z THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, iyi8. r , OR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ft.EIJj furnished S-room and bath apart ment, July 15, for J or I months; Hans om park district Call Harney 1721. mornings. . toOL, well-furnished three and five-room apartments. Walking distance. ii and 145. Address Be 9997. tTRICTLT MODERN. beautifully fur nished five rooms, near car. Harney 1111. fHREE-ROOM apartment, well furnished, olos la, 111. Douglas T67I. FOR RENT HOUSES West. VoR RENT Brand new four-room modern apartment; good neighborhood; walking distance; must ba aeen to be appreciated. The Chlodo. 2553 Marcy. office 201 Balrd Bldg. Phone Douglas US3. llX.ROOM flat.- ateam heat, J35 summer, $40 winter. 2624 Leavenworth street Conrad Young. S22 Brandels Theater.' Ponglai 1571. l-ROOM apartment, the Chula Vista, 30th and Poppleton Ave., for rent June 1. Apply Conrad Young, 121 Brandels The ater. Douglas 1671. ' "ll0i "No. 69th St.. 7 rooms 115.00 till Bedford Ave, ( rooms . .. 12 50 OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASS'N. 25(8 Douglas, rooming house. ...... .133.00 1518 -North 16tb, rooming hou 33.00 ' JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 554.' fTRICTLY high grade West Dodge resit - dence. Near Blackstone hotel. 7 rooms. Walnnt 698. V-ROOM bouse, hot water heat; walking distance. Harney 2041. l-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, 2627 CHI CAGO BT HARNEY 3698. SEMIS PARK 7-room house; modern. 2218 Lincoln Blvd. North. Lake View cottage, on two car lines, at Carter lake, desirable for 5 or 6 ladles or gentlemen. Webster 50-11, . VoUR rooms and bath, second floor, $10, 2632 Seward, five-room bouse, part mod ern, $14, 2708 Seward, Red 682. SEVEN rooms modern, $25, near postoffice. Q. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. 7-ROOM modern bouse, 2866 Hamilton St. Douglas 1628. - South. Il43 SOUTH Thirty-second street, 7 rooms, Hans com park district ARMSTRONG WALSH CO., Tyler 1686. - 238 Securities Bldg. 1921 LEAVENWORTH ST. 5-r. part mod. flat, $17.10. Alfred C. Kennedy Co., 206 S. 18th St. Doug. 722. Central. , io-ROOM modern bouse; laundry. Keys 2601 Capitol At. Phone Harney 6664. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale with , FIRST TRUST COMPANY. j Realtors. Tyler T2I. HOUSES ' IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS A CO.. BEE BLDG. SIX-ROOM bouse with or without garage. - Modern except heat Webster 2826; Shnnn 4 Co R tal Douglas 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West APARTMENT. " I rooms in the Hudson, 207 South 26th Avenue; heat and janitor service; $42.60 and $60.00 per month. Benson & Myers Co., Realtors, 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 7426. 4-ROOM, nice woodwork, south and east front i minutes walk from postoffice, $16 per month; water rent paid, 2422 Leaven worth. Call Doug. 6213 before 8 or after 6j intermediate call Doug. 9683. 'VhrEE ROOM apartment south front, large closet. $11 per month; see apartment any time, 2422 Leavenworth. Call Douglas . 8212 before 8 or after 6, Intermediate call Douglas 9583, ir'URNISHED LA TUNA APTS. 641 S. 24th St A large liv. room, a dress, room and oloset combined, a kltch. and bath, comp. turn., best of service. D. 1533. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment management HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; fin lawn and flowers; best location, 24th and Farnam. Price reasonable Call D 1472 ANGELUS APARTMENTS 26th Ave. and ' Douglas; to sub-let one, two-room apart - innt. - Harney 2074. - North. MODERN Estabrook Apts.. near postoffice, $22. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. South 4-ROOM apartment. Modern except heat No children. 1112 S. 11th. s-ROOM apartment. Dunsany, 10th and ; Pierce. St, Janitor service. Douglas 6392. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty stores. FINE new store room and basement at 27th and Leavenworth streets. .Steam beat. ' For particulars see Conrad Young. 322 Brandels Theater Bldg., Douglas 1671 TORE FOR RENT 16th and Douglas, 20x ' 60. steam heat, rent $116 per month. . WORLD REALTY CO.. Douglas 6343. Sun Theater Bldg. STORE Corner Cass and Sixteenth St Fin businesa location. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. MODERN (tore, 16th St, near P. a Low rent Q P Stebblns. 1610 Chicago "office and Desk Hoom iUE BEE BLDG. Office for high class tenant . who want tb best Keystone " Investment Co. Tyler 131. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. LIST your house for rent wltb us and get - results. Mors request than houses, give is houses. - Payne Invesment Co., Realtors. IS7 Omaha National Bank Bldg, D. 1781. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN 4 STORAGE CO. . Owned and operated by Central Furni ture ator i offlo on Howard St. between 11th and 16th. Phone Tyler 1400. Have your moving bandied lust a you would an order for new furniture. That' tb way We do It ASK 10 see our aauy rental nets FREE srvicl FIDELITY 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 888. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENT8. TTREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for household rood and piano; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA TAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. 16th. Douglas 414$. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and - storing all Tyler .280 or Douglas 4331 'T D7T7,T"i Express CtT. Moving, Vm V. SXLlLixJ packing and Storage. 1107 Famam St Web 2741 Doug 6146 OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; earefnl men. Fur niture pack.. torag. I41T Chicago. P-3864 WEST A SUTTON. Piano, household moving: liv stock auled, D. 8728. 1606 Caw St REXL ESTATE IMPROVED West BEMIS PARK HOME Aa unusually well built two-story and attic, '-sight-room modern house, finished in quarter sawed white oak. first floor; four corner bed rooms, complete tiled bath room on second floor finished In quarter awed pine, stairway to floored attic Full cemented basement, brick foundation, Mc Oes furnace; all walls back plastered, canvassed and hand decorated In oil. Built for bom at a cost to owner of over 37,200; lot alone worth $1,600; price only $6,350; easy terms; Immediate possession; key at our office; lot 45x172 feet; investi gate It you want a bargain. GEORGE & CO., City Nat'I Bank Bldg. Doug. 7S6. SPECIAL close In bargain; dandy all mod : rn 7-room heme near Central High in very fine repair both In and outside; pav ing all paid, will rent for $35; will take ' $4,009 and make terms or take your mall house In exchange, or what have ou to offer? RASP BROS., 210 Keeline Bid . Tyler 721 REAL ESTATE IMPROVFD North. "PRETTIEST MILE" Beautiful S-room house in setting of fin young forest trees (double .arage) on prettiest part or the "Prettiest Mile" (Florence Boulevard), -front Into he legant grounds of C. W. Martin; house excellently built and beat of condition; Tl-ft'front: n real home; 11.000 under th market i Vo. $8,500. ACT QUICKLT IP INTERES'i i n ' HARRISON & MORTON, REALTORS 916 Omaha Nat . V Douglas 314 P. S. Still harping on this bouse he cause there are probably (0 people In Omaha who would buy the house of they knew bow desirable and cheap tt was. IT MUST BE SOLD AND 13 AN OPPOR TUNITY FOR SOMEONE. H. M. 5-R00M BUNGALOW $3,500 5-room practically new bungalow on 50th St car line near Binney St Strictly modern, oak finish, full basement, fur nace heat, one block to new school. Owner has left city and must sell. Price, $3,500 on easy terms. ' J. L. HIATT COMPANY 900 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler J. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE BUNGA LOWS. Two brand new and very nifty S-room bungulows under construction at 28tb Ave. and Camden will be sold at $3,600 each. These places will be modern In every respect; one block to car and store; close to school and to Miller park; $350 cash will handle and balance monthly payments of $31.50. Sewer, water, gai and electricity all in and paid for; no special taxes. See these at once. WALNUT 677. NEAR KOUNTZE PARK. 6-room all modern bouse, 2 bedroom and bath up, $ down; good furnace, ce ment walks, paving paid; only $3,200; on easy terms. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 806 Om. Nat. Bk. Phone D. 2182. 3621 HAMILTON STREET, $3,160. Oak and birch finished, very modern 6-room bungalow, with sleeping porch. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1808 FARNAM. WE SELL, rent. Insure and make loans on city property. North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Ave., Col. 217. IF you are going to buy a home, see this first; a rine five-room house; electrio lights, gas and water. Price $2,000. See Owner at 2330 Manderson. THE BEST BUY IN OMAHA, Five-room bouse, electric lights and water, $2,250. Call Colfax 4094, M1NNE LUSA home and lota offer the beat opportunity to Inveet your money Phone Tvler 187 South On -room and one 4-roora cottage, both on on lot, live In one and rent the other. Price, $2500. Tferms. No. 2433 South 20th St. Norrls & Morris. 104 North 15th St. Phons D. 4270. FIELD club district, 7-r. modern .bouse, garage, lot 70x165, price, $4,250. C. A. Orlmmel. Phone Douglas 1616. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW SNAP $450 DOWN AND $30 PER MONTH Just listed, a new 6-room bungalow, all on one floor. Oak floor and oak fin ish. Colonnade opening, plate rail and panel walls. Owner has left city and has offered to sacrifice this place at $3,260, lesB than the house can be built for. Payne Investment Co., REALTORS 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg D.1781. 5-ROOM cottage, two blocks from car. full lot, $2,000. Terms, $300 cash, balance $20 per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 643 Pa i ton Block FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 203 S. 17th St. Douglas 5012. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Real Estate and Insurance. 1220 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. HOMES AND H MESITE8. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 637 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg Doug. 1781. F. D. WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your bom or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electrio Bldg. Tyler 86. BUSINESS property and Investment. A. P. TUKEY am! SON. 620 First National Hank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Income. Business and Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge St Douglas 41. REAL ESTATE Exchanges FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE EXCLUSIVE Artificial ami Natural lc busi ness, In county seat town of 2,500. Also upplylng three other towns exclusively with ice. Excellent business opportunity. Also have good Ice rreom trade. Best of reasons for disposing of business. Want land In exchange. Phone or write, C. W. Oraff, Tecumseh, Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 120-ACRE southern Iowa farm; all corn land; good Improvements; on main road and mall route; wanted In exchange, general mer. "chandlae, hardware and furniture. Writ P. O. Box, Osceola, la. . FOR SALE 160 acres of Wyoming oil land, $15 per aore. Will exchange. 228 City Nat. Bank. LOT, 23d and Pratt. 1 block from car line, good residence district. Will exchange for automobile. 2224 Pratt St Web. 3113. REAL ESTATE- Unimproved Vest. CLEARV1KW LOTS. $1 DOWN. $1 A WEEK. PAYNE & SLATER CO. South FOR 8ALE S lot. Just outh of Elrawood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will aell cheap for cash. Address Box T 1188, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage. FIVE ACRES, MODERN HOME HOT WATER HEAT High and sightly, with a wonderful vlw of the river and the city; 8 room, til bath, garage In house, laundry tubs, electrio light, oak floors. Immediate pos session. Price and term on application. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 111-20 City National. Dundee Dundee Bungalow $3,450. Flv room, oak finish In living room and dining room, built-in buffet in din ing room, complete and modern in every respect; lot 60x106 tt; look at 4640 Dodge street, then see us. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas 297. 1012 Farnam St I HAVE $500 caab and a good Dundee lot to make first payment on Dundee home. Phone Dougla 6074, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Miscellaneous FOR SALE Two beautiful lots lust south of Elmwood park in Overlook addition: full site lots. 60x150 Owner leaving th city will sell cheap for cash. Act quick. Address Box T 1105. Omaha Be. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED RANCH OR FARM Press brick business block and residence property: also 130.000 worth mortgage pa per. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. ill City Nafl Bank Bldg. HAVE customer for $4,000 7-room. modern house, bet. 34th and 30th and bet Daven port and Cuming Sts. Will pay cash. Call Mr. Browne. Ty 1672. JNTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 913-14 City National Bank Bldg. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with 1300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty rn Tvler 701 rim N flank Bid FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages, HAVE that Installment loan on your home changed to a straight five-year loan and relieve yourself of that monthly burden E. H. Lotigee, Inc.. 638 Keeline Bldg. H. VV BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loan Cltv National Bank Bldg QUICK ACTION ON LOANS W T GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1633. K1 CI FARM LOANS. 72 10 PAUL PETERSON. O l2 O 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDO ' OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1716 CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6V4 and 6 Per Cent. J. H. DUMONT CO.. Keelln Bldg. 5V2 HARISON A MORTON. 5V2 818 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam 8ta. MONEY to loan on Improved farm and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. PIvte Money. SHOPEN at COMPANY Douglas 4226. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. ' W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg LOW RATES C. Q. CARLBERG. 112 Bran- a el Tnester ma o bus Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE Ten $1,000 4Vi per cent sewer Intersection bonds, issue of July 7, 1116 We will sell all or part Advise best of fer. Dexter Portland Cement Company Nazareth. Pa. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Farms, Farms, Farms If your farm I for sals and your price la right, where you have good goods for the money, Hat with me. I have all kinds of customers for all kinds of farms, but the value must be there; within less than 60 miles of Omaha pre ferred, any size from 10 acres to 1,000, or up. Let's GET BUSY. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, 1217-1218 City National Bank Bldg. If your farm Is tor sale and your price Is right. ' where you have good good for th money, list with me. I have all kinds of customers for all kinds of farms, but the value must be there; within less than 60 miles of Omaha preferred, any size from 10 acres to 1,000, or up. Let' get busy. ORIN 8. MERRILL COMPANY. 1217-1218 City National Bank Bldg. Arkansas Lands. JULY 2ND. Our next excursion to McOehee, Ark W. S FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. COLORADO LANDS. I own and control 25,000 acres In Chey enne and Lincoln counties, Colorado. Here are some of my special bargains: sections $12.60 per acre 1,280 acres 10.00 per acre 1,280 acres 12.00 per acre 2,560 acres 16.00 per acre These lands are all 100 per cent tillable, situated In Cheyenne county; terms. 1-2 cash, balance 5 annual payments at per cent W. J. MOREHART, Mankato, Minn. YUMA CO., COLO. N. E. 7-6s-48w. Good soil, lays, well, good neighborhood. Prloe $2,400, of which $1,100 can be carried 2 years at 6 per cent; 1 trade. R. M. Cautborn, 302 Schweitzer Bldg., Wichita, Kan. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE Eighty acres, Adams county, Iowa land, four miles from railrosd. Im proved. Address F. R. Davison. Pine Bluffs Wyo. KIT CARSON land. A good quarter near Selbert, Kit Carson Co. Will sell cheap with terms. Clauson Bros., Klron, la. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS $6 down, $5 monthly buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $220. Address Box 283, Springfield, Mo. Nebraska Lands. NORTH LOUP RIVER RANCH 2,520 ACRES This ranch Is crossed by the North Loup river, 1.000 acres being raw hay and alfalfa land; good buildings; 8-room house, new barn being built, coating $3,500; granaries, cribs, hog houses and all buildings necessary for a well equip ped ranch. Fenced and crossed-fenced; $9,000 worth of improvements; cuts 500 tons of hay and alfalfa; thousands of bushels of corn raised last year; 70 acre of rye and small grain. Land grows ex cellent timothy and clover. Upland rot rough and well grassed. Prloe $16.60 per acre. For sale on most reasonable terms to responsible party. This Is a bargain. Stock can be bought with the place. WHITE & HOOVER, 464 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 200 ACRE STOCK FARM FOR SALE: Three mile West and on mils North of Ft. Calhoun, Washington county. Neb., 16 miles Northwest of Omaha, All fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire fence. 115 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, fine waterworks system and fine Improve ments for raising and feeding bog and cattle. Telephone connection and mall delivery at farm. Price $185.00 per acre. Inquire at Fort Calhoun State bank or HENRY ROHWER, Fort Calhoun, Neb. FOR SALE 480 acre Burfalo county farm, to settle an estate; 230 sores pasture; 25 alfalfa; 20 of wild hay meadow, balance farm land. Land rolling wltb heavy clay subsoil. Fenced and cross-fenced; 1 good wells and wlndmolls; 7-room house; barn 40x42: other outbuilding; 6 mile from railroad town; mall and telephone; sold subject to lease; possession March 1; price $42 per acre, half cash; term on balance. P O Box 125. Kearney. Neb. MERRICK COUNTY FARM. 160 acre located 6 miles from Central City, one.balf mile to a good school, all good black loam soil, lies perfect not a foot of waste, all fin alfalfa land. This place has just a fair set of improvements not in the best of repair. Price, $136 per acre, with part terms. Will consider a good Omaha residence as part payment What have you? Write or see M. A, WRITE me for pictures and price my farm and ranches In good Old Dawes County. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. WE specialize In selling Nebraska ranches. Whit & Hoover. 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg 160 ACRES Improved, closeln, paved road. Ntlson. 422 Securities Bldg. Wvoming Lands WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $60 par a.. Including paid-up water rlgbta Henry Ivt r. M Rvlander 864 maha Nst'l FARM LANDS FOR RENT HAY LAND FOR RENT FAIRACRES Prairie Timothy and Clover. GEORGE AND CO. D. 756 FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't itst your farm wltb tu If you want to keep It. B. P 6NOWDEN A 80N. 610 Elertrlr Bid Dnualss 8271 Horses Live Stock Vehicles FOR SALE On saddle horse and on Shetland pony. 2301 So. 23d. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 2.000 DAY OLD chicks. Rock Reds. Or pingtons, Leghorn. Webster 1708 2212 Charle. WHEAT screenings, $2.60 per 100. Delivered, Wagner, 101 N. 16th St, Phone Doug, 1143. OMAHA -TJYB STOCK Cattle 10 to 15 Cents Lower; Hog Market Shows Im provement; Sheep Market Slow. Omaha. July 2, 1818. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 7.0(5 t.m 12,097 Kitlmated Tuesday .., 8,800 13,500 11,750 Two days this week. .13,885 23.417 34.847 Same days last week.. 10,257 25,907 25,031 Same days 2 wks. ago.. 14.488 27.685 11.114 Sam days 3 wks. ago.. 16.2S0 21,480 8,161 Same day year ago... 8.149 16,688 6,33$ RECEIPTS CARS Cattle.Hoirs.Sheep.H'r'. C, M. St. P. 16 Wabash 17' 1 Missouri Paclfio ...... 6 1 .. Union Paclfio 45 45 49 C. & N. W., east 12 4 1 C. & N. W., weat 49 87 1 2 C. St. P., M. O. ....! 17 C, B. A Q . east 39 1 2 1 C, B. & Q.i west 68 80 .. .. C.; R. I. P., east ,...22 8 .. e. .. C. R. I. ft P.. west .... 1 4 .. .. Illinois Central ..4 1 Chicago Gt. Wet. .... 1 1 .. Total receipt 371 193 62 6 DISPOSITION HEAD Cattl,Hos,Shep. Morris ft company 905 3.574 891 Swift and company 1.211 2.577 8.999 Cudahy Packing company 2.048 8.264 873 Armour ft company ......1,650 3.170 4.854 Schwartz company .... 1.919 J. W. Murphy 643 Lincoln Packing eompany 48 Omaha Packing eompany , 34 Wilson Packing company 68 Hill 8on 63 F. B. Lewi 76 J. B. Root ft company ... 87 Rosenstock Bros. ........ 75 Werthlmer ft Degen .... 162 Sullivan Bros 12 Christie 15 Hlgglns 21 Huffman 60 Roth Meyer Banner Bros 2 John Harvey 66 Jensen ft Lungren ...... 64 Pat O'Dav 2$ Other Buyer 741 1,611 Tittals T.411 14.147 14,216 Cattle on a very liberal upply of 6,800 head trading was low to 10a to 16o lower on all except cholc weighty teer. for which packer paid up a nign aa iis.sw. The good to choice 1.200 to 1,600 pound beeves were about steady with yesterday', at about $17.60 to $18.10, whll th 1,000 to 1,200-pound sold from $16.76 to $17.00 and on down tor th common to fair light weight kind. Yearling wr vry low, going to th icsles and price lower on th medium to lighter kind and about steady on th prima fat grades, prices anywher from $13.26 to $16.(0. Butcner stock was steaoy on th cornted cow and heifer and alow to 25o lower on th grassy kinds. Beef bulls, calves and canners and cutter were steady with yesterday. Stocker and teed era were active and stronger. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $17.50018.30; fair to good neevea, $15.7617.00; common to fair beeve. $13.00(515.50; good to choice yearlings, $ 15.50 16.60; fair to good yearlings, $13.26 15.26; common to fair yearlings, $9,000 12.60; good to choice heifers, $12.00 14.00; good to choice cows, $11.0018.25; fair to good cows, $9.0011.00; common to fair cows, $7.2608.76; prime feeders, $11.75 12.60; good to choice feeders, $9.60 11.00; fair to good feeders. $8.009.26; common to fair feeders, $7.609.76; good to choice stockers, $9.76811.76; slock heifers, $7.009.00; stock cows, $7.2541 $.26; veal calves, $8.00fil3.21 bull, (tag, etc., $9.50012.60. Hogs Receipts of hogs today amounted to 198 loads, estimated at 13,600 bead, mak ing the run for the two day 23,417 head. There was some Improvement noted In the market today a compared with yesterday. Th lower end of the bulk remained th ame. but the top of the bulk was raised a nickel, aa well as the high sale for the day. More of the hogs sold at the upper end of the bulk than yesterday. The ma jority of the sales wa $16.16016.26, with top of $16.40. Sheep There was a liberal run of sheep today, 51 loads, estimated at 12,750 head, making suppiics for the two days 24,847 head. The market was a rather dead af fair during the early hours, nothing what ever being sold at the time of writing this report The salesmen were asking higher prices, which buyers were slow in giving. The general market at this hour is quotably steady. Quotations on Sheep: Lamb, good to choice, fl7.00il8.25; lambs, fair to good, $14.5017.OO; yearlings fed, good to choice. $13.00013.60; yearlings, fair to good, $12.75 111.00; ewes, good to choice, $11. 008)12. 00! ewes, fair to good, $10.00 11.00, No. Average. Price. 26 fat ewes fed 83 11.75 24 cull ewe , 86 7.00 fi fat wethers fed .....100 13.00 47 fed fat ewes 100 11.60 77 cull ewes 80 6.50 64 spring lambs 51 17.26 Kansa City Llv Stock. Kansas City, July 2. Cattle Receipt, 10,000 head; market steady to 26 cent higher: prim ted steers. $17.26018.35; dressed beef steers, $12.60 17.00; western steer, $10.50 18.00; southern steers, 88 00 18.60; cows, $6.6Ul2.uff; neners, s.uudj 14.00: stockers and feeders, $7.B0l.OO; bulls, $8.00ffill.OO; calves, $8.00015.00. Hogs Receipts. 13,000 bead; market steady to 5 cents lower; bulk, $16.45016.60; heavy. $16.65016.65; packers and butchers, $16.40016.65; light, $16.26016.60; pigs, $16.25016.45. Sheeri Receipts, 7,000 bead; marker higher; lambs, $16.00018.16; yearling, 8I4.00rd17.00: wethers. 812.00 15.00; ewes. $8.00013.60; stocker and feeders, $6,600 17.00. St. Louis live Stock. St. Louis July 2. Cattle Receipts, S.200 head: market steady; native beef steers, $11.60017.60; yearling steers and heifers, to uriimii RA. 87. 50iflilS.76: atockers and feeders, $8.60013.00: fair to prime southern beef eteers, $10.00017.70; beer cows ana heifers, 16.00013.60; native calves, $7,760 17.00. . Unn n.ini. i 000 head: market lower; light $16.60016.70; pigs, $16,250 MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Meo of Omaha FURNITURE, piano and note a security 540. 1 mo., K. goods, lata i. ss.ev. Smaller, larger am'ta proportionate rat PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 433 Securities Bldg,. 16th Farnam Ty. 161 LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1 Of SMALLER LOANS. JtW, IO W C. FLATAU EST. 1891 10 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. TT 150. miMowna iwn TirWF'T.n Y LOANS. Lowest rate. Privet losn booth Harry Msisnhnr-k TS 14 nod re T 5819 t REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. James N. Marsh and wife to Arthur O. Butler. 25th St., 203 feet N. of Ohio St.. east stde. 80x120.... t 1,250 Roe Y. McClave and husband to Frank Trlbulato, Military Ave., 120 feet N. of Burden St. west slds, triangular piece 601 Edgar H. Scott and wife to Herbert S. Arnwteln, 62d St. 700 feet B. of Howard St.. east aide. 60x135.... 1,601 Fred Arbrust and wife to Joseph Nowascyk and wife, Frederick St., 126 feet E. of 10th SL, so. side, 60x128 1,6 Arthur C. Lease to Mary E. Stiles. Pinkney St., 183 feet E. of 16th St., so. side, (0x124 1,100 Ellsworth M. Ecjman and wife to D E. Bradshaw. s. w. cor. 61st Ave. and Dodge St., 76x135 18.000 IgnaU J. Pawelczyk and wife to Frank C. Zadtna and wife, Elm St.. 11 feet W. of 30th St., so. side, 84.4x131.1 1.800 Louis Klebba and wife to Mary F. Miller, Charle St., 71 feet E. of 81st St, no. side, $5x127.6 1,260 Flora M. Funkhouser Vivian Rail, 36th Av 100 feet S. of Spragu St weat side, 60x100 1,400 William C. Norrls to Ben Liistgartsn, s. e. cor. 16th and Kansas Ave., 44x165 210 Francis A. Brogan and wit to Hattl W. Beaton, n. cor. 41st and Davenport 8t, 74x110 11,600 Ida F. Curtis and husband to Hattl N. Harper, Chicago St. 100 feet E. of 60th St.. no. aide 6.000 George B. Welty and wife to Mary E. Norlem, . . cor. 13d and Clay St., 122x272 10,000 John A. Forrest and wife to Louis F. Kruplcka, loth St., 170 feet N. of Lake St. west side, 13x100 1,100 John A. Forrest and wife to Louis F. Kruplcka, 20th St, 201 feet N. of Lake St, west aide, 14x100 1,100 John J. Safarlk and wife to John Hurley, n. . cor. 29th and Q St., 61x80 4; 700 Edward H. Howland and wlf to Er- hard Cornr et al, a. w. cor. 14th and Orover St., 11.4x130. 126 Herman Schneldewlnd and wife to Edward F. Williams, s. e. cor 36th A.v and Fowlar Av, i2xl2..M 0t 16,65: mixed snd butcher. $16.16616.76 good heavy, $16.10016.16; bulk, $11,450 18. 81. Sheep Receipts, 4.100 head; 'market strong to higher; lamb. $14.60018.00; ewes. $11.00012.00; canners and choppers. s.vuvio.vv. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET Beef Cuts Wholesale price of beef cuts effective July 1 are as follows: Loins, No. 1. 18Ho; No. 1. 16Ho; No. 1, llho, Rib. No. 1, 34Ho; No. 3, J3c; No. 3, lS"a Rounds, No. 1. 17o; No. 3. 27c: No. 8. 23 Ho. Chucks. No. 1, 22Ho; No. 2.'21Hc; No. 8. 16 He Plate. No. 1, lHo; No, 8, 16c; No. 3. 14tto. Fish Fancy froisn larg catfish, 1 to 1 lb, average, per lb, 26c; this Is fancy fresh frosen stork of fin quality; fancy fresn catfish, odd siie, large, 38c; fancy fresh halibut direct from ship, fast vxpress, lie lb.; fancy black cod, larg slses. lte lb.; fancy fresh trout to suit, I Jo lb.; fancy tresb royal whit chlnook salmon, J 0c 'lb.; fancy fresh whtteftsb, 18o lb.; fsncy fresh yellow pike, 18c lb.; fancy fresh pick erel, 15o lb.; fanoy fresh red chlnook sal mon, 26o lb.; fancy fresh blood-red bull heads, large, 21e lb.; medium, 1!: lb.; fsncy fresh pickerel, 12o lb.; fancy fresh rock bsss, 4 lb., each 20c; fancy fresh yellow ring perch, lb. each, 19c: fancy frtsh herring, llo lb.; fancy haddock, ISO lb. fancy steak cod, eastern, 15c lb, fresh crap pies, 2O 023O lb.; fresh buffalo, large. 12c lb.: fresh whit perch, lie lb.; fresh dressed carp, large, 10O lb.; fancy steak cod, west- en, 110 ID.; fancy gun rea snapper, .so lb.; fancy iroxen large oass, jva id.; fancy frosen skinned whiting, odd sis. flaky, almost boneless,' 15-lb. baskets, rsr basket, 12.65; round. 70 lb.; fsncy rroien round pink salmon, 14c lb.: fancy troien red sstmon. 3 Jo lb,; fancy frosen pin sal mon. 30o lb.; fancy frosen sturgeon, lOo lb.: fancy frosen Spanish mackerel, 17o lb.; fancy frosen native Fall mackerel, 21c lb.; fancy frosen flounder, uo id.; lancy frozen sole. 12o lb.; fancy frosen western red snapper, lOo lb.; fancy frosen sllvsr ismelts. 13o lb.; fancy frosen No. 1 whit mullet. 6o lb.: fancy frosen Canadaln Tulll be whlteflsh, avsrage lb., 10c; fancy frosen Canadian whlteflsh, large, dressed or round, 18o lb.; fancy frosen Canadian dressed pickerel, 12o lb.; tancy frosen Cana dian round pickerel, lOe lb.; fancy frosen dressed herring, larg. $e lb.: round, to lb.; fancy baraouda, 14o lb.; tancy sea roek bass, 14o lb.; fanoy ro ansa, mo id.; tancy shad ro, per pair, market; fanoy srrioked chlnook salmon, 10-lb. boxes. 2So lb.; fancy kippered salmon, 10-lb. baskets, $1.00; fancy smoked whlteflsh. lake nan. id-id. assists, $2.10; fancy kippered cod, 10-lb. basket. $2.60. Fruits. Orange 10. It, 126. 191. 124. $7.60; 110, 176, lit, 160, $8.00. Lemon. Sunklat, $11.60: Red Bailee. 260, $10.00. Bananas, 1 to 7Ho lb: California paaches, $1.21 box; peachea, southern. $$.00 crate. California plum, li.it oral. unuon iniiu, is on. California cherries, red and black. 8-lb, basket $126; H. O. ehsrrtea, call at market prloe, 10-lb. market basnets ana zi-quarc cases. Vegetable. Wntatnea. new. I tin lb. Head lettuce, $4.00 crate; head lettuce, 11.11 dosen; leaf lettuce. 50O dosen. laDDag, car imm, n lb.; leas quantities, 5o lb. Onions, yellow, California. In 100 lb. ack. IHa lb.; onions. H. Q 20c do. Radishes, 80c, do. Asparagus. 60o doxen. Michigan celery, 60 dosen. Telephone peas. 15c. Cucumbers, 1 do, box, $1.60, to $3.76 box. Beans, wax. $3.60 basket; green beans, $2.60 basket Sum mer squash, $1.00 dosen. Beets, 40o do. Carrots. 40o doz. Artichokes, $1.50. Green peppers, 60c. Tomatoes, 4 basket crates, $1.25. Llmas. $5.00. Garlic 17 Uo. Egg plant. $2.00 box. lantaionpes. Sandard. 45s. $4.60; pony. 64s, $4.00; flats, 12 to 15 $1.76. Watermelons, a Ho lb. Miscellaneous, flrackertack. checker, cbum $5.60; V, case, $2.16. Ear popcorn, 18c lb.; shelled popoorn 11-lb. pkg., 4-do. case, $4.00. Thre H honey, 1 lb. glasses, 1 dos. case, $3.86, Baited peanut $3.00; peanut, IT 14 to 20o lb. New York Money. New York. July 2. Mercantile Papar Four month, t per cent; six months, t per cent. fif.rlln 60-dav bills. I4.73V4: commercial 60-day bill on banks. $4.72; commercial 60-day bills, $4.71K; demand, $4.76tt! cables, $4.76 7-16. FriJncs Demand, $5.711 caDlcs, $.. Guilders Demand, 60V4c; cables. 608io. Lire Demand. $8.82: cables, $8.80. Rubles Demand, 134o; cables, 14c, nom inal. Bar liver' 99 Ho. Mexican Dollar 77c. Bond Government, firm; railroad, Ir regular. I .cans Time, steady: 60 days, isoi per cent; 90 days, 6V6 06K per cent; f months, 54 06 per cent. Call Money Strong; high, per cent; low, 4 per cent; ruling rate. 4 per cent; closing bid, 6H per cent; offered at per cent; Isst loan, 6 per cent. U. S. 2a, reg.. 18 I. C. ref. 4s.... 78 TJ. 8. 2s, coupon 98 Int. M. M. 6s.. 97 tt U. 8. Ss, reg... 19 H K. C. 8. ref. 6s.. 78 U. 8. 3s, coupon 19ttI N. un. 4s (3 U. S. lb. 8 Us... 99.60 M K ft T 1st 4 60 U. S. 4. reg..,. 106 M. P. gen. 4s.. 67 U. S. 4s, coup. 108 Mont. Power 6s 89 Am. For. Sec. 6s 96N. r. u. asn. s Arm. ft Co. 4ft 84ttN- Pa". ttt Atchison gen. 4s 80, N. Pan. 8s.... 68 Betb. Steel r. 5s 89 O. S. L. ref. 4 814 Cen. Leather 6s 9414 P. T. ft T. 6s ..B9 Cen. Paclfio 1st 78 Penn. con. 4's 96 C. ft O. cv. 6s.. 80HPenn. gen. 4! 87 C. B. ft Q., j. 4s 94 'i 'Reading gen. 4s 13 C.MSP cv. 4V4s 76V4 8 L A S F a 6 17 C R I ft P ref. 4s 67 B. Pao. cv. 6s. . 11 C. ft S. ref. 4s 71 S. Ry 6s.. 90 D. ft R. G. r. 5s 48'T. ft P. 1st.... 61 D. of C. 6s ('31) 91 Union Paclfio 4s 84 Erls gen. 4s.. 64 V. sr. Rubber 5 71 General Kleo. 6 98 V. S. Steel 6.. 99 Am. T. ft T. e. 6 86 Wabash 1st .. 93 Anglo-French 6s 12 Frenoh gov. 5 18 Gt N. 1st 4s.. 16 'Bid. Slonx City LIT Stock. Slouit City. la., July 1. Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head; market weak; beef steers, $10.00 17.25; fat cows and heifers, $8.50014.60; canners, $7.0008.26; stockers and feeders. $8.50011.25; calves. $8.00014.60: bulls, stags, etc., $8.00011.25; feeding cow and heifers, $7.7608.60. Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head; market lOe to 15o lower; light, $16.25; mixed, $16.20; heavy, $16.90; bulk of sales, $16.90016.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head; market steady. m Internal War Loans WE have issued a book containing an analysis and synopses of sixty-nine Internal War and Mobili zation Loans of Belliger ent and Neutral Countries The book is available to investors interested i n , war finance. It will b ml uquttt for OB-16S. TkNationalGty Company CtrrtiPonient Often U J CitUi Chicago 137 So. U Sail St Bondr-Shorf Trm tltfAttmm lhe Wealth of Economy i better understood and tU value la more thor oughly appreciated after you have lnvtlgatd Our IDriU P.an ol iWELVE PAYMENTS Write today for ear booklet "Thrift eod In dependence." It will be ent to you without eoit or obligation. bencsch&Co. Osstral Mstiosal Bank Bldg., slat Louis, sa. uoBwiiaatM Biaeg of New Tori (ad City Stock Kvchsng. A.ii. I i I Member: I Biensng t Ksb . swa GRAIN ANDJRODUCE Active Demand for Cash Corn With Light Receipt. Gives Prices Better Than Even Break. Omaha, July I. 1111. Arrival of grain today war rather light, totaling only II oar and consisted of 14 car of wheat, 62 oar of corn, 14 ear of oats, 1 oar of ry and none of barley. There wa an active Inquiry tor cash com today with spot figure ranging from to higher to lo lower for th commercial grade, th bulk bringing an advance whll soma mixed corn sold off. Good whit corn sold at tb extreme advance and wa taken readily. No. 1 white corn sold at 11.10. No. yllow at $1.6) and $1.61, and th No, I mixed at I.6 and $1.48. Ut were unchanged to a cent Inwtr. th greater part of these offering selling on. im oemana ror tnis article late In tr,' a ay absorbed the samples quit readily. No 1 white oat sold at 73c. and the N 2 whit at 1te and 73c Standard oat sold at 7SUO and 72 He and th I grade pi jo. no. t ana sample wniu oat sold at Tltto and 70o. reanertivelv. Ry wa unchanged, th No. 1 grade sell- ins at ti.es wnn barley was ii.adv. Clearances were: Oat. 156.000 bushel. Primary wheat receipt wer 122,000 Dusnl, and shipments 17,000 bushel. againat no receipt or shipment last year, on account of holiday. Primary corn receipts were 137.100 bush. els, nd shipment 138,060 bushels, againat no receipt or shipment last year, on ac count or aiohldy Primary oat receipts wer 721,000 bush els' and shipments 138,000 bushels, againat against no receipts or shipment last year, on account oi noiiday. Wheat Corn. Oat. unicaga joi 2)1 Minneapon m , Duluth I umana 14 5J 14 Kansas City ........ 16 10 4 sc. Lauie , 1 33 11 Winnipeg II ... , The eale wer rsortd tadav. Corn No. S white, 1 ear, n.ti'j He. $ whit, 4 ear. 11.80; No. 1 white, 1 ear, $1.71; No. I whit. 1 ear, $1.11; . ear. ..i, (b, wnns, aim, si. is; 1- car, 11.11; No. I yellow. 1 ear, $l., . car, $1.11; No. I yellow, 1 ear, 11.11; I ear. $1.10; 1 ear, 11.61; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 11.17; 1 ear. 11.11; 1-6 car, $1.11; 1 ear, $1.50; No. I yellow, 1 ear, 11.41; No. 1 ysnow, 1 ear. 11.111 l-l ear, 11.11; 1 ear, $1.10; sampls yellow, 1 ear, $1.20; 1 ear, $1.11; l-l ear, $1.1$; I ear. $1.10; No. I mixed, 1 car, till; 1 ear, 11.41; 1 ear, 11.47; 1 ear, $1.41; He. mixed, l-l ear, $1.40; No. I mixed, 1 ear, 11.11; I ear, $113; No. 1 mixed, t can. 11.10; l-l ear. $1.10; sample mixed. 1 car, II. tl. Oats tvo. 1 wnit, 1 car, 71e; No, I white, I care, 73o ; Ne. I white, I can, lie; Ne. 4 whit, 1 car, 7m 0. Ry No. I, l-l ear, $1.11. Wheat No. I hard winter, 1 ear, 13.11; 1- 6 car, $2.20; H car, 11.11; Ne. I hard winter, 1 car, $2.11; No. 4 hard winter, 2- 6 car, $2.00; sample hard winter, H ear, $2.16; No. 4 spring, 1-6 car, $2.06; No. I durum, 1-1 car, $3.16; No, 1 mixed. 1 car, $3.13; No. I mlxsd common and red durum, 1 car, $3.13; No. $ mixed, 1 oar. $3.10. Omaha Cash Price Corn: No, I whit, $1.11; No. 1 white, $1.80; No. 4 whit, $1.71; No. 1 white, $1.6701.63; No. I white, $1,310 1.40; sample white, $1.16; No. I yellow, $1.1801.61; No. $ yellow, $1.601.61; No. 4 yellow, $1.60 0 1 67; No. I yellow, 11.41; No. 6 yellow, $1.8001.88; sample yellow. $1.10O 1.20; No. I mixed. $1.46 01.4$; No. mixed, $1.40; No. I mixed, $1.3101.31; No. I mixed, $1.80; ampl mixed, $1.11. Oats: No. I white, 7207Sc; atandard, 73147114c: No. I whit, 2o;No. white, 71 Ho; sample, 70c Rye: No. I, $1.11. Chicago dosing prices, furnished Th Be by Logan 4 Bryan, (took and grain brokers, no noutn nixteentn street, umanat Artlcle Open, High. Low. Close. Tes'y Corn. I I II July 1 4747 1 4IH 148V 1 41 14T Aug. 14149 1 61 H 148 1 Htt 14 141 Sep. 1 60Vi 1 II 150 112 111, Oat. July 71HOU 71 7114 71 7214 Aug. 670 61 176lOH 8 Sep. 66 18 CSV II IT Pork I 1 I July 44 00 44 00 44 001 -44 00 41 60 Sep. 44 00 44 50 44 10 44 10 41 71 Lard. July 16 70 II 71 21 16 II 71 II TT Sept 36 81 II $0 21 75 II IT II 10 Rib July II 10 It IT 21 62 II IT II 40 Sept. 24 05 14 10 23 17 14 10 14 00 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Cpward Swing Given Corn Market by Pro- pert of larger Purchases by Canada. Chlcsgo, July I. Prospect that Canada may take a larger quantity of corn flour In the near future gave a notable upward awing today to th corn market her. Prloe closed firm, lo to lo net higher, with July I1.4D to $1.41 and September 11.62 to $1.62'!i. Oat gained a shad to 1 eent In provision th outcome varied from 1 eent decline to 76 cent advance. Announcement that by government order taking effect July 15 th consumption of wheat In Canada would be much curtailed formed th bad of report that tb use of corn as a substitute might show a big Increase. Gossip wa current alio that stocks of corn flour In Canada wer light Big premium being raid In excel of th minimum price for new wheat in south west market operated as an additional bullish factor. At first liberal receipt and favorable weather lad to moderate declines, but only of a transient charaoter. Big exports of oats, estimated a high as 1,600,000 bushels csused Independent strength In the oat market Country offer ing to arrive increased on th bulge. In provisions, pork and lard . finished higher and lard easier. A redaction of more than 34,000,000 pounds In western meat tock wa partly offset by weakness et th hog market Safety for Your Capital With 6 Interest Certain TNVESTINGyour funds Jnpropcrly JL safeguarded First Mortgage Real EstateBondsis like depositing them in the largest and soundest bank in the country and being paid 6 interest on your deposits. The First Mortgage Real TEstate Bonds we oner are rightly considered the safest and soundest form of in vestment because they are units of a direct closed first mortgage. Every issue we oner has back of it security worth about twice the amount of the bond issue in the shape of revenue producing modern office buildings, hotels or apartment houses, located in thriving cities in the Middle West These bonds are issu in denomina tions of from $50 to $1000 and in maturities of from 2 to 10 years and you can thus select amounts and maturities to tit your funds. A cbpy of oar booklet "How to Choose a Safe Investment," describing these bonds folly and giving much general information of value to investors, will be mailed to you free upon request. rf Bankers Realty Investment Co. CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING ' , 4 . CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BEE BUILDING, OMAHA, NEBRASKA HEW YORK STOCKS Reports of New Financing Give Market Setback, Following Irregular Becoveies, U, -S. Steel Feature. , Nsw Tork,. July I. On limited nrofes. rv slonal dealing today' stock market mads Irregular recoveries of 1 to I pelnt front yesterday' setback, but much of this art , vantage was canoellsd In the final hour cv,t, report of new financing by on of 'h foremost Industrial corporation. Th lever arraignment of th fedrra trad commission against profiteering b; various companies engaged In fulfilling wai contract again wa employed by the beati as a weapon to depress prices, althougl with Indifferent auccesa. .-!, Banking Interest wer pcrkap mora eon cerned at th prospects of early control b) the government over telegraph and tele phone systems of th country and by thi threatened extension cf labor trouble It the New England texlbl Industry. Som of the smaller manufacturing com. psnles were reported to be seeking new Issues, subject to th approval of th wai finance corporation and report prevalenl -In th metal trad Indicated an upward revision of copper price by the war indus tries board. " ' . '., U. a Steel featured today trading. c far a It possessed any especial feature, lust a It did th reactionary movement of th preceding session. 'It extreme rally of 1 point, wa partly Impaired at tht nd. ' .'.'' Number of ale and quotation on lead ing stocks; Clostnl Sale. High. Low. Bid Am. Beet Sugar.. 600 7214 ; 7114 70 , American Can 1.200 461 43 45 Am. Car At Found'y 700 $4 81 $54 Am. Locomotive .. 200 47 4614 68 ' Am. Smelt A Ref. 1,600 8014 ,7114 7 Am. Sugar Ref 1124, Am. Tel. A Tel.... 16 i Am. Z, L, A 8..,. I.101 21 21 Anaconda Copper,. 17,100 18 86 47 "4 Atchison TOO 14t-84 14 AOAWJSSL.. 100 10414 10114 103 Baltimore A Ohio ...14 ' B A 8. Copper.... 11.409 81 28, 80 t, California Pet.... 100 11 IT 11 Canadian Paclfio.. 100 14114 46 14 Central Leather .. 1,600 TO 1114 66 Chespeaks A Ohio ...-16 C4 Me 4 8, w?te ' ; 4tJ CAN. W..... t C, R. I. A P. ett 1.161 II 13 .'12 Chin Copper .... 1,000 40 ' 40 MOS Cole. Fuel A Iron.. 100 ,4714 4714 47 U ' Cora Produota Itst t.ioo 41 4114 ,4214 Craetbl Steel 1.100 17 1714 T Cuba Cane Sugar.. 100 1114 II 31 Distiller' See 14,000 II II 18 14 Erie 401 15 Vi 16 16'4 Oeneral Bleotrle ..... 14614 Oeneral Motor.... 1,100 114 161 163 Ot Northern pfd.. 101 II 10 II Gt. N. Ore ctfs.... 1,100 1114 .12 33 Illinois Csntral , .19 Inspiration Cop... 1,100 II 51 64 Int Mer. Mar. pfd 11.100 101 100 100 Int Nickel ....... . 1,600 II V4 11 .2914 Int Paper 1,000 11 ,1414 . 14 V, .. , K. C. Southern.... ..... ..... It Kennecott Copper.. 1,400 $8 21 22 Louisville A Nash.. 1 116 Maxwell Motor 17 14 Mexican Pet , 1,100 II IT 17 Miami Copper .... TOO II II 28 ' Missouri Paclfio.,.. ..... ..... ..... 23 Montana Power , 65 Nevada Copper.... 100 11 l N. T. Central , 100 71 T3 Tl N. T., N. H. A H. 4,400 . 5 14 36 i Norfolk A Western.; 101 ' i Northern Paclfio.... 1714 ' ' Paclfio Mail 400 10 II 121 Pennsylvania ..... 100 43 4314 43 Pittsburg Coal..... 800 II II 80 -Ray Con. Copper.. 100 14 14 24 - , Reading 14,704 II It 11 1 Rep. Iron A Steel 1,100 14 II II Shattuck Art. Cop. , "ill Southern Paclfio ,. 1,460 13 12 12 Southern Railway. 100 13 IS . 22 ' Studebaker Corp.. 1,200 41 41 46 Trias Co......,,.. 100 16116114 151 Union Paolfle 600 111 121 121 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 10O 123 133 131 ' U. S. Steel 111,100 101 104 , 105 1 U. S. 8teel pfd . Ill Utah Copper ., 1,100' 13 11 (2 Wabash pfd "B" ..... 25 Western Union.... 100 It 17 87 Westlnghous Elec. ..... 434 Omaha Bay Market. Receipt light on both prairie hay and 3,, alfalfa. And on account ot th demand be lng quiet, market la (ome lower on all grade. , , Hay Cholc upland prairie, 111.00; No. 1. upland prairie, 116.00014.50; No. I upland prairie, I10.00O1100; No. t upland prairie. 16.00!. 00; No, 1 midland prairie, 116.00 16.60; No. I midland . prairie, $1,00011.00; -No. 1 lowland prairie, $9.50011.60; No. I lowland prairie, $7.00 01-00; No. I lowland pralrl. $6.0006.00. Alfalfa Choloe, $32.00; No. !, I1I.60O 20.00; standard, $15.60 0 17.60; No. I tit 00 O14.60; No. $. ll0.00Oll.00. . Straw oat tl.60Ot.50; wheat 18.000 t.oo. St, Joseph IJve Stock. . ' St. Josenh Julv i r.ttl. n .tni. kaa head; market steady; steers, Ill.OOijilS 00; cow and heifer, IS.00O1I.50; calves, $6.00 Hovi-llwMlnti t AAA kMf. i .-J, top, 91MS; bulk of i1m. rl.45 016.60. ' MhftAn and --1 t Ann k... ---a- .fio, ,VVV lJ4tU , market' high; Iambi, $11.00918.00; we, 16.00013.00. Turpentine and Itoala. Savannah. Ha.. Jut thm..i.. .. I mm- us IJO market steady, 13064c; Bale, 168 barrels; recelDt. 631 hbts. 1 ahlnmantB hht. V 13,164 bbl. ' Rosin Market firm. Sale. 120 casks; receipts, 1,680 cask; shipment, it casks; tock, 11.681 eaika. i Quote B. D. B., $115; T.Q. H., tlO.OO; .! I. 110.10! if. IIASI. M lllll. v am in. WO, $10.61; WW, $10.80. ' ' ' ' ' Dry Ooods. ; . Nsw Tork. July 1. Dry good. In the ab. : sence of official confirmation of price' fix ing plan on cotton good, trade today con tinued very quiet. Expectations of a larr ootton crop tended to weaken Idea ot val- ID .11 V,.