Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1918, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XLVm. NO. 14.
By Mill (I mr: Daily, II SO: Sundu-. KM;
Oilly ul Sol. M: oaUld Nab. nDin utrm.
Enttrsd Meoad-elan Kitttr May 2S. (90S,
at Oaaha P. 0. Mdtr act of March 3. 1871.
American Declaration of Free
dom to Be Commemorated
in Britain, France, Italy
and Other Lands.
By Associated Press.
" Washington, July 3. Amer
ican Independence day will be
observed tomorrow as never
before. While the people of
the United States are gathering
to celebrate the signing 142
years ago of the declaration of
freedom, exercises will be held
in Great Britain, France, Italy
and other lands to commemo
rate the birth of American lib
erty to the defense of which
the nation already has sent
1,000,000 men overseas.
In this country the day will be the
occasion of a renewal of allegiance
by the foreign born and President
Vilson will be the honor guest of a
committee representing 30 nationali
ties on a pilgrimage to the home and
tomb of George Washington. The
president will deliver an address
which will be read simultaneously at
demonstrations throughout the coun
try and which has been cabled for
reading and publication in foreign
. Celebrations Various.
Patriotic celebrations have been
arranged in virtually every city and
town in the country, in which , native
born and foreign born will join, while
the day will be made a gala one at all
army and navy training camps and
stations. No small part of the day's
celebration will bex the launching on
the Atlantic, gulf and Pacific coasts
of 100 merchant ships and 14 torpedo
boat destroyers to challenge the Ger
man sea wolves. '
The celebration of the day already
has beeun in France with a great dis
play of flags. This will be- followed
by exercises tomorrow throughout
that country. Along the fronfwliere
American troops face the Huns and
back 6f the trenches at' supply depots
and army camps renewed significance
will be given to the Fourth of July
demonstration by American soldiers.
ti. , Britons to Celebrate.
In Great Britain exercises will be
iield in London, Liverpool and other
cities and American soldiers and sail
ors will be guests of the municipali
ties at dinners and entertainments.
In Italy the public schools will be
closed, and all employes of the gov
ernment will be given a holiday.
In several South American repub
lics the day also will be observed.
The State department was advised to
day by American charges that tomor
. row will be a national holiday in San
Salvador, Peru and Nicaragua.
Messages to the American people
were sent tonight by General Per
shing, Secretary Daniels, Secretary
Lansing, Secretary Wilson and Lord
Reading, the British ambassador.
- Message From Pershing.
General Pershing said:
"On this anniversary of our inde
pendence the officers and men of the
American expeditionary forces in
battlefields of France renew their
pledge of fealty and devotion to our
cause and country. The resolve of
our forefathers that all men shall be
free is their resolve. Quickened by
sympathy for an invaded people of
kindred ideals and the war challenge
of an arrogant enemy, it is fortified
by the united support of the Ameri
can people."
The Weather
For Nebraska Generally fair on
Thursday; cooler west and north por
tions at night in southeast portion;
Friday generally fair; cooler in east.
Temperatures in OmaTia Yesterday.
6 a. m. . ..
8 a. m. . ..
7 a. m....
8 a. m....
a. m....
10 a. m....
11 a. m....
12 m
1 p. m....
2 p. m. ...
3 p. m.
4 p. m.
5 p. m.
6 p. in 95
7 p. m 93
8 p. m 93
Comparative local Record.
1918. 1917. 1918. 1915.
75 78 94 . 73
76 6S 76 63
80 68 85 63
Highest yesterday .
Lowest Yesterday . .
Mean temperature .
r Precipitation
00 .00 .00 .17
Temperature and
precipitation depar
tures from the normal
- Norjnal temperature "'76
Excess for the day 10
Total excess since March 1 571
Normal precipitation 15 inch
deficiency for the day 15 inch
Total precipitation since Mar. 1.7.56 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 6.84 lnchees
Excess for cor. period, 1917 95 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1916. .5.18 Inches
Reports From Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and Btate Temp. High- Raln-
of weather. . 7 p.m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy 76 84 T
Davenport, pt cloudy. .84 84 .00
Denver, cloudy SO 88 .00
Des Moines, cloudy.... 88 92 .00
Dodre City, pt, cloudy. 92 98 .00
Lander, partly cloudy.. 74 80 .00
North Platte, clear.... 100 100 .00
Omaha, clear ..93 95 .00
Pueblo, cloudy 80 92 T
Rapid City, cloudy ....83 90 .12
Rait Lake City, clear.. 80 80 .
Santa Fe, cloudy. 74 80 .02
Sheridan, raining 62 76 .04
Bloux City, pt cloudy.. 93 96 .00
Valentin, pt. cloudy. ...90 100 .00
T" indicates trace of precipitation.
' U JL WELSH, Meteorologist.
2,170,400 Men in U. 5. Army;
Half of Them Already Across
Rapid Growth of War Forces Re
viewed by Secretary Baker, Who
Says Troops are Eager for
By Associated Press.
Washington, July 3. Supplementing President Wilson's
winouncement that more than a million American troops have
embarked for Europe, Chairman Dent of the military committee
laid before the house today a review of war preparations during
the 15 months cf war, prepared by Secretary 'Baker. It showed
that there are now 160,400 officers and 2,010,000 men with the
colors, compared with a total of 9,524 officers and 202,310 men
in the regulars and National Guard 14 months ago.
The statement shows that 286 com-y
bat airplanes had been dehvtred up
to June 8, and that the production
rate of this type then was 8Q per
week. More than 2,000 Liberty mo
tors have been delivered and the
weekly production rate was US dur
ing the first week in June.
Brownings Being Produced Rapidly.
More than 900 heavy Browning
machine guns were delivered during
May and the deliveries for that
month of light .Brownings totaled
"Sufficient rifles are now being re
ceived," the statement says, "to equip
an army division every . three days .
More, than 1,300,000. rifles had been
produced and delivered up to June 1."
Speaking of the morale of the army
in France, the statement," says:
. "In France it was necessary to
change the name of the zone behind
the armies from the 'service of the
.rear to service ot supply because ot
the difficulty in getting men to serve
in a region having the shellproof des
ignation, 'rear.'
"Even at the actual front there is
something of a tradition in the use of
the term 'No Man's Land.' Our men
prefer tp call it and to make it
'Yankeeland. "
Seek Hazardous Service.
Mr. Baker said the committee on
classification" of "personnel reports
that "a surprisingly large number of
recruits ask to be placed in the most
hazardous branches of the military
service," and added: i
"If a reply is needed to those who
say that the men of the national
army are in camp only because they
have to be. it is this: That those
men are going over the top because
they want to go."
"Consensus of opinion is," contin
(CoDtlnued on Page Two, Column Three.)
Another State Bank
Is to Be Launched in
Omaha in Few Weeks
The Great Western State Bank is
the name of a new financial institu
tion which the promoters state will
make its bow to Omaha within a few
The temporary office is at No. 501,
Securities building, and an optional
lease has been obtained on the ground
floor corner rooms of the Woodmen
of the World building. Plans have
been drawn for the bank offices.
Jens Nielsen, organizer, is a former
member of the legislature, and has
been identified with local democratic
politics. He stated that he has sold
$200,000 of stock, which represents
the capital. It is expected that the di
rectors will meet within a week to
elect officers and file articles of in
corporation. The personnel of the present direc
tory is: George E. Hall, state treas
urer; Jens Jensen, Alva Smith of
South Side, James C. i)ahlman, W.
H. Hyland of Stanton, Gilbert Each
er of Albion, and F. C. Embree of
Where Patriotic Omahans
Will Celebrate the Day
Outline program for Americaniza
tion Fourth of July celebrations in
Miller, Riverview, Elmwood, Mandan,
Krug, Hanscom, Fontenelle and
Kountze parks. AH programs begin
at 7:30 o'clock.
Reading special Independence day
message of President Wilson by the
Band music.
"Star Spangled Banner," sung by
Ceremonial pledging allegiance to
the American flag by the whole audi
ence. Reading of Declaration of Inde
pendence with brief explanation of
the causes and conditions of its origin.
"Battle Hymn of the Republic,"
sung by audience.
Address of 15 to 20 minutes by an
American citizen of foreign birth.
Band music.
Reading of Lincoln's Gettysburg
Band music.
Address of 15 to 20 minutes by na
tive born American citizen.
"America," sung by audience.
Chairmen, speakers, musical di
rectors, bands and singers at the va
rious parks:
Elmwood Park.
Chairman John Whisler.
Musical Director J. E. Carnal, as
Lillian Lancaster of Kearney
: Receives Prize for Best
. Answer on Meaning
of the Word.
i A 12-year-old girl is the winner in
The Bee's Americanism contest,
which closed June 30. She is Lillian
Lancaster of Kearney, Neb. She will
receive a prize of $5.
Following is her answer to the
question, "What is true Americanism
and what does it mean to be a true
True Americanism Is real love for
America. Love that will make us
stand for and be ready to give any
thing, everything, even life, to help
her, .
A man who is willing to give up
his business, his pleasures, his
home and family and to give his life
for American is a true American.
The business man who spends his
vacation on the farm helping the
farmer instead of spending his time
in sports, or a man that will not
stand by and hear slurring remarks
made about our government, our
president or army without making
the person stop or reporting him to
the officials, is a real American.
A woman who leaves her occu
pation and home and risks her life
on the battlefield caring for the
wounded soldiers and orphan chil
dren is a true American. A woman
who spends all her spare time knit
ting and sewing for the Red Cross
is an' American.. : A -woman who
bravely and cheerfully sends her
husband, brother or son to war
without discouraging him in any
way and then takes, his place and
does, his work is a true American.
The children that used to buy
candy and toys, with their pocket
money and now spend it for Thrift
stamps and work -to buy more are
real Americans.' '. 'J ', - ; -
The men and women living at
home who invest their money in
Liberty bonds and give money to
the Red Cross are Americans.Those
who keep all the food laws and use
substitutes for wheat and sugar are
real Americans.;
All who believe in America first,
last and always, right or wrong,
and are ready to give everything for
her good, are true Americans.
Prizes for Eleven Others.
Eleven other prize winners who
will each receive a book for the excel-
(lontuiuea on race Two, Column Three.) -
sisted by First Methodist church
Reading of Declaration of Inde
pendence R. A. Van Orsdel.
Reading of Gettysburg Address
John G. Kuhn.
Addresses Robert Cowell and Hal
leck F. Rose.
Fontenelle Park.
Chairman Herman Timme.
Musical Director Ben Johnston,
assisted by church choirs and Ak-Sar-Ben
male chorus.
Reading of Declaration of Inde
pendence W. M. Burton.
Reading of Gettysburg Address
John F. Moriarty.
Addresses Rev. P. M. Lindberg
and Judge Lee S. Estelle.
Hanscom Park.
Chairman Judge George A. Day.
Musical Director Frank Boroch,
assisted' by Polish band.
Reading of Declaration of Inde
pendence William A. Schall.
Reading of Gettysburg Address
Marvin Root.
Addresses Rev. Theobald Kala
maja and Charles Battelle.
Kountze Park.
Chairmen C. S. McGiil and Robert
Musical Directcfr Ben Stanley, as
( Continued on Fa Two. Column Five.)
League Withholds Personnel of
Delegation, Promising to
Make Names Public at
Saturday's Meeting.
Members of the Nonpartisan
League of Douglas County have
elected delegates to the state conven
tion to be held at Lincoln on next
Wednesday, but the officers are not
ready to announce the personnel of
their delegation.
At a meeting held in the Castle
hotel, presided over by Chairman
Hughes of McArdle precinct, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
"Resolved, that we, the delegates
assembled in Omaha, representing
Douglas county farmer and labor
members oT the' National and City
Nonpartisan league, do hereby pledge
our unrestricted loyalty and our un
limited efforts in support of our gov
ernment lrt the further prosecution of
the war to a successful conclusion."
It has been stated that 32 members
of the league live in Union precinct,
west of Florence;
Secretary Boettger staled that he
had been advised not to divulge the
names of the Douglas county dele
gates at this time.
9:00 A. M.-M-I-N-K-S Handi
cap Shoot, Omaha Gun club.
10:00 A. M. Playground Program
Kountze park.
12:00 M. Flag raising, Fontenelle
park, Ray J. Abbott, speaker.
2:00 P. M. Wrestling Match.
Rourke park, Charles Peters
against John Pesek.
2:00 P. M. Patriotic Speech,
Harry B. Fleharty, Fontenelle
2:00 P. M. M-I-N-K-S Handi
cap Shoot, Omaha Gun club.
2:00 to 5:00 P. M. Folk dances,
pantomimes, games, children's
drills, athletic exercises at Mil
ler, Riverview, Elmwood, Han
scom, Fontenelle, Florence,
Mandan and Spring Lake park
playgrounds and at Gifford
and Clearview playgrounds.
5:30 P. M. Basket picnics at Mil
ler, Riverview, Elmwood, Man
dan, Hanscom, Fontenelle and
. Kountze parks.
6:30 P. M.-Concert by Polish
band, Hanscom park.
7:30 P. Mrr-Americanization
Fourth of July celebration and
programs at Hacscom, Fonte
nelle, Kountze, Miller, River
view, Elmwood, Mandan and
Krug parks.
7:30 P. M. Playground exhibi
tion, Benson playground.
All Day Special patriotic golf
tournaments at all golf links.
Obstructions Are Scientifically
Placed at Three Ponts Near
River Sioux, Iowa, on
Aji attempt g. wreck a Northwest
ern passenger train was prevented
Tuesday afternoon by the alertness of
the track inspectors, who discovered
the obstructions just in time to sig
nal the approaching train, running
at a speed of nearly 60 miles an hour,
between River Sioux and Blenco,
la. Indications point to an attempt
to wreck a troop train.
At the point designated the North
western has several miles of new
rails strung along the track to re
place the old steel, but no track work
ers ar; engaged in the immediate
vicinity. Inspectors equipped with
track motors patrol the line, making
a round trip of the assigned territory
once in two hours. They had passed
the point two hours previously and
found the track clear, but on the
return they ran upon a series of ob
structions placed with criminal cun
ning. In three places two of the loose
rails were placed on the track with
the ends crossed so that the other
ends would not contact with the op
posite track rail. If the rails had
been placed across the track they
would have short-circuited the block
system and displayed red signals at
both blocks.
In Local Display Advertising
For the first six months of 1918.
Showed the greatest gain.
Here are the figures in inches.
(Warfield Measurements for 1917.)
(Haynes Measurements for 1918.)
1917 1918
Bee 105,516 127,292
World-Herald ...124,153 134,183
News 93,248 114,185
BEE GAIN, 21,776 Inches
World-Herald Gain .... 10,030 Inches
News Gain .20,937 Inches
Results that Count,
Is the Answer.
Perfect Hail of Bullets Let Loose in Ranks of Enemy at
Close Range With Deadly Effect; Americans
Hold Every Foot of Ground Gained "
in Vicinity of Vaux-
By Associated Press.
With the American Army in France, July 3. A heavy
; German counter attack against the American positions at Vaux.
; launched at 1 o'clock this morning, was repulsed, the enem.-y
J losing very heavily. Not a foot of the ground, won by the
.Americans in tneir attack on Monday night was lost, v
The counter attack developed after the Germans had
heavily bombarded Vaux and De La Roche; When the Ger
man infantry leaped from the trenches the troops came over in
close formation. In some cases whole companies were allowed
io approach close to the American line, then the Americar,
machine gunners from their hidden nests let loose a perfect
hail of bullets, mowing down the enemy ranks and piling the
dead all over the ground where the Germans were trvini? tti
; advance.
Advance Effected Over Diffi
cult Terrain Near River's
Mouth; Austrian Attack in
Grappa Region Foiled.
Rome, July 3. Italian forces atong
the lower Piave delivered a number
of hard strokes at the Austrian de
fenses vesterdav. fighting their wav
-4 forward againsfdesperate enemy 're
sistance, the war office Announced to
day. The advance was over the diffi
cult terrain near the river's mouth,
which is partially flooded. . .
The Italians captured approxi
mately 1,900 Austrians, together with
trench guns, machine guns and war
The Kalians successfully with
stood an Austrian counter attack at
the head of the San Lorenzo valley,
in the Grappa region, where they had
taken important positions in the
lighting of the day previous. The
new positions have been consoli
dated. The number of prisoners
taken here has reached 621, while 22
machine guns and quantities of war
material also were captured.
French troops were active today on
the Italian front carrying out brilliant
raids from their positions on the
Asiago plateau, as the result of which
prisoners were taken.
Vienna Denies Crossing.
Vienna, July 3. Italian troops,
supported by naval forces, attempted
to cross the Piave near its mouth
yesterday, says today's war office
statement. The attempt was a fail
ure, as was another effort by the
Italians to effect a crossing of the
river further north, near Zenson, it
is declared.
The Italians succeeded in effecting
a slight gain of ground near Shiesa
nuova, northeast of Capo Sile.
The futile attempt of the enemy to
land his infantry on the easterly
side of the Piave was made near Re
vedoli, close to the Adriatic.
Wed in Ireland
Cork, Ireland, July 3. Lt. B. Wyatt,
United States navy, and Camille Pal
mer, granddaughter of Judge Moore
of San Jose, Cal., were married here
last Saturday.
Evtry D
O The American artillery lent cfficlenf
aid in completely breaiemg up the
enemy attack, which was launched
with fresh regiments of storm troops
The number of prisoners taken by
the Americans in the operations neat
Chateau Thierry was increased today
without the American infantry operat "
ing except as skirmishers. .
.' Enemy Fire Intense. '.
German shells have been raining on
the new American positions and the
enemy has been answered by th
American guns. The American line
was the target of projectiles of all cali.
bers, gas shells being mixed with high
explosives .missiles. The shells bav
been falling heavily in the areas be
hind the battle line. The enemy fire,
particularly on the right flank of tht
new positions at Vaux, was most in
tense for hours. ; .
At last reports the American ma
phinr gunners were holding their
ground tvni-fepnlsinar small but deS-"
perate efforts of the Germans to re-
fam. the ground wrested from them
he Americans are reported to bt
well protected by their temporary
trenches and are not exposing them
selves needlessly to the storm of fly
ing steel from the bursting German
shells. - . , t
Pay Highest Cost Possible.
The German loss In killed is un
known, but prisoners say that their
orders were to drive back tha Ameri
cans at all costs. They have paid
the ; highest cost possible, but have
failed to perform the task entrusted
to them., Ct , '-
From general conditions along th
battle line, it appears that further
attacks by the Germans are likely'
to develop. The Americans, however,
are just as ready for what is com
ing as they were for what has passed,
and are just as confident oPtho out--.
come. " "
The enemy artillery this afternoon
increased the intensity of its fire in
the Vaux region. The crash of ex
ploding shells .swelled to -, a roar,
while the ground " and air " throbbed
with the -concussions" of 'shells. But
the American- guns answered tin
German challenge, shot forshot
Steady Stream of Explosives.
The American "gunners, stripped to
the waist,; stood in the gun pits and
on gun emplacements, feeding shells
as fast as they could handle them
into the guns and a steady stream of
steel explosives swept through space,
onto the enemy lines. ;
At 5 o'clock this ievenihg" the guii
fire showed no sign of abating, the
enemy artillery work, if anything,
evidencing more ferocity than ever. ,
The American aviators, keeping vigil
over the fighting zone, found the
ground completely obscured at placer
by the smoke, of gutis and shells.
Among captured, material, thus far
counted, are six heavy machine guns,
18 light machine guns, six . trench
mortars, two grenade throwers, 20C
rifles, one motorcycle machine gun
and large quantities of ammunition
and equipment. ' . V ' -Quentin
Roosevelt is Flyer.
During the aerial fighting today
four more enemy machines were '
brought down. Victories are claimed
for Lieutenants J. H. Stephens, New
York; K. L. Porter, Dowagiac, Mich.:
Ralph O'Neill, Denver and ; Maxwell .
Perry, Indianapolis. '
All told, on Tuesday and Wednes- .
day the patrols sfrom American pur
suit squadrons in this sector engaged
in about 20 combats, bringing down
seven enemy planes. Two American
aviators were lost and one was se
riously wounded. ' 1 ' .
Among the airmen engaged in the
fighting today was Quentin Roose-'
velt, youngst son of Colonel .Theo
dore Roosevelt.
Germans Claim Air Success.
Berlin, via London, July 3. The
German war office today announced
that four machines attacked an Amcr-.
ican squadron of nine, and four were
shot down. Lively fighting is also
reported south , of . Arras, northwest. '
of Albert and between the Aisne and
Marne rivers. . "
Dutch Cabinet Quits ;f '
Rotterdam, July 3. The ' Dutch
cabinet will place the resignation ol
its members in the hands of Queen.
Wilhelmina tomorrow, says-".the
Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Couranf