THE BEE: "OMAHA, FRIDAY, ' JUNE 28, 1918. DRAFT LOTTERY FIXES ORDER OF MEN IN CLASSES Secretary Baker Draws First Nnmhop OIR' Tact n Draw. ing 1,200 Slips Takes Two Hours. , R AMociated Press. Washington, June 27. Nearly 800,- 000 young men of 21 who registered or military servic last June 5, had heir order in the draft-classes fixed loday by a second national draft lot ry held with formal ceremony at lie senate onice ouuauig. Just 1,200 numbered slips rolled nto capsules enough to cover the iitof new registrants in the largest focal district in the country were prawn from a big glass bowl and the numbers recorded in serial order. .Under the law all the new registrants 50 at the boitum of the classes to which they iay be assigned and the brder in which the number appearing hn each man s registration card came from tlu bowl determines his place in the list of additions. The task was done in about two hours. After a brief explanatory statement by Provost Marshal Gen eral Crowder, Secretary Baker, blind folded, drew the first number Z46, General March, chief of staff, Chain man Chamberlain and Senator War ren, of the senate military commit tM! Chairman Dent and Reoresenta- tsve Kahn. of California, ot the house military committee, and several army officers each drew a number. Then ('Major Billy" Wellborn, a young wo men emnloved in the nrovost mar shal generafc office, donned the blind fold and. proceeded to take out cap sules. - The dramatic interest that attend ed the first drawing, which actually aeterminea tne original oraer oi ser pice of 10,000,000 registrants, was al most wholly lacking in today's pro ceedings. Since men placed in Class 1 are certain to be called to the col Srs within a few months at most, the Wqer in which new registrants are Maced is relatively unimporant. in in t -ween nurrarea umana , Boys Called by Draft Fifteen hundred Omaha boys yes- erday were assigned their order num bers In the srest national draft armv ( These 1,500 Omaha boys are those who had become 21 years old since the first big dratt one year ago and who registered June 5 this year. I The first Omaha boy drawn proved to be an enemy aline. He is Hans v Hayden, Sou South Twenty-first eet, - . The first number drawn in the lot y was 246. This was Havden's nber. He is the only Omahan wn on (his number as the Fourth '.rlct the one in which Heyden istered, ii the only Omaha dia- ;t in which that many of the 21 r-old youths had registered. "--rst number to demand the Lei all five Omaha districts i ia eighth cspsule drawn from the ,u nis was o. is.,, five umi bevi held thla aerial number. Thev r flarold Thirtie, Eighteenth and. ?le, . in the First district; Aubry ucLeroy, general delivery, in the :ond district; Harry Babendir, 2511 vard street in' the Third district; Warn C. Lebbs, 913 South Twenty .h, in the Fourth district, and Har. ! R. Murphy, 523 North Twenty Mh in the Fifth district ;he first man from Douglas county, iid of Omaha, the Sixth district, Orvillt I. McReynolds, 7719 North Vtieth street His serial number D and it was the 13th drawn from ' box, lolden of serial No, 1 were fortun , This number was not drawn un 43 had been assigned ahead of it nly a desultory interest in the t of the 21-year-olds was exhibited Jmaha. It was vastly different it the hug draft of a year ago n more than 30,000 Omaha men e assigned their , draft numbers. s time less than 5 per cent of that ,oer were anected. Another Bee Man to Help Vrin Vrarfor the Nation Russell Phelps, formerly city edi tor of The Bee, is another member of this newspaper's staff to enter mil itary service. Mr. Phelps enlisted in the balloon school at Fort Omaha last fall "but' his eyesight disqualified him for that service and he was hon orably discharged after a month of service. He returned to The Bee. where he remained until he was drawn in the June contingent of the selective army, lie will leave today for Camp Funs- ton and is anxious to go overseas to get a chance at the Huns. rhelDS was on the staff of I he Bee two and one-half years and was in newspaper work in Min neapolis before he came to Omaha. He was married a year ago to the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Morrison of 2101 Avenue B, Council Bluffs. Thursday morninar. when the Oma ha contingent was put through a few preliminary paces at the high school grounds, rhelps received a promotion then a demotion within an hour. Phelps was placed in charge of a squad bound for Fort Riley. But Phelps was assigned to the Funston contingent and when this was kuown he was prompted demoted back to 'hnrlr nnuat. ! h .,L- FORMER RUSSIAN CZAR EXECUTED BY BOLSHEVIK! Ukraine Bureau Confirms Re port That Nicholas Romanoff Was Tried, Condemned and Put to Death. ' A second star will be added to TheQthe fifth class at Tulsa, Okl., and Bee service Ma Friday when C E. Dougherty of the composing room goes to Funston, Dougherty was in asked to have his name transferred to the Omaha lists when he was placed in Class 1. By Associated Press. Geneva; June 27. The Ukraine bureau at Lausanne announced today has received confirmation of the report that the bolshevik authorities at Yekaterinburg condemned Nicho las Romanoff, former Russian emper or, to death after a short trial, and then shot him. Details of the report ed execution are lacking. Grand Di&e Issues Manifesto. Amsterdam. June 27, Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch, younger brother of the former Emperor Nich olas, is reported in a dicpatch from Moscow received here today by way of Berlin, to have placed himself at the head of tlje new bibenan gov ernment and to have issued a mani festo to the Russian people. Paris, June 27. A dispatch from Kiev under date of Wednesday, June fipeliacy Nominated. irtford, Conn., Juna 27. Thomas pellacy of Hartford, was nomin .i for governor by the democratic state convention here today. The platform approved the administration of President Wilson, declared that the supreme effort is to win the war. A Real Sweater Sale Friday Menagh's This it a tale of Wool Sweater only. . Some are ' heavy; tome are I: -ht ; tome imitate hand rrxde; forae are heavy rr knit; tome are tam r!cs; tome are a bit c-iled. These Sweatert . are v.-crth at much at $12. Vcor choice Friday $3.97 The House of ".IEMAGR ....... J- - ! . , ,f' .. ... , , , . lC13FarnamSt UNITED STATES KERENSKY'S GOAL 111 IIISjOURtlEY Former Russian Premier Hopes to Be 'Received Here as Spokesman of His Countrymen. By Associated Press. London, June 27. "I bear witness that the Russian people never will recognize the Brest-Litovslc treaty, which hurled Russia into the abyss of annihilation," said Alexander F. Kerensky, former premier of Russia, at an address at the labor conference today. Mr. Kerensky said that Kussia was bending under German insults and bleeding at every pore, but still op posed the enemy invasion. Labor Meeting Startled. How Kerenskv escaped from Rus sia and how his comrades shielded him from the' bolsheviki remains a secret At present he is evading all uninvited visitors. No conjurer pulling a white rabbit from, a silk hat ever startled an au dience of wild-eyed children more thoroughly than Arthur Henderson surprised the labor conference yes terday in introducing Kerensky. Amazement pervaded the meeting hall, to be followed by cheers as the slight. youthful, dark-haired and smooth- shaven Kusaian stood up beside Mr, Henderson. Kerensky told the labor delegates that the Russian people, fighting against tyranny now, would soon take part again in the lists against the central powers. The sit uation in Russia today, he summar ized as follows: "One can break the Russian oeo- ple, but one cannot subdue it." Kerensky hopes to be received in America as spokesman of his coun trymen. t Relief PJam Being Considered. Washington. June 27. Various plans for extending American aid to Kussia m tne ettort to bring her back into the war are still in the stage of consideration, and before being put into operation will require much con sultation betwen the American gov ernment and the allies. The revival of the plan of sending material aid to the distressed coun try, such as seeds, agricultural imple ments and other means of rehabilita ting her people and accompanying them with sufficient forces to safe guard these ' resources from falling inio me nanas ox me uermans hinges upon the approval of the allies and the consent of the Russian peo ple. It has been suggested the govern ment might take a visit from former rremier rverenstcy to me unnea as a means of informing itself of in timate details. So far as could be learned today, a visit from the for mer premier was still an unsettled question. There are some differences of opinion among the friends ot Rus sia in Washington as to whether con ferences between American officials and Kerensky would be advisable. Iowa Called upon to Send 300 Registrants To University of Texas Washington, June 27. A school call for 685 draft registrants was made tonight by Frovost Marshal General Crowder on New York, Texas and Iowa. ; New York will send 100 qualified for -general military service to Le high University, South Bethlehem, l'a., and 185 qualified for limited service to Oswego Board of Educa tion, Oswego, N. Y., both entrain ments to be July 15. . ... Texas will send 100 for limited service to University of Texas. Aus tin, Texas, July 18, and Towa 300 for general service to University ,of lexas, Austin, lexas., July 25. Otto Schagun Is Injured ; When Struck by Wagon Pole Otto Schagun, 2836 Decatur street, received a lacerated arm and contu sions on the hip when he was struck by the pole of a wagon driven by Guy Smith, apartment 6, bhelby court The accident happened in front of 213 North Twenty-fifth street, about 5:30 o'clock Thursday night Schagun was riding on the rear platform of a street car and was struck by the pole as the car passed the wagon. He was attend ed by Police Surgeon Foltz and taken to the Lister hospital. Smith was ar rested and charged with violating the rules of the road. Officers allege the wagon was facing the opposite direc tion from the one specified in the city ordinances. " The Beds Fund for Free Milk and Ice 1 1 i "I know of no better way than The Bee's fu.d to bring comfort to the poor during the coming hot months." Henrv 1. Abrahams. "In our teal to do war work we should not neglect the country's most important crop, the baby crop." Dr. D. T. Ouiaiev. These are some expressions of contributors to the Bee's fund to Drovide oure milk and cooling ice to poor families with babies and small children. Scores of little ones are getting these necessities daily because of this fund. They have no other way of getting them; The number of !ittle ones who can be succored de tends upon the size of the fund. Have you done a little? Will you have a share in bringing nourishing milk to the helpless ones? Send or bring any sum from 10 cents to 95.00 to The Bee office. It will be acknowledged. Previously Acknowledged ...$141.50 H. J. Abrahams 5.00 Mrs. Sarah M. Young, Ne- t.9.k xr.v. 9 AA tlH W .. SVH OtVV Dr. D. T. Quigley 5.00 Mrs. F. A. Cressey Z.00 Q M. Porter 2.00 Mrs. E. J. Updegraff 5.00 James Walsh, Benson 5.00 Total ........,............$167.50 BIG BLOW EXPECTED SOON ON WEST FRONT , ' (Continued from rf On.) haste is necessary. This fact appar ently is being deeply impressed on the German high command, especially as it daily is witnessing the arrival of increasing numbers of Americans on the battle front and is coming to realize that they are foemen of the highest merit Americans Hold Gains. For the moment the Germans seem resigned to their loss to the Ameri cans of the Belleau wood, northwest of Chateau Thierry. No counter at tacks have been made in an endeavor to regain the lost ground. The latest account of the Americans' victory shows that the trooDS trom overseas in addition to killing or wounding many of the enemy, took 311 pris oners, 11 machine suns and 10 auto matic rines and a large quantity of ammunition and other war stores. All is quiet aloni the Piave. where the Italians are secure in the posi tions from which they drove the Aus trians. In the mountain region there has been considerable fighting in which the Italians seem to have had the upper hand. " All Blame for Circus Train Wreck Placed on Engineer Hammond, Ind., June 27. Investl gation of the Hagenback-Wallace cir cus wreck by the Interstate Com merce commission and the public service commission of Indiana today resulted in exoneration of all connect ed with the two trains except En gineer Alonzo Sargent of the empty troop special that plowed through the performers sleeping cars. Former French Minister ; To Be Tried fo: Treaso Paris, June 27. The French senate sitting as a high court will beein on July 15 the trial of Louis Malvy, for mer minister of the interior, on the cnarge ot nigh treason, lhis was decided upon at an unoffcial meeting ot the senators today. VACATION TElUfJuS , We have a large assort ment of Steamer Trunks at prices ranging from $5.00 up. All well built with strong locks and sturdy hinges. Trunks that will go with you as far as you want to go. And come back safe and sound. Also a very complete line of matting and cane light weight suit cases. Most reasonably priced. Let us do your repairing. FRELWS & STEI3LE Omaha's Best Baggage Builders 1803 Farnara Street. 26, declares that the report of the assassination of former Emperor Nicholas of Russia has , beea con firmed. It is declared he was killed by bolshevik troops during their re treat on Yekaterinburg. The Kiev message was received at Basel, Switzerland, and forwarded here by the Havas correspondent in that city. Say Son Also ueaa. London, June 27. Rumors are cur rnt in Prtrncrad that Alexis Roman off, son of former Emperor Nicholas, died a few days ago, says an ex change Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen today. Grand Duke Michael Alexandro vitch, reported at the head of a coun ter revolutionary movement, now is at Omsk nn the Siberian steooes. it is reported in Russian advices, forward ed by the Exchange 1 elegraph corre spondent at Copenhagen. Many Rumors Received. Washington June 27. A report of the killing of Nicholas Romanoff, late czar of Russia, was received at the State department today from Stock holm. was transmitted as a Swed ish press report, which, according to the Soviets, "needed confirmation.'' The first report of the assassination of Emperor Nicholas was received in Copenhagen through Stockholm on Tuesday The Copenhagen message quoted the Russian newspaper Vjia as saying that Russian red guards had murdered the ex-emperor in his resi dence at Yekaterinburg, where he was removed recently from Tobolsk An Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Moscow dated Friday, June 21, and received in this country Wednes day, declared there was no foundation, however, for the rumors of the assas sination, and dispatches from German sources last week reported that the former emperor was not at Yekater inburg, having been removed to Mos cow for safe keeping. Ames Boy at Play Plunges Tine of Pitchfork Into 5-Year-Old Brother's Eye Fremont, Neb., June 27. (Special.) While playing Ralph Howell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Howell, near Ames, ran the tine of a pitchfork in the eye of his 5-year-old brother. The boy will lose the sight of the eye. Refuse Pardon to Prisoner To Work in Harvest Fields From a Staff Correspondent Lincoln, June 27. (Special.) M. P. Nelson, held in jail at Nelson, has been denied a pardon by Acting Gov ernor Howard. His release had been asked for in order that he might help in the harvest fields. The county attorney advised against the pardon, saying that the prisoner had twice been convicted, of bootlegging, and that the government authorities prob ably would nab him if he were turned loose. Wahoo Makes Extensive Preparations for Sale . For Red Cross on July 4 Wahoo, Neb., June 27. (Special.) Five hundred men and women are working on the extensive prepara tions for the Saunders County Red Cross sale and celebration at Wahoo, July 4. A most elaborate program has been arranged, consisting of a parade, patriotic speaking, music, base ball and dancing. Five automobiles will be given away on that day. a com plete Delco light system, and also numerous quilts, doilies and antique coins and souvenirs. The "grub committee" is especially active and expect to have 20,000 lunch boxes ready. Saunders county stands first in Red Cross work in the United States and the sale and celebration on July 4 will make its position still more secure. Machine Guns Used In Suppressing Food Riots in Petrograd London, June 27. According to a Petrograd message transmitted by the Exchange Telegraph correspond ent at Copenhagen the food situation in Petrograd is desperate. Riots are taking place daily, it is declared, and are being suppressed by the bol sheviki with the aid of machine guns. Purchases charged Friday and Saturday appear on statements dated August 1. Final Disposa! Of Hats Our entire trimmed hat stock and mid-summer mod els go at great reductions. Pattern Hats, Sold up to $32.50, Friday $14.50. Dress Hats, Sold up to $16.50, Friday, $7.50. Street Hats, Sold up to $9.00, Friday,$4.75.;; ) " All Sales Final Lovely Embroideries 27-inch flouncings, beautiful pat terns, edges are colored. White 45-inch flouncings. Apron edges, narrow Swiss, and cambric edges. Beading and ribbon edges. Distinctive and not expensive. The Walking Pump Of Sorosis Design Any low heel pump in stock will be sold Friday and Saturday for only $5. Models in tan calfskin, black calfskin, dull kid, patent leather and white Nile cloth. Friday $5 a Pair thompson,Belden & CQ TAe fashion Center Jor Womefl0 Our Entire Tailored Suit Stock Goes Friday at Three Prices $18.75, $29.50, $37.50 The temptation to carry our stocks is very great, due to the scarcity of materials and rising costs, but it has always been Thompson, Belden's pol icy to keep stocks clean and new and this season will not be any exception. ' Many woman will anticipate their early fall needs as many of these suits are of the proper weight for Autumn. One Hundred Forty -Five Suits Serges, Poiret Twills, Gabardines,. Wool Pop lins, Velour and Crepe de Chine, Taffeta and Silk Poplin. Sizes 16 to 46. Reduced as follows: $29.50 to $39.50 Suits Friday $18.75 $42.50 to $55.00 Suits Friday $29.50 $59.50 to $95.00 Suits Friday $37.50 These regular prices have not -been raised in order to make "reductions" seem greater. ALL SALES FINAL. ? Every suit included and every suit is from regular stock. I- No alterations No. C. O. D. S. 8:30 A. M. Friday. Parasol Ideas That are Novel Some are plain, others shir red. Sunburst and Rosemaid are two of the most distinc tive new shapes. The small Japanese parasol is still a favorite. Nearly all are rainproof, which makes them doubly useful. $2 to $12.50. Children's Parasols The most attractive ones we have ever shown. Not a scat tering few, but several hundred to show you, 50c to $3.50. One Dollar Hosiery Silk boot hose with lisle tops and soles. A splendid wearing hose; in black, white, gray and brown, $1 a pair. Very sheer lisle hose made of English yarn. Spliced seams, garter tops and double soles; in white and black, $1 a pair. Embroidered Voiles For white summer dresses and dainty cool blouses many women find voiles the best. These offered Friday are in white, em broidered in small neat de signs, also plain and lace effects, 40-inch, 65c a yard. For hot weather suits and skirts white Palm Beach cloth is favored, 36-inch, 50c a yard. Both in the linen section. Assets $13,200,000.00 Sweet Springs, Missouri, March 5th, 1918. The Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Co., Lincoln, Nebraska. Gentlemen :l wish to acknowledge receipt of your check for $3,550.25 handed me today by Mr. W. 0. Miller, your General Agent at Kansas City, Missouri, in settlement of my policy on the 20 payment life plan for $2,500.00 - I paid into your company as premiums in 20 years $2,333.20. This settlement gives me $1,217.05 as interest on my money in addition to having my life insurance for $2,500.00 for 20 years. This is certainly a fine settlement and I wish to express my entire satisfaction for the prompt and courteous settlement on my policy. I shall take pleasure in recommending the Old Line Bankers life to all my friends. Very truly yours, ISAAC PARSONS. TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE POLICY Matured in the OLD LINE BANKERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Lincoln, Nebratka Name of Insured,. Iaac Parsons Residence. ........ .Sweet Springs, Missouri Amount of Policy $2,500.00 Total Premiums Paid Company $2,333.20 SETTLEMENT Total caah paid Mr. Parson. $3,550.25 And 20 Years' Insurance for Nothing. Bankers Life pays greater dividends to policy holders, with lower premium rates, than any Company in , America. Can you give any good reason why any one in the State of Nebraska should buy life insurance outside of the State? If you are interested in an agency or policy contract, write Home Office, Lincoln, Nebraska, or call at 1321 W. O. W. Building. Telephone Douglas 2949.