Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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The Omaha' Bee
In ammum rw at mutii m Bee i a .
SaUUe MHwkr tmblkxUoa all dlspstetaee eredlteo
U it t mi MlMnrtM eradlte. to tH '
t.,i.a.ji a. ah piihu a ruhlleeifcai of ant special duoetrMs
e ei
JbaiM-Tht Me BntMlni. nOM?-M' Oil Boilalaa.
'Hratk Onuke Oil If. B. !" Tort !M FlfUs At.
J.lnnnli HiHIle BttUatn. Washington Uil O 1
:Dlv 69.841 Sunday 59,602
A wkt MiedtttM far tte -Math, suba-fibes mi swore to k tWiat
Williams. Oicalatto- ton.
i Subscribers ImtIm tha city ahauld hare Tha Bm mailed
If to than. AeMreea change aa eltea aa requested.
Trotilcy hai ordered out tn army. Watch if
I Old Neptune ought now to know better what
tt t ..i
II II 111 BDOUl.
Incidentally, President Carranxa hai been
t-eanini tnifrtltv fltlitt ftf late.
Turkey'i aultan died just a little too loon to
witness the end of hii empire. 1
We are also feeding a lot of German! now.
X Well, here'i hoping ."Jim! lands- the job. If
ifthere ever was a "deserving democrat,' he'a it.
About th last thing the war will ydo is to
reconcile Americana to the use of earp aa food.
- Ten cents a pound for bread is quite a little
I better than the old price of seven ounces for a
nickel. . ' .
1 Looks as if Omaha anchored that magnificent
'.telephone headquarters building just in the nick time.
If Governor Neville keeps on he will have the
, record for Nebraska in the way of issuing procla-
' matiohs.
!V-:-f..;.. .' r-r ';,.':
'j Not many loafers were found in Omaha when
j'work or fight" went into effect Atmosphere
.We is not conducive to idleness. t
f I, ' ttmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmm
A hint to the Chamber of Commerce; Keep'
iti eye on that Fort Omaha balloon ichool or it
;jfon't be there so very much longer.
I -rf V:;-; . . ,
Making Florence a postal subiUtion of
Omaha will remove one of "Jerry" Howard's
Standing grievances, but he will soon find another.
Among other things, Alaska will contribute
Soldiers to the service of the republic. , "Seward's
::Folly" is more than redeeming all' that, was
.'-Jaimed for it ' ' V' , , .t',
' T wish-to thank America lor the best licking
'tvc ever got,? Says Lord Derby. Yes, and, some
?iay a descendant of Kaiser Bill will utter the
Tiame sentiment' , -
I Just as a nice neighborly act, the Germans
.ni'ned the Cattegat narrows without notifying
-Sweden. The Hun doesn't care who gets hurt
: o long as he hurts someone. ' .
I A Yankee trooper has distinguished himself by
'rapturing a German gun, crew, officers and all,
: single handed. And his ; name it Kukowski.
: Here is a mark for the "Macs" and tha "Os" to
Lhoot, at! ;-.-
j ' -.. Brothers in Blood Reunited.
America arid Great Britain were not permitted
;.o celebrate their century, of peace, as planned
"Jour years ago, but this year they have given to
t:h world a greater manifestation of the possi
bility of concord in thought and purpose between
:wo great peoples. For the first time in 142 years
British reticence broke down' and atatesmen and
'soldiers of the empire unreservedly spoke their
Admiration for -Americans, and with frank
Speech admitted " the justification of the
Revolt of the colonies and the pride
hat Britons feel in the outcome. That the
Rations Stand side by side in arms, battling to
Establish "the reign of law, based upon the con
,hent of the governed and . sustained .by the or
pinized opinion of mankind," is the pledge of
1 their fidelity, and in this fact may be seen the
guaranty of other centuries of peace atretching
.out ahead of them. Brothers have been fully
-nd finally reunited, and humanity will be bene
;'ted by that union, just as It has gained by the
friendly rivalry that hat marked the parallel
'course of these two greatest of all agencies for
the spread of enlightment and the amelioration
"af life for everybody. It was Indeed the greatest
Fourth of July since the first -
' "It is the American workman's answer to a
common foe," said Charles M. Schwab, speaking
of the great splash raised by 100 ships as they
took the water .on July 4. More than that, Jt is
America's redemption of the pledge given the
world. We are now building ships faster than
the submarines are destroying them, and truly
can say that that phase of the battle has been
won. The more important thing, however, is
slowly being brought to pass. That is to destroy
U-boats faster than Germany can produce them.
Naval authorities have agreed that no magic
method of ridding the sea of the pest is to be
hoped for. Strategy, born of hard experience
and close observation, is winning, however.
Sharp and incessant pursuit of the underwater
pirates, relentless vigilance and daring that ap
proaches recklessness, have marked the cam
paign for months, and some results are being
noted. One of these is that the U-boat command
ers no longer operate with the freedom: that
characterized the earlier days of the unrestricted
use of that weapon. Their victims are located
now by chance, rather than design, and fre
quently their efforts bring to them only destruc
tion. '
Some day the seal of secrecy will be lifted
from the doings of . the 'navy and the world will
be given a tale that will thrill all who hear it.
Until then we must rest content on the knowl
edge that launchings are increasing, while sink
ings are fewer; that sea lanes are busy as they
never were before, and that our bulldogs of the
seas are ceaselessly watchful, persistent in their
pursuit of the kaiser's underwater rats.
, Bank Taxes and Liberty Bonds.
Much ado has been made of a ruling by the
Board of Equalization denying Nebraska banks
the right to deduct money invested in Liberty
bonds from their capital stock' valuation and in
such a way as to create a popular misunderstand
ing. It must not be assumed that Liberty bonds
are thus held taxable when in the possession of
banks any more than they are when in the pos
session of individuals. The confusion is cleared
up by the explanation that, under our Nebraska
revenue, lawr banks return their outstanding
shares of capital stock for their stockholders and
pay the taxes for them on a basis of true valua
tion, and the value of the stock is indicated by
its earning power or sale price, which is not
affected by the banks' holdings of Liberty bonds
bought with depositors' money unless it reduces
the banks' earnings. The only deductions per
mitted are for real estate on which taxes are
otherwise assessed. This is a special provision
of Nebraska's tax system applying only to own
ers of bank stock, and, as a matter of fact, saves
them from drastic assessments upon total assets
which would be much more burdensome.
Rubber Supply and Value.
Some interesting information comes in a con
sular report from Singapore relating to the rubber
industry and the Malay peninsula and its relation
to the United States. Production in the planta
tions there has increased' from 69,631 long tons
in 1916 to 115,608 in . 1917, an addition to the
total supply of 45,977 long tons, or 66 per cent for
the year. The selling price per pound has natu
rally sagged under this, the top grade quotation
dropping from 86 cents in 1916 td 56 cents in 1917
and to 44 cents on May 2 of the current year.
Purchases by the United States users have in
creased from' 13,007 long ions 'for 'Hie March
quarter of 917 to 23,604 forl tfte same 'quarter in
1918, This Indicates that the rubber supply avail
able is ample for our uses, aince this has become
not only the principal market of the world for
raw rubber, but almost the sole country in which
extensive manufacture of rubber goods is
carried on. . '
Norway's Growing Grievance'
The toll German U-boats have taken from
the Norwegians is growing longer and sentiment
against the Hun is becoming more and more
bitter among the Norse. It does not matter that
Norway has sedulously tried to maintain neutral
ity; it is true her maritime interests have greatly
profited through war conditions, but ao far as
that might affect the national policy of the
country, it truly can be said Norway had as much
to gain from one as from the other side, and so
has had little interest in especially favoring
either. But the policy of the Hun has taken no
account of this. Each of Germany's neighbors
hat , suffered from aggression or imposition,
and no protest has been potent to secure a modi
fication of this practice. Sweden just now ex
presses indignation that the Cattegat should be
mined by the Hun without notice, but representa
tions from Stockholm will attract little notice at
Berlin, and those from Christiana will get no
more consideration than have been accorded
remonstrances from Amsterdam or Geneva. In
this war the kaiser has no regard for the weak,
and Norway may pursue her future knowing
that her commerce with the world will be at the
mercy of the chance submarine until victory
comes to the allied democracies and the Hun's
power for destruction is ended. s
If Governor Neville's state booze sleuths did
their duty by 100 per cent our Omaha police
would have so . few bootleggers to chase that
there would be no excitement in the game at all
School for Army Chaplains
Only Educational Institution of Its Kind in the World
New York Timea.
The American army chaplain must know
his manual of tactics as well as his Bible.
He must be able to ait a horse and to un
dergo the exposure and strain of trench life.
He must be a soldier as well as an evangel
and a spiritual counsellor; and so there has
been established at Camp Zachary Taylor,
Louisville, Ky., the only educational insti
tution of its kind in the world, so far as can
be learned a school ior chaplains. Its pu
pils represent 18 denominations, and they
are a hefty lot.
In addition to the Presbyterians, the Bap
tists, the Catholics, the Methodists and rep
representatives of other Protestant creeds,
there are a few Latter Day( Saints and mem
beri of the Christian CCamobellite) church;
and there are three negroes, an Episcopalian,
a Methodist and a Congregational preacher.
Graduates ot this school and all the chap
lains of the army are now to be under one
central head Bishoo Charles Henry Brent
of the Protestant Episcopal church of the
diocese of western New York, formerly
bishop of the Philippines, having just been
appointed to that office. The appointment
of Bishop Brent to this position is the latest
. .... i f . i. .
development in ine worK oi organizing mc
chaplains of the army. The bishop has been
for some months in France actively interested
in the work of the chaplains of the Young
Men's Christian association, He has long
been a close personal friend of General
Pershing. He will work from the general
military headquarters. He has under him
two assistants, one Protestant an done Cath
olic, Rev. Paul Dwight Moody, chaplain of
the 103d infantry, who is a son of the late
Dwight L. Moody, and Rev. Father Francis
B. Doherty, chaplain of the Third cavalry
The head of the school at Camp Zachary
Taylor is Major A. A. Pruden, chaplain of
the coast artillery corps, formerly at Fort
Monroe, and who has seen service at Hawaii.
There have been 3,000 volunteers for the
service of chaplain aince the United States
went into the war, and now the men are se
lected by what is called the hand-picking
process. They come in through recommen
dations by their denominations, and a man
who is apparently fitted for the army work,
but may feel that his home duties are too
important to leave has arrangements made
to relieve him. The men must be under 45
years of age, and they range from recent
graduates of theological; seminaries to men
of wide and varied experience in the minis
try. They will see hard service, and the
physical examination which they are obliged
to pass is as strict as that of the men.
It is because America has been so little
of a military nation that so much military
training is required. With the reorganiza
tion of the army, regiments being enlarged
from approximately 1,200 men to a regiment
of 3,600 men, more chaplains are needed for
a regiment One chaplain was provided for
the smaller regiment, and he could not well
serve the nearly tripled number of men. The
Federal Council of Churches of America,
which represents all denominations, took
action in this matter, petitioned for an in
crease in the number of chaplains, suggesting
a bill for restoring the proportion. It was
only on May 27 that the president affixed his
signature to this bill.
Even with that increase in the number of
its chaplains the United States will have a
smaller number than Great Britain, which
allows one chaplain for every 800 men, and
does not consider this enough in ca alry reg
iments. ... , ..
Never before has such emphasis been laid
upon the morale of an army as a factor in
achieving victory, and never before has the
spiritual welfare of the soldiers reciived ao
much attention. These things have all been
important in bringing about a school for
chaplains which, taking men of breadth and
character in the first place, will develop them
to fill the requirements made upon them.
As with the "rookies," the chaplain in his
training camp turns out of bed when the
bugle blows reveille at 6:15 o'clock. He
takes a half hour's setting-up drill and lines
up with cup and plate at 6:45 for the regular
army mess. Class work, after mess, includes
instruction in military law, military customs,
international law, French, military hygiene,
first aid and general lectures on recreational
and amusement work. In the afternoon
there is military drill and . instruction in
A month is a short period to be grounded
in these lines of work, and physical exercises,
particularly, are more or less hard on the
men. However, they have the right spirit
The instructor in riding urges the men to
realize that they were on army chargers
which have dash and go.
"Remember," he calls, taking it for
granted that the students have been country
parsons, "you are not driving the old horse
and buggy now." ,
Chaplains rank as lieutenants and wear
the regular uniform, the only difference being
that where the lieutenant ir the ranks wears
his insignia on his collar, the chaplain wears
a simple cross. Major is the highest rank
that can be taken, and there can be only a
limited number of that rank among the chap
lains. It takes several years before a chap
lain lieutenant can rise above that rank. Some
dissatisfaction has been expressed at this
ranking of the men.
This chaplains' school is for men of the
army only. Navy chaplains get their posi
tions more simply and there is no training.
Chaplain John B. Frazer has been detailed
by Secretary of the Nav Daniels to see to
the navy chaplains. The also have a careful
physical examination, and Chaplain Frazier
sees them personally, the personal equation
having much to do in both army and navy in
the choice of these religious advisers.
The Test at Cantigny
New York Times.
Francois Flameng, the celebrated French
painter, an officer of the Legion of Honor
and a member of the Institute, has written
the following letter to an American friend:
General Headquarters of the 10th Corps,
June 1, 1918. Dear Friend; Although much
fatigued after 15 nights, with hardly any
sleep (the boche airplanes bombarding us
continually), my work having become almost
impossible under the avalanche of obus de
stroying the roads, and smashing the villages.
I cannot resist the pleasure of telling you of
the admiration andjoy of the French army
corps where it is my good fortune to be hos
pitalized, at the splendid conduct of your
compatriots in the affair at Cantigny.
Seeing them work with so much energy,
so much intelligence, good listeners, ques
tioning and studying all the time, our chiefs
had soon discovered the rare quality of the
American, soldiers. But what would be the
practical value of the officers and staff? That
was the quqestion. Welt, the answer came
quickly. Under the constant bombardment,
buried in the cellars of ruined chateaus and
houses, all officers, generals, colonels, majors
and juniors did their duty calmly, eagerly,
with an intelligence always alive. It was soon
Substitutes in Food Control ,
Under the restrictions in the use of sugar
imposed by the food administration various
substitutes are already appearing and their
organized manufacture is said to be only a
matter of time. These are for the most part
syrups made from corn and potatoes and
other starchy products of the soil, and their
employment by bakers, confectioners and
soft drink manufacturers seems to have the
approval of those charged with enforcing the
national food and drugs act of 1906. t
The purposes of that act were to stop the
misbranding of foods and drugs and end the
adulterations which were poisoning a great
part of the country's consumption. Years of
persistent effort have been given to the cor
rection. It has been a slow growth, but it
has been effective beyond the general expec
tation. Its undoing can be quickly brought
about The pressure of high prices and par
ticular restrictions in the consumption of
foods will work powerfully that way. The
situation demands increasing watchfulness.
What has taken years to, build up, weeks
must not be allowed to tear down.
The government encourages the use of
substitutes for wheat as of corn, but they are
neither adulterated nor misbranded nor
deleterious. It will apparently not discour
age the use of substitutes for cane and beet
sugar, but as- long as these substiutes travel
in their own name and are not harmful there
can be no objection. The important point is
to keep the door closed against misbranding
in such cases; for deception, once admitted
in the use of genuine and harmless sub
stitutes, will open a measureless way for the
imposition of quackery and poison. New
York World.
realized that they were model officers, active,
hard-working, capable of assimilating with
extraordinary rapidity the experience and
methods of our old armies. It was a tre
mendous satisfaction, and at once absolute
confidence and mutual esteem were estab
lished, affection followed, and then admira
tion. There is not a French soldier, from
poilu to general-in-chief, who does not speak
of the American troops with emotion. Eyes
and hearts smile at their disinterestedness.
This is the reason that we were not without
anxiety for your debut not that there was
any possible doubt of your courage, of your
contempt of danger, but because one was
moved to see such good friends face death
for the first time, because their lives seemed
even more precious than ours. We French
men have become accustomed to give "our
blood without stint. To die is nothing, our
beloved "patrie" France is everything for the
Therefore, when at 7 o'clock in the morn
ing we watched for American troops to leave
the front trenches, in that most dramatic of
moments when the soldier goes to death and
glory, we had our hearts in our mouths,
but there was a shout of unanimous admira
tion when they leaped out quickly in as per
fect order as on parade, faced the formidable
barrage fire and disappeared in the dark
smoke of obus bursting on all sides. Soon
we saw them coming up to the village and
taking it so brilliantly that it seemed as if an
irresistible force impelled these soldiers
fightng for right and justice. The
proof was conclusive; the American soldier
was truly a great soldier, and one could be
sure that whatever counterattacks might
come he would stand , like a rock against
which the enemy waves would be broken. I
cannot tell you our joy, for you are the hope
of the world; you are the future; you will
bring us victory, and also because you per
sonify to our people the highest feelings of
honor and generosity.
When, on the dangerous roads near the
front, I meet an American poilu covered with
dirt and dust, loaded with his arms and heavy
equipment, sweating and trudging along
without murmur, nay, whistling and singing.
I see again the splendid specimens of human
ity I used to meet "'ith in New York, in Chi
cago, everywhere in America, and when I
think that this American poilu is one of them,
that he has left everything family, affec
tions, comfort, all his interests to come
across the ocean and take his part in this
sacred fight, I cannot restrain my emotion,
and I want to expresi to that lone soldier
the gratitude I feel and which no human
words can express.
Dear friend, it is too wonderful. The
coming of America into this war will ever
remain as the most beautiful and noblest ac
tion in the history of the world. You were
not obliged to come. WL that gigantic hu
man effort of yours, why so many sacrifices
freely consented? Simply and solely to save
the future of civilization and the liberty of
Dne Year Ago Today In the War.
r Officially announced la the Reich
atag that the war coat Germany 125,
300,000 a day.
. State department announced the
torpedoing of American ateamahip
Orleans, with four deaths.
:. July 25 and Dublin were namad
is the date and place for holding the
Irish, convention.
ae Day W Celebrate.
? James B. Jamison, manager Willys-
Dverl&nd company, born 1878.
C. C. Crowell of tha Crowell Lumbar
ind Grain company, born 1874.
Clarence H. Walrath of Walrath A
Therwood Lumber company, born
i XT. 3. Connell, attcrney-at-law, born
lUt. .- - ,: ,
I Theodore T, Lewis, real estate man,
. irn 1841.' . : : -
John Alperson, cigar man, born
lis Day in History. .
1781 After nearly a year of inac
vity at Newport, R. L, the French
-my joined Washington on the Hud-
184 Lord John Rusell became
rltish premier.
r 1877 Plevna, one of the great
rongholda of the Bulgarians, was
ecupied by the Russians.
1S91 A tornado at Baton Rouge,
. a., blew down a penitentiary wall
t kuiea several convincta
J ust SO Years Ago Today
The Star Union Freight line has es
tablished Its general western agency
in this city with Jules Lumbard of
Chicago in charge
Thermometers about the city regis
tered 99 degrees at 10 o'clock last
night ....
- Ticket No. 8001 drew the gold
watch at the Edea muse drawing.
Howe's 10-cent circus opened at the
corner of Eighteenth and Charles
streets. The show will remain here
for two weeks.
Miss Sue Brady, daughter of Col
onel Brady of Fort Leavenworth, is a
guest of her brother, C. T. Brady, of
North Nineteenth street
;, The Lure.
He There are 80,000,000 microbes
In a single plate of ice cream. .
She Oh, let's have some! How
delightful to get so much of anything
tor so little money. Baltimore Amer
ican. i:
Talk of State Editors
York Demccra.. There is now a
good chance 'vr th j fellow who stands
around and says that he wishes the
government would accept men of his
age aa soldiers. He can go out and
help harvest the wheat crop.
Hastings Vrlbune: The man who
is anxious to make money out of
present war conditions must be first
cousin to the one wr.- used his wife's
funeral as a favorable occa on to
drum up some new customers.
Hebron Register:: The hiasewlfe
goes to hsr grocer and finds that she
can buy only a limited amount of
sugar, but when she goes downtown
she may buy as much candy, which is
composed largely of sugar, as her
pocketbook will permit
Dixon county Advocate: The Oma
ha Bee Is keeping a close tab on war
events and observes that no published
list of casuamies gives the name of
HohenzoUern.- We told you so the
Hohensollerns sacrifice the Germans,
but are careful to keep out of the
danger sons themselves.
' Battle Creek Enterprise: Yes, we've
had our first mess of new potatoes.
Our wife planted 'em, our wife hoed
and hilled 'em, ou. wife dug 'em and
our wife coiked 'em. There is noth
ing remarkable about any of these op
erations so tar as the old man is con'
cerned and he la n r going to stand on
tha street corners and brag about It
like some of you fellows are doing.
It's just a matter of conserving your
own mei. - . rlcal abilities for
weightier problems, while the woman
does the work. It's easy if you can
gei away wun it
Editorial Shrapnel
w.n 9trat? .Trttiriml? Carman epi
demic of Influenza does not change
the fact that the American troops are
not to be sneezea at
Ti.Aniriim TTntrln? Rarmanv's "one
-- " -r - "
supreme enemy" was England in 1914.
Today it is Russia. The German peo
ple require a "change in feed."
e filnha Democrat: Mr. mrl inch an aarnast defanaa
of sauerkraut that one can guess what
sometimes appears cn nis wDie.
St Louis Globe-Democrat: In Ger-
.nn a fnrAtirn minister aeema to
serve the purpose of the "unauthor
ised" Interview as a feeler out ot pub-
lio senumeni, .
Minneapolis Journal: The man who,
three months ago, made it his duty to
put the cat out at night has now
transferred nis activities to tno pan
inner ma iceoox.
Poltlmnrn AmnHrnnr If tha sub
marine campaign has brought Eng
land to her knees, It is only in prayers
of thanks that the menace has passed
away in irimiesa euui u
T.nnlinrllln Pniirlor-.Tniirnal Tt is
said that the sugar regulations may
rorbld tne saie or cnocoiaxe sunaaes ai
soda fountains. The hardships of war
must oe Dorno wun loruiuao, cut,
ain't it awful, Mabel T
New York world : it would nave
ka.n ImnAfiMfht. tn rnnvlnr- tha third
George of England that the fifth
George would one aay eat bucKwneai
cakes in an American canteen at his
capital and practice base ball to par
ticipate In a Fourth of July celebra
tion. ,
Twice Told Tales
A Language Hoarder.
Harry Lauder said In one of his
Red Cross appeals in Chicago:
"Give generously. Give lavishly.
Give wastefully. Don't be like the
"We Scotch are supposed to be
thrifty even of speech. There's a
story about a Peebles couple who had
a boy that they believed to be a mute,
for up to his 10th year he never said
a word.
"One day his father and he were at
work in the hay field, and, getting
thirsty, they made their way toward
a jug of cold tea.
"The father took the Jug r.ud began
to drink. As he gulped the tea down
slowly the thirsty boy said:
" 'Make haste!'
' "The father put down the Jug in
"Why, Tam,' he said, you're talk
in!' Why didn't you never speak
" 'Naught for to say,' said Tam.
Chicago Herald.
Returning Favor.
"So you and Nexdore are not on
speaking terms."
"We are not"
"What" s the matter?"
"Why, he sent me a box of axle
grease and advised me to use it on
my lawn mower."1
"Well, I sent it back and told him
to use it on his daughter's voice."
Louisville Courier-Journal
For Crippled Hen.
New York, July 1. To the Editor
of The Bee: The public has too often
confused the idea of a cripple with
that of a beggar. The resulting re
action has done a great injury to the
cause of the self-respecting disabled
man in regarding him as a subject
for charity, but not for trade training
and employment
To be sure, there is historical prec
edent for this attitude, for in past
decades and centuries various peoples
have condemned the cripple to the
status of roadside beggar, or at best
employed him as Jester or court fool.
And in our experience there is justi
fication in the view because we have
seen many cripples at street corners,
making public exhibition of their de
formity or amputation and soliciting
alms of the passersby. The number
of these beggars is small in compari
son to the great body of physically
handicapped men who are usefully
employed, but the few have vigorously
advertised, have made a considerable
Impression on the susceptibilities of
the community and have reaped a
profitable harvest. A bank teller re
ported recently the case of a crippled
street beggar who deposited In a sav
ings account after paying his living
expenses, $40 weekly.
That the beggar cripple has been
permitted to ply his trade is a great
injustice to the disabled men of char
acter and independence. The practice
should have been stopped in the past;
it is absolutely necessary that it be
prohibited in the future. For with
the expectation of our soldiers who
will return disabled from the front,
the public should have no excuse for
associating their prospective career
with that of the mendicant. On the
contrary, every influence should be
brought to bear upon the public to
show that physical disability is an ob
stacle, but easily superable with char
acter and ambition; and that the crip
ple may be made into' a useful and
productive citizen.
In several cities there have been
inaugurated campaigns to drive the
crippled beggar from the streets and
give him the alternative of productive
employment or a stay in Jail. Such
efforts should be imitated in every
community and persevered In until
the unfortunate conception of the
cripple shall exist no more.
Such activity may well be under
taken as a first step in preparation
for the return of our disabled soldiers
and sailors. '
Director Red Cross Institute for Crip
pled and Disabled Men.
Municipal Market
Omaha, July 8. To the Editor of
The Bee: Why is nothing being done
about our drying plants, that had such
a splendid start last year? The equip
ment . that the members of the
Woman's Voters' Conservation league
worked so hard to procure Is ready
for use. What is the matter? Is it
because of the present produce market
conditions in Omaha? Is it useless
to start a drying plant when we can't
afford to buy anything to dry? About
as useless as to have plenty of canning
demonstrators and little we can afford
to can, saying nothing about the dual
ity of the produce we have been
offered this spring.
Hasn't the produce been awful?
Now we that have gardens know how
nice and tender this produce is when
gathered, and yet when we get these
same vegetables vi.. the Omaha market
and the average grocery store, what
are they? Well, they are hardly fit
to eat, and the price, not what the
hard-working gardener got, but what
we paid for a 2-day-old inferior veg
etable. Why can't we buy fresh vegetables?
Where is that municipal public mar
ket we were , to have? . : .
What happened to that lease that
was being arranged?
Who sidetracked our market?
(Maybe Jerry Howard can find out).
We need several markets, one in
South Omaha close to Sarpy county
farmers, one in Benson, Dundee, Flor
ence and one .downtown; but one
would be a good start.
Now, there are plenty of vacant lots
that could be leased, and a long, frame
shed is all that is needed. What a
little undertaking for any one of our
energetic woman's organizations. The
women of other cities have made a
success of public markets. Why
can't Omaha? And give the house
wife and the gardener a square deal.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union put across prohibition; the
Omaha Woman's club has done some
fine things, so has every other woman's
organization. . Why can't the women
of Omaha, In the name of United
States victory, put across a municipal
market? . THE BUSY MOTHER.
Why Permit Such Waste?
Omaha, July 4. To the Editor of
The Bee: A well-posted man who
knows Just what he is talking about
told, me this week of a form of waste
that should not be permitted any
longer. He told me that every day
there is left from 50 to 100 bushels
residue of corn that Is not eaten by
stock at the stock yards, and that a
large part of that corn is simply
flushed down into the sewer and goes
to waste. If this statement is true, it
Is time something was done to stop a
waste that in a year amounts to from
15,000 to 30,000 bushels of corn that
is worse than wasted, when it would
feed thousands of poultry or pigs
owned by private families,
Much as we despise the German
system, such waste would not be per
mitted for a minute In Germany, and
those guilty of such waste would be
taken out and shot
With a tremendous shortage of all
kinds of food for next winter threat
ened by the lasting drouth, it is time
something was done to save the corn
that is wasted every day at the stock
yards, and I am told that it has been
going on for yeara
Some sort of system for the preser
vation of this corn that goes to waste
every day should be found and the
stock yards company should be com
pelled- to adopt - that system, for it
means a good deal to the people ot
the country with, so many things in
the eating line made short by the fail
ure to get rain .in time to save them
and make them grow and mature. It
we as private consumers arei- com
pelled to conserve,' the great corpora-i
tlons should be comrelled to conserve
too. ' '
It is a shame and disgrace that auchi
a vast amount of food products should
be flushed down into the sewer, where)
even rats cannot get it to eat Tha
waste should be stopped, and I hope
that the proper authorities will at
once take steps to save this vast
amount of wasted corn.
"Tha Fourth of July i-n't what It ase4
to W
"No. Wa nid to think about tha lira,
works and forget tha patriotism. - Now w
think about tha patriotism and forget thi
fireworks," Washington Star.
"1 once knew a man who waa 'maklnf
money so fast that he had to go Into ae- r
elusion for quite a while."
"Did he have a nervous breakdown?"
"No; he went to the penitentiary foi
counterfeiting." Baltimore American.
' "The Germans were very much aurprlee
and worried when they first met the BrltisB
tanks." " )
"les, but think of their feellnge whet ,
they met the American army mule." Balti
more American. ,
"Were rou ever arrested for speedlnf
refore?" asked the Judge. '
The chauffer flushed angrily. "What
.oee your honor think I've bees dolni :
ill these yeara pushing a wheelbarrow."
Houston Chronicle.
"Mamma, when people are In mourning
do they wear black nightgowns t"
"Why, no. of course not." ,
"Well, don't they feel Just aa bad al
night as they do In the daytime?" Hons- "
ton Post.
"So - you think English expresses thought
more aocurtely than German?"
"Undoubtedly: if a man saya I'm,foin
to Paris In English, ha goes there. . Bui ,
If he saya It In German, he never does." .
Washington Star.
m. H. vnr. ar. married.
U.UUl,l, UU.T .ua. j i -
I want you to learn to cook spinach, erg
plant and other summer vegetables."
wny, ma, x mougm you pui wt nun
In the tireless cooker and let It cook Itself."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
If w'
Hospe iSays
How Much
Prettier Those
- Would Be
if they were nicely framed. No ,
doubt you have had this very
thought, but have been putting
off setting them framed.
Why wait any longer? Delay
means that those pictures will
become soiled or possibly brok
en, also increasing the fram
ing cost.
Undoubtedly you have among"
' your collection treasured pic-
tures of beautiful scenery and
photos of loved ones that should
be framed. . . . .
Better bring them in at once".
,Our beautiful frames and artis
. tic workmanship are pleasing to
.the most, particular. The ex
; pense is a matter of your own
desire. .,
"Pictures framed with loving
care." .
1513-15 Douglas St.
W A i lry Ml II si HI IIP HI I III IMDlwmWIMsMm
Our reputation ! positive guarantee
of tha high character of tha funerals fur
nished by this house. Our thorough
equipment and wise experience assures
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erly conducted and wa price it correctly.
Funeral Parlor, (Established 18A8)-
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Nicoll Tailoring has
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the man who wants
fee to be well turned out
made to order at a moderate cost
- t Sak-aeSSF- W
To kep our Tailors active beween seasons.
Suit and Extra Trousers
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Well Dressed Men Create a Good Impression Everywhere
NTCOIALi The Tailor
Karbach Block " r 2092 lllSouth 15th Street