1- 11 Conducted by Ella Fleishman. TO 7 Y r. 7 Kept Lovelight Burning Fifty Years for Civil War Soldier , By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. I clipped the following from newspaper recently: Danville. 111. Mrs. E. Wolfamott, M years old, whose husband was among those ro ported "missing" during tha civil war, and who bad kept a lighted lamp In the window of her cottage for more than &0 years,, hoping that eome day he would re turn, and the light might guide htm home. Is dead at the hoipltal at Kankakee.'. Her husband waa a member of the 115th Illinois Infantry, which waa organised In Danville. I am old-fashioned enough to be lieve these two found each other at last,' and the war bride of 50 years ago feels repaid for lighting the lamp in her window all those years. .' I've had so many letters from girls who want to know whether it would be advisable to marry their soldier sweethearts before the boys sail for ''over there" that I am going to at tempt something in the way of a col lective answer. In the first place, the wisdom of a war marriage depends on the type of girl about to become a "war bride." The question cannot be an swered by "yes" or "no;" circum stances, and the individual must de cide the case. The girl's position will be hard enough, in any event, and unless she has the love "many waters cannot quench" and the grim ability to live from day to day in suspense and to face anything the future may bring, she would better defer her wedding. It would be absurd for a suscept ible li.tttle butterfly, always interested in. the last man she meets, to marry a soldier. She would probably cry her eyes out at parting, then feel sorry for herself when she saw other girls going to dances and picnics and realized as a married woman she was not getting as much attention as formerly. . She'd Imagine a Tragedy. Then probably someone else would come' along and she would imagine she had a regular three-set" tragedy on her hands. Therefore to the pretty, susceptible butterfly let me say, and say as emphatically as I am capable of, The lot of a war bride is not for you. It takes sterner stuff than but terflies are made of to stand the strain and suspense and the steeling of heart and hand every time one picks up a newspaper with its dread casualty list. . It takes something of the heroic spirit that sent our Pilgrim women across an unknown sea into an un known land and steadied .them to face "the waiting hardships, because they loved the men who loved free dom. They would not consent to wait for their men in comfort, by an . English fireside, till the wilderness had been subdued. The chances of being a heroic "war bride" are good, if any of my girl .correspondents who have writ ten bn this subject has in her veins the .blood of some pioneer woman who helped to settle our great west. Have you ever thought of the colonizing of our western states? Day after day they travelled in the big covered wagons, cooking, wash ing, keeping house as they made their way across the wilderness. The sun rose behind them in the morning, overtook them, dropped below ! the horizon at night month after: month, year after year, some timesas they plodded along in the lumbering, creaking wagon. Sometimes children were born on these journeys, and again children died, and the mother would put up a erbss in the wilderness and pray she might come back to the little grave some day. The Something That Makes Empires. And again they would push on, not knowing what the next day would bring forth an Indian mas sacre, . perhaps, an attack by wild beasts, or the loss of all their pos sessions, in crossing tome swollen stream. But dogged, resolute, they kept on, building up day by day, that something of which empires are made. And giving to their descendants, even to the third and fourth gen eration, that grit, fiber, backbone call it what you will that has been the saving grace of the American people. . Sometimes we seem to lose this quality, and grow soft, when luxury overtakes us, but in the long run it may.be depended on when the clinch comes, to land us "over the top ' - To girls who have some of the ' stoicism of the pioneer women in their make-up, I would say, by all means, marry your soldier boy and -rGod bless you. But to the butter fly.don't take your feelings too se riously there will be other soldier boys and other civilians, too, for thatjnatter. Io some parts of Central Africa a woman, is entitled to a divorce if her. husband does not provide her with a garden and a hoe. Dainty Girl By GERTRUDE BORERFORD. A CHARMING frock for a flower girl, or indeed any little girl, is shown on this small maiden. Sheerest white voile and Irish crochet are the materials employed,' though "Val" lace will be less expensively ef fective. The frock is cut in a straight length from shoulder to hem. Small tucks are used front and back, be tween the straps of lace, which end t v- - X By "Daddy "War of .the Frogs." tSSSSZSS Simple Simorfty $'3'fl$ CHAPTER IV. The Trap is Set. (Peg ST. as Princess of Blrdland. is asked to aid the Frogs, allies of the Birds, la their war against Snakes. After General Hopper, leader of the Frogs' shows his lgnoranoe. Peggy takes command and enlists the help of the Giant of the Woods and Billy Bel glum. They plan to trap the Snake army). THE Giant of the Woods loaded his boat with his tent, some lumber, and a box of tools. Then with Billy Relgium he set off by water for Rat tler Glen. Peggy went by air, riding Mr. Swal low, who proved a fine flying war horse. She rode directly to Frog Is land. There the Frog army was busily drilling, but Peggy could see General Hopper no place in sight. "He's got all the war he wants," said Blue Jay, who had acted as the general's horse. "He is hiding under a mud bank; I'll show you." Sure enough. General Hopper, all the bravado taken out of him, was shivering and shaking with his nose just sticking out of a scummy pool. "Oh, I'm so sick, so sickl" he croaked, as Peggy flew down beside him. "I guess you have cold feet," said Peggy severely. "That's it, I've got cold feet, awful cold feet," chattered the general. "Then you must turn over the command of your army to me," said Peggy. "Yon can have it," croaked the under an Irish crochet rose and dangling balls. Wider tucks give ful ness from the shoulders. A sash of blue satin ribbon runs under the lace and ends in a huge bow at the back. Puffed sleeves are finished with a cuff of lace insertion. A strip of lace com pletes the neck. Rows of lace and tucks trim the skirt. Very lovely is this frock and very serviceable, be cause it it especially designed for tubbing and may be used for many parties. The lingerie hat is made of net and lace. . A blue ribbon and a small bunch of pastel flowers are the final touches on this attractive tout en semble. COLD FACE METHOD r UT 12 SHORT STEPS No. 2 CCMMtSON VAJV After paring and coring, all vege tables and some fruits should be blanched by plunging them into boil . ing water for a short time. This picture shows blanching with a wire basket, at suggested by the National War Garden Commission, at Wash ington, which will send readers of this paper a free canning "book for a two-cent stamp for postage. Watch lor No. V, "". WE UNDERBUY WE UNDERSELL Boys' and Girls' Tennis Oxfords, all sixes, 69 c PMOJ& The Family Shoe Stores Child's Barefoot Sandala, sixes a to s 79c A FRIDAY and SATURDAY Pumps, Boots SS. at 1 Uxtords n QS TV ,y- k a. A i street soles. m- w Qj) AMAZING VALUES Patent Colt -300 Pairs tylish with Louis heels and A very special purchase. Only $3.95 Genuine White ' Rein-Skin" Cloth Boots 400 Pairs Only White covered Louis heels and street soles. White Sport Boots White Dvck Fibre Soles .45 With low heels. Young wo men's street and outing boot. All sizes. Only 3 Vs.' i New Ox tfl FH,.WWtf m SmXSKLiV fitting: "last to our 'SsasfesSs Store Order 3se)tai&w, by Mail Just tmved fori s Style .: Canvas Coyrd 250 Pairs until,. ' y ,,OUUg V with Louis street solas' general eagerly. "My feet are too cold to fight any more today." "Or any other day," added Peggy disgustedly, as Mr. Swallow bore her back to Frog Island. "I never yet knew a boaster who wasn't a coward," agreed Mr. Swal low. At Frog Island Teggy addressed the Frog army. "General Hopper is sick" she began. "Of his job," added Mr. Swallow. "Please remember you're only a horse and don't interrupt," said Peg gy. Then she continued her talk. "The general is sick of his job." The last three words slipped out be fore she knew it and she was very much confused when Mr. Swailow. snickered. "He has cold feet." Again Mr. Swallow snickered. Peggy was so upset now that she finished her speech in a hurry. "Well, anyway. I've taken command of the Frog army and we're going to win by strategy if you do as I say." "Hurrah for General Peggy!" cried an alert looking young Frog. "Hurrah! Hurrah 1 Hurrah V croaked the army. "And hurrah for Colonel Croaker. "Is your name Colonel Croaker?" Peggy asked the young Frog. "Yes, general," he answered. "Well, you are General Croaker now," declared Peggy. "You look as if you had more sense than General Hopper." "Hurrah for General Croaker 1" croaked the army. Peggy now gave orders rapidly. "General Croaker," she said, "I want you to pick out a flying squadron of your bravest and best jumpers, quick 1" General Croaker saluted and hopped away to carry out the order. Peggy turned to her Birds. "I want dozens of flocks of strong birds here in five minutes to carry the Frogs into battle. I saw a flock of Blackbirds in the marshes as I came past. They can help." "We'll be messengers," cried Homer and Carrie Pigeon. While the leaping Frogs were being assembled and the Birds were swarming to the island, Peggy flew to Rattler Glen. There she found that the Giant of the Woods had already set up his big canvas trap. Billy Belgium had worked hard at helping him. The Giant had the trap so arranged that a snake wriggling over the edge of the cliff would be caught in the upside-down tent. Once inside, no snake could climb the straight canvas walls. The Giant of the Woods and Billv Belgium climbed to the top of the cliff anjl Peggy explained her plan. "You see the Snakes will expect an attack from the land side. They know the Frogs can't climb the cliff, and they'll never think of their coining by air. We'll surprise them by a rear attack and that will upset them. When they come after us we'll run away. We will have another Frog army ready for march from Marsh land over the sides of the glen to threaten the Snakes who try to es cape the trap." "This is going to be a lot of fun," said the Giant. "I want a front seat. Come on. Billy Belgium, we'll climb that big tree back there and watch the battle." "Be careful of the Snakes," warned Peggy. "We will go up the side of the Glen," said the Giant, as he and Billy Belgium started off. Homer Pigeon rushed up eagerly. "I've got your flying horses," he cried. "And the Frogs are ready." "Please tell General Croaker to fly his mounted army here," ordered Peggy. "And have him send a strong force" by water to the Marshland en trance to the Glen. This force will advance over the top when I send the word. You and Carrie Pigeon return to act as my messengers." Peggy's orders were quickly carried out. Birds, acting as flying horses, rose from Frog Island in clouds, and on the back of each bird was a Froe soldier. They landed at the top of the cliff. The Birds then flew away, leaving the Frog to fight on foot. Peggy told General Croaker what the Frogs were to do, and he explain ed to the soldiers. When all was ready, Peggy flew up the Glen to see if she could find the Snake army. It was not difficult. The Snakes were massed at the end of the Glen awaiting to be attacked by Frogs coming over the sides of Marshland. Even as Peggy looked at the creep ing army a quiver of excitement ran through it. A swift Blue Racer had darted in with a report. He had dis covered the Frog army at the top of the cliff. Peggy, waving her hand from high in the air, gave the Frogs the signal to advance. In reply came the croaking war chant: "Cro-a-kl Cro-a-k! Cro-a-k! To Complete the letters of Simon's sign they will spell the name of a U. S. general. Answer to previous puzzle MOORE war, to war, for peace and liberty V There was wild excitement in the Snake army. For a moment all was confusion. Then the Snakes twisted about, and with an appalling hissing and rattling, darted down the Glen to meet the attack of the Frogs. (Tomorrow's Installment of the story will tirrlli the battle of the Frogs and the Modish Bathing Suits With nothing to hamper active movement in the water, yet smart and attractive when the swimmer steps out on shore, a wool jersey bathing costume looks ever so much better than a silk one when it is sopping wet. One pretty little suit is of black jersey with trimmings of deep maroon jer sey. The skirt is in modest length and the small sleevecaps partly cover the upper arm. A kerchief of maroon silk figured in white is bound over a rubber diving cap. Quaker gray in color are some smart and extremely fetching bathing costumes of this year. One little gray jersey model has dainty white stripes by the way of trimming very simple trimming, for the chief distinction of the garment is in its graceful lines oveer a slender figure. A purple rub ber cap wth a coquettish tassel (also of rubber) and a beach parasol in shades of violet and purple, accom pany this gray suit. For women who favor the comfort able jersey cloth for bathing wear, yet do not fancy the close slip-on tunics that only slender, youthful figures can stand, there is an attractive bathing frock, made of blue jersey and trimmed with jersey in a lighter shade of blue. The facing of light blue under the skirt is a pretty idea, for a bathing skirt often reveals its fac-v ing and here is an excellent oppor- tunity for trimming. The short sleevess are faced also, and collar and sash show the lighter blue shade. The cap of blue rubber has white discs. g Lady Dalmeny, a daughter-in-law of Lord Rosebery, the former British? premier, spends the greater part of each day in the fields, loading and on-'j loading carts and doing all sorts of J$ other farm labor. . j BARBER GIVES REG IPE- cno gdi v ui I D i I n run u ii n i ii n i ii Tells How To Make a Home-Madt- Gray Hair Remedy. 1 Mr. A. E. O'Brien, who has been a barber in New York City for many years, made the following statement: J "Gray, streaked or faded hair can bes immediately made black, brown or 5 lieht brown, whichever shade yon de-ii sire, by the use of the following rem- i eay mar, you can mine at noinc; 3 "Merely get a small box of Orlex:: i powder at any drug store. It costs r s'" only 25 cents, and no extras to buy.i.4 Dissolve it in one ounce of water andTf comb it thrjgh the hair. Full diree-! tions for uSe come in each box. " You need not hesitate to use Or- J lex as a $100.00 gold bond comet In. each box guaranteeing the user that j ! Orlex powder doees not contain sil- ver, lead, zinc, sulphur, merenry, ani " line, coal-tar products or their deriva-'j , tives. .a "It does not rub off, is not sticky or 1 gummy and leaves the hair fluffy. It f will make a gray haired person look l twenty years younger." Adv. i- Ii HID i A Curbstone Conversion BILLY PIERSON: "Well, Bob! I haven't seen you for months whereVe you been." BOB CURRIER: "Oh,rvebeen laid op for several weeks it's pretty good to get out again too, I can tell you." BILLY: Tor heaven's sake not hospital?" BOB: "Yes sir, and I jnst dodged an operation." -"What was the trouble?" -"Why, Billy, the doctors called it some awful name, but it was nothing more or less than a "clog" in my in testines ; waste that wouldn't move poisoning me breeding a fine lineof serious diseases." "What did they do to you up at St John's?" "They were all ready to ope rate for appendicitis. Tnat food waste had accumulated in the large intestine, where the appendix is. I had had That only shook up my sys temflushed it hard and left that poisonous waste right there, dryer and harder than ever. Taking a pill for for that condition is like driving your car up Ten Mile Hill to get the carbon out of the cylinders." -That's right" -"Well, the doctor said "We'll see if we can't move that obstruction naturally before we try to operate." He put me on my back, and I watched the clock, counted my fingers, ate a diet and took Nujol. The Nujol soft ened that dry mass, moved it on, and after a while I be gan to be regular my sys tem is my clock now, I take a little Nujol morning and night just before tooth brushing and I really dont know what it is to feel low. Pleasant to take too." pains, and I always tried to "What does the Nujol do?" cure them with pills or salts. For your own protection insist that the GTuggist ghne you the nine Nujol, in a sealed and capped bottle, bearing the Nujol trade mark in red newr otherwise. Nujol ia absolutely pun and harm less. Inferior substitutes may" give unpleasant result. Genuine) Nujol sold by all druggists in the U. S. and Canada. .Send 50 cents and we will ship new kit size bottle to U. S. soldien and sailors anywhere. Write for attractive free booklet on the Nujol treatment Section 6, Nujol Dept. Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey). Bayonne, N. J. "Simply eoftexa (ho coo tents of tha bowels with out in any way Intcrfeikjg . with digestion and lubr cates the ashes easily along the intestines. Ifs not ab sorbed. You get rid of every drop you take. For who coesnt exercise much, or who works so hard that he hasnt time, to keep his insides as dean as his collar, . it just helps nature out, seer -"Sure (he twists the self starter) IH bet there are thousands of men right now in the same shape you were in. Only one of them knows it and he just found it out Hop in!" "Where you bound. BflryT "I'm going to take you down to the drug store, and then if you're real good and you help me buy one bottle of Nujol, we'll go out and shoot about nine holes be fore supper. How about it?" ! IL - Tfn ear containing the Man Who Wat Stdt. and tha Mm whafsirt Going to Ba, gathers momentum andslldet awag. t( ill Xr CtmsUpatio 1. Meaular as Clockwork St MlkMftL nJ-l 3 - UN UM pmm 5i7grH ;- i ' J c VI -il'. : k IS I I I I I z:XS2.-. I :