Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, 'JUNE 28, 1918.
Business Men Prepare Rousing
Sendoff for Boys About to
' - Don Khaki to Battle
for Country.
a: Hlevcn hundred Omaha men of the
" June quota of the selective army and
300 inen from out in the state will as
semble on the court house square at
noon Friday preparatory to marching
to the station to entrain for Camp
The boys will dine at their homes
before asesmbline at the court house.
Contingents irt the past hare been en
tertained at the Chamber ot com
merce at luncheon, but this one is so
laree than it would be totally beyond
the capacity of the Chamber dining
rooms. Arrangements to have them
1 at the Chamber of Commerce, Uni
ersity club and Omaha club were also
abandoned under the representation
that they would prefer to dine with
uicir own peopie in meir nomes.
. Plenty of Music.
Asssmbly at the court house js
called for 12:30 noon. There will be
a band, a male quartet and a women's
quartet, which will provide a program
or popular ana patriotic songs.
Mavor Smith will deliver the main
address, and then the whole crowd
will be led by Jo Barton in singing
America, , .
A large number of Red Cross
women will be present and at lilS
o'clock, with the assistance of the
Chamber of Commerce committee,
they will present comfort kits to the
men as tlicy are lined up, ready tor
the march. i',.. ' "
j , Headed by Police.
The march to the station will start
down Farnam street at 1:30 sharp. A
platoon of police will head the parade,
V .. . a r t rt'l. -..ill
louowca oy tne Dana ine men win
.f march directly to the waiting special
' trains on the Union I'aciftc road,
which wilt take them to Camp Funs
ton, ' 'vJ ..: ,-
The committee, composed of Judge
V. WVSIabaugh, Joseph llayden and
P. Fodrea, requests all citizens who
can do so to join in the parade and
march to the station to give the boys
a good send-off. , . "
Conservative Shows Large
) Gain in Its Resources
' Paul W. Kuhris,1 president1 of the
Conservation Savings and Loan asso-
1 ciation, reports that their association
J will close the fiscal year with assets of
over $14.300,000, , showing a gain in re
sources tor the year ot over ?juu,uw.
"The war has naturally checked
building demands, and in response to
tiic government suggestions, our
citizens have deferred doing much of
the building that was contemplated,
faid Mr. Rutins. "There has been a
ood demand on the part of the pub
lic for purchasing homes. Omaha peo
ple arc fast acquiring the idea of
owning their own homes rather than
ruuaiiiing tenants. '-' ,. ,
"Our association has made 540
' liajj on city properties during the
i jraivlfisbiirsirig over $1,250,000. In
;:!dition we have placed $1,000,000 in
loans on farms in that splendid sec
tion in eastern Nebraska.
"The association will have . dis
bursed $575,000 in dividends for the
year, making a total of over $4,693,000
disbursed in dividends since our or
ganization. , ' ' ' .
- ' Our contingent loss fund and undi
vided profits amount to over $475,000.
This splendid reserve and the sub
stantial cash balance and quick assets
in choice bonds of over $950,000 mark
the policy of the association and pre
paredness which has . always been
keenly anDreeiated bv the careful in
vesting and saving public. As a year,
the showing ot the conservative is a
very gratifying one to the directors
and more than 23,000 shareholders."
Asks Husband Be 'Enjoined 4
) - From Selling, His Property
m 'WmeoQtr.'.y-v.'.' ' : m 'm i im mm m
m )
in tfte Wat? Zone
experiences on &e Western 3tgJtttjtg ponf- Mvi
The alleged habit of applying vile his wife, as reciter! in her
petition filed in district court, has led
to divorce proceedings against Robert
Mligh, reputed owner of extensive
land properties In and around Potter,
J.N'eb., by Heleu High.
Mr, High alleges that his cruelty
, has impaired her health. On several
' occasions, she alleges, High made the
remark: "I don't care how you make
your living." She alleges he is
possessed of considerable wealth, as
owner of crops, city lots, stock and
other personal property. She says he
is the half owner of 720 acres of
growing wheat near Potter and that
le is about to sell all his property
for the purpose of cheating plaintiff.
She asks a divorce and that he be
enjoined from selling his property or
disposing of money on deposit in a
Potter bank. 1
Ringer to Have "at Home"
Hours at City Hall Office
City Commissioner' Ringer has
found that interruptions by visitors to
his office have been so frequent and
disquieting that he has decided to be
"at home" from 2 to 4 p. m. every
week lSy except Saturday, when the
welcome sign will be out from 10
a. m. to noon for the general public.
"I believe that under this plan I will
be able to give better service to the
public, which employed me," he ex
plained. . - : .
Negro Caught in Act of
Rifling Till of 38 Cents
Floyd Robinson, negro, 5622 South
Thirty-second street, arrested on a
charge of breaking into George
Wachler'j soft drink parlor, Sixteenth
fend Martha streets, early Thursday
morning, was bound over to the dis
trict court on a $2,000 bond. Robin
son was caught by policemen in the
act of robbing the cash register. His
"haul amounted to only 38 cents.
C:L3las County Pioneers
. ' to Hold Picnic . Saturday
The Douglas County association of
Nebraska Pioneers will hold its an
nukl basket picnic on Saturday after
noon in Miller park. The rendezvous
Je on the east side of the park.
Luncheon will be started at 1 p. m.
The officers of the organization urge
CI pioneers to attend, - V
The Hun Knows No Mercy.
So, at last, I turned back toward
the road, and ' very slowly, with
bowed head and shoulders that felt
very old, all at once, I walked back
toward the Bapaume highway. I
was still silent, and when we reached
the road again, and th. waiting cars,
I turned, and looked back, long and
sorrowfully, at that tiny hill, and the
grave it sheltered. Godfrey and
Hogge and Adam, Johnson and the
soldiers of our party, followed my
gaze. But we looked in slence; not
one of us had a word to say. There
are moments, as I suppose we have
all had to learn, that are beyond
words and speech.
And then at last we stepped back
into the cars, and resumed our jour
ney on the Bapaume road. We start
ed slowly, and I looked back until
a turn in the road hid that field with
its mounds and its crosses, and that
tiny cemetery on the wee hill. So
I said goodby to my boy again, for
a little space.
Our road was by way of Poizieres,
and this part of our journey took us
through an area of fearful desola
tion. It was the country that was
most bitterly fought over in the sum
mer long battle of the Somme in
1916, when the new armies of Brit
ain had their baptism of fire and
sounded the knell of doom for , the
Hun. It was then he learned that
Britain had had time, after all, to
train troops who, man for man, out
matched his best.
, Here war had passed like a con
suming flame, leaving no living thing
in its path. The trees were mown
down, dean to the ground. The
very earth was blasted out of all
semblance to its normal kindly look.
The scene was like a picture of hell
from Dante's Inferno; there is noth
ing upon this earth that may he
compared with it. Death and pain
and agony had ruled this whole coun
tryside, once so smiling and fair to
see. . .-;
After we had driven Tor a space
we came to something that lay by the
roadside that was fitting occupant
of such a spot. It was like the skele
ton of some giant creature of a pre
historic age, incredibly savage even
in its stark, unlovely death. It might
have been the frame of some vast,
metallic tumble bug, that, crawling
ominously along this road of death,
had come into the path of a Colossas,
and been stepped upon, and then
kicked aside from the road to die.
"That's, what's left of one of our
first tanks," said Godfrey. "We
used them first in this battle of the
Somme, you remember. And that
must have been one of the very ear
licit ones. They've been improved
and perfected since that time,"
"How came it like this?" I asked,
gazing at it, curiously.
"A direct hit from a big , German
shell a lucky hit; of course. That's
about the only thing that could put
even one of the first tanks out of
action that way. Ordinary shells
from field pieces, machine-gun fire,
that sort of thing, made no impres
sion on the tanks. But, of course"
I could see for myself. The in'ards
of the monster had been pretty
thoroughly knocked out. Well, that
tank had done its bit, I have no
doubt. And, since its heyday, t'
brain of Mars has spawned co many
new ideas thatthis vast creature
would have been obsolete, and ready
for the scrap heap, even had the Hun
not put it there before its time.
: At the Butte de Marlincourt, one
of the most bitterly contested bits of
the battlefield, we passed a huge mine
crater, and I made an inspection of
it. It was like the crater of an' old
volcano, a huge old mountain with
a hole in its center. Here . were elab
orate dugouts, too, and many graves.
Soon. we came to Bapaume. Ba
paume was. one of the objectives the
British failed to reach in the action
of 1916. But early in 1917 the Ger
mans, seeing they had come to the
end of their tether there, retreated,
and gave the town up. But .what a
town they left! Bapaume was near
ly as complete a ruin as Arras and
Albert. But it had not been wrecked
by shell-fire. The Hun had done the
work in cold blood. The houses had
been wrecked by human hands. Pic
tures still hung crazily upon the
walls. Grates were falling out of
fire-places. Beds stood on end.
Tables and chairs were wantonly
smashed and there was black rum
everywhere. t
: We drove on then to a small town
where the skirling of pipes heralded
our coming. It was the headquar
ters of General Willoughby and the
Fortieth division. Highlanders came
flocking around to greet us warmly,
and they all begged me to sing to
them. But the officer in command
called them to attention. -
"Men," he said, "Harry Lauder
comes to us fresh from the saddest
mission "of his life. We have no
right to . expect him to sing for us
today, but if it is God's will that he
should, nothing could give us greater
My heart was veryheavy within
me, and never, even on the night
when I went back to the Shaftesbury
theater, have I felt less like singing.
But I saw the warm sympathy on
the faces of the boys. "If you'll
take me as I am," I told them, "I
will try to sing for you. I will do my
best, anyway. When a man is killed,
or a battalion is killed, or a reiriment
is killed, the war goes on, just the
same. And if it is possible for you
to fight with broken ranks, I'll try
to sing for you with a broken heart.
And so I did, and. althouah God
knows it must have been a feeble
effort, the lads gave me a beautiful
reception. T sang my older songs
for them the songs my own laddie
had loved.
They cave us tea after I had sunar
for them, with chocolate eclairs as a
rare treat! We were surprised to get
such fare upon the , battlefield, but
it was a welcome surprise.
We turned back from Bapaume,
traveling alone another road on the
return journey. And one the way we
met about 200 German prisoners, the
first we had seen in any numbers.
They were workinsr on the road.
under guard of British soldiers. They
looked , sleek and well-fed, and they
were not working very hard, certain
ly. Yet I thought there was some
thing about their expression like
that of neglected animals. I got out
of the car and spoke to an intelligent
looking little chap, perhaps about 25 U "No, sir! None!'
years Id a sergeant. He looked
rather suspicious when X spoke to
him, but he saluted smartly, and
stood at attention while we talked,
and he gave me ready and civil answers.
"You speak English?" I asked.
"Yes, sir!"
"How do you like be a prisoner?"
"I don't like it It's very degrad
ing. "Your companions look pretty hap
py. Any complaints r
What are the Germans fiehtinc
for? What do you hope to gain?"
"The freedom of the seas!"
"But you had that before the war
broke outl"
"We haven't got it now."
I laughed at that.
"Certainly ot," I said. "Give us
credit for doing something! But how
are you going to get if again?"
"Our submarines will get it for us,
"Still," I said, "you must be fighting
for something else, too?"
"No," he said, doggedly. "Just for.
the freedom of the seas."
I couldn't resist telling him a bit of
news that the censor was keeping very
carefully rom his fellow Germans at
"We sank seven of your submarines
last week," I said.
He probably didn't believe that. But
his face paled a bit and his lips puck
ered, and he scowled. Then, as I
turned away, he whipped his hand to
his forehead in a stiff salute, but I
fejixthat it was not the most gracious
salute I had ever seen! Still I didn't
blame hm much!
Captain Godfrey meant to show us
another village that day. :
"Rather an interesting spot," he said.
"They differ, these French villages.
They're not all alike, by any means."
Then, before long, he began to look
puzzled. And finally he called a halt.
"It ought to be right here," he said.
"It was, not so' long ago."
But there was no village! The Hun
had passed that way. And the village
for which Godfrey was seeking had
been utterly wiped off the face of
the earth! Not a trace of it remained.
Where men and women and little
children had lived and worked and
played in quiet happiness the abomi
nable desolation that is the work of
the Hun had come. There was nothing
to show that they or their village had
ever been.
The Hun knows no mercy!
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Eleventh-Hour Rush Faces
Tax Equalization Board
Only Friday, Saturday and Monday
remain in which Jax assessment com
plaints will be given consideration by
the Board of Equalization. Its 20-day
session will end Monday night. In
spite of this, practically none of the
larger firms of the city have appeared
before the board, which hints at the
11th hour rush which characterized
the board's session last year, when,
on the last night of the session, more
than 100 firms "pooled" their com
plaints and offered them at the same
Appointments in the Health
Department Are Confirmed
The city council approved the foU
lowing appointments by Commission
er Ringer: Dr. C. C. Tomlinson and
Dr. F. A. Young, assistant health com
missioners; Marian Figge, stenog
rapher; James Chisek, milk inspector;
W. L. Mcclintock, meat inspector;
Henry Bridwell, sanitary plumbing in
spector; James McCleod, bakery and
lodging house inspector; William
pviuKily and George Cathro. health,
Negro Woman Worker Talks
Beore Big Omaha Audience
Mary B. Talbert, president of ths
National Association of Colored
Wcfmen, spoke to a large audienct
Wednesday night at St. John'j
Methodist church.
The lecture was given under the
auspices of the Greater Omaha Im-'
provement club. During her stay in
Omaha. Mrs. Talbert is the gufst of
Mrs. Alfonso Wilson, 521 - North
Thirty-third street.
The World Takes
uch at His FaceWue
E want to impress every vow man with the
importance of giving himself a fair show.
For the snick and spanness the clean.
ruddy look that is the trademark of the Gillette every
whereis the seal of approval that nature puts upon
success. '
- And a successful man is never slovenly. He never
neglects his personal appearance. For ne knows the
world takes him at his iace value.
And if the world 'has to look through a quarter-of-an-inch
of whiskers to see a man she may overlook
him altogether.
You know that the Gillette will gain you time,
money, and personal appearance. Aren't these things
any good to you?
You. don't nave to strop or hone your Gillette. This
saves labor. If you apply this labor to something con
structive it might make a great difference to you. Also
to everybody that thinks you are just about right.
ION'T waste time, labor, money, and that right
J on-the-job appearance that belongs to you. Or
that your employer is paying you for. And would
gladly pay more if you gave him more of it to pay for.
But kick in. tain the legions of the top-notch men
who are doing the world's big work they are the
Gillette users.
Another thing and
that is the importance of.
using the Gillette regularly
and right. Hold the razor
naturally and easily, and
tilt the handle so you can
just feel the blade engage
the beard.
(Here's where some
men make a mistake. They
tilt the handle up or down
too much and make a
scraper of a Gillette in
stead of a razor.)
Keep the edge of the
blade as nearly flat against
the skin as you possibly
can. Then shave with
short, slanting strokes.
Most men get the best
results by screwing the
blade tight down to the
guard. But if you want an
The Meaning of Gillette Service
The Gillette Service Experts
and all Gillette dealers want to
be of service to every Gillette
user in town.
They will show you that little
knack of the Gillette Shave
how to prepare the face for
shaving; the correct angle
stroke; the adjustment for a
light or a close shave.
Bring in your Gillette, have it
looked over. It may be dam
aged, bent, out of alignment
They may make some valuable
suggestions . or put your razor
in shape free of charge.
Try this when you shave to
morrow rooming:
Lather the beard thoroughly,
and rub well in-that's essential
with any shave.
Put in a new blade and screw
the handle down tight Then if
you want a speci
ally close shave,
un$cr$w the
I handle a part
' turn.
Hold the razor
naturally and
extra-close shave, just unscrew the handle a part turn,
to loosen the edge a trifle from the guard.
NOW, just stand in front of the mirror, and check
up.on your razor technic a little. It will pay you v
to fuss around with this idea until you get it Irs a
little thing, but it's important
And don't go away and leave your razor to unscrew
itself, wipe and dry its parts, and put itself back on
the shelf again.
Help it out a little. How can you expect a clean
shave with a rusty razor? It isn't in the deck at all.
We tell you these things for your good as well
as for ours.
For we know that if you take care of your Gillette
there isn't a beard on earth so tough and wiry, or a
skin so tender but the Gillette will deliver a velvet
smooth shave without roughness or irritation and No
Stropping No Honing.
Don't take our word for this. But lather up well.
And rub the lather in thoroughly. Then hold the razor
like a razor. And see what happens.
XTOW, about Blades:
You don't think the second time about blowing
in a dollar or so for a new tie when you've got a whole
"raft" of them hanging up on your cravat-rack at home.
Or you don't begrudge
the cost of a little game of
Kelly pool or a pair of
theatre tickets. Do you?
And yet you use the
same old Gillette blade for
a couple of weeks at a time.
Right before the mirror
where you have to look
yourself in the eye while
you're doing it.
Now this isn't because
you're stingy. It's because
you're thoughtless. You're
downright careless about
these small things.
Man to man, is this giv
ing yourself a square deal?
The Gillette can be one
hundred per cent efficient
in your hands if it has your
cooperation. So for the love
of Mike, put in a new blade
the next time you shave !
eatily, and tilt the handle so you
can lust feel the blade engage
the beard.
(Here's where some men make
a mistake. They tilt the handle
up or down too much and make a
scraper of a Gillette instead of a
! razor.)
Then shave with Short, slant
ing strokes. It doesn't require
any brute force to shave with
a Gillette the razor does the
Keep the edge of the blade
as nearly flat against the skin
as you can. Any man will catch
the knack of using his Gillette
in one or two shaves so he won't
feel the slightest pull. In fact,
when the Gillette is properly
used the beard slips off with
out your knowing it
The all-imoortant thine is
to latner tceu,
and to hold the
razor eatily, with
the handle tilted
so the blade
just engages the
Co talk with tkt GUUtti Strvict Exptrh. Ytnwill find thn i tkt tforn f tkt ftlltviut Gilfoti dtalen n tHt sptcifiii imtes:
June 24 to 29 SHERMAN & McCONttELL DRUG CO., 16th & Harney Sts.
June 24 to 29-MILTON ROGERS & SONS CO., 1515 Harney St.
June 24 to 29-TOWNSEND GUN COMPANY, 1514 Farnam St.
June 24 to 29 C.' B. BROWN COMPANY. 16th and Farnam Sts.
- -