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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1918)
6 - ,, , ' , ' ' ' v THE" BEE; OMAHA. FRIDAY. JULY 5, 1918. ' ' - ,: . ' ' , -L: l : . v . .' - r ... -i ' i ' .. Went Ad Rates' (Cssh With Order.) " J He per word ....each Insertion fnr word for three consecutlv insertions lo per word for eaoh additional ' lnrtln No ad taken for lea than a total of 0o .or lou than 100 par day.. , CHARGE. ti per Jin (count 4, word to Una) ena ttma u per Una each tlna, t eonaocutlva tlmaa ' 7 par lm each time, 10 consecutive tlmaa SITUATIONS WASTED 42So par Una par week . CARDH OF THANKS AND FLNEBAIi HOtKV&S too per Una...., eah Inaertlon (Minimum Charge, 60 Gents.) Contract Bate On Application. j , for convenience of advertisers want ada will b accepted at the following offices: iIAIN OFFICE Bee Building mca Offlc ............4410 North 14th Bt l ake Office ....... ...8510 North 4th St. v Vinton Office ....... . 34ST Booth ltth St Park Office ..........1615 Leavenworth Bt Walnut Office ..........I2 North 40th EL Houth Bide .S318 N St Council Bloffa ....14 Main ft., North THB EES will not be reeponalble for more than one Incorrect Inaertlon of an adrerUee. meat ordered lor more than on time, : Ua THE TELEPHONE if yon cannot eon : venjcntly brnff or aend your ada to any of the al)v office. Aak for a, Want Ad Taker and yon will recelvethe aama good Mrvi at when delivering your ad in .. person. . ' . rHONK TTLKR 1,00ft. Want Ad Column Cloao Evening ICiijtiotiB ..i.. ......... ..HM M. Morning Kdltlona 10.00 P. M. Kiinilay Mil lone- 10 P. M. Sajurda; Evnjn MOVIE PROGRAM V, North. ALUAMRHA 24TU AND PARKER . ANTONIO MORENO, IN "NAULAHKA." - - GLADYS LESLIE, IN ' "LITTLE MISS NO-ACCOUNT." " South APol-LO aTH AND t,EAVKNWORH - CHARLES RAY, IN ' "HIS OWN HOME TOWN. if KAI ' 16TH AND DOBCAS CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG, IN "THE REASON WHY." KOULKK S5TK., AND LEAVENWORTH GEORGE BEBAN, IN "ONE MORE AMERICAN." FUNERAL DIRECTORS. INUKRTAKEKS and lloeneed en.'jlamera Mlao private ambulance. Call W abater 41. C Croaby, 1611 N. 14th 0t . M )HN A. GENTLEMAN, underUkar and mbVlraer. 1411 Farnara 8t. HarneF M. UVLaa A RIEPEN, undertaker and m talmera. 791 8. lth. Doualaa Mi. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaker. IK Far, g. 100. 'iTl. DODDER CO.. Funeral Director, r. U Fere. Mgr., Sid ill Cuming Bt. Phone Douglaa 077. Auto ambnlano. HOFFMANN FUNERAL BOMB. Hoffmann quality service, coat lea. JKh nil Dodjre. , ' Potigla 1001, FLORISTS. ; LEE L, LAHMON a .,n Lieiijl Flortata, I" 1 4 pouglaa St. Douglaa 1144, A. DOMGHUE Eat 1811. 1131 HARNET. F ! ewers shipped averywhera. Exp, prepaid. '.'Vt. a A FLOWa taUr 411 S. H.' D. till i - 3 Iiurt til 8. Hth. D. 1400. i Ffcsr- ul Florist. 1104 Farnam Bt 1 1, v -ndertnn, 151 Farnam. D Hit. r:cnu::sNT 4" cemeteries, LAWN offer ympathitlo cervlo la auaffo aorrow; jerpetual caret ao aaaes' man ; lot on easy term. Phone Wat 124. ...3 Unsf display of monument in the United State. FRANK SVOBODAi lilt SS ft ltth. Phone Douglaa 1171-1311. Li . , II i.iSAJl naUasajSssBattaiat UA C'JTa-.att-Ji ;'Mar LL.Wai.WAgTi SVAPrERS COLUMN jlfifoRCYCLE il or trade lUt twin In. dian, run about 100 ml.: good as new, tan- em asddle, Prest-o-Llte. Will glvav a aod avap for 1117 else trio Hirley. Will pay thi difference. It any, or aell for . asb. C. f Hamilton, Box It Glenwood, ia. . sen. YClNt; walrua traveling bag, t0tnoh; want smaller bag, or mak offer. S, C x SPECIAL NOTICES T il.L PARTY who witnessed the automO' bil Accident At Stth And Jackson Won day p. m., Juno 1, lilt, and offered ser vices to th injureo, kindly get in com tnunlcatioa at once with X. S. Huntley l.rain Enohange. Phone Harney 107S. M'TORNET 8. F, NEBLE, Jr., ha located at 101 First National Htm Bldrv Tyler LOST-FOUN D-REW ARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET - RAIL WAT COMPANY. Persona having loot eome article)- would . well to call up th office f th Omaha A Ceanoil Bluff Street Hallway oompacy u ascertain whether they left U la the ,. street car. Many article each day are turned la 'and th company la anxlou to restore them to the rightful owner. YOU lese anything and. will advertise it her you will surely recover it If found iy a booeat person. If yon find any thing of value the hooeet way I to ad- vwtls for th owner. LuteT Open-fat'od octagon shape gold tvatch with monogram fob: liberal reward, Tfflpphone Douglas l(Jt. LOfeT Monday afternoon In Empress Th' For Sale MiscelUnoeu 1- lihiH country buttermilk) butter beat c cream: atrlctly freah eggs; delivered to any pert of Omaha. .Phone South tit or Tlr C. Wagner's. -mitore and Household Goods. FUn.VITURE. HOC'SEHOLD GOODS. ETC uL'R JULY CLEARANCE SALE Include ""a large stock of late designa. all sizes, la l.:th grade ruga, ' Tk greatest rug bat' , . ne ever .offered In the middle west iiztrsordtnary reduction on all furniture and bouse furnishing. Never were gaa stove, dresaers.' exVenslon tables, rockers vr tee boxes snld ao cheap. Coma early i t tie cream of hargatna. w make actasty of complete bom outfit, also uUis and rooming houeea. Railroad far f'ee to out-of-town buyera within CO mile of Onta "A oa purchase of 120.00 or mare. IfATV FUtlNITUKB CO., T. rr. 1!. Cor ltth and Dodge Bt. . i A EAJWASS) BARGAINS. i i, a ig, ciattrissis. dressers, chlf , taoiaa, chairs, china and kitchen - a, rv and linoleum, trunk and . i atevea and tc boxc. full -cwq wir, poultry BettlOf, farden , J 4 onA 1st St Tet Web. ' n. st . . BARGAINS Fall - t , i r, ga and coal ell atoves, , 1- :. trunk, ate. lioyal i. i f k itn. . ... t, In oak, end Ax J 1 ' fox t7, Oma FOR SALE Micellaneout Furiyture and Hcusehold Goods. BOOKCASE and wrltlh desk combined. In- quire at iJ13 Donglaa atret. FOR SALE Bedroom furniture and deak at 110 S. 4th 8t.sCall mornlnga. ' . FOR BALE Erie Utility gaa range. Phone ; Walnut I6. V FOR SAX,E Complete furnlahinga of alx room. Call Web. JIJ7. ' - Typewriter! and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver I month for II. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1101 Farnam. WE buy, aell or exchange typewriter: guar, typewriter 110 and up. Writ for Hat Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Dudg. r Bottles. ROOTBEER bottle patent atoppara and othere. Nat Steinberg, 1011 Har. D. m. Dairy Products. FRESH country buttermilk! butter; beat of cream; trlctly freah egge; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone South 211 or Tyler tit. Wagner: Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, aell needle and part of nil sewing machine. -MICKEW NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Hth and Harnat St. Doug. 16S. Pianos and Musical Instruments, WB have aeveral Vlctroia that wa took In on tradta for'aala; In good condition. Bona Phonograph Parlora. Cor. 10th and Farnam St. A. H08PE CO., 1(11 Douglaa, have planoa to rent at per month, or will Mil on eaay term. - ' Store and. Office Fixtures WE buy and aell acalea caah reglatera and make deaka, show-caaei, eta. Omaha Fix ture and Supply Co.. 11th and Douglaa. D. 1714. - Machinery and Engines. lOaiO Threshing machine In good condition focsal or trade, Geo. W. Collins, Crea- cent, Iowa. FOR SALE Four-cylinder 12-horaepower Twin City angina, bum kerosene. Used lea than 10 day. Box 4718, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Featbera ateamed. renovated and mad up in new feather proof tloklng. 1107 Cuming. Doug. 1487. CHERRIES and curranta at lorn' fruit fftrm. Walnnt 1. ' ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aid, knife, aunburst, box pleating, covered button, all atxe and tylea; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BOTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 100-101 Brown Bldg. Phon Dong. IMS. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co ISI-T Fasten Block, Phon Doug. 1101. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. . Auto touring tent and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT AWNING CO. Billiard Parlors.' PRIVATE Ublea for parties at Holmes'. THE ONLY WAY 5ST THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. BaKKage and Express. R'EPUBLia AUTO" EXPRESS COMPACT will heal everythlns for yon. Package laaa than 10 lb.. 11 cent. Douglas 7468. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. I7th and Martha St,. Omaha, Neb. Bras, bronse, aluminum and machine tray Iron eaatlng. - Chiropractors. SPINOGRAPH, Dr. Kdwarda, 14th A Farnam. Dr J. C. Lawrence. Baird Bldg. D. 44"tl Costumes. r FULL dress suits for rent 101 N. Uth'St opposite Postotflce. John Fsldman, Doug laa SIIS. " . ' Detectives. JAMES AL&AN. tU Neville Blk. Evidence aeoored in all oaae. Tyler 1131. . : bressmaklnf. .- ' MISS STURDY. dreasmaklDg. Dcig. IStt, Tailors. Dtedrtck. P. L.. Sit 8. 10th. Tailor, D t4Sl. Dentists. D Bradbury. No pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg, Tf Dent Rms.. lot Ross Bldg.' D. 111. Film Developing FLMe developed! rolls. lOo; pack, ltei one-day aervlc. Kaae Btuqlo, Neville Bllt. 10th and Harney. , vFixtures and Wiring. TTOTrfXt Electrlo washing macblnea, aVUXVAVUI electrlo irons and reading lamp. zn Cuming Bt. Douglaa i&it. LlvoStock Hauling. WB will haul your live stock. LIVB STOCK TRANSFER CO- 350 Farnam St Telephone Doug. ItOI. Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC sharpeners; called for and de livered; used lawnmowers for sale. Shop . u.ntiM M.iAH 'earn T K Marney loos. - Jewelry. UUXM KJlVlJiJ privilege to buy back at email profit gross. 401 n. iota Bt Osteopaths, DR. MABLE WESSON. 14 Brendet Bld T. 180, Re 474 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter' national Patent Co., 181 Brands!. D. 161. STUROES A BTURUEd, TJ. & and foreign patents and trademark. ISO Bee Bldg. Piping. ALL kind of piping done, stoves connect ed and adjusted; prompt service, Web. star 1781 or Webster S 47. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUG CLEANERS. X Scion tlflo Olive Oil Washing. , Peralan Rug Cleaning O. lit J Farnam. H. 184S. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1111 Farnam. J. J, Derlght Safe Co. - Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhart Pig. Co.. 424 B. 11th St Medical. PILES,- fistula and other recta! dis . eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for 1ock oa rectal diseases with, testi- monials. : DR. E. R. TARRV, - x240Je. Bldg- Omaha. . , , Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 107 S 11th. D. 111. Wedding Stationery. W&DDING announcement and, printing, Peugla Printing Co TL Oouxla 444, "WANTED TO BUY JENKINS has Jukt . returned and will give you th sm good service that A gave In the past Help win the war. Sell your old clothe, shoes, rugs, tools, trunks and buy W. 8. -S. Will call. Rea. D. 1031. Office, 26?5. Bill PATRIOTIC! HELP iUNCLK SAM. SELL TOUR OLD CLOTHES AND LI BUT LIBERTT BONDS. GIVE MB DOT?Q. 143. 1811 DOUObAS ST. " DESKS DESKS DESKS 1 New deak, uied desk bought. old and traded; J, C. Reed. 1101 Farnam. D. 1140. WANTED To buy, a flat aaddlR, English cntback, Martin & Martin preferred. Box 4711, Bee. -: , -'. DTTMONDSsT- WE PAT YOU HIGHEST PRICES FOR CLOTHES. CALL UH FIRST. DOUO. 914. BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED 'aell or exchange modern Qd-room nuiei. wiin up-iu-uaio .iiuicim water- bath department In connection. Will conaldor good farm In eastern Kan em, eaatern Nebraeka, eaatern South Da kota, weafern Iowa or northern Mlaeourl. Hotel located In one of the beat oil towna In Oklahoma, Addreaa, P. O. Box 1048, Nowata, Okla. "11 FOR SALE Fully equipped blackamlth hop, locatea In fine live town of 1,200 in northwest Iowa; baa two complete acta of tool ana equipment, electric power, everything up to date; priced for; quick kale at 13,000; 11,000 cash, balance at 4 per cent. Addreea T 107, Omaha Bee. OMAHA restaurant, completely equipped large, welt established; good location, routing 116,000. Business reaaona; offered i(l,00O caah on property. Box tVt Omaha 2 FOR SALE Complete equipment of a 22- room hotel furnlshtnga NEW; new, mod ern bfilg.; good place for man and wife health reason; must leave this month; It Interested, address Box Y 810, Omaha Bee, UOOD paying drug store, Cor. 16th and Davenport; new fixture and fountain, well assorted stock, excellent location. Will aell at Invoice. See ua at once. ANT business relating to Canada solicited; land cared or. leased, sold, exchanged, oropped. Frank Crawford, Omaha , and Rosetown. Sask.t PICTURE show lit townet 800 people, for oeedlnr 14.000. Price 11,460. Address Box Y603. Omaha Bee. GUARANTY locate you; any Una bualneaa; any atate. Guarantee sell your busines. F. V, Knlest Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Pool hall. 4 tables and good fixtures; Neb. town 1,600. Price l,S00y Jl auras JIUI X vvv, vihbub Jro, FOR SALE A good paying restaurant; good reason for Bailing, inquire at 1611 How ard street. STORE for aale; rent t. Good business. F. V. Knlest, Be Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Rooming Houses for Sale. HOTEL FOR SALE 2 furnished rooms. modern, three railroads, only hotel. Lock Box C. Clifton. Kan. AUTOMOBILES RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiator on hand. Maahtd fender and lamp repaired Ilk w. ' New atock of ForilV honey comb rajdla tor on hand.' , ' OMAHt RADIATOR AND TIRS WORKS. 1111 Cumins St Omaha. Nab. WB have several one-ton and emaller trucks to dlspos of too light for our work; snap for thosa needing small trucks. Alamlto Dairy Co., 20th and Leavenworth, ' . POKDB can burn bait coal oil, or cheapest gasoline, using our 1111 carburetor; 14 - mile per gallon guaranteed. Eaa start Ing. Great power 'Increase. AttVoh It yourself. Big profit selling for us. 10 days' , trial. Money back guarantee. Styles to tit any automobile. Alr-Frlo-1 tion Carburetor Company, 147 Madison St, Dayton, o. LISTEN We will savs you 10 Pr cent OS your tire bill Trad your old tire for new one. - Tubes vulcanized cents cas ing 10 oenta us. Rebuilt I In 1 oaalnga for sale, ll up. U. B. machines tor sale. U. 8. Vulcantaer Co- Branch 14. 120 a ltth St.. Omaha. . FOR SALE Auburn aeven-passenger, 117 model: driven 10.000 miles: Just painted -and overhauled : four new tlreavon re- serve; can no seen at Downtown garage, 11th and Harney atreeta, , Mak offer. Best one taKee It. FOR SALE On account of draft the Cum lhg garage. Tbla garage la in a fine lo cation and doing a rushing business. Owner of building wilt enlarge -and give a long lease. Cuming Garage, S41J Cum ing Bt. ' S FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and power. win accept Ford in Al condition as part payment A bargain. 8. E. Frank. v Kouts 6, 7 5 A, Benson, Neb. FORDS exchanged, bought and aold; we re build your Ford with a Kelsey tramlln body Ilk sew; car aold for caah or tlm payment. Sol & Ooldstrom. 1867 Farnam Bt.. Harney 4546: agent wanted. PACKARD, 7 pass,, 4 cyl. New cord tires extra Limousine body; first-class condi tion throughout A real bargain. Llnlnger implement co ettt "And I'acltlo sta - Douglas 10. - - , FOR SALE 111 Oldemoblle, eight club roadster, wire wheels, extra tire. This Car has run only 400 mile. Owner sub Ject-te draft, Addreaa Box T 404, Omaha wee. "-..- t- , .'. Y BARGAINS IN USED CARS All .make. With and without (tarter. zs to pica irora. roon f. ui or oau at 1514 Davenport BOYLAN AOTO CO.. ' MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Before buying a truck see- us. W can make a truck out of any Ford. ; AFFORDABLE TRUCK CO., 1107 ft tOth. . '. ... USED CARS . Tmmstiflss fa m 1 frt aaBigi irsAilrrc miA as ne. Call July tth, ii St Mary's avenue, c H. LaFiuer. NEW Maxwell-cara. 1911 models, for aale ISO! cash, balance monthly paymenta aa desired. Answer atrlctly confidential. Box , Bee. , CUMING GARAGE. 1411 Cuming St. D. 1831. Storage, day and night 'service. carbo burning, welding, general auto re palrlng. . .... t VVB ARB THB USED CAR MEN. " - TRAWVER AUTO CO., Ml" Farnam St ' Douglas 0T. i TELL A BINKLET. Commercial body builder. Mil Harnsy St..' D 1644." - , ' V KLAND, Sensible Six. w MARSH OAKLAND CO, - 2100 Farnam Bt WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 10O USED CARS: quick action;. no delay. Auto Ex. change Co.. T059 Farnam St Doug. 4031 otTAt.iTT rtsirn ria T VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 140 LEAVENWORTH ST. BARGAINS Id used car. . , ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th snd Farnam. Harcsy 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKSL AT BARGAIN PRICES 1020 -Farnam St, Omaha, Nab. AUTOMOBILES - . MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. S02I FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 63JO. FOR SALE: Chevrolet 40; touring, flrat class condition. Call Flint. 219 North Tventy-elghth avenue or phono H. 1787. HIGH GRADE USED CARS AUTO .CLEARING HOUSE, 10S2 FARNAM. aOOD USED CARS. " , GUT U SMITH. Iltb and Farnam St. Dnogla 1171. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS -McCaffrey Motor Co. I6ta and Jackaon. Ford Agents. Doug. ISO. FORD touring car. Excellent condition. Priced right. 1161 Davenport Bt Auto Livery and Garages. n ir.icK " a trri r. nsivm it TfVriRfllCTl.S I2o a mile, a So per hour minimum charge. Sunday and holidays, 60c per hour. FORD LIVERY CO., Douglas 1622. - 111,4, Howard Bt Tires and Supplies. TIRES. tOxt. plain, 110.15. : !0x!4, plain, 112.71. ' , tOxtVi, non-skid, tlt.40. Good used Ford tires, 14.00 and up. Other alios In proportion. Retreading i and vulcanizing. , OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. - , Express chargea paid when cash sent with order. '.'.- 118 Cuming St.. Omaha, Neo. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF-PRICE. t.000 Mile Guaranteed. SOil. 17.75; tOxttt. 18.76; 12x3. 110.25; 3x4, 112.35; 14x4, 113.25: 35x4, 115.60. : Writ u today tor particulars, ' AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO, 1616 Davenport St Omaha. D. 214. TIRE bargains, at unheard of prices; all brand -aw, 11 standard makes. Coma In. and let our goads and prices aettl rvnnianf thl SEND FOR OUR PRICB LIST. I -OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO., " "Nebraaka'a Tlr Bargain Center." Douglaa 2918. . 310 8. ltth 8t NEW TIRES . AT V, PRICE. ALL 8IZH8. NEW 30x3 Republic. 19.26. Ford tube,t2f00 NEW SOxttt LEE TIRES .....114.78 NEW 12x3tt FIRESTONE TIBE8. . .115.35 KAIMAN'8 TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 CUM1NU. INSIST on G. A G. quality retread and aave It per cent on your Urea. Bargain In new and slightly used tire. G. A O. Tlr Co.. 2415 Laaven'tb St Tyler 1261-W, BUY Lee punoture-proot pneumatic Urea and eliminate your tlr troubles. ; Powell sup ply Co., 2061 Farnam St TIRE price wreckers. This la no 2-ln-l Uw. flOMnrf ATION TIRE FACTORY. 421 8. 11th. Agt Wanted. Omaha. Neb Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto, lit & ltth St Douglas 5481. Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS, E. 8 1611 lth St Web ster 1102. For th best result witn repair worn- consult ua. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E T-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain in used machine. Victor H. Rooa, th Motorcycle plan. 27th and Leav enworth. 114 Harley-Davldson motorcycle tor - aale, cheap. 560 S. 24th St. PERSONAL THE Salvation' Array Induatrial Homo o- lictta your old clothing, furniture, mags sines. Wo collect Wo distribute. Phon Doug. 4115 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1111-1114 Dodge 8t. MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and acalp 'treatment 1108 Farnam St, , Room t.. ..- .. MISS FISHER, sulphur, ateam bath and massage, 17 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 166. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and v bathe, lot Karbach Blk. Red 1717. MASSAGE and baths. Miss Halran, 222-1 Neville Block. . Manicuring and. mass. 1621 Farnam. R. It. MEDICAL -i 1 RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writ. Dr. Frank H. Wrav. 106 Bee Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED Male PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company, 1701 Leavenworth St Hsrney 60 a. EXPERIENCED carpenter wanta work. Douglaa 8341. -f Female. High school gtrl wanta collecting to do in afternoons; experience. Tyler n4-j. PRACTICAL nursing and. cases wanted by experienced nure. Douglas 8451. - FOR experienced nurse, call Harney 4884. YOUNG lady desires flkng work. Col. 30. Laundry and 'Day Work. WANTED Washing and Ironing two or three day a week. Call Webster 452L EXPERIENCED laundress Douglas 8471. ' wishes work. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4183. NEAT col. lady wants day work. Har. V470. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 198. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har, 1130, DAY work by colored lady. Wester 39S0. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2068. WOMAN wanta day work; ret. Web, S221.' CALL Douglaa 6317. Day" work wanted. X, 1ST clasa col, laundress with ret. Doug. 8711. WANTED Bundle washing. Call Web. 1871. GIRL wishes day work. Webster 1837. BUNDLE waahlng. laee curtalna Web, 1717. WANT work yb the day. South 1613. Day work and bundle washing. Web. 1088. HELP WANTED MALE ' Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRS . Advertise tor "help" the same way yor advertla to aell merchandise, and the difference to retorna will surprise you. Th next tlm you, need help call Tyler 1004. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you la preparing your advertisement WANTED Receiving clerk,, must b thoroughly ex perienced and highly recommended. ORCHARD-WILHELM CO. - I v 411. 1 Smith lilh WANTED Registered and unregistered druggist; no fountain; store closes' at 1 p. m.r off every other1 night I p. m. Oscar Ruff Company, Sioux City. Iowa. - nnpi ralU OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming; hundreds wanted; 190 month; aample queatlon free. Frankll Institute, Dept J31-F. Rochester." N, Y. Professions and Tradej. WANTED Experienced hotel 'clerk i state age, and K experience. Hotel Paddock, Beatrice, Neb. . HELP WANTED MALE i Professions and Trades. . WE, NEED CONDUCTORS. ( J AND ' MOTORMEN . Apply in person to the ' -'superintendent of vtrans- , portation. second floor, Merchants' National Bank V Bldg, Omaha. v 1 OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY, CO. WANTED Express Handler! Drivers and Chauffeurs AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS . , CO. ) Apply TJnlon Station qfflcc. S!2! Ski ' OPEN SHOP NO STRIKE. MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS wanting immediate and ateady employ ment In well equipped ahops, paying "from 60 to It cents per hour for an eight hour day, and under, unusually tractive cllmatlo and living conditions, should move to Pueblo or correspond with - - Th Pueblo Employers' Association, Box 487 Pueblo, Colo. COUNTRY PRINTER WANTED One ca pable In feeding newspaper presa and Job presses and apt in setting ada and jobs ss directed. Modern equipment. 66-hour week, V rater-for overtime; pay vry Saturday. Press. David City. Neb. A 'GOOD blackamlth wanted to take charge - 0f a well equipped shop snd tools. Will hlr by month orient shop and tools by the month. Inquire at Farmer Stat Bank. Cortland, Neb. -RAND INSTRUCTOR wanted: liberal sal ary for tlm occupied; good place, for inan willing to taKe otner employment. Aa dress W. C. Wells, Sec, Fairmont, Neb. WANTED-founr man to work In th press room. Apply to ISupt, Be Publishing Co. ' WANTED Meat cutters, rellabl, capable of. running email shop. Call at Basket Store Office, 108 N. tth St Call any day, AN expert radiator repair man wanted at once. The Omaha Radiator and Tire Works, 181 Cuming, Bt Tyler 17. WANTED First-class paper hangers. Ap ply at once apd ask for R, W. Tates. ' ORCHARD-WILHELM CO.. 414-18 South 16th St. DOCTOR WANTED Beat location In city of Grand Island, Neb.; rooms over Bau man's Corner drug store. Writ or phone H. A. Bauman. WANTED Experienced furniture polisher and cleaner. ' ORCHARD-WILHELM CO., ' 414 South nth Street WANTED Experienced automobile- repair man. Apply aervlc department Guy L. 8mlth. Twenty-alxth and Farnam streets. ACTIVE young man with two jrsara' drug experience; 176.00 and wa . Box 1622 Missoula, Mont. LEARN barber krade, low races now. Call or writ Barber College. 1124 Douglaa at. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart- i mens, uox iiwi nee WANTED Carpenters and helpere; ateady work. Phone W. B. Weeks. Webster 7, Salesmen and Solicitors. . SALESMAN WANTED ' To sell high-class proposition. Call at 729 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. . SAtESMANAGER - For a nationally advertised ' line, to travel, aelT and manage crews of' spe cialty salesmen State age, experience, and salary expected. Poaition with ad vancement Sterno Canned Meat John and Gold atreeta, Brooklyn. N. T ' SALE8MANAGER - ' For a nationally advertised line, to travV ell and manage crew of ape clalty aalesmen. State age,.-experience, and salary expected. Position with ad vancement Sterno Canned Meat John and Gold atreeta. Brooklyn, N. T. SALESMAN WANTED Energetic, for fast - selling proposition to good merchants; en tirely new. SHEEHT CO., McClelland TA : Tjttlnrtnn. Kt. SALESMEN (or new specialty sold to drug. shoo ana grocery stores, s per com emu mission; side line, email aample. Wll llama to., is w. unio ou, WANTED Man exempt, single, with UghtA car to travel, good contract for hustler and permanent lermory. oox la, winner, Agents and Canvassers., WANTED Good men. whether expert ; In old line life Insurance or not. r A rlenced prop' nattlon that aooeals to the public aa the best there Is In Itfe insurance today. It Is backed by nearly A third of a century ' of splendid Bucdess as well as nearly 114 004,000 of money. Remunerative, to the -agent All , communicationa held confi dential It Interested, addres Box T601. Omaha . BeeT : . - Miscellaneous. c r LABORERS . f " - - For track work. 80 cent per hour at atart with car fare; 10 hours. - - ' apply' TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT. 22D AND NICHOLAS STS..- ., OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS I STREET RAILWAY. V MEN WANTED AT THE LUXUS. PLANT. STEADY WORb;-. GOOD WAGES". APPLY AT BOT TLING DEPT. . - - . ,FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO 1 25th and Krug Ave. help Wanted male Miscellaneous. SOME of my best men bav been called to tbe colors. Want evera young men to fill vacancies. See E. E. Threadglll, Fax. ton hotel. Room 420, after 10 a. m. WANTED 5 men to aell gooda on passen ger trains; must have caah security. Ap ply Rock Island News Stand, btairbury. Neb. WANTED A Janitor for church work and steam heating plant. Wages 170 a month. Addresa Box 968, Omaha Bee.) - . ELDERLY uaineaa man who Appreciates congenial-home for light service, spate time. Box 78, Omaha Bee. . JANITOR WANTED 540 First Nat'l Bank Bldw. , Colored nced not apply. WANTED Experienced broom jbqw sorter. Omaha Broom Corn Factory. ,: 1' 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 women clerka Bt Washlngton.Examinatlons everywhere In July. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions writ for free particular to J. C Leonard Iformer - Civil Service examiner) 121 Kenols Bldg., Washington. -. . MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR Wanted at once, must be experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply in person at 1424 First Nat Bank Bldgv WANTED Male clerk, high achool gradu- ate, xor general clerical worts. jhubi write good band. . Call at room 502, Mer- Professions and Trades. -VV':1 I'l' WANTED Young Ladies to lsari. telephone operating. Good wages ' paid while l;arning, rapid advance- Yv ' ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAM B E RT, 1807 Douglas St. '7 AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND . TELE , , GRAPH CO. Has openings for a few bright, capable, refined young women, between 17 and 23 yeara of age, to till permanent positions. Work is desirable. Interesting and edu cational. Carried on In congenial, health ful surroundings. Good wagea: excellent opportunitlea for advancement to respon sible positions for those of ability. Those living at home preferred. Will be glad to ' have parent accompany appllcanta when, applying, to investigate work and surroundings. Apply Miss Carlson, tth floor. 656 Brandela Theater building, j WANTED 15 experienced aewing mschino operators: .steaay wont ana oesi paying position in the city. Omaha Auto Top Co.,' 70-ll South 15th St Household and Domestic. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK. MRS. . C. NASH, 3807 BURT 'STREET. TEL. WAL. 212. WANTED at once, white girl for general housework, no waahlng or cooking, good home.' references required, Harny 4572, 1335 South 36th Av ' i WANTED A SECOND GIRL. MRS. L. C NASH, S807 BURT. PHQNE TTALNTJT WANT two glrla between the ages of 16 and 21 to act aa housemaid and nurse girl, re spectively; no laundry work. Plac 4 mil from town. Cafl Walnut 3481. - YOUNG girl 'to assist with housework, small new house, no washing; good wagea. Har ney 4599. 109 South Forty-second street. WANTED To assist with light housework for room and board and small wages. Call Harney 1340: MAID for general housework; white; 9 per week. Walnut 128. - - GIRL for housework and to assist with child, good wages. Colfax 4030. WANTED Competent cook. 82d Ave;-. Harney 206. - Apply 206 & EXPERIENCED white cook, Danish Bwrith nrferred. Call Harney 70. ' EXPERIENCED girl for general housework: 3715 South Twenty-fifth St. South 34. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 403 Sonth 38th avenue. - HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men," ladtea and - boys, learn barber trade; "big demand; wagea while learning: strictly modern. Call or writ 1401 Dodge St Trl-CUy Barber college, WANTED Teachers, for Kansas, histoid and l.tln- S90: 6th and 6th grades, 170. Nebraska, 2d and td grades. t70: auperln-4 tendents, 11,200 to 2.iuu. oiewari ocnooi eervice, Lincoln, feu. - WANTED Men and women to learn life in surancovsollciting. Also district managers Lincoln, .Fremoni. spienuiu opponuuuy. Box 047. Omaha Bee. . - MOLER Barber College wanta young men and ladles to learn th barber trade. Call or writ for free catalogue. 114 ft 14tb St.. Omaha. Neti ' - ' ' EDUCATIONAL , g IVllAi. 4 - ' I r it I trv M LUl't-c-UC ' 57vi P"s , DAY SCHOOL, i NIGHT. SCHOOL. 1 Every day I enrollment' day. Book keeping, borthand. stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer clal and Engllab branches. Catalogue free. , BOYLES COLLEGE, v 1 Dougla 1665 ltth and Harney Bt. 1- Van Saot School of Busines. . , ' Dsy and Evening Schools. ttO Omaha Nsttonai Bank Bids, t Doualaa --'-' FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. . : It you faU to find the room you 1 deelr among these ds call at Tb Bee offlc tor aRoom Llt Give omplrtf descrtptloiV of vscsnt rnonis la alt pariA of the city. New data taeued -verv week.--" ,. SANITARY modern rooms for men only. 12.50 per week. Sunshine Apartments. 601 . N. 17th St. J. B, Robinson. 443 Bee Bldg. 1 Douglaa 8097. ' ' NICELY furnished southeast front room .for one or two persons: . laundry, privilege. Duug. IStt. ; 10 4 Davenport X FOR RENTROOMS Furnished Rooms. MODERN furnished rooms tor men only al th Sunshine. 401 North 17th Bt Reason able rent MODERN furnished room, permanent or iransieni. mciuaing . suitable for three gentlemen. 1711 Podge. 2124 Cass Front - rooms, modern; nicely furnished, cool. Tel. Tyier zsis. THE GRAYSTONE 25th and Cass; Slceljl furnished rooms. Douglaa 794. 1 ROOM In', private family tor gentleman; walking distance. Harney 440L ' 1611 HOWARD, nicely furnished ; fronl rooms. T Housekeeping Rooms. l.Arvuci irun. iwiih, " light housekeeping. ' Alao sleeping rooms. Doug.. 6791. 4063 Farnam, 2d floor, to right TWO-ROOM suite, linen,, dishea, etc., fur nlshed, modern; family of two, Tyler , 1881, ONE housekeeping room on ground floor; two on bath room floor; modern, Doug. 8939. 2 ROOMS, first floor, south front, gas range, water; no.cholldren. 4. S028 St Mary a. 72 S. 18TH ST.. coot clean, modern houa-. keeping and sleeping rooms, up. i MOD. fur., gaa range, garage, to coupl . without children, wainui Board and Rooms. EXCLUSIVE home, cool, . front room, beautifully furnished in mahogany, twin beds: breakfast and dinner: two gentle- . amninved. 261 Farnam. ' Harney 3369. VJERY nicely furnished outside room in ex clusive borne; hot ana coia running. -in nvitn' hreakfast and dinner.) 161 Farnam. Harney 83S. I 2561 DODGE Attractive room for twogood board. Harnqy ena. 3-ROOM8 with bath. 17. 220 N. 25th St. Rooms Wanted. WANTED By employed gfH, room on ol ' near Farnam street, west of Thtrty-firal street. Box 4714, Oman a pee. REFINED young lady want room In private family, with Bleeping porch privileges. Box 8180, umana-..pge. -Hotels. tLAREMONT INN. 17th and Jackson. Transient guest, tl a day; permsnsnt guests. 15 a ween, uougia aias. COOL rooma, 12 week; also apartments wit kitchenettes. rden hotel. Co Butf FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FOR RENT Beautiful furnished two, three and five-room modern apartment " i walking distance. Hav large beautiful porches for comfort of tenant. The FlorentlneySll South 25th St Office 201 s Balrd Bid. Phone DtTOglas 1422. THREE ROOMS, nicely furnished, water In. eluded, gas 25-cent meter,-si a per momu. Call Douglas 6313 before 8 or after 4, inter- WELL furnished 3-room and bath apart-mentfVuly-15, for 2 or I months; Hans corn park district " Call Harney 1.723, morjiings. FOR RENT 7-room furnished apartment, Th "Bircnwooa Apis., ssvs vajinut gyp. FURNISHED apartment In Selma Terrace until sept. I. iiarney sioa. THREE-ROOM apartment, well furnjshf. Close in, 130. ' Douglas (oie. - COOL, well-furnished three and five-roots - apartments: . Walking distance. 135 and . 145. Addres Bee 997. ' ' STRICTLY MODERN, beautifully.-furnished five rooms, near car Harney 1913. ; FOR RENT HOUSES West FOR RENT Brand new four-room modern apartment; good neighborhood; ; walking ' distance; must be seen to be appreciated. The Chlodo. 2552 Marcy, office 206 Baird Bldg. Phone Douglas 1432. v ' f -ROOM apartment, the Chula Vista, 30tb and Poppleton Ave,, for rent June 1. Apply Conrad Toung, 122 Brandela The ater. . Douglas 1571. " " - 3304 No.' 69th St. .7 rooms. tlt.OO 4922 Bedford Ave4 I rooms 12.50 OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSN. 2661 Douglas, rooming bouse. 133.00 1616'. North 16th, rooming hou...... 33.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 664. - STRICTLY high grade West Dodge resi dence. Near Blackston bcftaL . J rooms. Walnut 698. ' ' 7-ROOM house, hot water heat; walking distance. Harney 204. J X - ' : . North. Lake View cottage, on two car lines, at Carter lake, desirable tor I or t ladlea or gentlemen. Webster 6041.- FOUR rooms and bath, aecond floor, 110, 2631 Seward, five-room house, part mod-' em, trt, 2708 Seward,' Red 682. SEVEN rooma modern, 125, near poatofflce. ,G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. 7-ROOM modern house; 3864 Hamilton St., Douglas 1528. - - Central. 10-ROQM modern '-house; laundry. Keys 2601 Tapltol Ave. Phone Harney 4564. Miscellaneous. LIOT your property tor - rent or' sale with i - FIRST TRUST COMPANY. f -Realtor. - Tyler 71. . HOUSES IM ALT. PARTS OIT- TRW rtTW CREIGH SONS A CO.. BEE BLDG. 8honn A Co.. Rwtl Toiiela 4221. FOR RENT APARTMENTS x West, . .-- APARTMENT. t rooma In the Hudson, 207 South 26th Avenue; heat and janitor Berries; 142.60 and 160.00 per month. Benson & Myers Co., Realtors, 424 Omaha Nat. Blc. Bldg. p. 7426. 4-ROOM. nice woodwork, south 'and a -fFont t minute walk from poatolflce, 11 ' per month; water rent paid, 2421 Lsaven. worth. Call Doug. 1313 before I ay after e lmermeaiaie caii-uoug. sons. ' . THREE ROOM apartment, outh front Srg closet 111 ner month: see ansrtmonV time. 2422 Leavenworth. " Call Douglas 6313 before I or after 6. Intermediate call Douglas 9683. - . FURNISHED LA TUNA APTS. 641 Bltith St A larg ilv. room, ard res, room and - closet combined, a kltch. and bath, comp. - turn., best of ervlce D. 1631. - TRUST CO. 8pelsltlst In Apsrtment management HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof: fine lawn anil flowers; beat location, 24th and Parana ' Price reasonable. Call D 1472 ANGELUS APARTMENTS 26th Ave, ano , Douglaa: to sub-let one, two-room apart-- iment. Harney 2074. ' . " North. IIODUK.N Estabrook . Apia., near poatofnceT 132 G P. Stebbins. 1410 Cfflcsgo. . 1 ' "K--y ' ' " FOR RENT Business Prop'ty . Stores. STORE FOR RENT 15th snd Douglaa, ife 40. (team heat rent tilt per-month. WORLD REALTT CO, . , -Douglaa 5342 Bon Theater Bldg, MODERN store, 14th St. near P. Q. Lew rent U. P. aubblna, ltlS Clilose " NT'