Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Conducted by Ella Fleishman.
Winter Dancing Club
- Finishes Its Career
With Picnic Supper
The requiem of the Winter Dane
kig'tlub will soon be sung .and the
.. last tad rites will take place Wednes
day evening. A picturesque spot
overlooking the Elkhorn river has
been chosen, where the pretty girls
and jolly young fellows who com
pose the club's membership will bury
the happy memories of all their good
times in laughter and jollity.
This little coterie of merry-makers
have been friends for a number of
years and most delightful have been
the little dances they have given in
the snappy winter evenings at Harte
hall, and when the summer breezes
blew at the different, clubs.
But the exieencies of war have
Home of the Chiekerinz Piano
. J Clearance
" ; Sale of .
. I . . . .. I
scattered the young men to the four
corners of the world, and in conse
quence there has been a hurrying and
scurrying to find the proper number
of the sterner sex at each party. It
seems significant that the first presi
dent of the club, Captain Taylor
Belcher, is now in France, hile the
treasurer. Captain Walter S. Byrne,
is stationed near Troy, N. Y. And
so it has gone with many of the
young men, and although the offi
cers from Fort Qmaha have been in
vited to. the dance, it is not quite
the same as in those merry old days
before Kaiser Wilhelm took such an
active interest in our affairs.
If you can be at the southwest cor
ner of Elmwood park Wednesday
evening, just as the birds are chirp
ing their good-night songs the
sun's golden rays begin to cast long
shadows on the grass, you will find
a jolly crowd of young fellows and
girls, with picnic hampers full of
delectable dainties, bound for their
nirnie orrnnnrla rhra thev have
one last good time together before
the Winter Dancing ciud Decomes
only a memory.
Quiet Wedding.
Miss Margaret A. Overton of
Ogdensburgh, New York and Mr.
Frank S. Johnson, wray, ui., were
united in marriage at All Saints
church, Sunday morning. Rev. T. J.
Mackay officiating.
'Mrs. Florence M. Doane attended
the bride and Mr. George W. Over
ton of Chicago was best men. Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson will make their
home in Wray, Col
t Lieutenant and Mrs. Nathan Rob
ert Reasoner are stopping at the
Broadmoor hotel in Colorado Springs.
Mrs. Ferciot Honored By
Red Cross
ft K f
r(:;v;i::::a:WttPP-: f
II (M i " I I
THF A PFT Y of yur' Purchase is guaran
ini Jrtrl i teed by. our reputation.-
I LIE kv AXAVLi ased f0r instruments of equal
All Pianos and Players that have been slightly
, ; used; traded in or that have been used for
demonstration purposes, have been marked at
exceptionally close prices for this sale.
Story & Cacp 8 $22
Kiaball ,.......$75
Shfcert ...... $135
Pease ........$155
Coleman U .....J195
Sommcr uPrit ......$215
Smith & Nixon Si, $285
Schaff up! ..$270
Terms to Suit.
rverybodyS store"
II -
J Beverage
I Is more than a tilnrt-
f quencher. It stimulates tha
I appetite, revives en- .
I ergy. It's nutritious.
I Serve Jt wttk f
, the meals. ijL
The Omaha Red Cross was signal
ly honored Saturday when Gould
Dietz, chairman of the Omaha chap
ter conferred upon Mrs. J. L. Freciot,
the gold pin given by the national or
ganization as a reward for 500 hours
of effective and efficient service to the
Red Cross work.
Thus far but 10 of these pins have
been issued in the United States and
this is the only one now existing in
Mr. Ferciot, who is supervisor of
the surgical dressing work done in the
Red Cross rooms in the new Masonic
temple, has devoted 500 hours to the
work and is an expert cutter and
knows every detail connected , with
this branch.' She is . arl indefatigable
and enthusiastic worker, her whole
soul and energy being in the cause.
When Chairman Dietz was pinning
on, the badge of honor he facetiously
remarked to Mrs. Ferciot: '
'iNow that you have won this
coveted badge I suppose it will end
your service."
No," replied Mr. Ferciot, "it will
only be an inspiration to harder and
more work on my Dart"
The gold pin is an enameled cir
clet, embracing a gold cross, of the
AT $.75 and $9.75.
. Wednesday we offer about 300
Pretty Summer Dresses, in clever,
new styles. Women's and Misses' sizes
special at $6.75 and $9.75. . ,
1508.1514) DOUGLAS ST.
1 itete fa
Wednday Morning
at 8V2 O'Clock
Tk;Most 'Attractive of All Hat Sales
About 250 Hats to Sell
This Stor is Famous the Country Over for
its Wonderful Hat Values
If You Knew As Much As We Know AT)out Their Worth -
Not One Hat Would Remain at Noon
Similar Hats to many in this lot have sold freely at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00. ' No
'display ever made by us HAS EXACTED MORE FAVORABLE COMMENT.
NONE RESERVED If you are tardy on Wednesday morning, don't blame us if
you fail to secure your favorite. r , .
SET THE ALARM -Tell the telephone operator to call you. Tie a string on your
toe. ' v Whatever may be necessary, so as to wajce up early and get to the sale on time. If
5f OU DONT NEED A: HAT, of course you'll pay no attention to these admonitions. '
Red' Cross design, in the center. It
is one of the most ccjreted insignias
within the service department of war
Miss Carita Herzoe of Lincoln is
visiting friends and relatives in the
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Loomis "are
planning to leave in the near future
for Chattanooga, lenn., wnere Air.
Loomis will serve his country at the
ship building yards.
Mr. Lawrence McConney, who is
attending the radio school in Lincoln,
spent the week-end in Omaha.
Mrs. Edward Hayden and Miss
Ophelia Hayden left Monday evening
for Deadwood Springs to spend the
summer. s
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Doane
have returned from a trip to St. Paul
and Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Winn and fam
ily of Korea, will arrive Wednesday
to spend a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Richard R. Evans. Mrs. Winn
is a niece of Mr. Evans, both she and
her husband are missionaries in the
orient Their children were all born
there. This is the first visit to this
country in several years.
Mrs. G. J. Ingwersen and Miss
Helen Ingwersen are planning to
leave soon for Chicago, where they
will spend the remainder of the sum
Miss Edith Finch left Monday eve
ning for New York and Washington.
Miss finch expects to be gone about
three weeks and will return by way
of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Miss Marion Towle will leave
Wednesday for New York, where she
will probably spend the summer.
Packages Versus Bulk
There are four important economic
reasons for packing food products in
small containers for the household.
These reasons briefly stated are:
First The conservation of health
through the sanitary superiority of
package foods. x
Second The conservation of food
by reason of increased keeping quali
ties of package foods.
Third The conservation of time
both in store and home through
greater convenience of package
Fourth The conservation of
wealth through the economy of pack
age foods.
That package foods are superior to
bulk foods from the standpoint of
sanitation cannot be disputed.
Because he does not need to weigh
and pack them, the grocer is enabled
to handle a stock of package goods
and wait on his customers with a min
imum outlay of time and labor, there
fore increasing the. man power of the
country an important economic
achievement. The grocer handling
package goods is able to carry smaller
stocks which are more easily acces
sible and require less time to reach
and distribute further increasing the
man power.
Home Helps
Saving all bacon drippings separate
from any other drippings. Did you
know that the thrifty housewives of
northern Europe use these drippings
as shortening in pies and spice cakes?
Many spread rye bread with a thin
layer, salt it and place a thin slice of
quality dry sausage on it, making a
very nutritious sandwich for the chil
dren coming home from school.
Making soup with beef extract, veg
etables and cereals. Did you know
that when you boil meat for soup
stock, extracting all the flavor and
juices and giving the meat left to the
dog that you have given your family
just the flavor and stimulant and you
have given the do all the body-building
Complete the letters of Simon's sign they will spell the name
of zji. American city. Answer to previous puzzle PICKFORD
Pay Cash-Carry Your Bundles Help Win the War ;
Celebrate and Enjoy Your Fourth o July Outing and Lunch by Buying Your
, A Eatables at the New PublielMarket.
Fresh Sreised Chicken, per pound ." 24V,c
' Freeh Dreieed 1918 Milk-Fed Spring Chickens, per lb ????
Pit Pork Roast, per lb. 22V,c
Pi Pork Butte, per lb. . T 24 c
Extra Fancy Large Ripe Tomatoes, per bsskft 29c
Large Cucumbers, each 10c
Extra Fancy Large Cantaloupes, each , 10c
Large Basket of Fancy Apricots, per basket ,.. 80c
Fancy Elgin Butternut Butter, per lb. 43c
Fancy Large Queen Olives (bulk), per quart 50c
If you do not care to bother in preparing your Fourth of July Meal or your pic
ale basket, don't fail to coma and look over our display of prepared meats and poultry
in our Delicatessen Department.
-7V THE fVr
I J vv 13) v TP Dy A
if PHONE J5tMti
310-12 S.l65x
"Everything for the Table"',
U. S. Food Administration .License No. G-18173.
1608-10-12 Harney Street. Douglas 1796.
Thousands of Omaha people have visited our mar
ket and every one of them haye left it-A SATISFIED
Come to our store tomorrow and take advantage
of our special offerings on Wednesday. .
We Feature Advo Canned Goods
Supreme Quality.
f Advo JellThe jell that whips.
Advo Coffee The supreme quality. v
One (Quarter pound FREE with each pound today.
Omaha Maid Coffee, per lb. can 35c
Central Market Blend, for this week, 3 lbs 1.00
Lord Cecil Coffee, 30c grade, per lb.
Bulk Macaroni, per lb 10c
10 oz. pkg. Macaroni or
Spaghetti .7Kc
25c size Eagle Milk, per can 19c
H lb. cans Hershey's Cocoa 18c
6 lbs. White or Yellow Corn- -
meal 28c
3 lbs. Fancy Rice 25c
1 lb. cans Rumford's Baking
Powder 23c
Fancy tall cans of Pink '
Salmon 17 He
Small cans Pink Salmon. . 12 tfc
Full Quarts Hydrox Ginger Ale,
regular' 2 5c seller (9c
Fancy YoungHens, per lb 3c
Loin Lamb Cnops, per lb ; 3c
Extra Lean Salt Pork, per lb. . . 28e
Sa)t Pork Jowls, per lb 4 1 9 W e
No. 10 Pails Pure Lard $2.50
Complete) Lin of Wiael'i Fancy Cold MeaU for Your Picnic Lunches
Fresh Baked Graham Biscuits, per lb. 19c
Scotch Cakes, per lb. 22c
Vacation Cakes, per lb 20c
Fancy Apricots, per basket . .65c
Freestone Peaches, basket . .25c
We handle complete assort
ment Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
at all times.
No. 1 Bulk Butter, lb 43c
Fresh Country Eggs, dos. . . .29c
Swift's Premium Butterjne, per
lb 32c
Brick American Cheese, brick 27c
President Wilson , encourages
greater use of Cheese.
Women in
Miss Marie Mathews, selected for
canteen service with the Red Cross
abroad, has received sailing orders. ,.
She wall leave soon. The other Ne
braska girls chosen for tbe work
have not received any notifications.
. A demonstration in canninsr will be
given by Miss Nlllie Farnsworth and
Mrs. Paul Rivett at the .North bide
Christian church for the residents of
the Lake and Lothrop school dis
tricts. Every woman is welcome.
Needles are flying in all "Red Cross
auxiliaries over the immense quota of
25,000 shirts which are being remod
eled by the Omaha chapter for the
boys in the southern camps.
After sewing up the shirt in the
back, putting on a soft collar and
opening the front, eight buttonholes
are made with the special buttonhole
attachment to the sewing machine.
The buttons in place, the garments
are then sent to the dyers. -
It is the purpose of the National
League for Woman's Service to raise
$1,500 to equip a permanent post band.
ior ron umana Dy me sate or tick
ets .for the opening of the" soda foun
tain at the Sherman-McConnetl drug
store at Harney and Sixteenth streets,
on Monday, July 8.
Arrangements have been made to
sive 50 per cent of redeemed and 100
per cent of unredeemed tickets. The
members of the league will canvass
the city in an advance sale.
of the
Shops ,
All the feminine world loves a
parasol 1
Old Sol may smile his approval ot
Milady, in all the daintiness of her
summer attire, but if she hasn't one
of these sheltering affairs hoisted o'er
her fair head he is bound to leaye the
imprint of a tiny freckle on the end
of her tip-tilty nose.
When one vistits the shops these
summer days, one sees with a little
catch of the breath, wonder creations
in parasols, fashioned-from the airiest
of summer fabrics. Parasols of chif
fon, organdy and georgette, lovely in
their witchery of fluttery ruffles, cord
ings, and dainty' flower-like trim
mings. One noted whilst touring the shops
this morning, of sand georgette, was
daintiness .exemplified with its rows
of corded shirrings and tiny plaited
ruffles. Bunches of velvety English"
violets perched here and there atop
this exquisite parasp) added a note
of unexpected charm.
Organdy Parasols. ,
Organdy, which may well be.called
the queen of summer fabrics, is highly
favored for parasols, and one cannot
imagine a more delightful picture
than a pretty girl attired in a frock of
this fresh, crisp material, with a para
sol to match the shade of her dress.
Rows' of snowy white piccfted rib
bon ruffles were effective in their
accomplishment, when ,they tried to
produce a parasol which would be as
lovely as the heart could wish.
Another new effect was created
by the use of Irish green taffeta,
which is put on in fringed ruffles.
Paisley silk parasols "are indeed
lovely, and breathe'an old-time quaint- '
ness. -
Bagasol Fad.
But, have you seen a bagasol, ma
cherie? Ah, you'll be sure to want
one, I Jcnowl These clever, two-in-.
one affairs are as jaunty as can be.
You have a smart looking parasol
when the bagasol is elevated, but just
try closing it, and dropping the .han
dles inside Presto! a bag of such :
pleasing style, that you'll just be
dying to carry your knitting in it to
a party, and giving your friends the
surprise of their lives.
Little vanity bags of ribbon, or
silk, are attached to the wrist straps
of some partyfied parasols.
Motorists' Delight. ',"
Have you not often longed for- a 1
delicious chicken dinner at the end
of your auto ride? Then follow the
broad, shady road to Belleview 'and
there you find just what you are seek-
ing, for every evening finds numbers
of gay parties enjoying dinner to
gether at the collesre. Din tier is !Pru. .
ed from 6 to 8:30 and many hosts pre- -
ier to entertain in tnis intormal way
rather than in their homes or at the
Miss Bessie TnwnKcnrl if Atlnni:,
Citythe only woman city comptroller
in xne unitea states, nas been honor
ed with election to the vice presidency
of the National Association of Comp
trollers and Accounting Officers.
The use of package goods does.'
much to prevent food hoarding by the '
householder, an object much to be -desired
in these times.
r .1 .11.
xempt from houiehold cmierrtion.
For diractMMia for vegetable and fruit
canning writ to the National Vat
GanAm CommUiion, ,t Waihington,
enclosing 2 cent for pottage. -