THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 7, 1918. 2 A rnnairn Biflvnn run IHIUn OF NEW YORK IS KILLEDIN FLIGHT Major Mitchel Falls From Seat as Plane Goes to Nose Dive; Safety Belt Left . Unfastened- By Associated Press. Lake Charles, La., July John rurroy Mitchel, killed . today when he felt 600 feet from the airplane in which he was riding, dropped from the pilot's seat and plungeu down ward while his plane skimmed on without a pilot for nearly half mile, according to statements, tonight by officers at Gcrstner aviation field near here. An examination of the wrecked machine developed tonijnt that the safety belt was unustend it the time of the accident, causing Major Mitchell to fall from his seat is the plane went into a nose dive. winr k'irhv. commandant of the field, declined tonight to speculate as to cause for the belt being unfastened. t is a rule that all fliers fasten them selves in the place with the belt be fore ascending. The body was sint from here to night to New York Where it will arrive , Tuesday morning. Mrs. i.litchel accompanied the body. Regarded as Daring Pilot. Major and Mrs. Mitchel came here from San Diego. June 19. Major Mitchel intended to complete his training in pursuit work while at he . Louisiana field. He was regarded among the officers and cadets as a daring and skillful pilot. , Major Mitchel, in excellent spirits, went out to the field early this morn ing, with his instructor, Lt. John Mc Caffery, also of ' New York. The officers were discussing politics up until the time the former mayor took the air. The instructor remained on the ground to observe the student's climbing operations. When about 600 feet up, Major Mitchel fell from his seat and his body struck tlmost at the feet of Lieutenant McCaffery. The airplane, a single seater scout machine, went skimming on without a pilot for half a mile and then fell -.500 feet, completely demolished. As soon as he was informed of the accident, Major Luckie, seirfor medi cal officer at the field, went to Mrs. : Mitchel and informed her of the death of her husband. ' Pittsburgh Graduate. New York, July 6.-John Turro; Mitchel, killed in an aviation accidenj today, became a flyer for the army 'after having been defeated last fall for re-election as mayor of New York. He had served one term, the youngest mayor ever elected to that office July 19 next he would have been 40 years old. Major Mitchel took the course, at ' Pittsburgh while he was major. Upon joining the aviation crps he was transferred to San Diego, Cal, where, after successfully covering the , cadet training he became a full fledged flyer. He was frequently mentioned as having shown uriusual daring. , . Born in New York. John Turroy Mitchel was born in Fordham, New York, in 1879. He ."graduated from St. John's college at . Fordham and afterwards took his A. M. degree at Columbia university, followed by two years at the New York law achool, after which he was admitted to the bar in New York. He married Olive, daughter of Frank lin D. Child of Boston. His first municipal experience was in 1906, when he was made special counsel for the city.' The following year he "was made comptroller of ac counts and then president of the board of aldermen, in which capacity he was acting mayor of the city for aome time. He was elected mayor of New York in 1914, at which time he wa holding the position of collector for the port 'of New York. Mitchel was a reform candidate and his defeat in 1917 put Tammany back into the saddle. RIVER WRECK DEATH ; TOLL EXCEEDS 100 Kir- a: : . . (Continued From Pr On.) cur arrangements accordingly," said O. W. Frederick, captain of the Pe kin unit of the home guard. "It is likely it will be necessary to close saloons before ' the night is over. Many residents of this city were vic tims of the disaster and our men are angry. They believe that the crew of the Columbia had been drinking and were negligent. While stretcher bearers carried bod ies up the main street scores of wo men and children, most of them in tears, lined the curbs, trying tor a glimpse of lost relatives. Somewhere in the distance a cornet was playing "Nearer My God to Thee" and as each additional body was brought up the noise in the saloons increased At dusk more than 60 bodies had ' been brought down the river and placed in the morgues for identifica tion. Virtually alt were from Pekin. A majority were women and children. Shrfl Condemned Long Ago. Old-tinie river men were being in terrogatrtl tonight by officials inves tiizatin Ahe disaster in an effort to learnithe condition of the sunken striliboat, which they asserted was crdemned 15 years ago. jThey said the Columbia was placed fcn the ways for overhauling a few , 'months ago, but little was doneJ toward repair with the exception of painting and interior decorating. The boat was launched at least 40 years ago according to local river men : Survivors stood about in little groups tonight, telling tale of hero ism and horror. When the fate of the boat seemed sealed, according to witnesses, Clyde Witcher. a Fekm man, embraced his wife, then his two children and the little family perished clasped in each other's arms. Their bodies have been recovered. In the hands of the body, of another . man, lound late today was a quantity of his wife's hair. His attempt to tare ner tailed, and tier body was ; brought up shortly after the searchers lound her husbands corpse. Dead Thick in Dance HalL "When the crash came, the musi ; clans in the dance hall rnsHedto the windows, said William Newman. ' v yelled at them and induced them to b . f csujC playjng, ; Suddenly .the boat swung sharply abo.4 and in an in stant we were flooded. My feet soon touched the floor and then I pushed up so my head was above water. Then I broke a window, passed out my dancing partner and with the aid of Ben Murphy, another passenger, suc ceeded in passing out a few more women and children. The dead were thick in tUat dance hall." Officials of the boat said that a faint jar was their first intimation of the approaching tragedy. "It was not a hard blow," said Capt. Herman Mehl. "We were headed down stream and it was awfully foggy. The boat had worked over pretty well to the Peoria side. When it hit I went up to the bridge as fast as I could. It backed off, squared away and headed down stream again. Many of the passengers rushed to the starboard s'de and it listed a bit. "I ordered one of the crew to go down into the hold, and he yelled that there was two feet of water there. I told the passengers to hurry upstairs and instructed the crew to keep order. "Then the lights, went out, and it settled in a couple of minutes." Story of Engineer. L. L. Davison, second engineer, who was on watch at the time the boat struck, declared that he thought every thing was all right until he heard somebody cry: "Everybody upstairs." A moment later the boat listed ana the lights went out. "I supposed we struck a log, he said. "We were running on a slow bell' and when the little bump came it wasn't big enough for anyone to notice much Williams (the pilot) gave me the stop bell.' "Then we backed ott and squared away, we neaaea aown stream unucr a 'slow bell' and then a fellow they call 'Dutch Henry' came running in the engine room and asked me, to turn on the lights in the hold. I did it for him and thought everything was all right until I heard him yell: 'Iheres about two feet down here.' "A few seconds later the water reached the dynamos, and the lights went out.N I managed to get away by jumping out of the engine room window just as the water began swishing around the cylinders." All Over in Four Minutes. "It was all over in less than four minutes," said Ernest Langston, a boy employed in the boiler room of the steamer. "I can see those people yet, crying and wringing their hands. They go back and forth across my eyes and I just can't brush the thouehts of them away. "I was in front of the candy count er when the first alarm was given. It passed like an electric shock through every one and that was what caused so many to lose their lives. If they had not got so excited and gone to one side of the boat, many more would have been saved. "The pilot threw his searchlight out to one side and every one rushed in that direction to see what was the matter. I got upon a barrel to get out of the way. It fell with me and pinned me under it. The water began nourinsr in but I didn't give up hope for a minute. Women began sobbing and gasping for breath and the cries were just terrible. I was thrown into the water and afterwards was picked up." Commends Actions of Crew. A man named McKinney of Pekin, another survivor, commended the actions of the crew after the disaster. "Captain Mehl crawled to the bridge and shouted to everyone to keep cool and ordered his crew to observe the rule of the sea. 'women and children first," said McKinney. Bud Ray of Pekin, who swam to the shore after the wreck, said that he was dancing when he felt the first shock. The orchestra stopped play ing for an instant, but continu$d al most immediately in response to cries of "on with the dance." Almost im mediately, however, the electric lights went out and water began rushing through the windows. A mad scram ble for the two narrow doorways fol lowed, being ended in less than two minutes by the plunge of the boat to the bottom of the river. Airplane Chief Named. Washington. July 6. Appointment of Maj. B. H. Gitchell. national army, as chief of the industrial relations sec tion of the aircraft bureau, was an nounced today by the War depart ment. He succeeds Charles P. Neill. chairman of railroad board of adjust ment No. 1. "THE STORE Browning, Hi 'Wf Pmm v..:- lii vrv ifff:a v. After-lnventorySALE Of MEN'S FURNISHINGS "Starts Monday, July 8 In the face of ever-increasing cost of merchandise this After In ventory Sale is of immense importance. We Recommend Liberal Purchases SHIRTS (Soft and Stiff Cufft) $1.50 Shirts $1.15 3 for $3.25 $2.00 Shirts a for $4.00 $2.60 Shirts 3 for $4.75 $3.00 Shirts 3 for $5.75 $4.00 Shirts 3 for $7.75 .$1.35 .$1.65 .$1.95 .$2.65 SILK NECKWEAR. . . ,35c; 3 for 50c Quality,... 65c Quality $1.00 Quality $1.50 Quality $2.00 Quality ...45c; 3 . . .65c; 3 .$1.00; 3 .$1.35; 3 ATHLETIC UNION SUITS $1.60 Union Suits 95c; 3 for $2.00 Union Suits $1.45; 3 for See Our Fifteenth Street Windows. C ;aiff''t'il'',ii'Hli!iiili'i:'ii'l:'!T'i!!;'l:: Browning, jaa.Tjnsas.ijei CONFERENCE ON RUfSIA IS HELD AT WHITE HOUSE Important Decision Reached, But Not Yet Made Public; Waiting Policy Under stood to Have Ended. By Associated Press. Washington, July 6. America's waiting policy in regard to military action in Russia is understood to have ended today at a conference at the White House between President Wilson and Secretaries fcansing, Baker and Daniels, Admiral Benson, chief of naval operations, and Gen eral March, chief of staff. There was no announcement after the conference and probably will be none for the present, but it was said unofficially that an important de cision had been reached. Urgent appeals from the allied gov ernments for American approval of and coODeration in joint measures to meet the German menace through Russia have been before President Wilson for several days. Until now, however, there has been no intima tion that he had changed his position, based upon recommendations of his military advisers, that a successful military effort in Russia was not feasible. For military reasons strictest se crecy is observed concerning the ex act nature of steps proposed by the allies. American and allied naval forces now are guarding war supplies both at Vladivostok, terminal of the Trans-Siberian railroad, and Kola, terminal of the railroad on the Arctic coast, which is reported threatened by German forces in the interior. May Use No Great Force. Belief among the majority of Ameri can military men that no expedition on an extended scale should be un dertaken in the east apparently has undergone no change. An official in timated the decision did not mean the sending of any great military force. Any military measures that may be put into effect along the trans-Siberian railroad or southward from Kola will not interfere with the American plans for lending material aid. When news came that the bol sheviki were offering no resistance to the efforts of the Finnish-German troops to cut the railroad to Arch angel and Kola and seize the military stores at those places and the whole Murman coast as well the military ad visers of the entente pointed out the great danger that impended to the closure of the only channel of com munication between the entente pow ers and the interior of Russia except that in Siberia. Yesterday's meeting in Paris of the supreme war council is believed to have taken action which influenced the administration here. WILSON TO VETO , PRICE OF WHiiAP (Continued From Fas e One.) reached a compromise today. While the senate adhered to the $2.50 price it Decame unaerstooa mai if the house, upon vote, stood out against the increase, the sen ate would yield. The friends , of the wheat producers took the matter up and submitted and sup ported a compromise of $2.40 at the primary markets. This proposition was carried through by a vote of ISO to 106. Members from the southern states and those from some of the large cities in the extreme east had, up to this time, prevented the adoption of the sen ate amendment or any increase over that fixed through are president's or der of j$2.20. The adjustment is a fair compromise. It was merely splitting the difference between $2.50 and $2.20 and adding 5 cents to cover the in creased freight charges recently put on by the director-general of the rail ways." " OF TffiS f OWfT King & Co. ; ill SILK SHIRTS Shirts $3.45 3 for $10.00 $5.00 $6.50 $8.00 $9.00 Shirts 3 for $13.00 Shirts 3 for $16.00 Shirts 3 for $17.50 .$4.45 .$5.45 . $6.00 .$6.65 $10.00 Shirts 3 for $19.50 $1.00 $1.25 $1.75 $2.75 $3.75 for for for for ...$2.75 ,...$4.00 King & Co. 7 GERMAN ENVOY SLAIN IN MOSCOW BY TWO CALLERS Assassins Escape After Putting to Death General Count von Mirbach in His Pri vate Office. By Associated Press. Taris, July 6. General Count Von Mirbach, German ambassador to Russia, has been assassinated at Mos-. cow, according to a Berlin report received by the Havas agency. Two unknown men asked for an audience with the German ambassa dor this morning, then attacked him, wounding him with shots from a re volver. They followed this by throwing grenades. Von Mirbach died almost immediately. The assassins fled and have not been arrested. General Count Von Mirbach has been active in netiations between Germany and the bdtsheviki. A de spatch July 6, from Moscow June ?0 said he was that day successful in obtaining the release of six Finnish officials detained by Russia in ex change for Leo Kammeneff, bolshevik ambassador to Austria-Hungary, who had been held as a hostage in Fin land. Count Von Mirbach formerly was German minister to Greece. The bolsheviki government consented to his nomination as ambassador to Russia last April. In May a despatch from Moscow said that the demands presented by the German ambassador would virtually make Russia a Ger man colony. On May 27, the Russian govern ment agreed to the appointment of Count Von Mirbach as an inter mediary between Russia and the trans-Caucasian government. On May 31, he obtained from Russia an acceptance of the German proposal for peace negotiations between the bolsheviki and Finland. MEN FOR BALLOON SERVICE WANTED AT FORT OMAHA (Continued From Page One.) requests by mail, telegraph or in per son will be considered by the com manding officer of the United States army balloon school, at Fort Omaha from those desiring to enter the ser vice as regularly enlisted men. Promise Active Service. Those accepted will be assigned to active duty promptly. Request will be made for the induction of desir able men within the draft age and those under and above the draft age, if between 18 and 40, may enlist. The balloVm service requires auto- obile mechanics, truck drivers, mo- torcyclers, chauffeurs, fabric workers, riggers, electricians, stenographers, telegraph and telephone operators, Most Miles per Dollar 1 1 1 1 resilience also means a road grip men familiar with the manufacture or handling of hydrogen gas, and others possessing special qualifica tions. Former enlisted men will be given preference. Application for officers' commissions as balloon pilots are now considered from men who have had a certain amount of military ex perience. Get Technical Training. At the present time the recruiting of men will be limited to such num bers as can be accommodated at the post and prompt application will be necessary. The technical training re ceived by men in this branch of the THOMPS0N.BEIHEN s-Cq Cfhe fashion Center fir Parasols For Summer Suns For the children, a great variety of new shapes and pleasing colors. Many of the handles have arm loops, 50c to $5 Two-in-one parasols that are sun proof and rain proof. Shown in plain colors, plaids and stripes; handles are short and come with arm loops, $5 to $8.50. Silk gingham parasols in large plaids, pongees in natural, and all the dif ferent summer shades; several new styles, $2 to $12. New Novelties in the Baby Section Hand-painted, celluloid comb aid brush sets of from two to five pieces; also separate combs and brushes, 50c to $3.50. Decorated silk carriage straps, coat hangers, hot water bottles, record books. Infants' costumers, thirty-six inches high, $2.25. Down powder puffs, powder shakers, soap boxes, teething rings, rattles, roly polys, balls and numerous other pretty gift things, 25c to $3.50. Mahogany Trays at Smallest Prices Solid mahogany trays with glass bottoms and removable backs. $1 ones, 50c; $1.25 styles, 75c; $1.50 trays, $1. Art Dept., Third Floor Vacation 'kerchiefs Plain embroidered and initialed styles, all of pure linen, in very fine qualities, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c Handkerchief centers for cro cheting. Madeira, hand"" embroidered, 50c, 75c and $1. IET us keep your trucks on the j fco. That's our business. And we do it successfully because we have the right tire for every need and a complete service shop to make any repair or change quickly. Firestone Truck Tires are built of the right compound to give most protection to truck, combined with economical tire mileage. That's why trucks bn Firestone Tires require fewer repairs. This ce also means a road V. TSvk. 2.1 service will be valuable to the men who receive it in civil life at the close of the war. The Fort Omaha balloon school ranks as the leading camp of instruc tion of its class in the country today and it possesses an enviable reputa tion for efficiency. It is turning out whole squadrons of trained men very rapidly and many of the. .units in structed there are now "over there" and are making glorious history. In order to accommodate the growth of the work at the fort more ground will be necessary and the rumors that the facilities of the school are to be enlarged are more than likely to be confirmed soon. The July Dainty Summer Dresses At One-Third Original Prices Including a number of Georgette gowns, besides Summery frocks of voile, organdie and linen in late fashions and likable col ors. Also Coats, Skirts, Blouses reduced to new prices that will appeal to your ideah of economy for good styles of dependable garments. Silk and Woolen Sweaters Here-for Buttons Plain and fancy pearl but tons in all sizes. Plenty of small, pearls for trimming blouses. Summer skirts and dresses call for medium and large sizes, both of which are here in abundance. A good twb-hole pearl button, one dozen to a card, 5c and 10c a card. Toilet Section that prevents skidding and a help to the engine which saves gasoline, Hydraulic Press and Thorough Shop Work. Our press of 150 tons capacity shows how much we are in earnest about this matter of prompt, thorough service. We have the facilities and the men that will keep your trucks going, andj on the basis of Host Miles per Dollar. Let us talk it over. We have the right tire for every load, road and delivery need, pressed-on and re movable types. Call us. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company 2566 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Office and Factory, Akron, O. v Branches and Dealer Everywhere. Hydranlle Press, Capacity 150 Tons. Prisoner Leaps From Fast Train to Escape Officers Bismarck, N. D., July 6. Tony Zalatorious, a Chicago, bank clerk, ar. rested at Glendive for alleged com plicity in a $40,000,000 swindle, clad only in underwear, leaped from the North Coast Limited train between Bismarck and Jamestown early today and escaped with handcuffs on him. When arrested in Glendive $31,000 al leged to have been taken from a Chi cago bank by Zalatorious and Charles Klamaus, recently arrested in San Francisco was found on him. Womef0 Sales of Misses' Tailored Suits Arc $18.75, $29.50 and $37.50 and Slip-Overs on Sale They are limited in number, but ever so desirable in style and color. Come early. $45 Sweaters, $30 $30 Sweaters, $20 $15 Sweaters, $10 $10.50 Sweaters, $7 $7.50 Sweater's, $5 All Sales Are Final Toilet Articles Creme Oil soap, 10c. Good nail files for 10c. Nail polish (cakes), 15c. Silk Undergarments Silk top union suits in pink and white. An excep tionally good quality for $1.50. Extra sizes, $1.75. Lisle vests with silk tops are $1.25. n m st. f.BK 'vstsr. Mm Pffl Hi i'.-W'J Iff (..- IM5