Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 20

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One Stew Ago Today In the Wu,
French aviator dropped bombs on
the Krupp factory at Eswn.
. German airplane raid over London
resulted In death of 17 persons.
, Senate adopted amendment to food
administration bill prohibiting manu
facture and Importation of whisky
, during the war.
(' The Day We Celebrate.
Dr. E. HolovHchiner, , practicing
I physician, born, 1860.
R. C. Strehlow, general contractor
l and state senator, born 18(2.
. William B. Whitehorn, formerly
: councilman, born 1870.
John A. Bruce, city engineer, bora
1875. . .....
Rt Rev. Junius M. Horner, : piaco
pal bishop of North Carolina, bom at
Oxford, K. C 6 years ago.,
.. William B. Mason, congrentnan-at-Isrge
from .Illinois, born at Franklin
v Yllle, N. 38 years ago.
this Day in History.
' 1701 William, Stoughton. chief
1ub -a; of the court jthat tried the
Salem switches,' died at Dorchester,
- Maes. Born in England la Ills.
. " 18 -President Lincoln, under res-
- oHrtloa of congress, set apart a day
for humiliation and prayer. -
1 1 877 Rustians inder General Gour
ko captured Tlrnova, the ancient cap
ita! of Bulgaria,
1S98 President McKinley approved
: (he Joint resolution anexlng Hawaii
u the United State
J ust SO Years Ago Today
H. O. Clark has moved to his new
residence at Florence, where he will
make his home in the future.
The Misses Allej and Carry H-well
gave a delightful party in honor of
, Miss Stella McCarthy of Baltimore.
Citisens of ITorth Omaha held a meet
lng to organize a volunteer hose com
pany. J. J. Knight was chairman and
Rata McClarron secretary.
Senator Manderson and wife return
ed from Crete. ; ,
W. R.' English will spend the next
four weeks at the cool lakes f Wis
consin. - ...
Colonel Chase returned from Cham
pion, Chase - county, where he spoke
on the Fourth. . :?a
v.-""'.' Not so Bad. v
Does your son in his letters hint
of suffering from nostalgia?"
"No, Indeed: he has nothing so se
rous. He says he's only homesick."
Baltimore American, ;
Out of the Ordinary
It is estimated that Australia has
cows enough to give each man, wo
man and ohtld In the island continent
three while Argentina can do even
better. There are five cattle to each
inhabitant in the .big South American
republic ; :
Three brothers. John Dunn, II;
George, 45, and Marion, 43, of Car
bondale, III., were all adjudged in
sane the same day and placed in the
hospital at i Anna. All three lived
with their aged mother in Williamson
county slncf boyhood.
Four generations of one family
were baptised In the Methodist church
in Orasmere, N. Y., by Rev. E. B.
Young. They were Irad Poors, aged
84 and the oldest man in the town;
his daughter, Mrs. Ella A. Pollard;
her son, Herman L, Pollard, and his
daughter, Gwendolyn M. Pollard. ,
Strangely paradoxical is the fact
that kerosene oil la the best liquid for
putting out fire in a bale of cotton,
which is so dense that water will not
penetrate, and burns at so low a tem
perature that kerosene, Instead of be
coming ignited, soaks right in to the
very heart and smothers the Are al
ready started. :, ;
Edwin A. Brown, Denver sociologist
and reputed a millionaire, author of
stories of men who are "down and
out," has announced that as a meas
ure of war-time economy he will wear
only suits of blue Jeans until the war
ends. He already has appeared in
his new garb at two Sunday services
at the First Presbyterian church, one
of the most fashionable in the city.
V kittled Jto a Point
Minneapolis Trlbune--Kalser Wil
helm is the chap who put the "con"
in conscience.
Baltimore American: The French
frano is now worth more than the
German mark. Money has no coun
try. It follows the winning side.
Minneapolis Journal: Texas and
Arizona are contesting violently as to
which is the hottest place this side of
Tophet Anywhere Just southwest of
Omaha is warm enough to take a
prize in July.
Louisville Courier-Journal: The
1918 bathing suits for women reflect
a deals! to save material which would
be satisfactory to the federal govern
ment if it were not counterbalanced
by the waste of man power which is
occasioned by attracting the crowd,
Minneapolis Tribune: Mr. Kuehl
mann now says Russia was to blame
for the war. First it was France, who
was going to rush at peace-loving
Oermany through Belgium, and ihen
It was Great Britain, whose "con
temptible army" threatened the un
warllke Teutons. The next time it will
ve Uncle Sam, who was the guilty
New York Herald: Federal farm
loan banks which make the greater
part of their loans in the poorer farm
ing districts are reported from Chi
cago as showing a marked decrease in
the number of loans applied for. Pri
vate mortgage dealers And an unusu
ally large proportion of maturities
paid and farmers generally instead of
borrowing are looking for opportu
nities to loan funds '
Signposts of Progress
Of English invention is a slot ma
chine that prints the fact that postage
has been paid on letters instead of
affixing stamps. - .
Gas and electrlo light companies In
New York have arranged insurance of
850,000,000 to cover damages from
possible bombardment 1 .
A gftuw covej has been Invented to
prevent steam Or hot water escaping
from radiafij valves and injuring
wall paper, carpet or furniture.
For reading programs in dark the
aters an Englishman has patented a
dry battery electric light ,; that is
mounted In an opera glass case. -
After many years of effort the Py
renees mountains have been pierced
by a tunnel that will enable French
and Spanish railroads to be connect
ed. - ; : -
Moss Is being used in this country
as a substitute for cotton in articles
that require packing and filling, such
us cushions and mattresses. Louisi
ana supplies most of the moss Hised
la this way.
Miss Elizabeth Carpenter Blanding,
aged 85, of Attleboro, Mass., has been
teaching for 69 consecutive years and
the is still continuing this work. All
these years she has taught only In
A layer of cellulose on the surface
of any fabric will render it water
proof. The mixture is prepared with
pyroxylins, which , is obtained by
treating cellulose, either paper or
rags, with a mixture of sulphuric acid
and- nitric acid' ' -
Around the Cities
The woman elevator operator '. has
arrived in Boston. ' .
A "rift of smiling light brightens the
gloom within a Chicago cemetery
Over the gate this sign welcomes the
weary wayfarer: "The North Shore's
Most Beautiful Internment Park."
Kansas City (remarks out loud in
court that the local power and light
company cannot plead poverty an an
excuse for a rate boost so Ion? as
it pays its president a salary of 818,000
a year.
Six months trial of the vagrancy
act vigorously enforced in Chicago
resulted in a sharp reduction of
crime and a material increase In the
number of loafers and crooks interned.
Municipal Judge Fry applauds the
activity of the police for the common
A Minneapolis girl of 19 is said to
have chased a one-armed burglar
three blocks, deftly tripped him and
"sat on his chest" until a policeman
arrived. The incident suggests a new
departure in chest protectors, which
might be popularized with little ef
fort A testimonial from the one
armed burglar would help some.
Down In old St Joe the high cost
of living seems to have hit the doc
tors in the lower folds of the pocket
and produced rising tmeperature In
prices. A consultation of the county
medical society resulted in a decision
that a 25 per cent boost was the prop
er treatment for the patient Mem.:
$3 per visit; $2 per shop consultation;
to be taken regularly.
Grandpa Nelson of Minneapolis
gave his life to save that of his chum,
7-year-old Merle Kimman. The little
one, idol of his heart, and grandpa
were inseparable companions. When
an automobile bore down upon them
while crossing a street grandpa sought
by taking the Impact to save the
child. Both were crushed. In death
they were not divided.
Fuel administrators of Gotham
approved the suggestion of . apart
ment house managers for shuting
down on hot water four days a week
and save coal. How much the ten
ants save has not yet appeared on the
rent bill. Whereat the New York
World observes: "Any subterfuge, is
good enough, any scheme that works
is to l)e tried if only the poor ronsum
er can be made to submit to it in
the belief that he is serving a higher
purpose than his personal Interests."
"How do you Ilk th neighbors in your
new apartment hou?"
"Beit I ever had. Wo wr anxloui not
to know anybody and everybody li evi
dently determined not to know us." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
"I want you to know," bellowed the
angry man, "that I'm not ae itupld aa you
think 1 am!"
"Sure not.!' replied his friend. "Tou
couldn't be." Judge.
"There are a great many tiers In this
"Tee, and there ought to be another
"What li that?"
"Profiteers." Baltimore American.
"Willie Jonee, does your mother know you
are learning to smoke?"
"No; I want It to be a aurprlse," London
A little miss was watching the circus
parade, and when the calliope came along
tooting away and with steam ascending,
ha said. "Oh, mamma, hear the boiled
mualo." Boetoa Tranacript .
"Eicuae me. 'madam, but here is a strap"
"I thought 1 had a strap."
-No, madam, you war banging onto my
ear." ansaa City. Journal. .
"Tld yin' tU old Moneyrocks that hs
muet glva until it hurts?"
"No. That wouldn't hav mad any dif
ference to him. Anything he give hurts.'
Th spring's work's don an it' up t the
tin all th erop an th gardes
sasa "
He's banished th cold an' sowed his gold
en th fata la th madder grass.
Let's rale th flag a better on was sever
vt unfurlad
But flrt 1 want to tU y "bout th Care
fulest man In the world.
Kings ar kind o earelesslik with
other' blood an' bona.
But no on can. I awear to man! be ear-
tuller o' their own.
When I read about th German dead before
th heated guns
I think o the king of Oermany with six
uninjured sons.
Each fireside has its martyrs who have
vunvr uiev wwwi
Th million grlv for the ions who War
But th kaiser's brood 1 safe an" sound
It either shirks or runs
He's the only man In Germany with sis un
injured sons.
Such caution In a flghtln' mas was nrer
seen before;'
It stands the while Ilk a lonesome Isle In a
mighty sea o' gore.
Th death and woe he reoomraend to all
th other Hun
Is not for him you bet your llf or his un
injured sons.
Each Hobenzollern battles in a steel-clad
When the big shells come he's goln' some ea
legs o' gasoline;
With rubber feet, hell-bent for bom, th
reckless hero runs,
Otil speed's the great preserver o' th kaiser
an' his sons.
They're Ilk the bold jackrabblt an' ether
tribes accursed
Who hav llghtnln' In their sinews aa' th
motto "Safety first;"
All clear the road an' stan square-toed an'
look with rested guns
When the kaiser starts for safety with his
fat uninjured sons.. .
While hunger starves the German host, how
fat the kaiser's brood I
No gizzards yearn with cash to burn th
price o' food.
When the trumpet calls the Teuton dead
In the line o' crippled Huns
Just think o' th kaiser marchln' up with
alx uninjured sonsl
' Irving Bachellar In N. T. Time.
Isjwgs -Kt -ws an1 ewS
The acme of eourtesy Is to be found fat
our conduct of a burial service. Our ma
ar trained to respond tactfully to very
occasion and our complete, modern equip
ment guarantees that th service will be
of proper dignity.
Funeral Parlor. (Established 1888)
17th and Cuming Sta. Tel. Douglas 1060.
'irk! UiiAIlA JjuiNDA" lirjii: JuLx" 7, lb!8.
The -Omaha Bee
Tb Aaoetatea Pm. at whteb th Be ts a Benbat. Is MasJtei
entitled to the an (or publleatloa of all mws dttpetebes endued
to R m sot etbannas eredlted to this paper, and alto U toeal Bws
imbUrfMS barela. all HnU f BsauesttM Of out special dupatrbes
an alt watntd.
Chicago People's Gas Buudlaa.
Maw Tors-iM Fin M
Ouaa Tb ale BultdLna
naii. rthia M. Ml
CouoeU Bluffa-H ft. laala M, Bt Umit-Kew B'k of Coeoaus
Llnocla Unit Bolldlna WatalasloB Vox G Bh
Daily 69,841 Sunday 59,602
anrat etnolaUea for tb avtaia. subieribaa sad swara Bf Owl gat
Wllllasu. CtrcuUUoa aUaaiet.
Subscribers leaving th city should have Th B null4
to theaa. Addraa chang I aa fta aa rqutl.
Profiteering has been uncovered; what is go
ing to be done about it?
t' Cimnra expresses a wish for peace. All he
' needs to do is to be good. '
Attorney General Reed'i first shot af food
speculators proved a fizzle, but he has the right
to try again.
Lenine is giving a practical illustration of
Bre'r Howard's fiat money plan, so watch Rus
sia for results. " '',
V Council Bluffs strikes a new note by enjoin
ing the hip pocket The limit for the thirsty is
gradually being narrowed.
This continuous session of congress is tough
on member! ' seeking re-election, but the con
stituents do not minditsomuxh, -
; Politics may be adjourned, but the adjourn
nfent has not interfered seriously with the crop
of candidates in bluest of political offices.
1 "No room in this country for fifty-fifty Amer
icans," . declares ' Roosevelt, and the motion is
'seconded by every 10Q per cent American.
t.- Who would have thought, the Illinois river
capable of furnishing the background for such a
tragedy? Respect for inland waterways must be
increased by reason of this evidence of potency.
General Crowder's Omaha friends will re
gard, him more than ever as a man worthy of
honor,' aince he modestly declined to be given
the higher rank proposed by the senate. It is al
most the only instance on record where a soldier
has put aside the high distinction proposed, and
the act emphasizes the fitness of the man for the
honor. "; . " "-- j V : .,- ,,J
I Nothing in all the war seema more in
congruous than the spectacle of the most Cath
olic emperor ' in the world congratulating the
sultan of the Turks of his accession 'to the
throne, and expressing a wish for his long and
happy reign and a brilliant future for hie people.
And Emperor Karl is fully advised aa to" the fate
pf unfortunate Christiana who have died by mil
lions under the cruelty of the Turk; urged on by
the heartless German. No blacker- page stains
human history, yet the 'Austrian ruler is hypo
critical enough to endorse it by his felicitations.
to the sultan 1 The thought is nauseating.
Getting Down to Cost Facts.
-' The recent convention of the National Manu
facturers' association gave the major portion of
its time to consideration of social and economic
problems some partaking of characteristics that
touch on both classifications, and all of which
are pressing. The tone of the resolutions', and
committee reports justifies the conclusion that
the several question were-viewed solely from
their relation to cost facts and with no regard
to their altruistic aspects. This, however, is not
so important as that the great body of employers
is so earnestly studying elements that must vi
tally affect any business., labor turnover, min
imum: wage schedules, . sickness insurance and
vocational training are the . leading headings of
debate and, inquiry, as involving the chief fac
tor of their problem, that' of labor. In general
the expressions of committees indicate a forward
- looking policy, with the purpose in view of es
tablishing workers on a footing where a greater
measure of content will prevail. Several of the
mooted points were left with committees for fur
ther study and recommendation resting on sci
entific analysis of available information, but the
sentiment appears to have been unanimous that
changes must be anticipated and improvement in
methods instituted. The association is trying to
get at bedrock as to unit costs, and proposes only
such reforms as are desirable from this atand-
; point, but its movement in this line is certain to
benefit all finally. It will open the way to Indus
trial advance in which all classes will find profit
' The transformation during the past week of
the general postoffice in New York City into a
sub-station of the newer general office back of
the Pennsylvania station is of more than passing
interest as showing what one of the New York
papers calls "the gradual concentration of. postal
facilities at the city's greatest railroad termi
nals." This movement was first made noticeable
some few years ago when the main postoffice
in Washington was given over to exclusive use
for postoffice department quarters and the work
ing postoffice for the national capital re-located
in a new building erected for the purpose ad
joining the great union passenger station.
Here in Omaha we can see, if we look back,
the steadily increasing importance of the depot
postoffice at the expense of the up-town general
postoffice and the conclusion is inevitable that
it is only a question of time when the latter will
be the branch and the depot station the main
Perhaps we are anticipating somewhat, but
this, it seems to us, will eventually be the
deciding factor for the long demanded and much
needed union station for Omaha. The intimate
connection between the postoffice and the dis
tribution of the mails by the railroads makes it
essential to economical and efficient postal ad
ministration that the two be tied together and
centered in one place rather than in two or more
places. And, with the government exercising an
almost limitless control over the railroads, it can
readily require a co-ordinated operation .with the
postoffice that will be a work expediter and a
money-saver for both.
So, looking a little ahead we see in the not
distant future a new consolidated union passenger
depot and postoffice for Omaha. We aee it
erected at the point of greatest serviceability for
the purpose of traffic distribution. We see the
conversion of our up-town main postoffice build
ing into quarters for the different federal activi
ties having branches here with only a small
space, if any at . all, retained for a postal sub
station. We believetthat by pushing along this
line, Omaha will hasten the arrival of these pub
lic improvements.
Frogs Held Up as German Allies.
No more fantastic tale has filtered through
from France by way of Berlin than that accred
ited to Franz Rosner, commonly referred to as
"the kaiser's press agent." In this the defeat of
the French at Chemin des Dames is ascribed to
the croaking of millions of frogs, whose com
bined bellowings drowned the noise made by
the Huns in moving their artillery. We have
long done homage to the goose that saved Rome,
and know full well the tales of how on many an
occasion a dumb animal has preserved his master
by giving timely warning of impending disaster.
These tax credence at times, but acceptance is
easier than argumenOand so they get by. But
Herr Rosner is putting it on, a trifle thick, it
seems, in his effort to credit even millions of frogs
with makfng more noise than the German army.
It will be admitted that the frog is a fit and
proper associate for the kaiser, and might be
useful to him in some way, but in this case none
will be blamed for taking the liberty of believ
ing that the authorized chronicler of the imperial
progress is spoofing us.
' Ebullient Youth and "Reconstruction."
. First reports from, an American reconstruction
hospital should help tb reassure those who dread
ed the necessity of restoring Interest in life to
the broken battle-wrecks. Instead of finding this
task difficult, 'those ; in charge of the hospital
have been compelled to resort to the expedient
of hiding clothing of patients in order to keep
them from showing too great interest in the big
world. ,Young men who have lost hands, feet,
and other portions of their anatomy, Tealize all
that is being done to "restore" them, but appar
ently do not appreciate the need of it all. They
are learning to weave baskets and do other things
that will make them self-supporting, but more
or less under protest, for they resolutely refuse
to think of themselves as being out of the big
game. Mental and physical vigor of these
wounded and dismembered men astonishes sur
geons and nursea alike, accustomed as they are
to the effervescence, of American youth. And
here is the most encouraging vision that has
come in connection with the sober reflection!
that must accompany the war. , Ebullient youth
declines to lower its colors to misfortune, but
cheerily scoffs at foreshortened prospects, with
s courageous optimism that means the future ii
safe. Reconstruction work will go on, Just the
same as planned, and will be extended as expe
rience shows the way, but it has been completely
robbed of its most somber attributes by the
spirit of the boys it has to deal with,
- Keep hammering it in that Omaha's remark
able growth and business expansion are due not
to the artificial stimulus of war Industries and
army contracts, but to the uplifting pressure of
the steadily developing natural resources of the
tributary territory. ,
Scattered summer shower! may not undo the
irreparable damage brought by June, but they
are helping the crops that survived the triala of
that month, and are therefore doubly welcome.
Views yRevims m Interviews .
How Paris Used to Celebrate the Nation Fourteenth of
July Fete Day
As particularly appropriate to this year's doubfe celebration of our
American Fourth of July and the French national holiday, I am giv-
trier Vi era an orf?1o T urmrn fnr
The Bee in 1891 describing the 7
the Fete as I then witnessed it. Ccnr
The people of France celebrate the birth
of the republic on the anniversary of the fall
of the Bastile. For more than 00 years
July 14 has been to the Frenchman a day of
general jubilation, in which all the features
of our Fourth of July, Decoration day and
Thanksgiving are combined
, The French language may contain no
word to express what the Anglo-Saxon
designates as home, but patrie, patriotism
and liberty awaken among all classes an in
tense sentiment to which the July demon
stration gives full vent As the metropolis
and capital of France, Paris is naturally the
center of all festivities, although the celebra
tion of the day extends to every city, yillage
and hamlet in the whole republic.
This year the 14th fell on Tuesday. Al
ready on the Friday and Saturday preceding
active preparations were begun and by the
following Monday the whole city was gaily
decorated with many-colored flags, banners
and devices. The tri-color in itself forms a
handsome material for such ornamentation,
but the French do not confine themselves to
their own flag. All the leading nations were
represented and mingled their colors with
those of France upon the festive occasion.
A marked exception was, however, made as
regards Germany. Among the ' thousands
upon thousands of banners to be seen
not one German standard could be
found. On the other hand, of all for
eign flags that of the United States
most frequently comes in view. It is par
ticularly upon the hotels and restaurants,
cafes and retail shops that the Stars and
Stripes are displayed. It is difficult to say
whether sympathetic feeling for the leading
sister republic of the world or a desire to at
tract the -patronage of the. numerous Amer
ican travelers has weighed down the scales
in favor of She starry banner. Of course, it
is to be expected that the public buildings
would be decorated on a grander scale than
those of private individuals, but still the or
dinary citizens take pride, each, in displaying
upon his house or shop as many tastefully
arranged banners as his circumstances per
mit. This custom is not at all confined to
Paris I have passed through several of the
suburbs and in each the decorations did
credit to the residents.' And each arrondise
ment or local district had its own program
of celebrations in addition to the general
order of festivities.
According to the official proclamation, the
first noteworthy event was to be the opening
of the new Avenue dc la Republique on Mon
day afternoon, with exercises presided over
by President Carnot. Inasmuch as the pres
ident's platform was located in such a posi
tion that comparatively few people would be
likely to find accommodations for viewing
the ceremony, I made use of a pleasant Sun
day afternoon to inspect the street in advance
of the morrow'! crowd. But what was my
surprise, as I walked up and down the entire
length of the new thoroughfare, to find at
least 10,000 people of various grades and
classes engaged in the very same occupation.
The avenue leads in a straight line from the
Place de la Republiquqe to the cemetery of
Pere La Chaise. The presidential platform
at the west end was a most gorgeous affair,
draped in dark-ted velvet with gilt trim
mings and festoons of bunting. . For some
little distance tri-colored banners floated
from lofty poles erected on each side of the
avenue, while the building! from one end to
the other were one mass of fluttering flags.
On this same Sunday evening I saw a few
of the famous Parisian street balls already
in operation, though as yet their patronage
was not very extensive. Monday the official
opening of the .Avenue de la Republique
passed off smoothly. The barometer of Par
isian enthusiasm continued to rise through
the evening dances and illuminations, ' but
only to reach its highest point upon Tues
day, the long-looked-for July 14.'
The morning opened clear and warm. All
the governmental departments and most of
the shops and offices had closed for the day,
and the streets were very early filled with
merry crowds of people. And they seemed
to enjoy themselves hugely despite the ab
sence of the deadly firecracker and the dread
torpedo. The first number of the official
program was the unveiling of a statute of
Danton on Boulevard St Germain. Al
though a local morning paper had announced
that a collision with the red republicans was
expected and had warned all except those
with Irish proclivities to keep at a safe dis
tance from St Germain, an overpowering
curiosity to see whatever might take place
impelled me to take the risk. Fortunately
or unfortunately, anticipations proved decep
tive. The ultra-radicals had been forwarned
by the police, and aa the drapery felt from the
monument precisely st the appointed time,
only a short but appreciative murmur ran
around the awe-stricken throng, which soon
afterward dispersed gradually and quietly.
,To many the free matinee performances
at the subsidized theaters proved the great
est attraction. Everything was arranged
upon the extreme domocratic principle, no
tickets whatever were issued. Long before
daylight groups of from, 100 to 300 had gath
reA shout the entrance of the orincioal
theaters and there they waited with good-
natured patience till the doori openea tor tne
performance, which commenced at 1 o'clock.
i The great event of the day waa the grand
military review by President Carnot at the
hippodrome of Long Champs. Every cab
and carriage, omnibus, tram car and railroad
coach was called into requisition by the mul
titudes flowing out of the city. Although
armed with a ticket of admisison to one of
the reserved stands, I thought that I would
display a bit of American enterprise by ar
riving on the field at least one hour before
the time when the troops were to move. It
was not yet 2 o'clock as I entered Long
Champs itself. With the exception of the
ground necessary for the review every foot
of space around the race course was black
with people, standing 10 and 20 deep, while
the branches of the surrounding trees were
often bending under the weight of overzeal
ous spectators. Many Frenchmen make a
picnic out of the day; they go to the Bois de
Boulogne early in the day with their family
and friends and repair to the hippodrome in
time to see the military exhibition. Even in
the reserved stands French enterprise had
succeeded in appropriating all of the chairs
and left a precarious standing room for those
who arrived an hour ahead of time. Accord
ing to a rough estimate, there-must have been
not much less than 200,000 spectators on the
grounds. As the members oA the French
cabinet drove to their place shouts of ap
plause rang in the air but became more gen
eral when President Carnot made his ap
pearance. Yet it was only a moderate ap
plause; the people did not seem wild with de
light and the enthusiasm must have , been
somewhat disappointing to everyone who has
seen the hearty reception accorded the pres
ident of the United States upon all public
occasions. .
There was but little delay by the troops
in taking up their positions and shortly after
3 o'clock the commander of the day and his
staff saluted the president, who returned the
salute by rising, removing his hat and bow
ing. The band in the lead took up its posi
tion and the infantry began to march. As
might be expected, the cadets from the Poly
tenchnique and from St. Cyr received the
greatest recognition from the audience, but
applause was also given to the few compan
ies of reserves.
With dusk began the illuminations,, and
these were not confined entirely to public
buildings. I took a walk up the boulevards
and Champs Elysees and back to the Place
de la Concorde. It was like a scene in fairy
land. The cafes and restaurants were all
gaily lighted with long rows of brilliant gas
jets; in one or two incandescent electric
lights supplanted gas. On all the public
buildings and churches luminous rows of gas
lights traced the position of the cornices upon
the background of darkness so that the whole
building stood out in fiery outline The illu
mination of the ministerial department was
still further embellished by large shields
formed of lighted gas jets emblematic of the
different branches of the government. The
Arc de l'Etoile shone as a fiery mass, while
the broad avenue leading up to it was bor
dered on each side by strings of lighted lamps
hung between the thickly planted lamp posts.
Each light encased in its globe of frosted
glass looked like a luminous amber bead.
The Place de la Concorde was all ablaze
with the same beadlike strings oa lights hung
in every direction and reflecting-a mellow
glow in the beautiful fountain! on each side
of the obelisk. Of the statues surrounding
the square, that representing Strassburg has
been covered with wreaths and flowers as if
it were a monument to the dead.- Portions
of this funeral decoration had been sent by
various societies in Alsace and Lorraine. The
view up the river was magnificent Upon the
Eiffel tower a great electric arc light changed
its color sucessively to blue, white and red,
while the base was encircled at several stages
by lines of light At its side rose the palace
of the Trocadero, like a trown of gleaming
jewels surrounded by a double coronet. All
this but served as a setting for the public dis
play of fireworks the whole spectacle upon
a magnificent and almost extravagant scale.
Such a display would scarcely be possible ex
cept in Paris, where the government takes
upon itself the task of amusing the populace.
The expense must be enormous, for there
are hundreds of public buildings in Paris.
In the Champ Elysees Place de la Concorde
alone were no less than 25,000 gas lights.
Numerous street balls had been in opera
tion all evening, but it was only toward mid
night that they assumed their characteristic
proportions. Anyone who . laid claim to the
title musician easily found employment for
the night at some public square or cafe, and
when the supply of so-called musicians ran
out every hand organ that could play s waltz
or polka was called into requisition. The
principal dance was held on the pavement of
the Place de '1 Opera, where the proprietors
of a sensational newspaper supplied music
A Paris street dance is by no means s
select affair. It is true that many working
people take part but yet the chief partici
pants belong to the dregaof society, fto one
insists upon the forms of etiquette, nor is a
proper introduction required. The .quadrille
seems to be the favorte, though it sometimes
becomes degraded so as to approximate a
mild can-can. The round dances are the
ones that afford opportunity for promiscu
ous embracing. The number of people who
took part in these dances was something as
tonishing, and they seemed never to tire of
the sport All night long the strains of
music continued. A repetition on a smaller
scale on the night of the 15th was required
before the excited enthusiasm of the pleasure
loving Parisians could be dampened suffi
ciently to cause them to desist V. R.
Paris, July 15, 1891. '
;Hoa)e Say?
M-.:.'-r THE . .'v
riuly Piand: Drive
Would surprise you if you could see the Pianos going
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This is your opportunity to get them while In stock." Soon they
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Come now. Just see what we have to offer in Refinished Pianos.
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Shubert, Ebony Upright .$125
- Fischer, Walnut Upright ...........$275 '
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Hinze, Walnut Upright . .
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Metzon, Mahogany Upright .................... .$185 I .
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