Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1918, Image 8

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JUNE ' 28, 1918.
The Omaha Bee
Tbs lwcuwd Press, el vAtea Ths Bw I a marnbsr. Is MeteM
vtUtled UM w for rubUeuloo o( all Ben dlipstehei eredited
to It or act MbwvtM endltad In thU psper. and tin to lysel news
published heroin. All rlftiU of eubueatWn of our speoMl dlipafcbaj
tra alio naerred.
Omh-Th Bee Bulldlsg. tao-rOT'l'l"; BiUMto
Smith Omh Mil .1. w. jew. ""Tf"'
AjurraU Bluffs-H K Hub Bk St lonlt-New Bk of Cemntrae.
J.S10WB UUI BUIOUIC """ "' '" -
uiv ninn 1TMN
ailv 69.841 Sunday 59,602
aU etRnUUoB far the awatb. tobfcrftaa sad swora to ftr Dwlghl
vtimans. uiwura aw.
Subscribers leaving th city shevld ha-a The Bo mailed
to them. Address changed u ottea as rraiMd.
w r r w-
" Did your number come out, son? Congrats
lations, if it did.' - . ' : ; , ,
i Von Kuehlmanu U to be invited to itep back
and sit flown m nat ww cnoggq.
Uncle Sam's "Class of 1918" it now ready to
respond to the call to military duty.
Never mind, wait till Mayor Smith'i self
imposed sentence of thirty days' silence expires
T Aimarirana arc enmltitt to SurODt.'
i: w -i- m " '
cry beaten Germans. What did they expect when
they insisted on our going in?
; Georgia is the twelfth state to ratify the na
tfonal prohibition amendment Watch 'em all shy.
on being the "unlucky thirteenth.'''
: A democratic senator insist that soon the
world will be singing the praises of Secretary
Baker. Maybe, bnt will this include Colonel
Everything is essential that helps direotly Of
indirectl toward the winning of the war. Evtry
thing la nonessential that obstructs the winning
of 'the war.
Ever haar of pot calling kettle black? WH
ness the performance of the hyphenated World'
Herald chiding the Lincoln Journal wtoi taste
attoni of disloyalty. v
; As a matter of fact the possession by Omaha
V of a good lawyer holding the office of mayor
calces the need of high-priced attorneys ia the
kw department much less pressing.
State threshermen agres to save erwy gram
wheat In the fields, and if others' take as much
fains ss they promise, tha simply will bs fcn-
iensely increased.
( Omaha's Liberty loan tank has been dolttf
lunts for the Rotarians is Kansas Oty, attne
1 1? the. attention of the whole com try, Score
1 ;ain for the ingetinity developed by AkvSaf-
Several wars of settling the dtfferssMM bs
veen the mayor and the police judge bars been
itrtrested. but judicions-mmded outsiders will bs
clined to allow the interested parties to pick
heir own plan and go to it t I
Holding down the SKS limit ia the draft may
rue to its expressed determination not to limit
ur efforts, or the size of our armies, h might as
Veil get accustomed to the thought that a lot of
-iks wno art unaer ti ana overji wm to w
Nsdon and Nebraska Again Clash. .
Out of the effort of the nstional administration
take control of the transportation services of
is country has developed another clash of au
ority between the United States and Nebraska,
'ae state railway commission has been requested
V file a schedule of Intrastate rates to conform
th the intersute rates adopted by the newly
nned national express company. This the com
ssion politely declines to do, setting forth that
press rates in Nebraska are fixed by statute,
Jiough the board may alter or amend the
.hedules if convinced on proper showing that
..uch action is just and proper. In Its reply to the
I national rate making authorities the Nebraska
board makes an important concession; it will
treat the United States as well as it will any pri-
vats concern, and if the government will come to
Lincoln and make it clear to the railway commis
sion that the proposed raise in rates is justifiable,
then some steps may be taken. At any rate, the
Nebraska body assures the i administration
square deal, and that is all anyone could ask under
the circumstances. In the meantime the patrons
of the express companies are undecided as to
whicti schedule of ratea applies in Nebraska, but
most of them are inclined to think that what
Uncle Sam says goes.
Less important in numbers only than the
great lottery of June last year was the one just
over, in which the order for service of another
great group of young Americans, called for duty
as soldiers, hat been determined. Intense inter-
est marked the proceeding, showing that the pub
lic has abated nothing of its concern for the boys
who are going out This group is most impres
sively reminded of the fact that its members have
come to manhood's stature of years, for they find
themselves immediately caught up into the dis
charge of the supreme obligation of citizenship,
that of putting themselves forward to stand as a
living wall between their country and its foes.
Very few laggards will be found among these
lads; nearly all of them are eager to be enrolled
in the army of freedom and go to the colors with
hearts beating high because they do get the
chance. On them the country has fixed its hopes
and laid heavy responsibility. Their 'earliest
share' in the full life of the nation will be to de
fend it the ptoudest assignment that can fall to a
citiren of the republic And in time they have
their reward. The drawing of yesterday placed
a solemn charge and a badge of honor on more
of America's young manhood.
Double Benefit of "W. S. S."
Throughout the land today an especial effort
is being made to "put over" the War Saving
Stamp campaign. Argument in favor of this
form of thrift and assistance to the government
seems unnecessary at this time. The thrift stamp
was specifically devised to attract the individual
whose circumstances would not permit invest
ment in Liberty bonds. With this as its primary
purpose, the plan was extended to invite those
who could and would put in more considerable
sums, as well as to provide easy means for the
employment of amounts as low as 25 cents.
And the general effect of the campaign has
been beyond expression. Millions who could not
otherwise have contributed have found here an
avenue through which to bring their mite to the
service of the national cause. ' Ambition to assist
has led to equal ardor in saving, and pennies,
nickels and dimes, once idly spent, are now care
fully conserved or zealously hoarded, to be later
invested in the much prized thrift stamp. The
obvious lesson is easy to apply. Once the indi
vidual, young or old, notes how readily the penny
grows into the quarter, and the thrift stamp into
the War Saving Stamp, and how the latter brings
its promise of further increase, the habit of
saving gets an Impetus it otherwise might never
attain. .
. Economy is not parsimony, nor is thrift to be
confounded with niggardliness; but the careful
conservation of small sums, and the purchase
therewith of War Savings Stamps has a double
service, to the country and all its citizens, and to
the one who practices the habit direct and bene
fieial in both.
For GftUanrry ia Action.
Americans have long bees accustomed to take
for granted that soldiers wearing Uncle Sam's
uniform will acquit themselves like men under
fire. It is accepted that bravery, heroism and
supreme sacrifice are mere routine matters, part
of the day's work, and that an individual becomes
conspicuous above his fellows because of the ac
cident of opportunity. Accepting this as true,
there yet lurks under our national complacency
enough of vanity to be tickled by the announce
ment that our boys sre living up to the highest
and best traditions of the service, and are exhib
iting all the noble attributes characteristic of the
rase, .- ., .; . -.
Ws have read with silent sorrow the daily
casualty list, regretfully recognizing here and
there t familiar name, and expressing a hope for
those who have gone to rest and a wish for the
recovery of those who are wounded It is now
s satisfaction to turn from these to the report
from General Pershing on officers and men whose
acts of courage and devotion have distinguished
them among the army that is Itself distinguished
by all the elements that make an army great
These men who have been so cited belong to us
is every sense, and they are exemplars to the
world 'of what Americanism means. Swiftly
changed from the state of peaceful citizens into
crusaders, baring their breasts to receive the
charge of a terrible foe, they stand between their
homes and the Hun, steadfast and determined.
And when the time comes they will learn that
eves thoughtless, careless, hurrying America,
with all its hubbub and turmoil over inconsequen
tial things, still can recognize true valor and
Lhonest manhood and rejoice in their possession.
ror gatiauiry in scuon incra ioiuicr ubts ucch
cited, and for that quality they will be remem
bered, even when their own modesty leads them
to seek seclusion. " - ' '
The kaiser's peace drive is accompanied by a
characteristic act of deviltry, that of bombing a
Canadian hospital How can even the kaiser look
for forgiveness when he persists in such deviltry
as that? ' " ;
, The Austrian emperor expects to reconvene his
Parliament which he dismissed a few weeks ago,
but whether that act will provide food for the
hungry remains to bt-proven.
Samples of German Propaganda
Facts About Labor in Fatherland Reveal National Hoax
- Current
Of the various kinds of German propa
ganda which have been scattered like con
fetti over the world, none has been so suc
cessful as that 'which has extolled the su
perior social and economic conditions of the
German empire. It served to cloak the sin
ister purposes of the imperial German gov
ernment It enlisted the regard of the Work
ing classes and intellectuals of other peoples.
It caused many of them after the outbreak
of the war to temporize for Germany and
served to allay the righteous indignation and
horror aroused by the bestial atrocities of its
military hordes. The League for National
Unity has assembled the facts regarding
these conditions prior to the war. They are
drawn from official German documents and
other authoritative sources and deat with the
following topics:
Oppression of the farmers.
Underpaid workers.
Industrial enslavement of women and
Shocking housing conditions.
Chronic underfeeding and great infant
The large extent of pauperism.
Counterfeit social insurance.
Among other startling things revealed
are that conditions under which workers and
farmers in Germany lived and labored were
intolerable in the extreme; that women and
children worked like beasts of burden on
farms and in the cities; that sweatshops
abounded; that the living conditions of the
majority of workers would not be tolerated
in any American community; that they suf
fered from lack of food ana fuel and labored
tor stretches of hours unparalleled in other
countries, for starvation wages.
The Teutonic press agents in America
have extolled in particular the provisions
for giving .financial Credit to sma,ll farmers
in Germany. In the United States the fed
eral farm loan act operates to the benefit of
small farmers who actually till the soil, and
eliminates absentee landlords. Dr. Kapp
Konigsberg, general director of the Prussian
Landschaften the mutual farm loan asso
ciatiemr testyfying before a visiting com
mission in 1912, admitted that the system of
loans on landed property had benefited
chiefly land-owning aristocracy. Of the
estates which exceeded two and one-half
acres 66.3 per cent had availed themselves
of landschaft loans; the corresponding pro
portion in the case of peasant holdings was
only 13.5 per cent. In Germany 2,084,060
farm holdings are under one and one-fourth
acres, 1,294,449 are from one and one-quarter
to five acres, 1,006,277 are from five to 12
acres and 1,065,539 are from 2. to 50 acres.
The Landwirtschaftliche Betriebsstatistik
further shows that while millions of peasant
farmers have only tiny farms, 23,566 junkers
-feudal barons or magnate farmers own
nearly 25,000,000 acres in estates of 250 to 500
acres and more.
Does one see women and children hitched
with oxen and dogs drawing plows and carts
in the United States? In Germany, reports
F. J. H. von Engelken of South Carolina, a
member of the visiting American commission,
the greater portion even of heavy farm 'work
is done by women. According to testimony
given on farm wages in 1912, a woman farm
laborer earns from 38 to 48 cents a day and
children over 12 years get 24 cents a day,
without board. Male farm labor gets 72
cents a day. Furthermore, the demeaning
caste system which sharply defines a peasant
Ul Germany is surpassed in rigidity perhaps
only in India. For a few years prior to the
war the following wages prevailed in the
prosperous fatherland:
Miners, hard coal mines, an average of
$334 a year.
Miners, soft coal mines, an average of
$297 a year.
Workers in salt mines and works, an aver
age of $309 a year.
Miners in copper mines, an average of
$271 a year.
Miners in iron mines, an average of $266
a year.
Masons, $1.26 to $1.61 a day.
Carpenters, $1.24 to $1.61 a day.
Plumbers, gas fitters and steam fitters,
$1.13 to $1.39 a day.
Stonecutters, $1.62 to $1.72 a day.
Krupp plant, at iEssen, average daily
earnings, $1.27.
Journeymen printers, $6.55 to $7.44 a
Skilled state railway' shopworkers, 86
cents to $1.02 a day.
Engineers, conductors, etc., state- railway,
70 cents a day.
Artisans and mechanics, state railway, 98
cents to $1.09 a day.
Employes, Prusian-Hessian State railway,
average 76 cents a day.
Able-bodied seamen, Baltic and North
sea, average $15.18 -a month. ,
This list includes skilled men only. An
investigation made by the Federation of Ger
man Woodworkers an industry employing
nearly 800,000 persons disclosed that the
average weekly labor hours of carpenters,
basketmakers, wheelwrights, wooden shoe
makers, box and toymakers were 57 hours.
The average weekly earnings of adult males
were $5.99 a week. According to a summary
sent out by the German imperial statistical
office, the average earnings of men per day
in certain important groups of nidustries
were, in March. 1914:
f Metal industry ". ' $1.32
Engineering industry l.Zo
Electrical industry 1.07
Paper industry 93
Woodworking industry 1.01
Chemical industry 1.24
Stoneworking and pottery 1.07
Food, drink and tobacco i 1.36
Leather and rubber 1.20
. (Comparing these wages with the cost of
living, we find on the same authority that
the average yearly earning of unskilled work
men was $310 and of skilled workmen $373.
The result has been that in 278 of those fam
ilies the wife had to work out. Every sec
ond woman in Germany has to earn her own
living. '
Why the Word "Hun" Sticks
Vratie of the Originals Expanded in Modern Followers
Boston Transcript
Gradually the word "Run" h supplanting
the term "German" as the descriptive appel
lation, of the people against whom the allied
free nations of the world are now at war.
If the word continues at its present rate of
progress in the common speech, it will even
tually, in the mouths of all people outside of
what we call Germany, take the place of all
other terms, such as Teuton, Prussian and
German in our own tongues, the word "alle
mand" as used by the French and "aleman"
by the Italians, and so on. Certainly a term
of common use among all the opponents of
these ravagers is needed. There is no sense
in shifting the phrase with every liaison be
tween the peoples on the far-flung battle
line of freedom. As a matter of fact, the
inexactness and extreme variability of all pre
vious words used to describe the so-ca lied
"German" people have long been recognized.
They do not call themselves German, except
in a very occasional and literary way. The
terra "Germanus" was first applied to them
in a contemptuous way by one of the Celtic
tribes, and was taken up by the Romans. It
was practically unknown to the Germans
themselves. They have, indeed, no racial
name. They call themselves Deutsch, and
their country Deutschland; but the word
"Deutsch," which we render by "Dutch," and
apply to another people which does not call
itself by that name, signifies merely "the
people. Its use is a relic of the practice
among all primitive tribes and races of call
ing themselves "the people" as if there were
no others in the world entitled to the name.
To this day all American Indians, in their
respective tongues and dialects, call them
selves "the real people," inventing various
fantastic designations for all other races
and nations. It is an essentially savage
In view of the fact that the Germans
really have not any honestly earned or scien
tifically applied name, the word "Hun" may
be as good for them as any other. What
does it signify? This word also has no de
terminably racial character. It was first ap
plied to a horde of ravagers who, in' the
fourth century of the Christian era, came into
Europe from Central Asia, and, under the
command of a fierce chieftain called Attila,
began to desolate the Roman empire and its
colonies and dependencies. These people
were called Hunni by the Romans, evidently
following their own' designation of them
selves: for in the same general period corre
sponding hordes, coming from the same gen
eral region, began to attack India, where they
were called Hun'i, and China, where they
were known as Heung-nu. They were in
truth a racially mixed lot, a gathering up of
precious rascals from many sources. Their
warfare was massacre, their God was force,
their discipline was mutilation. They sought
the world's hate rather than its blessing.
Bought off, or weakened by dissipation, or
attracted elsewhere, they scourged and mur
dered in a scattering sort of way until the
tenth century, when they or their like came
again, under one Arpad, this time to stay.
They established themselves on the Danube,
in what was then Moravia, and have been
there ever since. Indeed, they extended
their ravages to Italy, and even to Lorraine,
and it was then that the Emperor Otto pro
claimed them "the enemies of God and hu
manity." He refused to receive their am
bassadors, because they did nothing but lie;
and he led Europe victoriously against them
near Augsburg, in 955, puting to death all
their army except seven men, who were sold
into slavery. But the Huns remained on the
Danube, whence, in the persons of" the Hun
garians, they come forth once more, under
the lead of one worse than Attila or Arpad,
as the enemies of God and humanity.
Why do we call the old Huns' successors,
the self-styled Deutsch, Huns today? Be
cause they adopt the savage warfare, the re
lentless cruelty, the insolence of barbarity,
of the ancient Huns; because their ambassa
dors deal in lies, and their rulers refuse to
keep their agreements; because they despise
liberty and justice, and seek to destroy all
that the world has stored up of the fruits of
civilization. At first the term "Hun" was
applied to them in pure horror, occasionally
only, and as a figure of speech. It tends to
become habitual The hand of fate may be
in this. The term has been abundantly
earned. It is as simple as it is true, and as
true as it is simple. Without losing a shred
of its character as an epithet of horror, it
may pass into an accepted designation for a
people which has indeed done all it can to
transfer to its shoulders a name that long
since became the recognized sum and expres
sion of all cruelties and infamies.
People and Events
Slams in bunches are coming to Mayor
Thompson of Chicago. Last week the state
supreme court ruled that his partisan big six
of the board of education haven't any stand
ing in law and are plain usurpers. The blow
still further shortens the politicaj breath of
Big Bill.
A westerner, in a letter in the New York
Times, commends to easterners the drastic
orders of Governor Harding in forbidding
the use of the German language in public
places in Iowa. "His proclamation breathes
the right spirit," says the writer. "Let others
follow his excellent example."
VHne Year Ago Today In the War.
Announcement that Brazil had re
voked ita decree of neutrality.
The Russian Congress ot Work
men's and Soldiers Delegates recom
mended the abolition ot the Council
of the Empire and the Duma. ;
The Day, We Celebrate. v
Frank A. Ajrnew, South Bide attor
ney, born 1868. 1 .
Harry E. Byrne, surety bondman,
bora 1878.
N. H. Loom!, general solicitor or
Lie union xa.cinc ruiroao, uui a iin.
Emerson Hough, novelist ana enort-
Btanr writer, born at Newton, la., ei
L,Vman J. Cage, former secretary
of the treasury of the United States,
bora .'n Madison county, New York.
8 yeajs ago.
Ttls ray In History.
- 177 A fleet of 40 vessels, bearing
tho British army under General Howe,
entered New York harbor.
IS 15 Commodor Decatur entered
the Bay of Algiers with a United
States squadron and dictated a peace.
IS 6 J Tha main confederate army
of General Lee began to move toward
Gettysburg..- " '"-?'.
1868 A. number of persons were
executed at Belgrade for complicity
ia the murder of Prince Michael of
. Serbia, , - -' ."' -
19 Arch duke Francis Ferdinand
ef Austria and his wife assassinated
at f. arajove by a Serbian student
Just SO Years Ago Today
Mrs, William T. Johnson of Mt
Pleasant ia visiting at the residence of
E. Morehouse, J)
, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wadsworth were
agreeably surprised by the young peo
ple of the Congregational church.
8. 8. Stevens; general agent ot the
Rock Island, returned from the Pa
cific coast accompanied "by his wife
and daughter. Miss Carrie Stevens.
A. W. Fairbanks of Cleveland, O.,
is visiting in Omaha and intends to
take up his residence and enter into
business In this city.
The Omaha-Weeping Water Stone
and Lime company tiled articles of in
corporation with the county clerk.
The Incorporators are J. S. Tewks
bury, A. B. Howe, J. C. Regan, S. WV
Besley and Jacob Fawcett
Brightening Up.
"He's a very bright man, isn't he?"
"Dear me. yes. - He's been married
only a couple of years, but you ought
to see him listen!" Life,
Aimed at Omaha
New York Times: The mayor ot
Omaha says thex police court Judges
... ti Ionian with tha hootlesreers.
Common people have observed that
long ago. .
vnir nannhilran An Omaha oar-
a. hnMa tha natlnnnl record for
weddings performed. The other day
ne tiea ms muuia snui. .
such a good day, either. '
York Democrat: The two best
towns in the state, York and Omaha,
both have mayors namea omua. mm
Smith la mayor of York and Ed
e.iH wiairia tha ha ton in Omaha.
They are both democrats, and boast
of the fact that mere were men o.
their names, ancestors every one,
that came over on every ship that
crossed the ocean before the revolu
tion. -' ' ' .
Kearney Hub! There is .merit to
the movement being started in Oma
ha, to secure an amendment to the
constitution permitting a single tax
of $10 to be levied on all moto vehi
cles, the fund thus created to be used
exclusively in building and maintain
ing good roads in the state. That
would settle the big highway question
permanently and would be of greater
value to the state than any other one
scheme that could be alopted.
Training For s Fighter.
"Why did you name your boy Regi
nald Clarence ?" ., . .
"Because I wanted him to be, a
fighter. I figure that in our neigh
borhood a boy named Reginald Clar-ent-e
has got to fight" Washington
Staf, :,.
Editorial Shrapnel ,
Mlnnunnlli Journal: While Di
rector McAdoo ia arranging to finance
the improvement or terminal iaciu
ties for the railroads, he might sug
gest some plan for bettering terminal
facilities for debate in the senate.
Nsw York World: Senator Weeks
of Massachusetts is an Annapolis man
and a member of the senate military
affairs committee." His statement
that the American navy has sunk 28
U boats since January 1 is both ex
pert and informed,
Louisville Courier-Journal: "The
Prussian." said Goethe, "is a brute.
To civilize him would make him fero
cious." Civilizing him, as,he under
stands civilization, only enables him
to develop more scientiflo and efficient
means for exercising his brutality.
New York Herald: Attorney Gen
eral Gregory refuses to approve the
express merger contracts, -contending
that provision should be made for
competition after - the war. The
reasons assigned for consolidating the
companies even In this war time, were
not very clear or convincing.
Brooklyn Eagle: Dissenting mem
bers of the United States supreme
court criticise the ruling majority
much more severely than any news
paper would think of doing, and yet
these minority members receive no
punishment for; contempt. They are
very "near the presence of the court"
at that. Perhaps some day the wide
latitude of minority members will be
conceded to newspapers whose edi
tors do not care to languish in Jail. '
Twice Told Tales
Off the Beat.
Recently a policeman, named Pat
was called before his superior officer
and summarily discharged. Natur
ally Pat wanted to know the reason
for such precipitous action.
"A store was looted in your district
last night" severely explained the su
perior. "Did you meet anybody o
your beat?"
"Shure, an" Oi did," answered Pat
"01 met wan man who stopped an'
talked wid me, an' told me he was
goin' to open a jewelry store."
"That is Just what he did," declared
the superior. "He opened it and got
away with about 15,000 worth of
"Well," thoughtfully commented
Pat "he moight have been a thafe,
but, begorrar, he was no prevaricator.
New York Malt
These Days.
"I lunched." said Bishop Water
house of Los Angeles, "one meatless
and wheatless day with a family that
gave me delicious provender. In
short I never ate a better luncheon.
"The lady of .the house, in ac
knowledgment of my warm compli
ments, told me how the nut steak was
made and how the flourless biscuits
were concocted.
"Marvelous!" I exclaimed. - "Ne
cessity is indeed the mother of inven
tion." '"And invention.' she answered
with a wan smile, 'is the necessity of
the mother these days.'" Washing
ton Star. . .
Will Enforce the Law.
Omaha, June 26. To the Editor of
The Bee: S(nce becoming & candi
date for the' republican nomination
for county attorney I have been asked
the question how I stand on law en
forcement. ' Tills is a fair question
and de- Tids a square answer.
All liberty depends upon law. Our
troops are fighting in the trenches to
defend our liberty, and we at home
must protect that liberty by the en
forcement of the laws of the land.
If elected county attorney I shall
use all the power of the office to en
force the laws of the state- of Ne
braska. Murderers, burglars, porch-climbers,
thieves, bootleggers, pimps, thugs,
grafters and vagrants are destructive
to social liberty and human happi
ness, and they should and must be
driven out of Douglas county.
If elected, I shall do all I can to
bring this about without fear or favor
or other reward than the salary of the
office and the satisfaction of doing
my duty. Yours very truly,
Osteopathy and the Army.
Galesburg, III., June 25. To the
Editor of The Bee: In view of all
that appears in the public press re
garding the need of physicians for
army service, I am sure there are
many citizens of unquestionable loy
alty who feel fully justified in deplor
ing the attitude ot Secretary Baker
and Surgeon General Gorgas in ex
cluding osteopathic physicians from
It is difficult for the citizen who
tries to maintain all proper regard
for law and authority to understand
why the government should not avail
itself of all competent means of in
creasing the efficiency of the military
medical service. Is it not too bad
that mere traditional prejudice
should stand in the way of a willing
and capable class of citizens doing
their bit? The law regulating the
conduct of the War department states
that graduates of al. reputable schools
of medicine are eligible to examina
tion for appointment as physicians.
Colleges of osteopathy are duly recog
nized as schools of medicine in the
meaning of the law. The War de
partment however, has assumed the
right to decide that only graduates
of colleges conferring the degree of
M.D. shall be considered eligible to
the medical examination.
Since the war began more than
1,500 osteopaths, I am Informed, have
offered their services to the govern
ment as physicians and have been re
jected. They have offered to equip
and maintain clinics in connection
with the cantonments and the offer
has been likewise refused. Surely
this is not as it should be. Osteopaths
are graduates of colleges duly au
thorized by Jaw to confer the degree
of doctor of osteopathy and they
should be accorded the same recogni
tion as given to graduates of other
schools. A bill with this object' in
view Is now in congress and whatever
you do to bring about its passage will,
I am sure, be appreciated by many
of your readers. Yours,
TlUi daylight laving icbvna U rough
on tha bashful young fellow who goo court
"How oT"
"H hain't tha narva to drop around un
til It gets dark, and then U' tlma to go
noma." Louisville Courler-Jornal.
"That young woman who has Just passed
Is ona ot tha politest girls in town."
"Out with It."
"At tha funeral at her home tha other
day she asked the undertaker to call
again." Richmond Tlmes-Olspatch.
"What a handsome policeman!"
"Yes, and his family pulchritude la strict
ly on the job."
"In what way?"
"It Is always arresting attention."
Baltimore American.
Over There and Over Here
One acre of a war garden in Utah,
intensively cultivated, , produced 823
bushels of potatoes, a world record.
Carry the news to Boston, and Vienna!
The American army in France has
taken over the distribution of mall
for men in the service. The change
is hailed as aa assurance of reason
able speed.
A socialist member of the Reich
stag says the kaiser's iron crosses are
so common that they are being Bold
as low as 2 marks. The purchaser
is one "mark," easy, at that.
The lopg and the short of the crew,
matevs too, at the Great Lakes naval
station, are A. P. Butler and C. A
Ralston. Butler is six feet five and
one-half and Ralston five feet even.
AUhe public swimming pools and
some of the public baths are being
used for communal kitchens in Lon
don. With their steam plants and
heating appliances they are very
adaptable. 'V
Commodity price records compiled
by the London Statist show startling
advances in necessaries. From July,
1914, to the close of 1917, vegetable
foods in Britain advanced 141.6 per
cent, animal foods 101.7 per cent and
sugar, tea and coffee 161.2 per cent
ml.- . . . n ; . jM ia f iirlchl f o im .
125.2 per cent
Stars and Stripes tells of three
Yanks who broke away from a base
hospital, "beat their way several hun
dred miles, eluded all traps set , to
catch unauthorized travelers and
joined their outfit in time to get into
the fight at Seicheprey." They ar
rived in time, too, and Joined the re-,
ception committee.
Meat rations in London during
June were restricted to fresh beef.
mutton and pork, and purchases lima .
Ited to 1 shilling's worth a week per
person. By making free use of .
calves' liver and bacon, stewed tripe
fried ham and sausages, shrewd
housekeepers have no difficulty ia .
serving a meat dish every day. ' ' -
Weakness at the Pit
of the Stomach
In the middle back where -spinal
nerves leave the back
bone for what is known as
the solar plexus region, is
most frequently found the -form
of spinal nerve pressure
that causes intense nervous
ness. Careless habits of sitting
or standing, a fall or a strain ,
throwa the jointspf the back
bone at this point out of
alignment, and a bony pres- ,
sure on nerves is created
which is correctible only by
Bpinal adjustments.
Case No. 47 of the Chiropraetle
Research Bureau says: "Septem-
ber 6. 1916, I suffered Injury in
a railroad accident. A nervoms '
breakdown and bowel complaint
drove me to several specialists
in succession. Six spinal adjust
menu brought relief and forty
a permanent cure."
Whatever your ailment, call for
a free spinal analysis. It dote
not obligate you.
EedasaCp)?RACT0R SinceM
IBairdffldi.NW.nSifiWlas Str.
n orncc hours
H SXCtPT Sunday
God fashioned It monument
To stand for aye.
For near five centuries valiantly
It had withstood
The elements of time defied decay
And traced its shadow from tha setting
Unbroken and complete withal j
As on tha day 'twas done.
Then hell let loose Its fury
A fury to be spent In worldwide strife;
A fury vested In one maddened monarch,
Possessed, It seems, of satiated life.
Of wantonness and lust and greed.
It was by their self-styled god decreed
That he'd wage war.
"I win destroy tha work of God and man!"
This was the oath he swore.
Then with his seething host or Huns
He came to Rhelms, and there
He trained his mighty guns I
Upon this saintly edifice.
Through day on day and night on night
He hurls his tons of steel and molten fires,
And wonders at the all-resisting might
Which rests within her walls and still
Holds high, defiantly, her lofty spires.
High upon' her ramparts, facing to the Hun
and east.
Projects a gargoyle. Grim, hideous and
It was. But now, ltvseems, this , earved
Mocking tha hungry cannon" call.
Takes voice In answer to the gun and swogd
And- cries, "Fair Rhelms shall never fall;
It ia God's Will and Word!"
. J. W. Farnham In New York Herald,
White They Hght
cod serve health. Their n.'
giliency save your system!
f and nerves from wear and
I l tear Slipknot durability
I f aves your pocketbook. Insist
I 1 on Slipknots.
I I ManufactaraoTby
I 1 Canton, Ms.
I I Pot oe at all Shoe Repair Shops
After each meal -YOU est on
End Pet full fnnrl valna onI ol
acn comfort. Instantly relieves heai
burn, bloated, gassy feeling, STOPS
acidity, food repeating and stomach
misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the)
6tomach sweet and pure.
EATONIC is the best remedy and only eotta
a cent or two a day to use it. You will be de
lighted with results. Satisfaction guaranteed
w money back. Please call and try It
Green's Pharmacy, Cor. 16th and Howard
Sts Omaha, Neb.
Unsightly pimples and
blemishes on the face are
sure signs that the skin and
blood need the purifying
and strengthening action of
Largest Sale of Any Mediema In the World.
Sold everywhere. In Boxes, 10c.( 26c
Relief from Eczema
Don't worrv nhnut aTma nfh
- a- - worua, V WkllCey
skm troubles. You can have a clear., mU using uiue zemav
obtained at any drug store for 35c, or
cAua wu&e uuiue at pl.w.
Zemo generally removes pimples, blacb
heads, hlntr.haa 7om n nnA
- . - ., uuu luujwurni
anri makes' the skin clear and healthy,
2emo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptio
liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains) -
easily applied ana costs 8)
nere trine for each application. It it
tfways dependable. -The
E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, a -
Clear Your Skin
All druggists ; Soap S, Ointment S SO, Talean B
Sample each free of "Cattaan, rpt. I, Sosies."
aaasa .
Mode to order
' , v e