Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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The Omaha Bee
Its isneuued Pre, st wteh Ths Bet k menbsr. tt mtttmtt
eUtM M tt( H hr puMloatioa ef all m dlepstefcei credited
to It of ( otbetwlss oredlted ta ltd ssper. ml 1 the leesi
iwsuesea bmta. All rlatte Of pobUosUOD e out special ilKHrtm
Onihft Th Be BvAl&w. Chleafo Peeplel Oil BoI14Jtt,
enlb Osuha SMS H. S. Km Tsrk-IM FlfU Am
CoaaeU Blff U !. luia M. 8V Umte-New B'k of OnuMM
Unfile Mist Bslldtas. Wssbuiftoa 1311 4 M.
Daily 69,841 Sunday
Antin dKulitioa fee Ox milj satasrtbed end nan t hr Owl
wuliens, taiwuanoa mew
Subscriber Imv(m the city should have The Bm mailed
' Ik these. Address kaa(d m sftea as requested,
II ira52535$222
See a willful profiteer? Swat himl
Old Kfaf Cotton U again strutting around,
Just M if folks had got heard of tha days of 1914.
Omaha's war heroes art sot to sacrifice their
Jhres for their s country without st least public
rscofdtioa. ' - .: :
A lot ol local offioas to be filled at the
socnlof Noratnber slectlom still wait for ielf
sscrtfcfag patriots.
Oas ad tiia bottles of fats is that a Phlladel
ith sfeeksr for whom the police are looking- it
saQed after Prom Persian!
If tha attorney central can rtHere the food
shostioa through sa Injunction, let him hare hit
way, k feci let him go as far as hs likes,
, Omaha standi first In cltiss of Its class for
low Want mortality, which is a high tribute to
te city's heslthfolness. Bring on your babies t
Ym will also notice thst General Dias'i army
Ci sot stop when the Pisrt sffalr wai finished,
hot hss been quits busy with ths Auitriana syer
staos. -'V'"- r V;. '. '
Ten oents' worth of SJCploiiyee is ss much at
a alien enemy ought to hays st say ons time,
sad generally mors thai hs hss sny legitimate
seed for. ' - '
Steps promptly taken by ths city council to
prorids for ths honor roll tablet will gain for the
commluloner public commendation. No move
ever started by The Bet it more popular than this.
The Bee has the biggeit sdyertiaing patronage
and also the biggeit circulation in ths June
just pasted of sny Juns in Its history. ' Our dus
acknowledgment! to all who hays helped to thia
result ' j.
Washington Gladden will be remembered ss
' man of clear vision snd courageous expression.
Hit placs among the great preachers of ths coun
try wts long ago secure, snd his fame ean well
rest on his achievements.
The Bee's Free Milk sad Ies Fund Is this year
growing faster dsy by day from unsolicited con
tributions than ever before. This most worthy
clarity now has sa established place in ths com
munity, which knows that every dollar put in Is
d voted to ths avowed object and not one cent
t sny sdminlstrathre expense.
ACled Oaina on the Western Front
American energy is having its effect on the
rtstera front, where the forces under Foch have
tjceessfully carried out s aeries of local opera
Cms of utmost importance. None . of these
t.kes ths form of s major advance, but together
t!:ey will have a decided effect oa the future of
" tml Kettle line ' Tit aeeh ol them the Minr
kas been dispossessed of vantage points,' for lack
of which hs must begin sny new attempt at his
ebject under conditions not to his liking. "Nib
bling" has snother purpose, in that it serves to
occupy s considerable part of the German forces,
snd 'compels any effort at concentration In the
rear to bs carried out with due regard to activity
at ths front, disconcerting general plans through
continual interruption. Nothing in any of these
movements may bs looked upon as advertising
the strategy of the central allied command, be
yond the fact that Foch and his associates do not
propose to allow ths Hun to rest or to consoli
data his front line positions. Under these condi
tions ths expected great effort of the enemy
must be initiated far to the rear of the existing
lines and developed, if at all, practically in
view of the allies, who will thus have the better
opportunity for meeting it early enough to bring
it to the abortive end that marked the third phase
of the spring drive. Viewed in this light, the lit
tle bites our boys are taking along the front are
of immense value to the whole plan.
By their quick action on the suggestion of The
Bee for the maintenance in the city hall of a
Roll of Honor in recognition of Omaha's war
heroes who may sacrifice their lives in the service
of the country the mayor and the city council
have earned the thanks of all patriotic people.
This public tribute to the honored dead will
at least attest the appreciation of those for whom
the men in uniform are fighting The resolution
unanimously adopted by the council goes further
by holding out the promise that this Roll of
Honor shall later be made permanent through
the erection of a suitable soldiers' and saliors'
monument dedicated to peace through war.
In this connection let us remind those inter
ested that we have now on the . statute books a
law for raising money for such a monument by
special tax levy, but this law would restrict us
to a monument in memory of the veterans of
the civil war and. the Spanish-American war, and
therefore to be serviceable for the present pur
pose .should be amended by the coming legis
lature to include those who will have served in
the present war against Germany. Such a move
may be anticipating somewhat, but we may be j
sure that the plan of the city council commands
popular approval ard will be supported witlt
the necessary means to carry it out if only the
way is opened to do so.
Street Railway Troubles Everywhere.
That the people of Omaha, nor of any other
city, have a monopoly of street railway troubles
is plain from the more or less similar reports
coming from many different directions.
Chicago is wrestling with a readjustment of its
street railway contract of joint ownership and
New York's problem is up to its public service
commission. . St Louil and Kansas City are
facing orders of the Missouri state commissions
raising street railway fares to 6 cents, Kansas
City protesting vigorously because the order
violates the stipulation in the franchise. In Lin
coln, as we know, s similar application for in
creased fare was, denied .by the state railway
commission, with a follow-up annulling a large
part of the common stock and ordering dividends
paid on it returned to the treasury. And we in
Omaha arc hanging between s , seven-for-a-quarter
ordinance, which the city is trying to
enforce in the courts, and an effort by the com
pany to induce the state railway commission to
sanction s 6-cent fare.
Finally, the war labor board, which is beset
with ths demands of employes for higher wages,
has recommended federal control of fares on all
electric lines for the duration of the war, which,
if assumed, would supersede all local. powers of
regulation, as well ss ths authority of all pubic
service commisions. Federal interposition does
not simplify the situation, but, on the contrary,
complicates it unless viewed as s conservation
measure, for which the initiative, it would seem
to us, should come from the fuel administration
instead of the war labor board. We are inclined
to agree with the New York World that if the
federal government can step in here merely on
ths question of fares snd wages it will be so hard
to draw the line generally that our scheme of
local self-government will be practically sus
pended. '. ' .- ;;' . . ',.
1 ' "What Does Wilson Wantr
The always interesting' German mind contin
ues to challenge attention, whether in Its simpler
childlike form or in the ponderous processes of
its philosophic manifestation. This is because
it never abandons, its starting point, but persists
in looking st any and all problems from a definite
admission of v"Deutschland uber alles." One of
ths latest examples of this is afforded by a book,
"What Does Wilson Want?" written by Prof.
M. J. Bonn and highly commended to German
readers by the Vosstche Zeitung. One of the
learned professor's conclusions, flowing from his
peculiar analysis of American psychology, will
serve to illustrate the trend of the whole:
Americans, who are far away for European
commerce, have only thought about making the
best use of it and of its public development,
but in Europe the people remember the idealistic
speeches from the new world, and the unscrupu
lous aggressive attempt to pursue material in
terest and so find no explanation of this appar
ent hypocrisy. Even the fact that the American
doea not see a contradiction in this is incom
prehensible, but he is strongly convinced of his
idealism and does not realize how he has un
scrupulously learned to apply his principles and
theories to his interests by colonizing.
Thusf measuring Americans by German stand
ards, and applying the gauge of kaiserism Jo all
that we have done, Prof. Bonn is able, to bring
in a verdict of guilty to the charge of hypocrisy
lodged against us by himself. It is possible that,
once he and his learned brothers divest them
selves of the spectacles that distort and falsely
color all they regard, inside and outside the
world of junkerdom, they may get a clearer
vision of things ss they are. Then they will
learn that, whatever Americans may be in other
ways, the movement against Germany is founded
sincerely on s revolt against German methods,
which rest oh German conceptions of right and
wrong. "
Germany's Real Enemy.
Letter From American German to Brother In German Army.
New York Times.
The following letter was written by a
German who came to America a few years
ago to his brother, who is righting in the
German armies:
San Francisco, Cal., Tuly 4, 1917. Dear
Brother: It is but five short years
since I left home in Germany, and yet it
seems that in our views your battling com
rades and myself must be a century apart
You will remember how, when alone, we were
wont to speculate upon our condition over
there; how we chafed under the constant
watch, the constant indignities from those in
authority, and under the knowledge that the
governing class that held our destinies in its
iron, relentless grip, that presumed to regu
late our very thought,; that forbade us the
speech that nature demands of self-respecting
man, might at any moment secrifice our com
fort, our happiness, our lives, for the sake
of what it conceived its privileges and its
glories; and how, feeling as we did, by na
ture equal in our rights to any man, we both
resolved to leave Germany and go to Amer
ica. I went, and blessed indeed was that re
solve, for here I am a human being, my des
tiny at the disposal only of myself and of my
equals, not blindly driven by an autocrat
whose dreams of conquest, and of domi
nating other people are fashioned only on
the past; who, on the dial of time, is vainly
trying to hold back the hand of civilization
from pointing to the hour when emperors
and kings have ceased to be and all the na
tions of the world will be republics, where1
the people rule and where a war of conquest
or for domination could no more occur than
a bar of midnight in a ray of noonday sun.
The kaiser cannot much longer contend
against the growing odds. His victories are
turning into strategic retreats. The boast
ings of his censored press can no longer
point to a success of which you know, or
hide from you thu harrowing fact that his
strivings for imperialistic glory subject your
little ones daily to increasing privations.
Even had the kaiser won and perpetuated
his government, where would your profit be?
A victory that would need to be forever
guarded, an eternal menace to the other na
tions, an eternal armament and war. You
and your children would continue to sweat
and to bleed for that victory. But a German
republic, in a world of republics, no frontier
guards would heed. . 1
Don't you feel, dear brother, that were
the kaiser and his government successful in
winning peace it could not be Jong before the
German people, with the example of republic
and freedom all about them, would become
disgusted with their lot and rise as their for
bears did in 1848? Then, why not now strike
that Inevitable blow when you have all the
world to help you and yourselves partake
of the glory of freeing all mankind?
Think, too, how the imperialistic war is
thinning and weakening the German race.
Don't you know the kaiser is ready to sacri
fice the last German in order to maintain his
dynasty? Would he not have you shot down
like a dog were you to suggest 'to him that
he could save hundreds ot thousands ot Uer
man lives by abdication? Does it not remain
for you and your comrades to save the Oer
man race for the future, by ridding yourselves
of his selhsh autocracy? Accustomed to
deny your comrades full human rights and
considerations, he demonstrates by the very
ruthlessness of his military methods that his
autocratic mind has failed to grasp the fact
that the world is peopled by thinking, feel
ing, self-respecting, justice and freedom-lov
ing human beings; see to it brother, that you
and your comrades show that the German,
oeoole appreciate this fact
The kaiser has told you that in the event
of war with America the millions of Oermans
in the United States would rise in revolution.
Those Germans, disgusted with the kaiser's
srospel of force, with the eeotism he persont
fies, with the absolutism for which he stands,
and convinced of its continuing menace to
democracy, are organizing revolution to
overthrow the German kaiser and to help
you establish a German republic. And soon
before the German trenches the Germans
and sons of Germans from these United
States will be bearing the Stars and Stripes
those Stars and Stripes upon which Ger
man emigrants have looked tor a hundred
years with feelings of thf deepest emotions,
under which Carl Schurz and his comrades
of the German revolution of 1848 found asy
lum and the freedom for which they had
fought in vain against a Prussian king. And
we oermans of America hope and trust that
when the German soldier looks upon those
Stars and Stripes he, too will recognize in
them the symbol of his and of the world's
liberty and join his kindred from America,
regiment upon regiment, army corps upon
army corps, and with them battle, not
against the German people, but against the
rulers, the oppressors of the German race,
and so help to end this awful slaughter and
insure forever for himself and for his off
spring peace and freedom.
And now, dear brother, when next you
are ordered to level your rifle across the par
apet, remember that your real enemy is be
hind your treriches and not in front of them;
and when you see the Stars and Srtipes
streaming through the t. tle smoke think of
the longing for freedom and America which
possessed oir souls for years, and that,
though this had been unrealized for you, its
fulfillment is now being borne to you by the
hand of destiny; and that, marching under
those ample folds, are also men of your
own blood, ready to welcome you and enroll
you with them in the Army of Freedom.
Ordinary channels of communication are
beyond my reach. I must seek other means;
but if these revealed your identity or mine
you would be made to suffer for my words.
Hence I address you, dear , and sign
myself in terms which only you and I will
know the childhood names our mother
coined. Affectionately.
American Infantry Soldier.
British Correspondent Chats With a Typical Specimen.
Paris Letter.
Dignity is the order of the hour at the city
hall, but the "boys" must not pull it too strong.
London Times'
The same spirit, the "right spirit," prevails
in the new army of the United States as we
have in our own forces. A young American
whom I have just chanced to meet after he
had spent six months in the army shows by
his spirit which may be taken as typical of
that which prevails throughout tha whole
army what the Germans have to face from
the new enemy whom their lawless conduct
of the war has called into the field.
My friend had just returned from three
months' service with s battery which is
guarding a part of the western front That
he had done his duty well was shown by the
fact that he had gained his corporal's stripes
and, as a final recognition of his good wrk
had just been , sent down to join a training
corps for teaching soldiers the theoretical
side of an officer's training.
If all the soldiers of the United States
have as much enthusiasm as this man, if
"doughboys" rival the gunners and other
branches of the service which I cannot
doubt the Germans have a tough lot up
against them. His conversation was filled
with remarks which proved that experience
is making the young American civilian a
smart, sure-headed and reliable soldier. An
swering my question as to how the troops ap
preciated the different types of officer, he
T am pretty certain that we all prefer
the man who has been through the ranks.
That man can appreciate our individual diffi
culties, and, what is more important, he
knows what every man can do, and so never
asks the impossible. Besides, he has learned
his own work from the bottom and should
in consequence prove himrelf in a very short
time to be the better class of officer.
, "What is the fighting line really like
now?" I asked.
v "It's fine," he replied, describing his own
appreciation of it. Then, really answering
what I had wished him .to, he continued:
"We had hand-to-hand skirmishes pretty
frequently.' The boches thought we should
not stand up to them, being new troops.
.They, therefore, came over pretty often, hop
ing to down our good spirits, but they got
poor change for their trouble.
"Our division is a regular rainbow crowd.
There are boys from Illinois in the gunners
lots of those in the ranks being sons of mil
lionaires from Chicago and elsewhere--in-fantry
battalions from Louisiana, Washing
ton and other districts. We're all mixed up,
although each unit is recruited from a differ
ent area; but the spirit is just the same and
we love our job.
"There is in the American army a keen
desire to get into the artillery, which is not
looked on as a soft job, but rather as the
more intellectual wing of the forces. We
all meaning the batteries have a wireless,
and so pick up daily the German and French
messages. I, myself, was mainly used on
observation work, although from time to time
I took my turn at manning a gun."
He next went on to tell me the origin of
"doughboy," the name used by the other
branches of the service for those whom we
call, among other names, the "foot slogger"::
"In the civil war a great number of fed
eral troops were waiting for uniforms which
were made, but lacl-d buttons. So great was
the hurry that eventually the men went
round the houses in the town1 and collected
buttons off the women's clothing. These
were, for the-most part, huge buttons from
overcoats. Naturally, the infantry looked
funny with their uniforms fastened by great
overeoat buttons. These . resembled hard
tack (large, round, dry biscuits made of
dough), and hence sprang the word "dough
boy," which has been kept in the United
States army as a slang name for .the infantry
This corporal, whom I had known last
December as a well-groomed member of an
official bureau in Paris, is certainly good evi
dence of . what military training is doing for
the young manhood of America, as for that
of aft of us. Before he went he was certainly
well built; but now, after six months of
training and work in the open air, he is
broader and bigger the right stuff to put
against the German barricade.
A Fourth of July Army
With 900,000 men already over there, and
with a full million scheduled for France by
the first of July, the national holiday should
be celebrated not alone as loyalty day, but in
view of the emancipation of Europe from the
heel of the Hun that is shadowed forth in the
American might, it should be observed as the
day that witnesses the army of Americans a
full million strong on the other side. This
army should be denominated the Fourth of
July army because of the proximity of the
date to the completion of their number of a
million, and because of the fact that the army
that will number a million will be set for the
independence of the world from the depend
ency sought to be imposed upon it by the
irroeant Huns.
The Fourth of July army will be rated
uie most significant force that has ever been
assembled by any nation upon foreign terri
tories. And that force has crossed the waters
and is being supplied from across the seas
with nothing to interfere but the gadflies of
submarnes that have not caused machinery
for the transportation of troops or supplies
to lose a single cog.
Here is the great triumph of America.
And the presence of the million Americans
may be signalized by outbreak of the next
phase of the offensive. The Huns may plan
to be active upon the Fourth of July in the
hope of pressing back the Americans and
humiliating them. Let them project such a
plan and the Fourth of July army will show
the mettle of which it is made the part of
it in action. Baltimore American.
One Year Ago Today In the War.
Battalion of American troops en
thusiastically received on iu arrival
in Paris.
General Scott of tha American army
at Russian front saw General Brus
iloffa troopi capture several linea ot
German fortifications. '
The Day We Celebrate.
Rev. Ewald T. Otto, pastor of the
Lutheran Bt Paul's church, born 1881.
Charlotte Perkins Oilman, author,
ad lecturer, born at Hartford, Conn.,
. II year ago. . ..
Sarah Pratt Greene, novelist and
r'lort-etory writer, born at Slmsbury,
Cobb., S3 years ago.
Richard B Bennett H. P.. director
' neral of national service la Canada,
lam at Hopewell, N. B 4fi years ago.
'Ms Day In History. . ' ':
t764 Washington surrendered Fort
I eesaity to the French after a spirit
t i defense, and with military honors
( ! out its garrison. '
1861 Alter a bombardment of
T natery hill At Gettysburg, the Con
i urates made a final assault and
i agaia repulsed.
186 Prussian supremacy In Ger
r .ay was assured by the victory over
1. Austrians at Sadows.
1888 Americans demanded the
i Tender of Santiago.
' 1104 Dr. Theodar Herzl. founder
(1 the- Zionist movement died la VI-
.a Bora la Budapest, ht&7 i I860.
Just SO Years Ago Today
Articles of incorporation for the
Commercial directory company were
filed by C. A. Ferrin, B, F. Hodgln
and M. C Hodgln. The capital stock
is put at 830,000.
John 3. Hardin and J. C. Smith of
South Omaha, shoot a match on the
Omaha Gun club grounds today for
8100 a side, 20 double rises, live birds.
At a meeting of the Nebraska Cor
nell association, held at the office of
Eatabrook and Irvine, it was resolved
to hold a, reunion and banquet and a
committee was appointed to make all
the necessary arrangements.
A building permit waa Issued to 3.
J. Brown to build a five-story build
ing on the corner of Douglas and Six
teenth streets. The structure Is to be
of brick and stone and will be 38x133
feet It will cost $73,600.
John T. Doyle, secretary of the
United States civil ' service commis
sion, was in the city and made Post
master Gallagher avunt(
Over There and Here
The entire class of dentists of a
Louisville college joined the army
after graduating. More power to
their pull and their automatic ham
mer. The Lathrop family ot Chicago,
consisting ot mother, two sons and
one daughter, have been regularly en
listed in the navy mother and daugh
ter as yeowomen.
Twelve French deputies have made
the supremo sacrifice for France since
the war began. It is claimed that no
other legislative chamber in the world
can equal the record.
Remember the nursery picture of
the cow that "jumped over the
moonT" Well, live porkers give a
good imitation ot the leap Id Switzer
land. Pork has gone up to 60 cents
a pound, live weight Beat lingers
below the frost line
The army administration in France,
on the first of the month, took over
the delivery and dispatch ot mail, de
termined to remedy the broken-down
service of the Postofflce department
It this end of the service can beener
glzed it may be possible to get soldiers'
mail to the home folks la 20 Instead ot
30 days.
London's national restaurants and
community kitchens, operated on the
self-serve plan, help mightily In keep
ing food prices within reach of work
ing people. A substantial "shilling
dinner" which includes .soup, meat
vegetables and coffee, is served regu
larly, i while 30 cents commands
enough additional trimmings to round
ut a copious J. B. front
Whittled to a Point
Louisville Courier-Journal: "We are
now swinging on to final victory,"
cries the kaiser. Inaccurate as usual.
The final thing on to which this per
son will do his swinging is a "sour ap
ple tree."
Baltimore American: .The dental
corps of the army is large enough to
care for 5.C00.0OO men. Needless to
say, the men themselves would rather
show their teth to the enemy than
to the'eorps.
Louisville Courier-Journal: "Since
It is the will of the Lord," says the
Russellites ot their sentence to a fed
eral penitentiary, "we are glad to go."
So it seems everybody except the
Kalserites is pleased.
New York "Id: Ger- a prison
ers taken by the American marines la
France said they were "glad to be
captured," a feeling which in the en
emy lines is apparently destined more
and more to increase the effect of al
lied attack.
Minneapolis Tribune: "Noah waa
600 years old before he knew how to
build an ark." This is the, motto
which hangs over the desk of the
chairman of Xhe shipping board. But
Ncah didn't waste a:i; time when he
was told tv -' it was roinr to be a wet
Kansas City Times: However, the
admission by Dr. von Kuehlmann that
Germany cannot win by force need
not stop any of the kaiser's "Invincible
sword" speeches. After a moment's
reflection, the kaiser will realize that
they are just as appropriate now as
theur ever vers .
Twice Told Tales
Misfortunes of Hubby.
Recently two women acquaintances
chanced to meet on a shopping expe
dition, and after conversing for some
time the talk turned to domestic af
fairs. "I hear," said one of the women,
"that all your husband's hair came
out when he was sick some time ago.
Is that true?"
"Yes," answered the second, with a
reflective sigh. "He hasn't a single
hair left on his head, and the doctor
says it may be quite a long time be
fore It comes In again."
"Just think of it!" sympathetically
returned the first "Files in the sum
mer and cold weather In the winter.
Isn't It awful!" v '
"Yes," admitted the second, "but
that isn't what bothers him the most
Every time he washes his face he
now has to keep oa his hat in order,
to tell where to stop." Chicago Post'
What We Are Coming To.
"There will be nothing but war talk
heard all over the world. for many
years to come," said an author, "and
our various armchair and cozy-corner
campaigners will be lucky if they
don't make a lot of military mistakes.
"It was the same thing luring and
after the civil war. I remember ask
ing a young lady at a musicals in Bos
ton back in those distant days if she
didn't think Mozart's Twelfth Mass
was superb.
'"Superb!" she cried. It certainly
is superb! Why, my two brothers
are in that regiment'.'" Pittsburgh
Chronicle Telegraji-
Place for Honor Tablet
Omaha, July 1. To the Editor of
The Bee: The court house is the
place for that roll of honor bearing
the names of those who gave all for
Liberty. Just within the massive
doors is a spacious vestibule where
the visitor finds, on either side huge,
bronze tablets arready in place. These
bear the names Harte, Kennard, Best.
Trainor, Bruning, O'Connor, John C.
Lynch, Bedford, Pickard and Elsasser.
Four of these names appear twice;
each of the last thfe is inscribed
three times. ,
Stranger, these immortals did not
perish nobly on a stricken field; they
simply held down easy and well-paid
jobs while the new court house was
being built Hence this exhibition ot
effrontery and rotten taste by which
county money was used to build up a
spurious fame.
Who will be the first of these men
to demand a recasting of the tablets?
Let Walking Delegates Go to War.
Omaha, June 30. To the Editor of
The Bee: Tomorrow the work or
fight order goes into effect and I
would like to have your opinion as to
the walking delegates of our railroad
orders. As I understand, the Loco
motve Engineers, Locomotive Fire
men, Order Railway Conductors,
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
and the different shop crafts all have
their general grievance committees
or business agents. With the govern
ment in control of the roads and each
division of the road having its local
lodge, why not let the local grievance
man take care of its own members,
and let the "elvet holders go to work?
L. S.
Wooster In Humorous Mood.
Silver Creek, Neb., June 27. To
the Editor of The Bee: Uncle Sam,
or, rather, on, of his kids Dr. E.
Mead Wiluon is still after the bar
berry bues because, as he says, it
is "aiming its deadly spores (rust) at
the Nebraska wheat crop."
But how does h know that? How
does he know but that it is the wheat
that aims its "deadly spores" at the
barberry? I have observed all my
life that under favorable conditions
as to heat and moisture, all the wheat
in the country would within a few
hours become covered with rust, when
thers was not a. barberry jjsh in ths
country that anybody knew ot
But of course, lr uncle Bam says
so, It must be so, and L therefore, as
a "patriotic" citizen, am bound to be
lieve that Dr. E. Mead Wilson la on
the right track.
But why stop with haroerry anc
wheat? Why not extend the philos-
1 I 4H.A,lAn., XT rt ... I, I.
an admitted fact that we need beej
almost as much as we need wheat;
and cattlj are subject to tuberculosis
T threfrvr pntlrlll " . .hat tuberiulotl
is ' communicated to cattle from th
human species. Something ougnt ic
be done, and at once. Why shoulo
not congr .ss at one . enact a law pro
uirtine that everv man. woman and
child in the whole United Statei
should be examined for tuDercuiosis
and that everyone found to be In th
least affected snouia do immoij
killed? That would undoubtedly re
sult in a relatively largely increaaec"
supply of beef; there would not onlv
be more or it, dui less peopia w ei
C.nt. an " ant nf mnsTflSS Should
carry an appropriation of about 3250,-
- "... . . aaa aaa Anr.
UUU.UUU, aitnougn n,u,vw,vv
would probably oe oeuer.
A lady hid been looking for a -friend fo.
a ling time without euccese. Finally h
came upon her In an unexpected place.
"Well," ihe exclaimed, "I've been on
perfect wild g-ooee ehase all day Ions, but.
thank goodneie I've found you at laet.
Boston Transcript -
Bill I see an electrically operated vacu.
um cleaner for the teeth has just been pat
ents ' for dentists.
Gill That's nothing new. I've seen vacu
um cleaners used In drawing rooms befon
now. Tonkers Statesman. , .
Tou see lots of humor In the daily news.'.
"How now, Horatio?"
"The Oermans accuse the Pole of looting)
and congress Is talking about tnvestigatini
Itself." Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Rather a remarkable debutante."
"In what respect? I've seen younr glrU
as pretty as she." '
I was not referring to her beauty. It
seems she still defers to the wishes of her
parents."- Birmingham Age-Herald.
"Have the tried the operation proposed
of the transfusion of blood with the arlsto
cratle patient at the hospital?"
"No; she positively refuged to accept aid
from any but a blue-blooded person." Bal
timore American.
"Tour wife says you made a great hit
at her party."
"Tea, answered Mr. Cumror. ' I couldn't
have done better, lily manners were so
dignified and perfect several people thought
I was the new butler we've been bragging
about. Washington Star.
Have You $300?
It will buy three of our shares. If you have not this .
amount, start with less and systematically save with us
until you reach your goal. No better time and no better
place. Dividends compounded semi-annually.
The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n
Resources, $14,000,000. Reserve, $400,000.00
July Piano Drive
will put Pianos in the homes. You save money by putting
it into the much needed article of the home. Music
soothes, it brightens, it encourages.
Every army has its bands, to put added pep into the
soldier; it eases marching; it brings new life .into mo
notony. ,
Why is not this the case at home?
T,o assist you in the ownership of an Instrument, one
with a Hospe Guarantee, a 100 per cent value, we will
make tempting offers in Price and Terms.
High-class Grand Pianos in art finished mahogany.
Price from $495 and better.
The most successful and universally satisfactory
nationally advertised Player Pianos, in all finishes and
styles, from $425 and better.
Such world-famous makes as the Mason & Hamlin,
Kranich & Bach, Vose, Fischer, Bush'& Lane, Cable-Nelson,
Kimball, Hospe and many others, at prices from
$285 up.
The July Piano Drive will carry with it the other 100
nearly new Pianos, the best we have ever offered.
The following is a partial list of our bargains in the
slightly used stock:
Bailey, 'mahogany
Haines, ebony . .
Schubert, ebony .
Netsow, walnut .
Kroeger, mahogany
Homer, walnut
Vose & Son, walnut
Hinxe, oak
. 135
. 125
Fischer, walnut .$250 ,
Hinie, FWF ..' ,.. 225
Kranich & Bach, walnnt . . 350
Cable-Nelson, E., walnut. 185
Chickering, ebony. ...... 165
Boston, walnut 185 -
Camp Co., ebony 165
Emerson, ebony 175
Remember that we furnish with each Piano a new
stool and scarf, and that we will accept any of these In
struments within one year at the full purchase price to ap
ply on a new instrument.
Mason & Hamlin Pianos. Victor Victrolas.
1513-1515 Douglas Street