Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1918, Page 4, Image 4
4 A I'HE UMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 30, 1918. POLISH MISSION PAYS RESPECTS TO THE GOVERNOR Four Officers Seeking Recruits f i i i. u c i Kutak of Omaha and Miss Hrbkova. From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, June 29 .-(Special.) Four Polish lieutenants, escorted by F. J. Kutak of Omaha and Miss Sara Hrbkova of Lincoln, called on the governor today to pay their respects and also to obtain his approval for the work which'they expect to do in this tit toward arousina a sentiment amort their countrymen for Enlist ment in an independent organization which will go to France, t assist in vinninc the war for the allies. ' But one of the men could speak English, although all could under stand it somewhat Miss Hrbkova ttcted as interpreter. The men formerly were soldiers in the Austrian army, but deserted and went to Russia. As soon as they could they went to France and have been serving in the French army. All have been wounded and while recovering will aid in the work, of enlisting their countrymen in America. Omaha will be headquarters in this section, while Chicago will be headquarters for the middle west . ' ( Parole Violator Goes r To Prison at Beatrice ; Beatrice, Neb., June 29. -(Special) WBoseoe" Mav. who violated his parole at VVymore by getting intoxi cated ana becoming aisoraeriy, was sentenced to twenty days in the coun ty jail by Judge Woolsey. Announcement was recetvea or tne marriaee of Miss Minnie Dierks of this city and Lt. W. L Crosson of the 133d infantry, at Deming, N. M, Tnes day. Lieutenant Crosson's home is at Hastings and he formerly operated the Lyric theater. ' Emil Schulti, editor of Die Nebraska Post, will discontinue the publication with this week's issue. He was given until July 1 to print the paper in English, but he claims that it would be unsuccessful. Mr. Schulti has been at the head of the publication here twenty-one years. Nebraska Soldiers Can Not Be Grouped in Time To Vote in the Primary From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln. June 29. (Special.) Am erican soldiers in France will not be able to vote in the Nebraska pri mary for the reason that the War de partment will not be able tt gather the names of the Nebraska men in time. There are over 3,000,000 names in the lists, and as they are not ar ranged by state and only alphabetic ally, it will be a long task to secure a complete list Gov. Neville has returned from Washington and says that the War department heartily coincides with the plan as laid down by tne governor. Adjutant General McCain said he had already issued an order for grouping the names of the soldiers by states. This will not be available until Sep tember 1, at least 100 Hebron Home Guards Busy Helping Out Farmers HKrnrv Kfch.. Tune 29. fSoecial.) One hundred strong, the Hebron home guards are each afternoon help ing the Thayer county farmers handle the wheat cropi The organization is . -i i i composea 01 Business ana pruicssiuii il men who work every afternoon from the close of business until dark. Under, Captain Harvey Hess the guardsmen go in squads of 25. A squad will travel in cars until it finds a larmer who is overcrowaea witn work. Thev ston the cars and within a few hours after they go to work the farmer finds that his wheat is all neatly shocked. Four of 72 Draft Men Fail To Appear at Falls City Falls City, Neb., June 29. (Special) Four in the list of 72 drafted men did not appear to accompany the others to Camp Funston and Fort Riley. Three have not been heard from and are Peter Mahan. Linton, N. D., Emmett Woodworth of Hum boldt who left three weeks ago for the harvest field in Weatherford, Okla.; Thomas J. Ahem at Washington. James Gotees of Casper, WyO., was heard from in a hospital in Omaha. Two men were selected to take their places as they had two extra ones on first list. The two new ones are to go on July 1, and they are Frank Young of Verdon and Marinus E. King. York County Wheat Yield Only 10 to 20 Bushels York, Neb., June 29. (Special.) Wheat harvest has begun in York county While there is more acreage in the county than ever known, the yield will be from 10 to 20 bushels of fall wheat. Spring wheat is hot worth cutting. Oats are almost a complete failure in the county. Corn never was as far advanced as at this time of year and with . favorable weather there will be the largest crop ever known in York county. Obituaries PETER, JENSEN, a plonneer of Gage county living four miles north east of Fllley, died, aged 80. He is survived by his widow and nine chil dren. C. E. Blakesley, a pioneer: of Gage county, who resided for years near Cortland, died at his home near Paradise, Kan., as a result of injuries received by falling from a windmill tower. . FREDERICK BEERBOHM. one of the oldest pioneers of Cuming county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. Kind of Beemer. Mr. Beerbohm located in Cuming county over 60 years ago. He was a native of Ger many and was 86 years of age. MEDORA EWING CATRON of Ne braska City, a resident of Nebraska since 1865, lied Friday. Mrs. Catron had been ill for several months. Annual Tractor Meet Goes to Salina; Held In Fremont Four Times Fremont, Neb.,- June 29. (Special Telegram.) The annual tractor meet this year will be held at Salina, Kan, July 29 to August 3. according to in formation that has reached Fremont club officials. Fremont invited the tractor men to come back again this summer, but during the winter a res olution was passed to the effect that the meet would not be held for any town that had had the show before. The first meet was held at Fremont and for four years the iron horse manufacturers had returned here. A numbex of Nebraska towns bid for the show this year. ' An increase in water rates amount ing t o about 30 per cent became ef fective with the passage of an or dinance at an adjourned session of the city council. A rate of 18 cents a hundred cubic feet up to 10,000 will become effective July 1. Sons of Veterans Form "John Lett Camp" at York York, Neb., June 29. (Special Telegram.) A camp of the Sons of Veterans and grandsons of veterans was organized Thursday night with 36 charter members. The camp was named "John Lett Camp," in honor of John Lett, a prominent member of the Grand Army of the Republic. The installing officer was P. A. Barrows of Lincoln. Following are the offi cers: W. G. Liggett, commander; E. B. Koon, vice commander; R. M. Rankin, jr., viceicommander; W. W. Wyckoff, M. O. McLaughlin, G. H. Nedbold, camp counsel; Rev. S. Har vey, chaplain; Rev. L. R. Bobbin, pa triotic instructor; Charles Stroman, guide; L. F. Richardson, color bearer; Harry Shipman, inside guide; Lee Worman, outside guide; George De bord, treasurer; Raymond Woodrura, scretary. Celebrates 90th Birthday. Falls City, Neb., June 29. (Special) Mrs. Jane Sinclair of Jetmore, Kan., who is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Hossack, in this city, reached her 90th birthday anni- Red Cross Subscriptions Second War Fund Drive Now Amount $170flS8?4 "Washington, June 29 Red Cross subscriptions in the second war fund drive amount now to $170,038,394, with returns still coming in, national headquarters today announced. The first fund amounted to $110, 475,125, of which $17,895,211 was re funded to or retained by local chap ters. A financial statement issued to day shows Red Cross receipts from all sources during the 11 months ending May 31 were $117,500,284, which, with $3,134,904 on hand July 1, last year, brought the society's total funds to $120,679,188. Of this $12,090,633 came from the second war drive. Total appropriations during the period were $100,985,498, of which $83,745,212 had been expended to May 31. Unencumbered resources were $19,593,690 on May 31. versary on Wednesday, June 26th. In her honor, Mrs. Hossack invited a number of her old-time friends in to spend the day with her. Mrs. Sin clair is a most .active woman for her years and is enjoying good health. Beatrice Physician HI. Beatrice, Neb., June 29. (Special) Dr. G. H. Brash, Beatrice physician, is lying critically ill at a local hospital from an attack of acute Bright's disease. An operation was performed this morning as the last hope of sav ing his life. Dr. Brash came here from Albia, Neb., about twenty years ago. Heavy Bain at Beatrice. Beatrice, Neb., June 29. (Special Telegram.) Heavy showers fell in this section today,, breaking the pro longed drouth and improving crop conditions. The rainfall is estimated at about one inch. Calls Trust Company Reports. From" a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, June 29. Special.) State Auditor Smith has made a call for annual reports from all trust com panies of the state for the period end ing June 30, 1918. CANCELS LICENSE OF PASTOR FOR GERMANSERMON Rev. Paul Waldschmidt of Howells Fails to Convince Judge Button of His Patriotism. Schuyler, Neb., June 29. (Special Telegram.) On May 20 last Judge Frederick W. Button licensed Rev. Paul Waldschmidt, a German Luth eran minister, to preach at , Howells, but admonished him to preatch in the English language only. Rev. Wald schmidt did not obey the court's orders and preached his sermon in German and th: local Council of De fense received complaints concerning the same and upon investigation the charges were shown to be well found ed. Senator John R. Henry, chairman of the local Council of Defense, had the pastor summoned to appear be fore Judge Button today. Rev. Waldschmidt pleaded guilty to the charge, and upon promises being made that it would not be re peated, the court was about to excuse the minister with a sort of reprimand and a caution as to the future, but Judge Button asked the minister a further question as to what he thought would happen to an American preacher in Germany if he preached a sermon in English after the govern men had warned him not to. Rev. Waldschmidt 'answered that he thought the German government would take into consideration the cir cumstances and deal with the erring minister in a humane and considerate manner. Judge Button promptly told the minister that his reply well told that he was 100 per cent pro-German and revoked his license. Judge But ton stated that he will not tolerate anything that smacks of disloyalty in word or sentiment, a stand which all people in this judicial district strongly endorse and applaud. Leigh Home Guardt Break Up Nonpartisan Meeting Leigh.Neb., June 29. (Special Tele gram.) A " meeting of the farmers south of Leigh, who have recently organized an auxiliary of the Non partisan league, was broken up last evening when members of the homi guards went out and intercepted the meeting. The league members havi been holding regular meetings of late When members of the home guards entered the school house where the meeting was being conducted tht members departed from the building All of the men present with the ex ception of one were Germans. Ths names of those present were takea bj the guards. Nebraska News Notes The use of the German language n Thayer county schools and churches will be discussed and decided upon Monday afternoon when the Germas Lutheran ministers of the county will meet with the county council of de fense at Hebron. Nels Anderson and Miss Lillis An derson of Stromsburg; George W. Grandorff and Miss Olive Darnell; George' A. Brent and Miss Hazel Win field of York were married in York during the week., Mission festivals have been held during the week at the Lutheran church in Bismarck township and Zion Lutheran church. Clergymen assisting were Rev. S. Meeske, Rev. M. Nierman, Rev. C Hoffman, Rev. William Harms, Rev. E. T. Otto and Rev. W. E. Harms. Rev. Hans Harms, who has been a missionary in India for the last six years, gave illustrated lectures during the prog ress of the missions. APOLLO Leavenworth Today at 2:00 Pf M. NELL SHIPMAN in "BAREE-SON OF RAZAN" And Two Reel Comedy fuiiiiiititifiiiiiii 4 - it ft: wiiiwiHiHiinwmiiiiiiMiii lllllllllIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIItllllllW -5 i-: I' FROM FAR AND NEAR lovers of good homes and beautiful furniture will come to participate in this much-waited-for event.-' v.:r..rv :C r : - -V I ' ' If you need an odd dresser, an odd bed, ah' odd table, an odd chair, or even a com plete suite for some room in your home,' read the'lists below carefully. COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY ANNUAL 7 LY 1st i f ... R-UGS I:U A! F THE ACCUMULATION OF DESIR ABLE PIECES OF FURNITURE, odd suites and odd pieces, will soon be closed out because prices have been marked very low indeed and because there is a place in some home where each piece will exactly fit and serve a good purpose. mm 41)641 8. South 16th Stfeet In AH Sizes a : i I a ' a a S 9 - S ' i i NOW Is the tine to purchase the floor covering you have hither to felt-was a little' top expensive, and NOW because hundreds of beautiful rugs are off ered t sale prices that really .mean large sav ings, NOW because our agreement with various manufacturers per mit us to put all our Close-Out pattern's on sale. Such well known lines as Hardwick & Magee, Alexander Smith & Sons, Bigelow-Hart-ford Carpet Company are among those represented. .All sizes and shapes are in this sale. A partial list followsi , lilt French Wilton, , fringed, 9x12, for ........... $89.00 $83.50 Bandhar Wilton, 9x12, for i SG3.50 , $80 -Ova! Bundhar, tolled, 9x12, ' for ...... ....... 340.50 ' 177.60 "Standard W 1 1 1 o n s, fringed, 9x12, for. . . . .$57.50 130 American Orientals, seam less, 9x12, for. . . . . . . .$95.00 143.50 Hartford Velvet Seam less, 9x12, for. ...... .$31.50 $32.00 Roxbury Tapestry Brus sels,' 9x12, for. . . . . , . .$24,50 $27.50 Velvet Seamless, 9x12, for '.. p ......... .$19.95 $24.50 Hudson Seamless Tapes try, 9x12. for........ $16.75 $31.50 Axminster Oriental Pat terns,, 8-3x10-6, for. .. $23.50 $12.75 Seamless Art Bugs, 8-3x 10-e, for ..$9.95 ; L.Yi ORIENTAL RUGS $65 Dark Mosul. Runner, 15-1 Ox M.for ......$45.00 $35 Kazaek, Blue Ground, 5-8x 3-8. for . ..$21.00 $22.50 Genja, Mixed Ground, 4-4 x3-l,for ......$15.50 $110 Hartford Saxony Rugs, 9x12, for ......$69.00 $101 French Wilton Fringed, " 8-8x10-0, for ..... . .$79.50 $120 Royal Bengal Seamless, 8x 10, for .............$87.50 $36 Heavy Axminster1 Mis matched, 9x12, for, . , .$25.75 $55 Bigelow Body Brussels, 9x 12, for .......... ...S33.50 $115 Bundhar Wilton, red color, 9x15, for ........... S59.50 $124.50 Standard Wilton Rug, 10- 6x13-6, for ....... $87.50 $60 Smith Axminster, 11-3x12, for ..$47.50 $187.60 Hartford Saxony Rug, 11- 3x15, for ,.,,.......$125 $90 Klearflax Reversible Rug, 12x16, for ..........$69.00 $47.50 Hartford Body Brussels, 8-3x10-6, for ....... .$28.75 FURNITURE A Large and Varied Offering Every Piece V ery Desirable- Every Item Priced So That It Constitutes a Genuine Bargain DRRIESi From the offeriaff in thfc sale it is possible to re drape your entire home with beuflul fabric that in the ordinary way would cost nearly double Juit a little in genuity and care in selecting those things that "fii LINOLEUM in ! from 1 to 1H yard mum, at ISc, 2S an SOe pw pioct. VERY STECIM STrl pattwnt ia burlap-hacked, printed linolaum, aU 1 fct and- inch wida, in til and wood pattern! : worth Its tqnara yards slightly imparfaet, at, SOc aqaara yard. $275 Yamouth Bokhara, An tique, 12x6-7, for .... ; . .$175 $350 Mahal, Camel Allover, 11-9 x9-8,for ......$225 $125 Khiva, dark! red, 9-6x7-5, for ....... .....,...$97,50 CARPET REMNANTS inlUbl. for rag-a. That oomt from our Cut Or der Dept. and art all aeatly bound or finished. i ST.69 aamplea of fine Wilton Car pets, 1 yard long, for $3.75 each. $4.54 aamplea of heavy Axmlntster Carpets, 1 H yard long, for $2.50 each. Mala Floor ' ? v Our (Sift Shop ' offers seasonable suggestions in this sale. : KNITTING BAGS : for the Vacation Season, when the woman and girl will have more time for knitting. 5 t $2.75 Cretonne Bags for .......... , ........... .$1.85 $3.50 Taffeta Silk Bags for............. 4,00 $9,00 Decorative Bags for........... ...A... $6.00 I15.D0' Black Satin Bags for...,.;'.,...... . .$10.00 $1.00 Liberty Shopping Baskets for. ............ .s ... . -65d PILLOWS AND CUSHIONS ' $3.50 Torch pillows . . $2.25 $2.00 $3.0 CO Hammock, Cushions . . ; . $245 9-Piece Dining Room Suite in Normandie Grey Oak, William and Mary design, consisting of 60-inch buffet, 64x8 extension table, side table and six chairs, now $195 $318 11-Piece Dining Room Suite, finished in Douglas Oak, modern design, consisting of buffet, wood door china cabinet, serving table, host chair and six side. chairs, now ............ $258 $45 Walnut Chiffonier, Adam style, now $34 $57 Walnut Dressing Table to match, now $42 $15 Walnut Hair Dressing Chair to match, ' now ......... $11.75 $16 Walnut(Side Chair, now $12.50 $80 Mahogany Dressing Table, William, and Mary style, now .$57.50 $87 Mahogany Chest of Drawers to match, now ; .....$67.50 $14.50 Mahogany Bench to match, now. . . .$11.50 $15 Mahogany Side Chair, now. $12 $102 Walnut Dresser, William and Mary style, ' now $75 : $75 Walnut Dressing Table to match, now. . . . .$50 .$75 Walnut Chiffonier to match, now ..,.$55 $66 Walnut fall size Bed to match, now...... $48 $75 Old Ivory Dresser, typical Adam style, now, $60 ' $90 Chifforobe to match, now. ... .. .$75 $70 Mahogany Dining Table, 54-inch by 8 ft exten sion, William and Mary style, now. .......... .$55 $ 19 Host's Chair to match, now . . . . . . . . .'.$15 $13.50 Side Chairs to match, now, each ..$10 $41.50 Golden Oak Buffet, Colonial Scroll type, now .$30 $63 Golden Oak Buffet, Colonial Scroll type, now $47.50 . $54 Golden Oak Buffet, Colonial Scroll type, now ,...........;............ ..$40 - $38 Golden Oak Dining Table, 54-inch by 8 ft exten sion, now ....$29 $32 Golden Oak Dining Table, 54-inch by 6 ft exten sion; now .'. .$23 .' $30 Mahogany Library Table, Charles II style, now .. $22.50 $106 Queen Anne Buffet, 66-inch, in American Wal nut, now '. . . . . .$80 $78 54-inch by 8 ft extension table to match, $60 $42.50 Serving Table to match .$30 $25 Host's Chair to match.. $18,75 $20 Side Chairs to match, each. $15 $75 Tapestry overstuffed Davenport, mahogany frame, similar in style to the one pictured above, now : $59 $40 Overstuffed Rocker to match, now .$30 $40 Arm Chair to match, now ; .$30 $98 Velour Covered Davenport, with loose cushion seat and mahogany frame, in Queen Anne style, $80 $57 Arm Chair to match, now .$45 $115 Overstuffed Davenport, upholstered in tapestry with loose cushion spring seat, mahogany frame, $89 $61.50 Chair to match $48 $42 Velour Covered Mahogany Rocker, Queen Anne style, now $32.50 $45 Velour Covered Mahogany Rocker, Queen Anne style, now .$37.50 $26.50 Mahogany, Wing Back Chairs, cane panelled. now $21.50 $30 Mahogany Wing Back Chairs, cane panelled, now ...... , $22.50 $70 Brass Bed, square tube, slightly tarnished, now $39.50 $34 Round Tube Brass bed, slightly tarnished, now .................. $27 $32 Round Tube Brass Bed, slightly tarnished, now $25 $48 Square Tube Brass Bed, slightly tarnished, now $36 $22 White Enamel. Simmons Steel Tube Bed, full size $15 $20 Vernis Martin Simmons Square Steel Tube Bed, full size ..-..$13.50 $20 Vernis Martin Simmons Continuous Steel Tube Full Size Bed, now $15 And Many Others. Curtains Including Muslin, Voile, Mar quisette, Cluny, Duchess and Brussels, ranging from $2.00 to $40.00 a pair. , All one and two-pair lots,; Prica. Single Curtains at a mere frac tion of their regular value. All three and six-pair lotsr at Lost Cretonnes 2,500 yards' of desirable cre tonnes, practically all this sea son's purchase. 100 different patterns to choose from, in lengths ranging from 5 to 45 yards of a pattern. Arranged for clearance in three lots 1 10 patterns, values up to 75c yard, for, yard 29t 40 patterns, values up to r 85c .yard, for, yard. . , 49 60 patterns, value up to $1.00 yard, for, yard 69d An additional 30 patterns of exceptionally high grade, rang ing in price from $1.25 to $6.00 per yard, radically reduced, in some cases as much as off. Drapery Materials Sunfast and other over cur tain materials in desirable col ors and color combinations, 50 effects from which to choose, 5 to 36 yards to a pattern. Values to $5.50 per yard, reduced . A 65c quality is duced to specially re- ..38 Five patterns that are worth $2.50 are to be sold at yd., 75 25 Patterns Lace Curtain Nets from 40c to $2.50 per yard, re duced ...H to'H Discontinued patterns of scrims, voiles and marquisettes from 5 to 30 yards of a pattern, from... to M Off Asbestoe TabU Mats, values to $6.00, each .$1.00 Useful Remnants Of Cretonnes, Scrims, Cur tain Nets, Drapery materials, Tapestries and Velvets from a ; fraction of a yard to five yards to the piece at Price. In some cases even lea. DOORS OPEN Down Stairs- Seeger Refrigerators in This Sale The list prices quoted below went into effect in February. We are daily expecting them to raise, but notwithstanding this, the following radical reductions will be made durmg this July Sale List Price. Now. 3-door 90-lb. capacity Seeger, enameled lined.. ..$ 64 . $45 3- door 100-lb. capacity Seeger, enameled lined. 1..$ 74 $53 4- door 150-lb. capacity Seeger, enameled lined.... $ 87 , $62 4-door 175-lb. capacity Seeger, enameled lined. . . .$101 $72 3-door 90-lb. capacity Seeger, porcelain lined.... $ 84 $60 3- door 100-lb. capacity Seeger, porcelain lined.... $100 $62 4- door 150-lb. capacity Seeger, porcelain lined. . . .$114 $81 This constitutes a most unusual opportunity to buy a beauti ful refrigerator that is absolutely sanitary and cleans like a piece of china, at an-unusually low price. - , a i ' i h ' i-. ir. -v I 111,11,1 I II iVMrii -Orchard & Wilhelm C,o. Mi... Orchard & Wilhelm Co. irantiisiiiimBnsiiOTiiitjiiiitniniHtt