Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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Omaha Police Make " Biggest
Single Hau! on RecoTd, With
Prospect of Recovering
Ten More Machines.
, : Four men are under arrest and sev
eral other arrests will be made within
2i hours in what police say is the big
Rest raid on automobile thieves evrr
made in Nebraska. ; Fifteen automo-
biles have been recovered and detec
tives expect to locate at least 10 more.
The stolen cars were located in the ri-
. cinity of West Totnt. .
"It is my 'swan song," said Detec
tive Danbaun, who has been trans
iferred from the auto squad to the
regular detective department.' "It has
always been .my ambition and dream
io uncover the plant of a gang, of or
fianized thieves and I can now leave
feeling that . I have succeeded in my
department." Danbaam and Detective
Van Dusen have beeu assigned to the
auto squad for more than a year and
have recovered thousands of dollars
worth of stolen automobiles. ,
How Gang Was Discovered. ;
A. J. Tread, a traveling salesman, In.
formed the automobile detectives that
lie was offered a car at a very low
price in West Point and asked if it
' was a stolen car before purchasing.
The Omaha detectives immediately
asked Sheriff Sexton of Cuming coun
ty to arrest the men in possession of
. the car. Completing the investigation
with the assistance of the sheriff they
discovered several more machines.
An S. 0. S. call was made to
squad and Detective Rich of the auto
squad and Charles Pipkin, an auto
mobile insurance adjuster, joined in,
the ' search. Two days and one
Harrison Gets Gay on Visit
To St. Louis anfl is Pinched
You can't tell how men will act
when away from home.
C. F. Harrison, one of Omaha's
leading realtors, and a prospective
warden of the Congregational church,
came within an ace of being haled be
fore police court, while attending the
national convention of real estate men
in Anheuser-liuschville last week.
At home he is one of the most staid
of men, and one whom no one would
accuse of possessing joy-riding pro
clivities. , t '
At St Louis he had as a host one
of the prominent real estate dealers
of that thriving little burg. The St.
Louis man possessed a car-that was
some boat in looks and performance.
He was proud of his go-cart and
Brother Harrison was treated to a
ride around the purlieus of the village
in the 18-karat scooter. It is alleged
that he used some persuasion on his
host in ' making the latter give the
machine a real tryout and while they
were going at the rate of 'steen miles
and something per minute a traffic
cop arrested the bunch.
Mr. Harrison pulled off a real Da
mon and Pythias stunt when he tried
to- pay the fine. Both his host and
the court demurred and the court held
that as the St. Louis man was trying
to show the Omaha man some real
speed, in a spirit of hospitality, all
he should get stuck for was (he costs.
There you have the whole scandal.
were stolen off the streets of Omaha.
Lee Overbce, 1213 South Sixteenth
street, was arrested as leader of the
gang. Police allege that he takes
the stolen cars to West Point, where
they are turned over to a garage for
sale to farmer as second hand cars.
Frank Fees and Harry . Plattner of
West Point and Clarence Easter of
Shelton were arrested and are alleged
to have disposed of the cars in West
Point. Fees and Plattner. are pro
prietors of a garage.
All of the recovered cars are known
to be stolen, although a few have not
been identified positively. The dar
ing tf the thieves was shown when
many of the cars were sold without
any attempt being made to alter the
identification marks. . j.v . , -Machines
Await Owner.
A partial list of the stolen cars
includes the machines of the Swo
boda bakery, Haynes, stolen June 25;
J. W. Handy, R. R. 5, South Omaha.
Oakland, stolen June 21; J. H. Fitz
gerald, Florence, Ford, stolen Tun!
13, A. T. Amluxen, 1502 Spruce
street, Ford, stolen June 26; , Roy
Sarchet. Algona, la., Ford, stolen
June 22; Arthur 'Gottsch, Washing
ton, Neb,, Ford, stolen Jane 26; and
A. O. Smith. 1338 South Twenty,
fourth street, Ford,
The yard at the police station is
right were spent by the detectives Milled with the stolen machines
uid sheriff in locating the cars. All lawaiting identification of the owners.
Abe Warwick Released
Showing $3,500 Gems
His Personal Property
When Abe Warwick, colored, has
tened to Council Bluffs late Friday
night following a quarrel with his
wife whom he wedded less than two
weeks ago, he carried, more than $3,
500 worth of diamonds and jewelry.
He traveled from OmahY in a taxi
cab, and when the wife learned of
his flight she asked the Bluffs police
to arrest him, alleging that the valu
ables belonged to her. Saturday
morning she came to Council Bluffs
and told her story at police head
quarters. She said her name was
Ethel Lane, and made no mention of
her marriage.
f. Warwick told the police the gems
were his personal property and that
he had only permitted his new wife
to wear some of the jewels. The
woman returned to the station an
hour or yvo after the arrest and con
firmed his story. He was released
and the gems returned to him. His
wife accompanied him on the return
to Omaha. She is in training to be
come a professional nurse.
' -
name uuints
Three rooms, Aw
furnished WJJ
July Sale of HomeFurnishings
. at the-'
Union Outfitting Co.
, Exceptional Values in All Departments
The past six months have been months of very heavy
selling and naturally there has accumulated many
sample pieces and many odd pieces that we are de
sirous of closing out at a reduced price. Every ar
ticle is of a standard quality, insuring you lifetime
service. These reductions from our usual low prices
mean a considerable saving to you and, as usual, you
make your own terms.
We invite you to visit this
new department and inspect
' the wonderful values that
wis are nble to offer you. We
carry a complete line of
trunks in all the different
styles, including many ward
robe trunks. Prices ransre
from...S7.05 to 342.50
July Sale Complete Bedroom Suites
During this sale we offer for your selection a number of beautiful
bedroom suites many of them in Colonial designs, while others are
period reproductions. The assortment includes mahogany, golden
and fumed oak and Jacobean finishes. Prices are -
$09.50, 876,50, $89.50, 8117.50 and 8139.50
, Rug Value
From our big daylight rug
department Many sample
rugs and discontinued pat
terns are included in this
sale. We would suggest that
you buy for your present, as
well as your future wants, at
these savins prices. , 1
- . . ....
1 - ;
Wool Fiber Ruga
In 6x9 ft sizes, A splendid service-giving
rug. Ourfij'TQE
low "price ... ...... V VO
SeamleBS Tapestry Rugs. In 7-6x
9 ft. sizes. - A very good rug for
bedrooms or dining rooms. Our
low price ............ ,815.95
in 9x12 ft sizes, A most desir
able rug in this Spring's choicest
patterns. Our low price, 818.95
9x12 ft sizes. This is an ex
tremely pretty and , serviceable
rug. Suitable for living room and
dining room. Our price, 824.75 -
Fiber. Rocker '
Just like cut. A very
serviceable rocker for
porch, lawn or living
room. Our Jo C
price... ..
American Flags
Guaranteed fast colors. Size QQ -
i it.AU iu r uim nicy
4 ftx6 ft While they last . - v j
Northland Refrigerator ,
Buying a Gurney
Northland Refrigerator
is an investment, not
an expense, as they
pay Jfor themselves
over and, over again in
the cost of the ice they
save you. iney are a
war-time n e c e s s i ty.
Priced as
low as. . .
. Ice Cream '
Freezer -
Like cut All metal
In 2-qt eize. PQi
Our price..
Lawn Mower
Absolutely the lowest prices in the
city on dependable Lawn Mowers.
One like illustration d0 7C
only , . . .... . . . .... PO I O
Solid Oak; Tabo
rettes ....... 29d
Canvas Folding
Camp Stool 24
Folding Step-ladder
i otogis ...... .JVC
Real Values
Folding .. Sewing
Tables 81.35
Child's Two-Passenger
Lawn Swing,
at r... 82.25
Log . Fern Boxes
at 45
Porch Swing
Made of solid oak, complete
with chains and AO QC
hooks, similar to cut. . v''
ihe People Store
Opposite Hotel Rome
Omaha Lodges of Workmen
Laying Plans for Picnic to
Be Held at Manawa
Next Month.
The annual picnic of the Omaha
lodges of the" Ancient Order . of
United Workmen, Iowa jurisdiction,
will be held July 20th at Lake Mana
wa, under the auspices of the central
committee. '
Omaha lodge No. 8 and Batten No.
173 have dedicated their new altar
drapes, and Union Pacific No. 17,
Gate City No. 198 apd North Omaha
No. 9 lodges have all entertained with
cards, dancing and refreshments at
their last meetings.
Council Bluffs lodge No. 270 enter
tained the supreme foreman, at which
time they initiated a large class, hav
ing the Omaha members as guests
and this proved to be a treat to the
Omaha visitors, who have been un
able themselves to initiate for the last
year, owing to the restraining order.
The several committes of the lodges
are working in conjunction with the
central committee on the matter of
celebrating the fiiftieth anniversary
of the order. The grand lodges of
the jurisdictions have all made plans
for the sending of representatives to
the national celebration at Phila
delphia in October.
American lodge No. 99 announces
that it will meet on the first and third
Thursdays of each month, instead of
Wednesdays, as heretofore.
Tpbe of Ben Hur.
Mecca Court No. 13, Tribe of Ben
Hur, will give a dancing party in the
Hanscom park pavilion July 4.- There
will be a picnic dinner at 6 o'clock.
Spanish war vetreans, wives and
friends will Lold an old-fashioned
basket picnic and reunion July 4, at ,
Fontenelle park, where the veteran '
have been invited to raise the flag and
to fire the flag salutes. Every vefr
eran should attend.
Clan Gordon Auxiliary.
The next regular meeting of the
Ladies Auxiliary to Clan Gordon No.
63, O. S. Ci will be held at the home,
fi Mrs. W. J. Hislop 3182 Fowler av-T
enne, Wejnesday afternoon, July-3
at 2 o'clock. : '
Concert on Norlh Side.
Al Fairbrother's band will give a
concert of popular songs at Millef
park at 2:30 this afternoon.-"".
War Savings and Thrift Stamps Are Silent Evidence oIYouT Patriotism and Go Much Further Than
Shouting and Parading-Get the Saving Habit-Loan the Government Your Honey, EelpWin the War
Dress Up for the 4th
Here's Cash Prices that
will enable you to be well
dressed at a very moderate
ii:!!!;!;:!!:!:!!::!!!!:;!.;!:!! !IOt:it.i:itiitui.ii;ii::ti!f!iKnf uf Miiiii!;il:lliili:l:iti:i;'.ti::ini:!liili:f :iili!lullt'lt:!l'
Oar Low tash Prices
make your dollars ' much
greater in purchasing power.
Get the Cash Buying Habit
it pays. " )
Attractive Values in Summer Apparel
Before the Fourth Specials in Stylish Summer Outer Apparel That Combine Unusually Broad Assort
ments with Low Cash Prices That Constitute Them Extraordinary Values We Advise Early Selection
Hundreds of Dainty Summer Dresses
A bevy of new designs in voiles, lawns and novelties;
in plain colors, stripes, plaids, checks; all sizes for
women and misses, including extra sizes for (11 A A fi
large women; our special Cash Price plU.UU
Stylish New Tub Skirts
In Gabardines, Piques, Twills, etc.,
with novelty belts and pockets; an
exceptionally classy lot of models
for our special flC Afl
Novelty Sport Skirts
A big assortment of most attractive
new models in choice quality silks;
splendid values, at, Cash Prices
$10, $12.50, $15 to $29.50
Navy Blue Taffeta Dresses
A splendid new lot just received', beautiful, practical;
you could not buy a smarter Dress for general wear
for a considerably larger price ; our special h OP Art
Cash Price $ZD.UU
Extra Size Wash Skirts
A special showing of extra large
sizes in Wash Skirts, good quality
materials, stylish new models, well
made; our special
Cash Price
Cash Price
Two Remarkable Blouse Specials-Don't Fail to See Them
Hundreds of Dainty Blouses In twenty distinctive
styles, in Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Wash Satins and
Combinations, in every wanted shade; match
less values at our special Cash Price
A Bevy of Charming Blouse Styles In Georgette
Crepes, flrepe de Chine, in all colors and size3 36 to
46; values you will find unequalled at
our special Cash Price
pniniiiiiiriliiiiiltiliiiniiiiiiitiiHiiiiiiniiitiiiiiin MiiiiiiKiiiaiiB!raiiirBHttaMiisBitBiiafiai!Biiaigita:rBiiKia.'iaistianii!(miiaiii;BKBiiaiiBtiaitFai pi
. '
NY MANi who knows HEAL Clothes Values
has any need of a Spring or Summer Suit
jump at the chance to get one or more of these
Hart Schaf f ner & Marx
$30 and $35 Suits
. Two and Three-Piece, at
tatnvi ,hki SckiMii Utft
You don't need to know values, either, in selecting
here, for you can't go wrong in any selection you make.
And every suit is fully guaranteed by both the
maker and ourselves, the same as if sold at regular
Biggest assortment of styles and patterns in these
good Clothes shown west of Chicago. All sizes in reg
ulars, longs, stouts, stubs. JIake your selection as
early in the week as possible theyjre going fast Wear
a new Hart Schaff ner & Marx Suit on the Glorious 4th.
All Necessary Alterations Free
iiliani:ilitii::i;il;:lij..iiiit!;iliil!! " .
Lmv Your Order Early Monday. Haydn's for Quality and Right Price.
ucent imo. U-11496
Lars bottla Chow Chow, tweet or sour;
Gherkltta, mixed Piccalilli or (ffeet split
Pickle, per bottle. ,23c
22-ounce Jar Whit Bear Preserves, ner
jar 28c
Three-quarter Mustard Sardines, per
Quarter oil Sardines, can..". 7c
Fancy Queen Olives, bottle ... 10c, 15c
Jello, for dessert, pkg. He
Advo Jell, pkg. 0c
The best domestic Macaroni, Vermicelli,
Spaghetti, per pkg. , ...,-7V,e
4 lbs, choice Japan Bice for 33c
Corn Flakes, pkg. "....BV,e
Fancy Sweet Cookies, per lb. ....... ise
Potato Chips, per lb .,B0c
Tall can Salmon, can isc
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, ean........l5c
Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, can He
No. S can fancy table Apricots or Peach
es, put up in heavy syrup.... . ,.23e
Dried Beef. In glass jsra I8c, 30
Chicken Tamale, Beef Loaf, Veal Loaf,
Pr can 17 Vie
Tuna Fish, per can. ... . .13c, 25c, 40c
Ripe Olives, per can 10c
. We carry the freshest and largest line
In the eity.
Choice California Prunes; lb. .. .".'. 10c
Fancy Muir Peache. per lb. ...... .14c
Fancy California Evaporated Apples,
Per lb. ......15c
Fancy Bartlett Pears, per lb. 19c
Fancy Seediest Raisins, per lb...ll'ac
California Figs. pkg. . . . . . . .12ViC
t0-r. jnr' Pur Mince M-at. '. . . .". ,20c
For iced tea try our famous Diamond
H. Blend, nothing finer; lb. ...... ,40c
Fancy long-tipped Japan Tea, fine drink,
per lb. 48c
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, the talk of
Omaha, per lb..' ... j ....... . .... .20c
Choice English Breakfast Tea, lb... 48c
Fancy Colony, Ceylon or Gunpowder Tea
the highest standard of quality, per
lb. , i 68c
Fancy Maricaibo blend Coffee, lb.. 23c
Fancy Porto Rico blend Coffee, er
. . ....28c
Choice Basket Fired or Sun Dried Jan-
an Tea, lb r. , .....39c
IS lbs. new Potatoea to the peck.. 50c
Mew Cabbage, per lb. .5c
4 bunches fresh Turnips. ........ . . ,5c
I bunches fresh Beets or Carrots.... 6c
6 bunches fresh Onions..... t 5c
4 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce... ...... 6c
i Green Pepoers ...........5c
Fancy Cantaloupes, each.... 7Vc, 10c
Fancy Cucumbers, etch. ...... .Sc. 10c
Larve. iuicv Lemons, down ,.35e
Strictly fresh Eggs (no delivery), per
riosen .......... ............ . 29e
Best bulk Creamery Butter... 45c
Swift's Premium Oleo. .......... .32c
Nut Margarine, lb. ............. ,30c
Amoriran Cream Cheese. ........ .27c
N. Y. Cream Cheese... .....30c
Fancy rkili Pickles, dozen 20c
Frankfurters style Buckwurst. per ean,
at t 25c
Superior Values in Summer
Only a Few of the Many Saying
Special Here Listed. You'll Find
Our Cash Price on All Kind of
Houtefurnithing and Tool Cx
tremely Low..
Electric House Fans Our Cash
Price S5.86
Refrigerator Water Cooler
Cash Price .... . .502 and 60s
10-Gallon Water Cooler- Our
Cash Price .......... . . . $7.25
U-Inch Moulded Gardes Mote
Cash Price, per foot 13
74-Inch Moulded Garden Hot
Cash Price, per foot....... 15&
6-Foot Braced Step Udder Cash Price. .......7.. ....$2.00
SO-lb. Capacity White Mountain Refrigerator Golden oak
case, with white enamel finish, price. ................ .$26.50
Wooden Hose Reel Cash Price ...S1.25
26-Inch Hand Saw Cash Price. ......... I ....$1.25
Cobbler' Outfit Cash Price ....S1.35
Shingling Hatchet Cash Price .$1.00
Meat Saw Cash Price .452
Steel Tin Snips Cash Price.... ..85(3
7-Inch Block Planer Cash.Price .80
2-Hole Laundry Gss Plate Cash Price' $2.25
Hose Nozzle Cash Price.
mmmmmwmmfWfmmmm It Pays-Tr7 Hayen's Brst-It
.C.J L.:,. .hLl.,.;;nl.,,-,!a.,T'u l MsM&tX&KXm
. - s