THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918. BUTLER MIXES WITH RINGER IN PACKER FIGHT Commissioners Lock in Verbal Wrangle Over Proposed ' Regulation of Inde pendent Plants. City - Commissioners Ringer and Butler, formerly foot ball stars, kicked the ball in the city council chamber Thursday morning during a discussion of inspection at the inde pendent slaughter houses. - "You take it for granted that every thing done under the old administra tion was bad. That has been your attitude, and also the attitude of other commissioners," was Butler's opening , mrusr. ai Kinger. "Mr. Butler is a little thin-skinned ' in his reference to tV nld uni-;t H did not extend the courtesy of show ing me nis resolution on this matter oeiore ne ottered it to the council," Ringer replied. "It comes with poor grace for Ringer to speak about courtesies in view of the fact that before this coun cil was organized no courtesies were extended to me," was Butler's retort. '--' Ringer's Position. Commissioner Ringer recently stated that city inspection of inde pendent slaughter houses had been inadequate; that the proprietor of one place told him that no inspection had been done at his house since May, and he also jstated that diseased cattle were being bought and sold. Indefinite charges made by Ringer were offered as an argument to ex plain the need of reorganization of this inspection department. Commissioner Butler insisted that in justice to these packers the council should hold an investigation to place blame on guilty persons and remove the odium which has been placed on all of the independent packers. "Let us go into this matter thor oughly and we will find an appalling condition," Mr. Ringer stated when the council decided Thursday to pro ceed with the investigation. -"We demand an investigation. These men want to know if there is any ground for these chargfs," Attor ney Henry Murphy stated in behalf of the packers. Hoffman Stumped. John Hoffman has a plant at Twenty-fifth and M streets. He was stumped when Commissioner Ringer referred to "moral terpitude" in a question when Hoffman appeared as the first witness. Witness offered to explain "lumpy jaws" and "downers," : but he had never encountered any "moral terpitude" while carving cows? Hoffman stated that other independ ent operators told him that lumpy jaws and downers get out of the yards, but he would not buy that class of cattle. " - When Ringer referred to the "vis cera" of cattle, Hoffman wanted to know whether the commissioner learned that word in college. "No, I learned that during one day's visit to the independent plants'Ring er replied. Hoffman testified that all meat sold by him bears city inspection stamp, in addition to having been inspected on the hoof by federal inspectors in inc yaras. Widow of Omaha's First Practicing Physician Dies Mrs. Clara Roeder, one of Omaha's pioneer women, the widow of Dr. Augustus Roeder, first practicing Physician in thfscity, died Thursday in her eighty-seventh year at the home of her 'daughter, Mrs. Frances Buf terby. Thirty-third and Franklin streets. Mrs. Roeder came to Omaha with her husband in 18SS and for many years resided on Sherman avenue. At the time of her death she was the oldest member and was one of the charter members of the Kountze Me morial Lutheran church, at which the funeral services will be held Sunday. She was long active in social and charitable movements. , Mrs. Roeder is survived by six chil dren, all married: Mrs. Clara Merris, Buffalo, N. Yr, Mrs. August Kinkle, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. Pauline Vowinkel, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mrs. Gustav Kolls, Grand Island, Neb.; Mrs'. rFances Butterby, Omaha; Dr. George Roed er, rand Island, Neb. One son, Dr. Julius Roeder, died here a year ago. A grandson, . Dr. Julius Roeder, is now a well known practicing physician ln !" c5ty and a granddaughter, Mrs. 5s. L. Bussard of Boston, Mass. is on her way to attend the funeral. Nebraska Banks Do Part in Red Cross Drive SaysFolda A "rumor" out in the 'state that 400 state banks in Nebraska'are not contributinc to th RH refuted by E. F. Folda, vice president of the Corn Exchange National bank of Omaha. The rumor came to The Bee in a letter from N. E. Armstrong of (Broken Bow. 4 "Many banks may not be contribut ing to the Red Cross as banks," said Mr Folda, "just as many groceries and elevators and railroads are not. But every individual banker is doing his part for the Red Cross. It must be remembered that a bank cannot give any . of its funds to the Red Cross or any similar object without hirst getting permission from the state banking department or, in the case of national banks, from the comptroller of the currency. On top pMhis it has to be approved by the banks board of directors. Many state banks have taken this action in Nebraska. Others prefer to subscribe as 'individuals." KEEP DP GOOD WORK AGAINSTBARBERRY Bash Spreads Thousands of Spores Doing Damage to Wheat and Many Native Grasses in Nebraska. "More than 100.000 common bar berry bushes have been destroyed in Nebraska, says Dr. Mead Wil cox, state leader of the Nebraska barberry eradication campaign. ine citizens 01 umana nave de stroyed thede kaiser bushes richt and left in a most patriotic manner and yet not a single bush must be allowed to live. 'Every barberry bush now living, says Dr. Wilcox, "is a common 'snioer aim in z its deadlv snores at the Nphraslra v!iiat rrnn And wherever you find a living common or purple-leaved barberry bush you are certain 10 una tne rust. "Tti It AC jb . irollfMiMeU c rrt m rn iti 1 1 t 1 DarDerry leaves are Deing aeveiopea (liniicnnrld t tnAre urlitVi itHrl- many of the native grasses if wheat I a. -1 ... 1 1 ' 1 -- . is nut ciosc at nana, un inese na tive grasses dcvelopes the red rust stasre. These red rust snores mav be carried for a hundred miles or more by the wind and still retain and town bushes must be destroyed just as well as those in the country. l-Tntessnr Kav Uarlr has hie) n tered the armv of barberrv eradica . t 1 1 i e tors unaer me leaaersnip 01 uuet Eradicator Wilcox. "Professor Clark i in TVitcr1a county this week, says Doctor Wil cox, "and I hope to hear from him tri a fW rlsvc thaf In Hw-ihi rtA Dougkis county every barberry bush is aeaa or accounted lor. Uwners of barberry bushes who are in doubt whether thev are the dangerous sort should at once send Snecimena to Coiintv AorirnlHiral Agent Maxwell at the court house or i. it 1 1 .1.1 . . t 10 me piani painoiogist at Lincoln. Huge Chorus Will Sing at Riverview Park on July 4 The Central cluh. cA bv T.n A Hoffman, . 1. Ncblc and a commit tee of 50, promise that the Fourth of juiy ceieDration in Kiverview park will be a de luxe affair. The keynote of the event will be to imnress fnrptVn-hnrn rpcirlpnta nnA their children with patriotism by song ana story. A chorus of 250 men and women Will lead in sinirinir flip national ennrye ... ' O O " " .IU1IUIJU1 OVUJjiJ. The Central club has engaged three oanas ot music, .there will be ac tivities for oM and vnnntr onrl tun shelter tents with nurses for the in- tants who will be cared for whilo their mothers have an enjoyable out mg. The formal program will be given from 2 to 5 p. m. A parade of tne nations win be a striking feature Seven Seek to Adopt Baby Found in Empty Building The three-weeks' old babv. found deserted in a vacant building at Twenty-fourth and Davenport streets, Tuesday morning by Francis Long- ley, nas been taken to the Child Sav ing institute. As Vet no trace of it iMpnti'fw nnr the parents have been found. The babv is excentionallv hrsUhv ' anA seems to have suffered no ill effects trom its drenching in the ram Mon day night. Nurses at .the institute say that the oaDy is extremely popular, seven ap plications for its adoption having al ready been made. Mayor Smith to Speak at Postoffice Stamp Rally Mayor Smith will be the principal sneaker at the nnpn-air rail.. n K. held under the auspices of the Post- omce war savings societies on this evening. Mr. J. J. Boucher, Omaha attorney, who has done considerable publicity work in connection with the various war activities, will speak on the purposes of war savings societies. The postoffice band will furnish music throughout the evening. Much of the credit for the efficient work done among the Omaha postal employes is given P. E. McGovern of the post office force. Concord Club to Give Dinner to Boys from Third District Tom English of the third district exemption board, also a member of the Concord club, has arranged for the club to entertain the boys who go to Funston and who are under the jurisdiction of the Third district board. The 115 men will meet at the Rath skeller of the Henshaw hotel at 11:15 Friday noon where a regular feed wil be, provided. The hour is set early so that they may attend the exercises at the court house at noon. ROisine raiM m s Ceremony for Deaf Mutes is Interpreted by Sister Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, 2511 Pierce street, occurred the wedding of Joseph J. Martin of Davenport, la., and Miss Ethel Mitchell of this city, the Rev. Ralph H. Houseman officiating. As the con tracting parties were deaf mutes the ceremony was interpreted by the bride's sister, Mrs. J. B. Ball. Bertil Tennisch of Rock Islands 111., was best man, and Miss Rosa Petersen of Bennington, Neb., bridesmaid. Re freshments were served following the event. The young couple will make their, home at Davenport. Same Preacher Married Parents of the Bride Miss Helen Trn CI.-.- j l ter of William Saltzrhan, and Walter Guy McNair, both of Fort Calhoun. Neb were married by Rev. Charles W. Savidge at his residence Wednes day evening at 6:30. They were accompanied by Miss Gertrude Shipley and Harold Saltz man, the bride's brother. . Rev. Savidge officiated at the mar riage of the bride's parents at Flor ence, Neb., March 15; 1895. Scattered Showers Help Growing Crops of State According to the reports to the railroads there were scattered showers over Nebraska Wednesday night. Generajly they were light. Railroad men are of the opinion that wheat is fully up to the average yield and that the quality has never been better. OverThcTop io win every psOi breakfast Ihsl appetite PostToasties (madeofcorn). ATBB1AY Friday and Saturday Sales in this Big Base ment that offer extra ordinary opportunities to economize at this time. This is the Economy Cen ter of Omaha, because it offers the greatest oppor tunities to the greatest number of people. Dlfflfe Stows The Scotch have a saying that "mony a mickle makes a muckle" and we say that many pennies saved at various times turn themselves into dol lars AND DO YOU KNOW THAT FRIDAY, JUNE 28TH, IS THRIFT STAMP DAY. And that the government asks you to buy Stamps as you never bought them before? Fine Zephyr Dress Gingham, pretty plaids, checks and stripes for ladies' and misses' dress es, etc.; a yard, at ....... .35c Fancy Printed Dress Voile, 38 inches wide, in a splendid as sortment of new styles and col orings; unusually sheer and dainty 25e White Skirting and Suiting, SS inches wide, in assorted weaves and stripes, for wash suits, skirts, etc.; a yard 39c Mill Remnants Wash Goods, percale, suitings, scrims, white jroods, etc.; values to 30c; spe cial, a yard 12c White Madras, 36 inches wide, in assorted stripes for men's and boys' shirts, waists, etc.; special, a yard 22c Mill Remnants Reversible Cur. tain Etamine, 36 inches wide, pretty borders, special for Fri day, a yard, at 8 Vic Bookfold Dress and Wrapper Percale, light and dark colors, plenty of the much wanted blue and cray now so scarce; on a large bargain square, yard, 29c Shirting Madras, 36 inches wide, in a variety of pretty fig ures and stripes; for men's and boys' shirts, waists, etc.; well worth 40c; special, for Friday only, a yard, at 29c Table Damask, 69c For Friday, we will place on sale a limited quantity of a 64 inch Damask, made of a fine mercerized yarn, wearing quali ties unexcelled; launders like linen, in a range of pretty pat terns, at, yard 69c Spreads, $2.25 These are the crochet kind, hemmed ends, 72x90 inches, very pretty patterns to select from; special, each $2.25 Satin Spreads, $2.75 Fine quality satin damask spreads, just the weight for summer; launders beautifully, hemmed ends, large size, $2.75 Huck Towels, 10c For Friday a special offering, full bleached huck towels, in the fine weave, hemmed ends, soft and absorbent; each, 10c Turkish Towels, 59c One lot of Turkish Towels, fan cy borders, hemmed ends, heavy quality; slight mill imperfec tions. Women's Comfy Cut Vests, cot ton gauze, sleeveless, seconds of the 25c quality; each, at. . 15c Thousands of Summer Dresses For Women, Misses and Children In a Great Basement Sale Friday and Saturday Women's Extra Large Vests for stout women; sizes 48 and 50, special, at 29c Women's Union Suits, fine cot ton, sleeveless, at 50c Children's Knit Waist Union Suits, sizes 2 to 12 years, spe cial, Friday, at 39c Women's Cotton Hosiery black and white; seconds, at.... 15c Men's Fiber Silk Hose, black only, seconds of the 25c qual ity, special, at 17c Sailors, $2.45 25 Dozen. New Cushion Btim Milan Sailors, all banded with white ribbon, in six different shapes, special, at ......$2.45 Street Dresses, Porch Dresses, House Dresses, Silk and Cotton Dresses These For Women and Misses Lot Ml .29 Street, porch and house dresses, for women and misses. Hundreds to choose from. Doz ens of styles, many are made of fancy flowered and striped lawn, novelty, fancy wash ma terials, etc., many are fancy trimmed, others plain, at to day's price they are worth from $1.69 to $2.29. Snlendid doss es for ordinary wear, all good styles. Lot 2 $4.95. We have several racks of pretty dresses, both fancy white and colored summer dresses, sheer materials as well as the heavier kinds, such as plaids, stripes, ginghams, etc.; many different styles; sizes to fix stout women up to 56, as well as the smaller women and miss es. Dresses made to sell up to $7.50, all grouped in this lot for Friday and Saturday. , Lot 3 $2.49 Just 200 sport suits for women and misses. Fancy pat tern tub sport suits, coats and skirts to match, coats made with nifty pockets and belt; worth just double the price we ask. Several styles, good range of sizes; some are of a heavy stripe crepe material, others of fancy patterns, sport patterns, etc., for outing wear, boating, picnics. Lot4 -09c For women and misses, fancy lawn, percale and stripe ging ham wash dresses, house and porch dresses. Hundreds to choose from, many different styles, all good materials. This price today just pays for the materials. Lot 5-48.00 Silk Dresses; many different styles, plain and fancy; newest :ombinations of Crepe de Chine, in black and colors; heavy Taf feta, in blffk and colors: fnncy Foulards, Plaids and Taffetas in stripes, also Satin in black and colors. Pockets, belts and other niftv styles. Many samples. Lot 6 $2.95 Summer dresses for women and misses, fancy as well ai staple porch dresses, made to sell up to $5.00; many different styles, Included are several styles -to fit stout women up to 56. These For Girls and Children Lot 7 69c Children's colored tub dress es, hundreds to choose from.. $1.00 values, dozens of styles, all good wash materials, sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years! Lot 8- $1.00 A big lot of girls' fancy white dresses, lace and embroidery trimmed, 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years, many different styles; made up to sell for $2. Lot 9 97c A big lot of girls' colored wash dresses, all new, pretty styles, hundreds to choose from, dozens of styles, 2 to 6 and 6 to 14-year sizes. Special Sale of Summer Shoes At Lowest Prices Lot 1 Tennis Shoes and Oxfords, black and white, rubber sole and heel, Sizes 6 to 11, at 85c Sizes 2i2 to 5V2 at 75c Sizes 9 to 2, at 69c Lot 5 Children's Patent and White Canvas 89c Lot 2 Boys' and Girls' Barefoot Sandals, sizes from 8V2 to 2, tan and white calfskin, 3titch down sole. Just the shoe you want for your children. Special, pair Lot 7 Misses' and Children's Pumps, 1,500 pairs in sizes from 8 to 2, patent, dull and kid leather; made up with inside sole and out of all leather; values to $3.00. M QC All sizes, at, the pair P O Lot 4 Misses' and Children's White Mary Jane Pumps, sizes in this lot from 5 up to 2 ; ribbon bow, rubber stitch down sole ; QO-, wide and roomy; 500 pairs, special. '. .JOC Basement Brandeit Stores Mary Jane Pumps, ankle strap, hand turned soles, plain toes; sizes 2 to-4; about 7C 600 pairs, special, at, pair OC Lot 6 Boys Harvest Shoes, made up of good suede uppers, leather and rubber soles, spring heels, sewed soles; just the shoe for harvest or garden ; sizes 2 to 1 ; about 300 1 , pairs, at, the pair plOy Lot 3 Women's Cloth House Slippers, red, white, blue and pink ; pom pom bow, q n no heels; all sizes from 2V to 8 Oi7C t M - - - w - Aluminum Fruit Jar ; Funnels Small size, special, at. . 8c ' Extra large, special, at.... 25c Genuine "Wearever" Alu- , minum Kettles With cover, a $2.15 value, spe cial, for Friday, at .... . .$1.S9 Preserving Kettles Six-quart size, with enamel cot er, green and white; at . . . .89c Ten-quart, gray enamel... 59c Twelve-quart, gray enamel. 79c Cherry Stoners ;v Two styles, specially priced for Friday, at .9Sc . Fruit Cans One-quart tin fruit cans, spe cially priced, a dozen ..... .69c Jar Holders Holding one jar, special, Fri day, at six for .49c Large Jar Holders Fits any No. S wash boiler, holds 8 one-quart jars; special, for Friday, each ........ .65e Wooden Spoons 16-inch, very high grade, maple, special, at ............. . 18c 18-inch, extra large, at... 25c 50 Piece of Plain and Fancy Bordered Scrims, special, for Friday, a yard, at 8Vc One Table Filet Net and Fancy ' Curtain Madras, 36 and 40 inch es wide, pretty patterns; spe. cial, a yard, at ......... .29c One Counter Curtain and Cro , tonne ' Remnns, des'pabla.: lengths, at exactly half price. 25 Pieces of Drapery Madras, n a large assortment of pretty Jesigns and colorings, worth to 59c, special, a yard.... ...39c 500 Pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains, very wide and 2V3 to . 3 yards long, specially priced ' for Friday, a pair, at 98c 24x50' Hit and Miis Rag Rugs, in a large assortment of pretty colors, special, each . . .... .79c 27x54 Velvet Rugs, pretty pat- V terns, each, at ....$1.98 Brunei Rug Remnant, regu lar $1.25 quality, yard.... 75c Jewelry At Lowest Prices The Gift Shop offers suggestions for birthday gifts and presents. One Lot of Mother of Pearl Tableware, full size with ster ling silver ferrules and guaran teed 20-year silver plate; pie knives, salad forks, cake knives, jelly knives, berry spoons; and these are less than half price, at ..$1.00 One Lot of Genuine Silver Mesh ' Purte, 5 and 6-inch frames, em bossed and cut out, soldered links, special, at '. ..$100 One Lot Ladie' Purte, back strap, genuine leather and leather and silk lined, American pin seal, cowhide and lambskin, black only, special, at ..$1.00 One Lot Fancy Earring, in jet, pearl and novelty; values up to $1.25, your choice, at..... 49c Ladies' Genuine Patent Leather Belt, special, at ........49c One Big Bargain Square, all the small lots of jewelry that sold up to 25c, choice, Friday.. lOe This lot includes pearl strands in fancy colors, for children; cuff links, tie pins, collar pins, brooches, men's collar pins, etc. Men Clothing Men's Heavy Khaki Pants, well made, cuff bottoms and belt straps; special, at $1.25 to $3.50 Men's Trousers, sturdy fab rics of the best wearing kind, tailored to give a man entire satisfaction; big assortment of patterns in neat stripes and mixtures; sues from 29 to 42 waist; special, pair, $1.85 to $3.5fls Men's Overalls and Jackets, in extra good blue denim, bib style with pockets in hips; cut full, in all sizes; special, a pair , .$1.39 BaemntBrandei Store Men's Furnishings Men' Union Suit, ribbed, ankle length and hort ileere, tixei 34 to 46, at I .69c Men's Leather Belts, in black and tan ; patent buckles, sizes 30 to 44, at. . .35c Men's Sport Shirts, in stripes and plain Acolors, just what you want for hot weath er; all sizes, each ....59c Men' Athletic Union Suit, made of pin check neJntook with knitted eUttic crotch and band acro back. They are cut full to giTQ plenty of room, and nicely tailored; in all le 34 to 46; pecUl Friday, at ........ .". .;. ,S9c and 69c Basement Brandei Store Boys' Furnishings Boys' Wool Mixed Trousers, full cut knickers, very well made, light and dark patterns; sizes 6 to 16, at 95c. Boy' Romper, in short leeTes) mado of white repp and chambrayi 2 to 6 year sires, special, Friday, at. SSo Boys' Wash Suits, in neat light or dark blue and tan stripes, with plain collars, ties and belts to match; sizes 212 to 8, at. . . .69c Boy' Blouse, In very good quality, In plain blue chain- bray and ttriped percale, In all siies, at . , 65c Boys' Norfolk Suits, good sturdy suits that will stand the wear a boy gives his vacation clothes; sizes 6 to 1 6, at : , $3.95 Basement Brandei Store 3