Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Life Boat With Twelvt Nurses
is Seen to Capsize When
Shelled by the
London, July 2. One, of the boats
f the hospital ship Llandovery
Castle, containing 12 nursing sisters,
was seen to capsize, according to
t latest information. The sisters were
The commander of the destroyer
Lysander. which rescued the captain
and those in his boat, describing the
rescue today, said:
"When the survivors were picke I
up they cheered, although they had
been drifting for 36 hours and hid
for food only ship's biscuits and wa
When last seen the submarine was
apparently shelling in the darkness
one of the seven boats.
One boat, in which there were
12 nursing sisters, was seen to cap
size. The sister were thrown out
and were either drowned directly or
caught beneath the boat. A Cana
. dian sergeant, who was in the same
boat, managed to crawl on the keeL
Nothing had been seen of the oth
ers. The submarine was observed
charging wreckage, on which might
hare been survivors and in the local
ity where it was likely some of the
boats were drifting.
The submarine steamed swiftly to
ward the captain's boat, containing
the survivors, and passed just astern.
Ordinarily such a maneuver would
disturb the sea so as to make the
capsizing of a small boat almost a
certainty. This boat, however, kept
on her keel.
The commander of the Lysander,
'describing the ferocity of the sub
marine commander, said:
"The Canadian sergeant was dazed
' and badly bruised. When the over
, turned boat got near the submarine
the sergeant climbed aboard ex
hausted. He thought it was a rescue,
but he was seized by one of the sub
marine officers and thrown back like
a hand bag."
U. S. Aviator Bags His
1 Ninth Hun In Fight
Over American Lines
With the American Army in
France, July 2. First Lieutenant
David E. Putnam of Brookline, Mass.,
a member of an American pursuit
squadron, brought down a German bi
plane near Regnieville, north of Toul,
last night. This is the ninth, enemy
. machine officially credited to Lieu
tenant Putnam.
.Will Break All Records.
Ogden, July 2. "July's shipbuilding
'record will be the greatest in the his
tory of this country and will totally
eclipse all previous efforts." This was
the statement of Charles M. Schwab,
i director general of the Emergency
' Fleet corporation, who was here yes
terday enroute to San Francisco to
witness a great launching of ships on
-July 4.
Casualty List
Washington, July 2. Twenty-six
missing in action, including Second
Lieutenant Thomas W. Ashley of
Deerfield, Mass., were reported today
in a second marine corps casualty list.
Two died of wounds and one wounded
severely also were reported.
The list:
Died of Wounds Received in Action.
William J. Attaway, Rome, Ga.
Anthony M. Sherman, Sidney, O.
Wounded in Action, Severely.
Edward W. Parkins, Detroit, Mich.
Missing in Action.
Second Lt. Thomas W. Ashley,
Deerfield, Mass.
Sergt. Franklin L. Dost, no address.
Corp. Earl B. Blackden, Medford,
Corp. Frank J. White, Chicago.
Trumpeter Leslie J. Harris, Detroit,
Sebren L. Arnold, Charleston, W.
Wayne G. Austin, Burrston, Kan.
William E. Ballister, Dayton, O.
Mont Bennett, Poteau, Okl.
George R. Crist, Broadway, Va.
Clinton W. Fulmer, Concrete, Colo,
Frank Gorney, Chicago.
Raymond C. Johnson, Denver. Colo.
Frederick J. Kingston, Wilkesbarre,
Robert Law, Homestead, Pa.
Garry Nagle, Newark, N. J.
John Raymond, Nebraska Citv, Neb.
Frank A. Rea, YOnkers, N. Y.
Robert J. Rhodes, Jersey City, N. J.
Dayton H. Robinson, LaPeer, Mich.
John E. Sawyer, Wapeto, Wash.'
Wenefred S. Simmons, Akron, 0.
Benjamin J. Sapang, Philadelphia.
Carl Stielke, Cadillac, Mich.
James P. Walton, Atlanta, Ga.
Robert D. A. Wilson, Bakersfield,
Washington, July 2. The army
casualty list today contained 81
names, divided as follows:
Killed in action, 8.
Died of wounds. 10.
Died of disease, 1. ,
Wounded severely, 48.
Wounded slightly, 2.
Wounded, degree undetermined. 2.
Missing in action, 10.
Killed in Action.
ames C. Brewer, Bristol, Tenn.
.t George B. Redwood, Baltimore.
Lt Wagoner Frank J. Kutcher,
Millvale, Pa.
Curd W. Earls, Corbin, Ky.
James A. Jordan, Eby, Ky.
Frank C. McDermott, Portales, N.
Richard C. Naegle, Philadelphia.
David G. O'Neil, jr., Reno, Nev.
1 Died From Wounds.
Lt. George P. Gustafson, Sycamore,
Lt. George D. Jackson, Kingwood,
W. Va.
Sergt. Stancley C. Ostroeski, South
Chicago, 111.
Konstanty Adach, Schenectady,
N. Y.
Emory E. Baird, North Topeka,
Jeff D. Clarke, Ryans, Tex.
Ruben B. Harelson. McRae, Ga,
Albert H. Waller, South Norwalk,
Charles Wheatley, Bunker Hill,
Villiam Yawn, Three Rivers, Miss
Died of Disease.
Lemuel T. Shortridge. Kenmare,
N. D.
Wounded Severely.
Lt. William A. Cross. Franklinville,
N. C.
Lt. George L. JefTers, South Richf
mond, Va. 1
Lt. lohn W. Lparh. Tnra1iw
Lt. Robert L. Moore. Cambridge,
Lt. Philip L. Rose. New York City.
Lt. Earle M. Sefton, Anderson. Ind.
Lt. Robert Wade, Unionville, Tenn.
Sergt Norman F. Berg. Chicapo,
Sergt. Benjamin H. Lewis, Ccn
tralia. 111.
jCorp. Freeman Blackwell, Auburn,
Corp. Charles E. Huffman, jr.,
uaasoen, Ala.
Corp. Ralph C. Robinson. avlins,
Samuel W. Atzer, Philadelphia.
Keith B. Copenhaver. Lyttle, Mont.
John H. Critchlow, Homestead, Pa.
Melroy Cummings, Rumford. Va
James S. Dauehertv. Blue Field.
W. Va.
Ralph L. Diedrich, Joliet, 111.
Edgar E. Dragoo, Basin, Wyo
vviinam uauDe, Lowell, Mass.
Hugh S. Funk, Liberal, Kan.
Andy Gomole, Punxsutawney, Pa.
Oscar Goossens, Mishawaka, Ind.
Anthony Grill, Reading, Pa.
Peter Hande, Chicago.
Amos Hardin, Dalton, Ga.
Earr Horton, Cincinnati.
John W. Ivens. Grand Canyon,
Horace C. Johnston, Libby, Mont.
John P. Kaulen, Chicago.
James J. Kennedy, West Phila
delphia. Howell N. McKay, Anaconda,
Mont. (
Edward A. McLaughlin, Park City,
William E. McLaughlin, Foraker,
John E. M. Nelson, Bridgeport,
Charles S. Raffington, Hutchinson,
John C. Ryan, Rawlins, Wyo.
Otis Sampson, Stoughton, Wis. ,
Joseph Schlachter, Rock Springs,
Fred O. Seaver, Sharon, Wis.
Louis Selleseth, St. Peter, Minn.
Andrew G. Storrar, Butte, Mont.
Paul A. Sullivan, jr., Paris, Tenn.
Morris H. Thomas, Edgar Springs,
Lawrence J. Wells, Chicago.
La Vern Whipple, Sunny Side, Nev.
John Wilson, Kearney, N. J.
. Wounded Slightly.
Lt. Paul Daly, New York City.
John Summe, Montone, Ind.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined.
Lt. Charlsi L. Miller, Altoona, Pa.; Paul
A. Beash, Green Ridge, Mo..
Mlastaff In Action.
Lt. Charles C. Croat, Slaaeton, S. D. ;
Sergt. Daniel A. Foley, Youngitown, O. ;
Corp. Harry A. Jones, Westminster, Col,;
Benjamin Birmingham, Corpus Chrlstl, Tex, ;
Joseph M. Bogaca, Chlcopee Falls, Mass.;
Robert A. Collins) Montrose, Ark.; Joseph
V. McGinn, Philadelphia; Arthur A. Randall,
Columbia, Miss.; Carl T. Weti, New York
City; Harry L. Wright, Blnghamton, N. Y.
Previously reported killed in action, now
reported alive and on duty: Corp. Robert
H. Jackson, Roallndale, Mass.
Lion Tears Arm of Trainer
Who Had Just Bought It
New York, July 2. Mauled and bit
ten by a lion she had just purchased,
Margaret Greskrep, an animal tamer,
may lose her right arm, surgeons said
tonight at a hospital, where she was
taken after the beast attacked her
here today,
American- Troops to Partici
pate in Reviews in Paris;
Hold Celebration in
All Cities.
Paris, July 2. France, outside of
Paris, is making special efforts to
celebrate the Fourth of July prop
erly. At Nancy the Erchmannach-
trian society and other associations
will hold a meeeting at the univer
sity. Letters from General Pau,
Maurice Barres and other distin
guished sons of Alsace-Lorraine will
be read, testifying to the gratitude of
the lost provinces to America. Dr.
Morton Prince of Boston will deliver
an address.
In the Paris region there will be
reviews at Jttampes, Kamoouiuet,
Mantes, St. Germain and Pontoise. It
is understood that American troops
will participate in these reviews.
The new name plate for the Ave
nue du President Wilson was put in
place on the former Avenue Troca
dero yesterday.
Brest. France,, July 2. In celebra
tion of the Fourth of July here, Pres
ident Wilson's name will be given
to the Place du Champ de Bataille,
the largest square in the city.
Vendome, France, July I. Ihis
citv. the birthplace of the Count
de Rochambeau. leader of French
troops in the American revolution,
will turn its celebration this year in
honor of Rochambeau into a solemn
commemoration of the American In
dependence day.
Georgette Crepe BLOUSES
SPECIAL AT $3.95 & $5.00
At the above named prices for
Wednesday's selling several hundred
quality Georgette Crepe Blouses, that
formerly sold for much more; all
sizes in all shades and scores upon
scores of clever styles to choose from.
Don't miss seeing these extraordinary
Blouse bargains.
1508-1510 DOUGLAS ST.
Heal Itching Skins
With Cuticura
All 4r1i: ftr.0!ntmii!HLTlw
Sample each fre of ''CnUevnt Doyt 1, Bwtft.H
Increases RreflgtB MfcstA uerrons,
run-aown peopig in iw
many instances. Used and highly en
dorsed by former United States Senators
and Members cf Congress, well-known
physicians and former Public Health) oft
eials. Ask roue -doc tot pt druggist
sbmit it. -
Tuesday, July 2, 1918-
Phone Douglas 2100
Another Burgess-Nash Sensation!
An Extraordinary Offering for Wednesday of Women's
and Misses 9 Gingham, Lawn and Organdie
A Price Less Than the Cost of the Material Alone
to Say Nothrng of the Cost of Making
F you could see these dresses now as we do while writing this announcement as they come tumbling out
nf their wranDines and see the ereat variety of clever styles and pleasing colorings,- we know you would
be just as enthusiastic as we are about tne wonaenui values onerea.
There's score or more of fetching styles made up in
ginghams, voiles, lawns and organdies, beautiful plaids,
fancy designs, plain colors and white. Some have con
trasting plain colored collars, cuffs and belt, while others
are trimmed in. white. Sizes for misses and women
16 to 46. v
It's the result of a very special purchase. Another
instance of being "Johnny-on-the-spot" when the unex
pected happens. We bought the dresses at a great under
price, they came in by express and are ready for your
choosing Wednesday in time to wear for the "4th" at $5.
Burg tssNuh Co. Second Floor
Germany Will Limit
Polish Army to 90,000;
Will Also Fix Frontiers
London, July 2. The principal fea
tures of the German solution of the
Polish question, which are approved
by all the central powers, are pub
lished in the Abend Zeitung of Augs
burg, Germany, says an Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from Zurich. The
conditions are:
"The frontiers will be fixed by the
German high command according to
military necessities.
"The Polish army will be restricted
to 90,000. f
"For 50 years Poland mutt make
most favorable economic concessions
to the central powers on the princi
ple of the most favored nation.
"Publication of German, Austrian,
Hungarian, Bulgarian and Turkish
papers must be allowed.
"In any locality where there are
10 German children a German school
will be opened."
Provision, the newspaper adds, also
is made for an elective monarchy.
The German conditions will be in
corporated m the constitution, which
cannot be modified without the ap
proval of the central powers.
John' Raymond of Nebraska ; .
City Among the Missing
One Nebraska boy is numbered
among 26 American marines reported
missing in action in France. He h
John Raymond of Nebraska City.
Interior Branch in West
Washington, July 2. A bill provid
ing for the establishment in a west
ern state to be designated by the
president of a branch of the Interior
department to keep in closer touch
with conditions there was introduced
today by Senator King of Utah and
referred to the public lands commit-;
lURGESS-fta CfflMY
RVEPvnnnYk staasr
Tuesday, July 2, 1918-
-Phone Douglas 2100'
Celebrate the "4th"-Thursday-in
the Old Fashion Way
GET out into the open-back of nature. Respond to the great gay call of the
wild, away from the sun-heated streets and avenues out in the open,
aquiver with sunshine and thrilling the world with gladness in its embrace
out among the vegetation and animal life with the vast unmarred vault of the
heaven overhead.
Indulge in wholesome invigorating sports, and make yourself "fit" for the
pressure of these strenuous days. . v
Let us help you prepare by suggesting : . . '
'LAGS Ready
for the 4th
Every home should fly Us
flag on July fourth.
Every staff should wave Old
Glory to the breeze on Indepen
dence day.
United States Flags of all
kinds In all serviceable materials
flag sets, poles, brackets,
all reasonably priced.
Burgsss-Nash Co. Down Stair Stor
Men's and Wmen's Bathing Suits
85c to $10.00
Men's, Women's and Boy's bathing suits in a great vari
ety of styles and kinds, Including maker's sample line. On
the square Wednesday at 85e to $10.00. ,
Bnrfosa-Naah Co-Mata Floor , ,
We Recommend
5000 Mile jimes
Because We Know They Will Return Your
Money9 s Worth in Honest Mileage
TD ORTAGE tires are made of live rubber, carefully built op, ply upon ply, to
JL the proper weight They are
Guaranteed on a Basis of 5000 Miles Service. :
A service which assures you of certain satisfaction because the
Auto Accessories Specially Priced:
Pedal pads for- all
43o set.
A special offering of Vul
can guarantee inner tubes
that should be of special in
terest to the motorist
30x3 '......$2.39
30x3 $2.99
32x3 $3.39
34x4 $4.49
32x4 $4.29
These tubes are perfect in
material and workmanship
and guaranteed against de
fects of any nature.
Pose "Frictionless" pumps
Champion X Spark plugs for
Fords, 43c ach.
Ford headlight doors with
lens, special 49c each.
Johns Manville or Stewart
cowl dash speedometers for
Ford cars. Complete with
necessary attachments for
installing $9.98.
S & S Ford shock absorb
ers, durable and efficient.
Make every road a boulevard.
No springs or coils sold on an
iron clad guarantee, $10.98
set .'
Veedol oil. The heat resist
ing lubricant gallons 95c,
gallon 53c.
Victor Jacks, made of mal
leable iron. The lifting
pawls are heavy and will
not break or bend. $1.79
Marvel Jr. vulcanizers
complete with 6 patches and
heating units 79c.
Marvel Jr. patches and
heating units per dozen 79e
Grant extension pedals for
Ford Cars. Gives more
efficient leverage 79c per
Boyce motometers, absolu
tely insure the vital part of
your car, the motor, against
damage. Regular size $8.50,
Junior size $3.69.
Wondermist polish and
sprayer, removes dust, dirt
and grease and leaves a bril
liant luster on your ear.'
Quart ean $1.19.
L. P. H. side tira carriers
for Ford cars. Easy Install
ed; hold two tires. Special
E. Z. Back auto cushions
Ford tool boxes, 22 Inches long, heavy
gauge steel, complete with lock and 2
catches, '$1.69.
American flag shield for radiator em
blems, "Show your colort on th Fourth."
Special 18c each.
Auto lunch kits. A necessity to make
your Fourth of July outing a pleasure. Con
sists of plates, cups, knives, forks, spoons,
salt shakers, pepper shaker, metal food
container and space for Thermos bottles.
Service for four $8.50.
Service for five $15.00
Service for six $16.50,
Willson's universal side
shield goggles. Special 79c
Pliers, nickel plat
ed: special at 19e.
Johnson's Carbon
Remover, can, 59c
Ford headlights,
complete and ready
for installation, at
$4.35 per pair.
Jefferis for Congress Boosters Club
Omaha, Nebraska, July 1, 1918. : v
To the Voters of the Second Congressional District
I am a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congressman for the Second Congressional
District which includes Douglas, Washington and Sarpy Counties, and naturally desire, if possible,
to meet and have a personal talk with every voter in the District particularly those who are regis
tered Republican before the primary election, which will be held on the 20th of August, 1918. The
population of the District, however, has become so great that it may be impossible to meet , each of
the voters personally -or even to meet them at the usual political gatherings. ' I want every one of
you, however, to know that I would like to meet you personally and that I want your vote, and I
am writing you at this time to ask each of you personally for your assistance and co-operation.
If you have not already done so, I should like to have you join the JEFFERIS-FOR-CONGRESS
BOOSTERS CLUB which has been organized by some of my friends and has already grown to very
considerable proportions. You can send your name to Harry S. Byrne, Secretary of the BOOSTERS
CLUB, whose office is in the City National Bank Building, Omaha. ' . i .' i H
Yours respectfully, , ' ' ,
villi HI
1 3
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iss& mm
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