Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1918, Page 13, Image 13
THE iJEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918. 13 HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent Ctrl or housekeeper for general housework. Small house and small family. Good place for the runt party. Phone Harney JOS. WANTED An experienced cook, good wages; appointment by telephone. Mrs O. C Redlck. Harney 121. Reference required. GIRL for general housework In family of three; no children; references required. Call Harney 945 Room 434. The Black stone. HITE girl or middle-aged woman for gen eral housework; small bouse; only two In family; work very light. Mrs. R. V. Craig. 3565 Jones St. Harney 1731. WANTED An experienced white cook, no washing, best Wages. Mrs. T. L. Davles, 6J7 S. 37th St. Harney 627. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework; two in family; no wash Ing. Walnut 1878. WANTED Girl to assist In light "houao work a few hours each day and go home nights. 84o Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 679.1. NEAT girl for general housework. No laundry and good wages. Harney 6724 WANTED Girl for general house workT amall family, good pay. Call Webster 4S.15. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; 3715 South Twenty-fifth St. South 934. WANTED An experienced second girl. Good wages. Mrs Dixon, 426 N. 38th St. Miscellaneous ROOM, well furnished, for light housekeep ing, In exchange for light chamber work Red (084. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys, learn barber trade, big demand: wages while learning; atrictly modem Call or write 1402 Dodge St Trl-City Barber College Phone D 1147. WANTED Intelligent man and wife to take full charge of apartment house. Man must be able to do all kinds repairing and make himself generally useful. Hox 9648, Omaha Bee. MOI.ER Barber College wanla young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 S 14tb Rt Omaha Neh EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branohei. Catalogue free BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1868 18th and Harney 8ta. Van 8ant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. (20 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890- FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. It you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooma In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. LADY alone will rent room, beautifully fur. nished In mahogany, to couple with refer ences. In new, eleantly furnished bunga low. Home privileges. Kountze Place. Web ster 4141 SANITARY modern rooms for men only. 12.60 per week. Sunshine Apartments, 60S N. 17th St. J. B. Robinson, 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. FRONT room, modern home. Hanscom park district Stall in garage. Breakfast if desired. On car line. Harney 1044. 2J03 CUMING Beautifully furnished room In new private home; hot water heat. $3. Harney 6969. Reference. i 702 S. 26TH ST. To gentlemen only. July 1; large southeast front rooms, newly fur nished; private; 83.60. u. ssus. LARGE front room, very cozy, 3 windows, large closet; private family; price right, 829 S. 30th. Harney 6393. MODERN furnished rooms tor men only a the Sunshine. 608 North 17th St Reason able rent NICELY furnished front room for respecta. ble gentleman, In Hanscom Park district Reasonable rent. 2703 Woolworth Ave. NICE, large front room, cool; private fam ily; beat of neighborhood; gentleman pre ferred. Colfax 2933. 2602 Templeton. PLEASANT room, private family. 131 N. 31st Ave. THE GRAYSTONE 25th and Cass; nicely furnished rooms. Douglas 7994. 3019 PACIFIC Nicely furnished room In private fsmlly. parlor privileges. MAHOGANY furnished, clean, comfortable room to couple employed. Red 4232. LOVELY furnished room, close in; reason able; for gentleman. Tyler 3858. ROOMS Large and amall, walking dis tance. "Vernon." 204 S. 25th. MODERN, nearly new furnished front room for rent at 2120 California. Housekeeping Rooms. J701 DAVENPORT 2-room suite In private brick house; slec. lights, gas range; newly decorated; garage, shade. Harney 4989. Board and Rooms. IF you are looking for a comfortable place to live, come to 2658 Douglas St, 2 doors west of 26th Ave.; desire six or eight people, employed; newly furnished south and east front rooms. Harney 6878. EXCLUSIVE home, cool front room, beauti fully furnished In mahogany, twin beds; breakfast and dinner; two gentlemen or couple employed. Harney 3369. LARGE, cool room. - beauifully furnishfl private bath, large lawn, shade trees, garage, excellent board. 'Phone Harney 1796. 2661 DODGE Attractive single and double room, good board, walking distance. Har 6143. LARGE room private modern flat Good board. Red- 8557. Hotels. CLAREMONT INN, 17th and Jackaon. Transient guests, $1 a day; permanent guests, IS a week. Douglas 2785. COOL rooms. 12 week; also apartments with kitchenettes. Ogden hotel. Co. Bluffs. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. DOWNSTAIRS, modern, West Farnam home, four rooms and bath, newly furnish ed, entirely private, walking distance, free phone; 345 per month. Box 9400, Bee. UPSTAIRS modern West Farnam home; two rooms, kitchenette and bath, newly fur nished, entirely private; walking distance; free phone. $35 per month. Box 8399, Bee. TWO or 4-room furnished apartments, pri vate bath, 1112 South 11th St. ELEGANTLY furnished apartment, modern equipment, shady porch, 220 N. 23d. Houses. FOR RENT 7-room motjern house, fur nished. 2208 Miami. Phone Webster 6716 or call Sunday or evening. References required. 6 OR 6 ROOMS, furnished, modern, cool, shade, piano, garage; references ex changed. 260S Emmet St Web. 694. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 3304 No. 69th St.. 7 rooms ...115.00 6923 Bedford Ave., 6 rooms . .. 12.60 OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. A8S'N. 2568 Douglas, rooming house 133.00 1516 North 16th, rooming honse 33.00 JOHN K. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 164. SEVEN rooms modern, $25, near postofflce, G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Crlcago. 7-ROOM house, hot water heat; walking distance. Harney 2049. North. FOR RENT To couple without children, 6- : room, all modern home at 702 N. 40th. inquire at wo iv. 4utn or can walnut 1892. Lake View cottage, on two car lines, at - Carter lake. Desirable for 6 or 6 ladles or gentlemen. Webster 6041. NINE-ROOM, roomy house, complete, every way. Keys 2601 Capitol Ave, on premises. 6. ROOM house, part modern, 314. 2708 Howard St Red 682. I-KOOM modern house. 3866 Hamilton St Douglas 1628. Miscellaneous. LlsT your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 728. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITT. CREIGH SONS CO.. BEE BLDG FboDea as Co Rentals, Douglas 4221. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. KTRNISHED LA TUNA APTS. 541 S. 84th St A large ll. room, a dress, room and closet combined, a kltch. and bath. comp. turn., beat of service. D. 1533. PETERS TRUST CO. Specie il lata in Apartment management HAMILTON APTS . flrepioof : fine lawn and flowers: beet location. 34th and Farnam. Prices rea.- t''le C.ill D 1472 ANGElTCs APARTMENTS 25th Ave. and Douglas: to sub-let one, two-room apart ment. Ha-ny 2074. North MODERN E. 322. G P 6 i .ok Au.a.. near postofflce. 1611) Chicago. 4-ROOM semi-Lai ment apt., new. 116.6V. Aot- 2. Mapi- court. 1 SI 5 Maple. Red 6S3 THRKE-ROOM. low rent, apartment at 17th and Maple Sts., phone Webster 3713. South. MODERN,- rooms Si. Louis brick flat, In. Phone Colfax 1374. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Three rooms and bath, with five rooms accommodations: one apartment at 132.60 and one at 327.60 per month; summer rent. Located at 2652 Dewey avenue. Un dine apartments. Three rooms all modern, except heat at southeast corner Thirtieth and Sara toga street. $9 per month. T RAVER BROS. CO Doug. 6886. 819 First Nat. Bank Bldg. MODERN, 6 rooms, St. Louis brick flat, close In. Phone Colfax 1374. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty "stores STORE KOiT'RENT 15th and Douglas. 80s 60. steam heat, rent $116 per month WORLD REALTY CO.. Douglas 6342 Sun Theater Bldg. STi'iRE Corner Cass and Sixteenth St FIho business location. O. P Stebblns. lfilil Chicago Mbl'ERNstore. iflh St., near P. 6. Low rent G P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago Office and Desk Room. til E BEE BLDG. Offices for high claea tenants who want the best. Keystone Investment Co Tyler 131 Miscellaneous. WAREHOUSE BARGAIN In heart of wholesale district, 6-stor;-33x66 bldg.; very substantial and good light. Heirs will sell for 320,000. We can arrange a loan of half or more of this price. Possession soon. INDUSTRIAL SITE. , On Burlington track, central ' icatlon, paved street, spur track In. about 360,000 square feet, 318,000. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 314. WANTED TO REM Unfurnished Apartments anc Houses. LIST your houses for rent with us and get results. Mors requests than houses, give us houses. Payne Invesment Co., Realtors. 637 Omaha National Bank Bldg- D 1781 FurnishedApartrnents and Houses YOUNG couple with child wishes room with settled people, colored. 922 Belmont St., Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. W. F. Taylor, R, R. Box 6. care Mrs. Geo. Howard. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN A STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St.. between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 8400 Have your moving bandied Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our daily rental lists ?T3TJ,T7 RENTAL REHVTCr. I'll Hi-! J. A 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. riPl'PBnnii' OTAREHOITSS. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8 16th. Douglas 4161 Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler zao or uougias saas Jf PTTTTTi Express Co.. Moving. . j. XlDDU Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2743 Doug 6146 "OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving ans: careful men. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. P-3354 WEST A SUTTON. Piano, household moving: live stock hauled. D. 8723. 1(01 Csss St REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. New House, West Seven rooms, full two-story, oak floors and wood work, full 60x120 ft., paved street with paving all paid. This is west of the Central boulevard, between the Farnam and Harney car lines and only 20 blocks' walk to 16th and Farnam Sts.; Just completed, ready to move Into. For quick sale $5,250. HARRISON & MORTON, REALTOR.0 16 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 814. DUNDEE STUCCO HOME This Is a good two-story. 7-room mod ern house, located on north front lot 60x 128 feet, one-half block from car line, with paved alley In rear, having living room across entire front with brick fireplace; attractive dining room, large pantry and convenient kitchen first floor; three corner bedrooms, outside sleeping porch and complete bath room second floor, maid's room on third floor; full cement basement, furnace heat, laundry connections, etc; oak finish first floor; white enamel with mahogany fin ished doors second; oak floors throughout; price, 35.800; reasonable terms. Possession July 1. GEORGE & CO., D. 756. City National Bank Building. 4 ROOMS BENSON 150xl28-FOOT LOT. $2,250 TERMS. Located four blocks of school and car line; house has city water, cistern, electric lights and gas: fruit, consisting of cherries, grapes, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, etc; garage. A very desir able place of about one-half acre of ground; sidewalks to car. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. ManvllK . HASTINGS & HEYDEtf, 1614 HARNEY STREET. TWO seven-room modern houses, located at the Junction of two car lines both In good repair and well rented. The own er lives In California. He writes they must be sold. Here Is a chance for a bargain. Would consider an exchange for Southern California property. L N. Hammond, 210 South Thirteenth St. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. T rooms, 2 -stories, modern, east front, furnace heat, full cement basement, large lot, fine shade, close to car, school and churches; 33,860. Webster 1819. 3621 HAMILTON STREET, $3,160. Oak and birch finished, very modern l-room bungalow, with sleeping porch. JOHN W. ROBBIN3. 1802 FARNAM. BEMIS PARK Six rooms and bath, 2-story modern house, east front, large lot. paved street. Make offer. Walnut 1431. North. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE BUNGA LOWS. Two brand new and very nifty 5-room bungalows under construction at 28tli Ave. and Camden will be sold at $3,600 each. These places will be modern In every respect; one block to car and store; close to schools and to Miller park; 3350 cash will handle and balance lnonthly payments of $31.50. Sewer, water, gaa and electricity ell In and paid for; no special taxes. See these at once. WALNUT 677. IF you are going to buy a home, see this first; a fine five-room house; electric lights, gas and water. Pries $2,000. See Owner at $330 Uandersoo. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. MUST BE SOLD NEW STUCCO HOME MILLER PARK DISTRICT rooms, modern, south front on Red iks Ave..' facing Miller Park; oak and white enamel finish: tiled bath, fireplace, full basement, furnace heat, large floored attic, nicely decorated, beautiful fixtures, now vacant; Immediate possession. A very attractive home. Price. 35.250, on rasy terms. Look this over and make an offer J L. HIATT CO., 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 68. "PRETTIEST MILE" Beautiful 8 -room house In setting of fine young foreet trees (double garage), en prettiest part of the "Prettiest Mile" (Florence Boulevard): fronts Into the elegant grounds of C. W. Martin; houae excellently built and best of condition VS-ft. front; a real home; 31.009 under the market price, $6,500. ACT QUICKLY II" INTERESTED. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. 916 Omaha Nat. Douglas 314. Clinire Nev" St. Home. Built Bv Day Labor. The Best J2.500 "cash or 35 000 880 month. All choice oak floors and trim, matt brick foundation. Large sun room, French doors, fireplace, all , built-in ef f.M l Just a wonderful place, cannot dea cribrt and do Justice. Call Tyler 496. Osborne Realty Co., 701 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. M 1ST UK SOLD WANT OFFER 1IS1 Evans t., close to Kountje park and car line, only short distance to heart of city, 6 rooms and bath, all modern, with garage, large lot, paving all paid. Submit vour offer In writing, T. T. Tebbens, (Realtor), 605 Omaha Nat. Rk. Phone D. 3182. FOR SALE 10-room modern house In good condition with garage, on Fowler Ave., near Florence Blvd., well worth $6,000; will sell for $4,800, $600 cash: $50 per month; already to move Into; let us show you this property. MITCHELL INV. Co.. 24th and Ames. Col. I1T. WE SELL, rent, Insurs and make loans on city property. North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th end Ames Ave.. Col. 317. THE BEST BUY IN OMAHA. Five-room house, electric lights and water, 12,250. Call Colfax 4094. M1NNE I.USA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest vour money Phon. Tvler 1ST South. $4,000. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO, 6-ROOM HOME. If you want one of the best built homes In the south part of the city, convenient to car, you should look this over today; It is only a few steps from the car line; was built about four years ago, one block south of Vinton street, In a good loca tion; house has living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor, finished in art craft dark oak different from the or dinary run of houses; has 2 large sleep ing rooms and one small one, also bath on second floor: hardwood finish through nut; has a full basement with first class furnace and latest plumbing and electrlo light fixtures: this house should be seen Inside to appreciate the real value of It; owner lives In the house, so you can look through it anytime. The outside is finished in stucco, which reduces the upkeep of the property a great deal; the price for quick sale Is $4,000; terms, $1,000 cash, balance about the same as rent. Look at this house and then see us about It as soon as possible. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. SUBURBAN COTTAGE We have two (-room houses ut west of Hanscom park, near Center St. (paved), for $2,100 each, on monthly payments. One has S large lots and la high -d sightly, a block from the Field club 'It links. The other Is a half block frim the street car at 81st and Center. Both are near school, have splendid gardens and trees. They have electric lights. They are Ideal for a thrifty family. Another one of 6 rooms for $1,600. HARRISON & MORTON, 1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 314. One 6 -room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot, live In one and rent the other. Price, $2500. Terms. No. 2433 South 20th St. Norrls & Norrls, 104 North 16th St. Phons D. 4270, $2,250. Five-room house, modern except heat and electric light 1911 S. 13th St Easy terms. Grlmmel. Phone Doug. 1615. 313 S. 11TH 6-room modern flat, $3,600; half down. Doug. 7077. Miscellaneous. SAVE carfare and buy war stamps; buy this 7-room, all modern home, less than 10 blocks from the P. O. : Just painted, 2 coats outside and beautifully deco rated Inside; paving all paid; a big bargain at $4,000 cash; terms or an exchange considered. You get few chances like this. 212 Keellne Bldg., Omaha. 5-ROOM cottage, two blocks from car, full lot, $2,000. Terms, $300 oaeb, balance $30 per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 643 Paxton Block GOOD 7-r. modern house for only $2,600; nice corner lot with shade trees; pav ing paid. W. H. Gates, 647 Omaha, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1294. TWO acres highly improved, close In, seven-room modern house, fruit and gar den, all go. $6,250. Easy terms. Call Mr. Browne, Tyler 1672. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. Douglas 5011. FOR SALE A beautiful house, garden and chickens, worth $300. Will take $76 If sold In three days. See owner at foot of J mes street, on Missouri river. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. HOMES AND HCMESITES, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 637 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. F D WE AD SELLS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE B'nesa Pr'pty WB WILL buy your horns or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO., Electrlo Bldg. Tyler H. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY and BON, 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. Inoome, Buatness and Trackage Specialist Utb and Dodge fits Douglas 411 REAL ESTATE Exchange GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease, 211 Bran. Th. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Vest. CLEARVIEW LOTS. $1 DOWN. $1 A WEEK. PAYNE ft SLATER CO. South FOR SALE S lots. Just south of Elmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Box Y 1188. Omaha Bee. LARGE garden lots, near car line. South Side, $140 to $200. $1.00 down, 60o per week: no Interest: no taxes Phone D 8074 Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. FOR SALE Saddle horse, 6 years old; well broken; lady's horse; gentle. Call Wal. nut 45, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE, $5,500. This home la well located, convenient to school: has living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen, first floor; three bedrooms and sleeping porch, second floor; solid concrete driveway and garage for two cars. This property la In excellent condition and must be seen to be ap preciated. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 8963. 919-20 City National. Dundee Bungalow $3,450. Five rooms, oak finish In living room and dining room, built-in buffet In din ing room, complete and modern In every respect; lot 50x1064; look at 4640 Dodge street, then see us. The Bvron Reed Co., Phone Douglas 297. Farnam St. Acreage. ACREAGE CLOSE IN Five acres at 42d and C Sts., part of that splendid high ground of the old Grlffen farm, eight blocks from itreo car now, but rtght In the city, on a main street, very likely to be a street car route. This Is within sight of the Field Club. Windsor school snd South Side Industries. It Is level, rich land; has a good well and a few bearing fruit trees. For quick sale, $3,600. 13 acres near this for $6,600. 14 acres, with 8-room hot water heated house, built 6 years ago. finished in oak. Same location, $11,000. . 10 acres, between Benson and Fair Acres, unimproved but very sightly, $8,000. This la seeded to alfalfa, HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 814. Miscellaneous FOR SALE Two beautiful lota Just south of Elmwood park In Overlook addition: full size lots. 60x150. Owner leaving the city will sell cheap for caah. Act quick. Address Box Y 1166, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED RANCH OR FARM Press brick business block and residence property; also $30,000 worth mortgage pa per. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 313 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and (-room houses and bungalows with $300 to 3500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co Tvler 496 701 Om Nat Flsnk Bldg FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. HAVE that Installment loan on your home changed to a straight five-year loan and relieve yourself of that monthly burden. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg. QUICK ACTION ON LOANS W. T GRAHAM. (04 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 1633. CI Of FARM LOANS, CI CI O 72 O PAUL PETERSON. - 2 ? 864 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG FOR SALE $20,000 6 pet first mortgage on farm; 4 years to run. Owner, Box 9650, Omaha Bee. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug 2718 CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6, 6 end 6 Per Cent J. H. DUMONT CO., Keellne Bldg. HARISON ft MORTON. 512 (19 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly F. D Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha Pi.'vute Money. SHOPEN ft COMPANY Douglaa 4228. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. $13 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. JULY SND. Our next excursion to McOehee, Ark W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. COLORADO LANDS. I own and control 25,000 acres In Chey enne and Lincoln counties, Colorado. Here are some of my special bargains: 6H sections $12.60 per acre 1,280 acres 10.00 per acre 1,280 acres 12. 00 per acre 2,660 acres 15 00 per acre These lands are all 100 per cent tillable, situated In Cheyenne county; terms, 1-3 cash, balance 6 annual payments at 6 per cent W. J. MOREHART, Mankato, Minn. COLORADO. A fine low mountain ranch, 6,624 acres, private Irrigation system for 700 acres, Including 400 acres alfalfa and bottom land hay; will cut 800 tons hay each year; excellent Improvements, fenced and cross fenced, plenty of rain for grass and sum mer crops; priced for quick sales at $16 per acre; one-half back at 6 per cent Silver State Realty Co., Fowler, Colo. YUMA CO.. COLO. N. E. 7-5s-48w. Good soil, lays well, good neighborhood. Price $2,400, of which $1,100 can be carried 2 years at ( per cent; no trades. R. M. Cauthorn, 302 Schweltier Bldg., Wichita, Kan. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE Eighty acres, Adams county, Iowa land, four miles from railroad, im proved. Address F. R. Davison. Pine Bluffs Wyo. FOR SALE Good Improved farm adjoining Onawa, la. All under cultivation. Write C, P. O. Box 644, Onawa, la. Nebraska Lands. MERRICK COUNTY FARM. 160 acres located 5 miles from Central City, one.half mile to a good school, all good black loam soil, lies perfect, not a foot of waste, all fine alfalfa land. This place has Just a fair sot of Improvements not In the best of repair. Price, $135 par acre, with part terms. Will consider a good Omaha residence as part payment What have you? Write or see M. A. Larson, Central City, Neb. FOR SALE 480 acres Buffalo county farm, to settle an estate; 230 acres pasture; 26 alfalfa; 20 of wild hay meadow, balance farm land. Land rolling with heavy clay subsoil. Fenced and cross-fenced; 3 good wells and wtndmolls; 7-room house; bsra 40x42; other outbuildings; 6 miles from railroad town; mall snd telephone; sold subject to lease; possession March 1; price $43 per acre, half cash; terms 00 balance. P. O Box 125. Kearney. Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches in good Old Dawes County. Arah L, Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. WE specialise In selling Nebraska ranches. White & Hoover, 464 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices wrle Geo Antlll. Blstr. Neb 160 ACRES Improved, closeln, paved road. Nllson, 423 Securities Bldg. RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, easy terms. A a Pstiman. 301 Karbach Rlk South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE Stock ranch snd live stock. 175 cattle. $0 horses. Deeded and leased land Plenty of water. An Ideal place for dairying. Box 133. Sulphur. 8. D. Miscellaneous. Aged Owner Sacrifices 166 Acres, Crops, 29 Cows and Toung stock, pr. horses, hens, hogs, wagons, to work the 100 acres loamy tillage that rave made pros ent owner well off; wire-fenced, spring watered, 85-cow pasture; wood and fruit for home use; good 9-room. slate-roof house; good 60-foot barn, horse barn, other buildings; on improved road, right In village, close to schools, churches, etc.; $5,200 takes all; less than half down. De tails page 13, Strout's Catalogue of this and other farm bargains, many with stock, tools, crops included. On psgo 21 see details 25 acre fruit, truck and poultry farm, stock, tools, crops, Included, commutation big city, only $1,500; part cash. Catalogue mailed free. E. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY. Dept. 3072, 205 S. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. LIVE SOT MARKET Packers Continue to Pay as High as $18.25 for Choice Beeves; Hog Mi rket is Lively. Omaha June 27. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoga Sheep. Offl.-lal Mondav i.97 10.J05 U.4J6 official Tuesday 5.160 15 643 11.576 Official Wednesday .. 4.9J3 16 010 15,909 Estimate Thursday .. 5.100 1300 4,700 Four days this wk 20,310 64,867 45 640 Same days last wk...24.879 65.17 22.178 Same days 2 wks. ago. 31,474 47.343 13,460 Same days 3 wka. ago. 37,803 36.484 30 017 Same days year ago.. 83,189 47.991 16,747 Cattle Moderate receipts, trade was not so active as yesterday but fully steady on good to choice beeves, packers paying as high as $18 26 for prime lot, the good to choice 1.100 to 1,500-pound gradea sold any. where from $17.60 to $18.26. Trade waa slow on the medium kind quotable from $16.00 to $17.50. Wblle prime yearlings waa steady bulk of the offering sold slow and unevenly lower prices any where from $13.00 lo 317.25. Butcher stock was about steady but prices very uneven and trade not Quite as active as yesterday. Bulk of the cows sold anywhere from $11.76 to $14.00. Stock- era and feeders were slow and unevenly lower. . Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves. $17.60ftl8.35; fair to good beeves, 16 006817.60; common to fair" beeves. $13 00 (rls.50: good to choice yearlings, $15,751 17.25; fair to good yesrllngs, $13.60916 60; common to fair yearlings 19 0012.50 good to choice heifers, $13.00 14.00; good to choice cows, 11.75014.00; fair to good cows, $ 60ff 10.60; common to fair cows. Jr.oi'S'S. ,6; prime feeders, $11.75(912 60 good to choice feeders $9.6011.00; fair to good feeders, $8.008.25; common to fair feeders. $7.50Jf8.50; good to choice stock- era, $9.75011 75; stock heifers. $3.00eiflo0 slock cows, $7.759.26: stock calves $8.00 JrlOiO; veal calves. $$.60013.25; bulls, stags, etc, $9 50W12.75. Hogs Hog arrivals today were placed at 187 loada, estimated at 13,000 head. The market opened all around at a lively pare at strong to 6o higher prices, occasionally sales being quoted as much as lOo higher; it soon eased off, however, really flattening out, the best bids sellers could get being $16.30 for a good string. The bulk of the sales ranged from $16.30 to $16.46; op. lie. 63. Sheep There were It loads of sheep here today, estimated at 4.700 head, by far the smallest run this week. There wss a good lively market from the opening and early clearance mads of the small supply at close to 25o high prices all around. A top of 111. do waa paid for native lambs. $13.00 on ewes snd $13.00 for yearlings and wethers. Quotations on sheep: Yearlings fed, good to choice, $18.00018.50: yearlings fed. fair to good, $18.76018.00; yearlings, choice. light feeding. ll.oooil.7B; ewes, good to cholee, $11.00011.60; ewes, fair to good, no.ooiff u.oo. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, June 37. Cattle Receipts, 8,000 head, Including 800 head of southerns: market strong; prime fed steers, 117.25 18.00; dressed beef steers, $13.(0017.00; western steers. $10.60018.00; cows, $6.76 13.0"; neiiers,; stockers and feeders, $7.60013.60; bulls, $7.00011 50; calves, $8.00014.50'. Hogs Receipts. 10,000 head; market higher; bulk of sales. $18.40016. 65; heavy, $16.6516.70; packers and butchers, $16.45 016.60; light, $16.80016.66; pigs. $16,000 16.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady; iambs. $16.00018.00; year lings, $18.00016. 60; wethers, $12.00014 60; ewes, $10.00013.60. ft. Lonls Lira Stock. St. Louts, June 27. Cattle Receipts. 8.- 000 head; market higher; native beef steers, $11.5017.60; yearling steers and heifers, $9.50015.50; cows, $7.60013.75; stockers and feeders, $8.60013.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00016.90; beef cows and heifers, $6.00013.60; native valves, $7.75014.00. Hogs Receipts. 8,500 head: market steady on hogs, strong on pigs; lights, $16.60 016.76; pigs, $16.25016.80; mixed and butchers, $16.40016.75; good heavy. $16. 0 016.65; bulk of sales. $16.46016.70. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4.200 head; market slow; lambs, 314.00018.00; ewes, $11.00012.00; canners and choppers, $6,000 10.00. South St. Paul Live Stock. South St. Taul, June 27. Cattle Receipts, 3,400 besd; killers steady; steers, $7,600 17.00; cows and heifers, $7.60013 00; veal calves steady at $7.004f 14.75; stockers and feeders stronger at $6.60012.00. Hogs Receipts. 6,200 head; market steady; range of prices, $16.00016.86; hulk of aales, $16.25016.30. Sheep and Lambs- Receipts, 600 head; market steady; lambs, $10.00017.00; weth ers, $7.00012.60; ewes, $5.00(3111.60. St, Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, June 27. Cattle Receipts, 1,800 head; market strong; steers, $1100 17.86; cows and heifers, $6.00016.60; calves, $6.00014.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,500 head; market higher; top, 16.60; bulk of sales, $6,300 16.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,200 head; market steady; lambs, $13.00017.76; ewes. $6.00012.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Bloux City, Juns 27. Cattle Receipts, 1.000 head; market strong; beef steers, $10.00012.60; fat cows snd heifers, $9,000 15.00; canners, $7.0008.60; stockers and feeders. $10.00&11.00; calves, $10.0014.00; feeding cows and heifers $7.0003 00. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market loe higher; light, $16.40; mixed, $16.80; heavy. $16.10; bulk of sales. $16.1016.40. , Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 500 head; market steady. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts light on both prairie hsy snd alfalfa. And on account of the demand be ing quiet, market Is soms lower on all gradea Hay Choice upland prairie, iii.oo: no. i. upland prairie, $16.00016.60; No. 8 upland prairie, $10.00013.00; No. 3 upland prairie, $6.0009.00; No. 1 midland prairie, 116. OHO) 16.60; No. 8 midland prairie, $9.00013.00; No. 1 lowland prairie, $9.60011.60; No. 2 lowland prairie, 37.0008. 00; No. 3 lowland prairie, 35.0006.00. Alfalfa Choice. 132.00; no. l, iis.suw 20.00; standard, $15.60017.50; No. 2, $12.00 14.60; No. 3, $10.00011. 00. Straw Oat, 3S.60O9.50; wheat, $8,000 3.00. New York Metal. New Tork, Juns 27. Metal exchange untAB nniat. ennt i.7u: aneirer. nrm East St Louis, spot, $8.40$8.60. Mew Tork Sugar. New Tork. Juns 37. Raw sugar, steady; centrifugal, $6,066; fine granulated, If.&u FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. WH have Improved farms at $36 to $50 Der acre. Black loam soil, clay subsoil, prairie land. Some special bargain In un improved prairie land. Uiasy terms, Sura eron country. Write for list Em pire Farms company, Thief River Falls. Minn. Wvoming Lands WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $60 per a., lnelualna Dia-UD water nanis. nomj Levi C M Rylander. 664 Omaha Nat'l FARM LAND WANTED JTIPMH WANTED Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep it. E. P. BNOWDEN 80N, 610 Electric Bldg Douglas 9371 POULTRY AND PET STOCK 2.000 DAY OLD chicks. Rocka Reds, Or nine-tons. Leghorns. Webster 1708. 2213 Charles. 2,000 DAT OLD chicks. Rocks, Reds, Or rJingtons, Leghorns Webster 1708. 2213 Charles. WHEAT screenings, $2.60 per 100, Wagner. 601 N. 16th St.. Phone Delivered. Doug. 1142. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men ot Omaha FURNITURE, pianos snd notes ss security $40. 0 mo II. goods, total, 83.60 Smaller, larger am'ts. proportlonsts rats PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETT 43 2 Securities Bldg.. 16 th. Fs mam Ty. 666 LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY Id SMALLER LOANS. OCT. 10 W C. FLATAU EST. 1891 O 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDG. TT 060 DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rstes. Private loan booths Ham M'eWk :M4TVide n fIJ W1I LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE Meeting In school district No. 29, Douglas county, voting on bonds for build ing. Meet July 6th, GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Slow, Dull Cash Market De velops; Spot Prices on Corn Unchanged to 2 Cents Higher. Omaha. Juns 27 1918. The nrtlk of the receipts of grain today consisted of corn and oats, with 66 cars and 45 cars, respectively. Wheat receipts were 10 cars and those of rye and barley 1 car each. A alow, dull cash market developed to. day with very limited demand on all cereals. Spot figures on corn were unchanged to lo higher the good yellow bringing a 2-cent premium over yesterday's sales, while the bulk of the white offerings were un changed. The demand for mixed corn was poor. No. 3 whits sold at 31. 71 and 81.77 and the No. 3 yellow at 31.60. Oals were off fractionally, declining Ho and i Recelpta overbalanced the demand and several cars were held over. Stgndard oata brought 744o and the No. 3 white 74o while the 4 and sample grades went at 7So and 72 He, respectively. Rye and barley were about unchanged. Clearances were, wheat and flour at jal to 69 000 bushels; corn, none; oats, 684.000 bushels. rrlmary wheat receipts were 197.000 bush els, snd shipments 63.000 bushels sgalnat receipts of 411,000 bushels snd shipments of 378.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were, 894.000 hush els, and shipments 3SM00 bushels against receipts of 883 000 bushels, and shipments of 644.000 bushels last year. Primary oata receipts were. 1.040,000 bush els, and shipments 646.000 bushels against receipts of 643 000 bushels and shipments of 947,000 bushels last vear. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Cnrn Aata Chicago 1 199 203 Minnespolls .,,.144 Iuluth 1 Omaha 10 61 48 Kansas Cltv 6 -H n St. Loula 4 in no Winnipeg (9 These sals vrern rennrted tniiuv Corn No. 3 while: 1 car, 31.80; 1 ear. $1.80; No. 3 white: 1 car, $1.77; 4 cars. $176; 1 csr 3176. No. 4 white: 1 car, 11.61: 1 car It St 1 r 11 R car. 11.67 Mn a hi(, i ei ' b. pie white: 1 car. $1,83. No. 8 yellow: 3 cars, $1.80; 1 car $1.66. No. 4 yellow: $ cars. $1.84. No. 6 yellow: 2-8 car, $1.46. No. yellow: 1 car, $1.30. Sample yellow: 1 CSV 11 9(1 Mn K 1 mmw. II. car, tt.35. Sample mixed: 1 ear, $1.16; 1 car, e j. to. Oata No 1 whit. T - fl u a whlte:l ear. 7Jc Samnla white:' I 73HO. Art. Open High Low Close Tsty. Corn 1 T j I July 1 46HVI 1 il 148 1 41 14844 Aug. 1 48H1 1 49M 14B 1 49 0M 148M Oats I ' I Jnly 71,0l 73 I TIH 71 HB 78 Aug. 68KH 68HI 8HI (8 ? Pork July I 48 46 I 48 46 143 35 43 86 148 36 Sep, I 43 60 43 70 43 60 43 65 43 (0 Lard III July 25 60 5 $ 26 87 26 40 28 47 Sep. 25 7214 25 80 III 65 35 66 33 67 Ribs I July 23 35 33 47HI23 33 33 38 33 80 Sep. 28 97H 24 06 33 87 83 90 33 87 ,0MAHA GENERAL MARKET Beef Cuts T,nlns. No. 1.. 38Uo: No. 1. 116 He; No. 3, 21' He Ribs, No. 1, 84Vic: No. 2 33Hc; No. 3, 2011c, Rounds, No. 1, 37c; No. 8, 27o; No. 3. 23 Wo, Chucks. No. 1. 2Vic; No. 3, IlUt: No. 3, 17to3. Pistes. No. 1, He; No. 2, 16o; No. 3, 16o, run Fancy froxen large catfish. I to 8 lbs. average, per lb. 26c: this Is fancy fresh frosen stock of fins quality; fancy fresh catfish, odd slae, large, 28c; fancy fresh halibut, direct from ship, fast ox press, 2Jc lb.; fancy black cod, large alses, 15a lb.; rancy fresh trout, also to suit. 2lo lb.) fancy fresh royal whits chlnook salmon 30c lb.: fancy fresh whlteflsh, 18o lb.; fancy fresh yellow pike. 18o lb.; fancy frsh pick erel, 16o lb.; fancy fresh red chlnook sal- mnn, 26o lb.; fancy fresh blood-red bull heads, large, 21a lb.; medium, 180 lb.; fancy fresh pickerel, 12o lb.; fancy fresh rock bass, lh., each 20c; fancy fresh yellow ring perch, lb. each, 18o: fancy frtsh herring, llo lb.; fancy haddock, 12o lb. fancy steak cod, eastern, 15c lb.; fresh Grap ples, 20022a lb.; fresh buffalo, large, 12c lb.; fresh whits perch, llo lb.; fresh dressed carp, large, lOo lb.; fanoy steak cod, west- en, llo lb.; fancy gulf red snapper, llo lb.; fancy frosen large bass, 80s lb.: fancy frozen skinned whiting, odd slie. flaky, almost boneless, 16-lb. baskets, per basket, $2.66; round. To lb.; fancy froxen round pink salmon, 14a lb.; fancy froxen red salmon, 22c lb.; fancy froxen pink sal mon, 20c lb.; fancy frosen sturgeon, lOo lb.; fanoy frozen Spanish mackerel, 17o lb.; fancy frozen native Kail mackerel, 11c lb.: fancy frozen flounders, 12o lb.; fancy frozen soles, 12o lb.; fancy frozen western red snapper, lOo lb.; fancy frozen silver smelts, 12o lb.; fancy frozen No. 1 whits mullets, 60 lb.; fancy frozen Canadaln Tulll bes whtteftsh, average K lb., 10o; 'fancy frozen Canadian whlteflsh, large, dressed or round, 16a lb.; fancy frozen Canadian dressed pickerel, 12c lb.; fancy frosen Cana dian round pickerel, 10a lb.; fancy frozen dressed herring, large, $0 lb.; round, 80 lb.: fancy baracuda, 14a lb.; fancy sea rock baas, 14o lb.; fancy ros shsd, 4e lb.; fsncy had roe, per pair, market; fancy smoked chlnook salmon, 30-lb. boxes. 28o lb.; fancy kippered salmon, 10-lb. baskets. 33 00; fsncy smoked whlteflsh, lake fish, 10-lb. baskets. $2.10; fancy kippered cod, 10-lb. baskets. $2.60. Fruits Oranges 80s. s, 126s, 888s, 324s, $7.60; 160s, 176s, 216s, 200s, 26s, $8; lemons, Runklst. $11: Red Ralls, 300s, 360s, $10; bananas, 1.07140 lb.; California peaches, $3 box; peaches, southern, 13. 60 box; Cali fornia plums, $3 crate: California apricots. $3 crate; California cherries, red and black. No. 8 boxes, $3 box; H. O. cherries, 10 lb. market basket. $1.60: 24 pint oases,. 33.60: cantnloupes, standard 45s, 34.60; pnnys 84s, 34: flats. 13 to 15, $1.75; egg plsnts, 11 dozen; watermelons, 8c lb., crates extra. Vegetables Potatoes, new, Itto ID.; neao lettuce, 34 crate; $1.26 doz.; leaf lettuce. 6O0 doz.: cabbage, car lots. 4 Ho lb.; leas quantities, 60 lb.; onions, yellow California. 100-lb. sacks, ISHe lb.; onions. H. Q. zoc doz.; radishes, 30o doz.; aspsrsgus, 60a doz.; Florida celery, 31.76 doz.; Telephone peas, 15o lb.; cucumbsrs, 2 aot. noxes 32.50 to 32.76: box; beans, wax. 18 nmp.; green, $2.60 hmp. ; summer squash, 31 dos.; beets. 40o doz.; carrots, 400 aos. ; arti chokes. 81.60; green peppers, 60e; tomatoes, 4 basket crats, 31.26; limes, 35 bssket; gar lic, 17 Ha. Miscellaneous Crackerjack, enecKars, chums, 36.60; H cases, $2.85; ear pop corn, 18o lb.; shelled popcorn, 1 lb. pkg., 4 doz. case, $4: three B. honey, 1 lb. glasses, I doz. case, $3 85; salted peanuts, $3; pea nuts, 17 Ho to 20c lb. CHICAGO C.KAIN AND PROVISIONS. Bulls Aided by Drouth In Southwest In Efforts to Push Up Corn Prices. Chicago. June 87. Revere hot weather southwest and a dangerous lack of moisture there brought about sdvances today in the corn market. Prices closed nervous. H to '4c net higher with July 3I.46H to $1.46H snd August $1.49 to 31.49 H. Oats gained to lHc In provisions the outcome ranged from lOo decline to a rise of 15c. Bulla In corn were quick to take sdvan tage of the failure of predictions that the hest wave southwest would be broken. It waa pointed out In this connection that rain was urgently needed now to avert crop damage. Anxiety also prevailed over the smallness of stocks of corn available In Chi cago for delivery on July contracts, espo- dally as a reduction of the movement from rural sources appeared probable owing to the greater necessity of cars for newly harvested wheat. Later, however, senti ment became more bearish as a result of good rains In Iowa and a prospect of wel. coming showers In many other sections. $20,000,000 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. 6 Secured Gold Bonds, - Due 1928 Secured by Deposit of $30,000,000, Par Value, Railroad Bonds. Price on Application. JAMES T. WACHOB Investment Securities. 429 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 746. NEW YORK; STOCKS Speculative Issues Score Gains on Broadened Trading; y Standard Shares Are Irregular. New Tork. Juns 37. Speculative stocks, particularly secondary Industrials, equip ments, oils and a wids variety of unclassi fied augmented recent advances In today's broader trading, but standard shares were Irregular when not actually heavy. The demand for rails waa again restricted to Reading and a tew relatively unimportant transportations, while transcontinental wers under further pressure and United States Steel reacted from Its sew maximum for the ourrent movement of 110, closing at a loss of a substantial fraction. Horning gains of 1 to 3 points In Bethlehem. Crucible and Lackawanna Steels, Republic Iron. Har vester and American Locomotive, Pressed Steel Car and the oils were largely. If not wholly. Impaired In the general reces sional of the last hour, when Baldwin Loco, motive reacted sharply. Various gaa laauea reflected the uncertain position of that class of utilities at losses of 1 to 3 points, tobaccos and shippings were unstable and fertilizers moved oontrarlly. Virginia-Carolina Cheraioal gaining t points on the declaration of the "extra" dividend, while International Agricultural reacted as much. Foreign and domestic advices seemed without direct Influence upon the market, but bankers were Interested In the report that the Treasury department has re quested authorisation for an additional $8. 000.000.000 Liberty bond issue. The general bond market was easier, but Liberty 4s and 4 Ha were distinctly strong on purchases attributed to sjorporetlona seeking Investment of surplus profits. Total ssles (par value) aggregated 39.875.000. , Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. List of leading stocks and closing quota tolns of leading stocks: Closing. Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Reel Surar ... 100 sU S8U. SiU American Can .... 8.800 47H 464 48 Am. C. & Foundry. 8.600 87 86 86 Am. Locomotive ., 13,300 69H 68 (8 Am. S. A R. . . . 8,100 79 78 78 Am. Sugar Refg lit Am. Tel Tel.... 8,300 85 18 96 Am. Z.. L. A S.... 1.300 18 18 18 Anaconda Copper ..1.600 (7 6f Atchison 700 86 86 84 A. G AW. I. S. 8. U 1.300 lit 110 10 Baltimore A Ohio 1.100 (t 84 64 B. A fl. Copper ... 400 15 36 14 . V..VI.U.M .... ...... ,., Canadian Pacific . 400 148 148 147 Central Leather .. 11,800 71 71 71 Chesa. A Ohio .. 300 86 64 66 C, M. A St. P.... 1,100 43 43 48 - Chi. A Northwest 08 C R. I. A P. etfs.. 3.804 13 13 83 Chlno Copper .... 1,000 40 89 39 Colo, Fuel A Iron.. 000 60 48 49 C. P. Refining ,, 1,300 43 43 43 ' Crucible Steel .... 18,600 00 (7 08 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 1,300 11 81 11 Distillers' Securities 18,400 01 11 89 Erie 1,000 13 18 16 Oeneral Electrlo .. 100 143 148 148 General Motors .. 1,600 154. 163 164 Ot. Northern pfd . . 800 00 00 10 ' Qt. North. Ore Ctfs 1.800 18 31 83 Illinois Central .. 300 86 H 0 . 86 Inspiration Coppers 7,600 (4 63 - 83 Int. M. Marlns pfd. 10,800 104 102 103 Inter. Nickel 1,300 19 19 38 Inter. Paper 1,400 16 84 84 K. C. Southern 18 Kenneeott Copper,. 1,800 11 11 18 Lou. A Nash 116 - Maxwell Motors , 37 Max. Petroleum .. 1,700 101 03 100 Miami Copper .... 600 18 18 18 Mo. Pacific 1,(00 14 13 13 Mont. Power .... 400 04 64 61 Nev. Copper .... .... 11 ,. N. T. Central .... 400 76 71 73 N. T., N. H. A H.. 7,200 . 40 86 38 Nor. A Western .. 800 104 103 101 North. Paclflo .......... .... .... 17 . Pacific Mall 18 Pennsylvania, . ... 1.1100 43 43 43 Pittsburgh Coal ... 600 64 63 63 1 Ray Cons. Copper.. 100 14 38 34 Reading 11,600 86 - 08 08 Rep. Iron A Steel. . 1,700 01 03 12 8 hat. Aria. Copper .... 16 8. Paclflo 400 84 13 83 . 3. Railway . ..... 1.100 14 14 14 Stud. Corporation.. . 4.100 47 46j 47 lexas 10 I.IVO l& id4 164 - Union Pacific .... 1,600 133 131 131 U. 8. I. Alcohol .. 700 136 124 126 U. 8. Steel 1(3,200 110 108 108 U. S. Steel pfd .... 300 111 111 111 Utah Copper .... 700 80 71 79 Wabaah pfd "B" ., 1,700 16 . IS 16 Western Union .... ...... .... .... 10 West. Electric .... 1.900 44 -4-4 Total ssles for the day, 8(0,004 shares. New Tork Money New Tork, June 17. Mercantile Paper Four months, 8 per cent; six months, 8 per cent; sterling sixty-day bills, 14.73; com mercial sixty-day bills 00 banks, 34.73) com- . v , .. kills 11,11 If . .1 . M $4,763; cables, $4.7(7-16. Francs Demand, $6.71; cables,' 18.70, Guilders Demand, 60o; cables, 80. Lire Demsnd, 38.87; cables, 18.88. Rubles Demand, 13oj cables,, 14e; nominal. Silver Bar, 8!e; Mexican dollars, T7e. Bonds Qovernment, firm; railroad bonds. . saay. Time Loans Easier; sixty days, Io0 8o; ninety days, (9(o; sts. months, 6 060. Call Money Steady: high, 4c; low, lo; ruling rate, 4o; closing bid, !o: offered at 4n ; last loan, 4o. IT. a. Is. reg... 11 I. Cen. r. 4s..,. 78 do coupon ... 18 I. M. Ma, 6s.... 17 U. S. 3s, reg.. 99 K. C. 8. r. 6s.. 78 do coupon ... 39 L. A N. nn, 4s.. 84 ' IT. S. Lib. 8s.S3.(8M., K.AT. is 4a 60 O. S. 4s, reg. ..106 Mo. PaC. 4s.... (7 do coupon ...108 Mont. P. 6s..., 88 A. F. 8. 6 (6 N. T. C- deb. ( 14 A. T. A T. c. (s. 17 N. Pacific 4s.... 10 A.-French 6s.... 12N. Pacific la... 17 A. A Co. 4s.... 840. 8. L. r. 4s.. 83 Atch. gen. 4s.. 80 "P. T. As T.' 6s 90 B. A O. c. 4s.. 73 Pa. con. 4s.. 06 B. Steel r. 6a.. 00 Pa. gen. 4s.. 37 C. Leath. (s .. 93 'Read. gen. 4s.. (1 C. Pac. 1st ... 71 8.L.AS.F adj. (a (7 C. A O.. 0. 6s.... I08. Paclflo cv. 6s 00 C. n.AO.. 1. 4s. 94 fl. Br. (s 17 M, C..M.A8.P.C. 4S 76 T. A P. 1st .... 13 C.,R.I.AP.Ry. r.4s 8(TJ. Pacific 4s.... 84 D. A R. O., r. 6s. (1U. 8. Rubber ( 79 D. of C, 1931.. 91U. B. Steal 6s.... 38 Erie gen. 4s.... (4 Wabash 1st 83 O. Eleo. 6s.... 98 F. Govt ( II Gt. N. 1st 4s 15 'Bid. Offered. New Tork General. , - : v e w skat tl A ft A St m fill. 26; winter, $10.26011.16: Kansas, $10.t09U.ll. J i Corn Spot, firm: fresh shelled No. X. yellow. 11.01. and No. 1 yellow, $1.11. cost and freight. New Tork. Oats Spot, firm; standard. 18 9 lie. Ha v Quiet: No. 1. 31.40: No. 1, 11.109 . 1.30; No. I, $1.0091.10; shipping, 60980c. Hops Quiet: state, medium to choice, 1917. 15943c; 1916. nominal; ' Pacific coast, 1917. 20923s; 1918. 1416c, Pork Barely steady; mess, $47.00941.00' family, 155.00; short clear. $40,009(1.00. Lard Easy; mlddlewest, 326.10926.20. Tallow Steady; city special, loose. 17 c Rice Firm; fancy head. 10910c; bine, rose. 09e. Butter Firmer; reoetpta, 10,061 tubs;, ereamery higher than extras, 45 948c; ex tras (92 score) 45c; firsts, 4344Hc; pack ing stock current make, No. 1, 13a. Eggs Firmer; receipts, 11,114 cases. Fresh gathered extrss, 39 40c; storage packed firsts, 37 031c. Cheese Steady; receipts, s.fzi coxes. Stats fresh specials, 23 024c; aver-, sge ran. 23c - Poultry Live, firm; chickens, broilers, 45960c; old rooster, 22c; fowls, 12c; tur keys, 15e; dressed, steady; western chick ens, fresh, 41048c; fowls, 10 9 35c; turkeys, 32 93'c. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, June 27 Corn, higher; No... 2 mixed. 11.66081.67; No. X white. $1,829 31.86; No. 2 yellow, 31 60031.61; July.. $1.49; August, $1.62. Oats Unchanged; No. 1 white. T7078o$ No. 1 mixed, 7475.