America First" tourist leave Saturday for Fremont, from where they will continue their trip to the west. nis, daughter of Mrs. Jennie Dennis, formerly of this city, but now living in Billings, Mont, for the last year, and Lewis Reed of Denver, took place June 1 in Salt Lake City. Mr. ana Mrs. Reed are now at the White House hotel, Salt Lake City, but will later make their permanent home n Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Reed were both very well known South Side young people, ivhere they have hosts of friends who wish-them much hap piness.' t . A very enjoyable picnic party took place July 4 at the Lakeside park. The following young ladies made up the party: "' Hluel Miasei Barbara Angustln, Mary Hearty, Anna Ryan, Veronica McGoldrlck, Trella Vance, Movie Players Escape From Work or Fight Rule Washington, July 6. Moving pic ture players are classed as "legitimate theatrical performers," in an order announced today by Provost Marshal General Crowder, and draft boards are directed to consider such players, musicians and all skilled persons em ployed in creation and presentation of moving picture productions as en gaged in productive employment. . T to that whieh is good." A humble X more and more light ha?1 been A must follow the gleam. "We, the heavy with sorrow, must do as our us did. give and give to the utter Camp Pike Nurse Of a Prominent Omaha Family ' Miss Eileen Sward, prominent Omaha nurse, has gone to Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark., to enter the service as a member ,of the hospital corps at that camp. Miss Sward is the daughter of the late Rev. P. J. Sward, for several years pastor of the Immanuel Luth eran church in this city. He was later made commandant of the Order of he North Star by the Swedish governmentyind returned to his native land, where he was made pastor of one of the most important churches. Overseas service is impossible for this army nurse. Her brother, Dr. Michael Swad,' is a captain in the United States medical corps, which bars her from work abroad. Vanderbilts , Offer Estate To the Red Cross mm. 'Mwmmmmm ' V K.VAWW Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt, sr., has of fered the beautiful Vanderbilt estate. Idle Hour, at Oakdale, L. I., to the American Red Cross as a convales cent hospital for soldiers. The es tate, composed of thousands of acres, is on Great River. The mansion would accommodate 1,100 patients. It is believed enough produce could be raised on the cleared land to supply the hospital , Wt ' " '. 1 ' : f J' I "TVEAR Women Folks: Now is the U time to buyl Bargains to the right of ust Bargains to the left of us I Yes, the July clearance sales are here and -everybody is on the c-uivive because of the alluring bargains of fered. It is the big opportunity of the year to secure new clothes .and home furnishings at much less than usual prices. But I'm sure you've all been watch ing the windows and the big adver tisements in the daily papers and are well aware of all this, for where is the woman who is not susceptible to the Golden Shopping advantages of the July Sales? I'd have to take pages and pages to tell you all the bargain news of the week, but as I'm only allowed a few columns, will try and give you some pointers which I hope will be helpful. The price ticket on some lovely summer merchandise I saw this week whilst touring the shops should prove magnetic enough to attract throngs of women who are trying to be patriotically economical. Now is surely the time to buy! "Your Uncle Sam needs money," ' This is the daily cry. By saving now at July Sales More "Savings Stamps" you'll buy. . FOR real summer attractiveness there is nothing can quite equal a sports skirt of silk or satin. I noted by the tickets on several stun ning skirts in F. W. Thome's win dows at 1812 Farnam that the price reducer's pencil had been busy. For instance, a handsome Baronette skirt of broad black and white ver tical stripes, which had been $30, was re-marked $1975. A" model which has won admiration because of its unique stylefulness has stripes of black satin and white taffeta, which to vary the monotony of life have chosen to run horizontally and be of graduated widths this has been re duced from $25 to $16.50. A skirt of natural pongee, with a futurist border of hollyhocks really very, very lovely, which was $30, is now only $19.75. REALLY for comfort and coolness there is nothing like a dark col ored voile frock; it is alwaysn per fect taste and can be worn yith ease and assurance anywhere. Thompson, Belden's has an alluring array of these summery fabrics in fashionable foulard patterns, most of which have a background of blue, with white, cerise, green or other colors in dots and figures. This is priced 50c, 75c and $1 a yard. I'm so fond of ging ham plaid voiles, too, and there are some very attractive patterns shown at this store at 50c a yard. Their dis play of colored plaid and striped skirtings is also quite worthy of men tionmost of these are in gabardine weave at 75c, 85c and $1 (1 yard wide) but there are some colored striped piques which are beautiful indeed at 75c. T F I had only space to tell you of the wonderful hats I saw at The Nebraska Clothing Company's Milli nery Shopthis week! but when you see them for yourselves I know your enthusiasm will grow by leaps and bounds, just as mine did. Sparkling with vivacity is a group of silk sports hats, which are as chic and "different" as can be. Many of these are made cntkely of ribbon, others are ribbon and straw combined. One particu larly delightful.-confection has white taffeta bands alternating with tiny bands of purple straw, while the un derbrim is lined with purple. A jaunty white taffeta tam, a petal-pink sailor of soft, noncrushable straw with t double brim, Snd several very dashing chaoeaux of Kelley green silk ribbon fairly seemed to say "choose the most becoming." Some distinctive new Georgette hats are shown with transparent brims and velvet crowns, while felt and straw is an unusual though charming com bination.. You'll love the hats at this shop. One of the latest fur collars is of nutria with tassels at its square cor ner, ' 'ij L9ets do rfbh A Ship, a Ship a'-salling A'SaUing on the sea And oh! 'tis heavy laden W th pretty things for ihee Summer house frocks in the cabin Fine linens in the hold Blouses, hats and lingerie My wondering eyes behold Wash fabric remnants, crepes, percales Ginghams, )nadras, all YOU'RE almost sure to catch it the moment you enter the Freling & Steinle Luggage Shop at 1803 Far nam! What? Why, the desire, the spirit, to want to venture forth into the great world of travel. I feel it every time I see all of that regiment of bags, trunks and suitcases. The thing which interests me most, how ever, is a Hartmann trunk, which must be of the greatest convenience imaginable when taking a trip. The makers of these famous trunks have taken a great deal of pride in the spe cial features the plush cushion top to protect dresses of the daintiest fab rics, the shoe and hat boxes which can be easily reached, and large, roomy drawers which will hold an entire wardrobe. The Hartmann spells "perfettion" in trunks. The bather wjio wishes to add a touch of chic to an otherwise unin teresting bathing outfit may have a cap, sash, scarf and bag all to match of bright blue rubber, on which are appliqued large white rubber birds. Sweater and liat frequently match in color. i I TOLD you a couple of weeks ago about some very specially priced Japanese toweling at the Nippon Im porting Company's shop, 218 South 18th Street. For you who wish to secure a bolt or two of this attractive material, which is so suitable for dainty bedroom draperies, table, or bureau scarfs, I wish to state that there are a few bolts left, still selling at $1 a bolt. There 'are 12 yards of 13-inch material to4he bolt. It comes in a white ground with navy blue figures, or a light blue ground with white designs. Absolutely sun. fast. A blue serge suit may be accom panied by a waistcoat of ivory tone; LAVENDER, that color of cool and pleasant memories, was seen in a most enchanting summer frock, displayed in F. W. Thome's shop windows, at 1812 Farnam, this week. A very striking, sleeveless jacquette of lavender linen, with pipings of white, decorated with numerous two tone linen and pearl buttons, and with a panel back which may be worn loose or confined under a crossed sash accompanies the dress of plaid, lavender voile the plaids being formed of crossed lines, enclosing very dashing lavender figures. The skirt is full and pleated. This is one of the most stunning dresses I've seen this summer, and the price is just $17.75. The same model is in pink, blue and green. Let me repeat, pray now prepare . For early Fall or Winter wear; These colors Fashion quotes to view, "Deep amethyst and Pekin -Blue, Mahogany, dull brown and brick," Which promise to become "tres chic." IF I were inclined to be O. Henry ish and speak in "Out-West" lan guage, I'd call that sale which is tak ing place this week at Herzberg's Women's Toggery a garment "round up." Over on one side" are "rounded up" the best looking skirts crac kling, new silk skirts, too! One rack holds some very swagger plaid and vertical and Bayadere striped skirts, which formerly sold for $5.95 to $9.85 at the "happy surprise" price of $4.95. Those attractive foulard skirts with large coin dots-or dot clusters are included in this joyful "roundup"' sale, as well as those sprightly ribbon skirts of wide satin stripes, which we have raved about and longed to, own. Some of these are box-pleateoT oth ers have gracefully draped tunics and unique pockets, and these' lovely skirts which sold at $12.85 to $17.50 actually can be bought now for $9.85. Wash satin and Baronette skirts in dainty pastel shades and skirts in strikingly effective Batik patterns, which were $19.50 to $29.50, are ticketed just $14.85. Hats of rough straws are seen lined with pretty pastel or sports col ors. A soft crush banoS matches the lining, which is sometimes finished with deep fringe. THERE'S a Baby Shop on the third floor - of Thompson-Belden's Store that anticipates the needs of His or Her Majestyin a very com plete way. Just now it is overblos soming with daintiness for babies and small Children. Some . gifty things had just been unpacked, and placed in the showcases when I visited it the other day. Darling little ribbony things carriage straps, coat hangers, satin-covered water bags fort"la bebe" some exquisitely hand-patnted and embroidered with forget-me-nots. Baby record books, and the cunning est birth announcemeirt cards, besides dainty toilet sets and all kinds of pretty rattles, balls, dollies, teething rings and other things to' keep baby amused. If you're looking for a gift for a baby shower, be sure and visit the Babies' Own Section at Thompson-Belden's. V ; . , , Little girls' fall hats arc apt to hare fur on tnem. " .shoppirv 4 11 Neatly piled for "Saleing" Aye, more could I recall. SucJi bargains too, in white wash skirts' Dresses, coats and suits Of silk or wool and oh! v Such wonderous "sales" of Summer boots The burden of my happy song You'll plainly note, I'm sure, For all the "Sales" upon my ship Much "saving" will assure. INIMITABLE charm and fashion delightfulness is embodied in some exclusive-blouses (models from Mad ame Flander's ultra dressmaking establishment in Chicago) which may. be seen at F. W. Thome's Up-Far-nam Shop. One of these, which is a collarlcss affair and of super quality white Georgette, is distinguished by a slashed slip-over of maize Geor gette, edged with etongatVbeads al ternating with those of globule shape of the most exquisite Tiffany color ings. Another snow-white blouse is embroidered in bright red strawber ries, and astonishing as it may seem the designer has chosen turquoise blue as an accompanying color for the collar and cuffs. The sole trimming of some very smart dresses is a scarf of contrast ing color. FOUND! on the tables in the Gift Shop of Orchard & Wilhelm's, some mighty attractive July bar gains! Two I specially wish to men tion Sphynx incense burners, minia tures of that mysterious old fellow who decorates the desert scenery at Gizeh. These are done in antique looking pottery and are priced at $K (they were $1.50). My other discov ery was a pile of synthetic patent leather pillows with vine-leaved ere-, tonne centers. Make your porch a present of a couple of these for $2 each. They formerly sold at $3.50. " A FASHIONABLE woman knows that her figure is made with her corset. She may have beautiful, nat ural lines from the artist's point of view, but 6he knows that her form must be modeled by the corset in order to have the Contour which is necessary for her fashionable dress. AS a Corset Specialist Mgi.' D. A. Hill will be glad to solve the problem of corset fitting, for the woman who desires style and who has searched in vain for a scientific and comfortable corset. In her little torset shop, 205 Neville Bldg., loth and Harney streets, she has correct models de signed to suit various types of fig ures. Her stock includes sizes from 18 to 47 also a line of well fitting brassieres. Sleeves of new suits are generally long and tight, but there are many belV sleeves. ' MOTHER may I go out to swim?" "Yes, my darling daughter, But be sure and use some Eogiene Before you go into the water." With due apologies for changing the old rhymet this greaseless, vanishing cream, which is of the finest grade, is simply ideal for women who go bathing, boating, golfing or motoring, as it prevents the skin from blistering if put on beforehand. Creme Eogiene is 'one of the many splendid aids to beauty which are sold at the Franco American Toilet Requisite Shop, 772 Brandeis Bldg. And whilst on the subject of bathing, I'm , going to let you in a wee bit of a secret. If you wish your complexion to look pretty when jou are in the water, you should use Dermatint, a tint composed of pure vegetable matter, and which won't come off while bathing. Both of these preparations are priced 50c each. www Had you thought for Economy's That even one's shoes are at stake? Instead of white leather, so costly indeed, White canvas or linen will serve any need. DIAMOND loveliness is surely ex emplified in an exquisite engage ment nne which I had the pleasure of seeing on my visit to Albert Ed holm's Jewelry Shop this week. A beautiful solitaire "of the purest ray serene'V is further enhanced by a sauare framing and . true lovers' knot gallery setting, with a diamond in tfa , witn a aiamona in tne- each side. It is priced scroll worK on eacn siae. it is p at jjuu. inis ipveiy creation sug- nests the discriminative taste used by this jeweler in his select on of gems of high value. A visit to his , tore wil convince you, that his collection of jewels is as. rare and wonderful as may be found in any jewelry store m Pipings of bright color make other wise plain dresses very interesting. ANNOUNCEMENT! Polly goes on her summer va cation this week, so her shopping notes will be discontinued for a time. But jf you wish some shop .....g done, it will receive prompt and careful attention from - the Shopping Department Be sure and be very explicit when you write, as. to size and color, and please give as many details as pos sible. Purchases will be sent C. O. D. unless accompanied by money order or bank draft. Kindly enclose stamp foV reply to your let ter. Address SHOPPING SERVICE DE PARTMENT, OMAHA BEE. T WAS asked to see "Ellen 1" and to Ellen I went, the young woman at the Brandeis' Stores who knows what the bargains are to be, for I was told she could give me the tip on some , df the specially enticing tid-bits which are to be offered at the sales this week. And Ellen certainly could! As ' she piloted me about from one gar ment section to another a refreshing breath of economy seemed to have in- 1 vaded every nook and corner, and I came away rich in pleasing sugges tions. But it would take columns of close reading matter to tell you all the beautiful things that might well he spelt O-p-p-o-r-t-u-n-i-t-yl Watch Brandeis' big ads, and then hurry and see them for yourselves 1 I can't re sist telling you, though, about two or ' three things I specially noted-r-tlie jauntiest Eton suit I've ever seen, of navy tricotine, boasting a collar and vest of . i duvetyn; it had been $98, and is to be sold at this breezy sum mer sale for $25. Imagine it! There' a group of the most cleverly fashioned v foulard, silk gingham, indestructible voile, brocaded crepe and taffeta frocks which they are actually- offer- ' ing for $18,251 A handsomei tete da negre satin suit certainly took my eye, particularly when I saw the price" . ticket $251 and there were heaps of other lovely silk suits at equally at-, tractive prices. I simply can't write about '.is splendid sale at Brandeis without wanting to use an exclanu- " tion point at the end of every seu tencelll " TTOU'LL want a perky little kimo no to stick in your bag that's the one thing that you can't get along without on a holiday visit. And there's aTbt of satisfaction in pulling out a pretty one as your hostess helps you unpack. And it needn't cost a lot. Not if you purchase it at The Oriental Shop of the W. H.' Eldridg Importing Company at 1318 Farnam. For $10 there are some that you'll de clare are "beauties!" These are of habutai silk, in lovely Colors, and beautifully hand-embroidered lined, too, if you please! There are many others. Charming ones of crepe, verr inexpensively priced, besides some silk ' and challis kimonos which are, fairly breath-taking in their lovelinesr w w w v '' . Did you know that so much of the things we would wear In various ways of the war have ') share? ' Handkerchief linen for aeroplant ' Aye co'materials, too, and sucl things 1 As shoes are made of, the soldier have need. Pray let us be careful and saving indeed! ' r v A VISIT to a friend or relative ffenerallv means the otitlav r( at feast a small amount of money for a I Li . ' ' ..' .... . tJ ..LSUU I can Unnk of nothinsr which would be more pieasingiy acceptabl'e than one of those artisticaiiy ffamed pictures .which they are selling so r...ki .u' u . Sh 1S1$ Dottgl Th . del partcnt, with hs water colors, copies? f 0id and j mast e'JchiJg,, d 80 foh . j t , t yougif't ;ctu p. ." They are wearing ostrich feathers in their girdles instead of flower' cor sages. .. v. Now, Madam Housewife, let me state If "July Sales" you contemplate, : ; Before .you start to meditate ' Just read the bargains ads relate. I trust you'll be quite fortunate Enuf to well deliberate, But long I would not hesitate Else tou mav not oarticinate In these same bargains, cumulate, ' Much saving you'll anticipate And now, "Goodbye" 'till later date; 14vrtiiftMk( V V