THE BEST PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE BEST CITY IN THE PROSPEROUS MIDDLE-WES The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Fair VOL. XLVIII.- NO. 16 Enter ti Mnid-cltM itttsf Ma , , I Omaha P. 0. wdw Ml al March 3. 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1918 20 PAGES Br Mall (I yr: Dalit. 14 SO: 8udf. i.W; Dill aa Sua, M: aattldt Ntk. tottaaa anra. TWO CENTS MQgii mm mm , .n WD GERMANS REPULSED AT ISABEL Attempts to Retake Village Captured by Australians Eas ily Stopped; Big Guns Busy in Ypres Region. By The Associated Press. The British front east of 'Amiens, on each side of the 'Avre and along the Somme . river, seems to be the storm center of the battle , front in France. Australians, assisted by American detachments, on July 4, drove the Germans out of Hamel and the Vaire and Hamel woods,' to the south at the , same time launching a secondary attack on the Ger man positions north of Somme Since that time the. lines before Amiens have been .very active. The Germans have been repulsed in fen attempt' to retake the village o! Hamel and the wooded positions further south. The British official report says the enemy was stopped easily but the Germans claim to have checked the British forces east of Hamel and to have thrown them back to their original lines at Villers Bret toneux. American Front Calm. "With the exception of aerial com bats,, the American front -has been : calm. ' ; The German official statement tells of British attacks in the Ypres region, adding that. : they were repulsed. ' eavy ariuiery nre in mis neignuor hood Is reported from London; ; The French have been content to hold tnd consolidate their new posi tions near Moulin Sous-Touvent and t Autreches' northwest of ? Soissons, .wlfr 4 . Iwn nn TTrvnrU alfnrV-c " the, Germans suffered severe tasual " ties. ; The French war office says during the past day 'there has been heavy artillery firing near Cutry and Montgobert southwest of Soissons. ? Italians Lines Extended. s Italian forces operating near the mouth of the Piave, have continued to make progress, .faking more than 400 prisoners, as well as a battery of cannon and many machine guns. .In the mountain region, the Italians have extended their lines northeast of Monte Grappa and. have repulsed desperate counter attacks by the Austrians against positions taken from the enemy in the Italian drives week ago. - Finland Menaces Allies. Stockholm reports that Finland is expected to declare war on the entente allies. This is probably the result of German pressure incident to the land ing of allied forces at Kola, on the Murman coast. It has been reported that German and Finnish troops are pushing northward toward' the port of Kola to seize vast stores transported there before Russia's collapse as a factor in the war. Unrest in South Africa. Two rumors of internal dissension ' have been current. One is to the effect that the death of Mohammed V., Sultan of Turkey, was not due to natural causes, but the result of a revolt in that country. The other comes from South Africa, where it is reported considerable unrest exists and where strong measures are being taken to cope with the situation. The Weather - For Iowa Fair Saturday and prob ably Sunday: warmer Sunday and in west portion Saturday. i Temperatures in Omaha TeMerdaj-. f Hour. Desc. 6 a. m 6" R a. m 62 7 a. m 62 8 a. m 62 9 a. m. 63 10 a. m. 64 11 a. m 65 12 m.... .'...67 1 p. m..... 70 m.. m. . m. . m. . 74 7S S3 4 85 p. m. 84 s p. m .....84 Comparative local Record. 191S. 1917. 191S. 1916. Hifhest yesterday ... 85 83 - 89 78 Lowest yeter3y ... 61 8 ' 68 . 61 Mean temperature . . 73 .16 7 & 66 Precipitation T .13 .00 .00 Temperature and . precipitation ; depar ture! from the normal: . Normal temperature 74 Deficiency for the day ...... 3 Total excesa since March 1., St 9 Normal precipitation- ........... .16 Inch Deficiency for the day.. .16 Inch Total precipitation since Mar. 1. .7.73 lnchea Deficiency since. March 1. ....... tM lnchea Excess for cor. period, 1917 76 Inch Deficiency for cor. period. -1918.. r.28 lnchea Beportt From Stations at 7 P. 31.. ' Station and State l Temp. High-' Rain of weather. ' ' 7 p. m. . est. fall. . Cheyenne, clear :.82 8!,. . .01 Davenport, clear . . . . . . 8 4 " 8S : .10 Denver, cloudy ........78 . 0 Des- Moines, clear; .... .83 84 .42 Dodje City, pt. cloudy,. 88 .' -90 .18 Lander, cloudy 7 ' 80 .02 North. Platte, clear 86 88, .M Omaha, clear ., ...84 85 T Pueblo, cloudy ." 83 - 84 00 Rapid City, pt. cloudy.. 7S 76 .03 Santa Fe, raining ......64 72 .38 Bhertdan, cloudy 70 84 , .00 . Sioux City, clear 84, 86 .00 'Valentine, clear ..I ti ' 88 00 i tV Indicate! trace of precipitation. " U XJYELSB,-JMetMroloiit.,. Supreme Allied War Council in Session Gives Praise to Italians Paris, July 5. The supreme al lied war council held its seventh session today. All the aspects of the present military situation were considered and important decisions were reached, according to an -official statement issued at its close. Congratulations to the Italian army and people for the me morable victory over the Austro Hungarian army were expressed at the meeting. It was said that it is xonsidered that the victory won by the Italians at the critical turning point of the war brings a valuable contribution to the allies' efforts and points to . the final success of their cause. , ENORMOUS WAR PROFITS TAKEN BY SOME DEALERS t Figures on Gains Submitted to Senate Show Highest More Than 2,000 PerCent. By Associated Press. ' Washington, July 5. Figures on war profits were sent to the senate by the treasury today in response to a resolution by Senator Borah of Idaho, calling for information regarding profiteering. Although some enormous profits were shown, the letter said the re port was incomplete and that "no spe cial significance" should be attached to the data, as it was secured from income and excess profits returns as they were filled. Dairy interests listed showed profit increases from zero to 180 per cent; banks up to 80 per cent; contractors as high as 596 per cent and flour mills as highvas 437 per cent. The maximum increased profit list ed, 2,183 per cent, was of a food dcaler.with $1,000 capital who showed a loss of 484 per cent in 1916. An other food concern with $325,000 made 34.75 per cent excess. In clothing trades a concern" with $400,000 capital increased its profits li per-eetHs-;.-" : ... - ; ' . . Chemical manufacturers capital and' profits respectively, include $345,000, 31 per ceuty$300,000, none, and $100, 000, 58 per cent. - . ;.. borne of the flourTnilis capital ana profit increases reported were rc soectively. $20,000. 112 per cent; $20,- 000, 95 per cent; $90,000, 236 per cent; profits in 1916 being $48juuu and 000 in 1917; $25,000 capital, 437 per cent. Among meat packers, listed data on none of .the larger concerns was avail able. Some Profit in Coal. Data regarding ; the coal trade showed 504 per cent increased profits of a company with $10,000 capital and 17.75 per cent for one with $2,000,000 capital. In paper trade profits ranged from nothing to 176 per cent increase. A concern listed under the heading "coal, wood and lumber trades" with $1,250,000 capital, reported 180 per cent increase in profits. Grain and "electrical storage field, capital and profit increases included: $10,000, 472 per cent; $249,000, 31 per cent; $243,000, 2 per cent. A garment manufacturer with $84, 000 capita lreported 246 per cent in crease in profits. Virgin Islands to Go Dry. St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, July 5. The Virgin' Islands, America's new possessions in the West Indies, have gone dfy. The local legislators have adopted the government's proposals foe prohibition, to take effect July 1 next vear. ' NEARLY DOUBLED 'EM UP THE OMAHA BEE Carried nearly as much Department Store Advertising for the first six months of 1918 as the other two Omaha papers combined and Showed by Far the Greatest Gain Here Are the Figures in Inches : (Warfield Adv. Agency Measurements for 1917) j (Haynes Adv. Company Measurements for 1918) . 1917. 191S. 1 BEE..! 41,258 53,953 , ' I World-Herald . .32,631 34,752 News .......22,693 28,161 BEE GAINS . . 12,695 World-Herald1 Gains 2,121 , News Gains ... . 5,468 - You can't pull the wool over the eyes of the De partment Store Manager. He knows absolutely how to g$t best results. ' Keep Your Eye on The Bee Improving Every Day ; HOUSE VOTES TO TAKE OVER WIRE LIMES President Urges Prompt Action by Senate, But Does Not Insist Congress Aban i don Recess Plan. By Associated Press. Washington, July 5. While the house was hastily adopting the reso lution authorizing government opera tion during the war of all telegraph, telephone, cable and radio systems, senate leaders tonight received word from President Wilson, which they interpreted as indicating his willing ness to have final enactment of the resolution postponed until after mid summer vacation. Leaders in both houses tonight went ahead with plans for a recess late tomorrow night until August 12. Vote 221 to 4. The telegraph resolution . was adopted by the house tonight by a vote of 221 to 4, after a spirited de bate, in which democratic leaders said the . president had expressed a desire for its passage at once and some republicans had charged that the authority proposed for the presi dent would be used to further the in terests of the democratic party. To expedite passage of the resolution, the house previously had adopted by a viva voce vote a rule limiting general debate to two hours. Those voting against the resolution (Continued on 1'age Two, Column Two.) ALLIES CAPTURE 5,000 PRISONERS IN WEEK'S WORK Great Damage Done; Behind . German -Lines i by Aviators; "173 Enemy Planes Downed at Cost of 36. London, July 5. During the last week the entente allies on- the western front have taken more than 5,000 prisoners. A series of minor opera tions also resulted in their gaining possession of several important strategic points, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy and obtaining valuable information as to his plans for the immediate future. Another satisfactory feature of the last week's operations was the work of the allies in the air. Great danii ve was done by the aviators to German communications ' and concentrations of men and material behind the lines. The superiorityo f the entente air fighters is shown by the fact that during the last week, on the British front alone, 173 German airplanes were downed while only 36 British machines are missing. The British military reports for the week pay a high tribute to the work of the Americans at Vaux and on the Somme, declaring that the American soldiers have shown the, highest fighting qualities, while their staff work has been excellent. No Peace Until Autumn Amsterdam, July 5. Peace between Roumania and the central powers will not be ratified until the autumn, says Dr. Edgar von Schmit-Paull, the special commissioner in Roumania of the Berliner Ta gcblatt. Police Raid Farm Houses i nlreland And Seize Weapons London. July 5. -A press dispatch from Dublin says the police of Bal linalsoe, county Galway, have raided farm houses, seizing hun dreds of guns and arms. The raids extended into the adjoining coun ties of Roscommon and Kings. There was no resistance except in a few instances, where the pres ence of arms was denied, but the weapons were surrendered. The people were surprisd, not expecting such drastic action in view of the recent . proclamation of Viscount French, calling for recruits. There also were" arrests in the outlying districts. ALLIES MAY SEND ARMY TO SIBERIA; FOCH TO DECIDE Early Announcement Expected at Washington; Finns May Bar Entry to Central Russia From North. By Associated Press. Washington,, July 5. Russia con tinues to be the subject of earnest consideration by the administration and itis understood that there are almost daily exchanges of opinion be tween Washington and the entente capitals through their respective em bassies here and through other chan nels of a less official character. The United States has regarded the proposition for the dispatch to Si beria of an international army as a military problem. It is understood the decision rests with General Foch and the supreme war council, and it is regarded probable it will be an nounced soon. Details of the plan for the peaceful penetration of Russia and Siberia by American business men with the pur pose of affording .economic and . ma terial aid, are being worked out, Some Disquieting News. Delay is . encountered in securing reliabel information regarding cdmrli tions in Archangel.. This j partial larly exasperating , to, the officials be cause of the unofficial reports that reach Washington of the hostile atti tude of the Finns, said to be rein forced ' by German soldiers. It is realized that a considerable Finnish German force could easily seize stra tegic points on the rairoad running south from Archangel and ' Kola to Volgda. There is a report the in vaders have arrived at Kim. an im portant town on this road near the southern end of the White Sea. A successful movement of this kind might defeat any entente Dlan to send a mlitary force into Central Russia lrom the north. As long as the en tente fleet is able to navigate in the Arctic the little force of sailors and marines at Kola ana vicinity would be safely supported. The advent of winter probably will make it neces sary to withdraw this force. Germany Controls Finns. ' Press reports from Stockholm pre dicting theh adhesion of Finland to the central power alliance are as yet unconfiremd officially. But it is rea lized that German pressure upon Fin land is overpowering and the treaty ot last March between Germany and Finland practically made the former the dictator of the policies of Finland. The treaty is saidto give Germany economic control of Finland and as sured her direction of external re lations. . The entry of Finland into an alliance with the central powers would not be an unmitigated evil, in the opinion of officials here, as it would clarify the situation. Commission Named To Have Charge of Relief of Prisoners Washington, July S. An Ameri can Red Cross special commission to Switzerland to take charge of the re lief work of American prisoners of war and American civilian prisoners in the hands of the central powers was announced today 6y the Rrd Cross with Joseph B. Dimmick of Scranton, Pa., as its chairman. In addition to looking after Ameri cans, the commission, will extend re lief to destitute citizens of the allied powers now in Switzerland and aid the Swiss in relieving the suffering occasioned by the war. Other members of the commission are: Carl P. Dennett, Boston; Atholl McBean, San Francisco; Ralph S. Stewart. Boston, and Dr. Alfred Wor- i rester, .Waltham, Mass., as deputies, I all serving without pay. neaaquarters ot the commissio" will be at Berne. ' Excursion Steamer Capsized in Illinois River; Many Drowned Peoria', 111.,' July! 5. Hundreds of people are .believed to have' been drowned when the excursion steamer .Columbia overturned in the Illinois river five miles south of here 'tonight. All availabe nurses and physicians have been summoned from Pekin, 111., near the scene of the accident. The boat jammed against the Pe oria side of the river in a fog; and tore a huge hole in the .bow of the boat. It sank almost immediately, ' ' 1 ' ' ALLIES MAY LAUNCH BIG DRIVE SOON Increasing Man Power and Ex . tending Control of Air Enable General Foch to Adopt New Policy. By Associated Press. Washington, July 5. Increasing manpower and rapidly extending con trol of the air have permitted the adoption of a new policy by General Foch, in the opinion of observers here. They believe the sequence of hard local blows struck recently by allied troops shows a new phase is developing which might expand into a major operation. Reports of the' recent successful strokes are taken to indicate General Foch no longer feels the necessity of keeping on the defensive to con serve his forces. The fact that the Germans have been completely sur prised is believed to be due to the work of the airmen. American aid has served to change the tide of fighting. The American attacks around Chateau-Thierry, the French opera tions at Soissons and the British op erations out the Somme and in Fland ers, probably were prompted by the weakness of the enemy at those points. Will Give Enemy No Rest. It is assumed General Foch plans to give the enemy no rest. Points (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) SULTAN VICTIM OF ASSASSIN, IS LATEST REPORT . .. . ,,4 ... : i . 4.t i Belief in London That Moslem Rilled Was Killed'as Re sult of Revolutionary ' - Plot. London,, July 5. Reports have reached London front Dutch sources that the death oi the sultan of Tur key, Mohammed V, which took place Wednesday, night, was not due to natural causes and presumably Avas part of a revolutionary movement in the Ottoman empire. Amsterdam, July 5. In a message to the new sultan of Turkey, Emperor Charles of -Austria is quoted in a Vienna dispatch saying: "The unconquerable bravery of our armies, the steadfastness of our courageous peoples, has strengthened our alliance with Germany and Bul garia in the face of all. our enemies, who quite openly wish to destroy or disintegrate our states. "The wise political ideas which characterized the reign now closed were also its glory. They indicate a path leading to final victory and great ness for the Ottoman empire. I ex tend the warmest wishes for the pros perity of your reign and for a brilliant future for your people." Bolshevik Forces Driven Out of Irkutsk and Region East of Baikal, in Siberia London, July 5. Czecho-Slovak forces have inflicted a severe defeat upon the bolshevik troops, according to a telegram received here today from Irkutsk, Siberia. The bol sheviki are said to have been com pletely defeated west of Irkutsk and to have been driven out of the region to the east of Lake Baikal. ' There was a battle at Nerklinie Udinsk, a town on the Siberian rail way, 80 miles east of Lake Baikal, and it resulted in the Russian government troops being driven out of the place. The bolsheviki in abandoning Ikurtsk took with thorn great quantities of food. GERMAN SOLDIERS AIDED IN Croaking of Millions of Amphibians Conceals Gun Movements at Chemin Des Dames. ATTACK BY FROGS' CONCERT By Associated Press; Amsterdam, July 5. Karl Rosner, a newspaper correspondent who is frequently termed the German em- Eeror's press . agent, describes in the okal Anzeiger a conversation which he says took place between Emperor William and .the German crown prince, in which the son told his father a story of the "frogs at the battle of the Chemin Des Dames." The story was told, says Rosner, as father and son stood on a hill in the battle sector of the army group of General von Francois June 3. The crown prince said:' "It . was when Jhe Germans were preparing to storm the Chemin Des Dames. The frogs, which were found inmillions in the marshy Ail ette river region, croaked in such a deafening fashion that they enabled the Germans to bring up batteries, ammunition and columns without dis T COVINGTON SUNK ON ITS HOMEWARD TRIP FROM FRANCE Six Members of Crew Missing; Ship's Officers and Other Survivors Landed at French Port; former Hamburg-American Liner fnder Convoy When Attacked; No Submarine Sighted. By Associated Press. Washington, July 5. The United States army transport Covington, homeward bound with a fleet of troop ships con voyed by American destroyers, was torpedoed in the War zone Monday night and sank the next day while an effort was being made to tow her to port. Six men of the crew are missing, but the others with the officers were landed at a French port. No soldiers or passengers were on board. ro U. S. LAUNCHES 17 WAR VESSELS ON MFOURTH Merchant Marine Total for Three Days Is 95; Eleven on Columbia River De layed by Freshet. I , in m. ' By Associated Press. , Washington, .July 5. Seventeen American war vessels were launched on Independence day, the Navy de partment announced tonight, and Ihe keels of eight others were laid. The craft put overboard (included 14 de stroyers,' gunboat; and " wo"mine sweepers. v ' .'v!' . V;' . , The - gunboat, the Ashville, was launched at the "Charleston, S. C, navy yard. One of the'mine sweepers, the Swan Hill, was put over Dy inc Alabama Dry Dock company, Mobile, Ala.( and the other, the Oriole, was launched by the Statcn Island, N. Y., Shipbuilding company. ' The eight keels were laid for de stroyers at the plant of the Bethlehem Union Iron works, San Francisco. That plant launched eight destroyers, the Newport News, Va., yard, three; Cramps, Philadelphia, two, and the Fore River plant, Quincy, Mass., one. The names of these craft previously had been announced. . Objectives Surpassed American ship builders vent be yond their objectives in the Inde pendence day drive for new tonnage. The shipping board announced to day that the workmen started out with the expectation, of launching 439,886 dead weight tons, but late re ports to the ' board today showed that 474,464. tons had been gotten ready to put overboard. The actual number of ships launched was 82. The launching. of 11 others was held up by a freshet in the Columbia river, . while two others stuck on the ways. They are expected to be released without great delay. As a result of the Independence day launchings, July and August de liveries are expected to show tremen dous increases, as compared with pre ceding months. Machinery is begin ning to come through for the wooden hulls, many of which were delayed after launching by the lack of en gines. Three Days' Total 95. Philadelphia, July S.-Fourth of July ship launchings aggregated 87 and eight others took their initial dip on the second and third of July, mak ing a grand total for the week of 95, according to reports received today by the Emergency Fleet corporation here. Of these. S3 are wood and the re mainder of steel construction. The total dead weight tonnage is 474,464, the wooden share being 187,000 and that of the steel 287.464. - . covery and when the attack actually was launched the deafening concert of the frogs prevented the enemy from discovering the positions of the German machine guns." During the same conversation Ros ner says the emperor described the occasion when he was asked to give permission for the blowing up of the famous French castle at Coucy Le Chateau, near St. Quentin. He said he hesitated until his military ad visers pointed out that in the hands of the enemy the towers of the castle might) menace the lives of hundreds of German soldiers. The emperor then remarked: - "Would the French act' differently in our country? The protection of soldiers is the supreme law for the commander and no edific ought to be spared when it is a question of pre serving: from danger and death the menwho are fizhtinsr for the father The men missing are; Ernest C. Andersoir, ,'fireman, Lynn, Mass. . . . Joseph P. Bowden, seaman. Moun tain Lake, N.J. - . Ambrose C. Ford, fireman, Somer- ville, Mass. . .William Henry' Lynch, jr., fireman, ' Manchester, N.; II., : v . j f uoert a. rayne, seaman, west New Brighten, Staten Island, N. Y. . Lloyd H. Silvernail, seaman, Bain, bridge, N. Y. No Submarine Sighted. In announcing tonight the sinking' of the Covington, formerly the Ham-! burg-American liner Cincinnati, the -Navy department. said that the sub-, marine which sent a torpedo crash-' ing into the ship's side just forward . of the engine room at 9:17 o'clock at i night, was not sighted. . Vice Admiral Sims' message did : not go into details, but officers believe , the submarine was on the, surface re- ; charging Us batteries when the con- , voy came along ' and that it sub- merged immediately after discharz- ing the torpedo without attempting further. fcttackT'.', '''i - w The theory J:hat the submarine made "off. n haste is borne out by the . fact that the crew was transferred to a destroyer, without incident. Some surprise swas occasioned by the fact that the 'siihmartni. rtirt tint rflnrn and undertake tojinish the sinking. , i First Sunt fa Convoy. .1 The , Covington was the first ' American transport to. be sunk'while ; in convoy, ,' the former Hamburg- American liner President Lincoln and the former Morgan liner Antilles, the only other American transports sunk, having been destroyed -when return- war craft. : , Few. details', were given in the; Navy department's announcement and there was no explanation of Ad-tf-miral Sims'' report that none of those ; from the- Covington who were landed ;r at a French port -was "seriously in- jured." Apparently some of "them were hurt,, probably in being, trans ferred to the destroyer in a choppy I sea, but evidently Admiral Sims did not give the number. V Official Statement. 1 ine torpeao strucic just xorwaro i of the engine room bulkhead," said the Navy department's announce- ment, "and the engine worn and fire ; room were rapidly flooded. With its ; motive power gone, - the vessel was helpless and facing, the. possibility, of the torpedoing of another ship in the convoy, the uovmgton .was tempo- . rarily abandoned, ihis was done in ; excellent, order and the officers and ,' crew were taken on board a destroyer, I The submarine was not seen. "At daybreak the captain, seven of ficers and a number of members of . the crew returned to supervise sal- ' vaging operations. Anotner vessel and two tugs took the Covington in j tow in the effort to- get her to port,'? but she was too badly damaged to keep afloat and sank. , "Vessels have been searching for the missing men and the Navy de partment awaited the report ot the names of those missing, which was ; not received until today, before an The Covington was 608 feet long, of 16,339 gross tonnage and .had' a speed of IS'i knots an hour." - Circumstances . surrounding the sinking of the Covington evidently , were similar to those when the Brit-,, ish liner Tuscania was sent down off the north coast of Ireland, , while ' carrying some 2,200 American troops to England. The vessel was with a fleet of ships convoyed by destroyers I and was attacked early in the night, ; the subamine either having lain in ; wait or else stumbled up6n the con- voy accidentally. , Nebraska Hospital y j Unit No. 49 Leaves on j First Part of Journey Nebraska Base Hospital Unit ,49 has left Camp Dodge, for the east on s the first lap of the journey , "over ? there." The unit ," had expected to a leave about the tenth of the months Miss Eva O'Sullivan, teacher at the Central High school who ill serve as a laboratory technician for the t unit, is in Minneapolis and has 're- s ceived no instructions. ' Miss Patricia - Naughton, teacher at the South High , school, is also without orders.. Miss Irene Jess, secretary to ux. ;; A. - L, Stokes who Ras charge of the work S of thetmit here, expects orders within i two daysl : , ' ' "' .