Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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Returning Convalescents Now
About Balance List of
Wounded Soldiers.
Washington, July 5. The list of
casualties from the American army
fighting-in France is now being bal
anced by returning convalescents,
whose numbers in the reconstruction
centers like Walter Reed hospital here
have reached an appreciable total.
It is an outstanding fact to all ob
servers that an American youth
smashed by a shell, bomb, or hand
grenade is, notwithstanding, exactly
the same kind of an individual he was
before he went in. High spirited,
mischievous, all personal loss dis
counted and humanly anxious to re
sume any dull round of civilian labor,
they have a tendency to regard the
carefully planned hospital school for
re-educating them to usefulness with
the same distaste that healthy youth
has for the training establishments,
however desirable he may know them
to be.
So a chance visitor to the hospital
expecting to discover a hero is apt
to find a proportion of youths whose
clothes have been taken away from
them to compel them to stay near
their beds. They are likely to be cal
culating intelligently their chances to
shirk irksome routine. Whatever ad-
venture and torture they have lived
is forgotten while their force and en
ergy are entirely devoted to the prob
lem of today.
Vigor Astounding.
v, j i.a n r r iti Til t np it m v ami
normal beings,, undepressed and en
tirely unworried about anything," ex
plained Major Cotton, one of the
chiefs of orthopedic surgery at Wal
ter Reed. "We find these are not ill
people. Their , mental and physical
vigor is astonishing to persons not
familiar with the circumstances."
It is requiring 'a continuation of
'military discipline and considerable
patience and persistence to work out
on this material, the far-sighted plans
for teaching a maimed man a new and
productive trade. The massage, hy
drotherapy, and electric treatment to
restore wasted muscle and shrunken
limb are regarded as splendid, but
the schools are dodged most gladly.
Still, the men are weaving baskets,
and demonstrating intelligent interest
in automobile mechanics, and other
wise submitting to requirements
which are made before they can have
liberty or any leisure.
"See a German?" responded Maur
ice Becker, once a private in the 16th
infantry. "You bet I saw a GeVnian.
Three of them, all at once, one night,
patrolling in frefnt of our post. They
got my buddy with a rifle bullet, and
I was cutting loose with my automat
ic and hand grenades. We got two,
md one of my own grenades got me.
Afraid of Grenades.
Becker explained the suspicion he
had about hand grenades, which is
shared by all soldiers in their first
meeting with that deadly weapon.
"Yah, they tell you it is timed for
five seconds," he announced scorn
fully, "and then one goes off in three
seconds, and the" next goes off in
seven so Fritz can dump it back on
They are going to try and teach
Becker to be an automobile expert
before they send him back home to
Mishawaka, Ind. (
Sergt. Paul Chamberlain, 22 years
old and with six years' military ser
vice behind hini, had a new theory.
'Tin a military tauure, ne an
nounced, after it was explained that
a shrapnel shell had taken away a
good section of one foot. "A fellow
with my experience could have
stepped right along, promotion and
ill, but Fritz picked me off too quick.
N'othing heroic about it; we'd been
,n 20 days in trencli at Toul, and were
going Out at dawn on March 9 when
they tagged me. There's a bunch of
scrap- iron in these Dutch shells, and
it got me.
"Still, maybe I'll be an instructor or
something with the army yet awhile.
Down here, I'm studying poultry rais
ing. One soldier, a mimic, broke up the
discussion by re-enacting the scenes in
the base hospital wards, when English
visitors demanded incessantly, My
word, are you really a Yank? '
Thus, the one grimness about Wal
ter Reed hospital, where '1,100 pa
tients now are housed is the head
quarters map which often adds many
red lines on a blueprint to show ex
tensions building, and more, yellow
lines to show extensions planned. It
does not expend to the wounded who
are back from over there.
They won't let it while they have
a joke lett.
( Spanish Influenza
Sweeps Over Many of
Large German Towns
- Amsterdam, July 5. German news
papers report the rapid spread of
Spanish influenza in Bremen, Ham
' burg and other cities. The Frank
furter Zeitung says some factories in
Frankfo-1 have from one-third to one-
half their workers absent because of
the disease.
The resignation of Dr. Richard von
', Kuehlmann is said by the Rheinische
Westfaelische Zeitung of Essen to be
virtually certain.
Rumors the revived that Germany is
considering an attempt to reach an
agreement to confine air raiding to
towns within the zone of operations.
Vienna dispatches hint the former
' Premier Crernin is again coming to
the front. He had a long audience
, with Emperor Charles, after which he
. i conferred with the premier, Baron
y iiunan.
Armenian Force Occupies
Big City in Transcaucasia
Amsterdam, July 5. Armenian
forces on the aggressive in Trans
, caucasia have established themselves
' well 'within this former Russian ter-
ritorv. according to reports from
. . Kiev.- The latest advices from this
iource, quoted by the Berlin Lokal
? Anzeiger. state that an .Armenian
, ,. force 25,000 strong has occupied the
city of Erivan, 115 miles south of
Tiflis and nearly 50 miles inside the
Store Hours Sdlurdiy
S:S0A31. to
6:00 P.M.
Shoes Skincd and Polished
Second Floor
Friday, July 5, 191&-
-Phone, Douglas 2100
and Sailors
in the
Little Cricket Room
Saturday Afternoon 2:30 to 5:30
The boys in khaki and white duck with their
friends are cordially invited to attend a party given
in their honor in the Little Cricket Room Saturday
afternoon from 2:30 to 5':30.
A special program, including some of the best
instrumental and vocal talent, as well as specialty
numbers, has been provided as the entertaining
There will be no charge for admission. Come
and enjoy a pleasant afternoon.
Women's Pure
Silk Hose
Pure thread silk with lisle
tops, full fashioned, full regular
made foot. Great range of
color selection.
Burgett-Nath Co. Main Floor
rAKE a Premo
Camera withyou
You will find
this a very
s atisfactory
camera, very
compact and
easy to oper
ate, all roll
No. 2 Premo roll film cam
era, size 21ix31i, $5.98.
No. 2A Premo roll film cam
era, size 2x41i, $6.98.
You areoinsured service and
quality if you leave your fin
ishing with us. All work left
before 12:30 ready next day
11:30; all left before 4:00
o'clock ready next day at 3 :30.
Burgett-Nath Co. Main Floor
Charming Georgette Crepe Hats
Specially Reduced in Price to
JUST think of it ex
quisite creations like
these, made of a su
perior quality Georg
ette crepe in white,
pink and navy, at $5.00,
why it seems almost
impossible, but such is
the case here Saturday.
And there is an ex
tensive range of style selection, too distinctive, indi
vidual models that will appeal to the most discriminating
a hat to satisfy every fancy.
Large or small shapes, beautifully tailored and ex
treme values Saturday, at $5.00.
Burgett-Nath Co. Second Floor
Every Traveler Will be Inter
ested In These Trunks and Bags
Hartman Trunks $13.95
36-inch, 3-ply fibre Hartman
dress trunk. An extra value at
Hartman Wardrobe
Trunk $59.50
Burgess-Nash 400 X special
wardrobe trunk. This has been
specially priced for Saturday at
Fibre Suit Cases $1.95
Fibre suit cases with metal
frame and corners. Splendid
value at $1.95 each.
Fibre Suit Cases $4.95
Heavy quality fibre suit cases, made extra strong,
well strapped and priced Saturday at $4.95.
Burgett-Nath Co. Fourth Floor
Extra Special!
An Extraordinary Offering of Georgette Crepe
Involving the Daintiest and Choicest Collection at
A Price Less Than the Original Cost of Making at
The illustration here
will give you some idea
of the style beauty of
the blouses.
V I IN 1-1 C
J "i
Come prepared to select
your season's supply
forthafs what you'll
toant when you see the
mHESE blouses are the best purchase we
X ever made, and rm confident every one
will be sold before the day is gone." That's
what the buyer had to say in her telegram
about her purchase, and we assure you that
since the blouses have been opened up we
heartily agree and believe you will be just as
enthusiastic about the values as we are when
you see them.
The colorings are flesh, bisque, tea, rofce, French blue
and combinations, also white. The material is heavy
georgette crepe of the better sort and the styles include
"slip-over," "collarless, "round,
"V" necks.
"nr.,,- ' "mral" ar,A
Beautifully embroidered, beaded, braided and com
binations of embroidery and beads, also fine tucked mod
els. There's a score or more of the most fetching styles
and you're certain to find your size in the style you like
BurgMt-Naah Co. Stems' Floor
Union Suits
Made of fine quality white
cotton, .with low neck and
sleeveless, knee length, regular
and extra sizes. Special Satur
day at $1.00.
Union Suits
Pink mercerized lisle, with
low neck, sleeveless and knee
length. We consider them ex
treme values for Saturday at
Burgett-Nath Co. Main Floor
RUGS and
Toilet Articles
Pebeco tooth paste, 38c.
Colgate's tooth paste, 10c, 23c.
Racarma toilet water, 98c.
Williams' shaving soap, 6c.
Palmolive shampoo, 39c
Palmolive soap, cake, 10c.
Kirk's witch hazel soap, cake, 8c
1 pint vacuum bottle, $2.00.
Powder puffs (Velonr) 10c.
A work'ng model of the
Durham Duplex safety ra
zor, 15c.
Frostilla bottle for 20c.
Moth proof bags, ex. long, 45c.
Ponds vanishing cream, 17c.
Sloan's liniment, bottle, 16c.
Peroxide, small size bottle, 10c.
Witch hazel quart bottle, 75c.
Bathing Caps at 37c
Buy your bathing caps at
about one - third regular
price. Several thousand
bathing caps of very best
style and highest quality
rubber and your choice of
many designs at 37c.
There's Real Comfort in These Burgess-Nash
$10.00 to $25.00
AND THERE'S an abundance of styls and exceptional value,
too. Every one bears the Burgess-Nash label, which is a
guarantee of worth and satisfaction a realization of the
Burgess-Nash Standard
Of quality, which means the best possible value at any given price;
for Saturday, we feature.
in a wide range of clever styles, combining a distinctive
style character with the superior quality of fabrics, pro
ducing the smartest summer outfit of the season.
Special NoteMen of Stout Build
We have sizes for men of stout build and those who
are hard to fit.
BurgeM-Naah Co. Tout A Floor
"'Straw Hats
At this price we offer a big
selection of sailor straws in
various weaves and shapes, also
Japanese Toyo panamas. All
this season's styles, but specially
priced for Saturday at $1.45.
Panamas, fine split braids,
and soft straw hats reduced to
Burgett-Nath Co. Mala Floor
Men! Here's a Silk Shirt
Special That You'll Appreciate
At $5.65
MADE of a superior quality silk cloth in a very at
tractive assortment of high colored novelty and
neat striped effects.
They are particularly well made in every way fit
perfectly and have the richness of appearance that make
silk shirts so attractive.
You'll find the selection an unusually attractive one
and the values most uncommon.
BurfMiNath Cov Mala Floor
Five Cents as the First Payment
Bring to Your Home Through the NEW ERA PLAN, a
(Standardn Rotary Sewing Machine
It's the surest, safest and the best way ever devised to give
you the best sewing machine at the least expense.
The world's best machine, lock
and chain stitch central needle
"Standard" Rotary
5 c
FIRST PAYMENT immediate de
livery then every week you pay
5 cents more than the previous
week's payment.
Burgett-Nath Co. Fourth Floor
Table of Weekly Payments
'$0.05 I $0.55 I $1.05 $1.55
lit Wee Hth Week 81st WeeV 81tt Week
"JO .60 1.10 1.60
U Weelt 12th WeeV Mi WeeV Hi Weelt
AS .65 1.15 1.65
ti WeeV 13th WV tti WeeV tU Weelr
20 .70 1.20 1.70
4th WeeV lth WeeV 24th WeeV 3th Weeh
5 .75 , 1.25 1.75
6th Week 15th WeeV 28th WeeV 88th Week
30 80 1.30 1.80
th Week 16th WeeV Mth WeeV 8th Week
"J& .85 1.35 1.85
?th WeeV lTth WeeV 27th WeeV 7th Week
0 .90 1.46 1.90
Hth WeeV 18th WeeV 2th WeeV 38th Waek
35 ST- i.45 "J1P;
th Week 19th WeeV 29th Week ment 1UB
0 1.00 1.50 1.95
10th WeeV 20th WeeV 30th Week 39th Week
Including two of the best
makes, for Saturday only
The Automatic
and the
Burgett-Nath Co. Dowa Stairt Store
Men's Summer Union
95c and $1.45
TWO big groups that represent the surplus
stock of a big manufacturer, offered way un
der price.
At 95c
Either athletic or light weight knitted fabrics,
athletic style garments are of fiber silk, checked
nainsook, corded and self figured madras and
cross bar effects; knitted style garments are fine
light weight cotton yarns, fa sleeve, leg, long
sleeves, ankle length, white or ecru.
At $1.45
High grade knitted union suits, fine light
weight lisle, and mercerized lisle, also medium
weight fine cotton and light weight worsted gar
ments, 12 sleeve, leg, long sleeve, ankle length,
sizes 84 to 46.
Burgett-Nath Co Mala Floor.
transcaucasian border