Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1918, Page 11, Image 11
11 A -Just Lik All ttar Advertising "MP WANTE" Afe ProduoBlesults-llR Prop'iFtinL t fcte AttrastiTCB3i I tlh py. A Little WMt Spas Ararat Ymip Ad HIakes Ht Ctmmand Attention. CALL TYLER 1000 NOW :-: :-: .J ..A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 30, 1918. Want Ad Rates iCub With Order ) JUo per word each Insertion Is par word for three consecutive insertions Jo per word tor each additional inaertlon No ad taken for leaa than a total of 30c . or leu than lOo par day CHARGE. la par Una (count worda to Una) ont tiro la ft Una each time, I eoneeoutlve tlmea To par Uoa each time. 10 coneecutiv tlmea SITUATION WANTED. ISO pat Una .pOT k CARDS OF THANKS AND ICNERAL NOTICES. . t0 par Una ...each Insertion (Minimum Charge. aO'Centa.l CoDtrart Ratea On Application. Por-convenience of advertlaera want ada will be accepted at the following offlcea: MAIN OFFICE) Ree Building Amea Office .-4110 North 4th Bt Lake Office 1 North 14th St Vinton Office 3467 8utB ,,,n 81 Park Office 2616 Leavenworth 8t Walnut Office 81 North l 40tb St. South Side ........ . "la St. Houncll Bluff 1 Main St.. North THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertlae ment ordered for more than one time. Dae THE TELEPHONE It you cannot eon renlently bring or aend your ada to any of the above offlcaa. Aak for a Want Ad Taker and you will receive the same good ervtc aa whan delivering your ad In person. pnofB xt1jEB i.nno. Want Ad Columna Close Evening Edltlona o Morning Edltlona i,:00-P . : Bundav Editions ID P M Saturday Evening DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICE. , -,t n i . r.- aci unumn fimoti. Indea No. 14, 'IjUAEia wr kuw " . , Degree of Honor, members are requested to attend the funeral ot Sister Boffle Bros lus, June SO, at 1:30 p. m., at Hulse & Rtppen Temple, 701 a 16th St. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery Gertie Hansen, chief of honor: Jennie 8. Hicks, recorder. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. UNDERTAKERS and licensed en.jlamere; also private ambulanee. Call Webster 47. WUIH C. Crosby. 8511 N. 24th St JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and emtalmer. 411 Farnam St Harney 393. HULSB RIEPEN, undertakera and em- talmera. 701 B. 18th uougiaa STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakera, 83d A Far. H. 400. S T DODDER CO.. Funeral Directors. F L. Fer Mgr.. Sid and Cuming Sta. Phone Douglss $77. Auto ambulance. "unTfUlNN TTTTNERAL HOME. Hoffmann quality aervlce, costs less. J4th and Dodge, Douglas 9901. FLORISTS. tontenella LEE L. LARMON '" ' D4U 1814 Douglaa t " A:.DONAGSUE Est. 1864. 1681 HARNEY. irinwara shlDoed everywhere. Exp. prepaid. S"a Direg PT.T.WER SHOP 4118. lt. D. $102. ROGERS Florist. 8U 8. 16th. D. 1400. BATH Careful Florist. 1804 Farnam St T, n.riniMi 1619 Farnam. D 1258. MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offers aympathetlc aervlce In . sudden sorrow; " erpetual care: no aasess ments: lota on easy terms. Phone Wal. 880. TllB largest display of monuments In the United States FRANK SVOBODA 1216 ti 8. IStbl- Phonea Douglaa 1872-6216. MAKRIAGE LICENSES. Name and address. Age. Henry H. Albright, Omaha J2 Clara Holub, Omaha " Ma Zoeller. Omaha over 21 Inger Hansen, Omaha .......over 18 Wsyns S. Halbrook, Omaha 24 Gladys M.'' Jones, Omaha. . , Samuel B. Woolheater, Tekamah, Neb... 28 Tena Jensen, Omaha " John Amato, Omaha JJ Allot BandeL Omaha 23 William Shepherd, Rulo, Neb. 25 Inea Mary Mocroft, pmaha 24 BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births John and Hope Newell, Platts mouth. Neb., girl; George and Mabel Christopher, 2960 Harris street, boy; Ed mund and Edith Loostrom, Gothenberg, Neb.; girl; Merlll and Merma Scott, 2208 Couth Eleventh street, girl; Roy and Hazel Gates, 1623 Grant otreot, boy; Edward andVeronika Switala.,2910 South Twenty alxth street, girl; G. .V aid Eleanor Caughlln. 4974 Cass street, girl; Frank and Francis Skoken, 2017 Leavenworth street, girl: Sandford and Mary Gilford, 4 Benbow Courts boy; Theodore and Theodora Stol Inskl, 2206 South Twenty-ninth street, twin boys; James and Bessie Oowan, 3457 South Fifteenth atreet, boy; Salvatore and Luola Trola. 2749 South Twelfth street, girl.. Deaths Mrs. 8arah Schellinger, 2306 South Twenty-first street, 41 years; Mrs. Emma Dresser, 2721 Charles street, 71 year; John Stone, 2306 North Twenty-third, 63 years; Unknown, about 40 years; Mrs. Viola, Walker, 623 South Twentieth, 45 years; Nicholas Galboro, Chicago street, 30 atreet, age 13 years; Mary Black. Sixtieth and Bedford streets, aga 1 month. BUILDING PERMITS. Mrs. Jessie Deltman, 2664 Marcy atreet, frame shed. ( SPECIAL NOTICES farllT Di D1V vkn wltnPMSed the BUtOIQO n luu ... . v . , , - bile accident at 29th and Jackson Mon ay p. m., June S, 1918, and offered ser ' ylcea to the Injured, kindly get In com munication at once with B. E. Huntley. Grain Exchange Phone Harney nu.i ATTORNEY S. F. NEBLE, Jr.. has located at 607 First National Bank Bldg. Tyler 1275. . LOST-FOUND-REWARDS " OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CtiMrAWX Persons having lost some article would v Tell to ct.ll up the office of the Omaha & Ci.ono" Bluffs Street Railway company t. ascertain whether tbey left It In the street car. ;. Many artlclea each day are turned ir, and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners LOST Black and white dob', wearing tol- lar with Omaha tax tng No.' 445; a liberal reward will be given for return or . information. Tel. Walnut 2794. 6007 Davenport St. ' T VOU lese anything and will advertise It her you will surely recover it If ouu i by an honest person. If you find any thing of value the hnrest way la to ad vertise for the owner Will party who picked up purse in Brandeis rest room on Monday return bank book, 1 receipts, Bilver ring and purse at least? Reward. 3201 Lincoln boulevard. Harntv LOST A little Splta dog between 28th and 10th on Cuming. Thursday afternoon. ' Answers to name of 'Liberty." Reward. Call Harney pain. LOST Between Malvern and Glenwood, black grfp containing clothea and papers. Finder please notify Kelly Springfield . n I . . 'lire Va-t umana. newaiu iu mm,. LOST Open face gold watch; XV. L. J. mon ogram on back; gold coin fob; reward; "turn 1227vClty National Bank Bldg. LOSTOpen Vface gold watch. W. L. J. monogram on back gold coin fob. Return, . .... . .. .... I 1 rinu T!1.!.. rewaru. ui ,tiy naiwiBi .."o- m sen. A . . h iMtwpan Twenty . 3jjax " ' 1 . - eighth and Chicago and Twenty-seventh and Webster, xtewara. narngy o LOST gold scarf pin crescent with diamond. Return to C. M. Robinson, Byrne & Hammer. Reward. ' - LOST Lady's fan-shaped diamond pin, down town Friday. Reward. Call Wal nut 2468 fnsr Tn Rlnlto Pearl and gold handled umbrella. Initial "R" on handle. Re r ward. Call Harney 228. ; JnCT Y.Iv'h niirun pontnininff chanii and baby's locket. Baward. tor return. Call IS For Sale Miscellaneoeus FRESH country buttermilk: butter; best of cream; atrlctly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone South 216 or Tyler 629. Wagner's. Bottles. ' ROOTBEER bottles patent etoppere and others Nat Steinberg. 101 Har D 6166 Furniture and Household Goods. JULY CLEARANCE SALE 20 BARGAINS In used sewing machines Sing ers, Whites, New Homes, Domes tics, Wheeler-Wilsons. All Good Standard Makes. Everyone Perfect All Have Attachments If you need a machine here is your chance to buy a real bargain. READ THIS LIST CAREFULLY: Singer . . Domestic White .. $ 5.00 S.S0 7.00 15.00 Singer, a nice drophead. only Singer, another nice one, it's perfect 17.50 Singer,' a drophead, think of it, only 1175 New Royal, a real $30 value, for ... 16.50 Wheeler-Wilson, here's a dandy, only 15.00 Wheeler-Wilson, another fine drophead 20.00 Davis, a pretty case, a fine sewer, only 19.00 Free, good as new, a $45 ma chine for 25.00 White, drophead, ball-bearing. '15 00 White, a $58 Rotary, good as new, it goes for 34.00 Singer, a very nice one, for.. 16.00 White, a ball-bearing one, it goes for 19.50 New Home, a dandy, for .... 15.00 Domestic, dark oak, beautiful case, only 19.50 Seamstress, here is a nice one and only .' 14.00 Occidental, a reliable drop head, for 15.00 White style, 75s, been used but a few days, good as new; it goes for 29.50 A written guarantee with each machine. Extra Needles, Ribbons, etc. Free instructions. 100 White machines for rent. We repair all makes. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney 1 Doug. 1973. FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE includes a large stock of late designs, all sizes, In high grade rugs. The greatest rug bar gains ever ottered in the middle west. Extraordinary reductions on all furniture and house furnishings. Never were gas stoves, dressers, extension tables, rockers or ice boxes sold eo cheap. Come early for the cream of bargains. We make a specialty of complete home outfits, also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad fare free to out-of-town buyers within 60 miles of Omaha on purchases of $20.00 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., T. Doug. 1317. Cor 14th and Dodge Sts. FURNITURE & HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, chif foniers, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, trunks and .ult caBes. gas stoves and Ice boxea, full lino -creen wire, poultry netting, garden tools. 1839-47 North 24tb St TeL Web. 1607. Open till 9 p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full Use of furniture, gas and coal on atovea, gs. baby cairiages, trunks, etc Loyal furn. Co.. 223 N. 16th IU8EHOLD goods and piano for sale, rea sonable. Harney 1810. 624 S. 37U1 Bt. 'OR SALE Bedroom furniture and desk at 110 S. 34th St. Call mornings. OFT coal comfort heater and rug; good condition. Colfax 3291. FOR SALE CHEAP A collapsible baby carriage. Walnut 286. ' GOOD second-hand cook, stove tor sale cheap. Walnut 3948. FOR SALE Household furniture ot a 6 room bungalow, 4913 Davenport. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE have several Vlctrolas that we took In on tradY" for sale; In good condition-. Rouse Phonograph Tarlors. Cor. 20tb and Farnam Sts. WE TUNE, repair, refinish and move ptanoa; all work absolutely guaranteed. Phone orders. Douglas 188 A. Hospe Co., 1513 ' Douglaa St, ' A. HOSPE CO., 1613 Douglas, have pianos to rent at 33.60 per month, or will sell on easy terms WILL pay cash or trade for any piano of atandard make. A. Hospe Co.. U13 Doug las St Machinery and Engines. 20x50 Thresning machine in good condition for sale or trade. Geo. XV. Collins. Cres cent, Iowa. FOR SALE Four-cylinder 62-horsepower Twin City engine, burns kerosene. Used leas than 80 days. Box 4736, Omaha Bee. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 3 montha for 15 Central Typewriter Exchange. 1905 Farnam. TWO new No. L. C. Smith typewriters used but a few months, for sale cheap. Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge. WE buy. eell or exchange typewr"era: guar typewriters 110 and up Writ for list Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 D.dge Boat, Yachts, tc TAKE A RIDE ON THE LAKE Cedar boat, with I pairs oars, (all and rudder for sale; price $40. This boat is In good condition and would cost, new, 1150. Owner too busy to use It hence this sacrifice. Call WaL 2044, or aea J. H. DUMONT & CO., Phone D. 890 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and part of all sewing machines MICK EL' NEBRASKA CXCLE CO.. 15th and Barney Et Doug. 1681. on i M For Sale Miscellaneoeus Store and Office Fixtures IV K buy, sell and make desks, antes, ahow caaes. shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Sup ply Co.. 11th and Douglas D 2754 Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathera sieamtd. renovated and made up In new feather proof -Icklng 1907 Cumin Doug 2487 FOR SALE Gentleman's dress suit. Will sell reasonable. Owner going to war. 2107 p-ouglas St.. Tel. Doug. 8105. CHERRIES and currants at Ibra'a fruit farm. wJnJJ.J 1 FORsTlE Indian windmill. 35-foot tow er. Very cheap. Harney 1742. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all alxea and etylee; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 800-308 Brown Bldg. Phnne Doug. 1938. HEljSTITCllINa. PLEATING. BUTTONS G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co.. 8J8-7 Paxton Block. Phono Doug 8109. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PQRCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tenta and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNING CO. Billiard Parlor. PRIVATE tables for parties at Holmes'. THE ONLY WAY Si THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANT will haul everything for you. Packages less than 20 lbs., 15 cents. Douglas 7463. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sta., Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings Chiropractors. SPINOGRAPH. Dr. Edwards, 24tb A Far. J C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D 8461. Costumes. FULL dreas suits for rent. 109 N. 16th St., opposite Postofflce. John Feldman, Doug las 3128. Detectives. J4.MES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evldeno aecured In all cases Tyler 1136. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dressmaking Dong. 6398. Dentists. D- Bradbury No pain. 221 W O. W. Bldg Tft's Dent. Rms.. 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2186. Film Developing. FLMu developed: rolls, 10c: packs. 16c; jne-day service. Kase Studio. Neville Blk.. 16th and Harney Fixtures and Wiring. TT TTJ TTT Electrio washing machines, txvAxiii electric Irons and reading lamrs 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 2619. Live Stock Hauling. WE will haul your live stork. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 220 Farnam St. Telephone Doug. 2508. Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC sharpeners; called for and de livered; used lawnmowers for sale. Shop at Maxotlre Staflon, 2910 Leavenworth. Harney 1608. Jewelry. DIAMONDSregrW 22 at small profit. GROSS. 402 N. 16th Bt Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON. 614 Brandeis Bldg. T. 2960. Rea 4741, Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold Inter national Patent Co.. 688 Brandeis. D 6691. STURGES & STUROE3, U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. 830 Bee Bldg. Piping. ALL kinds of piping done, stoves connect ed and adjusted; prompt service. Web. star 1782 or Webster 6847. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUG CLEANERS. Sclentlflo Olive Oil Washing Persian Rug Cleaning Co.. 3267 'Farnam. H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlglit Safe Co. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co., 624 8. 13th St Tailors. Dledrlck. P, L., 216 8. 20th. Tailor. P. 2482. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experts. The W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney Bt. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing Douglas Printing Co.. Tel Douglaa WANTED TO BUY TT?TTTTQ naa Just returned and jrjiNIYllMO wtu give you the aame good service that he gave tn the past. Help win the war. Sell your old clothes, shoes. rugs, tools, trunks and buy W. S. S. Will oall. Res. D. 8032. Office, 2636. BE PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE SAM. SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE MB A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONE DOUG 143 1212 DOUGLAS ST . DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6148. PRIVATE party wants to buy second silk shirts, size 15 Vi. Also other wearing ap parel. Shoes, size 8. Wanted for In dividual use. Good prices paid. 9947, Bee. WANTED to buy an oak wall case, 12 or 14 ft. long in good condition. T. H. Pol lock, Plattsmouth, Neb". WE PAY YOU HIGHEST PRICES FOR CLOTHES. CALL US FIRST. DOUG. 6914. CASH paid for diamonds, estate appraiaed. Reese Jewelry Co.. 408 S 16th BUSINESS CHANCES DID YOU KNOW that 157.40 yearly on every 8100 Invested has been received by stockholders In a large steel and wire Industry for the laat five years and that thla company had paid dividends continuously for 20 years? HOW WOULD YOU LIKE to find an Investment, as safe as a first mortgage, that has tbla record, and whose future looks still better? Address Almont and Shroyer, 608 8. Dearborn St., Chicago. INVESTING for profit; free tor six .months; tt Is worth 10 a copy to anyone Intending to Invest money who ha,s Invested unprof ltably, or who ran aave $5 or mora per month, but who hasn't learned the art of Investing for profit. It explains how large fortunes are made; how tl.OOO grows to 122,000. To Introduce my magazine I'll send It six months absolutely tree. Write me now. H. L. Barber, Pub., 664 22 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. " BARGAIN Account Junior member firm In present draft will sell at actual cost, only steam laundry in good county seat city of nearly 6,000 on main Una C R. I. A P. In Iowa, Dolrig good business. Half cash, balance good terms. Address Box Y '00. Omaha Bee ' PICTURE ahow In town of 800 people for . sale or trade for house In Omaha not ex ceeding 84,000, Price 11,860. Address Box T603, Omaha, Bast BUSINESS CHANCES WE BUY AND SELL STOCKS AND BONDS WE WILL BUY SUBJECT: Hankers Mortgage Loan Co., Omaha. Phllllpps Coal Co., Ottumwa, la. Security Realty Investment Co., Lin coin, Neb. American Barley Elgin Motors Leviathan Mines Norwegian-American Mines Mutual Iron PerffCtlon Tire and Rubber Western Coal and Coke Bankers Merchants Fire Ins Zenith Companies If you have any stocks to dispose of or wish to buy write us. Send for our stock market letter, also our pool-cora blnatlon plan. MURPHY A COMPANY Investment Securities 401 Andrus Building Mtnneapolla, Minn. r PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY. BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE. Semi sketch or model for search. Illgliext references. Best results. Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman . lawyjer Pailflo Bldg. Washington. D. C. SHOE SHOP FOR 8ALE. One of the bent paying shoe shops for sale with Landls No. 12 outfit, also small stuck of shoes. This shop has never been for sale before, will give prospective buyer reason for selling. Royal Hhoa Shop. Rnulder Colo BUY A HOG. Send for free booklet that tells how you can actually own a hog, have It cared for and still make 20 per cent annually. Address .Mldwtst Hog Co.. 607 Denham Bldg., Denver, Colo. MfU'SPAPKR In town of 600 Is for sale because owner Is called Into service. Cash or on easy terms. Plant doing good busi ness and must make some disposition soon as will probably be called about July 23. C. L. Hartley, Bennet, Neb. FOR SALE A well established sheet metal works of 20 years; machines, tools and stock will Invoice about 81,000; reason, death of owner. For Information address F. E. Smith, 608 East Ninth atreet. Fre mont. Neb. FINE BUSINESS PROPOSITION. I want to rent my store building and 6 living rooms overhead at South Omaha. A-No. 1 location. Bohemian settlement. Will 'fix up to suit and put in aoma cash to stake the right party. Addreaa Andrew Warner, Fremont, Neb. FOR SALE 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Laundry fully egulpped, lot, brick building and machinery all complete, on none of the main streets. Oreenshlelds A Everest, 651 West Broadway, Counoll iiiurrs, la. OMAHA restaurant, completely equipped large, well established; good location, costing 116,000.. Business reasons; offered 86,000 cash on property. Box 6351 Omaha Bee. SELL proven truck, tractor and auto ne cesstty for $18. Your profit 17.74 each - sale; exclusive agencies open. Write or wire. National Equipment Co., Racine and Adams Sts., Chicago. SUGAR, Its production, consumption, source of supply, cost ot manufacture and the value of sugar stock, all told In a 24-page - booklet that Is free for tha asking by ad- "- dressing W. B. Secrest, Malad City, Ida. UNUSUAL opportunity for men to rid them selves ot prostatic disorders; sea our aa vertlsement under Personal In theaa col umns. The Electrothermal Co., Bradford Bldg., Steubenvllle, Ohio. WANTED Man with capital to Join me In developing 6,000 to 10,000 acres good New Jersey land, midway between New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City, near bay and ocean. W H. Spangler, Barnegat, N. J. FOR SALE OR TRADE New, clean 110,000 stock general merchandise stock, eastern Nebraska. Good reason. Address Box Y 680, Omaha Bee. UOOr$ paying drug store. Cor. 16th and Davenport; new fixtures and fountain, well assorted stock, excellent location. Will sell at Invoice. See us at once. FOR SALE Cafe with aoft drinks, lea cream and confectionery in connection. JJOinf fine business. Good reason for selling. Belmont cafe, Columbus, Neb. FOR SALE First class meat market In town of 1.500; all fixtures new and aenl tary. Reason for selling will be drafted soon O. F. Courtney, Randolph. Neb, GOOD restaurant, doing good business. Cheap for cash. Inquire of owner 1610 Capitol Ave ANY business relating to Canada solicited; lands tared for, leased, sold, exchanged, cropped. Frank Crawford, Omaha and Rosetown, Sask. FOR SALE Grocery and meat market . . . . . .- - . T , Q.U UOOa location, jrari cuu lng on account of sickness. 4657 8o. 88th St., South side FOR SALE Harness business In best farm ing country in Nebraska. umy snop in town. Write to joe jenm, mage roia. nu. MUST SELL Uarage doing good business In McClelland, la. Reason for selling, draft ed. Crom & Towzer, Mcuienana, la. HOTEL FOR SALE 29 furnished rooms. modern, three raliroaas, oniy noiei. uk Box C, Clifton, Kan BAKERY Confectlanery, etc., for sale. Nets $226 month. W. Christiansen. Mln- den. Neb GUARANTY locate you; any Una bualneaa; any state. Guarantee sell your business. V V Knleat. nee mng.. tmmim. nr ANY ONE or two parties with capital wishing to start a good money-making business SEE MB. mqx PARTNER wanted In good business, $6,000 required R. B. LeRoy. Fort Dodge, la. STORE for sale; rent $9. Good business. T. V Knlest. Bee Hldg.. umana. m. tOWN TOWN Drug Store, about 814,000 proposition. Box 97 umana cm. GROCERY and confectionery storo at 2412 Lake street. Call weparer diii Rooming Houses for Sale. GOOD paying, well furnished rooming house; elegant home facilities; muat leave city; how much do you bid? Call Douglaa 8180, SITUATIONS WANTED Male. HIGH SCHOOL graduate, age 26, married and In class I of draft on account of deafness wants position as bookkeeper or accountant. Have had 6 yeara' ex perience in Omaha banks and can furnish A-l references aa to ability. Box 9944, Omaha Bee. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Or tracer wants position In or out of Omaha Box 9550, Bee. RELIABLE MANUFACTURER OF HIGH- GRADE SPECIALTY OF MERIT SEEKS FOR LOCAL AND NEARBY TERRI TORY. ADDRESS BOX Y 606. OMAHA BEE. 35 YEARS house painting, etc. Interior finishing and graining specialty. Refer ences. Address W. H. Earn 1st, care Mil lard Hotel PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company. 2701 Leavenworth St Harney 6012. . ELDERLY business man who appreclalea congenial home for light services, spar time. Box 9768 Omaha Bee. BOOKKEEPING, statements, pay rolls, re mittances, satisfactory service, reasonable prices. Phona Harney 1024. SOME plumber! Your sanitary servant Ha's Hooverlzed. Call Colfax 2772. LAWNS mowed. Floora polished. Douglas 9467. Delaney. EXPERIENCED carpenter want work. Pouglaa 8149. SITUATION WANTED Female. HOUSEKEEPER or ranch woman with child; good cook; good home and wages. At once, anywhere. Helen Smith, general delivery. Station N, Cincinnati, O. SITUATION WANTED By culddle aged widow as housekeeper tn widower's home. No children. Box 4717. Bee. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position as com panion or attendant to Invalid. Phone Douglaa 8269. PRACTICAL nursing and rases wanted by experienced nurse. Douglaa 8451, EXPERIENCED white lady wants day work. Reference. 82 day. Doug. 6071 WOMAN wants day work: ret Web. 2321. YOUNG lady desires filing work. Col. 930. Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE WOMAN wants bundle washing at home. Web. 6230. EXP laundress, bundlea called for and de livered Webster 6322. BUNDLES carefully laundered Call and deliver. Web. 4283. WANTED Washing and Ironing 2 or 3 days a week. Web. 4S21. FAMILY washings called for and delivered. Call Colfax 1098. BUNDLE WASHING, rough dry and finish ed. Red 6673. DAY work, good ret. Mary Carter, Web. 3733. LAUNDRESS, washing by tha hour. 3017. Web NEAT col. lady wants day work. Har. 4709. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 688. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130 DAY work by colored lady, Weater 8980. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web". 2068. 1ST claaa col, laundresa with ref. Doug. 8713, GIRL wishes day work Webster 2327 BUNDLE washing, laoa ourtalna. Wab. 1727. WANT work yb tha day South 1613 Day work and bundle washing. Web. 1086. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. SOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" tha same way yov advertise to tell merchandise, and tha difference In returns will surprise you. Tha next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you tn preparing your advertisement. BOOKKEEPER and offlcs manager, small wholesale business, H2i; city salesman, good line, $150; bill clerk. Implement ex perience, $100; railroad clerk, freight ex perience, mfg. firm, $100; shipping clerk, 875; stenographer, $126; traveling sales man, staple commodity, $100; retail. gen eral merchandise man to work Into por altlon as manager, $100. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., Orlglnatora of the Reference Business, 736 First National Bank Building. Traffic man, $125 to $160; bookkeeper, $160; bookkeeper, wholesale, $128; book keeper, retail, $126; office clerk 8110; bookkeeper, $100; shipping clerk, 8lp0; asst. shipping clerk, $90; warehouse man, $80; bookkeeper, out of town, $76 to $100; atock clerk $65 to 875; bookkeep er $85; office clerks, $I00-$90-$85-75-$66. WATTS REP. CO,, 1138 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg WANTED AT ONCE. Automobile parts stock man and shipping clerk, one with experience preferred. Apply In person. JONES-OPPER CO.. 2043 Farnam St. WANTED Capable accountant able to taka charge ot accounting tor cnain re tall atorea. Must be reliable, energetio. state salary exnected. Give references. Out ot city position. Haddorf Music House. CREDIT MAN, $90-8110; bkkpr, $100; ledger clerks. $60-190; billing cierns, sid-swu; draftaman, $100; aaleaman, $100 and com.; atenoa, 78-$100. ONLY 80 CENTS TO REGISTER. THH MARTI COMPANY, 1116 w. u. w. umg ASSISTANT bookkeeper for permanent po. anion, opienaiu uyy"1 uv4,v -----ment. Telephone Douglaa 769, Monday, inquire lor ansa jyuamw. WANTED Registered and unregistered druggist: no fountain; store closes at It p. m.; off avery other night 6 p, m. Oscar Rurr company, bioux tn?, iutth. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and office man ager for manufacturing concern; state age; salary $125 per month; good chance for advancement. Box 7H, umana nee. OMAHA railway mall clerk examlnatlona coming; hundreds wanted; iu monia, sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 231 -F, Rochester, w i BOOKKEEPERS, 90-$100-$126; office clerks, $76-85-Io; snipping ciems, tv $100; atock clerk, $60. Co-Operatlva Refer ence Co., 1015 City National Hank. Professions and Trades. MECHANICS UPHOLSTERERS TOP MEN PAINTERS BODY BUILDERS AND TRIMMERS WANTED AT ONCE FORD MOTOR CO., 16TH AND CUMING. WE NEED CONDUCTORS v AND MOTORMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. MEN WANTED TO WORK IN MACARONI FACTORY APPLY MANAGER Skinner Manufacturing Co. 14TH AND JACKSON . WANTED. Warehouse foreman, one who can han dle Intelligent men and understands ship ping. Apply Sunday. CUDAHY REFINING CO WAREHOUSE. llth and Seward. WANTED Young man to work tn tbs press room. Apply te Supt. Bes Publishing Co. WANTED Experienced hotel clerk; state age and experience. Hotel Paddock, Beatrice, Neb. HELP WANTEDMALE Professions and Trade3. WANTED Five thoroughly experienced warehouse men APPLY LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. 12th and Davenport WANTED Meat outters, reliable, capable of running small shop. Call at Basket Stores Office, 108 N. tth St Call any day WANTED An experienced cabinet maker, an ex porlenced upholsterer, an experienced fin isher. For the Ralston Furniture f actory Apply ORCHARD-WILHELM CO. 414-18 South Sixteenth street WORK for mptorraen and conductors on luSpt electrio railways aoutbern California. Wagea 16a to 46a por hour, according to service. Best climate In flneat country on earth. Age limit for men In sound nhvslcal condition: experienced, 41 yeara not experienced, 36 yeara. Extra men make 390 or more per month. No atrlke. Studenta paid while breaking In. Addreaa with record. Box 43, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED EXPERIENCED FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN. TELEGRAPH OPERATORS AND RAILROAD MACHINISTS, APPLY N. C. ALLEN, SUPERINTENDENT, C. B. A Q. R. R., 1004 Farnam street, Omaha. COUNTRY PRINTER WANTED One ca pable In feeding newspaper press and job presaea and apt In aettlng ads and Joba aa directed. Modern equipment 66-hour week, IVi.rate for overtime: pay avery Saturday. Press, David City Neb. A GOOD blacksmith wanted t taka charge of a well equipped ahop and toola. Will hire by month or rent ahop and tools by tha month. Inquire at Farmers State Bank. Cortland, Neb. WANTED Body builder, one that can build all kinds of commercial bodlea, rebuild hearse bodies; $30 per week: steady job, Bardwell Auto A Carriage Works, Great Bend, Kan. WANTED Auto painter, aecond man, one that can color, varnish and rub varnish ; $20 per week) steady Job. Bardwell Auto A Carriage Works, Great Bend, Kan. FIREMEN, brakemen, baggagemen 6 hours, Experience unnecessary. 718 Ry. Bureau, r,nsi Hi. i.ohis, in. MEN Age 17 to 46, Experience unneces sary. Travel; make secret Investigations, reports. Salaries; expenses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 475, St. Louis, WANTED Blacksmith, all-round man; must bo first-class mechanic ; (It par week; ateady Job. Bardwell Auto Carriage Works, Great Bend, Kan, BAND INSTRUCTOR wanted; liberal sal ary for time occupied; good placo tor man willing to taka other employment Addreaa W. C. Welle, Bee., Fremont, Neb. MIDDLE-AGED man, without family, to live on place, tor gardening, chores and general work. All year Job. Muat have references. Apply Box 9816, Omaha Bea. WANTED An experienced battery man for Wlllard Service Station at David City. David City Battery Service Station, David City, Neb." WANTED Experienced automobile repair man. Apply aervlca department Guy L. Smith. Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets. DRUGQIST WANTED. EXPERIENCED. Permanent position. Bt . Joseph Drug Co., St Joseph, Mo. ACTIVE young man with two yeara' drug experience; $75.00 and room. Bog 1622 Missoula, Mont. WANTED A good auto repair man for garage work. A, B, Raaraussen. Walnut la. I WISH to meet a man or man and wife capable of taking full charge of apart' ment house. Bog 9886, Omaha Beo, LEARN barber trade, low ratea now. Call or writs Barber College. 1134 Douglas Bt WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart ment Box 41406 Beo WANTED Carpenters and helpers; steady work. Phona W, B. Weeks, Webstar 1793. Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCK SELLING ORGANIZATION ' WANTED i ...... To sell a block ot stock lor ad ditional working capital In a corpo ration manufacturing a newly in vented auto accessory. Sensation of tha Industry. Plant completely quipped. Tangible assets over a hundred thousand dollars. Mora than halt a million dollars - In or ders. Stock licensed tn Illinois and Wisconsin. Applications now being made for Iowa and Nebraska per mits. Liberal discount Exclusive territory. Address, Bales Manager, 831 Rees Street, Chicago, 111. SALESMAN Wa want 60 live-wire salesmen. APPLY 1(0-61.62 Brandeis Bldg. WANTED Traveling salesmen and whole sale agent, for Bone Dry Beverage and Non-alcohollo Indian Bitters. An Ideal aubatltute for whisky or brandy. Can be sold without a license and shipped anywhere. Opportunity to make big money. Every order means another. Send two dollars for quart size of each and full particulars. Sample money re funded on first sales. NORTH AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO. 161 West 3d St. St Paul, Minn. ; SALESMEN make big money placing con tracts with retail stores for tha famous Underwood A Underwood photographic news Service of United States war pic tures; window advertising; liberal1 com missions, exclusive territory. Writ. El liott Service Co., Printing Crafts Bldg., New York. ROOF CEMENT SALESMEN Large man ufacturers of Pasta and Liquid Roof Cement want experienced men only. Write for valuable Information. Unless successful In thts line, do not answer. The Warren Refining A Chemical Co., Cleveland, O. . . ' SALESMAN Representing on the toiid in jowa, and Nebraska, a popular priced line of men'a neckwear on commission basts. Address with Kaiser A Co., 341 Broadway, Hem York. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Sohcitoiv SALESMEN Sideline, free pocket sam-, pies. Patent punchless checks. Big sellni to restaurants, lunchrooms, hotels soda fountains. No competition. Also commissions on reorders. Standard Check Co., manufacturers, Transporta tion Bldg., Chicago. WANTED Salesmen and state managers.. "The Easy Bookkeeper;" adopted and rec . ommended by National Retail Druggists. Chicago Retail Druggists, Master Bakers' associations; used by all merchants; per manent; good Income. Newman Company, 6 North LaSalle St., Chicago. WE establish you In business tor yourself., ( mat snouia aoon vm paying inuuninui yearly. Exclusive territorial protection- as deserved. High-grade men only. Some;: means required, tvnie for pariicuiars., a today. Ucan Sales Corp., Woolworth Bldg., New York. SALESMEN by lacea and embroidery Im- porters work established trade In Ne- J . braska and adjoining territory; excellent , opportunity for right man with eatab . llshed trade In smaller towns. Fuld. 1140 ' Broadway, New York. . SALESMEN Exoellent permanent position .. capable aaloamen In Nebraska. Vacancy t ; July 1st; staple line for general re tall trade. Liberal commissions. $55.00 weekly advance, Rico Co., 481 Williams,'' Bldg., Detroit. , - SALESMEN to sell atook; $1,000 000 bank organising; strong directorate; commis sion; send references. Leads given; per manent place possible. Fidelity Trust Co., Hlppee Bldg., Des Moines, la SALESMEN wanted, having established general store trade, aell lacea packed In ' silent salesmen cablneta f roe, 124 per cent commission. , Cabinet Lace Works, 276 Canal St., New York. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced; , city or traveling. Free employment aer vice for Members. Send for full partiou- ; lars. Addreaa Nat'l. Balearaens Tr; Ass'n. , , Dept. 439. Chicago, - SUCCESSFUL "SALESMAN, Experienced -any line; new merchandising plan. Ex- ' cellent commission contract; $35 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 187 26 Continental Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMAN WANTED Energetic, for fast selling proposition to good merchants; en tirely new. SHEEHY CO., McClelland Bldg., Lexington, Ky. WANTED Salesmen for Roofing Paints ,. , and Cements. Experience not essential. . , Commission or Salary. Full or part ' " time. Murphy A Lango, Cleveland, O. SALESMEN for new specialty aold to drug, shoe and grocery atorea, 80 per cent com mission; aids Una, amall sample, Wil liams Co., 14 W. Ohio St., Chicago. WANTED Two experienced book and sta tionery saleamen. No road wnrk and good pay, Give references. Wrlta Bos 4719 Bee, ..... t SALESMEN Make $20-860 weekly, side Una ; l i i money, taking ordera from store for our . t neckwear. American Neokweax Co.. Palace ' ': Theater, Toledo, O. . , SALESMAN Specialty, with quality speak ing for Itself exclualve field; short runs; big percentage. Ufra. 10703 Quebee Ave., - Cleveland. SALESMEN ' and solicitors) guaranteed check protector, Quick seller. Large com- " missions. Betatla $8.76. Blair Co., Unity .; Bldg,, Chicago. , - WANTED Good live wire. Apply Duplex , Tire Co.. 1016 B. Main St.. Council Bluffa. WANTED at onoe, 10 ahoo salesmen. Plerca Shoe Co., Council Bluffs, la. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS make $600.00 per month selling Stransky'g new patented fuel vaporiser . for Ford ears. It Is nsw. It Is differ- , , . ent, It Is patented. Guaranteed to save 36 per cent to (0 per cent ot gasoline, . M kerosene can bo used with splendid re- '" suits at a saving of ovsr 60 per conta in fuel cost It day free trial. I don't . want a penny of your money until .you . , hava used It It day and art satisfied 1 It will do all I claim for tt Greatest . . money-maker on earth today. Loc,aUt - county and stats agent wanted every where. Stransky Vaporiser Co., Pok wana, B. D. ' ' - - ' ' ' - ' STOP RIGHT HERE Snappiest . money maker on market la 10 year. . Every homo having a soldier or sailor will fight to got one. Absolutely new. Bells on sight last forever. Bales guaranteed not aold In stores. Writ Immediately for complete detail and special offer to atart Don't delay bo tho first In your terri tory to make the money. Action count Address Elsen Co., Itt Valentin Bldg., Toledo, O. ' ' -'- AGENTS Now Is tha tlm to solicit orders for our portraits. We enlarge any six photo and make you a splendid Sepia portrait. 13"xl9" two Inch frame In cluded. This portrait will easily sell tor $7.00. Bend - in 83.60 and photo and' b convinced, Guaranteed Products Co., Dept A., 1140 McCormick Bldg., Chlcsgo, III. ' " " ' -' - ' AGENTS WANTED. -Own your own business . . Enjoy Inds pendenc, big prottts, sell high grade health and accident Inauranos; premium only tit a year; pays 126 weekly and $5,000 principal sum. You get alt profit on yearly renewala; no capital, no experi ence. North American Accident Insurance Company, Dept. 88, Newark,' N. J. - AGENTS WANTED. . Own your own business. Enjoy Inde pendence, big profits, sell ' high grade health and accident Insurance; premium only $10 a year; pays $26 weekly and $1,000 principal sum. You gat all profit en yearly renewals; no capital, no experi ence. North American Accident Insuranc Company, Dept. 86. Newark, N. J. MEN OR WOMEN to aell copyrighted du plicate prescription blank to phyaiclana and druggists. Exclusive territory. Dig nified selling. No competition." $6 a day easily made aa aids line. Tha Ar mour Press 1018 Consumers Bldg., Chi cago. - . : - . ' 800 PER CENT profit; agents clearing hun dreds weekly; now washing compound; wonderful seller; big repeater; nature's mightiest cleanser. Send for proof) free sample. Mitchell. M 1310 B. 61 St., Chicago AGENTS Great war pictures. If kind $1.00; samples free, 100 assorted, $5.00; sells everywhere. Big profits. Address Pat riotic Plotures, (64 W. Randolph Bt, Chicago. WANTED Intelligent men to work a, new proposition; big pay assured; can worn at home. No canvassing or : special knowledge required. W. Sturapf, P. O. Box 614, Riverside, Cal. PORTRAIT men; make $25 per day aelllng my patrlotlo flag portraits: xi-nour erv Ica on print and finished work. Writ for catalogue. E. H. Roberta Portrait Company Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS Wanted to aell our fine soap, per- fumea, toilet article, extracts, apices, creams, eto. Sample free. Writ quick. Lacasslan Laboratories, Dept 126. Bt. Louts, Mo. ' ' AGENTS Patrlotlo pictures. Seilirg by million. Duty Calls, Pershing In trance, America, Kalaer's Finish, Colorsd Man No Blacker. Samol Free. : Reneah Publ. Co., 6626 Ellis Ave., Chicago. ' LADIES and men make big profit selling 7- bar boa assortment toilet soap, sample free. Permanent business. Crofta Reed Co.. Chicago, III. k AGENTS Ladle and men earn $200 a- month taking order for beautiful spring Una of men' tailored neckwear. E. L. Kelser A Co., Palmer Bldg., Detroit, Mich. AGENTS Vacuum cleaner: quick seller; good margin of profit Retail $8. Blair : Co., Unity Bldg., Chicago. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored waiters; permanent po altlona. best pay beat , meal and best treatment In Omaha. Apply to head waiter. Blaekstone Hotel. ' Trade Schools. BE AN AUTO AND tractor expert In a few weeks; earn $90 to $300 a month. Our big free book explains. Rahe'a Auto School, 3130 Oak Bt, Kansaa City, Mo. Miscellaneous. v WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., ' ' "' APPLY. UNION STATION. - MEN suffering from prostrate disorders to read our advertisement . under Personal ' In these columns. The Electrothermal Co,, Bradford Bldg., Steubenvllle. Ohio. '.ft I" i t i f 1 1 K V