Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
'"V. 12 iammimmtmmmm w'ssBr'ssssa-ess ABIE THE AGENT Copyright -1918. International v News Service, DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHF1ELD Want Ad Rates (Cib With Order. H4o Pr word........ each Insertion to pr word for three consecutive Insertions la per word for each additional Insertion No ad taken for less than total of 20c or lea than 10c per day. CHARGE. . fa per line (count ( words to line) on time to per line each time, t consecutive times to per line each time, 10 consecutive times , SITUATIONS WANTED , ICo per line per week CARD OF THANK AND FUNERAL NOTICES. J lOo per line ...each Insertion (Minimum Charm. 10 Cents.) Contract Bates On Application. For convenience of advertisers want ads will b accepted at the following offices: . UAIN OFFICE ..Bee Building Ames Office .,...4410 North 24th St. take Office 2614 North 24th St. , Vinton Office .....2467 South 16th St. Park Office ,...2615 Leavenworth Ft Walnut ffie .819 North 40th Bt , Boutb Side .....2311 N St Council Bluff 14 Main St., North THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion f an advertise : wont ordered for more than one time, ;, Use THE TELEPHONE! If you cannot con Tenjently brjng or send your ads to any of the above offices. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will recelveth tame food service as when delivering your ad in , person. . PltONK TYLER 1,000. Want Ad Columns Close) Evening Ed jt Ions ......lltOO M. Morning Editions 10.00 P. M. ftunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM North. .LHAJiBRA, ' 24VH AND PARKER WILLIAM PARKER, in "HUNTING THE HAWK." EPISODE NO. 8, HOUSE OF HATE." CHAND. : "TifH AND BINNEY "THE HOUSE OF HATE." EPISODE NO. . PATH B NEWS AND COMEDY. South APOLLO, 28XH AND LEAVENWORTH . VIOLET MERSEREAU, in "THP Birrirnv nitucvn Ideal, 1STH AND DORCAS CHARLES RAY. in THE FAMILY SKELETON." JtOIILFF; 25TH AND LEAVENWORTH DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, in MK. FIX-IT. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. CnDERTAKERS and licensed en.jlamers; also private ambulanc. Call Webster 41. Wl.ll c. Crosby. 2611 N. 14th St. i HN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer, 1411 Farnam Bt - Harney 112. HUL8B 4t RIEPEN. undertaker and em- talmer. 701 8. Hth. Douglas 1220. "STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers, 13d Far. H. 400. h L DODDER CO.. Funeral Directors. F. L. Pero. Mgr.. 13d and Cuming St Phone Douglas til Aulo ambulance. -"" HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffmann quality service, costs less, jl'!'J?I!.'LS5!? ' y "las 89W1. .. . . FLORISTS.' LEE L. LARMON 114 Dnugl St. Douglas 1244. A. DONAGHUE Eat 1888. 1832 HARNEY. .:' Flower shipped avery whw. Exp. prepaid. tRK ER FLOWER SHOP 411 S, 18. D. lioT POOF.R8 Florist, 819 H 18th. D. 1400. BATH Careful Florist. 1Q4 Parna m St. .. HennVrwm. IMP Farn;rnJ"3J " MONUMENT ft CEMETERIES. VEST LAWN aMers sympathstlo service In : sudden sorrow; lerpetuai car: no as ' w"'t; '"' " y terms. Phone Wal. 820, 5hB largest dlsplsy of monuments In lbs United State, FRANK SVOBODA. 1818. 8 8. 12th.. Phone Douglaa 1871-1111. CARD OF THANKS. Ave WISH to thank the following for their kind help and service shown us In our sad bereavement at ths death of our be loved Jiusband and father: Wheeler Me morial cnurcn. west Hide congregational church. Modern Woodmen of Amer ica No. 1096, Modern Brotherhood of Am erica No, 2208, Royal Neighbors No, 3, Knjgnti and Ladles of Security Nov 1322 Bihi Hive No, 184, Postal Employee. L. E. ; Robert 8s 'Co., and also neixhbors. MRS. MARY BRUCE, C. M. BRUCE. O. W. BRUCE. HARRY BRUCE. MRS. MAT JENEFF. : MRS,, JAMES McRETNOLDS. MARRIAGE LICENSES The fallowing permits lo wed have Issued: . ' Nam and Residence. Ben Backer, Hooper, Neb...... ..." , Anna Rosa, Chicago, 111... , Dav Kassoll, Louisville, Ky, ........ Ilos Amacher, Omaha been At, r. 21 .. 20 .. 23 .. :t Patrick O'Brien, Omaha..,.., tlanha Hawkins, Omaha.,... . 38 .... , , . . . 28 BIRTHS AND DEATHS Birlha Daniel and Bertha Tenney, Ul , BoutU Twenty-sixth. - boy; Lawrence and Marvel Larsen, 4343 South Thirteenth, girl; William and Hasel Milch. 406 South Forty, eighth, boy; Anthony and Bertha Sepetoikt. 808 South Eighteenth, boy; Joseph and Mary Wlclnla. 1913 Sooth Fifteenth, girl; Ana and.Katallne Hennlngsen, 3131 South KlgbtcantA. girl;, Byron and Oladya Mere dith, Fifty-fourth and Sprague; Roman and Helen Jawarskt 4621 South Thirty-third, girl; Meyer and Esther Myerson. 2(03 Sher msn avenue, boy; Dorsey and Vomial Baker. ?423 North Twenty-seventh, boy; Henry and Oladys Mason, 3672 Dsvenport boy; Arthur and Sadla Case, 3723 Ohio, boy; John and Ruby Kramer, 628 South Nineteenth, boy; Joseph and Stephanla Stanclk, 4601 South Twenty-seventh, girl; Thomas and Mary Perkins, 1331 Pacific, girl; Antonlno and tiwianna Kuvolo, 3923 North Sixteenth, boy: Clyd and Evelyn Page. 202 California, gtrl; Frank and Nora Sweneon. 2408 North Thirteenth, boy; Fred and Peakonkel, 6219 Corby, girl. Deaths Robert J. Wills. 2308 South Four, feeath, 1; John Morrison. Mullen, Neb., 49; William H. SaUburg. 3708 North Twsnty txta, 41; Andreas Hutfless, 1711 Dorcas, 62. BUILDING PERMITS Permits to build have beeu Ittsued Hi following:. ,: --.'v. s . -v ; . Charles Andersen, 914 North Twenty fourth, build brick second story, coat f 1.600; W. T. Dally, 2123 South Flfty-aeoond. frame ' bolldlng, cost ft.200; Mrs. R. K. Cameron, Ziit Ida, frame house, cost 22.100; Abener and Epstein Millard, hotel repairs, cost 3(00; I). Btefano Calcedonla, 1202 South Seven teenth, brick store, cost 11,000: L. C. Niel sen, 4628 Cuming, tram kitchen, cost 830. VVAPPERS' COLUMN ..... cj walrue traveling bag. 20-Inch; v Mt smaller baa, or make offer. -8. C. i a. i A I I fm - if , i i I ' r i liiii.' rfi Mil IT I ii TTT r il I'i.iil ' I i i ii I III i I 1 1 r I-' 'I n T 'I. ili-n SPECIAL NOTICES WILL PAKTy who witnessed the autumo blle accident at SSth and Jackson Mon day p. m., June 2. 1912. and offered ser vices to the Injured, kindly get In com munication at once with E. E. Huntley. Oraln Exchange Phone Harney U72 ATTORNEY 8.. F. NEBLE, Jr.. has located at 007 First National Bank Bldff. Tyler .' 1175. , LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA 4k COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Persons having lost some article would wall In call up the off lea of the Omaha A CcsncM Bluffs Street Railway company t ascertain whether they left It In Uts trert car. Many articles each day are turned It and the company Is anstous lo restore them to the rightful owners ' .r'tYOU lese anything and will advertia It htr yon will snrely rscover It If out.. I by an honest person. If you find any thing of value the horjeet way la to ad vertise for ths owner. LOST Between Malvern and Olenwood, black grip containing clothe and papers. Finder please notify . Kelly Springfield Tire Co., Omsha. Reward to finder. LOST Oreen silk Jersey skirt, wrapped In whits tissue paper, on Farnam street car going east Csll Harney 6327. Reward. LOST Open-faced octagon shape gold watch with monogram fob; liberal reward. Telephone Douglas 1422. LOST-Ionday afternoon In Empress The atef,' pocketbook. Reward. Colfax 494. For . Sal49Mitcel)aneoeus FRESH country buttermilk; butter; best of creamy strictly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha, Pbon South 21 1 or Tyler 829. Wagner's. : Furniture and Household Goods. FURNITURE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE Include large stock of late dealgns, all alses. In high grade rugs. The greatest rug bar gain aver offered In the middle west. Extraordinary reductlona on all furniture and house furnishings. Never were gaa stoves, dressers, extension tables, rockers or Ice boxes sold so cheap. Coma early for the cream of bargains. W make a specialty of complete horn, outfits, also hotels and rooming house. Railroad far free to out-of-town buyers within to miles of Omaha on purchases of 120.00 or mora. STATE FURNITURE CO,. T. Doug. 1317. Cor Hth and Dodge Bt. FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS, Beda, springs, mattresses, dressers, chif fonier, tables, cbslrs, china and kitchen cabinet, rug and .linoleum, trunk and ,ult cases, gas atoves and lea boxea, full - Una 'creen wire, poultry netting, garden toola. 1229-47 North 14tn St Tel Web. 1407. Oren till p. m FOR SALE Household goods, consisting of bed, stovs, three rockers, library tabla and two ruga. 2931 N. SSth - SU Benson 871-W. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gas and coal oil stoves, rugs, baby cairlages, trunks, eto. Loyal Furn. Co.. 222 N. 16th j FOR SALE Bedroom furniture and deak at 110 8. 84th St. Call mornings. FOIl SALE Erie utility gas range. Pbona Walnut Sin- . Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented snd repaired. Rent aiiKOIIver 8 months for 85. Central Typewriter Exchange 1908 Farnam, WD kuv. aell . or exchanie typewr'ter; auar. tvuswrltera 310 and up. Writ for list. Midland Typewriter io.. uona. Bottles. ROOT B EE K bottles patent stopper and othera Nat Steinberg. 1011 Har. D. 8188. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We Tent, repslr. sell needles and part of all aewlng inachln-. MICKE1V f NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 18th and Harney 8ta Doug 1831 Store and Office Fixtures WE buy. aell and make deak. safes, show- cases, ahelvlng. eto. uman Fixture sup ply Co., 11th and Douglas D 2734 Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE bava several Vlctrola that we took In on tradis for eales In good condition. Rouaa Phonograph Parlor. Cor. 30tb and Farnam Bt. WE TUNE, repair, refinlah and move planoa; all work absolutely guaranteed. Phone order. Douglas 183. A. Hosps Co., 1(13 Douglas St, A, HOSPB CO., 1811 Douglas, hav planoa to rant at per tnoniu, or win sen on easy terms WILL pay cskb or trade fur any piano of atandard make. A. Houpe CoM IMS Doug laa Bt achirieryanEngmes JOxtO Threshing tnachina In good condition for sal or trad. Geo. W. Collins. Crea- cent, Iowa. S FOR SALE Four-cylinder 43-borsepower Twin City engine, burns' kOrosena. Usea lea than 80 days. Box 4738. Omaha Be. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather e teamed, renovated and mad up In new feather proof 'tckli.g 1907 Cuming Dong 2447. CHERRIES and currant at Ihra'a fruit farm. Walnut 1985. YOH SALE Indian windmill. 35-foot tow r. , Very cheap. Harney 1742. . ,. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aide, knife, (unburst, box pleating, covered buttons. all six and i style; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye . let cot work, button hole, pennant IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 200-308 Brown Bldg Pbon Doug 119. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS. O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co.. I36-T Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 8109. . Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping supplies. HCOTT-O M A H A TENT A AWNING CO. Billiard Parlor. PRIVATE tables for parties at Holmea' THE ONLY WAY D0i,al fit THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything lor yon. i!skage less than i lbs.. 1.1 cent. Douglas 74(3. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. -, 37th snd Martha 8ts.. Omsh. Neb. Braaa. bronsa. aluminum and machine ra tron castings - Chiropractori. SPINOORAPIL Dr. Edward. 34tb 4k Far nam. Pi J C Lawrence. Bajrd Bldg D. 8461. Costumes. FULL dreea suits tor rent 109 N. 16th SL, oppoalt Postotflce. John Fsldman, Doug Iss 3122. Detectives. JaJUES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Bvldeae ecured In all eaeea Tyler 1138. Dressmaking. THE BEE: - , ;.My 5 . TT .T nr . ANNOUNCEMENTS Dentists. D- Bradbury. No pain. 221 W. O. W, Bldg. Tsft's Dent. Rmt. 208 Rose Bldg. D. 2180. Film Developing. FILMo developed; rolls, lOo; packs, lte; :n-day service. Ease Studio. Neville Bile, Hth and Harney Fixture and Wiring. TTTpTTXT Elsctrio wsshlng machine. U U IVlVllN electrlo Iron and reading ismra. 1223 Cuming St Douglas 1619. Live Stock Hauling. WE will haul your live stock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 2201 Farnam St Telephone Doug. 2608. Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC sharpeners; called for and de livered; used lawnmowers for sal. Shop at Maxotlr Station, 2110 Leavenworth. Harney 1608. Jewelry. Uin.LlJiVUd nrlvllete to-buy back at small profit. GR08S. 402 N. Hth St Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON. 614 Brandels Bid T. 2960 Res 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold Inter national Patent Co., 883 Urandela. D 6691. STUHOE8 It HTURUE3. U 8. and foreign patenta and trademarks. 230 Bee Bldg. Piping. ALL kinds of piping done, atoves connect ed and adjusted; prompt service. Web. ster 1783 or Webster 6347. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUU CLEANERS. Bclentlflo Olive Oil Washing Persian Rug Cleaning Co., 1267 Farnam. H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BAXOAINS. 1213 Farnam. J. J Dertght Safe Co. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 624 8. 13th Bt. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L.. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2422. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Oipaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 8. 11th. D. 628. ' Wedding Stationery. WKDDINd announceirtent and printing Dnualna Prlntlna Co.. Tel Dourloe 4 WANTED TO BUY TTPMLfTXTQ has Just returned and jilNillNO wiu ,V you the same good service that hs gav In the paat Help win the war. Sell your old clothes, shoes, rugs, tools, trunks and buy W. 8. 8. Will oall. Res. D. 8032. Office. 2(35 BE PATRIOTICI HELP UNCLE 8AM. SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE MB A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONE DOUO 1439 1219 DOUGLAS ST. 5ESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and ' traded J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6148. WANTED to buy an oak wall case, 12 - 14 ft long In good condition. T. H. Pol lock, Plattsmouth, Neb. RT A MAMnQsoi beroman & co. UltXlUKJVilJO 409 South 15th St WK PAY YOU HIGHEST PRICES FOR CLOTHES. CALL US FIRST. DOUO. 6914. CASH paid for dlsmonds, estata, appraised. Rai Jewelry Co., 408 8 16fh BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED To aell or exchange modern 6 2 -room hotel, with up-to-date mineral water bath departments In connection. WUr consider good farms In eastern Kan sas, eastern Nebrsska, eastern South Da kota, western Iowa or northern Missouri. Hotel located In on of the best oil towns In Oklahoma. Address, P. O. Bos 1048, Nowata, Okla. FOR SALE Fully equipped blacksmith shop, located In fine live town of 1,200 In northwest Iowa; ha two complet sets of tool and equipment, electrlo power, everything up to data; priced for quick ' sal at 13,000; 32,000 cash, balance at per cent Address Y 607, Omaha Bee. RELIABLE corporation will take ten-year leas on three or four-story building suit able for housing a wholesale and retail automobile business. Glv location, terms and details. Box 4718, Bee. PICTURE abow In town of 800 people for sale or trade for house In Omaha not ex ceeding 84,000. Price 31.850. Address Box Y603. Omaha Bae, OMAHA restaurant, completely equipped large, well established; good location coating 316,000. Business reasons; offered 36.000 cash on property. Box 63(1 Omaha Bee. GObD paying drug store. Cor. 16th and : Davenport; nsw fixture and fountain. . well assorted stock, excellent location. Will aell at Invoice. See us t once. GOOD restaurant, doing good business. Cheap for cash. Inqulr of owner 1(10 i,nri Ave ANY business relating-to Canada solicited; landa cared for, leased, aold, exchanged, cropped. Frank Crawford, Omaha and Rosetown, Sask. GUARANTY locate you; any line business; any elate. Guarantee sell your business. K V Knlest. Be Bldg.. Omaha. Neb STORE for aale; rent 39 Good business F. V Kntest. Bes Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. GROCERY and -confectionery atore at 2412 Lake atreet Call Webster 6116. Rooming Houses foi Sale. HOTEL FOR SALE 29 furnished rooms. modern, three railroads, only hotel. Lock Box c, Clifton, Kan. AUTOMOBILES OLD FORDS. NEW FORDS MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Befor buying a truck Affordable Truck Cow, Omsha mad truck unit fit any Ford, makes guaranteed 4 and 1-ton truck out of anybody' Ford. 1161 F." O. , B. Omaha, . . - : , j DEALERS WANTED Factory and otflc 1207-11 8. 20th 8t - DOUGLAS 2053. V FORDS exchanged, bought and aold; we re . build your Ford with Kelsey atreamllne body Ilka new; cars aold for cash or lm payment. 8ol & Goldatrom. 366T Faroaa tit, Ham 6646) agent wantad. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, -JULY 3, 1918 AUTOMOBILES HERE'S A HAYNES SIX. Impossible to gst new ones. Better ses this, used only a few months, cost 82,250; will sell for 31,700; might consldsr Ford ' or light car In trade. Phona Mr. Scrlpps. Douglaa 6488 or Harney 130. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on band Msshid fender and lamp repaired Ilk new New stock ef Ford honey eomb radia tors on hand. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRO WORKS. 1118 Coming 8t Omaha. Neb WE have ssvsral ons-ton and smaller truck to dispose of too light for our work; snap for - those needing small truck. Alamlto Dairy Co., 26th and Leavenworth. LISTEN We will aav you 60 per cent your tire bill. Trade your old tlrea for new one. Tube vulcanised f cent cas ings (0 cent up. Rebuilt, 2 In 1 caalngs for sals, 33 op. U. 8. machine for aale. U. 8. Vulcanlser Co., Branch 18. 320 8 13th St.. Omsha FOR BALE Auburn aeven-passenger, 1917 model; driven 10,000 miles; just painted and overhauled; four new tire on re serve; can be aeen at Downtown garage, 13th and Harney itreeta. Make offer. Best one take It. FOR SALE On accoimt of draft th Cum ing garage. Thla garage la In a fin lo cation and doing a rushing business. Owner of building will enlarge and give -a long lease. Cuming Garage, 2418 Cum ing St. . FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and power. Will accept Ford in Al Condition part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank, Route 6. 75A, Benson, Neb. FOR BALE 1918 Oldsmoblle, eight club roadster, wire wheels, extra - tire. This car ha run only 400 mile. Owner sub ject to draft Address Box T 606, Omaha Bee. BARGAINS IN TJSED CARS All makes. With and without starters, 16 to pick from. Phone D. 1241 or call at 1516 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. NEW Maxwell cars, 1913 models, for aale. 3300 cash, balance monthly payments aa desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 8082. Bee. CUMING OARAGE. 2416 Cuming Bt., D. 2331. ' Storage, day and night aervlc, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. - HUDSON Superslx, perfect condition, 1917, would consider light car trade. Bos 9876, Omaha Bee. WE ARB THE UBED CAR MEN. TKAWVKB SUTU IX., 1910 Farnam Bt ' Douglaa 907. TELL 4k BINKLEY. Commercial body bulldere. I31t Barney flt D 1640 OAKLAND, Sensible Blx. MARSH OAKLAND CO, - ' 2800 Farnam Bt WANTED FOR 8POT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex . change Co.. 2069 Farnam 8t Dong. 6036. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1406 LEAVENWORTH 8T. BARGAINS In used car ORR MOTOR SALES CO, 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 8038 FARNAM BT DOUQLAS 6290. FOR SALE Chevrolet 480; touring, flrt class condition. Call Flint, 219 North Twenty-eighth avenue or phone H. 6767. HIGH GRADE USED CARS AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2032 FARNAM. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 21th and Farnam Bt. Dnugla 1871 BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS t f1-. 44.ab lLfstt)Afa 4f A Ut.vai4ICf axuwfcw 16th snd Jackson. Ford Agents. Dong. 3609. FORD touring car. Excellent condition. Priced right. 8161 Davenport m Auto Livery and Garages. R3NT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 12o a mile, 2(0 per hour minimum charge. Sundays and holidays. 60o par hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglaa 8622. 1114 Howard Bt Tires and Supplies. TIRES. 20x2. plain, 310.35. 20x3H, plain, 313.78. 30x3 H. non-akld 115.40. Good Died Ford tires, 36.00 and op. Otbsr alas In proportion. Retreading and vulcanising. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. Express charges paid when cash sent with order. 1918 Cuming Bt. Omaha. Neb. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 1,000 Mile Guaranteed. 30x1. 87.76; 20x2Vi. 38.76; 82x2tt. 110.26; 33x4. 112.35: 34x4, 113.25: 3(x4tt, 316.60. Writ os todsy for particular AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO, 1(16 Davenport 8t Omaha. D. 2914. TIRE bargains at unheard of prices; all . brand new. 18 atandard make. Com In and let our good and price jsettl th argument SEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST. OMAHA CUT RATH TIRE CO, : "Nebraaka Tire Bargain Center." Douglas 2914. 310 8. !9th St. NEW TIRES AT PRICE. ALL SIZES: NEW 30x3 Republic, 89.25. Ford tubes.3J.00 NEW 30x3H LEE TIRES 314.75 NEW 33x5 FIRESTONE TIRES. . .916.26 KAIMAN'8 TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMING. INSIST on O AO quality retread and aav 60 per cent on your tlrea. Bargain In new and (lightly used tlrea Q 4k O Tire Co. 2416 Lesven'th St. Tyler 1261-W buy Lee puncture-proof pneumatio tire and eliminate your tlr trouble Powell 6up civ Co. to(l Farnam Bt TIRE price wreckers. This la no 2-ln-l Ur COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 422 8. 13th Agta Wanted Omaha. Neb Starters and Generators Repaired. " AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about yoor aoto. 816 a 19tb Bt . ' Douglas 6488. Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. 8, 2618 18th 8t Web ster 1102 For the beat results with repair ' worm consult 0. Motorcycles and Bicycle H A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machine Victor U. Roo. th Motorcycle Mao, 27tk and Leav enworth. PERSONAL ItAnicurlng and xnaaa. 1(31 FarnaJ B. 18. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furnlturs, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inapect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and acalp treatment 1802 Farnam St, Room 3 MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam bathe and massage. 379 Bran. Tbea. Bldg. D. 1659. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. MASSAGE and baths. Mlaa Halran. 222-2 Neville Biock. MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a . aurgtcal operation. Call or "writs. Dr. Frsnk H Wrsv. 806 Be Bldg SITUATIONS WANTED Male. SOME plumber! Your sanitary servant He'a Hooverlzed. Call Colfax 2773. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company, 2709 Leavenworth St. Harney 6012. BOOKKEEPING, statements, pay rolls, re mittances, satisfactory service, reasonable prices. Phone Harney 1024. EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work. Douglas 8349. Female. SITUATION WANTED By experienced dressmaker, by day, best families, com petent, reliable; remodeling 33.00 per day. Phone Red 72S6. SITUATION WANTED By middle aged widow as housekeeper In widower's home. No children. Box 4717, Bee. PRACTICAL nursing and cases wanted by experienced nurse. Douglas 8451. YOUNG lady desires filing work. Col. 930. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Washing three days a week. and Ironing two or Call Webster 4521. RELIABLE WOMAN wanta bundle washing at home. Web. 6230. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work. Douglaa 8673. BUNDLES carefully laundered, deliver. Web. 4283. Call and FAMILY washings called for and delivered. Call Colfax 1093. NEAT col. lady wants day work. Har. 4709. DAY work wanted. Call Webater CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130 DAY work by colored lady. Wester 3980. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2058. WOMAN wants day work; ref. Web. 2221. CALL Douglas 6317. Day work wanted. 1ST class col. laundress with ref. Doug. 8712. GIRL wishes day work Webster 2327. BUNDLE washing, lace curtalna. Web. 1727. WANT work yb the day. South 1613. Day work and bundle hashing. Web. 1U88T HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertlae for "help" the same way yop sdvnrtlse to sell merchandise, and the difference In returna will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement ' BOOKKEEPER and assistant manager, 1125; city collector, 38 6 1 assistant book keeper, 3100; general office man, R. R. experience, 385-1100;, shipping cleric, 375; office clerk, Insurance, 375. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Bldg. 8TENOGRAPHER Splendid future. Ledger clerks, 3100-385-360. Office clerks. 150-375. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Receiving clerk, must be fairly ex perienced and highly recommended. . ORCHARD-WILHELM CO. 414-18 South 16th St. BOOKKEEPERS, 3125-2110-3100-390-386; asa't shipper, $90; stock clerk, 370; ty- WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 lBt Kat'l. Bank. WANTED Registered and unregistered druggist; no fountain; siors close at 10 p. m.; off every other night 6 p. m. Oscar Ruff Company, Sioux City, Iowa. OMAHA railway mall clerk examlnatlona coming; hundreds wanted; 890 month; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept t231-F. Rochester. N. Y GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. ?rofessions and Trader WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO.- WANTED Express Handlers Drivers and Chauffeur AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union Station office. OPEN SHOP NO STRIKE. MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS wanting immediate and ateady employ ment In wall equipped shops, paying from 60 to 61 centa per hour for an eight hour day, and under unusually ttractlve climatic and living conditions, should more to Pueblo or correspond with The Pueblo Employers' Association, Box 487 Pueblo, Colo. A GOOD blacksmith wanted to take charge of a well equipped shop and tools. Will hire by month or rent shop and tool by th month. Inqulr at Farmer State Bank. Cortland, Neb. WANTED Experienced hotel clerk;. state age and experience:- Hotel Paddock, Beatrice, Neb. COUNTRY PRINTER WANTED On ca pable In feeding newspaper press and job presses nd apt In. letting ads and job as directed. ' Modern equipment 66-honr week, 1V4 rate for overtime; pay every Saturday. Press. David City Neb. BAND INSTRUCTOR wanted; liberal sal ary for time occupied; good place for man willing to take ether employment Ad dress W. C. Wells, 8ec, Fairmont, Neb. ACTIVE young man wttn two years' drug experience; 375.00 and room. Box 1622 Missoula. Mont. WANTED Experienced automobile repair man. Apply service department. Guy L. Smith, Twenty-sixth and Farnam gtrseta. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Young man to work y in th press room. Apply to Supt, Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Meat cutters, reliable, capable of running small shop. Call at Basket Store Office, 108 N. (th St Call any day. AN expert radiator repair man wanted at once. The Omaha Radiator and Tire Works, 1319 Cuming St Tyler 917. DOCTOR WANTED Best location lu city of Grand Island, Neb.; rooms over Bau man's Corner drug store. Write or phone H. A, Bauman. WANTED An experienced battery man for Wlllard Service Station at David City. David City Battery Service Station, David City, Neb." WANTED Experienced furniture polisher ana cleaner. ORCHARD-WILHELM CO, 414 South 16th Street. LEARN barber trade, low rate now Call or writ Barber College 1134 Douaia St WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart ment Box 41406 Be WANTED -Carpenters and helpers; ateady work. Phone W. B. Weeks. Webster 1793. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN WANTED To sell high-class proposition. Call at 729 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. SALESMANAGER For a nationally advertised line, to travel, sell and manage crews of spe cialty salesmen. State age, experience, and salary expected. Position with ad vancement Sterno 'Canned Meat, John and Gold streets, Brooklyn, N. Y. SALESMEN. We want 60 live wire salesmen. 650, 651, 652 Brandels Bldg. Apply SALESMAN WANTED Energetic, for fast selling proposition to good merchants; en tirely new. SHEEHY CO, McClelland Bldg., Lexington, Ky. SALESMEN for new specialty sold to drug, shoe and grocery stores, 30 per cent com mission; side line, small sample. Wll llaros Co, 149 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Miscellaneous. LABORERS For track work, 20 cent per hour at tart with car fare; 10 hour. APPLY TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT. 22D AND NICHOLAS STS, . OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. MEN WANTED AT THE LUXUS PLANT, STEADY WORK; GOOD WAGES. APPLY AT BOT TLING DEPT.- FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO., 25th and Krug Ave. SOME of my best men have been called to the color. Want several young men to fill vacancies. See- E. E. ThreadgtlL Fax ton hotel, Room 420, after 10 a. m. WANTED 6 men to aell gooda on passen ger trains; must bava cash security. Ap ply Rock Island Nsw Stand Falrbury Neb. WANTED A janitor for church worn and ateam heating plant Wages 870 a month Address Box 69680mahaBee. ELDERLY ustness man who appreciates congenial home for light services, spate time. Box 9768, Omaha Bee. JANITOR WANTED 640 First Nat'J Bank Bldg. Colored need not apply. WANTED Experienced broom corn sorter Omaha Broom Corn Factory. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT need 20.000 women clerk at Washington. Examlnatlona everywhere in July. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government position writ for free particulars to J. C Leonard (former Civil Service examiner) 625 Kenol Bldg, tVashtngton. MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR Wanted at once, must be experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position Apply In person at 1424 First Nat Bank Bldg STENOGRAPHERS. 390, $85. 76, 366, 50 Diet Opr., $90. Blller, $76. Typist. 366. WATTS REF. CO, 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. Cashier and Bkkpr, $65. Stenos, $90-385. Bookkeeper, so-siuo. -lypisi, ov-vo. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co, 1015 City Nat Bk. CT,r.rAnD A PHFR mnA fLRRK. . 8100. . i L. . . w v.. - - - WESTERN REFEKEKICIS uunu ABOfl. 736 First National Banir tsiag. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to lean, telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. to C F. LAMBERT, 180 Douglas St. EXPERIENCED millinery makers. 204 N. 16th St. . ; .-' HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. AMERICAN TELEPHONE .AND TELE GCAPH CO. - ; Has openings for a few bright, capable, refined young women, between 17 and 23 years of age, to fill permanent positions. Work Is desirable, Interesting and edu cational. Carried on in congenial, health' ful surroundings. Good wages; excellent opportunities for advancement to respon sible positions for those of ability. Tbose living at home preferred. Will' be glad to have parents accompany applicants when applying, to Investigate work and surroundings. Apply Miss Carlson, 6th floor, 656 Brandeis Theater building. WANTED Women for order clerks In wholesale dry goods house In ready-to-wear, furnishing goods and notions depts.; applicants to have had at least two year?' experience In dry goods atore (wholesale or retail) and be over 30 years of age. Ad dress Box 9925. Omaha Bee. ' FOR experienced nurse.1 call Harney 4994. Household and Domestic. Girls Wanted To work In factory. Good pay to beginners. Gordon-Lawless Co. Sth and Dodge. WANTED at once, white girl for general housework, no washing or cooking, good home, references required. Harney 4572, 1335 South 36th Ave. ' ' WANT two girls between the ages of 16 and 21 to act as housemaid and nurse girl, re spectively; no laundry work. Place 4 miles from town. Call Walnut 8481. v YOUNG girl to assist with housework, small new house, no washing; good wages. Har ney 4599. 109 South Forty-second street. WANTED Competent cook. Apply 206 8. 22d Ave. Harney 206. EXPERIENCED white cook, Danish Swedish preferred. Call Harney 70. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; 3715 South Twenty-fifth St. South 934. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 403 South 88th avenue. Miscel'aneous. WANTED A FLOOR GIRL. CLARKSON HOSPITAL. APPLY HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED All Spanish war veteran in Ne braska and western Iowa to meet Lee Forby Camp No. 1 U. S. W. V, at Pon. tenelle park, July 4th. Old-fashioned basket picnic, 12 noon. WANTED Men. ladles and boys, learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ ; 1402 Dodge Bt Trl-Clty Barber. College Phone D 2147. MOLER Barber College wanta young men and ladle to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 & 14tb Bt Omsh. Neb EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. . DAY SCHOOL. " ; NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day I enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit' Ing, telegraphy, civil aervlce all eommer clal and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Dougla 1566 18th and Harney 8ta. . Van Bant School of Business. uay ana Evening Bchoole. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. It you fall to find the room yoo desire among these ads call at Th Bee office for a Room List Give complete description of vacant room In all part of th city. New Hat issued every week. SANITARY modern rooms for men only. 32.50 1 per week. Sunshine Apartment. 601 N. 17th St J. B. Robinson. 442 Bee Bids. Douglas 8097. . . ' NICELY furnished southeast front room for one or two persons; laundry privilege. Tlnnc mux i tm r-" MODERN furnished rooms tor men only at the Bunahlne. 608 North 17tb St Reason able rent 313 S. 26TH AVE. Nice, elean rooms! Walking distance. References exchanged. Harney 4688. . . . 2124 Cass Front rooms, modern; nicely furnished, cool. Tel. TyIcr 2978. - NICELY furnished rooms. Private famlhr. upnunatr narney THE GRAYSTONE 25th and Cass; nlceij furnished rooms. Douglas 7994. . ROOM in private family for gentleman ; walking distance. Harney 64(7. ROOMS Large and small, walking dls tance. "Vernon," 204 8. 25th. SLEEPING rooms, $2.00 and up! 2013 Har, ney street Housekeeping Rooms. ONE housekeeping room on ground floor; two on bath room floor; modern. Doug 8939. 3 ROOMS, first floor, south front gas range, wa.pi . ti, miunurcn, f. OU Mary 8. 729 8. 18TH ST., cool, clean, modern house- Keeping ana sleeping rooms. 33.50 up. 3 MOD. fur, ga range, garage," to coupl wimuui emiuren. wainui 1803. 2 OR 4 ROOMS, nicely furnished. Private bath. 1112 S 11th. Board and Rooms, EXCLUSIVE home, cool, front , room. beautifully furnished In mahogany, twin beds; breakfast and dinner; two gentle men or couple employed. 3618 Farnam. Harney 8369. VERY nicely furnished outside room In ex clusive home; hot and cold running wa ter In room; breakfast and dinner. $i Farnam. Harney 3369. CLOSE IN 2 large rooms, private, modern flat Good board. Red 8(57. 2661 DODGE Attractive room for two, good board. Harney 6143. , 3-RQOMS with bath, 37. 320 N. 25th St!" Rooms Wanted. WANTED By employed girl, room on or near Farnam street, west of Thirty-first street Box 4714, Omaha Bee. Hotels. CLAREMONT INN. 17th and Jackaon! Transient guests, 31 a day; permanent goesis, weea. uougias 8781. COOL rooms. 32 week; also apartment with KirrnenTT. "gn.n norei. i-n - Ruff FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ; FOR RENT Beautiful furnished two, three and five-room modern apartment in walking distance. Hav large beautiful porch for comfort of tenant The Florentine, 911 6outh 26th St Office 20 Balrd Bldg. Phone Dougla 1422. THREE ROOMS, nicely furnished, water in" eluded, gaa 25-cent meter, 316 per month. Call Dongla 6313 before 8 or after 6, Inter mediate call Douglas 9583. - FOR RENT 7-room furnished apartment in Dircawuuu avis., tsui jjoage St wainm vv. FURNISHED apartment In Stlma Tcriaii .ll C-. f 111. -n J MiUS STURDY. (Uessuuikiog Pof. titi. i ,