Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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By Daddy "Fofes of the Farmer."
A complete, sew adventur mob week,
becinnlns Monday and ndlng Saturday.
Simple Smof(s S)s'
thing that I hadn't realized before,
that there are good birds and bad
"And the good Birds are your
friends, and it isn't fair to treat "them
unkindly for what the bad Birds do,"
added Peggy.
"I've had my eyes epened," declared
the farmer. "And now I invite all you
good Birds to come to my farm, to
make it your home, and to help me
save the crops."
"It will need a whole army of Birds
to fight all the pests," said the Giant.
"They have such a big start on us
they'll have the crops' ruined in an
other day."
"My Birds," cried Peggy, "Vou will
be an army in this cause. I call upon
you. For America's crops, for Amer
ica's, soldier boys,' for the right1 Who
will join the army?"
"We will, Princess Peggy," criid
all the Birds. "We are ready to at
tack the food Huns this instant."
"Mr. Swallow, you shall be general.
You're the best fighter I've ever
seen." ' .
"Just you watch us fight and grow
fat," shelled General Swallow. "Pig
eons and Swallows, you the swiftest
flyers, speed east and west, north and
south: call the Birds to battle. We'll
have those Huns on the run ere set
of sun."
(Tomorrow It will b told how tha Birds
wage their fight on tha food destroyers.)
Complete the 'etters of Simon's signthey will spell the ,name
of a movie star. (Answer to previous puzzle OHIO.
fighting in your presence! i but that
wasn't really fighting, you Know. He
didn't fight back hard enough for me
really to show what I can do when I
get mad. That was just beating up a
bad bird."
"I thought it was a pretty good
fight," declared Peggy. "You did a
splendid job."
"You bet he did," exclaimed Farmer
Dalton. "And he's shown me some-
Blue Jay Gets a Thrashing.
v (Pefriry. trying to bring peace between
Fanner Dalton and Uie Birds so that the
latter may help cave the war crops, seems
about to accomplish her ends, when Blue
Jay and his crowd come to the council hall
boasting of a destructive raid on the farm
era orchard and garden.)
"QJHAME on you, Blue Jay!" cried
O Peeev.
"Shamel Shame! .Shame!"-shrieked
. the Birds.
"Oh, I didn't know you were, here,
said Blue Jay, as he saw Peggy and
Farmer Dalton. Then he blustered
to cover , up his confusion. "But
don't care. We've just as much right
to eat as anyone. '
s "But you haven't any right to eat
what you haven't helped to grow, nor
tos destroy that which someone else
might eat, declared Peggy severely,
JLhat s what I say, spoke up
Farmer Dalton indignantly. Thats
why I don't want the Birds on my
- "That's what we all say, all if us
who are honest, and that means most
of the Birds, shrilled Mr. Swallow,
who seemed very angry, we are
willing to earn fai more than we eat
; by helping to grow it. But Birds who
are fair and square are given a bad
name by such rowdies as the Jays
Now we see why you think we are all
enemies and nuisances, but we're go-
,. mg to show you that we will not
stand for such conduct." He glared
fiercely at Blue Jay, who glared de
' fiantly back and screamed a mocking
taunt: "
... Goody, goody. Swallow boy,
Mamma's pat and Daddy'a joy, .
Mr. Swallow's feathers ruffled with
rage, but his voice as he turned to
Judge Owl was very calm almost
too calm, Peggy thought. '
Will you please pass sentence,
Judge Owll"
iv judge Uwl drew himseir up very
solemnly and looked at Blue Jay
severely, as he hooted:
x ' You've had your fling. Blue Jar;
i You've shamed ua all today;
!.- The price you now must pay,
"That's all I have to aay.
He paused then hooted abruptly
"Go to it Swallow P'
And Mr. Swallow went to it Like a
flash he was upon Blue Jay. The
, rascal took wing to dodge the at
v tack, but Mr. Swallow smashed into
him and upset him in midair.' Blue
Jay went sprawling down among the
Urioles and each took a peck at him.
The other Jays flew to his aid, but
Mr. bwalrow was a perfect fury and
boldly . attacked the whole crowd,
scattering them shrieking before him.
Blue Jay freed himself from the Ori
oles and bobbed up into the air. Mr.
Swallow caught him and fairly made
the feathers fly as he tore into him
with beak and claws.
Blue Jay lost all his sauciness and
bluster in a hurry. He tried to fight
back; for he was no coward, but Mr.
Swallow was mad clear through. He
was bound to give Blue Jay a thor
, ough thrashing and he did it. He
pecked and buffeted and clawed. Fi
nally Blue Jay could stand the. punish
ment no longer, and made off screech
ing into the, woods. The other Swal
lows now joined in the chase, and the
Jays were quickly driven from ' the
forest, with a sharp warning not to
come back.'
Mr. Swallow wis short of breath
when he came back from the fray,
but he hadn't lost a feather. He of
fered a tardy apology to Peggy.
"I beg your pardon, Princess, for
Booze Hound finds
Real Plant When He
Follows Battle Lead
Sam Satema, 1416 William street,
fell into the toils of the law Fourth
' of July when he attempted to dis
tribute a little of the Independence
day cheer which1 prohibited, according
to State Agent Wilson of the special
booze sleuths.
Late Wednesday flight Wilson was
i ' informed that two men and a woman
" on a joyride in a motorcycle had
started a sham battle at a point on
v the West Dodge road. Upon investi
gation, he found that, true to form,
bootleg booze had contributed to the
disturbance and when he promised
the celebrants immunity if they would
divulge the source of the joy bubbles,
they directed him to Satema's place.
Wilson declared that before he raid
ed the Satema place Assistant Agent
. Walker obtained first hand evidence
on Satema by purchasing a pint of the
contraband for $3. Wilson seized
Beven bottles of liquor, six of them
' full, he reported. '
Many Auto Thefts Are7
I Reported to the Police
Auto owners have reported : 175
automobiles to the police as missing
in Omaha since May 14. The police
- , . have recovered96 of these machines
and made 23 arrests in con'nection
..with the thefts. Twelve of the per
sons arrested have been bound over
, to the district court; five of them have
-.' their trials still pending; two have
been sent to the reform school, .and
two were fugitives from justice and
nave Deen returned to tne proper au
thorities. -.
V Reports RobberysWhile Drunk.
I ' George and Dick Armstrong, giv
ing their home as Missouri ' Valley,
-la.,.1 were arrested Wednesday night
!y po .ce on complaint of Tom Don
. . Ion, 609 North Seventeenth street.
Don Km alleges the two men brought
whisky to his room and after he was
dnmk robbed him rf $8. Donlon was
belli to answer a charge ot being
tirun, '
In the Silent Drama
SonA beautiful young American girl
finding beraelt alone and destitute In Paris,
become involved in a mysterious aerlea of
events. She la led by clrcumatancea to play
tha part ot a mythical person in charge of
tha mansion ot a lady whom ahe baa
ever seen. Romance la added to mystery
When her employer s aon flnda bar in the
house and believe her to be an Impostor.
Many of the scenea are In tha Latin quarter
in raris wmcn nss bean reproduced with
striking realism. This la the outline of
The Ghoat of Rosy Taylor." to be exhibit
ed at th Bun today and tomorrow. Mary
Miles Mintar la featured In thla film.
Klalto Tom Melghan and Sylvan Bream-
er in "Mlaatng." a J. Stuart Blarkton pro
duction front tha novel by Mrs. Humphrey
war a ia me Jtiauoa reatar mm for to
day, and tomorrow. An English girl's sol-
dter husband la reported . "missing" la
Franc. Aa time goes on another war hero
wooe her. Her ambitious sister urge her
to marry him. This altuatlon forma th
basis of th atory.
Strand Th less desirable aide ot aoetal
Ufa la ahowa In "A Desert Wooing," which
stars Enid Bennett and which will be shown
at tne strand theater today and tomorrow.
Thla is a Paramount picture and a Thomaa
H. Inea production. Th heroine la, a girl
raised in the cynical and unhealthy atmo
sphere of th ao-called smart set and only
when aha meets a real man from tha
boundless west does aha develop the aide
of her character that baa remained hidden
the decent aids. Jack Holt plays oppo
site miss enneii in mis picture, ,
Empress The Glllls, a family Broun con.
alsting of three men. a woman and a mid.
get, at tha Empress theater, perform prao
tloally everything that cornea under tha
head ot acrobatics. Th oomedy playlet,
"Getting th Money," offering by Harry
Maaon and bla oompany of players, Is cre
ating a good deal ot comment Mlsa Theda
uara seemed to out-vamp herself yesterday
when aha appeared In William Fox'a 1918
version of 'A Fool Thera Was." at th
Empress theater. It Is one ot those pro
ductions that go straight to the heart of
ins story and that cannot be aald of all
motion plcturea today. The lighting effecta
the Government
to the Limit
The Government has asked American
business to pursue a certain course for the
duration of the war.
Keep quality up and prices reasonable.
a strictly non-prof iteering policy.
It is the only patriotic policy. It is the
policy this company has, always adopted
and the one we will continue to pursue.
We stand ready to undergo any sacrifice
in order to cooperate vith the Government
We believe it is be$t for ourselves. ,
We know it is best for our country.
We appeal to all concerns big and small
to adopt the same policy.
American business must rally as a unit to
the support of the Government
It is the surest and the quickest way to
win the war.
United States Tires
. ....-
are Good Tires
Royal Cord' 'Nobty OuOn' Vaco' 'Plain'
9th and Douglas Sts. Phone Tyler 840
and tha camera work are auperb. Tha play
wtil be ahown today and tomorrow.
Muse Gladys Rrackwell will be starred In
'Th Bcarlet Road" today and tomorrow.
A atory of a girl's triumph over the wolves
of New York society, and sKld to be on of
the best productions In which this star has
appeared. "The Eagle's Eye" will also be
iAthrop -Besal Barrlsrat In the dram
atisation of the novel "Within the Cup."
will be aeen here today and tomorrow.
Mlaa Barriscal In tha lead haa a difficult
part to play bat It haa been carried out
with skill. The dramatto effecta have bean
brought forward well, th whole maklns
on ot the beat plays of thla year for this
Chinese Puzzle Baffles
Third Exemption Board
When is a Chinaman not a China
man? Henry Meyers of the third local ex
emption board wants to know.
He is confronted with this situa
tion: Two Chinamen registered in
his district were born in China, but
their fathers were born in America
and were, of course, American citi
zens. Meyers contends that ions of '
American citizens should fight for the V ,
country, but one of the men disagree
with him and claims exemption. t . ,
The other Chinaman is willing to -go
to war. ,
Balloon School at
Fort Omaha Will Enlist
Some Men From Here
Colonel Hersey of Fort Omaha an
nounces that he will in the' near fu
ture organize several new companies
at Fort Omaha and that he will en
list men from here.
A few more enlistments of electrical
men outside the draft ace will be
made at Fort Omaha. Machinists,
mechanics, chauffeurs, telephone ex
perts, stenographers and cordage rig
gers will De enlisted.
Men having no snecial aualincations
should weigh 160 pounds or more.
The induction of a few specially
qualified men in the draft will be re
quested from the local boards. "
M. D. FaucettGillsvilIe, Ga., sayt he has
taken his weight in medicine for headache v
and constipation, but never used anything
that did him so much good as Chamberlain's
Tablets. ' '
m - m m f
irn? tablets -txry (
03) m an
Beaton Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
mMmm imMfMry-r i?-.
j and
s-swc wax? -ayAST JVJ3Z
Two Show in On.
Feata of, Tumbllnf, Foot Jufflinf anal
Staring and Danclnf.
Present Comedy Playlet
In Novelty Act.
Wm, Fox Presents
In 1918 Version of
Boating:, fishing, dancing: and
refreshments. Cottages, single
or en suite, by the day or week,
at reasonable prices. Country
cooking from our own farm
Plenty of Fresh Milk
and Eggs
An Ideal Spot for a Sum
mer Resort 4.
Telephone DoufUi 2971
ary Miles Minter
in ---"THE
Gladys Brbckwell
Cf'aiMaatJIlf!! 1 ""0'4
Today and Saturda;
lar .
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