Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1918, Page 14, Image 14
1 r 14 ABIE THE AGENT Copyright ' 1918. International News Service. DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD Want Ad Rates - iCosb WUb order I IHo per word ....... ..each Insertion to per word fur turn consecutive insertion lo pr word for each additions! insertion No ad taken fur Icm iban total of too or lesi I ban lOo par day : v -'-'' ' ' CHAfMiB. '- par Una (count ( worde to Una) oti tlm o par Una acb time, I coneecutlv ttmaa to pt Uoa aacb tlm. IV conaecutlv time SITUATION WANTED. tit $ im . . pai waak GARII OF THANK ANU . FUNERAL NOTICES. l P na. each inaarUon (Minimum Charge, to Cent.! . Contract Kate On Appliratkm For conlnc of dvr Users want ad will b accepted at tba following office: IAIN OFFICE ...... ... Bulldlni Asia Offle ..4110 NortA 4tb Ht I. Offle ...... ......2M Norttt 14tb St Vinton Offle ..1467 South Itb St Park Offle ....... .,261$ Leaven worth 81. Walnut Offle Ill Norttt 40tb Bt. Bout, eid tm n hi. Council Bluff 14 Main St. North THE) BEB will not be reaponiiblt for mora than ena Incorrect Intartlon of an dvrtl toaot erdarad for mor thb on tiro. , Da THE TELEPHONE It fU cannot con venlently bring er nd rnur (da to njr f th aboT offlet. Aak for Want Ad and ou will racalv th asm good arvle a when dallvarlnf your d In panoo. , PIIONB TT1.EB ijm. Want Ad Coltimna ChtM ETntng Edition M. Morning Edition 10:00 P U. Biin1 tCillilnna r) p M Saturday Wvnlna; MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALHAMBKA 24TH "AND PAHKEB GLADYS BROCKWELU IN ' "HF.R ONE MISTAKE ' GRAND. S1XTSBNTH AND BINNHii MARY PJCKFORD. IN THE LITTLK AMERICAN South apoEEo !9TH AND J.EAVENWORTiT MONTAGU LOVB AND Ahh STAR CAST IN J "VENGEANCE" BSTH and lkavknVortii vvr.r.v HYI.AND. IN "PEG OF THE PIRATES WlN ANSUu vina, "beloved"wlf ot W, H. Wlnsna. died Thursday morning,, Jun il, Aed t year. . ... .. Funeral arvlcra Saturday, Jun 21. S :S0 p. ra at tha toalilenc of hr dautthur. lra. C. V. Barrows. :4J North Korty fifth avenua. Interment In Foreat Lawn (wmstery. Friends waleom. ITh 5UE Mr. Anna, aged H year; Jun "ttkrv!ca at Hoffmann funeral home Sun day at I: JO p. m. Interment, Foreat Lawn cemetery. Deceaaed la aurvlved by tour children, Mr, i. T. Roberta, . Mra. It. H. Wonnlund, Mr. F. h. Koce of Omah nd Mra, Oeonre Lynch of OaHland, Cal. tROSitS Sabble, widow of th lat Ch T. Kronlus, died Wednesday, Jun S6, l her residence. II U North Seventeenth atrert, ed Msyear. Foneral aervlce Sunday, Jun 10, I:S0 p. m t Hula & Rlepen' chapet, 701 South Sixteenth atreet. Interment Pro pect Hill mmetery.' Frlenda wcoine. DASiJean. June S3, Infant daug iter of iMr. and Mr. C. W. Adama, g 11 : month, , "" ;. . Funeral at rraldence, 6151 Davenport, SMurriiiv. June it. S o'clock, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. CNI.ERTAKER8 and llcenaed en 'jlamera; . Mlao private ambulance. Call Webattr J Wiitt e Crotby. till N 14th Bt. Twa A. OKNTLEmTn, undertaker nd embalmer. 1411 rarnam Ht. Harney 101. SlU LStu RlPKN. undertaker nd env rulmer. Ktl B. lath Oougla lil. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undert aker. 13d Far, H. 409. L DODDER CO., Funrl DlrctorT V. U Fr. Mgr.. lid and Cuming St. Phon Dougla I7t Aoto ambulanc. Hoffmann quality rvlc. cost leu. ,4th and lXflc uounisa FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1S14 Dougla 8L Dougla 1144. X.DONAGHUE Eat l5t HARNET riowen ahlpped verywhr Cp. prepaid PARKER FLOWER BHOP 411 8. U. D. 1101. PTOOERS Florlat. 1"S. lsth. D. 1400 BATH Careful Floriat. '4 farnam 8t. .ejdernn. Ul Farnam. D Ui ' MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. r'EbT LAWN offer ympatbetlo aervlc la tiddea aorrow: erpetual caret do aaaea menta: lot on eaav term. Phone tval. 820 HA largeat display of monumenta In th United State FRANK 8VOBODA 12U. W 18th Pbnne Dnulaa 1J78-I1U v makrTageTicenses. Nam Addreea. Bumuel C. Maxwell. Fremont, Neb. Ak. Nellie A. Frltcriard, Omaha ........ Fterlluft B. Buckley, Fort Crook. Neb. Cecil Campbell, Omaha .............. William McCoUIum, Omaha ........... Helen Lemon, Omaha ................ John C. Green, Onaka, 8. D. ........ Mabel Culbertaon. Aurora, Neb.' ....... Clyde 3. Iteckcl. Omaha .......... Besalo Russell, Otunha ............... Charle Thayer, Atchison, Kad over. . Hazel Beldlng. Omaha, over William Wehrkamo. Hebron. la. Lulu Emma epillmaa, CUrlnda, la. ..17 Joseph C. Partsch. Omaha ...... &isle Luelle Mesklmen, Omaha Edward Harris, Omaha ......... Marl Burns. Omaha ........... Jame Ives Kierman, Jersey City, N. J. 23 Sarah Alice Blackburn, . Jersey City, ' N, J .: .. ...... ... .. ............ . Richard Jacobs, Omaha .............. Luty McKlnzle, Omaha ............... Alice Moore, Oms lis .................. May Whiteside, Omaha ............... William Boltlo, Carson, la. ........... Cora Richardson. Carson, Is. births and deaths Births Claus and Carrio Hansen. Lyons, Neh.. boy: Louise and Marjorle Armo, SI21 bouth Twenty-tblrd. alii; Richard and Jean ett Aner, Goodland, Kan.- girl: Leo and Crac -Sedlar. 1311 North , Twenty .fifth .venue, girl: Robert and Mabel Pike, Flor. nee, boyr Francis and Agnes Laraen, Pil arer Neb., bov: David and 'Anna Johnson, 4117 Lake, boy;' Vincent and Lotle Bwope, 1607 North Twentieth, girl; Jame and Josephine Kadlek. R. F. 1. 6, girl;. Jacob and Lillian Btoresand, JSll Brown, girl; Fam and Freda Bplepal, tilt Caldwell boy; I ary and Catherine Campbell, 4011 Bew r I, s-tri; Lugi and Pnnsiata Marcucclo, lilt ' ton avenue, boy; Gubtcpp and Maria H. 1321 South Twelfth, girl; Hugh ' Barton, 1311 South Eighth; try Cumstead. 2117 Webster, 1 S ' ,414 Sputh I VW kmYJS wsy . A WON - " r .3 Y iu?W Vou'll Go tvu. soutj Hi I f building permits. ThJ tu.(n.i uuiiiJi.iii permits have been Issued i ' ' John K reuse, 231 Deer Park boulevard frame kitchen, 1200; Llnlnger Implement company. Fifth and Pacific, repairs, $1,000; U. 8, Carburetor company, 4211 North Twentieth brick factory, 125,000. SPECIAL NOTICES a WILL PARTY who witnessed the autoruo , bile accident at 29th and Jsckaon Mon. day p. m., Jun t, 1111, and offered er : vlcea to th Injured, kindly get In com. munlcation at one with E. B., Huntley, ' Orain Exchange Phone Harney 1(172 ATTORNEY 8. F. NEbLb," Jr., haa located at 107 First National Bank Bldg. Tyler 1376. ' ' . - LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAT COMPANY Person having tost some srtlcl would - rail to Ckll up tb offle of th Omaha & Conc" Bluff Htreet Railway company U asctr.aln whether they left It Id tut street ear. Many article each day are turned Ir. and th company la anxious to restors thsm to th rightful owner LOMT In City National Hank Bldg. gold . watch with Swiss movement; name Den I son Lamber, on inside back cover; th Ford . company written across face ;of watch. Gold pointer. Liberal reward for return to D. Umbert, 1331 City National Bank ..-,...-.., WILL th lady who wa given by mistake. by cashier, at Illalto box orrice, Monday morning, light gray pturasol, with pink arple blossom, andlong black handle, bullet tipped, kindly return sara to Rlslto, a wrong parasol was given her. LOST Black and white dog, wearing col' i.. , . .... ... x;A lil, . lar who viuejm ... ,.v . llberat reward will be given for return or Information. Tl. ' Walnut $714. 6007 Davenport St. - - --,-' " S YOU lea anything mnC will advertla it her -rou will eurely recover It If ouo-I by an haneit person, if you find any thing of aiu tb hnnt way I to ad verttse for th owner. Will party who picked u puree in Brandela rest room tm Monday return banK book. receipts, diver ring and purs at least T Reward, 3201 Llncolu boulevard, Harney US", ; LOST A' little SplU dog between 28th and 2021. 30th ntl gaming, inursoay aiiernoun. Answer to name of 'Liberty," Reward. Call Harney 6264. - ; ""-; ; LOtT Between Malvern and GlenWood, black grip containing clothe and papers. Finder pleas notify Kelly Springfield Tire Co,. Omahat Keward to imuer, ,i,OST Open fao gold watch fw. J J. mon- -ogram on rjscn; gom eoin iod; rswaru, wturn mi V.ity National Bank Bldg. LOST Light sorrel mare, strayed ot atolen. Dougla 4318, Reward. ' " ' ' For Sale Mucellaneoeus t'KKSH country buttermilk: butter; best ot cream: strictly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Fhon South 81S or Tyler Wagner'. . , . Bottles. KOOTHEER little patent stopper and othr Nat. Htelnberg, 101 Har O 1. Furniture and Household Goods. TAKE advantage of our special June of tertnga In furniture and house furnishings. Including many thttuaanda of dollar of merchandise bought from maker who are discontinuing making certain line on ccnunt of abnornal tabor and utaterlal Condition, purchased by ua about 60c on th dollar. To Illustrate: Four-hol gas - stove, regular 125. on tale. 112.10; six. foot extension table, regular value, til, on sale, Ili.tO; solid oak dining chair, regular value, 14.60, oa sal. $1.01; large rocker worth 18.50, on aale, S4.S&. Com arly tor th cream ot bargain. W , mak a specialty of complete horn out fits, also hotels and rooming houses. , Rsllroad firs free to out-of-town buyer wtthln SO mile ot Omaha on purchases ; of 128 or mor. ' " STATE FURNITURE CO., 1 Teh Doug, .1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge St rURNITURE & HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, (pring. mattreaaea, dreaaers. chif foniers, table, ohalr. china and kitchen cabinet, rug and linoleum, trunk and . ,uit eases, sas itovs and te boxes, full line -oreen wire, poultry netting, garden tools. 1833-47 North I4th 6U 11 Web 07. Open till p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gas and coal oil etovea, ruga, baby csiriage. trunk, lo. Loyal Furn. Co., 131 N. 16th ' ' HOUSEHOLD good and piano for sal. rea sonable. Harney 1110. 1:4 8. 27th St. SOFT coal comfort heater and rug; good condition. Colfaa 21. FOR SALE CHEAP A eollapalbl baby carriage. Walnut 288. V GOOD aecond-hand cook stqv for sale cheap. Wslnut 4, FOR SALE Household furniture ot a l- room bungalow, 4913 Davenport. ' Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE bav several Vlctrolsa that we took In on truK for aale: In good condition. House Phonograph Parlor. Cor. 20lb and Fsrnsm 8ta. WE TUNE, repair, reflnlah and move pianos; all woik absolutely, guaranteed. I'hona order, Dougla 111. A. tlosp Co.. 1613 lougla St. ,; A. HOSPB CO., lilJ Dougla. have piano t rent at 13.50. per month, or will sell oh easy term WILL pay cash or trade tor any piano ot tandard mak. . A. Hoape Co.. If 13 Doug, laa Bt. . Boats, Yachts, Etc. TAKE A RIDE ON THE LAKE. . ' ' Cedar boat, with J pair oars, sail and rudder for sale; price 140. Thl boat ts In good condition and would cost, new, $150. Owner too busy to uss it, hence this sacrifice. Call Wsl 2044, or see J. II. DUMONT & CO., Phone D. !. 4l.H Keellne Bldg. Machinery and Engines, 30x50 Threshing machine In good condition for sale or trade. Ora, W. Collins, Cres cent, Iowa. - FOR SALE Four-cy Under 62-horsepower Twin City engine, burns kerosene. I'sed less than 60 days-..1 HoX 4736. Omaha Bee, Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent n Oliver t months for 13 Central Typewriter Exrhang 1101 Farnara. WE buy. eell or exchsng typewr''.r, guar, typewriter 110 and up Writ for list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Dodge. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES . W rent, repair, sell beedle and ptrt of. all aewlng machine. - MICHEL'S "' ' ". . KEBRA8KA CYCLB CO IStb and Harney St. Doug 116. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather (teamed! - renovated and mad op In new feather. proof Mehlng 1107 Cuming Dong 2467. FOR tlmn'i dreu suit. Will , rnm going to wa', sii THE BEE: For Sale Miscellaneoeus Store and Office Fixtures WE buy, sell and mak desk, safe, show esses, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixtur A Hup. nlv Co.. 11th and Douglas D 2724 ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, sll sixes and style: hemstitching, pleat edging, eye- ; let cut work, button boles, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100-101 Brown Bldg. - Phone Doug 1011 Semstitching. pleating. button O, U. VanArnara Pleating Co.. 136-7 Paxtnn Block. Phone Doug 1101. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping aupplle SCOTT-OMAHA TENT AWNINO CO. Billiard Parlor. PRIVATE table for parties at Holme' THE nMT V VJ A V w ft w Bid,. V41US IMli Dougla 21$. THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO Baggage and Express." REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Package less thsn 20 lbs.. 15 cents. Douglss 7463. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. S7th and Martha 8ta., Omaha, Neb. Bras, bronxe, aluminum snd machine gray Iron castings C Chiropractors. SPINOORAI'H.. &r, Edwards. 24jth tt Far- nam. Dt J C Lawrence. Batrd Bldg, D. I4t. Contractors. J ELKIN building repairs Web, 767 Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent, 100 N. 16th St., . opposite Postoffic. John Feldman, Doug. las 312S. -; , Detectives. fl j.MES ALLAN, $U Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all esse Tyler 1111. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, d resume king. I)oig. 6306. Dentists. D- Uiadlniry No pain. 221 W. O. W. Bldg Ts.ft' Dent. Rma.. 101 Ruse Bldg D. 1161. Electric Vacuum Cleaners. WILL cleau your rugs on the floor. 1 us Hoover machine. Harney 111$. : Film Developing. FLMrj developed: rolls, 10'c; packs, 169; ;nu-dy service. Ess Studio, Neville Blk., 16tb and Barney- Fixtures and Wiring. TTiptrTVf Electric washing machine. U J XVXVJ.ll electrio Iron and Tesdlng lemp. 1221 Cuming Bt Dougla 1$1. Live Stock Hauling. WE will haul your Jiv stock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., ' 2201 Farnam Ht, Telephone Doug. 1601. Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC sharpeners; called for and de livered; used lawnmowers tor sale. Shop :' at Kaxotlr Station, 3810 Leavenworth. Harney 1608. . Jewelry. UXmJViUO privilege to buy back t amalt profit GROSS. 402 N 18th 8t. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 614 Brandela Bldg T. 2060 Res 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought snd sold Inter nstlonal Patent Co.. 63 Brandel. D 6011. STURGE8 - ST URGES, U 8. snd foreign patent and trad e ma rks, 130 Bee Bldg.' Piping. ALL kind ot piping done, stoves connect ed and adjusted; prompt service. Web. " ster 17S2 or Webster 6,147, Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUO CLEANERS. Scientific Olive Oil Wsshlng Persian Rug Cleaning Co., $251 Farnam. II. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Bate Co. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis- eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal disease! with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Bsmhart Pig. Co.. 624 8. iSth Bt Tailors. Dledrlek. P. L., 216 8. 30th. Tailor. D 2418. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply .207 B 11th, P. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES Fitted Perfectly by Expert. Th W O. Cleveland Co.. 1410-11 Harney St. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing Dnuclss Prlntln Co Tel Dnurl i WANTED TO BUY JENKINS has Just returned and will give you th asm good service (hat he gave In the past. Help win tb wtr. Sell .your eld clothes, shoes, rugs, tools, trunk snd buy W. 8. S, Will oall. Re. D. 1032. Office. 2636 BE PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE SAM. SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND -; BUY LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE MB A TRIAL. WILL CALL PHONE DOUG 143 1 111 DOUGLAS 8T. J DESKS DESKS DESKS - New desk, used desks bought, sold and traded ' J. C. Reed. 120 Farnam, D. 6141 WE PAY YOU HIGHEST PRICKS FOR CLOTHES. CALL US FIRST. I'uuu. tan, CASH paid for diamonds, eststo appraised. Reese Jewelry Co. 43 8 16th WANTED To- buy, set tor sun parlor in light or chestnut brown. Call Harney 638 BUSINESS CHANCES ntTioiivi.wtiinr lunirtt nimbr firm in - present drsft will ell at actual cost, only team laundry In good county seat city ot nearly 6.000 on main line C R. I. A P. In Iowa. Doing good business. Half cash, balanc good tsrm. Addres Bo t 600, Omah Bee ' V 11 NEWSPAPER In town of 600 Is tor sale because owner 1 called Into ervlc. Cash or on easy Urm. Plant doing g"ol bust- . mi. iam. ttianosttlon soon a will jprobably bs called about JoI 32. C l Jriariiey, orniren ..ow FOR 8ALE A well establiahed hel -,nrii!i nt 20 year: machines, tool. tock wlU Invoice about $1,000;, reaaj death of owner,. Fftr Informal mr inrormaiion auuie atreet, Frl rtt I etal I I'd "si J. tit e3 t OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE BUSINESS CHANCES GOOD paying drug store. Cor. 16th and Davenport; new fixtures' and fountain, well assorted stock, excellent location. Will sell t Invoice. See us at once. FOR SALE Cat with soft drinks. Ice cream and confectionery In connection. Doing fin business. Good reason for selling. Belmont cafe, Columbus, Neb. FOR 8ALE1 First class meat' market In town of 1.600; all fixture new and sani tary Reason for selling, will be drafted soon O. F. Courtney, Randolph, Neb. ANY business relating to Canada solicited; lands cared for, lensed, sold, exchanged, cropped. Frank Crawford, Omaha ' and Rosetown, Bask. FOR SALE Grocery and meat market. Good location. Part cash or trade. Sell, ing on account ot sickness. 4567 So. 38th St.. South Side. FOR BALK Harness business in best farm ing country in Nebraska. Only Shop in town. Writ to Joe Jenlk, Lodge Pole, Neb MUST SELL Garage doing good business in McClelland, la. Reason for selling, draft ed. Crom & Towxer, McClelland, la. SPECIAL inch display advertisement, over 100 magazines, thrice $3. Coast-to-Coast Syndicate, Atlantio City, GUARANTY locate you: any line business: any state. Guarantee sell your business. F V Knlest. Be Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. BAKERY Confectianery. etc., for sale. Nets $223 month. W Snrlatlansen. Mln den. Neb PARTNER wanted in good buslnesa, $5,000 required R. B. LeRoy, Fort Dodge, la. STORK for sale; rent $9. Good business. F. V Knlest. , Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Rooming Houses for Sale. GOOD paying, well furnished rooming house; elegant home facilities; must leave city; how much do you bid? Call Dougla 8180. . AUTOMOBILES OLD FORDS. NEW FORDS MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Defor buying a truck See Affordable Truck Co., Omaha made truck nnlt fit any Ford, make guaranteed and 1-ton truck out ot anybody' Ford. $16$ F. O. B. OmaRa. ' DEALERS WANTED Factory and office 1207-11 8. 20th St - DOUGLAS 2053. FOR SALE In sets or single tires: Four 67x$ N. H. Ribbed Cord Goodyear casings: white tread, new; selling now at $31.30 each. To close out at 665 each. Two 16x5 N. H. Ribbed Cord Goodyear easlngs; black tread; new; selling now at $T7.70 each; to close out at' $65, Two 35x5 N. H. All-Weather tread Good year Cord casings; black tread, new; sell ing now at $83.40 each; to close out at $70 each, V, O. 13. Hastings. E. A. BRANDES. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiator on hand Maahid tender and lamp repaired Ilk new. New honey-combed Ford radiator. III! model, $22; 1917. $23. - OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE) WORKS lilt Cu-nlng St. Omaha Neb FORDS can burn half coal oil, or cheapest gasoline, using our 1918 carburetor; 34 mile per gallon guaranteed. Easy start ing. Great power Increase. Attach It yourself. Big profit selling for us. 30 days' trial. Money back, guarantee. Styles to fit any automobile. Air-Friction Carburetor Company, 367 Madison St., Dayton, O. - LISTEN Wj will save you 60 per cent on your tlr bill. Trad your old tire for new on. Tube vulcanized S cents cas ing 60 cent up Rebuilt. 1 In 1 casing for sale. 13 up. D. 8. machine for aale. IT. S. Vulcanlzer Co., Branch 1$ 120 8 13th St.. Omaha FOR SALE On account of draft the Cum ing garage. This garage Is In a fins lo cation and doing a rushing business. Owner of building will enlarge and give a long leas. Cuming Garage, S413 Cum ing St. FORDS exebsnged, bought and sold; w re build your Ford with a Relcey stresmltns body like new; car sold for cash or tlm payment Sol S. Goldstrom. 2867 Farnam St Harney 6546; agent wanted. FOR 8 ALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and power. Will accept Ford In At Condition as part payment A bargain, B. E. Frank. Route 6, 75A. Penaon, Neb. BARGAINS IN USED CARS . All make With ad without starters. 1$ to pick from. Phone V. 1241 or call St 151$ Davenport BOTLAN AUTO CO.. WILL TAKE FORD or other light car as part payment on good 6-room house, close in. Co. Bluffs. Easy payments, "D" umanR nee, iouncii murrs. NEW Maxwerl cars, 1918 models, for sale. $300 cash, balanc monthly payments a desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 6082, Bee. CHALMERS, speedster, 2-pasaengor....360 Maxwell. 6-passenger 460 Bulck Light' Six 100 BARNUM-SMITH CO.. 2121 Cuming. CUMINO GARAGE. 24U Cuming St.. D 2831 Storage, day and night aervlc. carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. HUDSON SUPEIV SIX SEDAN A good OS . - . new. Owner must ' dispose of same at once. Box $809, Omaha' Bee. ' . f - WB ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1MB Farnam Bt Dougla IQTt. TELL BINKLEY. Commercial body builder 211$ Horn -it D 1540 OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. I 2300 Farnsm Bt. MEEKS AUTO CAR. ! USED CAR BARGAINS. 2028 FARNAM ST DOUGI.A8 6290. I OR SALE Chevrolet, $490; touring, first class condition. Call Flint 219 North Twenty-eighth avenue or phone H. 6657. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay Auto Ex change Co., 2059 Fsrnsm St. Doug. 6035 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 1406 LEAVENWORTH 8T. BARGAINS In used cr ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 4th nd Fsrnsm Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 1020 Fsrnsm St., Omaha. Neb. 10 FORD- WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO., 2105 FARNAM ST. , GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH, flth and Farnam St Dnola 197. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. ( an haokmti Ford Agents. Doug.'l&flS, t 29, 1918. AUTOMOBILES $425.00; 1917 FORD touring car; new tires fine condition. 3027 Pratt street. GOOD second-haml delivery car. cheap. In' quire 1219 WOW Bldg 1915 MAXWELL; good running ordor; has run 6,200 miles. Price 3376. 3821 N. zza Auto Livery and Garages. ' RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 12o a mile, 35o per hour minimum charge. Sundays snd holidays, 60c per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 1622 1314 Howard 8t Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. S.. 2616 19th St Wb- iter 1102 For th best results with repair wnr consult ua Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO Anything electrical about your auto. 116 8. 19th St. Douglas 6488. Tires and Supplies. TIRES. 10x3, plain. $10.36. 30x3'. plain, $12.75. 80x3H.nnn-kid, $15.40.. Good used Ford tires, $6.00 and up. Other sizes In proportion.' Retreading and vulcanizing. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS, -Express charges paid when cash sent with order. 1918 Cuming St.. Omaha, Neb. - GUARANTEED TIRES . ONE HALF PRICE. 1,000 Mile Guaranteed. 10x3, 17.75: 30x3. $8.75; 12x3tt, $10.25; 33x4. $12.35; 34x4, $13.25; 85x4'4. $15.50. Writ us today for particular, AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1616 Davenport St Omaha. D. 2914. TIRE bargains at unheard of prices; all brand new, IS standard makes. Come In and let our goods and price settle the , argument BEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO., ''Nebraska's Tlr Bargain Center." Douglas 291. 310 S. 19th St. TIRE price wreckers. This is no 2-ln-l tlr COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 422 S. 13th. Agts Wanted. Omaha. Neb BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tirea and eliminate your tire trouble Powell Sup ply Co. $061 Farnam St . NEW TIRES AT ,i PRICE. ALL SIZES. NEW 30x3 Republic, $9.25. Ford tubes.$2.00 NEW $0x314 LEE TIRES $14.7$ NEW J2x3tt FIRESTONE TIRES. . .$15.85 KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMING. INSIST on O & G. quality retread and sav 60 per cent on your tire. Bargalna 1n new and allghtly used tire. , G O. Tlr Co. 2415 Lesven'th St Tyler 1261-W T Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines Victor H. Roos. the Motorcycls Man. 27tb and Lesv- . enworth. PERSONAD THE Salvation Army industrial Home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga zine. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horns. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. - - - MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and scalp treatment 1S02 Farnam1 St. Room 2 MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage. 379 Bran. Tbea. Bldg. D. 1669. MAS BRUGMAN. scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Ksrbach Blk. Red 2727 MASSAGE and baths. Miss Ualran. 22,2-3 Neville Block. Mnnlcurlnc and mass. 1623 Fsrnsm R II MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H Wmv. 300 Ree Bldg SITUATIONS WANTED Male. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Or tracer wants position In or out of Omaha Box 9650, Bee. 35 YEARS house painting, etc. Interior 1III1.I.IU, DMU ,1. I ,11,1. ..u.w.-. lard Hotel. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, th Na tional Cleaning and Service company. 2701 Leavenworth St Hsrney 6012. ELDERLY business man . wno appreciates congenial borne for light services, spare ' time. Box 9768 Omaha Bee. BOOKKEEPING, statements,' pay rolls, re mittances. Bath-factory service, reasonable prices. Phone HRrney 1024. SOME plumber! Your sanitary servant Ile'a Hooverlzed. Call Colfax 2772. LAWNS mowed. Floors polished, Douglas 9457. Delaney. EXPERIENCED carpeuter want work. Douglas 8349. - - ' ?emale. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position as com panion or attendant to Invalid. Phone ' Dougla 8259. PRACTICAL nursing and cases wanted by experienced nurse. Douglas 8451. EXPERIENCED white lady wants day work. Reference. $3 day. ' Ddug. 6071 WOMAN wants day work: ret. Web. 2221. YOUNG lady desires filing .work. Col. 930. Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE WOMAN want bundle washing at home. Web. 5230. EXP laundress, bundles called for and de livered Webster 6323 BUNDLES carefully laundered. . Call and deliver. Web. 4383. ' , WANTED Washing and Ironing 3 or 3 day a week. Web. 4521. FAMILY washings called lor and delivered. Call Colfax 1093. BUNDLE WASHING, rough dry and finish ed. Red 6671. - DAY work, good ret. 3733. Mary Carter. Web. LAUNDRESS, washing 'by th hour. 3017. Web. EXP. coL woman want day work. Web. 1451. NEAT cot lady want day work. Har. 4709. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 698. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. DAY work by colored lady. Wester 3980. LAUNDRY work by hour Web. 2068 Day work and bundle washing Web 1081. 1ST class col laundress with ret. Doug 8712. GIRL wishes day work Webster 2337 BUNDLE washing, lace curtain. Web. 1727. WANT work yh the day- South 1613. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertt for "help" th aam wsy yotf , advert! to sell merchandise, and th difference In return will surprise you. Th next tlm you need help call Tyler 1000. A - trained and experienced ad taker wtll assist you la preparing your advertisement BOOKKEEPERS. 3100-1135; office clerks. IS5-0: steno. 390-$100; ledger clerks $75-135. Co-Op. Ret Co., 1015 City Nat'L HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. OFFICE clerk, R. R.. $100. Offle! clerks, $75-$125. Stenographers, $90-1110. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Registered and unregistered druggist; no fountain; store close at 10 p. in.; off every other night 6 p. m. Oscar Ruff Company. Sioux City. Iowa. - FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and office man ager tor manufacturing concern; (tat age; salary $125 per month; good chance for advancement. Box 9771, Omaha Bee. OMAHA railway mail clerk examination coming; hundreds wanted; $90 month: sample question free. Frsnklln Institute. Dept 231-F. Rochester. N. Y BOOKKEEPERS, $125-$100-$90-$86. Office clerks, $110-$100-$9M85. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. EXPERIENCED clerk, steady position; ret erences required. 3. Helphand Clothing Co. BILLING clerk. Implement experience, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED. TRUCKERS and WAREHOUSE MEN. Good pay. 29th and C Street, South Side. OMAHA FLOUR MILLS CO. - MEN WANTED TO WORK IN MACARONI FACTORY APPLY MANAGER Skinner Manufacturing Co. 14TH AND JACKSON - WANTED CARPENTERS CALL AT EMPLOYMENT . BUREAU -MORRIS & CO. SOUTH SIDE WANTED Young man to work In th press room. Apply to Supt, Be Publishing Co. WANTED FIREMAN for low pressur boiler. Apply at our factory. John Matzen, engineer. JAY BURNS BAKING CO. WANTED Five thoroughly experienced warehouse men. APPLY LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. 12th and Davenport WANTED Meat cutters, reliable, capable of running small shop. Call at Basket Stores Office, 10$ N. 9th t Call any day. WANTED . - An experienced cabinet maker, an ex perienced upholsterer, an experienced tin isher. For th Ralston Furnitur Factory. Apply i ORCHARD-WTLEELM CO. 414-11 South Sixteenth atreet COUNTRY PRINTER WtANTED On ca pable In feeding newspiper press and Job presses and apt In sqjttlng ads and Job as directed. Modern jkqulpment 66-hour week, m rate for Overtime; pay evsry Saturday. Press, David City. Neb. A GOOD blacksmith wanted to take charge of a weU equipped shop and tools. Will hire by month or rent shop and tool by th month. Inquire at Farmers State Bank. Cortland. Neb. MIDDLE-AGED man. without family, to live on place, for gardening, : chore and general work. AH year lob. Must have reference. Apply Box 1818, omsna Be. WANTED Tailor, ma or lsdy. Man pre- ferred that can operate in nortraan siesra pressing machine. Phsn 131. John A. Politls. Columbus. Neb. v AV ANTED Experienced automobile repair man. Apply ervic department, Guy u Smith. Twenty-sixth and Farnsm streets. DRUGGIST WANTED, EXPERIENCED. Permanent position. St Joseph Drug Co.. St Joseph, Mo. .. ACTIVE young man with two years drug experience: $75.00 and room. . Box 1$23 Missoula. Mont WANTED A good auto repair man for gang work. A. B. Basmussen. Walnut la. - ' ' LEARN barber trade, low rate now Call or write Berber Col teg tt!4 Dnual fit A MAN to work in our valet (hop. good pay. Se auditor Hotel Fontenelle. ; WANTED Upholsterer for rumlture depart ment Bo 41406 Be WANTED Carpenters nnd helpers: steady work, Fhon W. B. Week. Webster 1133. WOW TOO SORRCWSt HELP WANTED MALF Salesmen and Solicitors. 1 SALESMAN , want 60 Ilve-wlrs salesmen. APPLY 650-61.52 Brandels Bldg. ' - : ' SALESMEN to sell slock; $1,000 000 bank organizing; strong directorate; commis sion; send references. Leads given; per manent place possible. Fidelity Trust Co., Hlppee Bldg.. Des Moines, la. " WANTED Two experienced book and st-; tionery salesmen. No road work and good pay. Give references. -Write Box 4711 Bee. ' ' WANTED Good live wire. Apply Duplex Tire Co.. 1015 S. Main St., Council Bluffs. WANTED at once, 10 shoo salesmen. Fierce Shoe Co., Council Bluffs, la. ' Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored waiters; permanent po sitions, best pay best meals and best treatment in Omaha. Apply to head waiter. Blackstone Hotel. Boys. WANTED Elevator boys, permanent posi tion, experienced: best pay; best meals; best treatment in Omaha. Apply Mgr. Blackstone Hotel. Miscellaneous. TWO men who are willing to work, " at the Omaha Bottling Co.; wages 30 cts. per hour. Apply at 7 o'clock " in the morning. - LABORERS ;, For track work, 30 cents per hour at tart with car fare; 10 hours. APPLY- TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT. 22D AND NICHOLAS STS., .. , " ' OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS . STREET RAILWAY. - ' ; MEN WANTED AT THE LUXUS PLANT. STEADY WORK; GOOD WAGES. APPLY AT BOT- ' TLING DEPT. FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO.,' 25th and Krug Ave. WANTED Two men who are willing to work OMAHA BOTTLING CO. , Wages 10c per hour. Apply at 7 o'clock In morning. WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON IJELPERS. ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. - AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. APPLY. UNION STATION.. WANTED $ men to sell good on passe ger train; must bav essh scurlty. Ap ply Rock bland News Stand Falrbury. Neb. .- . t WANTED Drug and prescription clerk.. Phone or write Klblers Pharmacy, Chad ron, Neb. JANITOR WANTED 540 First Nan Bank Bldg. Colored need not apply. WANTED Experienced broom corn sorter. Omaha Broom Corn Factory. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR -Wanted at once, must be experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply in person at 1424 First Nat Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $95-$90-$85--$75-$6$. Typist, $66; office clerk, $65. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. STENOGRAPHER, law office, $75. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N TYPIST and clerk. $55. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N EXPERIENCED double entry bookkeeper for furniture store. Box 9788, Bee. GOOD POSITION8 AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to, telephone operating. ocd wages paid while harning. rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St WANTED Ao experienced repair woman i Call In " person. , Teddy Bear Cleaners. 190$ Harney street : . - . , WANTED Hand ironer nd marker stir" sorter for rough dry department " r.n girl for all department f.ans Mud Laundry, 111 -- LKiugjaa I ""'" . a ..'- - - - ;-, V-'. -' . s. ' M '