Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    Minminiii;i!Mmnwii:iiiia(nffimimiWiiiB "
Take a Picnic Basket With You
"Women on the general committee of the All-American
Fourth of July celebration at the Parks are making spe
cial efforts to have families revive the old custom of the
Basket Picnic that day" so said a local newspaper a
few days ago and we say, here are the things you will
neea to make it enjoyable.
Paper Picnic eutfits. lets for 4
people, at : ,.10c
For 8 people, at 15c
Cups, saucers, plates, napkins,
table cloth, etc.
Sanitary Sealed packages of 25
Paper Picnic Plates for 10c
Picnic Baskets, from 25c to $1.50
Paper Cups, in sanitary sealed
packages, 5 for 5c
Ice Cream Freezers
The genuine triple motion, White Mountain Freezers
2- quart, special, at .$2.98 I 4-quart, special, at $4.39
3- quart, special, at $3.69 I 6-quart, special, at $5.49
Thermos Bottles for Picnickers
They are simply indispensable they keep hot things
hot and cold things cold.
Pinta Brown covering, $2. Nickel, $3.25. Corrugated, $3.50
Quarts Brown, $3.50 and corrugated nickel covering. ...... .$4.50
THERMOS LUNCH KITS Consisting of Thermos Bottle and Sand
wich Box, fine for picnics .$3.25, $3.50 and $3.75
1 Main Floor, Drug Department Brandels Storea
f (I
1 m
Fly Old- Glory
Unfurl this splendid banner of Freedom to the breeze.
Flags of all sizes and descriptions, at low prices.
SILK FLAGS ON STICKS, each. .. .5c, 10c. 25c and 50c
COTTON BUNTING, fast color, with gilt spear, 12x18
inches, priced at lOc
3x5-FOOT COTTON FLAGS, fast color 75c
SEWED STRIPES, fast color, 3x5 feet $1.50
SEWED STRIPES, fast color, 4x6 feet $2.00
sizes from 3x5 up, all prices.
Wash Skirts, Big Variety
And a Special Offering
Right In Time for the Fourth
New, crisp, white Wash Skirts, the broadest assort
ment we have ever shown at the Fourth of J ul v time
- v
bought by us at a concession, and will be sold to
K you the same way.
.Cotton Gabardines, Twills, Cordeline and Fancy
Check and Striped effects. Well cut garments that
will fit without alteration.
$3.75, $4.75 and $6.95
Hundreds of others as well, in the more expensive
ports, in a great variety; large pockets, embroider
ies, belts, etc.
Second Floor Brandeis Stores
White Summer
Priced at $1.50 to $5.98
Soft finished Muslin Petticoats,
elaborated with embroidery and
laces, in a large variety of pat
terns. ,
Also the double panel, straight
line Muslin Scalloped Petticoats.
Third Floor Brandeis Stores
Colored Gingham
At $1.00 to $2.50
Made of Amoskeae Gineham
and Chambray. fast colors,
ruffled effect. For wear with
Bungalow Aprons or House and
Porch Dresses economical and
All sizes, in
fast color Defi
ance Buntine. de
fies the wind and
Main Floor. Rear
Brandeis Stores
White Shoes for the 4th
A Variety of Good Styles ,
To be properly shod makes vour treasure the more
assured on the Fourth here are the Shoes and Ox
fords that you will want-to make your outing en
joyable specially moderate prices.
We have a complete line of white "Keds," strap
pumps, rubber soles and heels, white canvas uppers,
priced for Monday, at, per pair . .$1.50 to $2.00
WHITE CANVAS PUMPS, white sea Island canvas,"
turned soles and covered heels, ornament on vamp ;
regular $5.50 values; sizes 2y2 to 6, widths A A to C ;
specially priced, at $3.95
PUMPS, AT $4.50. Made of best quality white sea
island canvas, with welted soles and covered heels;
made in New York city; sizes 3 to 5, widths AA
to C; specially priced, at.. ......$4.50.
Main Floor, Rear Brandeis Stores
Porch and Lawn
Don't neglect buying one of
these it means a whole lot to you
this summer.
Prices range from $12.0P to $40.00
Swing one out under the trees or
on the porch; $1.50, $2.50, $3.50,
i.75, $4.50 and $5.25
Third Floor Brandeis Stores
All Sizes and Prices
No. 2 Folding , Premo Camera,
takes pictures 2',ix3, at.. $4.98
No. 2A Folding Premo Camera,
takes pictures 2&x4Vi, at.. $6.98
No. 2 Box Brownie Camera, takes
pictures 24x3, at $2.75
No. 2A Box Brownie Camera,
takes pictures 2x44, at.. $3.50
No. 2 Folding Brownie Kodak,
takes pictures 24x31,i, at.. $9.00
No. 2C Box Premo Camera, takes
pictures 2x4, at $3.49
We develop free when prints
are ordered.
Main Floor, Rear Brandeis Stores
Bathing Suits for the 4th
Newest Arrivals, Best Styles
ihe beaches will be crowded on the Fourth, and you will
want to get into the water better get a good Bathing Suit.
A wide range of colors, such as Kelly Green, Royal Purple,
Kings Blue, Khaki, Navy and Black; in a variety of color '
combinations, in borders
$3.98, $6.50, $8.50, $12.50 and Up
Annette Kellerman Jersey Tights,
At $1.25, $1.69 and $1.98
Bathing Shoes, Caps and Accessor
ies, at very moderate prices.
Second Floor Brandeis Storea
Sweaters for Women and Children
Every Style Every Price
When the outdoor season comes around a Sweater fs
simply indispensable and we have them in all
weights, sizes, colors and weaves-from the tiny ones
for the little folk up to those for golfing and sports
wear for women. -
Knitted Sweaters, Silk and Silk Fiber, Zephyr Vicuna
and Wool and Mohair. Coat Sweaters. Lon Sash .
Sweaters, Tuxedo Open Front, Sleeveless, Slip-Over
Middies and Smart Tailored Effects. -
- $4,95 to $39.00
Second Floor -Brandeis Stores
Motor Coats for Auto
$8.98, $12.50, $15.00
and $22.50
Splendid, lightweight, dust-shedding Coats
new arrivals, in Pongee, Linen, Palm
Beach and Mohair, in popular shades of
tan, khaki, gray and navy; full and well
cut garments; deep pockets, convertible
collars, belts and smart buttons. This lot
includes stout sizes.
Second Floor Brandeis StorM
A Sane 4th Means a Happy 5th
r.TMrni , Second Floor Brandeis Stores ! j
Victor Victrolas
At these prices: $22.50,
$32.50, $50.00, $60.00,
$90.00, $115.00, $175.00,
$225.00, $275.00
There are styles of Vic
trolas in keeping with the
circumstances and sur
roundings of every home.
Get yours tomorrow and
1 i A 1 i
a selection oi patriotic
numbers. There is no
better way to spend the
July Records
On Sale
Come to our sound-proof
parlors and let us play
the latest records for you.
The list of patriotic
music is the best we have
ever seen and you will
want some of these when
you are entertaining the
"boys." -
Pompelan Room Brandeis Starts
New Arrivals
In Summer Dresses
Taffeta, Foulard and Georgette
Smart Travel, Business and Afternoon
Dresses, clever styles, embodying all the
season's best ideas. Dainty accessories rn
collars, cuffs and piping; bits of embroid
ery together with the introduction of beads
give smart touches of color, etc, lending
distinction and fascination. '
$22.75, $25.00 and $29.00
Second Floor Brandeii Storea
Blouses For the Fourth
Scores and scores of dainty styles in the
wanted colorings of flesh and white.
Lingerie Blouses, $3.95 to $12.95
Organdie and Voile Blouses in very dainty
styles; shown with the new roll shawl and flat
collars, trimmed with tucks, laces and hemstitch
ing; small turn back cuffs attached, with lace
or hemstitching. Very dainty styles.
Georgette Blouses, $5.95 to $10.95-
- GEORGETTE BLOUSES in flesh and white,
with filet lace on collar and vest, with em
broidered design either side; sew sleeves
and pointed cuffs $5.95
GEORGETTE BLOUSES with pleated collar
- and cuffs, also frilled vests; priced at $8.95
pleated collar and cuffs; body of Blouse '
tucked back and front .$10.95
Second Floor Brandeis Stores
Women's Hosiery
For the Fourth of July
Two items of exceptional interest to every
woman because of excellent quality and extreme
ly low prices.
. At $1.1 5 va pair Pure Thread Silk Hosiery,
'full fashioned; some seamless; silk to the knee,
lisle garter tops double soles, heels and toes;
In fancy stripes; in black and white, also colors.
At 79c a pair Fiber Silk Hosiery, silk fiber
to the knee, double soles, high spliced heels and
toes; lisle tops and silk fiber U knee; in black,
white and colors.
Main Floor Brandeis Stores
Men's. Furnishings
More of These Shirts for Men
Worth $1.50 to $2.50, at $1.19
AVe sold hundreds and hundreds of them
here on Saturday, but we still have a
splendid assortment and the man who
needs a Shirt for Summer wear will do
well to come here bright and early Mon
day and buy some of thes.
All the new Spring patterns in Corded
Madras, Mercerized Soisette with satin
stripes; Woven Repps and Jacquard
patterns in Oxford weaves; soft French
cuffs, laundered cuffs, neckband stvle
and soft collar attached. All sizes in this
lot, but not in every style.
Hot Weather Union Suits, 79c
About 800 in alL Sleeveless and knee length: ath
letic style, in Nainsook weaves. The lighter
weight you can wear, means the most comfort.
Men's Fiber Silk Wash Ties, 15c
A big lot of Wash Ties, in plain white and assort
ed stripes; about one hundred dozen in this eroun
at this special price. . ,
Men's Hose, Extra Special, 25c
Silk Lisle, Lisle and Fiber Hose, in all the Sum
mer shades; all sizes; run-of-the-mill grade, and X
for that reason, 25c a pair.
Men's Bathing Suits, $1.00 to $5.98
One-piece Suits, cotton and wool mixtures, and
fine all-wool worsteds, in plain and big broad
striped effects, various shades and sizes. Many
of these are samples.
Main Floor, Men's Building Brandeis Stores
Men's Clothing
Coolness and Comfort Here
From the largest and most complete stock
of the best Clothing hereabouts, we will
outfit you in clothes that fit and at a
moderate price, too.
This is the Home of
Hart, Schaff ner & Marx
the best clothing that we know of
Suits, $25, $30, $35, $40, to $60
Two-Piece Outing Suits
Fabric weaves just launched this season, and here
first Made in the newest military and snort
models. Also the more Hedate styles for the con
servative dressers. Sizes to fit men of all di
mensions. The keener judge you are of values
the more you'll appreciate these two-piece mid
summer'suits, at
. $10.00, $12.50, $15.06 to $25.00
; Blue Serge Suits, at $25
Skillfully 'hand tailored models for men and
young men. Made of superfine pure Worsteds in
fast colors. Choose from Omaha's broadest stocks
and best values.. , ,
, Palm Beach Suits, at $9.00
CooU featherweight, serviceable. Strictly new
patterns in light, medium and dark effects. Latest
models for men and young men. Materials Lon
don shrunk and shape-retaining.
Second Floor Men's BIdg. Branddeis Stores
Men's White Canvas Oxfords
' With rubber heels and white welted soles, exec'
lent quality, snow whits canvas, medium stylf .
toe shape, all sizes 6 to 11, widths B, C and D,
at ..........,..,,.,. $6.00
Main Floor, Men's BIdg. Brandeis Stores
Frocks and Tub Skirts
For Girls'
Fourth of July Wear
Frocks at $2.00, $2.50, $2.95 to $5.95. All
the new colorings in Voiles, Ginghams, Percales
Crashes and all the new fabrics; sizes 6 to 14
years, as well as those designed for flappers in
sizes 12, 14 and 16 years.
Flapper Tub Skirts, $2.95 to $5.00 '
Sport Skirts In very latest styles, trimmed
with smart pearl buttons and -fancy pockets;
wide belts, shirring around waist; shown In
Honeycomb Cloth, Repps, Gabardines and Sport
Plaids; sizes 12 14 and 16 years. ;
Second Floor Brandeis Stores .
Italian Silk Underwear
Samples From Niagara Silk Mills v
Here's a splendid opportunity to outfit for
the Fourth t prices that are so low that they
afford exceptional savings. ' '
At $1.59, worth to . $2.50 Samples of
Women's Italian Silk Envelope Chemise, in pink;
trimmed with fine lace, embroidered "fronts or
tailored reinforced; regular and extra sizes.
At $2.95, worth to $4.50 Samples .of
Women's Heavy Italian Silk Vests. Bodices and
.Bloomers; tailored embroidered yokes or' trim
med with real fine lacs and ribbons; extra
length and reinforced.
At $1.59, worth to $2.50 Samples of
Women's Italian Silk Bloomers, in pink or white;
regular and extra sizes. . '
, , . , Third Floor Brandeis Stores ; v ,
1 1?
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