Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JUis'E 28, 1918.
Losses' Aggregating $6,000 to
" Wheat Fields in Adams
County May Be Cut by
" From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, June 27. (Special.) Hail
losses aggregating about $6,000
claimed by Adams county farmers
vho hold state hail insurance policies
are being investigated by the insur
ance department with the expectation
that some of the claims will be re
duced. Some of the farmers who have
claims pending called on Insurance
Commissioner Eastham Thursday
morning to announce that they were
fearful that J. .F. Anthes of Sutton,
second adjuster sent out by the board.
was going to cut down their loss al-
- iowances.
The allowances were granted by
,, W. J. Bobbitt, Adams county adjust
er, but the department considers the
same too large. , Some of the men
'insisted that they had suffered prac
tically a total loss. It was admitted
by several that their wheat, which
was reported as a total or nearly total
loss, might produce something after
The first adjuster awarded amounts
to the Hastings claimants as follows:
Louis E. Udon, $7.50 to $10 per
acre, $875.
,?. Ii. Gilchrist, $7 to $8.50 per acre,
$537.- .. ......
H. R.'Burnham, $8 to $10 per acre,
George A, Munroe, $5 to $10 per
crer $1.120 WVT
' W. Munroe, $10 per acre, $400.
W.. Rj Winer,.$10 per acre, $810
H J.'-O'Wisner,- $5 to ;$10 "per acre,
R. R. Doty, $1 to $9.50 per acre,
$67.1.50. v i
The maximum amount which can
be paid to farthers for the loss of their
crops is $10 per acre, under the state
hail insurance law. t ;
Governor Neville to
Keep .Card Index of
. Nebraskans in War
t Governor Neville's office is endeavor
ing to establish a card index system
which contains data concerning every
Nebraskan now in the service.
t. This information is gathered pri
imarily for the purpose of giiving to
Nebraska soldiers and sailors an op
portunity, to exercise their voting
privileges. It is Governor Neville's
Idesire, however, to make the record
kept in his offic such at will not only
mable the men to vote, but will act
as a source of information in co-operating
with the federal government as
well as serve as an authentic record of
the men enlisted from Nebraska.
-pWwaw passed by the special ses
sion oi tne legislature provides for a
direct "voting by mail" system. Under
(mis pian ii win oe an exceeamgiy
simple matter for the soldier to exer
tcise his right of franchise, if the gov
ernor's office is able to secure the in
(formation necessary to forward him a
i ballot. While the department in Wash-!
ington objected to the plan of- es
tablishing election commissions and
polling places abroad for the gather
ing of the soldier votes, they have,
since the simplicity of the Nebraska
'plan has been presented to' them by
(Governor Neville, agreed to co-operate
in every manner possible In as
sisting Nebraska soldiers and sailors
JO VOte..-;. ,v .v . : i.le ,;",.
- The requests that every person hav
ing a relative or friend in the service
forward all information obtainable
toncerning that man, either to the
'overnorV office or to the County
Council of Defaris. Th
llso requests that when it is learned
(hat a man has been transferred, a
Viend or relative notify his office of
he change so that the record may be
pt tip to date. In forwarding this
formation direct to the governor's
See, address it "Gov. Keith Neville,
Nebraska Soldiers' Bureau. Ktt
iiouse, Lincoln, Neb.
Use the' following form:
Const? of.....
Soldier's name.
Homo address.
' Date of Wrth.
Date of nltstntsat'..,'.,
( Nearest . relative. . . ...
. ? . . .....
Organisation no rank
' ProtrtV address. .'. ".t. . ' . . .
Nebraska News Notes
ferson connty. has filed for the office
of state .treasurer on ' the republican
. ticket. 'Wr;' ..
: George Shaffer, wealthy Riverside
township farmer: who- failed to pay
nis quota oi tne Kea Cross and Lib
erty loan, and who waa called before
the defense council, has given a check
10 unairman ncveione tor
more than the amountot his quota.
z Martin Weiss, a young soldier sta
tioned at an army post in Arizona
and Miss Bessie Thomas of Filley
were married Wednesday at Beatrice
, At a meeting of Rawalt lodge No.
Jja, Ancient iree and Accented Ma
gons, at Oxford, officer, were elected
tor the ensuing year as follows: w,
M.. W. A. Rhynaldsj S.W..J.W. An.
deyson; w., E.
Fred Nissen:. J,
E. Duryee: S. D.
D., E. A.' Luke
secretary, Charles Rhylands; treasur
er, ti. u Lee.
Oxford is now facing an ice famine
the Holdrege plant which has been
supplying ice being unable to furnish
same on account of the sthortage of
Blaze Ja York. Gas Plant.
; York, Neb., June 27. (Special
Jelegram.) York's gas plant was dis
covered on fire this morninc at 4
d'clock. No serious. damage was done
ti the machinery and it is thought the;
r J"t uj .Je, again. ro- operation -m
two or three days. 1 Cause of the fire
Ulead Leghorn Deserts
Nest and Kidnaps Flock
Of Unoffending Kittens
Fremont, Neb., June 27. (Spe
cial.) A white leghorn hen on the
farm of Albert Gibson, near Mead,
deserted a nest of eggs and adopted
a family of five kittens in a nearby
stall in the barn where she was set
ting. The removal of the kittens
three times by the mother cat
failed to discourage Mrs. Biddy and
she persists in hovering over the
Elkhorn Man Placed Under
Bond on Charges of Whip
ping and Overworking
Wards of State.
Fremont, Neb., June 27. (Special
Telegram.) Ora Cleaver, Douglas
county farmer, was bound over to
district court at Ii is preliminary hear
ing here on a charge of assault with
intent to do bodily harm. Cleaver was
arrested last week for mistreating two
orphan children whom he took from
a Lincoln institution.
The Kirl. Ada McConnell, 12 years
old, testified that she and a boy, Ber
nard Ilaag, were required to arrive
at 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning,
and after helping with chores, work
in the onion field all day. Both chil
dren testified that Cleaver whipped
them severely and the boy showed a
cavity where a tooth had been
knocked out when he said Cleaver
struck him in the face. Cleaver did
not make defense. Cleaver resides in
Douglas county near Elkhorn. but
the alleged assault was committed in
Dodge county. The children have
been taken back to the Lincoln home.
Cleaver gave bond.
Mrs. Henry Fredenckson. who is
visiting her mother in Fremont, when
informed of the arrest of her hus
band at Buffalo, N. Y., on a charge of
stealing a glass' of jelly, said that
there must be a mistake somewhere.
"It is ridiculous to believe that Henry
would steal a glass of jelly," Mrs.
Fredcrickson said. "I can't imagine
how it comes about they have him
under arrest. M received a telegram
this morning from Henry Saying he
wonld be in Omaha Friday."
The sheriff received word that Earl
Morris, member of the Dodge county
draft contingent that left Fremont
yesterday, is in jail at Eldorado, Kan.,
on a charge of vagrancy. Morris is
one of five selects who failed to ap
pear in response to the call here.
Council Bluffs Printer is
Wounded in Fight at Front
Fremont, Neb.. June 27. (Special
Telegram.) John M. Stacy, named
among the wounded in today's casual
ty list, never lived in Fremont, but
visited his sister, Mrs. Jack Sleicher,
at Fremont. Stacy was a printer, 20
years old, employed at Council Bluffs.
Ia. Mrs. Sleicher and husband moVed
to Council Bluffs six months ago.
OU8 GRAFF, formerly a resident of
Beatrice, and at one time mayor of
Wymore, Web., 60 years of age, died
In Pasadena, Cal. ' '
MRS. O. L. STEWART died at Be
atrice, aged 45 years. She is sur
vived by her husband and seven chil
dren, ne of her tons. Glen Stewart.
is in France with the American expe
ditionary forces.
JOHN STONE. 260 North Thirty-
third street, 63 years old, died at a
local hospital Tuesday night after an
operation. He is survived by his wife,
Augusta. He was in the employ
ment of Crane & Co., and had lived in
Omaha S3 years. The funeral wjll be
held at Swanson's chapel, Friday aft
ernoon at 2 o clock. Inttrment will
be in the Forest Lawn cemetery.
I fevdO
Scenic Colorado
To Denver and Colorado Springs, gateways for
resorts, rail and automobile tours $24.00
Rocky Mountain National-Estes
ana automobile
Yellowstone Park
The Park hotels will not be opened this season.
The Park four, including rail, automobile transpor
tation through the Park and five days 'at the
, Permanent Camps, either via Gardiner or Yellow
stone Gateways
Glacier National Park
To Glacier Park, direct or
Interior tours, including
Big Horn and Black Hills Region
v Sheridan, Wyo. 33.90
Ranchester, Wyo. . ... . 34.92
Thermopolis Hot Springs, Wyo 44.40
Hot Springs, S. D., Black Hills. .... . . . . '.. 21.95
Deadwood and Lead.... 25.55
The Pacific Coast
To San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle. . 72.60
Including California, Portland and Seattle .;: 93.60
1 1 " xi ' Through
For Official Information About National Farks and Monuments
, Address Bureau of Service, U. 8. Bailroad A dralnlstratlon. (
226 ; West Jackson Street, Chicago, 111, or
CITY TICKET OFFICE, Farnam and 16th Streets.
Phones: Douglas 3580 and Douglas 1238.
REPORT 3,404,81 5
Corn Was Greatest in Total
Amount in Elevators, With
1,308,274 Bushels; Oats,
Nebraska had in its elevators
throughout the state on June 22, 3,
404,815 bushels of cereals of all kinds,
announces the food administration for
Nebraska. The totals do not include
Omaha or South Onialia.
Corn was the greatest in total with
1,308,274 bushels in storage; oats
came next, 1,308,394 bushels: wheat
was third on the list, 149,274 bushels;
barley fourth, 118,087 bushels, and
rye fifth, 23,667 bushels.
Burden of Proof on Widow
To Prove Husband s Death
Was Caused By Accident
From a Staff Correspondent
Lincoln. June 27. (Special.) Mrs.
Gertrude M. Grosvenor cannot recov
er the amount of an insurance policy
on her husband's life issued by the
Fidelity & Casualty company of New
York unless she proves by affirmative
evidence' that the death of Walter B.
Grosvenor, her husband, from drink
ing carbolic acid, was accidental and
not a case of suicide, the state su
preme court rules in reversing its own
previous findings and also overruling
the judgment of the Douglas county
district court.
The widow contended that Gros
venor mistook the poison for some
thing else. Since the policy barred
recovery in case of self-destruction
it is incumbent on her to show that
it was not taken with suicidal in
tent, the opinion by Judge Cornish
War Savings Society to
Be Organized at Capitol
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, June 27. (Special.) Or
ganization of war savings society at
the state capitol to include the offi
cers and employes of all offices and
departments located there will be
completed at the meeting Friday
morning in representative hall. The
preliminary steps were taken Thurs
day morning at a meeting held in the
supreme court room.
C. A. Fulmer is temporary chair
man and Miss Anna O'Donnell tem
porary secretary. State Treasurer
Hall outlined the plans of the organi
zation. Weekly meetings will be
held and talks made by different
Chairman Fulmer has named the
following committees: Nomination
of officers Acting Governor Howard,
chairman: H. C. Lindsay. W. H.
Smith, J. G. Woodard, Miss Reye
Merrill: rules and by-laws George
Hall, chairman: Thome Browne, J.J-
Tooley, G. W. Ayres, Miss Alice
America Before Germany,
Slogan of Rev. C. Bartels
Bruning, Neb., June 27. (Special.)
Rev. C. Bartels, Evangelical Luther.
an pastor, delivered the address at the
dedication of the service flag here,
speaking on the topic,"America, My
Country. Rev. Mr. Bartels contrasted
Germany, his birthplace, with Ameri
ica, and mentioned how he had in
duced his relations in Germany to
come to America.
Park Tours
of 1918
Round Trip
from Omaha
Park, including rail
via Denver-Billings main
autos, hotels, etc.,
$5.00 to
serrice to Gardiner for Yellow-
stone Park; through sen Ice to (ilacler
Parkt through service to Denver; through
service from Denier to lellowstone or
Glacier. Let us assist you in yonr travel
plans and furnish booklets drscriptire of
any of these tours.
Fremont Draftee Takes
His Life in St. Joseph,
Later Reports State
Fremont, Neb., June 27. Jess W.
Hayden, Fremont traveling salesman,
committed suicide by shooting him
self at St. Joseph, Mo., according to
word received by Sheriff Condit.
Hayden, employed by the Dreibus
Candy Company of. Omaha, had been
notified to report to the draft board
at Fremont, yesterday. Early in the
day a telegram was received, saying
he was shot at St. Joseph. Details
were not given. Sheriff Condit re
ceived a telegram late yesterday from
chief of Police Morse, at St. Joseph,
saying that Hayden shot himself. E.
A. Hayden, father of the young man,
left for St. Joseph to take charge of
the body. It will be taken to Dor
chester, former home of the Haydens,
for burial.
Columbus Presents Road
Tax Claim to Supervisors
Columbus, Neb., June 27. (Spe
cial.) A claim for $20,510.34 was pre
sented by the city of Columbus to the
Board of Supervisors, representing
one-half of the total of the road taxes
collected by the county from the peo
ple of Columbus during the period of
38 years.
The city figures that from 1880 to
1917, inclusive, property owners with
in its limits paid the county $41,020.68.
and it claims that under the state law
the municipality is entitled to one
half of ti:? money. No part of the
funds thus collected by the county
has been used for maintenance of the
streets within the city.
Being too busy with equalization
matters, the board laid the matter
over until its July meeting. On ac
count of the large claim filed against
the county the board will probable re
ject the claim and then the matter will
be threshed out in the courts.
'Nobby Ccrrf
for Trucks
Commerce Chamber in
Favor of Retention of
Fling and Mrs. England
Retention of Prof. F. M. Fling and
Mrs. Minnie T. England on the uni
versity faculty is requested by the
Omaha Chamber of Commerce m reso
lutions deploring the action of the Ne
braska university regents in calling
for explanations from these two mem
bers because they had given infor
mation to the state council of defense
which resulted in the recent "loyalty"
The organization says that to retain
Prof. Fling: and Mrs. England would
show that university instructors who
have taken patriotic attitude toward
the war are not to be punished for
doing so. Dr. Fling's patriotic ex
ample and utterances have been an
inspiration and example to the whole
state, the chamber says. ,The reso
lutions have been sent to Governor
List of Judges Appointed
For Thayer County Fair
Deshler, Neb., 'June 27. (Special.)
The following judges will place
awards at the Thayer county fair to
bt held in Deshler, August 27-30:
Cattle and hogs, Robert Mousel,
Cambridge; horses, John Dalton. Lin
coln; agriculture and poultry, A. H.
Smith, Lincoln; educational, Miss
Aurel Scott, Lincoln; women's depart
ment, Mrs. John Hopper, Superior.
500 Mobilize at Beatrice.
Beatrice, Neb., June 27. (Special
Telegram.) Contingents from Otoe,
Johnson, Pawnee and other counties
in this section of the state, numbering
about 500 men, mobilized here today,
en route to Camp Funston. They
were served with . dinner by the
Christian church women, leaving for
camp this afternoon.
2"Etzr. -(
Use Good Tires
Use them not only for your own con
venience and satisfaction,
but as a duty you owe the national
Supreme service is needed. Men and cars
must give the best that's in them.
Time lost through tire troubles cannot
be replaced.
So pay especial attention to your tires.
United States Tires will last longest and
carry you farthest at least cost.
They will enable you to make the most
of your car now, when it is more than
ever a vital war-time necessity.
United States Tires sum up the creed of
the day. Thrift dictates their purchase.
There is a United States Tire to meet
every individual need.
'Royal Cord', 'Nobby, 'Chain', 'Usco and
'Plain' for passenger cars. 'Nobby Cord' and
Solid Truck Tire for commercial vehicles.
Our nearest Sales and Service Depot
dealer will gladly aid you in selecting the
right ones for your use. '
United States Tires
are Good Tires
9th and Douglas Sts.
Aurora Bank Contends
Liberty Bonds Nontaxable
Aurora, Neb., June 27. (Special.)
At a meeting of the board of equaliza
tion of Hamilton county today R.
J. Hainer of Lincoln appeared for
the First National bank of Aurora
and protested against the taxation of
certificates of indebtedness of the
United States, war stamps and Liberty
bonds, held in good faith by the bank
as an investment. The record was
made up showing that the First Na
tional owns and holds $75,000 of these
securities and Judge Hainer contend
ed that these securities are not tax
able by the state.
White Pumps and Oxfords
The most popular styles are made of fine cloth, which are so
cool and comfortable, yet equally as dressy at the more expen
sive Kid, and by wearing them you are conserving leather for Un
cle Sam's soldiers.
Priced at $4.50 and up
1419 Farnam St.
Mail Orders Solicited.
Phone Tyler 840
Carey High School Praises 1
Work of Weber and Placek
Fremont, Neb., June 27. (Special.)
Resolutions commending Dr. E. O.
Weber, member of the State Council
of Defense, and E. E. Placek, chairman
of the Saunders County Council oi
Defense, were unanimously passed by
the Carey High school home guards
for their endeavors along patriotic
lines. The resolution pledges undi
vided support pf the guards in the
enforcement of any orders the coun
cil may issue in carrying out patriotic
endeavor. The Carey High school
has a membership of 100.
Dr. S. A. Preston returned from
Pilot Mound, Canada, where he was
called by the death of his mother.
Parcel Post Paid.
'Royal Cord1
for Passenger Cart