lSA . PEOPLE ESton't Hgnra. to 'Stumble Omit Qmd Things --TIHEY HUNT FOR The many bargains and rare opportunities advertised in this section today may never appear again. It only takes a few minutes time to read the WantAdsIt may mean a lot of money to youSo Do It! ' 9, t THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 80, 1918. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North FINE RESIDENCE FOUR ACRES RIGHT IN TOWN S. W. cor. 60th and Military Ave. AU modem eight-room house, finished in quarter-sawed oak and oak floor; hot water heat; bathroom has genuine tile walla aa well aa floor; kitchen walla are genulna white tile; so money apared In construction; built by a master builder for his home; garage for three or four cara. The ground Ilea splendidly, is surrounded by streets and purchaser could retain as much or aa little as desired and sell the surplus ground at a good profit. Division of estate necessitates sale. Ask for further information. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1514. 131 Securities Bldg. $500 DOWN AND $40 PER MONTH FIELD CLUB DISTRICT .. Just listed, a 7-rootn, strictly modern home, Field Club district, located on South 37th street. Three rooms on the first floor and three rooms and sleeping porch on second floor; oak floors throughout; east front on paved atreet, paving paid. This property is priced at (4.500; well worth It. Lot 60x142. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Realtors 687 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. D. 1781. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 4130N.18THST. EAST FRONT; GARAGE. Owner Is very anxious to sell this prop arty and will consider terms. Thla bunga low consists of five nice rooms and .bath. ' Has full cemented basement with fine hot air furnace. Living room with beamed ceilings and fireplace. Built-in bookcaaes. Fine dining room with plat rail and plenty of other attractive features about the place. Fine garage, large enough for any car. Nice shade trees and lawn. Call Tyler (0 and ask for Mr. Clark. Sunday . call Colfax 1123. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St $300 DOWN AND ..$35 PER MONTH t-room, strictly modern bungalow, lo cated north of Kountie park; living room and dining room, oak finish and oak floors; built-in bookcase, colonnade opening: plate rati and panel walla; large lot; east front. Quit paying rent and buy thla snap. Payne Investment Company Realtors 6ST Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. 1781. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! NTCAT? TfOTTNTZF, PARK ' T-room, full story house, located near find and Lothrop. Living room and din- - tag, , kitchen, butler's pantry and den on first floor; three large bed-rooms and sleeping porch on second floor. Oak floors downstairs. House haa been newly deco rated, painted Inside and out. Large lot, , 40x121 feet If you wish to buy a real ' snap, do not fall to see this. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Realtors $17 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. P. 1781. All hardwood floors and finish. Choic est location on boulevard. Basement lined with fire tile; toilet, shower, laundry and fruit compartment; recep. hall, large liv ing and dining rooms and sun room; fine kitchen, S wonderful bed rooms, linen .closet, bath room; large sleeping porch and fine aUio. Call Tyler 406. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW f $3,500 ' (-room practically new bungalow en JOth fit. ear line near Binney St Strictly modern, oak finish, full basement, fur nee heat 1 block to new school. Owner has left city and must sell. Price, 88,600 on easy terms. J. L. HIATT COMPANY 800 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 8. 9-ROOM HOUSE 22D AND LAKE "-r $3,250 We eonslder this one of the best bar gains we baya .ever offered In the north part, of town. AU modern. Hardwood finished, hot water heat, good lot, large ahade trees. 8660 cash and monthly payments aema aa rent Look at 8407 , N. lid Bt today. THE BYRON REED CO. Douglas JI7. 1611 Farnam Bt. 7-ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE PAVING PAID. Ob Fortieth St. .between Leavenworth and Farnam, first floor oak; fireplace in Uvlng room, hot water heat. Owner eayi to sell thla' bouse. We have priced for Immediate aale, $3,(00. Can give terms. Call Douglas 6886, Sunday Web ster 4815. This la the greatest value we have ever offered for the money, ao you - must act quick. - TRAVER BROS. CO.. 119 First National Bank Bldg. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE BUNGA LOWS. Two brand new and very nifty S-room bungalows under construction at 28th Ave. and Camden will be sold at 13.600 each. These places will be modern In every respect; one block to car and store; ' close to schools and to Miller park; $360 ' cash will handle and balance monthly payments of $31.10. Sewer, water, (as and electricity all In and paid for; no special taxes. See these at once. ," ! - WALNUT 677. NEARLY NEW BUNGALOW, , $150 CASH. All modern, full basement, oak floors, Just newly decorated and painted; nice location and large lot. rrice sa.iuo; oniy $160 cash and 129.60 per month. Get this before someone else. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS, 323' Keellne Bldg. Douglas 1140. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN, FINE LOCUST ST. HOME of T rooms, full sooth front lot, garage. Owner moves Monday. Property cheap at $6,000, but will sell for $4,600. All clear, so reason .., able terms will be accepted. Call for np ' polntment Tyler 490. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 1 01 Omaha National Bank Bldg, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North $3,100, $100 CASH, $30 MO. Buys an almost new l-room strictly modern home In a good location, only 8 blocks to car; newly decorated and painted; built a little over a year ago; has full cement basement; all modern con veniences; hardwood floors. See this to day. WALNUT 677 FOR SALE. Beautiful home, splendidly located two blocka from car; oak floors throughout; modern In every detail; decorated com pletely up to the minute; furnace with thermostat; large bath, also toilet in basement; garage for two cars. See us about this. Located 4729 N. Thlrty-elghth Ave. TRAVER BROS. CO.. 819 First National Bank Bldg, MODERN OAK BUNGALOW WORTH $3,70O-PRICE $3,200 Nice lot, garage and paved street; five large rooms on one floor; completely modern In very good location. This place Is dandy buy and owner will make reason able terms. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. 228 Keellne Bldg. Doug'.as 8140. A Beautiful Home In MInne Lusa. Brand new, well built, strictly up to date; 8 rooms, bath and sun room; fireplace and all built-in fea turea; the finest oak finish you ever saw. Just a perfect house, paved street, near car line. Must be sold. See me Quick. P. J. Tebbcns Co., 805 Omaha Nafl Bk. Ph. D. 8182. Near 24th and Manderson. This home, 8 rooms and bath, all on one floor, good furnace, nice lot, fruit and shade, paving paid far, only $3,860. Some bargain. P. J. Tcbbens Co. 406 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Ph. D. 2182. N EARLY new Stuckale bungalow, oak fin ish; fine, large lot; garage; near 10th and Fowler; (2,600; about 1600 cash. Nearly new S-r oak finsh bungalow, fully modern, near Miller park, 13 S60; about $400 cash. See us for bargains. RASP BROS. 210 Keellne Bldg., Tyler 721. Just So. Hanscom Park on Blvd. ALMOST NEW 7-R AND SLEEP ING PORCH, BUILT BY OWN FR SPLENDIDLY ARRANGED. $2,000 CASH, PR. $6,000; $45 MO. WE SELL, rent. Insure and make loans on city property. North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., S4th and Amea Ave.. Col." 217 IK you are going to buy a home, see thla first; a fine five-room house; electric lights, gas and water. Price $2,000. See Owner at 3330 Manderson. 3621 HAMILTON STREET. $3,160. Oak and birch finished, very modern 6-room bungalow, with sleeping porch. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 PARNAM. THE BEST BUT IN OMAHA. Five-room bouse, electric llghta and water, $2,250. Call Colfax 4094, NINE rooms, hot water heat, near Crelghton college, $3,300; great bargain. . Q. P. Steb bins, 1610 Chicago. South Hanscom Park Home 9 Rooms, $4,000 Party leaving for California must sell her home atl737 Park Ave. It haa 9 rooms, beautifully finished, and the location Is unexcelled, as the house faces Hanscom park, and Is located only one block from park carllne. House would undoubtedly cost over $7,000 to build today, so that . above price la really one-hall what It would cost to duplicate. THE BYRON REED CO. Dour. 297 1612 Farnam St. FINE HOME Here Is a bargain In a new stucco home in the Field Club district; large living room, dining room, kitchen, vestibule and butler's pantry on first floor; four bed rooms and bath on second floor; oak fin ish and floors; up-to-date in every way; very best vacuum heating plant; large lot; located 8306 Walnut St., All new homes In this addition. Price $7,600; terms. NORRLS & NORRIS 104 N. 16th St., Douglas 4270. HANSCOM PARK SOUTH $6,000 On South Central beoulevard. Practi cally new and In perfect condition; 7 rooms,' bath and sleeping porch; unusu ally well built, well arranged and well located; finished In best of oak; most at tractive grounds with fine garden, shrub bery, flowers and fruit; back yard fenced; fine garage. See It today. Our sign la on the property. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 163. 333 Securities Bldg. A. Piek-Up. East Hanscom Park. Five-room semi-bungalow. Hot water heat $3,160. $600 Down. Hurry up. If you want a chance at this one. Shuler'& Cary, Realtors Phone D. 6074. 104 Keellne Bldg. 2963 HARRIS, $5,250 Near Hanscom Park , A very attractive home, fully modern and well built: located Just one block from Hanscom park car lines. On the first floor there Is a living room, aining room, den and kitchen, all finished In oak; Id floor, two extra large bed rooms, dandy sleeping porch, dressing room and bath. House in first-ciass snaps mrougn out and not a dollar expense needed. Paving taxes paid In full; located Just two blocka north of Hanscom park, on a quiet street of new houses. Arrange with us for Inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 8961. 919-20 City National. Five-Room Bungalow Bar gam Hanscom Park District Large lot on paved street convenient to school and car. 6 good rooms on one floor, full basement and attic. Oak fin ish In living and dining room. House Is In excellent condition outside and in. Price, $3,600. Terms. For appointment to see this, call Walnut 1680. , 3015 S. 33D STREET. . Full two-story, 6 rooms, exterior Kella' stone, interior finished In oak and white enamel. C G. CARLBERG. REALTOR, 812 Brandeis Th. Bldg. FIELD CLUB, $4,650 Best buy in this high elass section Beautiful stucco home. I rooms and sleeping porch; oak floors, mahogany and whits enamel over birch; tile bath room, fireplace and In first-class eondltton; south front See this at once. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 39(1. 19-20 City National. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED , South Hanscom Place Home, (-room modern house, eaet front lot All clear, paving paid in full. Price re duced to $3,600; $300 cash down and $25 per mo. Shown by appointment only. Call. Osborne Realty Co.," Tyler 496. 701 OMAHA Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 3006 S. 34TH STREET. 6-room, two-story dwelling, living room and dining room, finished in oak, oak floors throughout entire house, plenty of closets, nicely decorated. Price $3,760. C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR. 312 Brandeia Th. Bldg. 2008 DEERPARK BLVD. Fine 8 -room house; double garage; large yard; hot water heat; oak finish; hard wood floors; fine condition; must be sold Phone Douglaa 8470. One 6 -room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot, live In one and rent the other Price, $2500. Terms. No. 2433 South 20th St. Norrls A Norrle, 104 North 16tb St. Phons D. 4270 3002 S. 34TH STREET. 6-room, strictly modern .bungalow, $3,760; easy payments. C. G. CARLBERG. REALTOR, 818 Brandeis Th. Bldg. FIELD club district, 7-r. modern houee, garage, lot 70x165, price, $4,250. C. A. Ortmmel. Phone Dounlas 1616. HOUSE Eight rooms, fine shade, near 83d and Marcy. Great bargain, $2,000. Red 6476. Hi S. 11TH 6-room modern flat, $360, half down; Douglas 7077. MODERN, eight rooms, near Crelghton col lege, $!,760. Red 6475. Miscellaneous. Special Offerings to Settle an Estate. The Following Properties Are All Priced Right and Heirs Wish to Close Them Out at Once. DOWN TOWN. $11,000. Near 14th and Douglas; 8-story brick building, renting for $115 per month. Lot 2l'xl32. $4,7501321 SOUTH 29TH. The old ' home; grown, 100x140; 8 rooms, hot water heating plant; larce bari. Thla house is old, but the carpen ter and painter can work wondera at very little expense. $8,7001110-11 NORTH 17TH. Frame flats, rental $59 per month. CHEAP BUILDINO LOTS. -East! end of Dundee, northeast comer 47th and Burt, 109x135. I860. Northeast corner of 36th and Francis, 4914x135, $750. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. 1310 Ohio St., this is a 4-room partially modern cotage on a fine large south front lot. Owner will sell on payments. 3225 Plnkney St., buy this small cottage on a large lot on these easy payments, $50 cash and $S per month. Then in your spare time fix and enlarge the cottage and you will make good money on your lnveatment. This Is a real bargain at the present price asked, 2609 N. 18th St., a 6-room partially modern houae In a good neighborhood and close to car. Buy this on the eaey pay ment plan. 3230 Emmett St., this Is a good 5-room partly modern house on a corner lot. ,. Plenty of room for garden and chickens. Buy it on the easy payment plan. 4717 N 42nd, this Is a good 6-room house, near school, car and Fontenelle park. Good neighborhood. Buy It on easy payment and have a home of your own. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. REALTORS. 608 Bee Bldg. BUNGALOW SNAP $450 DOWN AND $30 PER MONTH Just listed, a new 5-room bungalow, all on one floor. Oak floor and oak fin ish. Colonnade opening, plate rail and panel walls. Owner has left city and has offered to sacrifice this place at $3,250, less than the house can be built for. ' i PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, FOR $2,500 TERMS $300 CASH Located on a corner 120x150, with fruit and shade trees; ground lays nice; one lot In potatoes, only a block to car line. Possession at once. Six room house at 1118 S. 18th street with bath and gas; In nice order; on a lot 60x180, with a barn, and some very fine shade trees. Nice neighborhood, on a paved atreet Only $1,900, on small payments. W. H. GATES 647 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. D. 1294. FOR SALE A GOOD BARGAIN. A two-story frame house, arranged for two families; six rooms and bathroom on first floor; five rooms and bathroom on second floor; one large furnace, two sets of new plumbing; owner has recently spent several hundred dollars and put the house In the best of repair. It should rent for $40 per month. Price $3,600. Owner will take five-passenger automobile as part payment; a little cash and rest like rent It Is located six blocks from Crelghton college. Big lawn and paved street. Pav ing all paid for. J. B. ROBINSON, Realtor. 441 Bee Bldg. Douglas 809T. NEW BUNGALOW. Will be completed about Sept. 1, on paved St., 1 blocks of car; 4 lots all Into fruit See us about this. TRAVER BROS. CO., 819 First National Bank Bldg. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. 3009 Marcy street This Is a large house of 12 rooms, has fine furnace, but Is in need of some repairs. There is a large lot, 70x125, with paving all paid. The neighborhood Is fine, only one block from Park avenue car, on good elevation. We price this for Immediate sale at $3,500. 1010 SOUTH 38TH AVENUE. Seven-room modern house, only four years old. Fine eaat front lot; two blocka south of Leavenworth In a fine neighbor hood.' A decided bargain at $3,400. Be sure and see this. NEW STUCCO BUNGALOW. On south side of Victor avenue. Just west of Sixteenth street The arrange ment la fine with all bulltln features, In cluding large fireplace. It la a beauty and of first class construction.- Call me for price and terms. H C. FREEMAN. Doug. 144. .. J Classy House With Garage Excellent location, south front on paved street in restricted residence district Two-story, seven rooms. Large living room with fireplace, sun parlor,' dining room and kitchen on first floor. Three fine bedrooms and bath on second floor. Oak finish downstairs, enamel upstairs. Newly decorated throughout. Oood lawn. A dandy place and an excellent buy at . $6,750. For appointment to see this call Benson & Carmichael Douglas 1722. 642 Paxton Blk. Today call Walnut 1580. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. I 1$: Farnam 8- Doux. 19C6. J REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. A REAL CLASSY BUNGALOW Brand new stucco construction. Six elegant rooms. Large living room, din ing room and kitchen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. One dandy fine room, 12x23, on second floor. Beautifully finished In oak enamel and mahogany. Tastily decorated throughout Complete in every detail. For appointment to see thla call Walnut 1580. FOR SALE, (-room house, all modern, lawn In good shape; nice p.irch; first floor decorated. Price $3,200. Why go to some new ad dition and pay $1,300 to $2,000 or more. Let us show you thla. as it Is certainly a real bargain. For appointment call Doug. 6886. TRAVER BROS. CO., 819 First National Bank Bldg. 6-ROOM collage, two blocka from car, full dot. 12,000. Terms. $300 cash, balance $20 per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 842 Paitnn Block FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER A SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. Douglas 6011. FOR SALE A beautiful house, garden and chick ns. worth $300. Will take $76 If sold ti three days. See owner at foot of J 'iirs street, on Missouri river. A MODEliN 6-room house; THINK OF IT. for $:.!00; good lot; east front; will rent for 822 60 a month; all clear; easy terms. Call owner Douglas 9033. HOMES AND HI MESITES. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 637 Om Nat Bk Bldg Doug lilt. F D WKAP SELLS REAL ESTATE REM ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty MHS. CLARA PIERCE was given a war ranty deed to her home in Blair by dis trict court. It's for sale. Two lots and four feet. Four-room house. Ill Nebraska street. WB WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electric Bldg Tyler II. HUSINESS property and Investments. A P TUKET and BON. 620 First Nsttonal Bank Bldg. M'CAOUB INVESTMENT CO.. Income. Business and Trackage Specialist 16th and Dodge Ste Douglas 411 REAL ESTATE Investments CLOSE IN INVESTMENT 10-rm. all modern house, 4 rooms first floor, 4 rms. and bath on second floor, $ rms. in attic; also 2 rms. finished In basement; lot 64x115; near 24th and Capitol Ave. Price $7,000; easy terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors 1018 Omaha National Bank Building Douglas 2716 REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE Trackage for Lease Close in 35,000 Sq. Feet This Is only a few blocks from ths heart of town, with fine, level haul In; good office building and frame store house and sheds. Very favorable long-term lease can be obtained. Call on us for further particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE Exchanges TO EXCHANGE My artlstlo and dis tinctively high grade 206 room apt. bldg. Pays almost 18 per cent on the Invest ment On prominent cor. nr. Lincoln pk. Lake Mich, bathing beach and -olf grounds. $0 of the apts. are completely furnished. The last word In elegant ap pointment and equipment. The property absolutely lacks nothing that spells besf Yearly rent roll $30,000. War price, $175,000. Free and clear of all encum brance. Doctor orders me to farm or ranch for next 6 years. Generous deal awaits owner of right land. M. Boua carcn. Km. 620 Westminster Bldg., Chi cago. WHY NOT EXCHANGE your cottage, which Is too small for you, for this 8-r., strictly mod. bouse 7 Not new, but In best of repair. About $700 has recently been spent In repairs and im provements; rooms largs and well ar ranged; electric lights, nice lot, paving paid; located just south of Crelghton university; walking distance. Our cash price $4,000. Might oonslder vacant lot or auto. HASP BROS., Realtors. 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE EXCLUSIVE Artificial and Natural Ice busi ness. In county seat town of 1,600. Also supplying three other towns exclusively with ice. Excellent business opportunity. Also have good Ice Cream Trade. Best of reasons for disposing of business. Want land In exchange. Phone or write, C W. Oraff, Tecumseh, Neb. WANT to sell or exchange: Modern 62 room hotel, with up-to-date mineral wa ter bath departments In connection; wilt consider good farms In eastern Kansas, eastern Nebraska, eastern South Dakota, western Iowa or northern Missouri, Hotel located In one of the best oil towns In Oklahoma. Address P. O. Box 1048, No wata, Okl a d 13 w nnnK."Atirninnhll Economy Contains 73 pages of helpful. Instructive Information on repairing, saving gasoline, tire upkeep, carburetors, etc. Send for this FREE book today. American Auto mobile Digest, Cincinnati. $4,600 STRICTLY modern, 6-room stucco oak-finished home: nearly new; in Kountze Place. Want cash or Liberty bonds; can use good automobile. C. H. Eckery, Stoddard, Neb. - GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease, 211 Bran. Th. Bldg. LOT, 23d and Pratt, 1 block from car line, good residence district Will exchange for automobile. 2224 Pratt St. Web. 3113. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. 4- CLEARVIEW LOTS. $1 DOWN, $1 A WEEK. PAYNE & SLATER CO. South FOR SALE J lots, Just south of Elmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. -Will sell cheap for cash. Address Box T 1188, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Dundee ; FAIR ACRES 1 2-3 acres near Underwood; beautiful surroundings; fine view. Priced to sell at $3,500, 1-1-acre on Dodge St., opposite the Judee Kennedy mansion. Fins site for beauHful home. 2 acres on Dodge St., immediately west of the Langan property recently pur chased by Adolph Btorz. Owner has left Omaha and wishes to dispose of this, the choicest suburban home site anywhere near Omaha. Armstrdng-Walsh Company Tyler 1611. $11 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE No better place to live, no safer place to make residence Investment Choice lots can be bought from us In this de sirable district on very easy terms. All publlo Improvements, Including water, sewer, gas mains, cement sidewalks, curb ing, paving and atreet llghta have been Installed and paid for, except paving In stallments not now delinquent Plats and pries gladly furnished. It Interested call on or phone us' and we will be pleased to explain our eaay payment plan, and show you the property at your conven ience, GEORGE & CO. City Nat, Bank Bldg. Doug. 766. DUNDEE BUNGALOW $3,450 Flvs rooms, nearly new, and all mod ern. Large south front lot. 60x108. Pav ing all paid. $1,000 cash, balance monthly. Look at 4(40 Dodge Bt THE BYRON REED CO. Douglas 117. 1611 Farnam -St. HIGH SIGHTLY DUNDEE BUNGALOW, $3,600 Five large rooms and fine location. Thla place Is completely modern and a snap. Investigate. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO, REALTORS. 121 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 3140. DUNDEE $6,000 Beautiful home on Burt atreet, with all oak finish, garage, driveway, sutirnom and den downstairs; three large bedrooms mid sleeping porch upstairs. No finer place on this street BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO.. REALTORS. 121 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 3140. $4,700 DUNDEE HOME-$4,700 6-room, 1-story home facing south, on one of the prettiest streets In Dundee, just one block from car. Must havs at least $1 000 cash. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO, REALTORS, 121 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 1140. 1 HAVE $500 cas)) and a good Dundee lot to make first payment on Dundee borne. Phone Douglas 6074. Florence. COUNTRY HOME; FIVE ACRES; ALL MODERN; HOT WATER HEAT Located Just north of Florence, 10 min utes from the street car, high and sight ly, with a wonderful view of the river and the eastern part of the city; 8 rooms, tile bath, oak floors, electrlo light, laun dry tuba; garage In the house. Immedi ate possession. Ths price Is right; ask ing $10,000, but the owner wants an offer thla week. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 196). 919-10 City National. Acreage. 50 ACRES WEST DODGE ST. 60 acres Just south of Dodge St over looking Beverly Hills and peonle farm. High and sightly location. Best acreage buy close to Omaha. First time offered for sale. If Interested call. J. L. HIATT COMPANY 900 First Nat, Bk. Bldg. Tyler It. ACREAGE SNAP TO YOU Just listed, al-acre tot and a small barn which could be made Into a dandy little cottage, at 42d and Laurel. AU for $1,200. Can be handled on $300 down and balance monthly. Looking for an acreage bargain, don't fall to see this. . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Realtors 637 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781. THIS 24 ACRES IS A REAL LIVE INVESTMENT AT $8,200 Just outside of Florence city limits, II feet from paved road, on top of the hill, five acres fine level building site and bal ance west slope, hut all farmed. This figures about $340 per acre. Land nearby selling from $600 to $1,600 an aero. Own er will carry $6,000 on place. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50 40 ACRES WEST High, sightly, gently rolling, mils south of Dodgs street 4 miles west of Elmwood park; ons half mile to school: good Im provements; on main road leading west -This 41 Is bound to Increase In value. Price and terms on application. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors 1018 Omaha National Bank Building, Douglas 27,16 ' One Acre $795. v located high and sightly with large oak trees; $10 down; $10 per month. Cheapest buy In Omaha. Shuler & Cary, Realtors. Doug. 8074 Keellne Bldg. WOODED ACRES 10 acres Just north of Florence. Comes down the "river road." Very sightly. Adjoining land held at $400 an acre. This 10 acres $2,600. HARRISON & MORTON, REALTORS, 911 Omaha National, D. 114. THIRTY acres on Ames avenue, 40 rods west of Fontennelle park. FIRST TRUST COM PANT, Realtors 400 First Nat Bank Bldg, T. 729. Miscellaneous FOR SALE Two beautiful lots Just south of Elmwood park In Overlook addition; ' full slzs lots, 60x150. Owner leaving the city will sell cheap for cash. Act quick. Address Box 7 116$, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED RANCH OR FARM Press brick business block and residence property; also 130.000 worth mortgage pa per. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 111 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with 8300 to 1600 down. Call Oaborne Realty (n Tvler 49 Tni Om Vat rtank Bids FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. H. W BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loan a and Mortgages HAVE that Installment loan on your home changed to a straight five-year loan and relieve yourself of that monthly burden. Fi. H. Lougee, Inc., 688 Keellne Bldg. QUICK ACTION ON LOANS W. T GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 1631. CI Cf FARM LOANS, KUCf UV0 PAl'L PETERSON, " V'2 364 BRANDKI8 THEATER BLDG OMAHA HUMES EAST NKB FARMS O'KEEFB RAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug 171$ CITY AND FARM LOANS 6. 6H and Per Cent. J. R. DUMONT CO., Keellne Bldg. K1P MONEY V '2 (O HARISON A MORTON. 919 Omaha1 Nat. Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly F. D. Wesd. Wead Bldg.. 13th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Inveetment Co.. Omaha Pite Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY Douglas 4111. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W. H. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bld LOW RATES C. J. CARLBERO. Ill Bran dels Theater Bids D 69 Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE Ten 11,000 iy, per cent sewer Intersection bonds, Issue of July 7, 1116. We will sell all or part. Advise best of fer. Dexter Portland Cement Company. Narareth. V. FARM AND RANCH LANDS If your farm la fur sale and your prk Is right, where you have good goods for the money, list with me. I have all kinds of customers for all kinds of farms, but the value must be there; within less than 60 miles of Omaha preferred, any else from 10 acres to 1,000, or up, Let's get bum'. OR1N S. MERRILL COMPANY. 1217-121.' City National Bank Bldg. Arkansas Lands. JULY 1ND. Our eett excursion to McOehee, Ark W 8 FRANK. 901 NEVILLE BLK. Coloiado Lands. 2,800 Acres Tn Lincoln county, Colo.; rich eorn, wheat and alfalfa nlad; In the rain belt and in the shallow water district; no crop failures In this locality; good, hard land: Muck soil with clay subsoil, Prices from $7.60 to $10 per acre. Eaey terms, Nnn-reslilent owner says sell Immediately, Thla Is the cheapest land left In eastern Colorado, White & Hoover 464 Omaha National Bank Bldg. COLORADO LANDS. I own and control 26,000 acres In Chey enne and Lincoln counties, Colorado, Hers vre some of my special, bargains: Mi sections .,,$11.60 per acre 1.280 acres , 10.00 per acre 1,260 acres 11.00 per acre 2,660 acres 16.00 per acre These lands are all 100 per cent tillable, situated In Cheyenne county! terms, 1-1 cash, balance I annual payment at $ per cent v W. J. MOREHART, Manksto. Minn. COLORADO. A fine low mountain ranoh, 1,(14 aores, private Irrigation system for 700 aorea, Including 400 acres alfalfa and bottom land hay; will cut 800 tons hay each year) excellent Improvements, fenced and cross fenced, plenty of rain for grass and sum. raer crops; priced for quick sales at $16 per acre; one-half back at I per cent. Silver State Realty Co., Fowler. Colo. YUMA CO,, COLO. N, E. 7-6s-4Sw. Oood soil, lays well, good neighborhood. Price $2,400, of which $1,100 can be carried I years at 1 per cent; no trades. . R. M. Cauthorn, 102 Bchweltrer Bldg., Wichita, Kan. Iowa Lands. THIS 120 ACRE FARM at $110, 10 miles of Council Bluffs, seems to us a good buy, 'Tig on a good road, near railroad station and small town. Has about 10 acres' valley land, rood house and barn and orchard. An ex ceptionally pleasant, homelike location. We doubt If there Is a better place for ths price near either city. See us about It McOee Real Estate Co., 101 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE Eighty acres, Adams county, Iowa land, four miles from railroad. Im proved. Address F. R. Davison. Pin Bluffa Wyo. FOR 8 ALE Oood Improved farm adjoining Onawa, la All under cultivation. Writ C, P O. Box 644, Onawa. la. KIT CARSON lam. A good quarter near Solbert, Kit Carson Co. Will sell cheap with terms. Clauson Bros., Klron, la. Minnesota Lands. WK have Improved farms at $35 to $60 per acre. Black loam soil, clay subsoil, prairie land. Soma special bargain In un improved prairie land. Easy terms. Sure crop country. Write for list Em pire Farms company, Thief River Falls. Minn. Missouri Lands. Farms for Sale In Bates County, Mo. Our crops ars extra heavy, some wheat making 50 bushels per acre. Other crops good; 100 acres H mil of R. R. town and school and church; a very smooth, tract of land, with good Improvements and plenty of good water; no waste land; priced, $22,000; half cash, balance asven ' years' time at 1 per cent It desired. I havs other farms and some large stock and 'grain ranches; and some 40-acrs tracts, all Improved and all bargains. See or write Hendrlckson, th Land Man, Adrfan, Mo. UZARK 70-acre farm, close to town and beautiful Oaaconade river. All fenced. Three room cottage, good barn, fruit trees. Three springs. $1,260; only $500 cash, bal ance 10 years at $ par cent. Edmund Hteckel, Richland Mo. Turkey Ridge Farm. URUAT BARGAINS $5 down, $5 monthly buys 40 aores, good fruit and poultry land, noar town, southern Missouri, Price only $230. Address Box 382, Springfield, Mo. Montana Lands. MONTANA RANCH 4,000-acre stock proposition, located near Billings, Mont, and right close to the railroad; haa stone bouse, barns, corralls, branding chutes, and full equipment for ranch. Price, $11.60 per acre. There srs also between 100 and 600 head of cattle and 1 registered Hereford bulls, saddle horses and full equipment that can also be bought with the place It desired on very easy terms. C. K. DAVIES, Kearney, Neb. Nebraska Lands. NORTH LOUP RIVER RANCH 2,250 ACRES This ranch Is crossed by the North l.oup river, 1,000 acres being grain, hay nnd alfalfa land; good buildings; S-room house, new- barn . being built, costing $2,500; granaries, cribs, hog houses and all buildings necessary for a well equipped runch. Fenced and cross-fenced; $9,000 worth of improvements; cuts 500 tons of hay and alfalfa; thousands of bushels of corn raised last year; 70 acres of rye and small grain. Land grows excellent tim othy and clover. Upland not rough and well grassed. Price. $16.50 per cre. For s.ile on most reasonable terms to respon sible party. This Is a bargain. Stock can ba bought with the place. ' , WHITER HOOVER; 454 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. Washington County 160 Acres Improved . ; i i' Thebest In Washington rr 'nty, 11 acres pas tore, 5 acres alfalfa, Ik. nnce in high statt of cultivation, small orchard. Improve menta, t-rm. houae, barn for 1 head horses, cement floored corn crib and gran ary, 1 cattle sheds, chicken coop, pump houae and garage, 600 rods of 14-lnrh 5 woven hog fencing, $ miles of Calhoun or. . Bennington. Cheyenne County Nebraska 160 Acres ' " $ miles east of Sidney, I miles south of Colton on ths Lincoln highway; 7-rm. house, barn for 1 head of horses; granary; buggy shed; chicken house; well, wind mill and variety of young fruit- trees; IS acres rys; 10 acres wheat: 40 aores eorn; & acres oats; 1 aores alfalfa. All land ran be cultivated except 19 acres. Price $6,400, halt cash, balance I years, per cent i O'Keefe Real Estate Co.,. :: s Realtors 1011 Omaha National Bank Building - Douglas 9716 Tiliio ACRES, of which 1,000 aores Is level, and 100 acres broke, all suitable for at talfa; 11 miles from good town. Improvements One 10-roora rams houae; 1 barn, 18x1$, hay loft; 1 shop or garage, 16x24 ft.; 1 hen house, llxll ft; place all fenced and oroas-f eneed ; 1 house, unfinished Inside, 16x24 ft; barn, 38x51; t good windmill and well on place. Thla place carries $10,601 at I per cent, due In four years; can give time on part of the purchase price. I wont boost thla Place, It will sell Itself at $11 an acre. Here are two places In one If yon want It, Box T, Mullen, Nebraska. FOR SALU 460 aores Cheyenne Co. farm, 1 miles from Potter, Neb.; nearly all level, 250 acres under plow, 25 acres alfalfa, balance pasture and meadow; good I room house, barn, 28x40. with hay car rier; granary, 14x24; chicken house ana other outbuildings, welt and windmill; buildings all new; fenced and cross fenced, good soil and an Ideal location; bumper crop; reason for selling, wife' health. For particulars writ owner, F. O. Box 111, Potter, Neb. MERRICK COUNTY FARM. 160 aorea located t miles from Central City, one.half mile to a good school, aH good black loam soil, .lies perfect, not a foot of waste, all fine alfalfa land. Tht place ha Juat a fair set of improvement not In the beat of repair. Price, $136 per acre, with part terms. Will consider a good Omaha residence as part payment What have youT Write or sea M. A. FOR SALE 480 acre Buffalo county farm, to eettle an eslato; 130 acre pastures IS , alfalfas 19 of wild bay meadow, balance . farm land. Land rolling with heavy clay ', subsoil. Fenced and eroaa-f enced ; 1 good ' well and windmolls; 7-room bouse; barn ,'. 40x41; other outbuilding: I miles from ''; '. railroad town; mall and telephone; sold . .' subjsot to lease; possession March is price 141 per aore. half caahs terms on balance. P O Box 116. Kearney, Neb - WRITE me for pictures and price my farm and ranvhe In good Old Dawe County. . Aran L. Hungerford. Crawford, Neb. WW specialise In selling Nebraska ranches. , White 4k Hoover, 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg, 160 ACRES Improved, oloeeln, paved roa' Nllson. 421 tleourltle Bldg. - . RANCH 8 of all slses and fclnda, -- ' termi A K Pariman, mi Krtori Blk. 1 940 ACRES of good land In Brown county, quick sale, easy terms. Box T 601, Bee. Wyoming Land " THOSH enlisting In U. S. service time ap plies on homestead. Booklet Duff, Cas per, Wyo. WHEATLAND Wyoming farm. 150 per a., , Including paid-up water rlghta Henry Levi c M Rylandrr. 154 mahe Nat'l. FOR SALE 160 acres of Wyoming oil land, 11$ per acre. Will exchange. 121 City Nat'l Bank, Miscellaneous. 278 Money-Making Acres, $4,400; 13 Cows, Pair Good Horses and I heifers, 1 bull, 4 calves, hogs, wagon. harness, machinery, ete.; mile to saw- ; mill, I Si miles to railroad town; esti mated 75,000 ft. timber, 100 cords pulp wood, 4,000 cords wood; productive loamy tillage for dim, potato all crop cut ting 60 ton hay; wlre-fenoed; 40-eow pasture; 100 apple trees; good stock barn; new horse barn, l-room house, etc.; $4,400 ' take all, small cash payments'- detail page I, Strout's catalogue of this un surpassed bargain and other, many with took, tool, crop Included. On page 14 details 40-acr poultry and one-man farm, with horses, sow, chickens, hogs, farm tools and erops for 11,004, to set tle estate, part oash. Catalogue mailed free. B. A. Strout Farm Agsnoy, Sept Q7l, 106 8. 18th Bt, Omaha, Neb. FRED INFORMATION ON FARM LAND8 INVESTIGATED BY OUR LAND EX- ; PERTS IN MANY STATES. WRITE CATHOLIC COLONIZATION SOCIETY, TJ. 8, A.- ASHLAND BLOCK. CHICAGO. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS Don't list your WANTED. farm with as tf yoa want to keep It B. P. 8NOWDEN A SON. Dougls 91T1. 510 Blertrlo Bldg AUTOMOBILES RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; largo stock used radiator on hand Mashtd fender and kmp repaired 5 v . like new. . New stock of Ford honey oomb radia tors on hand. ,. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRB WORKS. lilt Cumins St : Omaha. Nsb. ' LISTEN W j will save you 60 per cent on , your tire bill. Trade your old tire tor new one. Tube vulcanized S cent cas ing 60 cent up. Rebuilt 1 la 1 casing for sale, II up. O. & machine for sale. U. S. Vulcanlier Co., Branch 16. 120 8. Iltb St.. Omaha FOR SALE Auburn aeven-pasaenger, 1917 model; driven 10,000 miles; Just painted and overhauled; four new tire on re serve; can be seen at Downtown garage, ' 13th and Harney streets, - Make offer. Best one takea It ' FOR SALE On account of draft the Cum ing garage. This garage Is In a. fine lo cation - and doing a rushing business. Owner of building will enlarge and give ' a long lease. Cuming Garage. 2411 Cum ing St. FORDS exchanged, bought and sold; we re- build your Ford with a Kelsey streamline body like new; cars sold for cash or time payment Sol 8. Goldatrom. 1867 Farnam St. Harney 4646; agents wsnted. . FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell . chummy roadpier. high speed and power. j Will accept Ford In Al condition as part payment , A bargain. ' B. E. Frank, Route 4. 7 6 A, Benson. Neb BAROAINS IN USED CARS All make. With and without starters. It to Tick from. Phone D. 1241 or call at 1514 Davenport , -' BOYLAN AUTO CO.. 1918 OLDSMOBILE StX, . ' Only 30 days old, coat It 440; will sell for $1,000 cash today.. Phona Mr.' Scrlpps, Douglaa 4484 or Harney Jlt.- 1 , - t WILL TAKE FORD or other light car as . park payment on good 5-room house, eloeo In, Co. Bluffs. Easy payments. - "D" Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. NT.W Maxwell cars, 1914 models, for sale. $300 cash, balance monthly payments aa desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 6082, Bee. : . - ; '.. FOR BALE Chevrolet 490; touring, first' class 'condition. Call Flint 119 Nort Twenty-eighth avenue or phone H. 1711. is 4 l". f 9 r"." 1.4