Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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    . THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY b, iaia. - - - - ' -
eare s 1 i I . I , .. f . i t i ..It. u i,, n tl nn.ilr ! irnnds store at IndCoendence Sunday
Council Bluffs
Of The Bee, 14 North
Main St Telephone 43
Minor Mention
nnmimi m nrro
wjuhuil DLurro
, fnjunctions Restrain Certain
Men From Carrying Bottles
and Perpetually Stamps
Them as "Saloons."
Davis. Drag.
' Vlctrola, $23.60. A. Hoape Co.
Correctly fitted glasses. Leffert'a.
tookert sella "in 0 W. Bwr. Tei 10
, Woodrlnn Undertaking Co, Tel. Si 9.
We duplicate any lens la ont own taotor?
rem OptloU Co 40S-41S Broedway..adT.
rnt n A. WOODBURY, dentist.
107 Com. Nat Bk. Bid. Bway at Scott
Guaranteed proof piano tuning only
IS.00. A. Hospe Co. a'none ea.
Let us paint your country norn.
We can please you. H. BorwicK. n
South Main St
BEN KING & CO., funeral direc
tors, S35 West Broadway, Phone
Auto ambulance service. ru
attention given all calls day or night
Rft hiiv an Overland closed
in oitvArv car. self-starter and elec
tric lights; everything In good running
nrrtr. P. U. Jjevai nwumn
504 West Broadway.
of several of Its members.
who leave for government service In
the near future, the Amber Lodge,
No. 669, Ancient Free and Accepted
Mnantia. of Quick, will (rive a recep-
tlon and loyalty meeting Saturday
evening at Quick. All Master Masons
are urged to attend
John Harrow, aeed 76. years, died
early Friday morning at Mercy hos
pital after a long illness irom cancer.
Ha was taken to the hospital from
hia Vinma at Thurman. Ia. He was a
veteran of the civil war. The body
was removed to the uutier -lunerai
Soldiers Convicted of Assault
Upon White Girl Pay Death
Penalty at Iowa Can
tonment. Camp Dodge, la., July 5. Three
negro soldiers, convictea oy coun
martial of "assaulting and outraging"
17-year-old white jfirl on the can
tonment grounds the night of May 24
were hanged here today with virtual
ly the entire division witnessing the
The three traps were sprung simul
taneously at 9:09 a. m. and death was
almost instantaneous in each case.
The negroes marched onto the scaf
folds singing "God Have Mercy on
My Soul."
The negroes were Nelson Johnson
of Tuscamba, Ala.; Stanley Tramble
of Stroud, Ala, and Fred Allen of
Georgiana, Ala., all selective service
Confess Guilt
Johnson and Tramble were declared
by military police officials to have
confessed their complete guilt but
Allen while admitting his presence
when the crime was committed, main-
, , , . , i a COllollOr mill wuici wuuvn i -
Temoorarv miunctions were issued I ,..-, v,,ot,.ii j.. Mr. Marl was tamed to the last that he had not out ;
gainst Clyde McLaughlin upon the eornpiimented for having made Coun- raged the girl. Parents of all three ,
allegation tnat on ,june ; ne was cn Bluffs the nrst city in lowa io ire dead, but Allen leaves a wite ano
carrying a pint of whisky on his per- this step. Curator Harlan Is trying a 10-year-old Bon.
- - . . a . S I . x i 11 4m Viai ni lost. I
Spectators Faint.
Three negro soldiers among th.
spectators fainted when the men
dropped to their death and another
ran amuck. He . started on a dead
run directly toward the scaffold, but
guards overpowered him. A white
soldier also fainted.
Four negroes were arrested but one
was acquitted.
With a soldier escort, the girl u
sitting on a hillside when, according
to her story at the trial, four negroes
approached. One of them struck her
escort a blow on the head, dazing
Screams Arouse Camp.
The negroes dragged the girl to a
clump of bushes. Her screams arous
ed the camp and military police threw
out a dragnet that resulted in the ar
rest of the suspects. A summary
court martial was organized and
trials started immediately. The find
ing of the court was not announced
until yesterday, after it had been re
viewed and approved by President
Both the girl and her escort live
in Des Moines. The girl was declar
ed to be in a serious condition after
the attack, but has since recovered,
The best of results are obtained
through The Bee Want Ads.
County Attorney Swanson in
Council Bluffs, Friday, resorted to
the unusual proceeding of obtaining
the regulation form of anti-saloon in
junctions against individuals, alleging
that thev were carrvinar pint bottles
of whisky on their persons. The
thousands of district court injunctions
granted since the mulct law became
nnerative more than 25 years ago, al
ways applied to the keepers of saloons Lome and prepared for burial at
located UI DUliauiKS. mo uivum murmu. lures ws'
ctrtirlt Iowa the courts have been asie- sole survivors.
A n nim'n antnmohiles carrvinsr ! mm. Charles M. Harl has returned
k EVMav affnrAeA the Ifrnm Dea Moines where she has been
. Wliuavauu, ..v. t U.,l.n tatA
first ramnle where the hlO DOCket 01 couieieuto win, . ,
rh'lSSffilTSlnVnlvi historian. In relation to her work as
la collector ana writer vi tuunui
Infantile Paralysis Breaks Out
and Bad Epidemic is Threat
ened; Health Representa
tive Sent For.
considered an unusually well trained factory being erected by the Du-Pont
Des Moines, la., July 5. (Special
Telegram.) Infantile paralysis has !
broken out in Dubuque, according to
a telegram received by Dr. G. H.
Sumner, secretary of the state board
of health.
The telegram, dated July 4, said:
"Four deaths from infantile paralysis
this afternoon; bad epidemic Come
at once or send representative."
A representative of the state health
department left today for Dubuque.
Negro Regiment in France.
The 366th regiment from Camp
Dodge, made up of negro troops, all
trained at the local cantonment, has
reached France safely. This regi-
and efficient organization. It is the
first regiment of negroes to go trom
Capture Auto Thief.
Deputy sheriffs were kept busy yes
terday chasing automobile thieves. At
noon the sheriff's office received a
telephone call from a party on Locust
street saying that a man was trying
to sell a stolen Ford car. Officers
went to the location and arrested the
alleged thief. The man tried to get
away, but was recaptured. Sheriff
Griffin and several deputies passed
considerable time last night in pur
suit of auto thieves traveling north
from the city.
No Check on Profiteers.
Representative Gilbert N. Haugen
of the Fourth Iowa congressional
district, in a statement made in Wash
ington, D. C, declared that congress
will probably not pass any price fix
ing legislation in spite of the disclos
ures of unusual war profits made by
the packers, steel industries and
other big interests. He declares that
southern cotton men and other big
interests will block any attempt to
secure a price fixing law.
Employment Bureaus. Busy.
During June the federal state free
employment bureaus over Iowa di
rected a total of 4,736 persons to em
ployment This is the biggest record
yet made by the employment bureaus.
In Mav the bureaus directed 3,116
persons to employment, and in April
2,166. The Des Moines bureau will
send 300 carpenters to Nashville,
Engineering company. The men will
start Friday.
Bank Call Issued.
The Iowa state bankine department
todav issued a call for banks to re
port on their condition at the close of
business June
Induction vuotas Announced.
Quotas of registered men to be
sent to Sioux City and to Mooseheart,
111., for special training, under the
calls which closed July 1, have beer,
announced by Adjutant General Lo
gan. One hundred and eighty will be
sent to Sioux city tor special train
ing as telegraph and wireless opera
tors and also as carpenters. One
hundred and three were sent to
Mooseheart for training as cement
Hounds On Trail.
In an effort to trace the thieves
who robbed the Timball & Son's dry
son with Intent to sell it and was
Iherehv eniltv of "bootlegging." The
restraining order issued perpetually
nrohibits him carrying a bottle. The
tame action was taken against F. A
Lattery and Clark Grace, alleging that
on about June 23 they had each a
pint of booze. If they ever again are
found anvwhere within the Fifteenth
inrlirial district with a bit of booze in
their pockets they will be guilty of
contempt of court and a $600 fine can
he imnosed.
An injunction also was obtained
against Ed Baker, G. W. Baker, Sam
McCormack and Mrs. Anna Krug,
Omaha, owner of the property at
1114 Broadway. The Bakers runs a
barber shop there, and McCormack is
their colored porter. The men were
caught in a raid planned W state
tarents. Ed Baker and McCormack
were arrested on specific charges of
bootlegging. They were taken be
fore Justice Baird and held to the
grand jury under si.uuu oonos.
Veteran Auto Builder
Arid Pioneer Jeweler
Plan Outing in "Tank"
L. P. Madsen, veteran automobile
;nan. who built the first automobile
that ever ran on the streets of Coun
til Bluffs, and M. Wollman, pioneer succeeded
jeweler, for whom the prehistoric
tn irnt similar action In other cities.
The entire plan was evolved by Mrs. !
Harl. and tha heads or tne siaie nis-
torlcal department warmly commend-1
ed her for originality.
Council Bluffs Seeks Means of
Holding Teachers to Their
Contracts; Prichard Goes
to Waukegon.
The Board of Education at a spe
cial meeting Friday night, decided to
ascertain if there was any legal means
of oreventinir teachers breaking their
contracts after having signed and been
accented bv the board. The decision
was reached when C. E. Prichard, high
school teacher, wired from Chicago
for his release.
Mr. Prichard stated that the reason
for the request was that he wanted to
take a place in a school at Wan-
keean. 111., at a salary of $1,550 a year
or more than he had contracted for
here. The board directed Superintend
ent Saam to inform him that the re-
auest- was1 refused. Discussion dis
closed that Superintendent Saam had
in having Prichard taken
frnm Clas 1 in the military draft
"nne-luneer was built will leave UnH nUrA in flan i n h wmiln tint
Monday for a long trip through Wis- immediately be called into service.
consin and the north In a big auto ,jhe resignation of L. C. Morgan,
trucK they nave oeen prepar ng an physics teacher in the high school,
.. TI- 1. . .lK...SAaa& it IhA I - ... . . .
was accepted when it was shown that
he was at Camp Funston getting ready
for active work in France. Miss Ger
trude Clark, grade : teacher in the
Thirty-second street school, was re
leased when she stated her intention
to quit teaching and take public
library work. t ,
The contract for "remodeling the
high school heating plant was award
ed to Stephen Bros, at a total cost of
$7,310. The contract for remodeling
and repairing the Third street building
was given to John uebuur for $4,579.
Five American Air -
Pilots Decorated By
King Victor Immanuel
By Associated Press.
Italian Army Headquarters. Thurs
day, July 4. Five American aviators
attached to the Italian army were dec
orated with the Italian war cross to.
day in the presence of King Victor
immanucl. J. he decorations were be
stowed in the presence of Gen. Eben
Swift, head of the American military
mission. .
The aviators decorated were: Lt.
Archibald Frost, John Park, Raymond
Baldwin, Kenneth Collins and John
uaicnoux. I he crosses were siven
for carrying out the greatest number
of bombing raids during the recent
Austrian offensive. ,
The king also visited an American
Red Cross work room and thanked
the workers for help given.
Call 300 Selective
Men From Alaska to
Begin Training Soon
Washington, July 5. Alaska - was
directed by Provost Marshal General
Crowder today to furnish 300 white
selective service registrants to be
sent to Fort William Seward, Haines,
Alaska, as soon as they can be mobil
New York was called upon to send
500 limited service men - to Camp
Johnston, Jacksonville, rla., and Con
necticut 150 limited service men to
Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C The
men will be used as clerks and are
ordered to entrain on July IS.
The Liberty Cash Grocery
Phone 2? 10
120 W. Broadway.
Few of Our Numerous Specials, for Saturday
To convince you that we can save you money on
your Groceries. Free Deliveries.
We have hundreds of items of foodstuffs in
plenty. The government asks for wheat to win the
war. Isn't there something else you can eat?
Nice Large New Potatoes, per
peck 50c
3 Tall Cans Milk for 25c"
Large Cans Pears, can . . 15c.
Tall Cans Salmon, can. . . . 15c.
Fresh Bulk Macaroni, lb. .11c.
Star Naptha, pkg 5c.
D. C. Soap, 6 bars for. . . .25c.
Hand Picked Navy Beans, per
lb. 15c.
Fancy Dried Lima Beans, per
lb. 10c.
Eagle Brand Milk, can ... 19c
Fancy Mixed-Cookies, lb.l2Jc.
per box .$2.00.
Fresh Ginger Snaps, lb.. A2e.
Fresh Graham Crackers, in half
boxes, per box $1.50
Fresh Cream Cheese, lb.. . .28c
Nice Juicy Lemons, doz. . .35c
10-lb. Sack of White or Yellow
Meal, sack 60c
Hominy Grits, in 5-lb. sacks, a
good as any breakfast food
" per sack 35c.
Large Bunches Beets, 3. bunch
es for- .10c.
Large Sweet Cantaloupes, each,
for .x. ........ 10c
Fancy Apricots, case. . . .$2.00.
lllilllli'lH Illlllllilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli
night, hounds were put on their trail
but the dogs failed to take up the.
scent Thieves, secured 40 bolts oi
silk and $100 in cash. ' .
More Iowans in List
Donald C'Waite of Davenport has
been severely wounded and Harry C
Harter of Marshalltown is reported
as missing in the .latest casualty list:
received here. Word has been received
at Colfax, la., that Lt Hjalmer R.
Ramsen, formerly of Colfax, is dead
of pneumonia at Camp Sheridan.
Take Negroes in Navy.
The local navy recruiting statioc
has received a call for colored mess
attendants in the navy and an oppor
tunity is being given the colored met
to enlist Men with dining car ex
perience or experience in cooking are
wanted for officers' stewards and .war
rant officers' cooks. : '
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
summer. They have christened it the
"Twentieth Century fraine schoon
er." It is a mobile hotel, containing
folding beds with pillow spring, com
plctely equipped kitchen, including
refrigerator, dining room, bath room
and toilet, and about every other
luxury of a modern home.
They have been working on the car
all summer, mounting a light, but
strong truck frame on big pneumatic
wheels and using a Pope-Toledo 45
horsepow reengine. They will travel
in comfort and luxury equal to a
Pullman, and as both are skilled me
rhanics, will find no road problems
lhafe'will not be easily solvable,They
wilA tarry some time at a farm owned
by Mr. Madsen on which is located
trout streams and a lake stocked
with fish. They expect to return
about September 1.
Kent E.tata Tnunfm.
Jlarrr T. Bteln to Anthony Dnw
wltckl. lot S. blk. 14. Mullina' lub.
lot 1, blk. 1, Beara' aub., w d 1,200
Katla Stain to Anthony DnawlecM
lota 1. 1. 4 and 6. blk. 1. Bttr's
' tub., w d 100
Molly Stein to Anthony Drsawteckt
lot T blk. 14, Mulllni1 aub., w d .. 100
Loren H. Taylor to Cliaa. Boa. lot
1, blk. i, Dya'a add., Carson, Ia. wd (09
Francca A. Burrell and hiuband to
Martha Wauah. lot IT. blk. 4.
Webster's tint add., W d ........ 1,100
Jacob Stctn and wlf to Anthony
!r!Wlckl. a. 14 ft lot .
Crimea' add., also n. IS acre a
H a.. H ac. S4, and n.w. i.w.
14, e. M-74-44
Leonard B. VanDruft and wlfa to
. M. B.' Bhrlrer, n.a. corner lot (
Audstora' aub.. n.w. U a.. . V lee.
13-76-40, Oakland, la., w d S.000
Marrlaaa Lleen.e.
Karl Coffin to KUa lala Baumbury,
hnlh nf Tnkam&h. Nob.
Oxford U. Adams to Nancy Edwards, both
of Albion. Neb.
Thomas rva( to Beeley PsVol, both of
South Omaha.
Eusene Schaffter Named
For Senator at lowa Falls
Iowa Falls, Ia., July 5.(Special
Telewam. Eunene Schaffter of
Eagle Grove was nominated on first
ballot for state' senator at the con
vention of the 37th senatorial dis
trict here today. At the June primary
four candidates sought the nomina
tion, but none received the necessary
35 oer cent These were Rube McFer-
re it and H. M. Soarboe of Hamilton
county, Eugene Schaffter of Wright
and H. W. Emeny of Hardin. Mr,
Schaffter was the unanimous choice
of the convention.
Withdraw Exemption Claims
Red Oak. Ia.. July 5.--(Special.)
Of 22 men registered in this county
claiming exemption from military
.ity on account of being aliens, who
were called before a joint session
t f the legal advisory board and the
! cal registration board during the
t few days, 11 promptly withdrew
: ;r claims to exemption and de
red themselves willing to assume
j same responsibilities as others
-;e obligations require them to up
3 -the honor and rights of the
ted States. "' ' :
. Reserve Officers
Cd to South Dakota Farms
JiJcago, Julv 5. Fifty members of
; reserve officers training camp at
t Sheridan left for Huron S, D.,
;y for farm work, They will re
e $99 a month with room, board
1 laundry ......
Special Sale Saturday
Hot Weather
Merchandise still continues to come in to our warehouse very freely, despite the alleged
shortage in supplies and shipping difficulties, 17 different shipments of goods being re
ceived Tuesday, July 2nd. We find no great shortage of goods in our line. It's a matter
of stockkeeping and price. America is amply able to take care of herself if she will but
thoroughly awaken.
Ginger Ale
Several Kinds Especially "De
borah" which we consider Equal
to any kind made.
Pts. 15c bot. $1.75 doz. Case
50 bot $6.00.
Quarts 25c bot. $2.50 doz.
Case 50 bot. $8.50 r
Household Needs
25c Sani-Flush ............ 19c
Sal Spda, 1-lb pkg. ....i....5c
l ib Mule Team Borax ......14c
Household Ammonia,
bottle ............ 10c and 15c
Lux, cleaner, pkg. .......... 12c
Whiz or Skat, hand cleaner
Saturday, can 9c
Paris Green
-lb. pkg.
-lb pkg..
1.1b pkg.
2-lb pkg. .
5-lb. pkg.
Kills Potato Bugs
. . .39c
All Out Today
If in some instances an adver
tised article is not found in the
first one of our stores visited,
vwe shall be thankful if in such
cases our customers will go to
our next nearest store.
Bottle holding
five gallons . .
Hire's Root Beer
enough to make
Toilet Articles
40c Orchard White, Saturday, 29c
Usola Camphor Ice, tubes and
fiat boxes, each 8c
30c Kolynos Tooth Paste .... 19c
60c Carmen Face Powder ...39c
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder . . . .19e
Pinaud's Lilac Vegetable . . . 79c
35c Liberty Dry Cleaner ... .19c
All kinds Williams Perfumed
Talcum for 14c
Proprietary and Others
$1.00 Nuxated Iron the great
tonic, Saturday 84c
50c Samuels' 3 P., for 39c
25c Bingo Corn Remedy 14c
60c Denver Mud for 44c
-lb. bottle Pure Peroxide 19c
$1.00 Lambert's Listerine for. 79c
$1.25 Pinkham's Comp. for ..98c
50c Sloants Liniment for ... .34c
50c Caldwell's Pepsin Syrup ,39c
$1.25 Gudes' Pepto-Mangan .98c
30c Bromo Seltzer for 19c
85c Jad Salts for 69c
35c Fletcher's Castoria 24c
50c Lime Stone Phosphate ..34c
25c Carter's Litle Liver Pills
for ......14c
35c Pluto Water for 24c
$1.00 bottle Aspirin Tablets
for .,69c
Bath Caps
A big
assortment at all our
Effective Sunday
Train No.. 14
The Omaha-St.Louis Express
Will Leave
Omaha at 5:45 P. M.,
' St. Louis at 7:55 A. M. .'
$1.00 size, cut to ...... . 79c
$1.90 size, cut to .'. .... .$1.39
$3.60 size, cut to ......$2.89
Shavers' Dept.
We have established a de
partment of Shaving materials.
It's surprising how many things
there are in this line come
and see.
10c Straight Cigars
3 for 25c on Saturday, July 6
We shall sell any 10c straight
cigar in the house, 3 for 25c.
This will include all the well
known brands like:
Lady Curzon, Flor de Muiat,
Royal Sovereign, Ten Eyck, La
Saramita, Webster, Flor de
Melba, Chancellor, La Fendrich.
Our Harney Street Store
We are gradually getting our Harney St. Store in running order. It is a big store hand
somely appointed. The prescription room alone, which occupies more space than the or
dinary drug store, is a big department in itself. The down-stairs Soda Room Cafe will
seat over 300 people, and is, we believe, as handsome a room as can be found anywhere in
these United States. The Special Gift DepL.which occupies the south side of the store im
mediately west of the stairs leading down to the Soda Room, is an inndvation in drug
store merchandising.
More of this later.
The whole store will have its formal opening on Monday July 8th. " At that time the
down stairs Soda Room will be under the special guardianship of the National League of
Woman's Service. " . , '
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Cor. 16th and Dodga Streets (Original)-.;
Cor. 16th and Farnam Streets North and West of
Burlington. y
16 th and Harney (New). '
Warehouse, 509-11 South Twelfth. r
N. E. Cor. 19th and Farnam Sts. Handsome
' Commodious.
Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam Streets.
West End Pharmacy, 49th and Dodge Streets.
General Offices, 2nd(Floor, 19th and.Farnam Streets
Buying these shoes is just like
saving dollars. One pair of
Will outwear two pairs
ordinary Boys' Shoes.
The Drexel kid says
even tie 'em
Boys' Sizes
lto5 .
Beat Steel Shod Shoes, why you can't
Dad says they're the best Boys' Shoes made."
fco iLittle Men's CO CH
PO 9t0l3y ....PeSeOU
Mail Orders Solicited.
Parcel Post Paid
Keeps the CooIl Cool
A hot, stuffy kitchen is hardly a fitting setting
for the preparation of a well-cooked, tempting meal.
Keep the kitchen cool and you make good cooking and
good meals possible even on the warmest days.
An Electric Fan
Overcomes Heat
Lassitude and lethargy disappear before the
cooling winds of an Electric Fan. For less than one cent
an hour you can have miles of mountain breezes blowing
at your will day and night.
Electric breezes cost so little but bring so much
comfort you should not go through another summer with
out them. - ;
Call Tyler Three-One-Hundred and ask for a
representative to demonstrate in your own home the use
fulness of electrical labor-saving devices, or see them in
our new salesroom in the "Electric Building," Fifteenth
and Farnam Streets.
Nebraska Power Co.
"Your Electric Service Co."
Electric Building, Fifteenth and Farnam.
Tyler Three-One-Hundred.
Like the thrill that comes with a perfect drive
Is the delight you get from every drop of foam
ing, bubbling STORZ Beverage
brings a new joy, ,
Ask for STORZ wherever beverages are sold.
Telephone us to put a case in your home.
' Phone Webster 221.
Rectal Diseases Cured without a severe .ear
gical operation. No Chloroform or Ether used.
. Cure guaranteed PAY WHEN CURED. Write for
illustrated book on Rectal Diseases, wfth. names
snd testimonials of more than 1.009 vrnmlmnt
oeople no have beee Dermanenrl n-t . -.
DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Bee Building, Omana neu