Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
THE BEE; OMAHA, -THURSDAY, JUKE 2T, 1918. ABIE THE . AGENT Copyright .'" 1918. International News .Service. flRAWNFOR THE BEE BY 1 HERSCHFIELD f I. V 19 f" 1 J5r QCY YIMe"S1 TaUSY WWevi t'M IN f V0WOU.Tgflf VrA VW h TORKIE WVJHN NOV) HAVE To W I'M W-Urto UENt) IY W ..cTfrl yffi 6x0 I VJ8 Want Ad hates (Caad WHO Order I , pr word cn insertion Is per word for three concutlv insertion ' I, Pr word for each additional Ineerilon ' No ad taken for lee than lotn of Mo or lee than Ilio per day fe per Hn (count word lo hum ont (lra to per lino each time, 1 consecutive timet to pr Uno each time. JO consecutive time - SITUATION WANTED, tit per tin $ CARDS OF THANKS AM) FUNERAL NOTICKS. tO per line -ecn ineiuon (Minimum Charite. 10 Onto Contract Rate On Application For eonvenlenc of dvertlser went ad ' -will be accepted at tbe following office : SIAIM OFFICE Hf Building Ames Offlc alio Norm 4tn St. lks Office 3616 North Kin St Vinton Office Z4T 8outb llh St. Park Office Ml Leavenworth St Walnut Offlca Ill North 40th St. South 8ld N St. Council Bluff 14 Main St.. North THE BEG will not be reeponalble fur more than one Incorrect Inaertlon of an advert!-: men! ordered for more than one time. U THB TELEPHONE If jrou cannot con leniently bring or aend your ada to any of the above offlcea. Ask for a Want Ad laker and yon will receive the eame food ervlc aa when delivering your ad In parson, PHONE TTI.EB 1,000. Wont Ad Column Clot Kventnl Edition tl:00 M. Ihralm Erfltlnna. 10:00 P. M. Bunds Edition 10 P M Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM North. ILUAMBRa; 2ifH AND PARKER WILLIAM DESMOND, in "OLD HARTWELL'S CUB" tiRAMJ, I6TH AND BIN'NEI ETHEL CLAYTON, in ! THE JOURNEY'S END" South " t APOLLO, 2ITH ANi LEA VKN WORTH CHARLES'RAY. iu "THE FAMILY SKELTON" aHLF, !5TH AND LKAVGN WORTH - MARGARITA FISCHER, in ;THEtPRIMlTmW.LN,t DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICE.,. PR1SSBR Mr. Emma, age 71. She laVur vlved by her husband. W, ..; one son,. W. )!. Kellogg; one brother, W. A. Tread well, Deer trail. 8. 1). funeral Thuraday morning from real, -tienr, t7!t Charite Ht., at 8:30 a. m. to St. John'a church I a. m. Interment lioty Rpuleher cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. LNUltRTAKERB and lluenaed en.Ulamera; ale private ambulance. Call Webater 47. Wl.lle a Croeby. tell: N. 14th St. A. OENTLEMAN. undertaker and mlmer .1411 Farnam Bt Harney 102. HULaU A t Miner. RIEPEN, undertakera and am- 701 B. Itb. Douglaa 1221. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakera. 23d A Par. II. 400. 1 L.'1'" DODDER CO.. Funeral iilrectora. F., IcFaro, Mgr., 224 and Cuming hUa. Phnn Douglaa 677 Auto ambalanca. HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffmann quality aervlre. coata leaa. Z4th and Dodge.' . Dourlas 201. -t.-r-rrrrrtMrrm ir, n limn wtaawaaattajK-i t nri-ii FLORISTS. US L. LARMON uiitenella Flortate, 414 Douglaa St Douglaa 2244. A.DONAGHUE .A Flower ahlpped arywhr. Ep. prepaid. Far ker F'Lo'wEiTlHOP 4ii a. iTDT"ir fToo"ERa Florlau li 8. lth. . urifoft. BATft Careful Florlat. 1804 Farnam St. 1. Hendertmn. 1S1 Farnam. D 13M MONUMENT & CEMETERIES W3T LAWN off era aympathetlo aervlca lu auflden Borrow; larpetual car; no aaaeaa " mania: lota on aaay term. Phone Wal. S0. largeet dlaplay of monument In the United State. FRANK SVOBODA. 1212. tt S. 12th. Phone Douglaa U71-IJ14 MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following . llcenae to jjed - have ten Isaued. Nam and Addresa. ' Age. Frank J. Xubitachek, Omaha,. over 21 Clady Van Bant, Omaha..,.. ...... .over IS Otto Q." A. Kyalchi 1 Seuer, Minn !6 KaUl Slebert, Cleveland, illnn. 21 v Verne r Moore, Omaha. , . , S4 Louie Bratton, Omaha , ,. 22 Ruaiell E. Mullen, Preao, 8. X).', 21 Violet Free, PlatUmouth, Neb 22 Samuel M. Howard, Valley, Neb over St Anna, Ingram. Valley... w...over II William Pollock, Omaha.. 8 Edith Pike, Omaha;,.,................ 36 Joaeph Daaovlch, Omaha........ 0 llary Babluh. Omaha....,..,....,. 18 Charle O. Winter. Fort Omaha.. 4 Jllldred Durrnn. Burley, Idaho... !1 Wataon M. Howard, Greenwood, Neb... 27 Kelll M. Lamb, Waterloo, Neb 27 Wollla Garnerl, Omaha.,.;.. 12 Agne SorBiiaen. Omaha . . . '. . . . . . 17 BUILDING PERMITS. ' Building permit the following: bav been Isaued to ATTRACTIONS fLAUS FOR RENT OR SEE. Ill N. 16TH ST. 8 ALE. E. E. SPECIAL NOTICES WILL PARTY who witnessed the auloniu , bila accident at 21th and Jackaon Mon day p. di, Jun 2. 1118, and offered aer vice to the Injured, kindly get in com munication at one with EL E. Huntley. Oral Exchange. Phon Harney 171. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA aV COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TREET RAILWAY COMPANY Venom having lost oro arttel would ll to call up tit office of th Omaha " Coano'l Bluff Street Rsllway oonipaay ' t aacralB whether tbey left it Id tie treet ear. , Many article cb day ar turned It sad th company I anxious to restore them to th rightful owner. tVTLIi the lady who was given by mistake, by cashier, at Riaffo box office, Monday morning, light gray paraol, with pink tple bloaaom, and lone black hand!, bullet tipped, kindly return asm to Hltlto. a wrong parasol we given her. P tQV lea anything and will advertise It fear yen will urly recover It If :eb4 by as honest pervan. U yon Had ny. thing el vain the honest way to ad ert) for th owner . COST Between Malvern and : Glen wood, tilack grip containing clot hee; an6 papers. Finder plea notify Kelly' .8prlngflld Tire Co., Omaha. Reward to finder. - , u'ND Two atray pigs. Owner can bav am by Identifying and paying for ad yertlaeroent. E. H. peter. 4 lit and P t., South Side. - T Gold Hohfr'a fountain pen. Reward. LOST-FOUND--RE WARDS PART If In Ford who pickyl up wallet at Twenty-ninth unit Jon containing $19.46 la known. Please cull Harney 3715, re reive reward. LUST Light sorrel mare, strayed or stolen. Douglas 4 S 14. Reward. For Sale Miscellaneoeus Bottles. ROOTBEEK Dutiles patent stopper and others Nat. Steinberg. 1010 liar U. C166. Furniture and Household Goods. TAKE advantaife of our api-clal June Of furlnga In furniture and houe furnUhlng. Including many thousand of dollar of merchandiao bought from maker who are discontinuing maklnK certain llnea on ccdunt of abnormal labor and material condition, purchaaed by u about 60r on the dollar. To lllutrale: Kour-hole ga Btovoa. regular 21. on aale. 212. HO; alx foot utenelon tablea, reKUlar value, 118. on ale. 28.90; solid oak dining chalra. regular value. 84.(0, on aula, 91.98: large rocker worth 18.10. on Bale, 84.25. Come early for ths cream of bargain. We make a peclalty of complete out flta, alao hotela and rooming houaee. Railroad far free to out-of-town buyer within bo mile of Omaha on purchase of 220 nr more. STAIK FURNITURE CO., Tel. Doug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge St. VTmNTfURE & HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, spring, mattresaea, dresser, chif foniers, tablea. chairs, china and kitchen cablneta, ruga and linoleum, trunk and .ult cases. aa atovea and Ice boire, full line -croen wire, poultry netting, garden tool. 1S2J-47 North 24th 6L Tel. Web. 1807. Open till p. m ONE Hoover Kitchen Cabinet, four piece of blrdseye maple bedroom furniture, one mall brass bed, rugs and etc. SOOB Pine St., fir call Harney 4888. - ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BAffOA INS Full line of furniture, ga and coal oil atove. ruga, baby cairiuge. trunk, etc Loyal Furn. Co. 222 N. 16th. FOR 8ALE Oak dining room ant of 64- Inch table, buffet, t chair. Call Douglas 1588. HOUSEHOLD good ndVulano for sale, rca- sonable. Harney 1810, 224 8. 27th St. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE have aaveral Vlctrolaa that we look In on trdik for ale; In good, condition. Rous Phonograph Parlor. Cor. 20lb and Farnam 8t. WE TUNE, repair, reflnlah and move pianoa; all work absolutely guaranteed. Phone order. Douglaa 181, A, Hop Co., 1613 Douglaa Ht. L. H03PU CO.. 1613 Douglaa, have pianoa to rent at 13.60 per tnotitb. or will aell on 'easy term WILL pay cash or tradu tor any piano of atandard make, A. Houpe Co., 1M3 Doug laa St.. Sewing iMachines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needle and part of all aewlng machine. MICKEl,' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney St. Doug 1M2. Store and Office Fixtures WE buy. aell and make desk, aafe. show caae. ahelving, eta. Omaha Fixture Sup ply Co., 11th and DoukIss D. 2724. Boats, Yachts, Etc, ' , TAKE A RIDE ON THE LAKE. Cedar boat, with 2 pair oar, anil and rudder for sale: price (40. This boat Is hi good condition -and' would coat, new, II SO, Owner too busy to use It, hence this sacrifice. Call Wul. 2044, or ace J. IJ DUMONT & CO.. Phone P. SSO. 410-18 Keellne Hid sr. Typewriters and Supplies, TYPEWRITERS s.jid. rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 2 months for 16: . Central Typewriter Exchange, HoS Farnam. KB buy, aell or exchange typewr'ter; guar, typewriter 110 and up. Writ for Hat. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Dodge Dairy Products. FRESH country buttermilk; butter; beat of cream: atrtctly fresh eggs; dellvored to any part of Omaha. Phon South 116 or Tyler 2. Wagner'. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather learned, renovated and made up In new feather, proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. WANTED TO BUY JENKINS wh, Just returned and give you the same good service that he gave In the past. Help win Ih war. Sell your old clothe, ihoea. ruga, tool, trunk and buy W. S. 8. 1 Will nail Re. D. 8032. Office. 2535 ! BE PATRIOTIC! I ELI' UNCLE SAM. SELL YOUR OLD CLOTH E8 AND BUT LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE ME A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONE DOUG 143 121 DOUGLAS ST. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deake, ued desks nought, old and traded. J. G. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6141. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST PRICES CLOTHES. CALL US FIRST. DOUG. FOR 6914. CASH paid for diamond, estate appruhted. Reese Jewelrv f'l.. 403 8 16th AN oak wall rase 12 to 14 ft. long. T. 11. Pullock, Plattamouth, Neb. WANTED To buy, set tor sun parlor In light or cheatnut brown. Call Harney 633. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON, aide, knife, lunbutat, Oux pleating, covered button, all alsee and atylea; bematltchlng, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button hole, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 8U0-30S Brown BIdg. Phon Doug. iMK HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, BUTTONS. O. U. Van Amain Pleating Co.. 326-7 Paxton Block. Phon Doug 2101. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto louring lent and camping auppliea. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNING CO Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Package . less than 20 lb , li cent. Douglaa 7453. Billiard Parlor. PRIVATE tablea for partlea at Holmee' THE ONLY WAY S.SS! THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martba Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronxe, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings Chiropractors. SPINOGRAPU. Dr Edwards. 24th Far- nam. D' J C Lawrence. Baird BIdg D. I44U Contractors. J. ELK1N building repatra Web. 767 Costume. FULL dreg aulta for rent. 101 N. 16th 8t, opposite Postofflce. Job Feldxnan, Doug las 3121 ANNOUNCEMENTS Detectives. J.ME8 ALLAN. 212 Neville Blk. Evidence erured In all caaes Tyler 1120 Dressmaking. MISS STURDY. dressmaking Dwig. 6396. Dentists. Bradbury No pain. 21 W. O. W. BIdg Tvft's Dent. Rms.. 208 Ruse BIdg. D1S6 Electric Vacuum Cleaners. WILL clean your ruga on the floor. I use Hoover machines. Harney 1 Sri S. Fjlm Developing. FfLM-jtleveloped rolls, 10c: packs, 16c; jnu-day service. Kas Studio. Neville Blk.. 18th and Harney Fixtures and Wiring. FlTTRK'TM Electric washing "machines, 17 UXVIYli electrio Iron and reading imr. 2222 Cuming St. Douglaa 2512. Live Stock Hauling. WE will haul your live tock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO.. 2201 Farnam Ht. Telephone Doug. 2508. Lawnmowers, ELECTRIC sharpeners; called for and de livered; Uaed lawnmowers for Bale. Siop t MaxotnR Sttttlonj 2910 Leavenworth. Harney 1808. Jewelry. TYf AMfiMTilWe "y b,t rlc wl,h UlfmJlVUO privilege to buy back t smsll profit. GROM8. 4J'3 N. 16th Bt. Osteopaths. DR. MABLS WESSON, Brandels Bid T. 2960. Re 4741. 614 ' Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold Inter national Patent Co.. 682 .llratldela. D 691. STUROES & 8TUROES. J78. and foreign patent and trademark. 330 Bee BIdg. Rug Cleaning. QUALITT RUO CLEANERS. Scientific Olive Oil Washing Persian Rug Cleaning Co., 3257 Farnam. H. 1843. Safes. SAFES BAROAINH. 1212 Farnam. .1. J Derlght Safe Co. Medical. riLES. fistula and other rectal dis- eases cured without surgical oper-" ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for hoik on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee BIdg., Omaha. Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. eYTsTTjith St. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L., 218 8. 2ilthTallor. D. 2432. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Expert.' The W tl. Cleveland Co.. 1410-12 Harne Rt Wedding Stationery. WEDDIN'O announcementa and printing Douglaa Printing Co.. Tel. tougla tt BUSINESS CHANCES BARGAIN Account Junior member firm In present draft will sell at actual cost, only team laundry In good county seat city of nearly 6.000 on main lino C. R. I. St P. rn Iowa. Doing good business. Half cash, balance good lorins. Address Box Y 600, Omaha Bee FOR SALE A well established sheet metal work of 20 years; machines, tools and stock will Invoice about 11,000; reason, death of owner. For Information address F, E. Smith, 608 Eat Ninth atreet, Fre niortt. Neb. CO A 1 7ii E N ATTENTION Mine your own coal. I have for aale 800 acre thoroughly drilled coal land. Ready for Immediate development! 150 mile of Omaha; rail road connection all directions. P. E. Vail, 2H20 Sherman avenue, Evanston, III. FOR SALE Best paying drug atore In live county seat town of 2-.500 In east central Nebraska. Big money maker. Invoices about 25,000. Owner want to retire. Act quick, Address, Box Y 699. Omaha Bee. MUST sell a $7,000 atock of general mer chandise to close estate; look this over and make your beat cash offer. J. O, Du herty. Administrator, Lodge Pole, Neb. GOOD paying drug store, Cor. 16th and Davenport; new fixtures and fountain, well assorted stock, excellent location. Win at Invoice. See us at once. FOR SALE Cafe with so(t drinks. Ice cream and confectionery tn connection. Doing fine business. Good reason tor selling. Belmont cafe, Columbus, Neb. ANY business relating to Canada solicited; lands cared for, leased, sold, exchanged, cropped. Frank Crawford. Omaha and Rosetown, Saslt. FOR SALE First class meat market In town of 1,500; all fixtures new and sani tary. Reason for selling will be drafted soon. O. F,-J.'ourtney, Randolph, Neb. FOR SALE Harness business In beat farm ing country tn Nebraska. Only shop in town. Write to Joe Jenlk. Lodge role. Neb FOR-SALE Cafe and luiicli counter at Antloch. Neb., doing good business. Ad dress." Don Cotton. Antloch, Neb. GUARANTY locate you; any Una business; any state. Guarantee aell your bualnesa. F V Knleat. Bee BIdg.. Omaha. Neb. BAKERY Confectianery, etc., for ale. Net $226 month. W Chrlatlanaen. Mlu- den. Neb. FOR SALE Harness business in best farm ing country In Nebraska. Only shop In town. Write lo ,1oe Jenlk, Lodge Pole, Neb. PARTNER wanted In good business. 25.1100 required 11. B. LeRny, Fort Dodge, la. STORE for sale: rent $9. Good business F. V Knleat. Bee BIdg.. Omaha. Neb. ON account of health must aell my bakery at onre. W. tl Harvey. Knoxvllle. Is. AUTOMOBILES OLD FORDS. NEW FORDS MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Before buying a truck ace Affordable Truck Co.. Omaha made truck unit fita any Ford, makes guaranteed , and 1-ton trucks out of anybody Ford. $165 F. O B. Omaha. DEALERS WANTED Factory and office 1207-1 6 S. 20th St DOUGLAS 2053. RADIATORS ' Wrecked and leaky radlatora repaired and rebuilt; large atock uaed radiator on hand Mahd fender and lamp repaired like new. .New honey-combed Ford radlatora. 1811 model. 122; 1117. $31. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS llll Cuming St Omaha. Neb CUMING GARAGE. 2416 Cuming St.. D 2831. Storage, day and night aervice. carbon burning, welding, general auto re palrlag. . i AUTOMOBILES FORDS ran burn half coal oil, or cheapest gasoline, using our 1918 carburetor; 34 miles per gallon guaranteed. Easy start ing, ilreat slower Increase. Attach It yourself. Big profit selling- for ue. 30 day1 trial. Money back- guarantee. Styles to fit any automobile. Alr-Krlc-tlon Carburetor Company, 367 Madison St.. Dayton. ' . 1ST EN Wj' will save you 60 per cent on your tire bill Trade your old tlrea for nevr one. Tube vulcanized 6 cent cas ing 60 cent up. Rebuilt, 2 In 1 casing for eale, 22 up. U. s. machines for sal U. S. Vuleai.lzer Co.. Branch 19 320 8 lth St.. Omaha KOI! SALE On account of draft, the Cum ing garage. Tjils gurago la In a fine lo cation and doing a rushing business. Owner of building will enlarge and give a lone; lease. Cuming Oaraee, 2113Cum Ing St. H'uRU.S exchanged, bought and aold; we re build your Ford with a Kelaey streamline body llkx now; cars sold for cash or tlm payment. Sol 3. (loldstroni. 2867 Farnsm Ht. Harney Gf,46: agents wanted. FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy joadatrr, high speed and power. Will accept Ford In Al condition as part payment. A bargain. H E. Frank. Route II, 76A, Benson. Neb. BAROAINH IN USED CARS All makea. With and without tartera. 25 to pick" from. Phon D. 1241 or call Ht 1516 Davenport. BOTE AN AUTO CO.. WILL TAKE FORD or other light car as port payment on good 5-room house, close in. Co, BIufN. Easy payments, "D" Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. NF1W Maxwell cars, 1918 models, for sale. 8300 rash, balance monthly payments a desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 60K2, Hoe. CHALMERS, speedster, 2-paasenger. . . .1350 Maxwell, O-pspscnger 450 Bulck Liarht Six '. 900 BARNUM-HMITH CO.. 2122 Cuming. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVEP. AUTO CO.. Idlu Frnam St Dougla 1070. TELL & BINKLET. Commercial body builder 2318 Harney St 1 1540 OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 230 Farnain 8L MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 2028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6290. 5-PASSENOER Stoddarl-Davton, In excel lent condition; must sell; leaving city. 3111 S. 24th St. DoukIss 6170. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS: quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6036 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2408 LEAVENWORTH 8T. BARGAINS In used cars ORR MOTOR SALES CO., t nth and Farnam. Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. 60 FORDT WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO., S10R -FARNAM ST. GOOD USED CARS. OUT L. SMITH. th and Farnam St. Douglaa 1170. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. IStn and Jackaim, Ford Agents. Doug. 2600 GOOD accund-haud delivery car, cEeap. Io fl'ilre 1219. W O W nimr Auto Livery and Garages. RiONT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 12a a mile. o6c per hour minimum charge. Sunday and holidays. COc per hour. FORD LIVERY CO., Dougla 3622 1314 Howard St. Repairing and Painting. eihvads. Era. "m fbth st. Web- ter 1102. For th best result with repair worn consult us. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. t Anything electrical about your auto. 316 8. 19th St. Douglas 648K. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 2.U0O Mile Guaranteed. 3"x3. 37.75; 30x3V. $1.75; 32x3'4j, $10.25; 30X4. $1225; 31x4. 113.25; 85x4, $16.50. Write us today for particular. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO.. 1518 Davenport St. Omaha. D. 2914. T1RB bargain at unheard of prices; all brand new, 18 standard makes. Coin In and let our goods and prices settle the , argument. SENIJ FOR OUR TRICE LIST. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO., "Nebraska's Tire Bargain Center." Douglas 2916. 310 H. 19th St. NrFw7TRES AT PRICE. ALL sizES. NEW 30x3 Republic, $9.25. Ford tubes.$2.00 NEW 30x3H l.EE TIRES $14.73 NEW 32x34 FIRESTONE TIRES. .. $1 5.35 KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 CUMING. INSIST on O. & G. quality retread and save 60 per cent on your tires. Bargain In new and allghtly uaed tlrea O. St G. Tire Co.. 2415 I.eaven'th St. Tyler 1261-W BUY Lee puncture-proot pneumatic, tlrea and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup Plv Co.. 2051 Farnam St TIRE price wreckera. Thla la no 3-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 432 S. 13th. Agts Wanted. Omaha. Neb Motorcycles and Bicycles FOR SALE Three-speed electrio equipment Harley-Davldsom motorcycle: run 800 miles; excellent conditions. Call South 2021 or South 2594. Address 2206 Drexel St. K. 11. Burton. H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Rargalna In used machlnea. Victor H. Rooa. the Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leav enworth PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 snd our wsgon will call. Call and Inspect our new bomeeTllO-1112-1114 Dodge St. MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and acalp treatment 1S02 Farnam St. Room 2 MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage. 379 Bran. Thea. BIdg. D. I66. MAE BRUGM AN. ccientlftc masseuae and batha. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. MASSAGE and baths.-ills Halran. 222- Neville Biock. Manicuring and mass. 1622 Farnam, R. II. MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. rank H. Wrav, 306 Bee BIdg. SITUATIONS WANTED Male Physisian and Surgeon With hospital experience wants sn ex cellent location at once in town from SCO population up. Please give full particulars In first letter. Address Dr. L. Park, Gen eral Delivery, Omaha. Neb. "MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Or tracer wants pqsitlon tn or out of Omaha. Box $550, Br SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WANTED Immediately, position by man of U5 years experience in contracts: viz. Pav ing, sewer, concrete, and railroad con tracting. Two years experience In engin eering. Address. Box Y-601, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED specialty salesman, aged 35 yars, will be at liberty July 1 to 13. Would consider an opening. Address R. E. S., Room 435, Paxton Hotel. r.K.VKHAI, bonkkeeDer. exoerienced in fren- j eral accounting, statistics: can take I charge; A-l references. C. A. Stroup, I Tyler 3264. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na- 1 Ijf nuiiai -.iean nil, ami otj rik,. v umfany, beavenwonn .n. nnrney nvu. BOOKKEEPING, statements, pay roll, re mittances, satisfactory aervice; reasonable prices. Phone Harney 3024 LAWNS mowed. Flours polished. Douglas 9457. Delaney. Female. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position as com panion or attendant to invalid. "Phone . Douglas 8259. I Hlai'SEKEEPER for old couple or care for ! elderly lady. 150S N. 17th St. Webster j 4617. ! EXPERIENCED wlilta lady wants day work. Reference. 32 day. Doug. 6071. EXPERIENCED nurse maid; reference; go home nights. Tyler 3699 WANTED Practical nurslne. 1372 S. 9th Douglas 8451. WOMAN wants day work: ref. Web. 2221. Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE WOMAN wants bundle washing at horna. Web. 6230. COLORED woman wants work by the day or week. Call Webster 1699. EXP. laundress, bundles called for and de livered. Webster 6323 BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. WANTED Washing and ironing 2 or 3 days a week. Web. 4521. FAMILY washings called for and delivered. Call Colfax 1093. BUNDLE WASHING, rough dry and finish ed. Red 5673. DAY Work, good ref. Mary Carter, Web. 3733. LAUNDRESS, washing by the hour. Web. 3017. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 698. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2058. i Day work and bundle washing. Web 1088. 1ST clasa col Iaundresa with ref. Doug. 8713. GIRL wishes day work. Webster 2327. NEAT col, lady wants day work. Har. 4709. BUNDLE washing, iace curtains. Web. 1727. WANT work yb t heday. South 26 lT HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way yot advertise to sell merchandise, and tbt difference In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will, assist you In preparing your advertisement. WANTED. By a largo manufacturing concern, a young man, hlKh school graduate; one who does not Intend to go to university, A good chance for advancement , either in tho clerical, selling, operating or buy ing end of the business. Slate age and salary wanted. Box 4723, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN, $100 and commission, clerks good future, stenographer, $90. THE MARTI COMPANY 1120 W. O. W. BIdg. office $85 to OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming; hundreds wanted; $90 month: I sample questions free. Franklin Institute. ' Dept. 231-F, Rochester. N. Y. j WANTED lirlsht man. experienced In wholesale implement house, as bill clerk; permanent: good salary to right party. ! Box LI., Union Station Postofflce. BOOKKEEPER, $125, ledger clerk, $23 week; night clerk for garage, $60; office clerk, $90-100. Co-operative Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat. Bank. WANTED Reliable young man for evening cashier. Apply to Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., General Office, 2d floor 19th and Farnam. BOOKKEEPERS, $125, $110, $100, $90, $85; asst. shipper. $80; factory, supt., $100. WATTS REF. CO., 1133 1st Nat'l Bsnk. YOUNG MAN to do relief work In laundry office, morning, noon and night. Harwood ' Laundry, 1624 Capitol Ave. EXPERIENCED clerk, steady position; ref eresces required. J. Helphand Clothing Co. SHIPPING sclerk, $75. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY, f.00 REE BLDG. RECEIVING clerk. $7S. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTdRMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans pprtation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank BIdg., Omaha. OMAHA k COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . RAILWAY CO. WANTED. TRUCKERS and WAREHOUSE MEN. Good pay. 29th and C Street, South Side. OMAHA FLOUR MILLS CO. WANTED CARPENTERS CALL AT EMPLOYMENT " BUREAU MORRIS & CO. SOUTH SIDE HELP WANTEDMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED. A reliable, truttworthy man for Janitor work,' must be experienced; rlll pay 218 per week to the right man. Apply to Mr. H. F. Chapman. BENSON-TIIORNE CO.. WANTED T'oung man to work in the press room. Apply to Supt., Bee Publishing Co. ASSISTANT TO WINDOW TRIMMER young man not subject to draft; prefer one from, small town who has had show window trimming experience. In letter give experience, references and salary wanted. S. N. WOLBACII SONS. UJS AND ISLAND, NEB. FIREMAN for low pressure boiler. Apply at our factory. John Matzen, engineer. J AT BURNS BAKING CO. WANTED Meat cutters, reliable, capable of running small shop. Call at Basket Stores Office, 108 N. 9th St Call any day HIGH-CLASS factory superintendent want-' ed. Large centrallzer churning 7.000,000 j pounds butter annually. Wonderful op-1 portuntty for man with t ho, good. Don't apply unless you can deliver. Addreaa Box Y 699, Omaha Bee. Wanted Experienced stock room man, shop foreman and service foreman; Ford work only. Mortensen & Burkhard garage. Winner. 8. D. WANTED Thirty carpenters. New manu facturing building. Havelock, Neb. One block west Burlington depot. Yv. J. As senmacher Co., Contractors -1 WANTED At once, a first class Hoffman pressman; will start at $20. Steady em ployment. Vallet Cleaners, Sioux Fall, j S. D. WANTED Tailor, man or lady. Man pre ferred that can operate the Hoffman steam pressing machine. Phone 338. John A. i Polltls, Columbus. Neb. I WANTED Experienced automobile repair man. Apply service department, Guy L. Smith, Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets. DRUGGIST WANTED, EXPERIENCED. Permanent position. St. Joseph Drug Co., St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED First cl.isa finisher. ORCHARD-WILHELM CO., 414-18 South 16th St. HUSKY refined young man 17 to 13 years old as stock boy, to learn the furniture business. Orchard & Wtlhelm Co. WANTED A good auto repair man for garago work. A. B. Rasmussen, Walnut, laj WANTED Barber, at once; good work man; $18; half over $25 Phone or write N. L. Tharr, North Bend, Neb. LEARN barber trade, low ratea now. Call or write Barber College, T124 Douglaa St A MAN to work in our valet shop, good pay. See auditor Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED Upholaterer tor furniture depart rhent Box 41405 Bee Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Representative over draft age to handle territory and market a strictly high grade automobile or motor necessity. Will grant exclusive territory to live wire who is willing to devote time to a generous commission proposition. For further ad vice, send references lo M. A. M., Box 315. Marshalltown. la. DENTAL salesman, to travel Nebraska and Iowa; state age, experience and refer ences. Address Y 693. Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced grocery salesman. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas St. WANTED Good live wire. Apply Duplex Tire Co., 1016 S. Main St., Council Bluff. SALESMAN WANTED City. Tires 2028 Farnam street. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored waiters; permanent po sitions, best pay best meals and best treatment In Omaha. Apply to head waiter. Blacltetone Hotel. WANTED Experienced cook for cafe; white: good wat-es; Irven Carroll, Nelson, Neb Boys. WANTED A boy to carry an Eve ning Bee route. Call at Circulation Dept., Bee Office, 104 Bee Building. ' WANTED Boy to deliver an Eve ning Bee route, near 29th and Leavenworth Sts. Call at Bee Branch Of fice, 2615 Leavenworth St. WANTED Elevator boys, permanent posi tion, experienced; best pay; best meals; best treatment In Omaha. Apply Mgr., Blarkstone Hotel. Miscellaneous. LABORERS For track work. 30 cents per hour at start with car fare; 10 hour. APPLY TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT. ' 22D AND NICHOLAS STS., OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. WANTED. " DRIVERS AND WAoVN HELPERS ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. APPLY. UNION STATION. JANITOR WANTED 510 First Nat'i Bank Bldg.t Colored need not apply, HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous, , MEN WANTED AT THE LUXUS PLANT. STEADY WORK; GOOD WAGES. APPLY AT BOT TLING DEPT. FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO., 25th and Krug Ave. , WANTED 5 men to sell goods on passen ger trains; must have cash security. Ap ply Rock Island News Stand Falrbury, NeB HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STEN'O and bookkeepers. 8S0: steno graphers, 290, 385. 880, (10: P. B. X. op erators, 2 15, 355; typist anl office clerk, j 350, 360. ! THE MARTI COMPANY : 1126 W. (j. W. BIdg. t MULT1GRAPH OPERATOR . Wanted at once, must be experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply In peraon at 1424 First Nat. Bank BIdg. STENOGRAPHERS, 190. 885. 380. 175, 2CT; Bookkeepers, $100, f 90, 375; Blllers, 86; Blllers, $75, $65; Compt., Oper., $J8. watts KKF. CO., 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. STENOGRAPHERS, beginner, insurance of fice, $50. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CAXO AjT.ENCY, 600 BEE BLDQ. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to ljari. telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Applv to C. F. LAMBERT. 1807 "Douglas St. WANTED Hand Ironers and marker and aorter tor rough dry department n.nd girls for all departments. Evans Model Laundry, 11th and Douglaa. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced saleslady In ladles and children's ready-to-wear. Give ref- erence. state number years' experience -and mention salary expected. The Jamie- son House Furnishing Co., Trinidad. Colo.' TWO ladies to travel to California selling war pictures, also 5 ladles for some work In Omaha and near-by towns. See 8. W. ' Stearns, Hotel Paxton, June 26-27, from 2 to 6 p. m. WANTED Experienced grocery saleslady. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Dougla St. Household and Domestic. I WANTED Competent girl or housekeeper i for general housework. Small house and small family. Good place for the rlht party. Phono Harney 3084. W ANTED An experienced cook. good wages; appointment by telephone. Mrs O. C. Redick, Harney 121. Reference roqulred. GIRL for general housework in family of three; no children; reference required. Call Harney 945. Room 434, Ths Black stone. WHITE girl or middle-aged woman for gen eral housework; small house; only two In family; work very light. Mrs. R. W. Craig, ' 3665 Jones St. Harney 6731. WANTED An experienced white cook, no washing best wage,, Mrs. T. L. Davles, 527 S. Sith St. Harney 527. t WANTED Girl to assist In light house work a few hours each day and go home nights. 840 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 6798. WANT girl to assist with housework and care of baby for return of good borne and small wages. Colfax 3210. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; S715South Twenty-fifth St. South 134. AV ANTED An experienced second girl. Good wage. Mrs Dixon, 426 N. 38th St. . Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED 6 waitresses. $12 per weeK. I hours. Apply ready for work. Liberty Inn, 1509 Harney. Douglas 8797. Miscellaneous ROOM, well furnished, for light housekeep ing. In exchange for light chamber work. Red 60S4. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Mea, ladles and boys, learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodge St Trl-Cltv Barber College. Phone D. 3147. . WANTED Intelligent man hd wife to take full charge of apartment house. Man must be able to do all kinds repairing and make himself generally useful. Box 1643, Omaha Bee. MOLER Barber College wants young men', and ladles to learn tbe barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 8. 14tb St. nmaha. Neb EDUCATIONAL BOYLES CJLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book, keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit Ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer. clal and English branohea. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE Douglas 1566 18tb and Harney Sts. Van Sant School of Business Day and Evening School. 820 Omaha National Bank BIdg. Dougla on FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. , If you fall to find the room yoo desire among these ads call st Th Be offlc for a Room Llt Give complete deacrtptlon of. vacant rooms la all parte of the eltv New ! Issued every week LADY alone will rent room, beautifully fur. niched In mahogany, to couple with refer ences, In new, eleantly furnished bunga low. Home prlvlleces. Kountz? Place Web ster 4141 " SANITARY modern rooms for ineii niy!, $3.50 per week. Sunshine Apartments, eoi N. 17th St. .1. B. Itubinson, 412. Bve Bide.. Douglaa 8091 T r X