ig ' --Savings Evidenced by the Low- Cash Prices ."n Seasonable Merchandise in Our July,-' Clearing Sales Liii.liiaii; m i;Baaiiii)ii(!iii:iHSHaHi:iiiriiiTiuBiii:inMtnanaMiiiiiMiiaiiaiii4iiBiiBiiiiiiiatii!snaiBiiiita;iai!t:jia!fsiiiiBiiaii S .:,'.'--;.:) V ' ! , - ... - . . . S a . Special July Clearance Sal 3 s ' ', : . ... s I Pearl Necklaces for Summer Wear I HiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini St July Claaranca Speciala .'9 Saturday Is Drug and Toilet Day The beautiful Pearl Necklaces la tba daintiest and molt aullabla. Beck orna 5 ment for summer wear. We are show- tag a complete stock at Terr low eaib 5 : prieei during our July Clearance Sale.. $5.00 Flue French and Oriental ; Pearl s Neckleees Neck and . Opera lengths, s solid gold estches, matched and gradu- 5 ated beeds, fuie colors. Cash price $2.95 lni:ni:ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiMliiliiliiiiiiiii!iiiliili!liili!liiiiii;ii!:i!!ii 1.25 Fine French and Japanese Pearl a Beads Neck and graduated beads, gold 5 gold filled catches. Our Special Cash ' Triea 75c $7.50 Large Six Long Opera Purl " Necklaces Fine color, perfect gradua- 5 tlon. Cash Price .&M .' 5 50c, 75c. 51.00 Novelty Bead Necklacea All ' sizes and atyles ; not many of . g each. ' Cash Price - .29c 2 i;i 39e French Rica Powder All Shades. Our Price 19c 20c Jap Rosa Talcum Price. .... ,10c 50e Face Powders This lot includes Pouoni's. De Luxe, Jardin da Rose, Our Cash Price , 29c 25c Hudnut'a or Woodbury's Cold Cream Tubes Cash Price ,19c Tanty'a Jasmine or Lilac Cash Price, f per oa .59c $1, Gem or Ereroady Razor Military is seta. Cash Price ; 85c 25c Bug Skiddom Cash Price.... 19c 10c Hardwater Castile or Trilby Soap 5 Our Cash Price 7c 9 &4 Opon Saturdays Till 7 P. M. - Opon Saturdays Till 7 P.M. The Gash Store m I ETary Day I Special Price Day in Our Prescription Department f i!BBnB.BiiBiiB:ai:atiB!iaitB;iai!Bi;ananaiiaKaiiaiiB:!BBiiauaiia)iaiiaaa!taiiBnaiisiiaiiaMaiiBiianaiiaHai!ai!ananBi!Bt;Bi!anaiBiiaiiaTi , :!l!li:lMiiiiiiii!iiiiiiliiiiiiii:iniiiliiliililltili:liiiiitiiliiliiliu ( P7 July Clearance Pricings on Saturday the Last Day of the Great Sale of m r Iff AYBEN' Hart Schaffner m u Si r2 six J B -a! SI m 1-3 Pi -I ,-y; m - r- "i If 3 i 1 J I I I - vv omen s summer Apparel That mean big savings to those taking ad vantage of these specials. 250 Beautiful New Silk Dresses In taffeta, messalines, crepe ae cnines ana a lew ;nne serges ; remarkable value at our Special Cash Price, Saturday Hundreds of Dainty Summer Dresses Made to sell at $8 to $15 ; in two big special ti. r- tU 1 lots. July Sale Cash K K-H I 1 1 Price, Saturday T K A v messannes, $15 An Immense variety of classy styles in voiles, lawns and ginghams, all colors and white, in complete range of sizes: Misses' 16 to 20, women's 36 to 46. Also Big Assortment of Stouts to Size S3. Stylish Wash Skirts Usually sold at $4 and $5. Nob- oy, narrow, colored stripe effect. uome in an size; 24 to 36. Cash Price Silk Taffeta Skirts A big line of classy new styles, in all sizes; plain colors and fab rics Cash Trice Special $6.95 u stripe eiieci. $2.95 500 Beautiful Blouses In Georgettes, crepe de chines; in plain col- tl A C ors, embroidered and beaded effects; Special Cash Price Saturday. p4xJ70 A new line of extra size Blouses, sizes to 54, just received, will be placed on sale Saturday at most attractive special prices. . Many Splendid Money-Saving Specials in Our July Clearance of Children's 't s' Apparel, Second Floor, Saturday ; , Only' t few of the many special values here listed:. :,.'. $5.00 Children's Wash Dresses Little tots' sizes 2 to 6 and children's C to 14, in the season's many styles; made to sell up to $1.50. . . . .79 Children's Middies Sizes 6 to 14, elegant values. Cash Price Saturday.... 91.00 Middies Separate skirts, for children . . $1,98 Children's Wash Dresses Sizes 6 to 14, in col ors and white, that were made to sell at $2.C0. Our Special Cash Price for Saturday... 81,40 July Clearance Sale Ladies' Underwear Envelope Chemise -Worth $2. Saturday Cash Price. . . . .98d Odd Lots and Sample a of Gowns, Skirts, Combination and Envelope Chemise Worth , to $3.00. Our Saturday Cash Price ... .. $1.50 Silk and Satin Envelope Chemise Worth to $5. Satur day Cash Price. . .$2.98 Silk and Nainsook -Camisoles and Corset Covert Worth to $1. Cash Price. . 65 Ladies' Jersey Knit Union Suits $1 'Values. Saturday Cash Price . .69 50c Union. Suits-Price...35. AH-Wool Bathing Suits Our Cash Price. . . .. . ..$5.00 Up Fine , Quality Cotton Bathing SuiteWorth to $3. Cash Price' , : . . . . .$1.00 $1.98 Children's Bathing -Suits All sizes, i Cash Price . ...... 65d Children'a Black Sateen Bloomers All sizes. Cash Price Saturday ...... ... . . . . . 50 Ladies' Fancy ; Yoke Vests 60c values. Cash Price... 25 Children's . Union S u i t a All sizes. Cash Price. .;. .'. . . .35fr Showing Saturday of New Crepe and Velvet Hats We put on display Saturday about 200 new All-Velvet and Velvet Combination Hats,1 of Crepe, Malinc and Satin. These Hats represent the latest style tendency ror early fall wear. A decided departure from the past season's mode. Priced at $5, $7.50 and $10 White Milan Shapes d1 7C $2.50 Values at .... pl.lD This special purchase of 12 dozen go on sale Saturday. Six smart, new styles to choose from. Choice of All Children's Hat in Our StockEvery hat included ; values to $3.00 ; white and A N colors. 'On sale Saturday at Our Special MS I Cash Price V1 Exceptionally Low' Cash Prices in tj -; Our July Clearance of Hosiery 4-' , s" L' 4V Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose Clocked and embroidered de signs; also plain colors; worth up to $2.25. Cash Price... .$1,75 Women's Silk Hote Black,, white and colorsi regular and ' out sizes, 11.25 val ues. Saturday Cash Price! 855 Women's Mercerized Lisle Hose All colors, regular and extra sizes. 40c quality, on sale for cash .;.......'.'...'.29f Children's Half Hose With fancy top; a large assortment of colors. Special Cash Price Saturday .....29 iteneiieimtiBitBiiBiieiieiiaMeiiatiauBiienBiteneiiaiiaiiaMsiiaiiBitBiiBtiaiiaiiaiteuBiiBMBiiaHBtiatiaitsltiaiienaiieiiaiiBiiaiiaiiaiienai B S ' m i a Big After-the4th Shoe Sale Clearance Specials You Can't Afford to Miss Women's $4 Values in Patent and Kid Two-Strep and Eight-Bar Strap Slippers With medium and French heels. Hayden's Cash Clearance Price v. ...... . . . .$2.45 Woman White Canvas Two-strap and small sizes in women's white canvas button $3.50 shoes. Hayden's Clearance Price only .-$1.50 Mens Gun Metal, Lace and Blucher Shoes All sizes, $4.00 values. Hayden's Cash Clearance Price $2.05 Odd Lots of Misses' and Child's Patent Strap Slippers And child's white canvas button and lace shoes; good $2.50 values. Hayden's Cash Clearance Price SRI .SO and Youths' Goodyear Welt Button Oxfords - 0 values. J i ;j Boy' and Youths' Goodyear Welt Button Oxford - (f 1 "1 s i lanananaiiaueiiaiiaiiaiiaNaiiaiiaiiaiiaNaiiaiiai.eiiatiaitaiiBhiiiaiisiia.ianaiiaiiansnaiiBiiiiiaiiaiiaManaiitimiiaiiiaiiaiiaiiSKaiili ; & Marx $30 and $35 Suits . .Men's and Young Men's Two and - Three-Piece Styles. Our Special Cash Price Saturday Every suit guaranteed by both Hart Schaffner & Marx and ourselves, the same as if sold at the regular retail prices. The best assortment of newest Spring and Sum mer, 1918, styles in these good clothes shown west of Chicago. Guaranteed all-wool fabrics; an im mense variety of choice patterns. Snappy distinct styles for the young fellows and plenty of conservative models for older men and the more conservative dressers. Remiln' stnnfs longs, stubs; all sizes. C9WtUhtm,Hlrtntt&M Make your selections Early Saturday Necessary Alterations FREE Palm Beach, Mohair and Kool Kloth Suits in Immense Variety The very best qualities our money or yours can buy. Styles, colors and sizes to suit all. Ask to see them Saturday. Two Rousing Specials Saturday In Mens Furnishings Men's Summer Men's AthUtic Shirts lrr1 Union DUltS Usually Sold at $1.25 Worth to $1.50 .The Shirts Include an immense variety of new patterns in fine quality percales and madras, nearly all soft cuff styles. Values you'll find unequaled elsewhere. The Union Suits Come in the popular athletic : styles in" several well known makes, in good quality nain sooks, well made, all sizes. m July Clearance Specials Neckwear and Veilings Circular Veils A splenldid assort ment, in black and taupe, with chenille borders; regular 75c val ue. Cash Price . . . . 50tf Chiffon Veils 2 yards long, in all shades; regular $2 values. Cash Price Saturday 81.49 Organdy Collars and Cuff In flesh, Copen, maize and white, trimmed with net ruffling and Venice lace, worth up to $1.75. Cash Price Saturday $1,25 Organdy and Pique Collars and Cuffs In many pretty styles, worth 75c. Cash Price 50 Net Fichui-T-Trimmed with val lace and side plaited ruffling; worth up to $1.75. Our Saturday Cash, Price $1.25 Satin Vestee White roll collar, regular $2.25 values. Saturday Cash Price $1.75 July Clearance Specials IN Women's and Misses Sweaters - Second Floor Corset Section Slip-Oa Waist Line Sweaters Without sleeves, in rose, Kelley, 'lavender, etc. Values to $4.98, at.......... .$2.25 $7.98 Slip-On SweateYa With brushed collar and cuffs of contrasting colors, in Nile green, brown, purple, etc.- Our Cash Price Saturday. ....... . .$4.98 Lightweight Summer . Sweaters Made of Shetland yarn, in rose and Copen ; all sixes; $10 values, at Sa.Kfl Odd and Ends of Yarn In all colors, regular 30c a skein.' On fale Saturday at, Cash Price. ,y. . . . .15 Natural Wool for Seeks All worsted, none better made. Our Sat urday Special Cash Price . . . v , , . , , . , , , . . $1 ,10 iISliIW lnllii,Mi:; i t1 Superior .Values in . Summer House. 1 Furnishings . Oalr a few of the maay aaviaf aps clala Ustsd. Yanll find ear Cash Pries a all Mads ef House Furnishing and Tool extrasjMly low.; ' Electric House Fane Cash Pries. .$5.85 Rsfrlgtrator Watar Cooltrs Cash Price, tt BOc-eOe 10-Glo Water Coolers Oar Cash Price 4.. i.....". $7M Viln. Moulded Garden Hose Cash Price, per toot 13e Vt-ln. Moulded Cardea Hose Cash Price, per toot ISe Heaa Nonlee Cash' Price ,. 9c 6-foot Braced Step Laddar Csh Price $2.00 90-lb. Capacity White Mountain Rafrif erator Goldrn oak eases, whita enamel finish. Cash price S26.S0- Wooden Hose Reel Cash Price..$tS IS-ln. Hand Saw Cash Price. .. .$1JI5 Cobbler's Outfit Cash Price. ...$1.35 Shlntlinr Hatchet Cash Price. .$1 00 Meat Sasrw Cash Price ..4Re Steel Tin Snips Cash Prire ....... 80c T-in. Block Plane Cash Price ..... tc Two-Hole Laundry Gas Plate Cash Price , J2JS Here'a Some Big Special Interesting Grocery Prices. FOR OUR JULY SPECIAL SALE . 24-lb. Sackr Pure .Rye. Flour-.;.$!. 6aJ to isars uiamond u or Swifts Pride Laundry Soap ...v t . ,3c Lux Washing Compound, pkgv. . .lie . 8 cans Old Dutch Cleanser; .230 Six -os. cans Condensed. Milk. . ...28c Four I6-01. cans Condensed Milk. .38' The Best Domestio Macaroni. Venai , eelll or Spaehetti. package . ... 7Vt 4 lbs. Choice Japan Rice ....... ,3Sc 5 lbs. Barley or Corn Floor ......35c 6 lbs. Best Rolled White Breakfast Oatmeal ....................... 35c The Best Hand-Picked Navy Beans, per Jb. ... ...l2Mie Tall cans Pink Salmon 19o Tall cans Fancy Red Steak Salmon, at 25c-30c - Cora Flakes, pke. .8 l-3c No. 1 cans Pork and Beans ....6V3e . 22-os. jars White Bear- PreserTes. .28c Large bottles. Fancy Pickles, eight varieties 23c Fancy Queen Olives, bottle ..tOc-tSc , Fancy Sweet Cookies, per. lb. .......18c Fancy Ripe Olives, per can ...... 10c Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup... 65c Pint bottles Kamo Grape Juice.... 23o Quart bottles Kamo Grape Juice. . . .40c DRIED FRUITS FOR SAUCES, PIES AND CAKES . .Choice California Prunes, lb..,.. i. 10c Choice. Mair Peaches, lb '. . 14c - Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb...".."- 12V,e Fancy Bartlett Pears, lb 19c Fancy Crab Aoplts, lb. v. 15c Fancy Moose Park Apricots, lb...c.2Se Fency Seeded Raisins, pk. ....... 8 I -3e 29-ot. jar Pare Mince Meat...... 20e Fancy English Walnuts, lb. 30c Licenses No. G-1I496 French Roasted Peanuts, lb. ..... .20c THE, TEA AND COFFEE MARKET - . OF OMAHA For Ieed Tea, try our Famous Diamond H Blend; nothing finer, lb 40c Fancy. Long-Tipped Japan Tea, fins ' drink, per lb. 48c Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, tha talk of Omaha, per lb. 20c Choice English Breakfast Tea, lb... 48c -Fancy Ceylon or Gunpowder Tea, the highest standard of quality. ib....S8c Fancy Maraeaibo Blend Coffee, ib..25c Fancy Porto Rico Blend Coffee. Ib..Z5c Choice Basket Fired or Sun Dried Japan Tea. per lb .'. 39e OMAHA!5 GREATEST VEGETABLE MARKET 16 lbs. New Potatoes to peck 50e S bunches Green Onions Sc S bunches Fresh Beets Sc "4 bunches Fresh Carrots or Turnips. !se New Cabbage, per lb. 5C Fancy Head Lettuce, head . . . .7!,c-10c Fancy Leaf Lettuce, four for So 2 bunches Fresh Parsley g0 Fancy Call Cantaloupes, ech....7,e Large Juicy Lemons, dosen 40c Sea Our Line of California Fruits'and Barries. The Lowest Prices In the Citv BUTTER. EGGS. CHEESE. ETcT All Goods Kept Under Refrigeration fresh Eggs, per dosen 99c Fancy Bulk Creamery Butter, lb.. . . 43c .y, m.ninruis, 10. ....... Fresh Bulk Peanut Butter, lb. . . Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb Taney N. Y. Cream Cheese, lh.' Brick Cream Cheese, lh..,. aTiiJr7. i n "' fickle, of all Kinds at Lowest Cash Prices. 30c 25c 27e 30c 25c Wonderful Values in PANAMA and STRAW HATS -Saturday-Genuine South Ameri can Panamas Regu lar prices up to $6.00. Cash Price Saturday, at .$2.75 Luzon Panamas and Genuine Leghorns Values to $5.00. Cash Price ..........$1.95 1,000 Sennits and Split Braids Yacht shape, values to $2.00. Cash PriQe Saturday . . . . 75c Superior Values -in- Boys' Clothing Boys' Wash Suits In variety of colors; sizes 2Ya to 8 years; values to $1.25. Saturday. 39 Blouses for Boys In the wcl known K. & S. raake ' , All ginghams and percales 75& Blue chambray 85 Madras, crepes, black satins $1 Regulation Khaki Blouses For Boy Scout or camp. . . .1.75 Boys' Hats and Caps A splen did line of boys' straw, poplin and light weight hats. . . .75 Boya Caps In four-piece top and trench models, at. . . .652 New Arrival in the Boya' Clothing Department At val ues of about one-half next fall's prices. Saturday at .-.$5.50 to S15 Boya Wash. Pants In light patterns, sizes 4 to 18 years; values to $1. Saturday. . .39, Boya' Dept. Third Floor -1 iMIlilllllll.llllllllllftlllllllllllilllil! I YOU'LL GET CHOICEST MEATS OF ALL f i - KINDS AT LOWEST CASH PRICES IN ! -S HAYDEN'S SANITARY MARKET H SAVINGS AND SATISFACTION A M I . CERTAINTY I g Sugar-Cured Hams, lb.. . 26c I Cal. Style Hams, lb 24c &f Breakfast Bacon, lb. . .... .35e Dry Salt Pork Bellies.... 28c - ?J' SB Fancy Dressed Chickens, J ..lb. 24 Kc I Fancy Rib Roast,1 lb. . . i .'. 30c ..Fancy Pot Roast, lb. 224e Pork Loin Roast, lb..,. . .22c Pork Sparc Ribs, lb.. ... 14c I Veal Roast, lb. 25c f Veal Stew. lb. . '. . . . .'. ... 16c Dry Salt Pork Jowls, lb., .19e All kinds of Fancy Siusage and Smoked Meats in Delica- - tessen. 5 J ' m K31 . ' . - 5 en's First-It Pays I ''liiiiyiliniiip ,