THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY." JULY 6; 1918. 4-v, ' 1 Nebraska otartisans st divulge . namesin court Manager Evans Insists Mem b'rship Be Kept From Attor neys; Gooch and Man ahan in Tilts. 'p From i Staff Correspondent Lincoln, July 5.-(Special Tele gram.) A list of the membership of ttse Nebraska Nonpartisan league must be produced in the present non partisan State Council of Defense hearing on an order by the court, although Manager Evans, of the league, insisted it must be kept from the lawyers because there were se crets of the organization which the lawyers must not get hold of, nor the Council of Defense. x The reason given by Mr. Evans was that efforts had been made in some localities to try and get men 'who had given checks in membreship to withdraw them, and if the council got hold of the list it might cause the members considerable incon venience and bother. Attorney Strode gave as his reason for wanting the lists examnied that officers of the league had sworn that lt league had from 15,000 to 20,000 members, and he didn't believe it. Jle said the league wa scharged with trying to get its membership from oro-Germans and he believed the court could verify it by an examina tion of the names. This afternoon H. E. Gooch of the Gooch Milling company and prest dent of the Star Publishing company, wia on the stand all of the afternoon ii a member of the State Council of Defense. James Manaham attorney for the league and Mr. Gooch had seireral tilts and once the court was ec TiDelled to order Mr, Manahan to itis chair after a more than usually wfrdv combat between the counsel ix J witness. Mr. Gooch had admit- uJ that he had given $50 to a repre ss native of the Grain Exchange of O' aha to heln fiarht the Nopartisan U :ue, ad this appeared to stir Mr. V, lahan considerably. Manahan d rged Gooch with being "yellow," t iuse he had not enlisted as a pri- v after Mr. Gooch had said that Iz had enlisted in the Seventh regi r. :t as an officer ( i , :!liom Reynolds, 1 4, )rowns While Bathing i In South Platte River FARM LIGHT MEN GATHERIN OMAHA More Than 100 Salesmen and Distributors of Lally Wilson Holding Convention at Fontenelle. E. R. Wilson and James A. Flynn, of the Omaha branch of the Lally VVilson farm light and power plant, were the hosts Friday for more than 100 of their salesmen and distribu tors who are holding a convention at the Fontenelle hotel.. The convention opened witn sales men present from all the leading points in Nebraska, southern South Dakota and western Iowa. There are distributors present from Chicago, Milwaukee, M. Paul, Uenver, Kansas Citv. Wichita. Dallas and Cincinnati, who are getting pointers on how the Nebraska branch is securing us trade. A history of the Lally light and power plant was given oy ueorge E. Willis, after which there was a description of the working parts of the plant, given by W. Kendall, man ager of the technical department of the Detroit factory. A unique feature was the demon stration of the approach and sale made by a salesman of the Lally light to a farmer prospect. K.. K. Look, of Chicago, acted as the salesman and F, F. Paul, the prospect The questions asked and answered were those encountered under every condi tion of sale and inquiry wherever the plants are introduced. A general talk was maae Dy k. Wilson who spoke along technical lines and salesmanship. Today a number of dealers will ar rive in the city and the convention will close with a trip to the den to witness a performance of "The Land of Rum Bay," by Ak-Sar-Ben thes pians Monday night. There are luncheons tor the aeie eates at the Fontenelle each day and a representative of the Saturday Evening Post and Mr. Harold, of the Willard Storage Battery factory are guests of honor. Over 1,000 farm light plants have been sold by the Omaha branch since headquarters were established here a year ago. Explosion of Gasoline Stove Causes House of DeWitt Man to Burn Beatrice, Neb., July S. (Special.) The farm house of W. H. Jewell, three miles southeast of DeWitt, was destroyed by fire with all of its con tents. The fire was caused from the explosion of a gasoline stove. The loss is placed at $2,000. partly cover ed by insurance. Three fires have visited Mr. Jewell's place within the last year. Last winter his hog barn with tar (r nitmhrr of (wine hurned orth Platte, Neb., July 5.( Spe-Ld recently his barn was destroyed. i eiegram.j wiiuam Reynoias,,six head of horses perished. the fourteen-year-old son of Mr, r ' Mrs. W. L. Reynolds, was yned this afternoon In the South . te river, south of town, while f nming with a couple of boy ids. Merle Maupin, who went with ' jcue party reached the drowning , but all efforts to restore life j ansuccessful. ' The boy was a :-iion of Charles MsDonald, the t "-rt resident of this city, and a ;r of Charles Reynolds, former . er at Maxwe.ll, .who recently r -red' to Omaha. . . Drug and Oil Sleuths C-bin Several Convictions Lincoln, July 5. (Special.) The T : '.ine Supply company of Sioux ( ,. which has a station at Wayne ' state, has; pleaded guilty to .derating gasoline to be used in L.ctors, and has paid a fine of $50 and c:-ts. " '.-. .' . ' William Martin, at eBlgrade, admit tti he was guilty of having an un sanitary meat market and paid a fine if $10 and costs. C. H. Smith of Smith Bros Bel - 'e, also admitted that the basement '.their store was in an unsanitary . ..tion and paid $10 and costs. hese were all prosecutions secured v the sleuths of the food, drug and l A departments of the state. Zeal in War Work. f - Iambus, Neb- July S (Special.) . pupils of the St Francis . :: itny High school and the eighth f -tie of the Junior Red Cross have i ?wn great aeal in the , work they I -'formed in the surgical department. The pupils of the eighth and seventh trade boys and girls have shown their rroficiency and untiring industry in the knitting of articles intended for the Belgian relief work. , 10,000 at St. Edward. St. Edward, Neb., July 5. Special Telegram.) Boone county celebrated the Fourth here in a patriotic demon- stration attended by 10,000 people. It was under the auspices of the council I 'f defense. Ross L. Hammond of t remont was the principal speaker it the day. Rev. B. A. rye of Te iimah also spoke. . tlesterson on Active Duty Lincoln, July 4. (Special.) Capt Lon C Kesterson of Fairbury. who been many years connected with the National guard, has been ordered (o report to the War department at Washington for active duty, and left ojiowing out the order. , Home Guards Organize. Stella. Neb July 5. (Special.)--teila has organized a company of home guards -with R. A. Tynan as ceptam, Kay Monette as first lieu tenant and Fred Gilbert as second ; ' utenant : " .. Two Barns Burn. Table Rock, Neb., July 5. (Spe cial.) The fire bell rang out at an early hour and the barn of (.apt. II P. Jennings was found to be cut fire. It was impossible to save the building, The barn on the farm of Ed Wo- nata, some six miles northeast of Table Rock, was burned to the ? round, together with a number of arming implements. Mr. Wopata had recently built a new barn, in which his horses were housed or the loss would have been more serious. The origin of the fire is unknown. Land Commissioner Files For Renomination to Place Lincoln, July 5. (Special,) Land Commissioner Grant Shumway has filed for the democratic renomination for commissioner of public lands and buildings. E. O. Kretsinger of Beatrice has filed for the democratic nomination for congress in the Fourth district. Mate Auditor W. H. Smith will not file for the Fourth district1 nomination. Lloyd C Thomas of Alliance has filed for renomination as the demo- cratic candidate for representative from the 73d district His district is composed of the counties of Sheridan and Box Butte. - ' Obituaries r.3. FRED C. wENDT died at 'vara, Neb., following a . stroke raraiyaia, Eh was S - years Hw husband and aeveral aurvive her. Funeral ar- 1 1 nuraaar afternoon. v :.:OTHY K. MALCOLM, aged 17 died Wednesday at 42S Lincoln :v Funeral service will be held f at Bralley & Dorrance'a under parlors at 4 o'clock. Inter t will be in the Forest Lawn cam- NA VIOLA OAMMLL, II years . Elliott. Ia., died at the home of - grandfather, Frank Archer. 1325 ' avenue; yesterday. Ths body : s tent to Elliott fox bjiri4 . HYMENEAL Munthaw-Minturn. Dollie Min turn and Bert Munshaw were married the evening of July 4 at 12SS South Sixteenth street, the nome or tne Driae s mother. Kev. Charles W.- Savidge officiated. The witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hume. Western Union Emoloves Reply to Carlton's Message western union emninve in Onu. ha numbering 458 Friday sitrned and sent a telegram to Newcomb Carlton, president of the comoanv. in reply to his message in which he urged upon all employes of the com pany to assert their loyalty and not participate in any tie-up of the tele- grapn wires that might hamper this country in its war work. The tele gram sent by the Omaha employes was as follows: "We acknowledge your message of July 4 and assure you of our 'contin ued loyalty to our government and our country. We will stand by our flaar and our company under any and all circum stances; there will be no interruption or retardation of service chargeable io western union employes. Noon Prayer Hour Uroed By U.St Senate During War Washington,-July 5. The senate today passed a resolution requesting ic picsiucni io issue a proclamation- calling on the American people to observe noon prayer during the War. It nOW tOS tn the Vinn Senator Phelan of California, read Jeter Secretary Tumulty, which said the president regarded the noon prayer as "a beautiful mougni.- j Pioneer Logan Woman Dies. .,LSi. Ia- July 5.-(Special.)- ., uuuur, agea es, pio neer of Harrison county, died at her home here Thursday. Mrs. Rice is survived by two daughters, Mrs. J. G.Milliman and Miss Mary Rice of Logan and three sons. Eueene, Ida ho; Arthur, Florida, and W. Rice of Nebraska, , VAHOO'S FOURTH NETS $60,000 FOR RED CROSS FUND More Than 20,000 Persons Participate in Patriotic Cel ebration and Even Water Sells for Big Price. Wahoo, Neb., July 5. (Special.) One of the biggest celebrations in the history of Wahoo was held July 4 and the Red Cross received every cent, which amounted to more than $60,000, spent during the day by the 20,000 or more people who partici pated. It was a gala day for Wahoo in every respect. Frank Kirchman. as chairman of the executive committee, was assisted in staging the event by Mayor td Bradenburg, E. E. Placek, Dr. E. O. Weber and M. A. Miller. Their plans were so efficient that the town was closed tight for anything but that which helped to swell the Red Cross fund. Everything that was sold during the day meant that much more money for the Red Cross. Even water was no exception, and several paid high prices to quench their thirst An auc tion, comprised ot goods ot every shape, color and style, was among the big events of the day and the ex act proceeds are yet unknown they haven't been able to count the money to date. Five automobiles, on each of which the dealers had donated $50 of the purchase price, were sold for approximately $28,000. Moving pictures were taken of the big parade, held early in the day and of the many special features on the program. The rain interfered but only a little, for Wahoo was staging a patriotic event. . Little Tots Stay With Mother at City Jail Mrs. Beryl Jenkins, 1104 North Sixteenth street, and two of her six children, Mamie 9 years old, and Opal 3 years old, spent Thursday night in the matron's department at the city jail. Mrs. Jenkins was arrested on Thursday afternoon on a complaint supposedly made by her husband charging her with the kidnaping of the two children. Jenkins deserted his wife about three months ago and went to Kear ney, Neb., where he works in a lum beryard. ihree ot the children are living with Mrs. Jenkins' mother at Kearney. According to his wife, although he has written her several times, asking that she and the two children come to Kearney to live with him, he has not provided for their support and she has had to work in a restaurant to earn a living, Jenkins came to Omaha about five weeks ago and without his wifes consent took their youngest child, a baby, back to,Kearney with him. Juvenile officers came to the police station Thursday night after Mrs. Jenkins arrest, but the children were not removed until Friday afternoon i hey stayed with their mother . at the city jail in a room by themselves. .; (.. 1 i i Soldiers' and Sailors' Party at Burgess-Nash A unique entertainment for soldiers and sailors will be held Saturday aft ernoon from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock at the Burgess-Nash store. The little "Cricket Room" at the store will be given over to the boys in khaki and white duck and a special program of vocal and instrumental music has been arranged for their amusement. There will be no charge for admis sion. I he anair is merely to give Uncle Sam's men a chance to get away from the heated streets '. and have an enjoyable time in a cool, restful spot Marriage at Beaver City. Beaver City. Neb.. July 5. (See cial.) Roy Bert Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Watson, and Miss Sue Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C h. V. Smith, all of this city, were mar ried on the lawn of the Smith home, Key, James U Clark officiating. Ten Thousand Persons See Oshkosh Man Win North Platte Auto Race North Platte. Neb., July 5. (Spe cial Telegram. July 4 was celebrated in an appropriate manner here yester day, after a patriotic parade in the morning. Addresses were delivered in the court house yard by J. J. Hal ligan and M. E. Crosby. National airs were sung in church and drills given by the local and Bardy Home Guards and cavalry companies. More than 10,000 people witnessed the auto races in the afternoon under the man agement of the Lincoln county agri cultural society at the city park. King Rhiley of Oshkosh, took first prize in the l0-mile and also the 50 mile races, using a Hudson special car. Lloyd Rowers of this city, won the first fiive-mile race in a Douglas special. Cass and Yates of Suther land, took second and third place. E. M. Smith, won the second and third five-mile races. , He drove a Dodge. Farley of Aurora, came second in the 50-milo race and E. M. Smith third. The Searle car of Oeallala turned over during the races and another car lost a wheel, but the drivers were not injured. Blair's Greatest Celebration. Blair, Neb., July 5. -(Special.) The largest crowd that ever was in Blair to celebrate the Fourth was here yesterday. Each allied nation was represented by a float in the parade. Our Near Neighbors ftprtngftlld. Sprlnafiald. Neb., July S. (Special.) Pick Pflug and E. W. 3 on ft went to Detroit and drove back two Hupmobllee. Mr. and Mn. Fred Bate of Columbue were the gueste of their parenti, Mr. and Mri. L. A. Batee over the Fourth. A service flar wee raleed on our atreets on the Fourth. W. B. Fatrlok of South Oma ha cava the addreee, . Mri. Nancy McCandleaa left for Welling ton, Colo. Rev. H. H. Pyehe hse reitgned M paitor of the Conirrefatlonal church, to take effect the first of October. Henry Oleaman and eon, Ernest, of Oma ha spent several days here. Richard and Mary Tool of Murdock visited C. A. Besack. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson and family of Omaha visited Springfield friends. Dr. C. H. Ross left for Flattsmouth. Orey Miller and family stopped a few hours here on their way from Cherry county to Texas, where they expect to reside. Miss Emma Watson has accepted a posi tion with the Omaha Water Works company. Mrs. Frank comte viaitea in Lincoln witn her son, Albert. Mrs. Frank Brlcknell spent a few days with her son, Harry, In Bpauldlng. Avoeek. A. Zlmmerer and son, Adolph of No braska City, were visitors hera. Mr. and Mrs. Loclan Conrad are hare from Chappell. Mrs. Charles Woodson and son, Wilbur, were bare from Council Bluffs. The R. N. A. circle met with Mrs. W. A. Hollenberger. Miss Ester wltskte haa returned from Hamlet, Neb. George Trook, Jr., of Lincoln was a visitor with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ehlers were hera from Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nutsman and daugh ten, Berntce and Ines, went to Lincoln. Mrs. Mable Holms and daughters of Billings, Mont, are here. Mrs. Edward Kennedy of Sioux Falls, S. P.. and Mrs. Bertha Rich and children of Council Bluffs are here. 8. P. Creaap, democratlo candidate for congress, and Mr. Vaughn of Nebraska City were visitors here. Mr. and Mra. Fred McGradv were vialtori at Weeping Water. Henry Cobin was here from Lincoln. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brendel have re turned from Indiana. Great Crowds Attend Lyons Fourth of July Celebration Lyons, Neb., July 5. (Special Tele gram.) Notwithstanding a drizzling rain most of the day great crowds at tended the celebration here. The monies. Uniformed companies were here from Tekamah, Oakland, Craig, Decatur and Lyons. They made a splendid showing in their new uni forms. The parade was a success with five bands, floats,, Red Cross members, etc The rain ceased about 4 o'clock, when the home guards put home guards had charge of the cere- f on a spectacular drill exhibition, Table Bock Tar Drowns. - Table Rock, Neb., July 5. Special.) Word has reached here of the death , by drowning in the Philippine islandi of Mason Fisher, who has been in the United States naval service fot many years. He was the eldest son oi Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Fisher, who life five miles south ot iaoic rock. Nebraska News Notes Over 85 war saving societies have been organized in Pawnee county to remain in force during the war. Evan Davis of Table Rock has just marketed the first new wheat of the season. It tested 59 -pounds to the bushel, and it is claimed will test 60 or oetier wnen anea our. There are 34 registrants in Paw nee county from which the local draft board are to select 28 men to be sent to Camp Dodge, la., July 22, or with in five davs from that date, i ne three selected from the Table Rock vicinity are James S. Jobe, Erwin Estes and Ralph stephan. The small grain harvest is practi cally completed around Howard. The acreage is large in wheat, oats, rye and barley, but the yield of the three latter varieties is said to be very light, Wheat is also light, but of good qual tty. MSBS-SHM Harry Chamberlain, living about five miles southeast of DeWitt, finish ed threshing his winter wheat, which averaged 28 bushels to the acre and tested 6o pounds to the bushel. It was announced that the Demo ster Mill company of Beatrice, which owns branch houses in Umaha, Kan sas City and other points, would cele brate the 40th anniversary of its ex istence in a picnic to be held at the chautauqua grounds here on July 30. The 500 employes of the local plant and their families will be m attend ance. - E. O. Kretsinger, once a leader in the populist ranks in Gage county. a democrat, filed as a candidate for congressman. Adam McMullen of Wymore is the , republican candl date. George Gunther and Jacob Stan baugh, two members of a carnival company showing in Beatrice, were fined ?15 and costs each at Wymore by judge vvoolsey lor being mtoxi cated. ' i- . FanllUon. Mr. C W. Moore ot Omaha waa a runat or Mrs. u. r. Miner tne Fourth. Mrs. Ed Nolan of Omaha spent the Fourth at the noma of her daughter, Mrs. M, urown. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Chanmaa and eon. nayraona, or umana visited rrtende here. Mr. ana Mrs. C. W. Morseman of Rf- Cloud, Fla.. who are going to Montana. stopped oir for a visit with Mr. and Un. A. Hasan. Miss Gladys Westover of Harttnaton Is visiting friends here. The Oerman Methodist Sunday school plcnlo waa held July Fourth at the Pfluc nome, norca or Town. The Frleden Lutharana had a nienla the rourin in tne grove on the Charles Spear man place norm oi town. The following county officers have fHrd ror a second term In their respective offices: J. P. Spearman, county treasurer: Ernest Ruff, county clerk; W. B. Wykert, county commissioner; W. 8, Ely, county commis sioner, and Charles Hutter, sheriff. 4iiliiliil!iliiiiiiiii!ii:ili!lii!iii;liiii!i:ii:ili!liilulMMiiiliiliiliiinliiinii!i nil Phone Tyler f 3000 .iihhiiihiiiiiiimiiiihiiiiiiimiiiihimiihuiiiiiiii iiiini!iiiiniiiiiniiiliiiiniH'4 Valley. Myrtle Oalnes of Elk Cltv visited frUnA. hero. M. 8. Claybaugh Is anlovlna a visit from his daughter, Mrs. May of Iowa. Miss Kattla Harrier same out from Omaha to attend the Howard-Ingram wed ding. - Mrs.. Is see Noyes of Omaha, visited her mother, Mrs. Alei Gardiner. Miss Madollne Sohneakenberrer la visit. lng her aunt, Mrs. Joha MehL Mr. and Mrs. Schneckonberger visited here, alio. Mrs. Edmlster ot Lincoln is her visit ing friends. Miss Ruth Hltchman want to her home. Weeping Water, for a vacation. Mrs. O. s. Kopp left for a visit with her husband and son In Akron, Colo. Mrs. Nellie Fonts went to Omaha Wednesday. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Howard left for an extended trip In westsrn Nebraska and Colorado. Mra. Glen Condron returned from her visit to her brother at Camp Funston. Benson, i O Mrs, George Suter la In Nemaha. Mr. and Mrs. George Iredale, with Dr. and Mra Chtlds and Dr. and Mra Sorenson. ot Florence, motored to Valley, R. I Robinson and wlfa .went to Central City Wednesday. f Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. McClung went to Lincoln, visiting Mrs. McClung's relatives. Miss Ada Steiger arrived home Thursday from a visit With relatives In Bloomlngton, 111. Miss Margaret Dean of Central City, who Is spending. some time with her brother's family, la a cam pf I re girl of the Lone Tree camp, and employs her spare time dressing small dolls and preparing paper doll sets for small chllren who ar patients at the hospitals of Omaha. Mrs. Ben Morton and aunt, Mrs. Brooks, of Kansas City, will leave Tuesday for a trip to Denver and Colorado Springs. ' FJkhorn. Joha MoArdle, sr., died after a couple ot weeks Illness due to old age. Word was received hero of the death ot Mrs. Wyatt's mother at Harrlsburg, Neb. Mr. Wyatt left for Harriaburg to attend the funeral. Mrs. Zwelbel returned from Omaha, where he visited her daughter, Mra. D. W. Bell, asd family, several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gibbons motored to Columbus. - 3. W. Housley and Ora Holllster war Omaha visitors. The canning demonstration, held In Dan. ker's hall by Miss Moore ot Omaha was wall attenaea. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes indigestion. Druggists refund money it it fails. 25c BLAKE SCHOOL FOR BOYS i IAKEWOOD. N. J. IN sister sssnea fn My la October, guae erepemuoa for soUeie for bore cithtaf to eater toveraoMBt ssrrlea Military mining bv eiperts. konebeek riding, lead and water porta If yea ban a turn troa II to U io will be (aterastsd la eur bow tooklak Addraas if pish &WilMniCo. d 414-416-418 South 16th Street; ANNUAL JULY SALE $115.00 Overstuffed Daven port, upholstered in tapestry, with loose cushion spring seat, mahogany $89.00 frame $61.50 Chair to $48.00 match The Above Offering Is Typical of the FURNITURE in this JULY SALE; both Odd Suites and Odd Pieces can be had at very marked reductions. A Few of the Many Bargains Listed Below: $318.00 11-piece Dining Room Suite, fin ished in Douglas , oak, modern design, consisting of Buffet, Wood Door China Cabinet, Serv ing Table, Host Chair and six Side Chairs, now $258.00 45.00 Walnut Chiffonier, Adam style, now 34.00 57.00 Walnut Dressing Table to match, now 42.00 15.00 Walnut Hair Dressing Chair to match, now 11.75 16.00 Walnut Side Chair, now 12.00 80.00 Mahogany Dressing Table, Wil liam and Mary style, now 87.00 Mahogany Chest of Drawers to match, now 14.50 Mahogany Bench to match, now 15.00 Mahogany Side Chair, nor 102.00 Walnut Dresser, William and Mary style, now 75.00 75.00 Walnut Dressing Table to match, now 50.00 75.00 Walnut Chiffonier to match, now 55.00 66.00 .Walnut full size bed to match, now 48.00 75.00 Old Ivory Dresser, typical Adam style, now 90.00 Chifforobe to match, now 70.00 Mahogany Dining Table, 64-inch by 8. ft. extension, William and Mary style, now 57.50 67.50 11.50 12.00 60.00 75.00 55.00 15.00 40.00 29.00 23.00 19.00 Host's Chair to match, now. 13.50 Side Chairs to match, now, each muo 54.00 Golden Oak Buffet, i,oioniai scroll type, now 38.00 Golden Oak Dining Table, 54-inch by 8 ft extension, now 32.00 Golden Oak Dining Table, 54-inch bv 6 ft extension, now 106.00 Queen Anne Buffet, 66-inch, in American Walnut, now SO.WI 78.00 54-inch by 8 ft. Extension Table to match 60.OO 42.50 Serving Table to match 30.00 25.00 Host's Chair to match 18.75 20.00 Side Chairs to match, each.... 15.00 75.00 Tapestry Overstuffed Davenport, mahogany frame 59.00 40.00 Overstuffed Rocker to match, nOW aSU.UU 40.00 Arm Chair to match, now .... 57.00 Arm Chair to match, now .... 42.00 Velour Covered Mahogany Rock er, Queen Anne style, now. . . 45.00 Velour Covered Mahogany Rock er, Queen Anne style, now... . 30.00 Mahogany Wing Back Chairs, cane panelled, now ; 30.00 Mahogany Library Table, Charles II style 70.00 Brass Bed, square tube, slightly tarnished 30.00 45.00 32.50 37.50 22.50 22.50 39.50 We doubt if the next five years will see RUGS as reasonably priced as in this July Sale Among Our Offerings Are the Following: $ 36.00 Heavy Axminster Rugs, slightly mismatched, 9x12, for $25.75 34.50 Bigelow Body Brussels Rugs, soiled, 6x9, for. . . . 23.75 47.50 Hartford Body Brussel Rugs, soiled, 8-3x10-6, for 28.75 12.50 Seamless Axminster Rug, Oriental, 4-6x6-6, for 9.95 18.00 Heavy Axminster Rugs, slightly mismatched, 6x9, for 13.75 80.00 Oval Bundhar Wilton Rug, soiled, 9x12, for. . . . 49.50 115.00 Bundhar Wilton Rug, red; splendid for office.; 9x15, for 59.50 124.50 Standard Wilton Rug, blue; Jaspe center, 10-6x13-6, for 87,50 60.00 Smith Heavy Axminster Rug, Oriental pattern, 11-3x12, for 47.50 12.75 Newcraft Art Rugs, re versible, 8-3x10-6, for. . 9.95 6.50 Reversible All - Fiber Rugs, neat patterns, 6x9, for 4.95 110.00 Hartford-Saxony. Rugs, Oriental styles, 9x12, for 69.00 . 9.00 Bundhar Wilton Rugs, splendid patterns, 27x54, 6.75 12.00 Bigelow Wilton Rugs, fringed, 36x63, for.... 9-95 And many other sizes. Remnants of High Grade Carpets for Rugs; these are all about 1 yards long and neatly bound. Have been used as samp'es for our Cut Order Dept. Values worth double; priced at 75, Sl.OO, $1.50, $2.50, $3.75 Main Floor Remnants of Printed and Inlaid Linoleum in all kinds of lengths and sizes, priced from 15 to 2.50 each. Also we offer sev eral splendid patterns in Burlap backed, Printed Linoleum, all 7 ft. 6 inches wide, slightly damaged by water, but worth 95c a square yard; your choice, at 60t square yard. Bring in the size of your spaces to cover. We can fit them. - 5 Our July Sale of Draperies Offers Curtains Including Muslin, Voile, Marquisette, Cluny, Duchess and Brussels, ranging from $2.00 to 4U.uu a pair. 50 pairs of Single Curtains. . Less Than Half Price 125 pairs of one and two-pair Half Price lots, at ., 250 pairs of three to six-pair One-Third lots, U 3 ..... Cretonnes Many hundred yards of desirable cretonnes, 80 dif ferent patterns to choose from, in lengths ranging from 5 to 45 yards of a pattern. Arranged for clearance in three lots 10 patterns, values up to 75c yard, for, yard 30 patterns, values up to 85c yard, for yard 40 patterns, values up to $1.00 yard, for, yard An additional 30 patterns of exceptionally high grade, ranging in price from $1.25 to $6.00 per yard, radically reduced, in some cases as much as off. 29c 49c 69c Down Stairs - "Common Sense" Wardrobe Trunk This 40-inch Wardrobe Trunk is priced in our stock at $30.00, and is considered good value in every way. The body con struction is of 3-ply veneer, with black waterproof covering of vulcanized fiber; it is fitted with spring lock and lined with fancy green cloth. , The equip ment consists of a full set of hangers, can't-slip compressor straps, shoe box and laundry bag. SPECIAL PRICE COMPLETE, $22.50 18-inch All-leather Bag, lined Sff!?.'.r.. $5.00 24-inch Ladies' Genuine Woven Rattan Suit Case, with leather ciai::... $6.50 i I i a -a '3 a. - i 3 3 Orchard & Wilhelm Co. uuiiuiiiiuuiiiaaiiiiiniiiiiliiliiiiiiaiiiiuiiiiHiiiiiimi.J ,,...i,.i,iim,iMi.1ii,1i,bi.i,.)J.i,.iim11u