Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1918, Image 1

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V:" 'For ' '
; y . The Work
of. Mobilizing
Patriotic Sentiment
,v The Bee is Enlisted to the
' End
AH Together to Win The War
For Nebraska Warmer and
partly cloudy.
Thermometer Readings:
undAy Be
. 8 m
. m
7 . in
a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
It a. m
13 m ..
1 p. m
2 p. m
S p. m
4 p. m
5 p. m
(l p. m
7 p. m
vol. xlviu-no. vrrSssSAiSi omaha, Sunday morning, july 7, i9is. aw'i&u hve cents.
Pekin Folk, Exceed by Har
rowing Experiences, Make
Threats gainst Ship's
By Associated Press.
Peoria, 111., July 6.' With
63 bodies recovered and the
Ntotal number of dead tonight
estimated at 100 to 150 per
sons, government, state and
county officials began search
ing inquiries into the cause of
the wreck of the excursion
steamerColumbiaFriday night.
x JSurvivors have charged that
the big steamer, carrying 500
passengers on a return trip
from Peoria to Pekin, 111., was
driven " against a sandbank
scarcely 10 feet from shore
and about five miles south of
Peoria, during a heavy fog.
First reports were that the
craft had struck a snag or sub
merged log.
,v While the orchestra continued ,to
p!ay on the dance floor, which proved
a death trap to scores of the 200
dancers, the vessel, it was said,
backed into deep water, where it sud-
denly broke in two and immediately
settled onr the bottom of the . river ,
with only the pilot house-and part of
the superstructure appearing above
the water.
Conviviality Ran to. Extreme.
Harryf' Smith, chief of police of
Pefcfn, said; .
"Reports have come to me that the
drinking on board the Columbia the
night of the tragedy -was carried to
- extreme. This phase of the case will
receive rigid attention after we have
buried our dead. , The results may be
anuzhiff '' .
The Columbia "was; condemned i
eight years ago just before it was
purchased and repaired by Captain
Mehl, according to R. V, Downes,
federal inspector of hulls of St. Louis,
and his assistant, G. R. Bowers, who
have begun ,an investigation of the
accident. ":
It was on the .return trip to Pekin
from Peoria Friday night that a
faint jar extending from stem to stern
gave the first intimation of the on
,x rushing tragedy.
The disaster Came without warning
when the 500 merrymakers aboard,"
after a night's outing at Al Fresco
park, in Peoria, were ending the eve
ning's entertainment with dancing
md concerts by the orchestra.
After tlie survivors had been cared
for, it 'was found impossible, because,
of the darkness, to continue the search
for bodies and this was halted until
daylight. At sunrise scores of volun
teer' workers hacked at the wreckage
while twp divers began bringing out
the bodies.
Ship's Officers Menaced.
Pekin, 111., July 6 After a day
spent in collecting the dead from
the wrecked excursion steamer Co
lumbia, many citizens, excited by the
harrowing' scenes tonight gathered in
saloons and other places and threat
ened to wreak vengeance on any of
the-ship's 6fTicers whom they should
find in any way at fault for the sink
ing of the ship with the loss of a
hundred .r more lives.
Precautionary measures against
mob violence were taken by the city
police. Extra patrols, were thrown
about the streets, and the closing of
saloons was threatened if any un
toward actions were started. ,
Although no official inquiry has
been made to determine whether the
fatal accident was due to negligence
of the navigators of the .large steam
er bearing some 500 persons down the
Illinois river, relatives of those lost
.V and others loudly condemned mem
' bers ofNthe crew as responsible for
. the large -loss of life.
"We have sensed trouble and made
(Continued on Fane Two, Column one.)
" '
Dahlman Returns '
V From East; Admits
X Lightning May Strike
.,-" '' ' "-7
-A group of politicians and business
"men at luncheon on Saturday were
discussing the story that James C.
. Dahlman, formerly mayor, might be
in line for a federal position which
would enable "Jim?" to buy all of the
gasoline1 needed for his new super
six. -, - ' . '
"There Is more than im?ke in that
k . story," said one of the group.
"Listen; I have heard that. Post
master Fanning- is getting tired of his
. job and that Dahlman will get the
place. That pays $6,000 iron men a
year and is not so bad, not so bad,"
another member of the party vouch
safed. '.. '
Mr: Dahlman returned Saturday
Irom his trip to the east and tjje
, south. He admitted that certain dem-
.x fWfa T i in fliiflnceo Aria i'nit. in nr in
bis behalf.' .
"There is nothing certain about tliis
proposition, but . thenghtning may
strike me. I know that Senator Hitch
cock, for one, has my name and ad
dress," said the former mayor.
V . ,
"Kill! Kill!! Kill!!!--"
British Experts Din
in Ears of Americans
By Associated Press.
With the British Army in France, July 6. All the tradi
tions of the United States army for valor were brilliantly sus
tained yesterday in the successful attack made against the
Germans south of the river Somme, when for the first time
American infantry men took, their stand beside their British
cousins and fought shoulder to shoulder with them against the
common foe.
It was a baptism of fire for the Yankee soldiers on this
front, staged on Independence day, and they came through with
flying colors fitting comrades for the famous Australian
warriors, whom they were assisting.
The Airiericans went over the top with the Australians, be
hind big tanks, as though they had been doing the same thing
all their lives. Then came the clash with the enemy infantry
among the shell hole defenses and trenches under the gray
light of the early dawn. . '
There, was no hesitation. For a week past the British ex
perts had been dinning into the ears of the Americans the words
"kill, kill, kill." It is the cardinal slogan of the fighting man,
and while it is not pleasant to dwell upon, yet that is what
war is.
The Americans had learned their lesson well. The British
officers spoke of this after the affair was over. No drillmaster
ever got better returns for his talks than the one who taught
these Ameicans this hardest lesson of all. A great number of
Germans paid the supreme price yesterday and the men from
the United States exacted a very
The Americans were naturally happy last night over the
success of the operation in which they had played a creditable
part, and the Australians were no less pleased with their new
found pals. (
Permission Given for Those
From Eighteen to Forty
Years Jo Enlist; To.
' - Enlarge School.
Nebraskans- and Iowans from 18 to
40 years old, who are desirous of en
tering ojie of the preferred branches
of army service, will be permitted to
enlist in the balloon service at Fort
Omaha, the largest school of instruc
tion in aeronautics in the world.
Men of draft age, who are reg
istered, and who have not yet been
called also are privileged to enlist
in this service. i
Authority has just been received
to enlist in the balloon service a lim
ited number of men having special
qualifications for this branch of the
service. During the next tew days,
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.)
Thirty-Four Dollars for
The Milk and Ice Fund
Thirty-four dollars and 50 cents
was given to The Bee's milk and ice
fund in volunteer donations at the
Pesek-Peters wrestling match at the
Auditorium last .night.
Between, falls of the wrestling
match Mogy Bernstein mounted the
stage of the wrestling ring and made
an unsolicited plea for the fund.
The wrestling fans were spontane
ous in their response. Nickels, dimes,
quarters, half dollars and even dollars
began to fall into the ring in a
shower. .- -'
! Mogy carefully recovered the
money and turned it over to The Bee
last night. This brings the total of
The Bee fund to $264.25. ,
' and is the only Omaha paper showing a gain
' for the first six months of 1918 in this
Here Are the Figures in Inches
(Warfield Adv. Agency Measurements for 1917)
(HaynesAdv; Company Measurements for 1918)
1917. 1918.
BEE 25,442 25,511
World-Herald ; 24,584 24,570
Newsv ...22,025 - 18,448
BEE GAIN - 69 Inches
World-Herald Loss...... 14 Inches
News Loss
The Automobile Dealers have learned from ex
perience that The Bee is the Omaha paper which
reaches the real buying power of the community.
That's why The Bee heads their advertising lists.
heavy toll,
Rate Fixed by Compromise Be
tween House and Senate
i..Woukk$ais&-CGst of -
" "Flour :$2 Barrel. 3
Washington, July 6. -President
Wilson will veto the annual agricul
tural appropriation bill because of the
rider agreed to by both senate and
house today fixing the government
minimum guaranteed wheat price at
$2.40 a bushel. This information was
transmitted to Chairman Lever of the
house agricultural committee today,
through Postmaster General Burleson
just before Speaker Clark had signed
the bill preliminary to sending it to
the White house.
Officials estimated that if the $2.40
price for wheat is approximated, the
price of flour would be increased by
approximately $2 a barrel, with an in
crease of from 2 to 3 cents in the
price of a loaf of bread. With $2.50
as the basic price, wheat probably
would sell in New York at $2.75 a
bushel, it was said.
Should the president veto -the bill
the $28,000,000 annual appropriation
for the Department of Agriculture
would be tied up until congress re
convenes. The department, however,
would not be without funds as con
gress today adopted a resolution con
tinuing last year's appropriation until
the appropriation bill finally is en
acted. Agreement Reached by Compromise
. Representative Sloan, in explaining
the position of the house, said: "The
senate, price of $2.50 at local markets,
which has been in conference between
house and senate for several weeks,
(Continued on Fare Two, Column Three.)
.3,577 Inches
Every Doj
: . .
Upper Body of Congress Adopts
Resolution for Recess With
out Acting on Wire Cpn
c : - trot Propol.
By Associated Press.'
Washington, July 6.' Plans for an
immediate recess of congress were
upset late today when the house ad
journed until Monday without acting
upon a concurrent resolution adopted
by the senate, providing for an. ad
journment until August 12, subject
to an earlier call by the president.
lhe senate also adjourned until
Mondav. ,
In spite of President Wilson's re
quest, emphatically reiterated today,
that the resolution authorizing him
to take over and operate during the
war telegraph, telephone, cable and
radio systems bq passed before the
recess, the senate was ready to begin
its vacation, when the house suddenly
blocked the plans of the leaders.
. Senate Leaders Iraie.
Senate leaders, indignant over Mr.
Kitchin's action, said congress would
be held indefinitely and that vaca
tions, even for a brief time, would not
be taken. Arrangements were made
for .consideration in the senate of die
telegraph-telephone resolution, with
extensive hearings, not later than
July IS.
This means, said Representative
Kitchin, after the house adjourned,
"that the recess program is off for
good unless the senate passes imme
diately the resolution giving the pres
ident authority to take over the tele
graph and telephone resolution."
Martin Urges Recess.
Senator Martin of Virginia, ma
jority leader, announced today in the
enate that the consensus of opinion in
both houses g;as to have congress
recess .tonight, until August without
action by the senate on the house
resolution authorizing the president
to take over telegraph, telephone,
caDie and radio lines.
Cards Ready Monday
For Alien Enem Women
Julius Mansfield, who has been reg
istering the alien enemy women in
the city council chamber, under the
direction of the United- States De
partment of Justice, states that reg
istrants may call any time beginning
Monday for their cards. These are
official cards which must be carried
for identification purposes.
X Struck by Motorcycle.
Miss Josephine Kelly, saleswoman
for Orkins Brothers, who lives at the
Colonnade, Twenty-sixth and Doug
las streets, was struck by a motor
cycle ridden by John Merten. of 2215
South Fifteenth street, at Seventeenth
and Jackson streets at 12:30 p. m.
Saturday. Her left leg and hip were
badly bruised and she may have sus
tained internal injuries.
Benet Succeeds Tillman.
Columbus; S. C, Christie Benet, an
attorney of Columbus, was appointed
by Governor Manning today to serve
the next six months pf the unexpired
term cH the late Senator Tillman.
. Nominations Confirmed.
Washington, July 6. Nominations
of eight brigadier generals to be
major generals in the national army
and of 41 colonels to' be brigadier
generals were confirmed tonight by
the senate.
Literature Condemned by
Council of Defense to Be
Withdrawn and Outside
sOrganizers Prohibited.
MTom a Start Correspondent.
Lincoln, July (5. (Special Tele
gram.) Tht hearing of the Nonpar-'
tisan league suit against the Council
of Defense came to a sudden end late
this afternoon when after a five-minute
recess an agreement was reached
in which the league dismissed the
suit against the council and agreed to
the following:
Withdrawal of all literature from
the state declared by the Statd Coun
cil of Defense as disloyal.
Withdrawal of all paid organizers
from outside the state, including
State Manager O. S. Evans and the
conducting of the affairs of the league
by local men.
Raps League Literature.
Mr. Metcalfe insisted in the heav
ing today that the league was
wrong jn attempting to strengthen its
organization by the use of literature
which showed it was not in harmony
with the council's ideas of standing
behind the government. .He told the
court, after reading many extracts
from the literature of the league, that
it was wrong at this time for men to
come into the state and carry on any
kind of work which was antagonistic
to the ivar program as carried out by
the people of Nebraska or the nation.
Mr. Metcalfe and Mr. Manahan
could not agree on distinguishing be
tween the profiteers and the wealthy
men of the country. The former in
sisted that a large number of wealthy
men were doing big things in war
work and in financial assistance ren
dered the government, while the latter
appeared to place them all in the
profiteer class. It was on this point
that Mr. Metcalfe attempted to con
vince Mr. Manahaji that he was wrong
and that at this time especially there
should bV no attempts made to array
one class against another.
Marines in Forced March
One Hundred Miles to Get
in Chateau
(Copyright 1918 by Tha Trlbuna Association.)
Paris, July 6. (Special cablegram to
New York Tribune and Omaha Bee.')
That in" America our people shall
further and more fully apprehend the
rapidly developing competency of
their army in France, a chapter con
cerning thefficient work of the ser
vice, of supplies, and of the .trans
portation should be written describ
ing the fine, showing of our. soldiers
in the battleground around Chateau
Thierry, and -the particulars , which I
have been privileged to acquire but
not to report in detail.
I can say, however, that the Amer
ican division which made such a per
sistently gallant and successful at
tack in capture of Belleau, had not
been expected to be wanted in that
They were camped 100 miles dis
tant, where another campaign was
planning and where all supplies . of
munitions and food had been sent
and installed.
On a few hours' notice they were
called to Chateau Thierry and in
" ' " '
300,000 MEN
American Program Rushed to
Meet German Menace of
, New and Heavy Blows
in France. , , ;
By Associated Press.
Washington. July 6. The present
delay of the Germans in pressing at
tacks in France means niy that they
are preparing new and heavy blows,
General March, thief of staff, said to
day in his weeklyconference with the
"It is perfectly evident," he said,
"that this delay is preparatory to a
heavy assault in force by the German
high command. The present condi
tion of affairs does not mean any
thing but that. They are reorganizing
their troops, filling up losses, and pre
paring to try it again.
"With reference to the American
program, we have embarked 1,000,000
men and now we are going after the
second million."
Another indication of the pressure
under which the American program
is being rushed to meet the Germau
menace came from the provost mar
shal general's office today when or
ders were issued to local boards to
f peed up physical examination of the
new class one men and have them
ready for call in August.
Statements of the draft program
made, public in congress indicated the
purpose of calling out at .least 300,000
men during August, although subse
quent calls during the year were not
expected to exceed one half of that
figure monthly.
Wage Increase Granted.
Manchester, N. H., July 6. The
strike of operatives in the Amoskeag
and Stark cotton mills was settled
today on terms similar to those ar
ranged in the case of the Lowell
strike yesterday, the manufacturers
agreeing to pay the increase of IS
per. cent in wages demanded by the
strikers. The increase will be paid
from June 17. Union leaders guar
anteed not to call another strike dur
ing the war.
Thierry Fray
an equally short period they had re
sponded not only by reaching the
menaced ground in season to help
thwart the boche intent to drive west
through this important point, but by
bringing up ample provisions of mu
nitions and rations notwithstanding
the difficulty of transportation which
was rendered doubly embarrasing by
the big movement on the road.
This, important,, cheering, significant
addition to. that battle is cabled not
only that some folks during this anx.
ious time may-know that their fight
ing fathers, sonsl and brojjjers are
making good, but also to give assur
ance that the organization for active
support at the rear, so to speak, is
also making good.
As the actions around Chateau
Thierry, in Belleau wood, at Vaux
and in the Forest de la Roche, were
the first in which this organization
was giyen a real test, it is worth thus
recording that in the line, and in the
service behind the lines, without which
the effectiveness of the troops is im
possible, the American effort is en
titled to confidence and praise.
Austrian Resistance Broken in
Area Close to Adriatic; Aus
tralians Advance on
Amiens Front.
By Associated Press.
The Italians have succeeded
in clearing the Austrians out of .
a very considerable part of the "
terrain the enemy had been
clinging to near the mouth .of
the- Piave, between the new
and old beds of the river.
In hard fightinir the Aus
trian resistance was broken in
the area close to the Adriatic.
General Diaz's troobs'movinir
the invaders agyoss the new
oed from Unsolera to the sea,
approximately live miles. Four
hundred were taken prisoner.
Vienna admits a loss of ground
In the northern part of this low
lying sector northeast of Capo Sile,
v,here the Austrians are still west of
the new stream, they rallied their
forces and counter attacked. General
Diaz's troops stood their ground and
repulsed the enemy.
The Australian troops advanced
their line on the Amiens front north
east of Villers-Bretanneux on a front" '
of 2,000 yards, according to" Field
Marshal Haig's report from British ;
headquarters in France. A successful
raid was carried out by Lancashire .,
troops near Hinges, in which several
prisoners were captured, the state- .
ment adds. - x. , ,
Americana Win Praise.
There are nothing but compliment
for the Americans unon th
of their first appearance in an at
tack side by side with British
To the' Australians who formed , the '
major portion of the force which car
ried out the brilliant Fourth of July
attack on the Amiens front, northeast
of Villers-Bretonneux, is conceded the
larger part ot the glory. The hitherto
untried American troops are coming
in for the highest praise for the part
they took in the fighting through .
Details of the Americans' behavior
indicated that in lighting spirit and
effectiveness in pushing back the en
emy they were not excelled even by.
the traditionally gallant, seasoned vet
erans in whose company they re
ceived their baptism of fire. Their
losses are reported to have been ex
tremely light.
Noted Bohemian
Woman Is to Visit
Friends in Omaha
Miss Olga Masaryk. daughter of "
Professor Masaryk, president of the
revolutidnary republic of Bohemia,
will be in Omaha on July 23, accom
panied by Charles Pergler, secretary ;
of her father.
Vaclav Buresh. who received the
information Saturday, states that Miss
Masaryk is one of the best informed
women on present-day affairs in Bo-,
hernia. She has been in this country
since last May and is a fluent speaker
in English.
A series of meetings will be ar-
ranged in Omaha for the distinguished
' Professor Masaryk is now in Wash
ington, D. C, in a diplomatic ca
pacity. He visited Omaha 10 years
ago when he was a guest of Mr.
Alice Masaryk, Olga's sister, suf
fered a year's imprisonment in
Prague on account of her father's at
titude toward the central powers. She
was rescued by the intervention of
American women. ' ' ' 1 .
British Royalties Celebrate
25th Wedding Anniversary
London, July 6. Today is the 25th
anniversary of the marriage of -JCinpf
GeVge and Queen Mary. The popu
lar rejoicing with which such an event
ordinarily would' be celebrated was re- ..
frained from in consequence of the
war and the only public ceremony
commemorating itf in which the royal
party participated took, the form . of
a special thanksgiving service in St.
Paul's cathedral. This was followed
by a visit to the Guild hall where a
congratulatory address and a. gift .,
from the city of . London were . re
ceived. . . , -. " .
Roosevelt Asks Returr- of ,
Nobel Peace Prize Fund
Washington, July 6. Theodore
Roosevelt today asked congress to
return to him the Nobel peacc'prize
fund which he donated to assist in
promoting industrial peace and which
has . never been used., - He said he
proposed to expend Urn war1 relief
work- through the Red. Cross, 'YM.
C. A.,' Knights' of Columbus, Jcwisa.
war fund and other, relief orgauiQa
j lions. . " -