Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 A
Explosions and Fires Show
Effectiveness of American
Fire on German Ammu
nition Depots.
By Associated Press.
Washington, July 6 General
Tershing's communique today gave
the following account of artillery
operations on the Maine on July 1
and 2:
"There were several indications of
hits being made by our artillery on
the ammunition dumps. One of these
occurred late in the evening, July 1,
when a latge blaze was seen in the
sky and a heavy explosion was heard
from' a point which had just been
shelled by our artillery. Later, in the
same vicinity, an occasional glow was
seen and reports were heard. Another
(explosion, probably of an ammunition
,lump, occurred at about the same time
'inv another locality,' where a bright
light was at firit observed, followed
directly by a loud explosion.
"In the early morning of July 2
there was still another report of an
, explosion. Our guns were playing on
this particular spot at the time and
the report, the smoke which imme
diately arose, the high shooting
flames and the bursting of cartridges
are evidence that this was still an
other ammunition dump. Still Snotlier
large fire, accompanied by several ex
plosions, was observed. This was
probably an ammunition dump struck
by French shells.
Bombed by Planes.
' "The enemy's airplanes were more
active during the morning than at any
other ime during the day, one patrol
of five planes being seen over our
lines at that time. During the night
bombs were dropped in what appeared
in fi an atrpmnr tn evnlndp one nf nnr
.V UW I "
ammunition dumps. Shortly before
midnight air combats occurred. At 9
o'clock in the morning a German
plane was brought down by an allied
machine over the enemy's lines.
"Enemy working parties were heard
at intervals near Chateau Jenils, Fon
taine Sous Montdidier, Montdidier and
other points. Our artillery apparently
registered directly on German am
munition dumps.
- Firing Lively in Lorraine.
"In Lorraine from noon"une 30 to
noon July 1, there was unusually
heavy machine gun fire and rifle fire
on our lines. The machine gun fire
doubled in the space of 24 hours,
originating largely in the German
positions opposite Badonvillers. The
enemy'i artillery fire was light and
scattered, consisting mainly of
malLcaliber shells and including the
use of some shrapneT and gas.
"Out patrols were very successful
in gaining information.
"In the Colmar sector on July 1,
. there were no developments of note,
mnrflfinns fiei'ncr in irrv c9em nnr.
mail. An amusing example of Ger
man propaganda, designed to induce
our men to surrender easily, was
found. A German plane dropped in
Ouir fine a post card reading:
"'Soldiers of the United States of
America say that wje kill prisoners of
war to do them gome other harm.
Don't be such, greenhorns. How
can. you smart Americans believe
such a silly thing?'"
U. GA. McDonald Killed
Accidentally at Camp Dodge
Des Moines, July 6. (Special Tele
gramsSecond Lt. G. A. McDonald
of GraftonN. D., with the 348th in
fantry at Camp Dodge, was accident
ally shot on the rifle range Wednes
day, And died at the base hospital
He was a Scouting and snipe officer.
He was behind one of the rifle butts
when a. bullet glanced from i near
by parapet and struck him. He was
giving signals to officers in charge of
rifle men. A board of officers v '11
investigate the accident.
Mai. Leo. T. Ahern is to become
second in command of the 338th field
artillery at Camp Dodge, according
to announcement from Washington
today. He has been promoted to a
lieutenant colonelcy and assigned to
this regiment.
Clarence L. Parier of Fort Dodge
and Thomas C. Hayes, of Davenport,
have been made second lieutenants
In the Ordnance Reserve corps.
Corporal Shies as Negro
Pugilist Joins His Squad
Camp Funston, Kan., July 6. A
negro pugilist is a new recruit in a
colored regiment After being ap
prised of the physical prowess of the
new arrival, the corporal of the squad
i-fco. which the fistic fan was assigned,
ras heard to say:
"No suh, ah ain't goin' to give no
commands to that ol' boy, ah's just
goin' to say, 'please mistah, will you
squads right?"'
Lt. Charles L. Cone
1 Meets Death in Tail Spin
Lawton, Okl., July 6. Lt. Charles
L. Cone, pilot, was killed and a
student flir seriously injured, when
their machine gun plane side-clipped
into a tail spin from a height of 500
leet over the gun targets eight miles
north of Post field, Fort Sill, today.
'Cone's home address, the name of
the injured student and other details
of tht accident were withheld by
romtary authorities.
Two 40,000-Ton Battleships
To Be Built in Navy Yard
Washington, July 6. Two of the
-40,000-ton battleships authorized by
congress will be constructed at the
Brooklyn navy yard, Secretary Dan
' leis, it was learned today, has ap
proved the building of ways at that
yard tor this purpose.
Logan Surgeon in Service.
t Logan.' Ia., July 6.Special.) Dr.
IC. S. Kennedy, 16 years practicing
.physician and surgeon of Logan, re
ceived notification last evening of ap
pointment as captain in the medical
jptticerr reserve corps.
Landscape Changes Each
Night as American Boys
Make Progress in Fight
A special correspondent of the
London Times tells of the progress
of the American army in the war in
the following article published in the
English newspaper:
The Americans in France are
rapidly pushing to completion th"
longest, and in many respects the
greatest, scheme ofc
ever used in warfare.
c. . trip over
these lines is a deeply mipressire
experience. Since Mr. Newton D
Baker, the United States Secretary of
War, inspected them less than three
months ago, enormous progress h;js
been made. Today the work is fairly
leaping forward; the very landscape
changes overnight.
After two solid weeks of travel, j
nspecttng every mam iihase and
much of the detail of this vast pro
ject, I return convinced that what the
Americans have accomplished since
their first detachment of troops land
ed in France 11 months ago will stand
out in history as one of the greatest
achievements of the war. The bear
ing of this vast work upon the whole
war programme is supremely impor
tant. There is no doubt in mv mind
that the extent of it, the meaning of
it, and the future possibilities of it
should be made clear to the public,
both here and in the United States.
It is well, at the outset, to state
some basic facts. 1 he hrench had
all their sources of sunnlv near at
hand, and the establishment of their
lines of communication was a com
paratively simple affair. The Rriiish.
with all their sources much farther
away from the fighting areas, and
with water transport entering as an
important factor into their scheme.
had a much more difficult task
planning and perfecting their supply
From Across the Ocean.
But great as was the British nrob-
lem, that which confronted the Ameri
cans when they entered the war was
immeasurably greater. J heir argues
and all their war materials had to
be brought thousands of miles from
their sources of supply; the submarine
campaign was at its highest point
of efficiency; the adoption of the con
voy system considerably reduced the
capacity of shipping facilities which,
even in the most favorable circum
stances,, would have been totallv in
adequate to the demands made upon
tnem; there were no large modern
ports on the coast of France; nor was
there anything like sufficient railway
facilities to accommodate the vast
stream of men and materials which
must flow steadilly in, with constant
ly, increasing volume, from the date
when the first detachment of United
States soldiers landed on French soil.
At the same time, one must realize
that, from the moment war was de
clared, America itself was rapidly re
solving into a huge engine of war.
With raw materials, industries, coal,
and railways, all put quickly under
government control, and the prin
cipal forces of the country each day
becoming more centralized for the
sole purpose of multiplying the out
put of war requirements, the pressure
toward France increased with start
ling rapidity: indeed it was measured
only by the utmost limit of available
shipping space. That situation has
continued right up to the present,
and will continue, no matter how.
great the output of new ships may be,
for a considerable time to came.
lo take care of this steadily grow
ing volume of men, horses, guns.
food, and supplies, to resolve the
modest existing facilities into a ner-
maneni line ot communications nun-'
1 . 1
dreds of miles m length, adequate
to care tor an army of the future
numbering millions, at the same time
meeting all the transport require
ments of the civil population, scat
tered over the great stretch oLFrance
tlvough which these lines exf nded
that was the task which confronted
the first detachment of American en
gineers who landed here 11 months
ago. '
Anglo-French Support.
But with all their difficulties the
Americans had one substantial ad
vantage over the British, or even the
French. They were able to profit by
the three years' war experience of
these two nations, and thane the de
tails of a considerable part of their
main program in accordance with the
full development of the British and
trench war machinery. Ihey were
not slow to avail themselves of this
advantage, and the marvelous prog
ress they have made is due in no,
small measure to the quickness .with
which they adapted and incorporated
into their own scheme certain fea
tures of organization which the Brit
ish and French had evolved through
a long period of actual warfare. The
cordial way in which the Brish and
French transport and! other officials
I c L c i v c u me .iucriiaii9 auu gave wiciii
I ,l. a ' ! i .1
Word Symbolizing the
True Spirit of Liberty
Service and sacrifice on the altar of country means
not duty but privilege to the true American. This is the
sentiment of W. J. d Winter, 4949 North Thirty-sixth
street, who is a winner in The Bee's Americanism con
test. Following is the text of his answer :
Jo be a true American means to be endowed with the priceless gift
of Liberty, to be imbued with those ideals that animated the founders of
our independence. To a true American, liberty is the essence of life. De
prive him of it and you have dealt a death-blow to the root of his existence.
Americanism is the opposite of servitude and darkness. It is the emblem
of tolerance, religious and political. It knows no potentates, for it is the
magic word, symbolizing the spirit of a sovereign people, dedicated to the
promulgation of the principle that justice is right and that there should
pt equality before the law.
t lo render service or sacruiceis not a uuiy lmpuscu, out a privilege con
ferred upon the true American. His motto is: "Pro patria c mundo."
The hour has now struck when America is beckoning its loyal sons and
daughters to manifest their allegiance by deeds and to demonstrate that
the sinister designs of a barbarous adversary shall not prevail and that the
principles of liberty and toleration are destined to endure throughout the
Shall we heed the call?
Fear not, Columbia K Enshrined within the hearts of thy children, there
dwells the unconquerable spirit of freedom, which tolerates no submission.
Our ancestors did not shed their blood for naughtl As faithful guardians,
we shall be loyal to our trust We shall preserve the blessings of liberty
and render them more secure for our posterity 1
Legions o minute-men are heeding the call. America shall remain free,
now and forever, by the will of a" sovereign people. Its torch of liberty shall
ever blaze the path of the races of the earth seeking independence. In the
course of unborn centuries, her name shall be inscjrjjjed upon the record of
time as a "guardian of national honor," a protector of the weak, a ''refuge
unto the oppressed."
Such is the doctrine of True Americanism.
every possible kind of aid and advice
is one of the many bright chapters in
this story of achievement.
This was the only substantial ad
vantage the Americans had. Their
handicaps were multifold, their task
colossal. How splendidly they at
tacked their problems and conquered
one after another of the obstacles
which confronted them stands out in
clear perspective as one passes along
their great lines of communication to
day. Sixty days more will see the
greater part of the whole vast scheme
in full operation. Even now the
completed part of the system is equal
to all demands made upon it, and
with labor and materials available in
fairly equable proportions, as they are
nnw the actual construction work is
going ahead more rapidly than ever.
Docks and Warehouses.
What the American forces in
France have accomplished thus far is
almost incredible. For instance, out
of the waste lands adjacent to an old
French port they have constructed a
splendid line of modern docks, where
every day now ships are pouring forth
their cargoes, of men and war ma
terials, cars and machinery. This dock
system is finished. It supplements the
old FrcnCh dock system in the town,
where still more ships are constantly
discharging American cargoes. A
huge new warehouse system at this
point is also nearing completion; even
now it U able to take care of the great
flood of supplies which is constantly
pouring in.
In the old part of this same coast
town the Americans have installed
motor operation and cold-storage
nlatits a motor reception park, and
. crtnlipc fnr nrH-
quaricrs lur aiuims oujh'"-"
nance1 and aviation forces. These are
more or less temporary quarters, and
will be merged in the near futurein
the general scheme which is --leeyw
being; completed in the outskirts of
the town.
In addition to the new docks, ware
houses and extensive railway yards
(these latter have a trackage of near
ly 200 miles), work is well advanced
on the new car assembly shop, where
already, when I saw it in its incom
pleted state, 20 odd freight cars a
day, of three different designs, were
being turned out and put into im
mediate service. Another assembly
plant has been constructed at a
different point to handle all-steel
cars, which are transported here from
America "knocked down" that is, in
section, in order to economize ship
ping space. At this plant these steel
cars are now being assembled at the
rate of a completed train a day, and
plans are rapidly culminating for a
large extension of the work. Here,
too, a huge camp has been built for
the negro stevedores, also a remount
camp, and two big rest camps, each
providing for many thousands of
American soldiers, who march thence
from the boats, to be sifted and re
arranged for dispatch to the various
training camps farther inland. Not
far from here, work on a new 20,000
bed hospital is forging ahead, and 30
days from now it will -be virtually
V i -. - i tl l. 1 . v..-v
pital center yet constructed, lt is
composed entirely of small, one-story,
light, airy, and attractive structures,
divided into small squares, laid out on
a great, open stretch of sand, sur
rounded by pine trees, and altogether
promises to be an ideal institution of
its kind.
In this same section is an immense
new artillery camp all ready for the
several brigades of artillery which
were expeted when I was there, and,
like the hospital enterprise, it is in
strong hands, and promises well. It
includes a large remount camp, in
which were several thousand horses
at the time of my visit. The work
in this section, which is typical of that
at all the other base ports I visited,
is being vigorously and intelligently
directed. - Strong executives are' in
charge, and the spirit of the workers
is excellent throughout. Everywhere
the Americans are realizing that they
have "caught up with themselves,'
and now that they can visualize the
completion of what a few months
looked so much like an impossible
undertaking they are buoyed up,
happy, and inspired by their success;
they have conquered obstacles and
overcome conditions which only
great ability and indomitable spirit
ccjuld possibly surmount.
One realizes, after inspecting the
character and extent of the work at
the several base norts which the
,t Americans have taken over, that here
lies the strength of their future
scheme of operations. These port
schemes are great affairs today; but
they are so worked out as to be ca
pable of almost unlimited expansion.
This is highly important, for the war
developments of the past two months
have clearly pointed the way towards
Magic Real
greater unity of effort by the allies,
and greater mobility of action by the
French, British and American fight
ing forces. The tendency is toward
a pooling both of effort and supplies,
the natural outcome of centralization
under a single comiriand. This may
easily resolve the American base
ports in France into main reserve cen
ters, from which their channels of dis
tribution will radiate directly to rail
heads on all parts of the front, in
stead of mainly through the inter-
which are now being constructed.
These latter, in that event, would be
utilized in connection with the great
and ever growing training centers
through which, for a long time to
come, the American army of 2,000,000
or more, in the making, must pass.
As at the base ports, so I found
conditions all along the hundreds of
miles of the American lines of com
munication: everywhere the same kind
of capable men in command, the same
splendid spirit and energy, the same
steady progress toward the ends in
view, the same optimism as to the
quick and successful working out of
the plans as a whole.
Mary Garden and Galli-Curci
Will Be Brought Here in
November by Associated
The high mark in the presentation
of opera in Omaha will be reached
November 1 and 2, when two world
famous opera singers will appear in
the leading parts of two world-fa--mons
Mary Garden and Amenta Galh
Curci will head the-greatest number
of great artists who have ever ap
peared in grand opera in Omaha.
the operas are Ihe Barber of -Se
ville, which will be sung in Italian,
and "Thais," which will be in French.
They are part of the Associated Re
tailers of Qmaha course and are
brought here under contract with the
Chicago Opera association.
Besides the cases there will be an
orchestra of 60 musicians and a
chorus of more than 60, besides many
others trained for minor parts in
grand opera performances. The en
tire number on the stage will aggre
gate fully 250 people.
Two famous condnctors will be in
charge, Giuseppe Sturani and Cleo
fonte Campanini.
The following Omaha business men
have been appointed by the Associ
ated Retailers to manage the under
taking: Charles E. Black,, H. R.
Bowen, George E. Mickel, G. C. May
and A. Hospe. H. M. Rogers is treas
urer of the course and J. W. Metcalfe
active manager.
Many Seek ReEef
From Domestic Woe
In the Divorce Court
Ten weeks of married life was
enough for Charles A. Combs, 3934
North Twenty-third street, and his
wife, Effie Combs. They were mar
ried April 26, last, and on July 2.
Combs alleges that his wife deserted
him, after having .first stripped the
house bare of its furniture and sold
it without his knowledge. He alleges
further, in a petition for divorce filed
Saturday in district court, that her
daughter, aged 18, slapped his face,
and threatened to kill him by poison,
al with the approval of her mother
standing by.
Walter H. Clark is another hus
band who alleges that his wife left
him hardly enough clothes to wear
when she took his personal effects
with her when she abandoned him.
He and his wife, Alta O. Clarke, have
been married hardly a year.
Lee LaTour wants a divorce from
Regina LaTour after 11 years of mar
ried life. He charges abandonment.
Elsie Marie Van Deusen petitions
the court for divorce from Ray Wil
son Van Deusen on the grounds of
neglect, nonsupport ana abandon
ment. She wants custody of their
child, Dorothy, 7 years old, and some
Ida M. Matherly sues George Ma
therly for divorce after 13 years of
married life. She charges nonsupport
and cruelty and wants alimony.
Olie M. Hobson wants a separation
from Wesley Hobson after 16 years
of marriage. She charges neglect and
asks alimony.
Pearl A. Woodside charges Wilbur
A. Woodside with nonsupport and pe
titions the court for a separation.
Automobile Turns Turtle
Without Apparent Cause
Of course inanimate things possess
a streak of cussedness.
This was exemplified on Florence
boulevard, between Maple and Locust
streets, about 6 p. m. Saturday, when,
without apparent cause, one of those
machines popularly designated as a
tin Elizabeth, after skidding and vol
planing, turned turtle. The driver,
who reluctantly said his name was
McGreevy, but who volunteered no
other particulars, was rescued from
beneath the mass of wreckage with a
dislocated shoulder and a punctured
The car license number was 124630,
Benson Home Guards Drill
In Benson Auditorium Now
Benson home guards will hence
forth drill in the Benson auditorium
which was turned over to them as a
drill hall Friday night by John So
renson, the owner. Drill in the city
fire hall had to be discontinued be
cause city officials have decreed that
drilling in the fire hall would be det
rimental to the floor unless the men
wore rubber soles. About 70 men
drilled Friday night under the com
mand pfCharles Burmester.
2301 Harney Street, Omaha.
v Competent Teacher. x .
V To those entering the U. S. service this is a
splendid opportunity to learn swimming. Just a five
minute walk from the down town district.
Telephone Douglas 4419.
Omaha Dentist Ordered
to Aviation Schoi
Or Gtt&ief G 4ndtrs
Lt. Charles G. Anders, who receiv
ed his commission a year ago, has
been ordered to report for active duty
as dental surgeon in the aviation
school at Eberts Field, Lonoke, Ark.
He left Saturday.
Lieutenant Anders is a graduate of
the Creighton dental college.
Resident of Omaha Thirty
seven Years and Well
Known to the Sport
ing Fraternity.
Alexander Hamilton Gilbert, for 14
years steward and manager of the
famous Budweiser saloon, and for 37
years a resident of Omaha, and who
was known by the sporting fraternity
who used to frequent the Dennison
resorf in the "wide-open" days, cfied
at his apartments in Clary Court, Sev
enteenth and Chicago streets, about
8:30 Saturday evening after an ill
ness of four days' duration.
"Ham" Gilbert, as he was popular
ly known, was also bookkeeper for
Tom Dennison, and "Billy" Nessel
hous, in the latter's various enter
prises and was one of the principal
witnesses in the late Dennison-Lynch
trial. He told of the receipts of the
Riverside and Scheay resorts and
how the money was split up between
the partners in the deal.
Some months ago Gilbert em
barked In the retail cigar and tobacco
business, having a cigar store on Far
nam street between Sixteenth and
Seventeenth streets. Failing health
compelled him to dispose of this
about two weeks ago.
"Ham" Gilbert was popular with
all who knew him, for he had a ge
nial way and a lieery word for all,
and was generous to a fault. He
had the reputation of being absolute
ly square. His acquaintance was wide
and he was known wherever the
sporting fraternity gathered. The
news of his death traveled fast and
there was genuine regret expressed
by all his fellows. He was over 50
years of age and leaves a widow.
The body was taken to Duffy &
Johnson's-mortuary, where it will be
held pending funeral arrangements.
W. W. Bittner, Pioneer Movie
And Theatrical Man, Dead
W. W. ("Big Bill") Bittner, well
known theatrical and movie man, died
at his home in New York Thursday.
He was a theatrical manager and
actor during almost his entire life
and was a pioneer in the movie in
dustry. He brought the first moving
pictures to Omaha in the early '90s.
Previous to this time he managed
stock companies at the old Boyd the
ater. Fifteenth and Farnam.
Mr. Bittner took a leading part in
"My Four Years in Germany," shown
here recently. x
He was 55 years old and was born
at Camp Valley, Pa. His death was
unexpected and its cause has not yet
been learned by his daughter, Mrs.
L. D. Pickard, 2427 Valley street,
liesides Mrs. Pickard he is survived
by his wife and a daughter, Marguer
ite, in New York.
His funeral was in New York
C. M. Derr, Former Hotel
Man, Dies in Kansas City
C. M. Derr, who several years ago
was manager of the Ogden hotel at
Council Bluffs, and who was well
known to Omaha hotel men, . died
Thursday at his home in Kansas City.
Mr. Derr at one time was manager of
the Watson hotel at Nebraska City
and the Avenue hotel at Auburn, Neb.
Roumanian1 Senate Adopts
The Kaiser's Peace Treaty
Amsterdam, July 6. The Rou
manian senate has adopted the Ger
man peace treaty, according to
Bucharest advices. The vote, it is
added, was unanimous.
Miners' Wages R-iised.
Butte, Mont., July 6. The mining
companies operating in Butte, Ana
conda and Great Falls today - an
nounced an increaseof 50 cents a day
in the wages of miners. Under this
scale miners will receive $5.75 a day.
Salaried employes will receive an in
crease of $15 a month where they now
are paid less than $350. Twenty thou
sand men are affected.
Belated Fourth of July Exer
cises Held at Fontenelle'
With Some Thrilling
"Lookce, O! lookee. It's a real
"Aw. it ain't neither."
Shrill cries from hundreds of ex
ited children greeted hz balloon as
cension at Fontenelle park Saturday
afternoon, when the belated Fourth
of July exercises were held. The bal
loons, six of which ere sent up dur
ing the afternoon, were-eleven feet
high and nine feet across, and made
of rcl white and blue paper. To each
were attached too human figures
of pasteboard, so arranged that when
a fuse burned off thej would drop.
The figures were only about three
feet long, but when a little way up
in the air, the balloons looked as big
as the sausages at the fort nearby,
and the figures looked starting'y
The park was crowded with chil
dren, who ran like little demons to
win the prizes offered, which con
sisted of watches, bracelets, baseball"
mitts and other childish treasures.
Wade Gorman managed the races
and had a harcl time, even with the
assistance of several able helpers,
in curbing their impatience. After
the races hundreds of whistles and
fife's were distributed among the chil
dren, with the result that the park
tesounded with an ear-splitting noise.
The folk dances followed, though
they were hurried on account of the
lateness of the hour. The cool, cloudy
weather made the afternoon an ideal
one for the children's games.
Jenkins Ordered to
Take His Wife With
Him and Support Her
Mrs. Beryl Jenkins, who has been
living at 1104 North Sixteenth street,
arrested Thursday afternoon on a
charge of kidnaping, filed by her hus
band, of Kearney, Neb., was released
Saturday morning when evidence was
produced which showed that she had
let her husband know of her where
abouts. Jenkins, "who came to Omaha from
Kearney Friday, charged that his wife
had been too familiar with certain
men whom she had met at the restau
rant where she was working and that
she had come from Tulsa, Okla., their
former home, to Omaha and was
keeping her address secret. He
claimed to have sent her money with
which to come to Kearney.
Jenkins was given a severe lecture
on the duties and responsibilities of
a husband and was ordered to take
his wife to Kearney with him and
support her.
Mohammed VI Proclaimed
Sultan of Ottoman Empire
Amsterdam, July 6. Mohammed
VI was proclaimed sultan of Turkey
in the throne room of the Top Kapu
palace yesterday morning, according
to a Constantinople dispatch received
here. The burial of Mohammed V
took place later, the coffin being
transported from the palace to the
mosque of Ejub by motor boat. The
new sultan followed the burial party
in his steam yacht.
Funeral Service Sunday
For Mrs. Henry Brown
The funeral service of Mrs. Henry
Brown, who died in Los Angeles,
will be held this afternoon in the
First Methodist church, at 3:30 p. m.
Rev, Titus Lowe will conduct the
service. Burial will be at Nebraska
City where Mrs. Brown lived before
she moved to Omaha. She was a
member of the Hammond family of
pioneer residents of Nebraska City.
GeorgeW. Wright!
Formerly with The Otis Elevator
Desires to Announce
the establishment of an
office at 1312 Howard
St., City, to sell, furnish
and install elevators of
every description to
cany full line of repairs
and parts to do all
kinds of elevator repair
work, under the firm
name of
wh-go" No MORE
Moths irtU not remain
where Odor of cedar is.
Scientists hare pnsiled
for learn to bring cedar
toproteot clotnes.
Is a little device which
makes a Cedar Chest
out ( every clothes
closet. Itgives absolute
.; fi i 21 in. protection against iar-
AntnmAtlMllr dar and Dlbt and
lasts one yearretl lis il.00 by mall. Gar
ment will not earry the odor, pleasantand
healthful, strong testimonials. Saying one
garment pays for "Motb?Oo many times
oyer. Write now before potting away
clothes, fnrs or blankets for the snmmer.
Complete ready for nse . . . - fr
Charges prepaid any place In U. 8. W
Money back lt not satisfied.
M0TH-60Chaa.Cs. WI . lOtk Emu CHy, .
Dealers stock this rapid seller.
Get Your Umbrella Ready;
Grocers to Have Picnic
Thursday, July 11, Lake View park
' iil be the scene of the annual picnic
; the Grocers' and Butchers' asso
ciation. J. J. Cameron, secretary of
he association, has planned a num
ber of events for the day with races
lot all kinds, games, contests and a
I number ot weii Known speaKers on
i the program. Stores and markets will
be closed all day. Une ot the teatures
will be the giving away of a Ford
touring car. There will be dancing
both afternoon and evening.
Two Fined in Federal Court
For Bringing in Liquor
Federal Judge Woodrough fined
two men Saturday morning for bring
ing liquor into Nebraska. P. P. Par
sons, who was fined $100 and costs in
uoliee court for illegal possession,
was fined $5 in the federal court, and
George llogue, who brought three
quarts of liquor from Missouri to Ne
braska, was fined $50.
Three Army Officers From
Washington Are in Omaha
Capt. John Orcutt, Lt. M. D. Phipps
and Lt. L. P. Hostcrn of Washing
ton, D. C, are in Omaha in the in
terest of the government.
Dresher Brothers' Superb Concrete
and Steel Fur Storage Vault!
Meet Every Demand for
Absolute Safety.
You Risk Big Spoilage If You Don't
Send in Your Furs Before An
other Day Elapses.
If course, if you DON'T value your
furs much, it is all well and good to
run your own risk; in that case keep
the furs about your home during the
hot summer months; you, like many
others, might consider it protection
enough to sprinkle a few camphor
balls over 'em. Yes, madade, invite
the moths to hold continuous fox
;rots and one-steps over the beauti
'ul silken like surface of your best
pieces. Or, perhaps, you are a great
admirJr of nice bald batches and
round holes in the furs. Moths can
easily create this condition for you.
If your furs have NO value be as
careless as you like.
BUT, if you are fully aware how
precious good furs are these days, you
will immediately make up a bundle
of all you possess and have a man
call for them from the plant of
Dresher Brothers, the Immense Clean
ers and Dyers, at 2211-2217'Farnam
Do this at once. It's high time.
In fact, this is the "last time" this
season that Dresher Brothers will re
mind you of the matter. Once in
Dreshers' immense concrete and steel
storage vaults nothing short of an
earthquake can injure your furs, and
Dreshers will insure them against
even the earthquake. In addition,
Dreshers will insure your furs against
fire, burglary, water or handling
damage. So you see how much better
off you are with your furs at Dresh
ers than with your furs at home.
Better have Dreshers clean the furs
before you store them; better let
Dreshers' experts effect any needed
repair. Dreshers' fur people, by the
way, will make you an attractive
price on new work if they can do
the work now, instead of waiting un
til the busy fall season starts out.
Remember this is the "last call."
Phone Tyler 345 for a Dresher
man or leave your work at the plant,
at Dresher The Tailors, 1515 Far
nam St., or at one of the Dresher
branches in the Burgess-Nash or
Brandeis Stores. Dreshers pay par
cel post or express charges one way
on any shipment out of town. Adv.
Is Daily ImreaMtig In Popularity for
the Reason Such Burgains ia
Were before offered to the people
of Omaha or its trade territory.
Ice Boxes
A good selection,
well built, sani
tary. In this July
sale we are sell
ing Uiem aa low
A wide range in
designs and
Ish. Attractive
Dressers, at
And rp.
CAS RANGES Four-hole burner, worth
$35.00, at this sale $12 50
r.AS tlates em
Two-hole Burner AsHI
RUGSat Half Price
Boom Slie Rugs, as low as $6.5.
FREE A tioo-Fly Swatter.
14th and Dodge Sts.
Opn. V. P. Headquarters, Omaha.
Arrangements Can Be Hade Te Soil
Tonr Convenience.
1 his