Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1918, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily, Bee
By Mill (I year): Dally. MM: Sunday, II.W;
Dally and Sua.. It: eutilde Neb. fjoitaga emra.
Catered -oiit-cli milter M IS. 1906. et
Ornih oetolflce under act et Mirth 3. 1ST.
Officials Oppose Draft Change
Until Plans Are Completed;
875,000 More to Be
Called This Year.
By Associated Press.
' Washington, June 26. Sec
retary Baker disclosed to the,
senate military committee to
day that within three months
an enlarged army project, now
being worked out, will be pre
sented to congress to represent
the maximum fighting effort of
the country. j
Already the calculations up- j
on which the pending army bill
was framed have been exceed
ed and the War department is
' now revising its plans on an en-!
larged basis that means addi-!
tional billions in money and ad-,
ditional millions of fighting .
- men.
The full scope of the new measure
is not yet apparent even to officials
' who are preparing it.
Mr. Baker disclosed the new plans
in explaining his reasons for oppos
ing any change in the draft age limits.
Later, during general debate in the
senate chamber, figures were disclosed
showing the great strides being made
toward brineinsr American fighting
power to the front in France.
Vive Months Ahead of Schedule
" General March, chief of staff, al
ready has announced that the army is
- five months ahead of schedule in troop
movements, 900,000 men having been
shipped abroad. During the debate to-
' day, however, it was disclosed that if
the highest hopes are realized 1,45U,UW
men will hafrfcached France sbme
me in Augui. nd that there will be
a total force under arms of approxi
mately 3,500,000. A statement read
into the senate records by Senator
Chamberlain, chairman of the mili
tary committee, predicted that class 1
probably would be exhausted during
i 'October, and would be reduced to
V 641.126 men by calls to be made be
fore August 1.
' Secretary Baker and General March
were positive that the reservoir of
lighting man power would meet all
calls ilpon it under the best possible
' conditions of mobilization and trans
.. portation until congress has an oppor
tunity to take up age extension later,
with the data now being compiled By
- the War department.
v Shipping Vital Factor.
The question of available shipping
to haul the men to France is the vital
factor. At present much British and
French tonnage is employed on the
work, as unusually good crops in Eng
land have alreadymad'e ships avail
able weeks longer than was expected.
The table shows a totfcl strength in
class 1 of 2,362,082, deductions of 334,
: 634 for delinquents, 36.770 for the
emergency fleet list, 215;S39 for lim
ited service classification and 50,268
for remedial defectives, leaving 1,724,-
871 fighting men of those originally
placed in class 1. To that number it is
- estimated 200,000 will be added by the
reclassification process now going on
and 400,000 from thee class of 1918 to
- be drawn tomorrow.
With the Julv call deducted the
' table fixed 877.359 as the number of
availables left in the fighting ranks of
:lass 1 and the estimated calls for the
rest of the year are placed at a total
.' of 875,000, which would leave 2,000
'men still in the class on January 1,
1919. The calls for 1919 are given as
August. 300,000; September, 150,000;
October, 150,000; November, 150,000,
and December, 125.000.
' Sufficient Men Available.
It was pointed out during the scn-
. ate debate that these iigures. prepared j
by General Crowder, seemed to show;
, a sufficient number of men to fill any
calls now planned and that apparently
-an estimate of 150,000 additional men
j to be obtained by the draft treaties
with France and Great Britain was
not included, nor the 196,000 cases on
appeal, of which it was said 95 per
cent would go into class 1. It was
noted, also, that 215,000 men, avail
able for limited military service "had
been deducted from the total of class
1. although it is understood men of
this classification are included in the
Many senators were puzzled by the
figures. It appears possible, however,
and Secretary Baker and other War
department officials are known to
. Share this view, that in fact if the
present schedule of mobilization is
carried out, there will remain in class
1 under the present age limits several
- hundred -thousand men, instead of
2,000. on January 1. Probably this fact
prompted . the recommendation that
ihe age limit be not disturbed for the
t Crops Bad in Bavaria.
' Copenhagen. June 26. The harvest
prospects in Bavaria are extremely
bad and the Bavarian agricultural
rotwcil is preparing the poDtilation
for-further suffering.
( By Associated Press.
London, June 26. King George and Queen Mary tasted
American buckwheat cakes for the first time yesterday at the
Eagle hut of the American Young Men's Christian association.
The visit was a surprise.
"What is the most distinctive American dish you have
here?" the king asked. "I want to sample it."
"Buckwheat cakes is the best thing we havq," replied the
The king and queen sat down at an oilcloth-covered
table beside a group of khaki-clad American aviators and a
couple of American bluejackets. Each ate a plate of buck
wheat cakes hot from the griddle with a generous covering of
genuine maple syrup. Both finished their portions, politely
refused a second helping, but declared themselves in favor of
the adoption of buckwheat cakes into the British national
Absolutism Reigns . as Army
Retreats and Populace Cries
for Bread; Plot Threat
ens Dual Monarchy.
By George F. Stewart.
Rotterdam. June 26 (Special Ca
blegram to New York Tribune and
Omaha Bee) Austrian dilemma nave
now become political and military ra
ther than purely economic, and al
though the latest problems may di
rectly concern', only a comparatively
small -circle of intriguers, the effects
of their machinations t.wil probably
shake the foundations ' of the dual,
nioharchy deeper ibJ Jhl food dem
onstrations which were the first and
m6re obvious signs of the latest up
"heval. Vienna has literally been robbed of
the bread of life and there seems ev
ery probability that the last breath
of political freedom has also been de
nied by the barefaced system of opep
and unabashed absolutism.
The strong action of the Polish ele
ment with its strong antipathy for its
German neighbors has resulted in a
recogniied failure to secure anything
like constitutional government by a
There "seems to be nothing left but
the illegal absolutism which now
threatens at the most critical period
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Influenza Epidemic
Hampers Preparation
For German Offensive
London, June 26. Influenza is now
epidemic all along the German front,
according to advices received here
from the Dutch frontier, and the prev
alence of this ailment is said to be
hampering the preparations for of
fensive operations.
Special hospitals are being estab
lished in the rear areas dealing solely
with this disease, which is reported
to be of the new Spanish type which
recently broke out in Berlin and other
German cities and is presumed to have
been brought to the trenches by men
returning from leave.
Leading Greeks Today
Celebrate War Entry
Leading Greek citizens of Omaha
today at noon will give a dinner at the
Chamber of Commerce to celebrate
the entry of Greece into the war. The
second year of its participation will
begin today. A committee composed
of George Cosmos, Dick Ilassel and
George Kazeres, has charge of the
arrangements. Among the invited
guests ar army officers and city and
countv officials.
Germany's Minimum Program
Formulated by von Kuehlmann
By Associated Press. 1
Amsterdam, June 26. Gennany's
minimum program for" peace discus
sions was formulated by Foreign Sec
retary von Kuehlmann in his speech
to the Reichstag, says the Koelnische
Volks 2eitung. The foreign secretary,
it adds, demanded nothing thatgoes
beyond Germany's vital necessities or
that vitally threatens other countries.
The Germania of Berlin considers
that the speech opens wide the field
for peace discussions and says it
keenly awaits the reply of the entente
allied countries.
"Many sentences in the speech,"
i says Vorwaerts, "might be termed
longer or shorter steps forward on
the road to conciliation, and they
came very near the aims set up and
regarded as fair bv the social democ
racy." i The paper contends that recognition
General Tone, of Minister's
Speech Regarded in Allied
Capitals as Confession of
Germany's Weakness.
By Associated Press.
Basel, Switzerland, June 26. A
rumor has reached here from Berlin
that Dr. Richard von Kuehlmann, the
German foreign secretary, will resign
his portfolio. .
Parish June 26. Acknowledgment
by Foreign Secretary von Kuehlmann
that Germany cannot be certain of
winning thenar,; by forcc,o( armfc
caused :.ahl'i44eKtibaJe-. sensation, in
the Reichstag, says a Zurich dispatch
to thvpttt&mWthiii.- ' n
Hi.( prediction; that the .war mhjht
last through , a fifth winter was re
ceived jn .silence nd there was much
consternation among the members of
the right.
The debate which followed the for
eign secretary's speech ' was very
stormy, pan-G6rmanlst speeches be
ing interrupted by the left.
A dispatch from Geneva says that
exchange on Berlin and Vienna
weakened, on the receipt of the secretary's-
speech. The mark fell 2.60
and the crown '1.05. Allied exchange
continued firm.
London, June 26. A new note in
enemy oratory was struck by Dr.
Richard von Kuehlmann,' the German
foreign secretary, in addressing the
Reichstag, according to the comments
on his address appearing in London
newspapers. The admission by Dr.
von Kuehlmann that the settlement
of the war by military decision is im
possible, received much attention.
The Daily Telegraph emphasizes
the foreign minister's unusually brief
reference to Germany s military pros
pects, and says that the general tone
of his utterances on the subject of
peace and the eastern front is un
doubtedly a confession of weakness.
In conclusion, the Telegraph antic
ipates that the address may prove a
precursor to his dismissal.
Italy to Celebrate Fourth
Of July as National Holiday
Rome, June 26 The coming Fourth
of July, which will be proclaimed an
Italian national holiday, will be cele
brated throughout the country. Cities
and villages will be decorated with
the American and Italian flags.
The day will be marked in Florence
by the granting of citizenship in that
municipality to President Wilson.
Georgia -for Prohibition.
Atlanta, Ga., June 26. The Georgia
legislature today ratified the federal
prohibition constitutional amendment
shortly after the annual session be
gan. Georgia is the twelfth state to
ratify the amendment.
of the. present territory of Germany
and its allies is a self-evident condi
tion of peace, while freedom of the
seas and of trade also are of the high
est importance. Germany's colonies
must be restored.
The Vossische Zeitung says the
speech confirms the idea that for thfc
foreign secretary an understand'ng
wit hGreat Britain is necessary and
worth striving fof. The .Nbrddeutscne
Allgemeine ,TZeitung:: expects- the
speech will Vgain hirrr: discussion
abroad to the questkwis dealt with, es
pecially as to responsibility for con
tinuance of the war.
"Yesterday was a lost ,day," com
ments the Lokal Anzeiger.
The Kreuz Zeitung thinks it might
have been better if ' Secretary von
Kuehlmann had been silent regard
ing relations with hostile countries
and the possibilities of peace,
Intervention Sought by Ex
Premier at London to Save
. Country From Germany;
On Way to U.S.
London, June 26. Former Premier
Kerensky reached London incognito
four days ago from Russia. Since
then he has jnoved about quietly,
though busily, conferring with prom
inent Russians in England over the
necessity of ententeallied assistance
in Russia.
Kerensky expects to go to America
in a week or 10 days.
"I believe, indeed, I am certain,"
added the former premier, "that the
Russian people will shottly join you
in the fight for the great cause of
Kerensky told the labor conference
"I have just come straignt irom
Moscow and it is my duty as a states
man and a socialist to tell you and the
people of the world that the Russian
people, the Russian democracy, are
fighting against tyranny."
Intervention Sought.
New York June 26. A. J. Sack,
head of the Russian information bu
reau here, when informed of Alexan
der F. Kerensky's intention to come
to America, said he had no definite in
formation as to the purpose of his
visit, but was of the opinion that he
intended to further efforts toward in
tervention to save Russia from Ger-
many, tic tnougnt tne iormer jtusMdu
premier would "as a private citizen"
co-operate to this end with A. I. Kon
ovaloff, minister of trade and industry
in the Kerensky cabinet, who is now
in. Washington and-who is understood
to have been conferring with Secre
tary Lansing on the subject.
"Mr. Konovaloff is sure that Rus
sia can be saved,ap4 will IPcntf-the
general and military help by the al-
Jiea," said MrSasrntirsure.that
Kerensky shares this view ana
appears in the United States that, -he
will work in the same direction, act
ing as a private Russian citizen."
Omaha's 100 Rotarians
And Big Tank Do Various
Stunts at Kansas City
Kansas City. . Mo., 26.
Special.) Omaha staged another pa
rade today with the tank and a dele
gation of 100 Rotarians, the third larg
est delegation attending the Interna
tion Convention of Rotarians. The
San Diego flower car, acting as a
pilot, was followed by the Fort Riley
military band, the Omaha tank, the
Omaha delegation, the Kewanec Colo
nial drum corps, the Memphis Boy
Scouts and many other delegations.
The Kearney, "Neb., delegates, the
baby club of Rotarians, rode on top
of the Omaha tank, wearing large
bibs. The tank was then sent to Llec-
trie 'park, where the delegates made
merrv the balance of the day. The
platform of the tank was used for va
rious stunts.
The convention declared for univer
sal obligatory military training for all
young men before the voting age, us
ing existing cantonments for training
Draft Lottery Opens
At National Capital
At 9:30 This Morning
Washington, June 26 National lot
tery machinery will be set in motion
for a second time tomorrow for the
drawing of the order" numbers for the
744.500 young men who attained
their majority during the year ending
last Tune 5. the first anniversary of
the selective draft registration day
' Secretary Baker plans to draw the
first capsule containing a master
number from The bowl at 9:30 o'clock.
The last capsule is expected to be
drawn by noon. V.
Thirty Iowa MetuKilled
In German Gas Attack
Des Moines, la., June '26. (Special
telegram) Capt. E. O. Heur, ma
chine gun company, and 29 others in
an Iowa unit, were killed with gas
on May 25. according"to a letter re
ceived here today by Mrs. Fleur.
Germans began gassing Americans
at 1o'clock in the morning!
. Gas shells and shrapnel burst right
in front of Captain Fleur's dugout and
he was gassed before he could get on
his mask. He died in the ambulance
enroutc to the hospital.
Allied and Neutral Ship
Losses Are 233,639 Tons
Washington, June 26. Allied and
neutral shipping sunk by German
U-boats during 'the first 28 days in
Aiav totalled oj.ojv gross tons, ac
cording to estimates made by. the
Navy department, Senator Beckham
ot Kentucky announced today in the
senate, '
-Where American troops took offensive against Germans. The battle
line as it is now is indicated on the map by a broken line ; that from which
the latest German offensive started by a solid line. The area of recent
French gains lies between the broken line and the row of black dots.
Americans extended their line yesterday northwest of Chateau Thierry.
Five Thousand High Explosives Fired In Hour Against
Hun Lines, Shattering Them N Completely Before
Infantry Begins Attack; Prisoners Say Too Many
Yankees Already in France.
By Associated Press.
With the ..merican Army in France, June 26. Some idea
of the thoroughness with which the Americans prepared for the
attack on the Marne front last night may be gleaned from the
fact that they fired approximately 5,000 high explosives in one
hour. The American gunners worked so fast, the Germans
taken prisoner said, they did not have time to think. The Ger
man lines were torn" up and the ground around strewn, with
German, dead and wounded. Two members of a German hosrji-.
& corps were captured. 4 '
Machine gun emplacements, which were hidden behind tne
rocks, were charged and captured, while a group of several Am
ericans captured one machine gun and 20 Germans in a shell
hole. The attacking force waii a comparatively small one, but
did the. work as thoroughly as one several times as large might
have done.
One of the American wounded remarked to the corns-1
punueiu; . .
"I got bumped pretty badly, but I guess it was worth whUe
If we had a million more like our outfit over here, we would
go to Berlin." ,
Soldiers Gladdened by Capture.
A German officer, arrogant and sarcastic, remarked :
"We are just starting with the Americans. We are going
to wipe out whole divisions as if the were companies."
The German privates were less arrogant, and apparently
were glad they were captured. One declared that the Germans
were surprised at the Americans, who appeared so young, but
fought like devils when they got started. Another declared :
"The war will soon be ended. There are too many . Ameri
cans comingto Europe."
This prisoner was a Prussian, who fought on the Russian
front. He confessed that the Germans were preparing to at
tack the Americans in Belleai wood when the American troops
started their attack. It was a
came one way and the German
orward the other way. This prisoner was shot in the leg by his
own officer because he hesitated
can guns and bayonets and the
man nfficara
....... v...w.u.
naymona o. iiuwen ui oamsviut:, u., wnu w as m me msi ,
line of the advance, describing
We took up a position in
trenches. The Germans opened
around us like rain. We charged over a rocky hill, our fellows
laughing and yelling a war whoop We then came upon a wheat
field and crossed in the face of
gun fire and drove back the Germans at the point of the bay
onet. '
"It was a wonderful sight.
and the sound of their shouts and whoops were almost drowned
by the Gentians' cries of 'kamerad.'
The Germans got a few of
pay dearly for, every one."
Herbert E. Bartley of Anita,
erican forcing a big German to
American linas. When they
said quietly: "Here's my prisoner." The German sheepistily
nodded and skid: "Yah."
Excursion Rates to
Summer Resorts to
Be in Effect Soon
Washington, june 26. Reduced ex
cursion fares to summer resorts will
be put into effect soon by the rail
road administration. Passenger traf
fic committees now are working on
several thousand local rates to sea
shore and interior resorts, and many
of these will be recommended to Di
rector General McAdoo Vithirf a
week. Although low excursion rates
existing before June 10. when the
three cent a mile passenger rate went
into effect, will not be restored, the
special rates will range from 10 to
20 per cent lower than the straight
V" ; :. . '.-
surprise affair. The Americans
officers tried to fore their men
confusedly between the Ameri
pistols m the hands of the Ger-
tne operation, said:
an open wood; there were no
a heavy fire and shells fell
a withering shell and machine
The Americans never hesitated
our fellows, but we made them
la., told about a wounded Am
lead the way to the rear of the
reached the lines, the American
Airplanes Penetrate
Defenses of Paris and
Do Material Damage
Taris, June 27. German airplanes
penetrated the anti-aerial defenses of
Paris Wednesday night and several
bombs were dropped, causing mater
ial damage, says an official statement
issued early today.
Wilson Congratulates Diaz.
Washington. June 26 President
Wilson today sent a cablegram to
General Diaz, commanding the Italian
army, congratulating him upon the
victory over the'Austrians and saying
America feels a great blow has been
struck not only for Italy but for the
Heavy Losses in Killed and
Wounded Inflicted; Italians
Clean Up Piave River ,
Battle Front.
By Associated Press.
While the Italians have been s
busily engaged in cleaning up ,
the Piave battle front, gather
ing the spoils of war and mak- '
ing straggling Austrians pris- -oners,
the American troops sta
tioned in the Belleau wood,
northwest of Chateau Thierry,"
have been devoting their time
to showing the Germans again
the fighting timber of which t
they are made, v 4. ' :
In the demonstration the. American P
gained control of the wood in its en-,
tirety, advanced their position ma
terially northwest of the' wood and
made prisoners of 264 of the enemy,
in addition to inflicting heavy losses
in men killed or wounded.
Artillery Busy 13 Hours. ' ;
The attack was launched Tuesday
night with the purpose of driving out.; "
the few remaining nests of Germans
in. the wood nests from which en
emy parties constantly, were harass
ing the Americans. It followed a hur
ricane of artillery fire, the intensity of
which stunned even those of the Ger
mans who , previously ; had gone
through the terrific drum tires o the
Kritish'and French. The, hammering
of the guns was kept up for 13 hours
before the infantry set out t accom
plish its task, and the havoc wrought
by the; American sheUsmany of them V
of high xplpsiyes, was! evident from; ?
, t,hej,niirnbef tf nmy dead strewjng; ,
the ground and Jbc state, of general
dentffyohVthat prevailed. .
The jcapture of Belleau -wood Is of -'
considerable' strategic importance, '
ovymg to the fact that from it the
Germans had been able to rake the"
allied positions on all sides of it with .
their artillery. Its eastern and north" '
ern edges also command the railroad
behind Ihe German ' lines, runninir,,'
fnom Chateau Thierry., " N
Piave Line1 Restored."
All the positions still held by the
Austrians on the lower Fiave, -constituting
the" Capo Sile bridgehead, -now
have been taken by the Italians -and
the entire western bank of the
PJave is clear of the enemy. Nearly
40D prisoners were taken in the en-
terprise. Aside from this fighting there
has been little activity in the southern
sections of the Italian theater., Seem- .'
ingly the spirit of the enemy on the
eastern bank of the Piave has ended, -at
least or the time being. -
In the mountains heavy bombard
ments are in progress in various sec
tors, and intensive aerial operations ,
are going on along the entire front.
The Rome war office reasserts that all
the artillery lost by the Italians to
the Austrians in the initial stage of
the fighting has been recaptured.
On the battle front in France and
Flanders the operations continue oi
a minor character. The British,- both
in Flanders and Picardy, have carried '
out successfully attacks aeainst 'tht
!" , ,
irench. northwest of Montdirfir ha
raided an enemy position, in flictine
losses ana taken prisoners. .
Senate May Vote Today )
On Amendment Giving
. The Ballot to Women
Washington, June 26. Final ar
rangements for consideration tomor- "
row by the senate of the house reso
lution proposing submission of a
woman suffrage amendment to the
federal constitution were completed,
today, but whether a final vote would
be reached appeared to be uncertain.
The army bill has right of way and '
under the rules would. come up to
morrow at 2 o'clock automatically and
close further consideration of the suf- .
frage resolution if a vote is not
reached by that time. .,
Inability of .senators opposing the
resolution to secure pairs with mem- "
bers supporting it also threatened a
fight to defer a vote. -
Suffrage supporters were loath.'in
view of the admitted closeness of the
vote, to deplete their strength bv sun- "
plying the necessary pairs as a two- .
thirds vote is required and in pairings
two advocates of the resolution are -required
to pair with but one oppo
nent. . . ,
Seats in the senate galleries were at
a premium tonight and an early rush
was regarded assured.
Italians Given First
Chance to Join Army
Eureka, Cal., June 26. Italians will. -compose
entirely the next draft con- .
tingent from this vicinity, it was an-f ,
nounced by the local exemption boar4
today. ' . ' v