Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1918, Page 15, Image 15
.1 . THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1918. 10 II a i- HELP M ANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED Compliant girl or housekeeper : tor general homework. Small tows and small faintly Good place for the party : Phono Harney 1084 WANTED An experienced cook, rood v watea; appointment by telephone. Mr MO. C. Redick. Harney iU v Refe.ence required. . i,IRL or feneral homework In family ot three; bo children; references required , Call Harney 145 Room 434. The Black- atone. WHITE (in or middle-aged woman for gen era) houae works email house; only two In family; work very light Mrs. R. W. Craig. ass, jonoo at. Harney 7ji WANT two glrle between the ages of 10 and 11 to aot a housemaid and nurse girl, re ' spectlvely; no laundry work. Place 4 miles from town.- Call Walnut list WANTED -Competent white girl for , gen oral housework; two las family; no wash- ins, wejnui isie. WANTED Girl to assist in light house work a few hours each day and go home nights. 140 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 6793. EAT girl for general housework. No laundry and good wages. Harney 6724 k KlrTCrwGtri Tfor aeneral housework. .small family, good pay. Call Webster 4886. PBRIENCED girl for general housework; 7 Hi South Twenty-fifth St. South 834. NTED An experienced second girl. Good wages. Mrs mxon. . n aatn at. Hotels "and Rtataurants. WANTED Experienced woman as second , cook In hotel at Shenandoah, la. Call at Hotel Loyal for I Jorgenaon. Saturday. 38. between 11 a. m. and I p. m. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade; special rates and inducements. ' TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1408 Douglas gt. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED All Spanish war veterans lq Ne braska, and western Iowa to meet Lee Forby Camp No. 1 O. 8. W. -V. at Fon tenelle park, July 4th.- Old-fashioned basket picnic. 13 noon. MIDDLE-AGED man and wife, white, with out children, for gardener and general " housework. Permanent place for satis factory parties. Good wages. Apply Box 9817, Omaha Bee. WANTED Men, ladles and boys, learn " barber trade; big demand; wages whll learning; strictly modern. Call or write 140J Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College -Phone D 3147 MOLER Barber College wante young men arid ladles to learn the barber traae. can or write for free catalogue, 110 a 14tb Ml . Omshs. Neb EDUCATIONAL BOYLES C JLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book- keeping, shortnand, stenotypy. typewrit - ' log, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branoftes. Catalogue tree BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1566 18th and Harney Bts '" - Van Bant School of Business, r Day and Evening Schools, V tan Omabs Nstlonal Bank Bldg. . Dous-las 6660 ' FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. il-fKNTION ROOM HUNTERS. 1 1 e vaii fall tn find the room vou I desire among these ads call at The Hue office for a Room List. Gives mhiot rfarrtnttnn of vacant rooms In il parts of the city. New lists Issued l ery week. klTARY modern rooms for men only. I to per week. Sunenlns Apartments, sua I ISt. J. iJ, ftOOIUBUU, cob fuft.. huglas 8097. ItONT room, modorn home. Hanacom park (district. Stall in garace. Breakfast It (desired. On car line. Uarney 1044. tun IIUMINO Beautifully furnished room 1 1 iv new private home; hot water heat. $1. r Harney 8959. Reference. V "SSfH 8T. To gentlemen only, July 1; - go southeast front rooms, newly fur- Jhed; private; $3.69. D. 9B0S. a closet; private family; price right. . loitt, warney d. BKN furnished rooms for men only ai . Sunshine. 808 North 17tb St. Reason . rent LY furnished front room for respects, itentleman. in Hanscora Park district. .isonabie rent. 3703 Woolworth Ave. ' large front room, cool; private Jam- beat of neighborhood; gentleman pre- lied. Colfax 293a. 2603 Templeton, IRABLE rooms for working gins, or uple employed. 618 No. 10th St. EASANT room, private family. 131 N. 31st Ave, ' . ROOM In privtto family for gentleman. I'hone Harney 8407. , l THE GRAYSTONE 25th and Cass; nicely furnished rooms. Douglas .7894. tOU PACIFIC Nicely furnished room in private family, parlor privileges. LOVELY furnished room, close in; reason able; for gentleman. TyUr 8358. BOOMS Largs and small, walking dis tance. "Vernon," 204 8. 25th. MODERN, nearly new furnished front room for rent at 1130 California. . Housekeeping Rooms. iWi CASS Front 2-room suite, on bath 2111 DOUGLAS Two room suite, oomplete for housekeeping, reasonable. lAjL, lui nibhed a-roora suits. Rent reason- Fii SO Isth St., cool, clean, modern house keeping and sleeping rooms. 93,50 up. Board and Rooms. EXCLUSIVE home, cool, front room, - beautifully furnished in mahogany, twin - beds, breakfast and dinner; two gentle men pr couple cmpioyea, nurney LARGE, cool room, beaulfully furnished HuQi h.fh. larcrit lawn shade trees. K"rge, excellent board. -'Phone Harney 1796. I.ARufcJ room private modern flat Good ho-rd. Red" 8557. THE WOODRUFF, 114 N. 18TH Nicely fufT nianea rooms, wirn coara. Hotels. CLAREMONT INN. 17th and Jackson. Transifot guests, II a day; permanent guests. 25 a week. Douglas 2785. COOL rooms, tl week; also apartments witb kitchenettes. dn hotel 'o R'urrs FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. LTtiX'AlKS modern West Farnam home; two rooms, kitchenette and bath, newly furnished, entirely private; walking dis tances free phone. 236 per month. Box 8399, Bee. DOWNSTAIRS, modern, West Farnam home, four rooms and bath, newly furnish ed, entirely private, walking distance, free nhAne; 845 per month. Box 9400, Bee. KubOANiLV furnished apartment, modern equipment, snaay porcn, izuvt n. zsa. Houses. FOR RENT 7-room modern house, fur nished. 2201 Miami. Phone Webster 6715 or' call Sunday or evening. References required. FOR RENT HOUSES West SIX. ROOM flat, steam heat, 136 summer, 140 winter. 2824 Leavenworth street -' Conrad Toting, 232 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1671. 6-RoOM apartment, the Chula Vista, 80th and Poppleton Ave., for rent June L Apply Conrad Toung, 222 Brandels The ater. Douglas 1571. ' 2104 No. 69th St., 7 rooms ...816.00 (922 Bedford Ave., ( rooms ',..12 60 OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASS'N. 156 Douglas, rooming house 132.00 JM 4 North 16th. rooming house 22.00 JOHN K FRENZER. DOUGLAS 654. 409 SOUTH 25TH AVE., rooms, 840.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. .. Tyler 153r 238 SecurltlesViBldg. kVLVEN rooms modern, 825, near postofflce. n v Bteboins, 1610 Crlcago. J-l.oOM house, hot water heat; walking qiacancs. xiarry zoo. a North. IroR RENT To couple without children, 6 ft room, all modern home at 703 N. 40th. I ' Inquire at 700 N. 49th or call Walnut 1892. Mike View cottage, on two car lines, at Carter lake. Desirable for I tr I ladles or gentlemen. Webeter (041. NINE-ROOM, roomy house, complete, every way. ceja ievt uapitoi Ave. on premises. 1 FOR RENT HOUSES Norn. 5, ROOM house, part modern. 814. "06 Seward St . Red 613 7-ROOM moUern houM. S Hamilton St Douglas tf-ROOM modern houae. 5420 California St Inquire after 7 p. m. .' 1921 LEAVKNWORTH "ST. 5-r. part mod. flat, 217 50. Alfred C. Kennedy Co., 306 8. 18th St.. lioug. 722. 3017 HARNEY ST. 9-room modern house. Deuglen ty " - Miscellaneovs. L1T our , iv foi rent or sale with FIRS' ,r- x COMPANY. - D.. TVIOT JS 2407 JONES St.. 9 rras.,' all mod. ISO. 00. 1010 Metric St., 4 rins., part mou BIRKETT A COMPANY. !50 Bee Bldg. Doug. 688. HOUSES IN ALL HART8 OF THE C1TT CRE1QH SONS CO.. BEB BLDQ Ihnnn. On n"tl TViuelae 4tt FOR RENT APARTMENTS DOUGLAS, 213 S. 26TH AVE. Desirable apartment 8 rooms. 8 good sized bed looms. Calkins Company, D. 1318. West. FURNISHED LA TUNA APTS- 641 8. 34111 St. A large ll room, a dress, room and closet combined, a kltch and bath, eorop furn.. best of service D 163S PETERSTIUJST CO. Specialists in Apartment management TIZARD Palace block, centrally located, I or 4-reom apt; also 4-rooro flat 8uperb Apply 30 Vt N. zjo. rnone rteu e;c. HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof. (ln- lawn and flowers: best location. 24th and Farnam. Prices ressonable Call D 147 ANGELUS APARTMENTS 25th Ave. and Douglaa; to sub-let one, two-room apart ment. Harney 2074. North. NICELY furnished 3-room modern apart ment ue rs'orin iwcnty-Kcunu pt. MODERN Estabrook Apts., near postofflce, 822. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago 4-ROOM seml-bssement apt, new. 118.60. Aot. 2. Maple court. Mapie neq ? THREE-ROOM, low rent apartment at 17th and Maple Sts.. phone Webster 2713. Miscellaneous. APARTMENTS. I rooms. In the Hudson, 207 8. 26th Ave. Heat and Janitor service, 142.60 and 160 per month. ' BENSON & MYERS CO., Realtors, 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Poug. 746. MODERN, 6 rooms, St Louis brick flat, close In. Phone Colfax 1674. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. WAREHOUSE SPACE 38.000 sq. feet of floor space in the American Hand Sewed Shoe Co. Bldg. N. W. corner 13th and Harney Sts., Hy draulio elevator; steam heat and sprink ler system. ' GEORGE & CO., D. 756. STORE FOR RENT 16th and Douglas, 29x 60. steam beat rent sue per momo. WORLD REALTY CO.. Douglas 6242 Sun Theater Bldg. STORE Comer Cass and Sixteenth St Fine business location. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. MODERN store, 16lh 8t, near P. O. Low rent G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago Office and Desk Room. OFFICES should be chosen with care. The Bee Building satisfies careful tenants. Keystone Investment Co., Tyler 131. Garages and Barns. FOR RENT -Garage for Ford car, 13.50 . mnnth Kf)9 V 40th St. . Miscellaneous. WHOLESALE DISTRICT. 178 per month. 100 Howard street, tire nrnnf hnlldlnr. full cement basement GEORGE AND COMPANY. P. 756. FOR RENT Private garage, 2232 Meredith Ave. reasonable, n. if. v. coiiax mn. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments nd Houses. LIST your houses for rent with us and get results. Moro requests than houses, give us bouses. Payne Invesment Co., Realtors. 1 627 Omaha National Bank Bldg.. D 1781 Furnished Apartments and Houses YOUNG couple with child wishes room with settled people, colored, 022 Belmont St, Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. W. F. Taylor, R. R. Box 6. care Mrs. Geo. Howard MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; offlcs on Howard St. between lath and 16th. Phons Tyler 8400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It Ajk to see our daily re ntal lists FREE scL FIDELITY 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE, MOVING. TACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OK ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked morn for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8 16th. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and. Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338 Jn RTT''P?Ti Express Co.. Moving. . J. IXlJlliLJ Packing and Storage. 1807 Farnam St Wtb Doug 6146 OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans, rarrful men. Fur nlture pack., storage 1417 Chicago. D-3354 WEST AlSUTTON Piano, household moving, live stock isuieq u sizs isim ( ess bi REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 4 ROOMS BENSON s 150xl28-FOOT LOT. F : $2,25C-TERMS. Located four blocks of school and car line; houss has city water, cistern, electric lights and gas; fruit, consisting of cherries, grapes, currants, gooseberries, 'blackberries, eto; garage. A very desir able place of about one-half acre of ground; sidewalks to car. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manville. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY STREET. TWO seven-room modern houses, located at the Junction of two car lines both In good repair and well rented. The own er Uvea in California. He writes they must be sold. Here Is a chance for a bargain. Would consider an exchange for Southern California property. I. N. Hammond, 310 South Thirteenth St. BEMIS PARK Six rooms and bath, 2-story modern house, eaat front, large lot paved street. Make offer ' Walnut 1431. North. "PRETTIEST MILE" Beautiful 8-room house 'In setting of fine young forest trees (double garage), on prettiest part of the "Prettiest Mile" . (Florence Boulevard): front into, the elegant grounds of C W. Martin; house excellently built and best of condition; ( 78-ft front; a real home; 11,000 under the market pries, 16,600. ACT QUICKLY IF INTERESTED. '- HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. 916 Omaha Nat I Douglas 814. IF you are going to biv a home, see this flrstt a tine flve-rolm house; electrlo lights, gas snd watel Price 82,000. See Owner at 2330 Maniiraoa REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. MR. HOME BUYER, READ THIS: 5 -room house 5 years old, oak finish downstairs;' large reception hall; maple finish upstairs; corner lot; paved street rrlie 13.860; worth 34.500; block from Harney car; good neighborhood. Don't wait Act quick. Graham-Peters Realty Co. k:9 Om. Nat'! Bk. Bldg. Office phone Red 653 Evenings, Walnut 1103. TiWO-TlfE-MTNUTE WnTSaT LOWS. Two brand new and very nifty 6-room tungalowa under construction at 38th Ave. t and Camden will be sold at 13.100 each. These places will be modern In every respect; one block to car and store; close to schools and to Millar park; 1350 cash will handle and balance monthly payments of 331.60. Sewer, water, gas and electricity all In and paid tor; no special taxes. Ses these at once. WALNUT 677. EXTRA good 7-roora, fully modern home, near high school; a big bargain at 14,000. Terms or exchange considered. a RASP BROTHERS. 210 Keellne Bldg. Tvler T31. WE SELL, rent, insure and make loans on city property. North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 34th and Ames Ave.. Co). 117. " THE BEST BUt IN OMAHA. Five-room house, electric light and water, 33,250. Call Colfax 4014. 54 INN E LU8A homes and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest vonr money Phone Tvler 1st South. FINE nearly new bungalow; fully modern; oak finish; bookcases; gas hearth; screen ed porch; choice east front lot; a big snap at 13,760. 1750 cash. A rare chance for someone, RASP BROTHERS, 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler T31. One 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot, live In ane and rant the other. Price, 12500. Terms. No. 2433 South 30th St. Norrls & Norrls. 104 North 15th St. Phons D. 4270. 2008 DEERPARK BLVD. Fins 8-room house; double garage; large yard; hot water heat; oak finish; hard wood floors; fine condition; must be sold. Phone Douglas 8470. 32,260. Five-room house, modern except heat and electrlo light 1911 8. 18th St Easy terms. Grimmel. Phons Doug. 1616. 318 S. 11TH 6-room modern flat, 1350, hall down; Douglas 7077. Miscellaneous. SAVE carfare and buy war stamps; buy this 7-room, all modern home, less than 10 blocks from the P. O. ; Just painted, 1 coats eutslds and beautifully deco rated Inside; paving all paid; ft big bargain at 14,000 cash; terms or an exchange considered. You get tew chances like this. 218 Keellne Bldg., Omaha. 6 -ROOM cottage, two blocks from car. full lot 12,000. Tsrma. 1200 oash. balance 120 per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 648 Psxton Block TWO acres, highly Improved, close in, seven-room modern house, fruit and gar den, all go. 16,250. Easy terms. Call Mr. Browne, Tyler 1672. GOOD 7-r. modern houae tor only 13,600; nice corner lot with shade trees; pav ing paid. W. H. Gates. 647 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1294. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER A SHOTWELL, . 203 S. 17th St. Douglas (013. FOR SALE A beautiful house, garden and chick ins, worth 3300. Will take 176 If sold li throe days. See owner at foot of J mes street, on Missouri rlvsr. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. Real Estate and Insurance. 1180 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. HOMES AND H( MESITES. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO- 637 Om Nat. Bk. Bldg Doug. 1781. F D WRAP SELLS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE B'neu Pr'pty WB WILL buy your home) or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO Blectrto Bldg. . Tyler 88. BUSINESS) property and Inveetmentsv A P. TUKET snd SON, 830 First National Bank Bldl BIdl. CCV M-fAOITH INVESTMENT Income, Business and Trackage Specialist lstn ann imonsw uooaiae i REAL ESTATE Investments CLOSE-IN INVESTMENT 1957-51 Jones St., nearly new, brick flat, bringing in 1930 per year. This flat Is strictly modern, nearly new and possession can be had Immediately. See us tor additional information. ' J. L. HIATT CO., 0(1 1st Nafl Bk. Bldg. Tyler 68. REAL ESTATE Exchanges 14,600 STRICTLY modern, 6-room stucco oak-finished horns; nearly nsw; In Kountze Place. Want cash or Liberty bonds; can use good automobile. C U. Eckory, Stoddard, Neb.' GOOD Omaha residence property to ex ehange for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease. 311 Bran. Th. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West CLEARVIEW LOTS. II DOWN. 81 A WEEK. PAYNE & SLATER CO. South FOR SALE t lota, Just south of Elmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Box T 1188. Omaha Bee. LARGE garden lots, near car line, South Side. 8140 to 3200. 81.00 down, 60c per week: no Interest: no taxes Phone D 6074 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE, $5,500 This home Is well located, convenient to school; bss living room, dining room, sun room and kltchsn, first floor; three bedrooms and sleeping porch, second floor; solid concrete driveway and gar. age for two cars. This property is In excellest condition and must be seen to be sppreclated. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3963. l-20 City National. Dundee Bungalow $3,450. Five rooms, oak finish in living room and dining, room, built-in buffet In din ing room, complete and modern In every respect; lot 60x106 Hi look at 4640 Dodge street, then see us. The Byron Reed Co.. Phone Douglas 397. 1013 Farnam St M'sceltaneoti FOR SALE Two beautiful lots Jut south of Elmwood psrk in Overlook addition, full else lots, 50x160. Owner leaving th city will sell cheap for cash. Act quick. Address Box T 1155, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED RANCH OR FARM ' Press brick business block and residence property: also 830.000 worth mortgage pa per. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. zis uuy mai l Bank mag. WB HAVE seversl good reliable buyers tot 6 snd 6-room bouses and bungalows with 8300 to 1600 down Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 416 701 Om Nat Baijk Bids POULTRY AND PET STOCK BOSTON terrier pupe, from prize winning stock at Boston and New York shows. Phone Benson 881-J. 3.000 DAY OLD chicks. Rocks Reds, Or pingtons, Leghorns. Webster' 1708. 2313 Charles. WHEAT screenings, 13.60 per 100. Delivered Wagner, 801 N. 16th St, Phone Doug. 114Z FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loana and Mortgage!. HAVE that installment loan on your home ehangod to a straight five-year loan and relieve yourself of that monthly burden. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 188 Keellne Bldg, 43U1CK ACTION ON LOANS W T ORABAM. 104 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1133. 5V2 PAUb PETERSON. T4 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDQ a W BINDER. Money on hsi.d tor mortgage loana City National Bank Bldg. Omaha homes east neb farms o'keefe real estate co.. 1016 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg Doug 3711 CITY AND FARM LOANS. 8, 6 V, and Per Cent J. H DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. 5y2 HARISON MORTON, fit umsna ivat. nana tsiag. 1100 to 810.000 MADE promptly F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Bta. MONEY to loan on Improved farma and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Pilwte Money. SHOPBN h COMPANY iJOUglaa 4838 LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY VV. H. Thomai & Son, Keeline Bldg LOW RATES C O. CARLBERO. 313 Bran dels Theater Bid D Ml Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE Ten 11,000 4Vj per cent sewer Intersection bonds, Issue of July 7, 1916. We will sell all or part. Advise best of fer. Dexter Portland Cement Company Nazareth. Pa. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. JULY 3 NO. Our next excursion to ItcGehse. Ark W. 8 FRANK. 801 NEVILLE BLK. Coloudo "Lands. COLORADOT A fin low mountain ranch, 1,534 acres, private Irrigation system for 700 acres, including 400 acres alfalfa and bottom land hay; will cut 800 tone hay each year; exoellent improvements, fenced and cross fenoed, plenty of rain for grass and sum. msr crops; priced for quick sales at 16 per acre; one-half back at 8 per cent. Silver State Realty Co., Fowler. Colo. YUMA CO., COLO. N. E. 7-6s-48w. Good soil, lays wall, good neighborhood. Price 13,400, of which 11,160 can be carried 1 years at per cent; bo trades, B, M. Cautbern, 101 Schweltser Bldg., Wichita, Kan. , Iowa Lands. FOR SALE Eighty acres, Adams county, Iowa land, four miles from railroad. Im proved. Address F. R. Davison. Pine Bluffs Wyo. FOR SALE Good Improved farm adjoining One we. la All under cultivation. Writ C P. O. Box 644, Onawa, la. Nebraska Lands. MERRICK COUNTY FARM. 160 acres located 6 miles from Central City, ene.half mile to a good school, all good black loam soil, lies perfect, not a foot of waste, all fine alfalfa land. This place has just a fair set of Improvements not In the best of repatr. Price, 1136 per acre, with part terms. Will consider a good Omaha residence as part payment What have you? Write or see M. A. Larson, Central City, Neb. FUR SALE 480 acres Buffalo county farm, to settle at estate; 330 acrea pasture; 36 alfalfa; 30 of wild, bay meadow, balancs farm land. Land rolling with heavy clay subsoil. Fenced and cross-fenced; 3 good wells and wtadmolls; 7-roora house; barn 40x43; other outbuildings; 6 miles from railroad town; mall and telephone; sold subject to lease; possession March 1; price 141 per acre, half cash; terms on balance. P. O. Box 135. Kearney, Neb WRITE me for pictures and prices taf farms and ranches in good Old Dawss County. Aran L. Hungerford. Crawford, Nob! WE specialize in selling Nebraska ranches Whits Hoovsr. 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARB SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices wrl'e Geo Antlll. Blair. Neb 160 ACRES Improved, closeln, paved road. Nllson. 433 Securities Bldg, RANCHES of all alses and kinds, sas, terma A 4. Patsman, 801 Karbaott Blk Minnesota Lands. WE have improved farms at $86 to 150 par acrs. Black loam soil, clay subsoil, prairie lead. Some special bargain In un improved . prairie land. Easy terms. Sure crop country. Write for list Em pire . Farms company,' Thief River Falls, Minn. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 160 per a.. Including paid-up watsr rights. Henry Levi ACM Rylander. 184 Omaha Nat'l M;cel!aneous. Aged Owner Sacrifices 166 Acres, Crops, 29 Cows and Young stock, pr. horses, hens, hogs, wagons, to work the 100 acres loamy tillage that have mads pres ent owner well off; wire-fenced, spring watered, 35-cow pasture) wood and fruit for home use; good l-room, slate-roof house; good 60-foot barn, horse barn, other buildings; on Improved road, right In village, oloss to sohools, churches, etc.) 35,300 takes all; less than half down. De tails page 13, Strout's Catalogue of this and other farm bargains, many with stock, tools, crops Included. On page 31 see details 35, acre fruit, truck and poultry farm, stock, tools, crops. Included, commutation big city, only 11,600; part cash. Catalogue mailed free. E. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY. Dept 3073, 205 S. 18th St. Omaha, Neb. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't Hat your fsrm with aa If yoo want to keep It a P SNOWDEN ft SON. 610 Electric Bids Onuaise 0371 Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. FOR SALE Saddle horse, 6 years old; well broken; lady's horse; gentle. Call Wal. nut 46. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes at security 140, mo.. E. goods, total. 13.60 Smaller, larger em'te proportionate rata PROVIDENT LOAN BOCIETY 481 Securities Bldg.. lth Fsrnam Ty (66 LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 107 SMALLER LOANS. O07 10 W C FLATAU EST IMS. 10 TH FLR SECURITIES BLDO TY 080 DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates Prtvste losn booths Hsrry Meieshock !14 TVwIre r f! Diet LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE Meeting In school district No. 30. Douglaa county, voting on bonds for build- lnA Meet July 6th. p. m Kansas City Live Stock, Kanaas City, June 18. Cattle Receipts, 1,600 head: market steady to strong. Prime fed steers, 817.8518.25; dressed beef steers 113.50617.00; western steers. 811.00918.00; southern steers, 18.00916.60; cows, 16.609 13.60; cows, 38.00914.36; stoekers and feeders, 17.60914.36; bulls, IS.009U.00: calves, $8.00914.60. ' Hogs Receipts, 4,600 head, market, high er; cloelng, weak. Bulk, 116.40916.66; heavy, $16.60916.70; packers and butchers. 116,45916.70; light, $11.35916.65; pigs, $18.00 916 60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600; mar ket steady. Lambs, 115.00918.00; year lings, $14.00916.60; wethers, $13.00914.60; ewes, $10.00914.00; stoekers and feeders $6.60915.36. , St, Louis Lire Stock. St Louis, June 38. Cattle Receipts, 3.100 head; market steady. Native beef steers,. $11.60917.60; yearling steers and heifers. $6.60916.60; cows, $7.60913.75; stoekers and feeders, $8.60913.00; native calves, $7.76917.00. Hogs Receipts, 6,200 head; market, higher; Lights, $16.75917.00; pigs, $16,509 17.00, mixed and butchers, $16.(6916.10; good heavy, $16.65916.76; bulk, $16,609 16.85. Sheep and Lambs Reoelpts, 1,100; market steady. Lambs. $14.00918 00; ewes, $11.00 O13.00; canners and choppers, $6.009 10.00 m. Joseph Live Stock Market St Joseph. June 38. Cattle Receipts, 600 head; market steady: steers. $13,009 17.86; eows and heifers, 16.00916.60; calves. is.ooai4.oo . Hogs Receipts. 86,000 head; market steady, le higher; top. $18.60; bulk of sales, $16.35016.55. Sheep None; market steady; lambs, SK.vvoi7.7ss ewes, OMAHA LIVE STOCK U Cattle Market Slow and Drag gy; Prices on Good Vahes Steady, But Moderate Grades Slump. Omaha, Juns 1$, 11$. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday ..... 6,08? 10.301 13.456 Official Tuesday 1.140 16 641 11.678 Official Wednesday ,, 4,163 16 010 16.101 Official Thursday .... 6.45 14,341 4,837 Estimated Friday ... 3,860 19,600 6,600 Five days this week.. 34,506 61,600 61.3T7 Same daye last week. 36.446 78.808 34,831 Same days 3 wks, ago.IJ.41l 64,308 16,730 Same days 3 wks. ago. 30,848 48.864 31,711 Same days year ago. .33.310 61,044 10,313 Receipts snd disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb,, for 14 hours ending at $ o'clock p. m., June 38, His: RECEIPTS CAR7-OAM. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. H'r's, C, M. A St P T 17 1 Wabash 10 3 .. .. Missouri Paclfie 30 6 Union Pacific 33 36 11 I C. & N. W., east .... 1 15 C. N. W west .... $0 57 C. ft, P. M. A O.... T 18 I .. C, B A Q., asst.... TIT.. C, B. A Q west .... 18 30 C, R. I. A P., east .. T 8 1 C, R. I. A P., west .... 3 Illinois Central 4 3 4 Chicago Gt. West.... 1 3 Total receipts , 135 313 ' 38 I DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co. 463 3,053 317 Swift A Co, 814 3,836 1,814 Cudahy Packing Co.. 643 4.417 1.140 Armour A Co T34 3.861 1.40$ Srhwarts A Co, .... .... 1,330 .... .7. W, Murphy 1,813 .... Lincoln Pack. Co..,,.... IT Omaha Pack, Co 1 Wilson Packing Co.. 181 Cudsby. Kansas City. 336 W. B. Vansant Co.... 11 F. B. Lewis ........ IT J, B. Root A Co...... 16 .... ,,,, J. H. Bulla 6 .... .... Werthetmer A Degen ,78 .... .... Sullivan Bros. ...... 16 .... .... Huffman It .... .... Banner Bros 47 .... John Harvey ,. 68 .... .... Dennis A Francis .... 16 .... .... Pat O'Day 10 Other buyers 381 .... 1,186 Total 4.014 10.431 1.681 Cattle On a fairly liberal reeeiota of $,800' head. Friday's trade was slow and dreggy and wblle It was about steady on the good to choice steers bulk of the trade on the lnbetween kinds was He to 16a low. sr. Good to oholce steers ware quotable from $17.60 to 11135. while the fair to good beeves changed from 111.71 to I1T.II and $13.00 to $11.60 caught most of the com mon to fair grades. Yearling clssiee were all 16o to $6o ur more lower and trading on the light yearlings was very slow after yesterday's mean oloss. Butcher stock, slow to 36o lower; good to eholoe cows selling from $11.00 to 11815 and fleahy heifers from 113.00 to $14.00. Fair to good cows sold at a spread of $6.00 to $11.00, and can ners and cutters anywhere from $1.00 to $8.76. Veal calves ruled steady and beef bulls sold anywhere from $8.00913.60. Quotations on cattlei Good to oholce beeves, $17.60918.35; fair to good beeves, $16.00917.50; common to fair beeves, $13.00916.60; good to choice yearlings. $16.76917.10; fair to good yearlings, $13.66916.60; common to fair yearlings, ta.00913.60; good to choice belfera, $13.00 914.00; good to oholce cows, $11.76014.00; fair to good eows, $$.10910.60; common to fslr cows, $7.6098.71; prims feeders, 311.75913.50; good to eholoe feeders, $1.50 011.00: fair to good feeders, common to fair feeders, $7.6098.60; good to cholcs stocker $1.76911.76) stock heifers. $8.0090.601 stock cows, $7.1119' 8.60; stock oalves, 81.00910.60; veal calves. $8.0091$ 38; bulls, stage, eto., $6.60 9 13.76. Hogs There was another liberal run of hogs today, 161 loads, estimated at 11,600 head. Yetterday'a market finally flattened out, largely at $16.10. bids being reeolved lata around $16.11, which found no sale. several loads being carried over until to day. The knockout on the late market yesterday found it still unrevlvad this morn ing, practically nothing having been done at the time of writing this report Ship pera had purchased a very few around 16O$0o lower. Not enough trading had been dons to establish anything like prices. A top was sold early of $16.40. jieprvaemauv eaivs; Sheen There were 33 loads of sheep re ceived hero today, estimated at 1,100 bead Trading was brlak this morning, strings changing hands at aa early hour at fully IBo higher prices, Toe top on native lambs waa 111.10. and awes also sold at an advanoo generally considered abou 36o maner. Quotations on sheen: Yearlings fed. good to choice, 818.00 913.60; yearlings fed, fair to good, $13.75913.00; yearlings, cnoioa. llrht. feeding, iio.76011.26l ewes, gooa (3 choice, $11.00 911.60; ewes, fair to good. 810.00 011.00: spring lambs. ll4.ooiri7.Ti. av. rnoe, I native fat lambs ......... $16.50 I swe 11 11-71 3 cull ewes 66 14.00 1$ culls 6 , 14 00 80 cull ........ ' 134 awes .,..110 . 1171 13 soring lambs 44 17.60 Chicago U" Block Market Chicago, Juno 18. U. S. Bureau of Mar ketsCattle Receipts, 6.000 head: beef steers, steady to strong, best here, 117.86; butcher stock steady to weak on bulls and light grassy heifers; oalves steady at yes terday's close. Beet cattle! good choice and prime, 118.65918.00; common and me dium. 812.0016.65. Butcner sioca; lows and heifers, 18.16914.60; canners and cut ters. I7.000i8.16. Stoekers and teeders: Good and choice I10.60A13.00: inferior, common and medium, 18.00910.60; veal calves, good and choice. $16.26916.85. Hogs Receipts 18,000 head; market clos ing strong, 10 to 16o higher than yester. day's average. Butchers, $19.75 iff) 17.1 6 ; light. $16.80917.15; packing, lis.ioo 16.76: rough, $16.76916.06; bulk of sales. $16.60917.10; pigs, good and cnoice, iis.ev 916.90. SheeD Receipts. 18.000 head; market, steady to 15o higher) shorn lambs, choice and prime, $16.66917.00; medium and good. $14.00916.65; culls, I3.ooois.oo. spring lambs: good and choice, $18.00 0 18.71. Ewes choice and prims $11.10913.36; medium ana gooa, i.oun,u; nuns, ti.ivvi.iv, Sooth St. rani Llvs Stock Market. South St. Paul, Minn., June 28. Cattle- Receipts, 3,700 head; killers steady: steers, $7.50 0 17.00: cows and belters, $1.60013.00; vsal calves, steady, $7.00914.76; stoekers and feeders. $7.60013.00. Hogs Reoelpts. 6,600 bsad: market steady; range, $18.10916.45; bulk, $16,369 16.46. Sheen and Lambs Receipts. $0 head; market steady, 81O.OO01T.OO; wethers, $7.00 912.60; ewes, $5.00011.00. Sioux City Live Stock Market, Sioux City Juno It. Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; beef stsers. $10.00918.00: tat eows and helfers.IS.60O II IS n nr II THAI IK, atnclrpa mttA feeders, $10.00911.60; feeding cows and heifers. $8.3598.00. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market 109 15o lower; light, $16.40; mixed, 116.10; heavy, $16.00; bulk of sales, $16.00916.40, Sheep Receipts, none; not quoted, , Local'f'.reather Record. 111$ 1117 1111 1316 Lowest last night 66 .65 .68 .66 Precipitation T .01 .00 .10 Normal temperature for today, 7 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1st, 6.00 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period, HIT, 1.76 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period 1116, 4.31 Inches. General Weather Conditions. . . . , The weather Is somewhat oooler In the central valleys and throughout the west. Showers occurred in South Dakota, norm and east Nebraska, and eastward over the upper Mississippi and Ohio valleys, and Lake region. The showers In Nebraska were moderately heavy in the southeast portion, but were mostly light elsewhere. The out look Is for continued unsettled weather, and probably showers. In thla vicinity to night and Saturday, with no Important change In temperature, L. A. WELSH. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New York. June 18. Evaporated Apple Dull: stste. 149150. Prune Firm; California, !914o; Ore- sons. 14914c Apricots Quiet; choice, 17o; - extrs, Peaches Quiet; standard,' 1101IHe; choice. lS914o: fancy. ll914a Raisins Steady; loose muscatel, lo; choice to fancy seeded, 10 lie; seedless, 9Uo; London layers $2.00. New Torsi MetaL New York. June 18. Metal Exchangs quote lead quiet; spot 17.10. Spelter Firm; Host St Lout pot, $$.16 9s.1l. GRAIN ANDPR0D0CE Light Receipts and Strong Oash Prices Feature Mar ket; Advance 2 to 3 Cents. Omaha, Juno 38, 111$. Light receipts and strong easb prices feat ured the spot grain market today. Arrivals consisted of 4 cars ot wheat, 68 ears of corn, 84 oars ot oata, and 1 oar each ot rye and barley. The bulk of all grades of eorn sold at aa advenes of 3n and le. while late In the day some sold at yesterday's unchanged prlcea. The greater part of the offerings of good white corn went at the extreme advance while the yellow and mixed varied from lo to le up. The demand for this article was fairly active at the higher prlcea No. $ whits sold at $1.78 and 81.71, and the No. 8 yellow at $1.61. No, $ mixed corn brought $1.63. Oats reflected ths advance In eorn and sold up Me to lo, ths bulk bringing Ho mors than It did yesterday and at these figures were disposed of quite readily. No. $ white sold at 76o, standard oats at 740 and Ne. 8 white at 74 Mc No. 4 white brought TSHo and 74o, and the sampls grade, T3Ho and T3o, .The market for rye and barley waa slow and dull. No aales were reported. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal to 117,000 bushels; corn, none; oata, 104.060 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 804,006 bush, els, and shipments 337,000 bushels, sgalnat reoelpts of 358,000 bushels and shipments of 133,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 881.000 bush sis, and shlpmsnts 367,000 bushels, against receipts of 133,000 bushels and shipments of 161 000 bushels Isst year. Primary oata receipts wsrs 131,000 bus li sle, and shipments 471.000 bushels, against receipts of 181,000 buahsli and shlpmsnts of $61,000 bushels last yesr. . CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat, Corn. Oats. Chicago , 3 jt) Minneapolis .,..,....1.61 ... ... Duluth 1 Omaha .,4.. 61 14 Kanaas City IT IS St. Louie 1 86 110 Winnipeg .......10$ ... ... Thess sales were reported today: Corn No. I white, I ears, $1.38) No. I white, T3-I oars, $1.71; 1 ear, $1.78; No. whits, 4 oars, $1.71) 1 ear, $1.70) No. white, $ ears, $1.10; I ears, $1.10) $-$ car, $1.58; No I white, 1 ear, $1.83; sample white, 3-1 ear, $1.10) 1 oar. 16c) No. I yel low. 1 ear. $1.64; No. $ yellow, I ears, $1,61) l-l ear, $1.6$; No. 4 ysllow, 1 car, $1.68) 1 ear, $1 67; No. $ yellow, 1 oar, $1.88) 1 ear, $1.10; $-6 ear, $1.30; $-1 ear, $1.30; No, t mixed, 1 ear, $1.56) No. $ mixed, 1 ear. $1.11: No, I mixed. 1-1 ear. $1.38: sample mixed, 1 tar, $1.11) 1 ear, $1.16. Oats No. I white, 1 esr. Toe; standard, 1 $-1 ears, T44e No. 3 whits, $0 ears, T4Ho; No, 4 whits, $ ears, T4oi 1 ear, TIHei sam pls white, 4 ears, 7!o; 13-1 cars, 78tte ' Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No, I white, $1.83; No. 8 whits, $t.7891.TI; No. 4 white. $1.T041.T1! No. I white. $1.1801.10: No. I while, $1.1391.86: sample white, 86c0 $1.10; No. 3 yellow, $1.6491 66) No. I yel low, $1.6801.11; No, 4 yellow, $1.67 91.58; No I yellow, 11.48; No. 4 yellow, 11.800 1.81; No, $ mixed, 11.66: No, I mixed, $1.68; No. 4 mixed, $1,41; No. I mixed, $1.11; No. I mixed, $1.18: sampls mixed, $1.109116. Oats: No. t while, T6e; standard, T4ei No. $ whits, T4He; No. 4 whits, 7$ttQ74o) sam ple. 73M9730. Chicago closing prloes, furnished The Beo by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 311 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: . Art Open High Low Close Ysty. Corn July Aug. H47I 1 48tfu6Hl 4tH14 1 61148 1 I06114l I I I 4I9H Oats July Aug. Tlf 1t 71H-ITH.0HI 'T1H I6fc( 68tt6ltt9tt 66 ('il 10 I 41 $1 14$ 40' 41 $$ 143 31 48 71 41 Tl 41 10 41 Tl 41 II Pork July Sept Lard July, Sept 36 47 I II $0 III $0 II 4T III 41 II 7T I II $$ 11$ ll II Tl 3I II II 40 1 tt 41 111 15 II 40 111 II 14 00 ( 34 03 fit IT II IT (II 10 Ribs July Sept, CHICAGO GRAIN AND PRO VISIONS. Corn la Active Demand and Price Advf tees snarpiyt oats Also mgner. f Chicago, June 38. New advanoes In prices of eorn reaultsd today chiefly from a prospective spread of the hot wave and from buinan reports snout ine orop out look southwest and west. The market closed nervous, 1 to mo net higher, with July, $1.46 h to ii. as ana August 11.10 to $1.61. Oata finished 9o to lo up and provisions at a rise of 6s to 10a. Buying of eorn waa actlvs and general from start to finish. On the bulges, consid erable realising was done by longs, but the selling pressure diminished immediately whenever prices showed any material de. eline. For the most part attention eentered on the tact that excessive baas and dry ness In the southwest bad hot yst been broken, and en the contrary appeared likely to widen out to ths sast A eomprenenslvejr private report which emphasised nufs,5f I abls aapsots ot ths orop In Oklahoma, Kan. sss, Missouri and Nsbraska gave ' further stimulus to bullish sentiment, and so like wise did current opinions that the rural movsmsnt of eorn would soon drop to small proportions, owing to preference for wheat shipment Oats ascended with eorn and separately tnfiuenoed by adverss crop reporti Strength of hogs and grain lifted provi sions. Tbsre was gossip ot further govern ment orders for lard. Chicago, June II. Butter Unsettled ) creamery, 17041. Eggs Receipts, 11,181 eases, market un changed. . Potatoes Higher. Old, receipts. II ears; Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, bulk, 11.6601.76) sacks, $1.66 93.00. New, re. eelpts, 40 oars: Louisiana and Arkansas aacked Triumphs, $$.6093.10) Louisiana whits, $3.4003.60; Virginia barrels, 1.60. Poultry Alive, unchanged. .; Kanaas City Grain. Kanaas City, Mo., June 38. Corn Cash higher; No. 1 mixed, 61.6601.68; No. I whits, 11.88 9 1 86) No. t yellow, $1,409 1.6$; July. 81.80V4I August, $1.60 01.60-. Oata Unchanged; No. 1 white 76c; No. t mixed, 73H9TIC Kansas City, Juno II. Butter and pool try Unchanged. Egg Firsts, 34c; seconds, I60, St. Louis Grain, St, Louis, Juns 28. Corn Higher) No. I traek. 11.11; No, I white, 11.11) July. $1.41 bid; August 11.614 asked. Oats Lowoy; No. 1, track. 7 Jo; July, T2140J August, 68 a. New York Coffoa. Nsw York, Juns II. Reports that com ing orop prospects bad been damaged by low temperature In Brazil, caused quits a sharp advancs la ths market for coffee futures hers during the middle of the day. After opening quiet at unchanged prices. September sold up to 1.35c and Dscember to l.66e or about I to 10 points not higher. Offerings Increased on the advance, how ever as many traders seemed to feel that eold weather at this season of the year would cause no lasting damage to the Bra zilian trees and the close wss well off from ths best, with price net t points higher to t points lower. July, 1.16c; Sep. tember, 8.17o; October, 8.13c; Dscember, 1.46c) January, l.lOo; March. I.6I0; May 1.71c. ' Coffee Spot, quiet; Rio Ts, I So; Santos 4s. 1074 0110. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts light on both prairie hay and alfalfa. And on account of the demand be ing quiet market la some lower on all grade Hay Choice upland prairie, $11.00: No. 1, upland prairie, 114.00914.60; No. 1 upland prairie, $10.00911.00; No. 1 upland prairie. $6. 0090.00; No. 1 midland prairie. 115.009 16.50: No 1 midland prairie. $1.0091$ 00; No. 1 lowland prairie, $1.60 911-60: No. I lowland prairie, 17.0091.00; No. I lowland prairie. l5.08O8.00. Alfalfa Choice. 111.00; No. 1. - $11,109 10.00; standard, $15.60917.60; No. I. 111.00 914.10) No. I, 110.00911.00. Straw Oat, ll.6O98.IO; wheat, $1,009 1.00. Turpentine and Rosin. ( Savannah. Oa., Juns 18. Turpentine- firm: II bbls.: sales. 110 bbls.: reoelpts. 47 bbls.; shipments, 1,114 bbls.; stock, 11.840 bb s. . Rosin Firm: sales. 1.885 bbls.) reoelpts, 1,110 bbls.; shipments, 1.120 bbls.; stock. 10,110 bbls. Quote: B, D. B, F. O. H, 110 00: I, $10.10; M, $10.20910.40;' N, $10.40910.11; WO, $10.60910.66; ww, i.oayi.M. ''" Dry Goods. New York. June 18. Cotton good and yarn, steady and quiet; trad awaiting prlco-nxing announcements, tiuriapa tenaea higher. Wool market were dull. Bilks were qutet and raw silk high. New York Cotton.' New York, June 18. Cotton closed quiet and steady at a net gam of 11 to tl points. NEW JORK STOCKS - - - Market Dull and Irregular; U, S. Steel and Related Shares yreaken; Metals Move Forward Brfsklyv . New York, Jons 13. For want of a move definite or specific rsason, the dull ana irregular eours of today's stock market was ascribed to foreign dispatches en th, , Russlsn situation which were so bewilder-' tng aa to limit trading to the profession, element 1 " - Prices were hesitant from tbs Cutset occasionally becoming heavy en ,iresjr against Investment rails and recognised in dustrials. Abrupt fluctuations In special ties, like General Motors, Sumatra Tobao co and other Issuee under pool guidance were not conducive to general Improvement. 'United States Steel was less prominent and moved In a more limited area, closing at a loss of almost a point Related shares, ware Influenced by the sluggishness of Steel, forfeiting much of their uneven ad. vantage In the stagnant final hour,. . During ths intermediate session ' metals earn forward briskly on announcement that th queatton at copper 'prices soon would eorn before the war board. Several of th less prominent oils Issue, notably Royal Dutch and Sinclair, were substan tially higher, but the market aa a whole , lacked leadership or bullish Initiative. Further relaxation was manifested by time money and call loans were easier than , . at recent week ends. Foreeest ot tomor- row's bank statement varied. Indications, , however favoring an expansion of reserves.. Bond were Irregular, mainly aa a ' re-: suit ot variations of small fractions In the -foreign group Russian external IHs and IH gained from I to 4 points on the "curb," Total sale (par value) aggregated . $8,160,000. Old United State bonds were unchanged on call, V, Number of sales and rang of prices el the leading stocks) Sales. High. Low. CJoaa Amer. Bset Sugar. 600 OS 68 63 American Can ... 1,600 46H Amer. C, A 1,100 Si l4Vs Amer, Locomotive, 1,100 60 01 Amer, S. A 11.... 19,100 10U T8 4 ' 14 17 71 Amer. Sugar Ret oo HSU 113H 113H amer. t. a t..... 16 851 SH Amer. L. A 8.. 1,300 18 11 1IH Anaconda Copper.. 11,800 I1H 86 H ITS Atohlson .......... 100 I4H. S4..t4Hi' A. O. A W. t S. L, 100 tH 101 106 1," Bsl. A Ohio 40 14 54 4i 1441 Butt A Sup. Cop.. 11,300 Sltt 17 IX Cat Petroleum ... 100 11 1IV4 l'i'' uanaaian raemo,. 400 147 147 147 Central Leather .. 1,300 71H TO TO cnes. m Ohio...... ..... .... .. 16 ' 41' ' II l ' 40' 484 C, M. A St P.... 1,100 41 Cht A N. W ..... .... C, 8.1. Ir stfs.. TOO 18 Chine Copper .... 100 40 Colo, T. A I.,,.'.. 400 -41 Corn Product Ret. 1400 43 41 nit $1 43 41, Crucible Steel .... 13,800 70 68 lie;1' Cuba Can Sugar,, 1,000 11 11$ 13V Dlstlllers Sea.. ,. 1,400 11 51 lift Erl ,,,,, ,,.?,.,, 15 General Electrlo,.. .,,, 14T General Motor-.. 4,100 161 151 JSSV Ot, No. pfd ..... e, 800 10 10 0Ui Gt No. Ore etfs., $3 Illinois Csntral ,. .... .... on Inspiration Copper. T.100 64 83 64 Int. M. M. pfd.... 1.400 103 103 1034, International Nickel International Paper. K. C, Southern ..' Kenneeott Copper. . Louis, A Nash.,,, Maxwell Motor ,. TOO $8 38 18 800 $4 $4 $4 . . , . . .,..,,., 1 1 4,100-13 31 $ 300 111 116 IM .... S7 Mexican Petroleum, 1,100 101 , It 19 Miami copper .... xu Missouri Pacific ., 100 13 31 13V Montana Power ,. .'... ,,., .... is Nevada Copper .. 100 11 II : l4i New Terk Central,, , Tl N. T., li. H, A IT. 1,100 $1 Jf $8 Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific. PacWo Mail ...... .... . .... .... 103 00,, 1711 IT, T a ;' II $0 43 81 4 II $1 ' 16 , 13, 14 l'ac'jie.T. A T.. Pennsylvania ., PIHlk,k .! ; e ft Ray.Con. Copper ,, l.TOO 14 14 Reeling .,, 11.300 $3 13 RepwbUq 1. A S.. 1,100 $3 11 ShaUuok Art. Cop, ' .... .... Southern Pacific ., 100 $3 $3 Southern Ry ..., 800 14 34 Studebekey Corp.... 1,400 47 41 44 Texa CO, .,.,.. 000 164 163 153 Union Pacific. .,. 1,700 111 110 111 U. S.lnd.AlcohoI.M 100 128 114 124 U. i. Steel. $0,100 101 107 10l' J-'i . Steel, . pfd.. . ,..- .v.,A-..'-v,, ; it" Western1 Union ,., V 400 : 18 riT . . -West. S'eetrlo .... 100 SeI Total sals for th dy.v36,ooi shfy. ' Naee.T'ork Money. . .'- Nsw Torh,rfetSn $1. Mercantile Papr 1 rour mowns, s per cent; six months, 6 ner cert! aterllna sn.da hllla tifiu, ' mei.i! 60-day bills on banks, $4.72; com-' meclal 60-day bills. $4.71) demand. I4.T6I; I calea, 4.T Ml. ;. ; ailvsr Bar, tej Mexican dollars, TT,' Government Bonds heavy. , , f , ' Railroad Bonds Irregular. ' , ; Tims Loan steady; 40 day, 19$ per y. V per cent; six month. $9$ per eent - ., Call Money Steady; high, 4 per eent; low, $ per eent; ruling rata, 4 par cent; ' closing bid, I per eent, offered at 1 per cent; last loan, 1 per eent ' f U. S. ts reg...i II Con. p. Is Tl " j do eoupon ... 11 Int M. If. Is., I7H TJ. S. I reg.... II K. C 8., r, 6s., 78 . do coupon ... IIL. A N. era 4s. 68 : ,f . V. 8. Lib. I.. H.I0M K A T 1st 4s 601," U. S. 4s reg.. .,101 Mo. Pee. g. 4s., II do coupon ...101 Mont. Power Is. 11 ' Am. $ S. Is.. 66 N. Y. C. d. 6s.,., 14 - A. T. A T. 0. 6 !0No. Pao, 4a 10 Anglo-French Is II do is IS Arm. A Co. 4s 14 Or. 8, U r. 4 ti" Atchison gen. 4s. II "P. T, A T. 8s.. 10 B. A O. o. 4 7tPenn. a 4s.. 14 U, Beth. St r. 110 do gen. 4s.. 17 Cen. Leather la 14 Reading gen. 4a $3' Con. Pao. 1st.. 71 S L A B F a Is 17 C. A O. e. I.... 10 So. Pao. or. I.. I0H , C. B. A Q. J. 4 3So. Ry. I .. IS-' 0 M A 8 P e 4s 75 'Tax, A Pae, 1st 13 C R I A P r 4s. 17 Union Pacifle 4s 14 , C. A S. r. . 4 Tl V. 8. Rubber I.. Tl .' D, A R, G. r. Is.. I1TJ. 8. Steel Is.. ISH . Dom. of Can. Is. llWabesh 1st ..... ts Erls gen 4s.... !8Grench gov. is It , Gen. Elee. la..., II 'Bid. Offered. . v Gt No. 1st 4s 11 New York GeaaraL ' - New York. Jnno 38. Flour Oulet 111.7. 911.26; winter, $10.36911.16; Kansas. $10.10911.35. Corn Spot firm: fresh shelled. No.' t yellow. $1.15, and No, I yellow, $1.16, ; cost and freight. New York. Oats Spot, firm; atandard, II9IIViii V L10; No. 1. $1.0091.10; shipping, 4098JraI' nop vuiet; state, medium to. choi7vs., 1117. 16941o; 1811. nominal; : Paclflc eoast 1117, 10913c; 1111; 149160. Pork Unsettled; mess, 147.60 9 43. 0U family, 155.00; short clear. $46.00953.00. lrd steady) mlddlewest $26.15925.35. . ,..: Tallow Steady; city special, loose, ITHe.T' Rloe Firm: fancy head, 10910e; blue rose, l9le. Butter Easier) receipts, II.IIT tubs; creamery, higher than extras, 45 9 46c; creamery extras '. (II score), 44 945e; - firsts, 439440; packing stock, . current make, No. S, I3e. . -'.'' - , Eggs Firm: reoelpts. 11,18$ eases: fresh' gathered storage packed firsts, 87 983c: : same, regular packed extra firsts, 17 fflllei- same, firsts, 30 9 J sc. r . Creese Firm; receipts, 1,120 boxes: tat fresh speolals, 11 9 24c; same, average rune ' - tlC y - - Poultry LI v. steady; prices unchanged.? -. Dressed, Steady; western chickens, 4343 62c; fowl. 10933. , . S Dun's Trade Review. , New Tork, June 25. Dun' review tojrlotv row will aay: ,. "While business Interest have bsevi aulcst . . : to adapt themselves to ths frequejrt and radU ' cat oeonomlo change of the war period. ; "" hesitation and caution not unnaturally pre vail In many quarters, and forward projects I '. are being confined within still oloser II m- Its. Such a condition ha resulted, not alone from doubts as , to future readjust- - ments, but also from a disposition to await more exact knowledge ot government ne- - . cessltles and ths steadily Increasing scarcity , -of supplies places tighter restrictions on ordinary commitment. Wher prte regu- latlon are In prospect and transaction sub- -Ject to later revision as In textiles, there Is a disinclination among buyera and sellers alike to operate extensively, even were it , possible to do so and the removal, for an- , other three months, of price uncertainties , in Iron and ateel. has not materially stlm- . nlated regular demands, which have been , brought more completely under official su pervlston. ., Thsro I no Industry or trad of , Importance, In fact that I not now dom- Inated by the government and tt Is ne ' longer a question of bow much civilian , business Is offering,' but how much may , be consummated without Interference with the pressing federal requirements. - -"Weekly bank clearings. 15,764.113.647,", Sew York Sugar. "-j:' New York, June 18. Sugar Raw, stee' -centrifugal. 4.665c) . fin granulated, . 1. , T.M. - JO 78 1 V p I r . I 1