Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1918, Page 2, Image 2
'.v .1. . . ' . , mm BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1918. "A BERLIN WILLING TO EXCHANGE OF. WAR PRISONERS U. S. and Germany Plan Con ference Relative tc Agree ment Which Will Include . Treatment of Soldiers. . Washington, - June '25. Germany lias been asked through Spanish di plomaticchanneli to send represen tatives to Berne,Switzerland, to meet American representatives there on August 5 to discuss maintenance, i treatment and exchange of prisoners, In response to a proposal from the State department the German gov ernment recently signified it agree ment in principle to such a confer ence. v The United States also has asked Germany to permit a Swiss commis sion to visit German prison camps to determine what American prison ers may be classed as invalids and released for internment in Switzer land. Reciprocal privileges are promised. ' . The State department made public today a communication from the Swiss government consenting to re ceive invalided Americans and intern them until the end of the war. It was announced that the proposal to the German government was sjent through the Spanish ambassador at i Berlin June 15 and that no report had been received up to this date. Vr VICTORY FOR ALLIES" . CALLED DREAM BY GERIJAN MINISTER (CoaUaoea Brest rate One.)', - ' One of the most remarkable utter anees of the foreign secretary was a v declaration in which he placed the onus for starting the war on Russia, with France and Great Britain next in wder-ctopable.?.r.v -v. r; Von Kuehlmann't Speech. Amsterdam June 25,Germany's t war ainu were briefly set forth, peace , . ideal outlined,,, the idea that she de sired to aecure world domination ' through the war disclaimed, and the responsibility for the conflict pri marily placed 'tipon Russia by Dr, , Kicnara von Kuehlmann, the German foreign secretary: in a speech td the . Reichstag in Berlin yesterdays While declaring that what Va de sired tor the Oerman people and their alliei waa "a free, strong, indepen dent existence," within the boundaries drawn for them "by history," the for. ' eign secretary said Germany' would have to decline to make anar prior concessions by stating its position as to Belgium in a way which would bind it without similarly binding Ger many's enemies. . x Denies World Control. , Referring to the responsibility for the wart' at he viewed it, Dr. Von .JK.uehJmann said : . , , I do not believe any responsible man in Germany, not even the em peror himself or the members of the imperial government,, ever, for a mo ment believed they could win the - domination of Europe by starting this war,4 The idea of world domination in Europe is Utopian, - as , proved by Napoleon. viS 'i'.U;j".'!;il,jri ' After declatlnr that thereteltion that had been made showed Russia as the power which planned and desired the war, with France abetting it and En eland's attitude strengthening the Russian desire for conflict, Dr. yon Kuehlmann, again declared that ; Ger many hid not entertained toy belief that this war could; lead even to the domination of Europe -and much less ; mat or, we worOj , -a.11 t Holds Germany Cannot Be Beaten. "For so lonsr," said Dr. von Kuehl mann; "as Ivery overture is regarded i by others as a peace offensive as a 1 trap or as something false for the pur pose of sowing disunion between the allies, so long as every attempt at a - , rapproencroem is at once violently oc nounced by the enemies of a ran prochement in the various countries, v so long will it be impossible to see N -' how any exchange of ideas leading to peace, can be begun, " , "In view of the magnitude of the war and the number of powers, includ. - ing those from overseas, that are en gaged, its end can hardly be expected through purely military , decisions . alone and without recourse to diplo matic negotiatiohs. w "Our position on the battle fields, : our enormous military resources, the The Weather For Nebraska Generally fair Wed nesday and Thursday, preceded by un. settiea in east portion; cooler on .weaneaaay. ;,. :'v,-; ; . Temperatures at Omaae TMtenUr, ,.: -. Hour. ;. rjg. , a, ra it r a. m, ( v T a. m..,. ,.,, ST S s, m. a. ro.,, ,.n 11 . tn.. 1 1 m tt i m ii P. m.... st . i p. m... si , 4 p. m. .......... ii , P. m ii S p. in.,...,..,., it f P. m.. tl I fc Bi ST Comparative toeal Record. , ms.. isit. mi. itu. mgnm yestsraay , 14 , it wm reiieraay ,.,.17 si , jhosb temperature ,,..71 SI 71 74 Precipitation ....II .01 Lit .00 T.mptrtture and precipitation departures irom in norma l umehe pine Usrea 1 normal temprtur ,,..,.,,,,,,., 74 excm tor tM day .......,......,,... 4 ioi axora ame Mtrea, 11T. ...... .Ill normal . prcipitauo .17 InBh' Rxceaa lor tha day ai inrh ToUl ralafall line March 1....7 41 lnhi rflclncy alnca March 1 1.Tl Inchet uanciaacy xar, cor. parted; HIT.. .41 Inch Vtflolracy toj cor. period, 1I1I..I.0I lncbai Beporta Trm SUtloai at 7 p. u. fUtlon and 6tata Tamp. Hlfh. Bain 01 wtainar. t p. m, Chayeooa, cloudy ...... II Davenport, eloody ...... 74 . Unvr. p't cloudy ,...10 15 Koinuw. clear ......14 Iandar, clear ....,,....14 .' North Platte, clear ,..T0 Omaha, clear ..........II Paaclo, cloudy t ........ 8 1 . Rapid City, p't cloudy ..TS . Salt tak Clty clear ,.S8 ftanta F, cloudy ......74 tSharldan. clear .,.....,.10. Flows Oty, clear ....... .4 Valentin, clear eat. (all .00 .04 .00 .01 .OK ,00 .11 .00 ' T. .00 ,11 " .01 .01 .01 T Indicate traoe of precipitation. ' - . . . I A.1 WELSH, mttecrolociat. mm situation ana tne determination at home permit us to use such language We hope our enemies perceive that, in view of our resources, the idea of vie tory for the entente is a dream." Emperors in Agreement. in Austria-Hungary, said ut. von Kuehlmann, "that brilliant representa tive of her foreign policy, Count Czcr nin, retired because of internal polit ical reasons. His . successor, Baron Burian, is a well tried diplomat, whose loyalty, friendship and devotion to the alliance were assured from the outset. "It is also to be reckoned among Baron Burian's services," Dr. von Kuehlmann went on, "that an in terview between the two emperors oc curred at main headquarters, which history will record as momentous in shaping the relations between Ger many and Austria-Hungary. Both the emperors, in the presence of leading statesmen, assured each other solemn ly that they would not only loyally abide by the existlnur alliance, but that they also intended to strengthen, widen and deepen it in political, mili tary and economic directions. "With Bulgaria too," continued the foreign secretary, frecent events, es pecially the peace negotiations, have facilitated the drawing closer of manv personal and political ties. It is a matter of regret that Premier Rados-l.-.vofl recently resigned. The explicit assurances of his successor and the king are a guarantee to us that there will be no change in the policy hith erto followed." Dr. von Kuehlmann again .went into the subject of negotiations between Turkey and Bulgaria, and added:' . , "But there does not exist any con flict in interest between us and Tur- key."' " .' ,.; ..... Dr. von Kuehlmann announced that within the next few days a confer, ence would .be held at Constantinople, where the questions that had arisen between the quadruple alliance and "the Caucasian people would find a settlement.", f Polish Question Difficult. i ? Dealing with the Question of Po land, Dr. von Kuehlmann said that not only was the Polish question in herently a difficult one, but the almost inseparable connection between it and the solution of the economic ques tions existent between Austria-Hun-gzry and Germany had so far prevent ed the attairtment of a definite result. "I believe, however," said the for. eign minister, .'"that before there are general peace negotiations in Europe, the zealous efforts of the statesmen concerned will result in their suc ceeding in finding 'a solution accept able td all parties. , '"In south Russia, our occupation of the Crimea gave rise to certain inci dents respecting , the Russian fleet, but these nave been satisfactorily settled."'..,-' ,, f The foreign secretary said an agree ment had been reached wherebv the fortifications on the Aland islands, in tne $amc, were to be removed, but that a final decision had not yet been reached regarding the future of the islands. Russian Situation Uncertain. With reference to Russia Dr Kuehlmann said! , von "It is impossible to believe that the great process of fermentation and wlM l.n..l.. 4 -r dr.. ing forces which the disappearance of the craristic , power released has reached permanent equilibrium. ,AI1 conditions in the .former empires of the, war must to a certain extent be described as uncertain. Our policy, in view of the situation, is close observa tion and utmost caution and so far ii purely internal anairs are concerned. correspondingly wise. "in Finland the battle has been dc- TpHE present-day spirit ia to 6elect the car you would choose if you were allowed only one more in your lifetime. ' "' The sleeve-valve motor makes possible automobile eervice of the highest quality perpetuated over a long period of time. Omaha, cided in favor of the party which was striving for Finland's independ ence. The soil of Finland has been cleared of red guards and everything points to Finland being about to e yelop that high culture which is hers in the form of an independent state." "By the treaty of Brest-Litovsk," continued Dr. von Kuehlmann, "Cour land and Lithuania were severed from the Russian empire. It was from the outset clear to the negotiators that the partition of the Balticy region by the line fixed in the peace treaty was bound to create an extraordinarily dif ficult situation." "It was hard for the Ltti noou- lation to endure the prospect of being cut up. The historical internal co hesion of the entire Baltic resrion sue- gested at that time objections against me uussiiJiuiy 01 a lasunz scnara tion between Livonia, Esthonia and L-ourland. "In agreement with the entire Ger man public, we resolved to fcive ear to Livonia's appeal for help and re place the reign of terror carried on by the red 'guards by a reign of peace and order. The inhabitants of these provinces, mindful of the misgovern- ment and terrible sufferines which they must endure, turned to the Ger man authorities " . After referring to the discussion which hd taken place with the soviet government, Dr. von Kuehlmann said that a conference was about to take place in .Berlin under his presidency. at which an attempt would be made to bring about friendly agreement on all points still pending. I can express the hooe that the discussions will completely corres pond wirli! the requirements and wishes of thet populations there and the interests", of the German neonle. the secretary added. Forecasts Further Successes. Speaking of the military situation. the secretary said that victories had fiven the Germans the initiative in ranee, and he continued "we can hope that the summer and autumn will bring to our arms a new and great success. ; The Austro-Hunsanan irmv akn has in a dashing onslaught attacked the , Italian positions and 'achieved noteworthy successes ,and . pinned down large and important enemy forces on that front. When one makes a wide survev of events, one must ask whether the war, according to human calculations, will last beyond the autumn or the winter or beyond next year. There is a common idea vamong the people that the length of the war is some. 1 FRELING !& STEINLE 'J. .... - t t. . .1 , .. V " I .. . , v Omaha's Beit Baggage Builders . : 1803 Farnam St i , l ' I S US ' 1 . Quiet and ' It is) rowerfiil J has no clashing luMB., uu springs yj WCK- en.andnovalvestopitorto require frequent grinding. The supreme leadershipof this type of motor is undis-N puted. t v - , f , . It h the only type that improves with use. torn, loarfaf tm i if U, (oarni car Van Brunt Automobile Co. Distributors' : v ".. Council Bluff, la. thing absolutely new, as if the author itative quarters had in our time never reckoned on a very long war. This idea is incorrect" "Despite the brilliant successes of our arms," continued the secretary, "there has been nowhere clearly rec ognizable among our enemies readi ness for peace. The German govern ment has repeatedly laid down ts standpoint in declarations intended for the widest publicity. Our enemies have nothing to show that can in any way compare with the' German peace offer, or with the reply to the papal note. the declaration of our enemies, especially of English statesmen, allow as yet no peaceful ray of light to tall on the darkness of this war." Take Steps to Organize Auto-Truck Freight Lines ' Preliminary steps were taken to or ganize an extensive auto truck freight service between Omaha and surround ing towns at a meeting of truck own ers last night at the Chamber of Com merce. The meeting was called by Manager Gillan of the Industrial bureau. He explained the idea, which is to have a central office in Omaha, where freight may .be booked for various towns so that when a truck comes to Omaha with a load it can take a load on the return trip also if there is freight going in that direction. Mr, Gillan stated that truck serv ice is already in operation between Omaha and Fremont, Missouri Valley and Plattsmouth.vAll are good roads with the exception of about a mile near the river on the Plattsmouth road. 1 Other desirable routes mentioned are between Omaha and the following towns: Lincoln, on the Omaha-Lincoln-Denver road; Fremont, on the Lincoln highway; Tekamah, on the Washington highway; Creston, la., on the Blue Grass road, and Avoca, la., on the River-to-River road. Another meeting will be called soon to take further steps , Italian General Promoted To Command for Leadership ; . . By Associated Press. Italian Army Headquarters, June 25. -General Badoglfo, chief of staff to General Diaz, has been promoted by the king .to the rank of an army commander as an expression of the king's satisfaction with ' the present offerations. Gerieral . Badoglio will remain in his present position. This beautiful heavy padded, lift-top ; ; Hartmanh Trunk, $32.50 Tlii& Trunk has 10 hang ers inside enough for all purposes. . ' ' !, Four large, roomy drawers, compartment for shoes and laundry bag. A thoroughly well-made Trunk at a very moderate price.' s . . fWkl parts to ... I I ' v- I - Tornado in Missouri . . Jakes Toll of Five Lives UnionvilIet Mo.,une 25 A tornado south of Green City, Mo. last night took a total of five lives, injured a number of others and destroyed much property. The dead are: William White, Mrs. William White, Mrs. Bina Abemathy, Flint Johnson and Mrs. Bernese Smart. THOMPSON.BE1LHEN Qhe fashion Cetitet Jor iZlfomorf? Handkerchiefs A Plenty x With summer and its vaca tion days-j-most women are laying in a supply of ker chiefs to last the season. Plain all .linen 9c, 20c, 25c Initialed styles 25c, 35c 50c Embroidered, 25c, 35c, 50c Every one is all pure linen which is worth considering carefully. Summer Gloves Fownes" and Kayser's silk gloves in white, gray, mastic and black, 756 to $1.25. Washable fabric gloves, 75c and $1. ' Children's Hosiery Misses' ribbed lisle hose in black and white, sizes 6, 7, 29c; sizes 8-9, 35c . i Children's socks in a great vari ety of styles and colors. Moder ate in price. ' Women's Union Suits Silk top suits in pink and white. A pleasing style ,at a sensible price$1.50j extra sizes, $1.75. Wednesday Specials Phantom Cloth, 50c quality (40 inch), $4.75 a bolt of 10 yards. Sea Island Nainsook, 45c No. 500 quality (36-inch), $4-25 bolt of 10 yards. . ' Mil...- 1, Refihish) the Berry Way YpU can produce a show room finish on your car at a nominal expense with Berry Brothers Auto Color Varnishes and be your own finisher no skilled help is required. These auto varnishes are made in all the standard colors and black and white, so that you can get exactly the color combination you prefer with quick service and no finish er's bill to pay. s , .....- 1 , ? . ' ' r . By adopting the "Berry' way instead of sending your car to the repair shop you can get a fine finish and perhaps save enough n the operation to buy a liberty bond. .Come in and get an illustrated folder giving color combinations and quanti ties of material required, and simple directions for the amatuer finisher. DOWNTOWN DEALERS t Milton-Rogers eVSon Co., Johnson Hdw. Co., Motor Supply Co., Love Burr Co.. Sample-Hart Motor Co., DEALERS IN NORTH PART OF TOWNi Saratoga Drug Co., H. Howard, S. H. Kats, L. RJ Spencer & Son, W. B. NichoU. Knecht Hdw. Store, DEALERS IN NORTHWEST PART OF TOWN: Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th & Cuming E. Mead, , 2202 Military. Oalloway Garage, 1402 Military. DEALERS IN SOUTH OMAHA: Fred Parks, 4622 S. 24th. Novelty Repair C., 4809 S. 24th. DEALERS IN BENSON: C O. Hurd. ' DEALERS IN SOUTH PART OF TOWN: E. Karsch & Co., Cor. Vinton A Elm Sta. Hibbeler A Co., 2010-12 Vinton St. DEALERS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS: Ole Rasmussen, 347 W. Broadway. ' ; J. B. Long, 31 S. Main St. H. Borwick, 211 S. Main St. O. H. Brown, 62S S. Main St. DISTRIBUTED BY NELSON-?ARP PAINT CO. " Manufacturers of SUNLIGHT PAINT Tel. Dou. 9049. OMAHA. 209-11 S. 1 1th St. 1 ;:ra;M;:r::::;:;:iKsgiait Sagl Becomes Banker. From, Sufi Correspondent Lincoln, June 25. (Special.) An ton Sagl, for some time chief clerk in the office of Governor Neville, and who later resigned to accept a posi tion a examiner in the insurance de partment, Jias resigned that job, hav ing purchased an interest in the Lan caster State bank at Waverly. Tailored Suits for For traveling and vacation wear, for every outing occa- sipna suit is quite indispens able. The model's now shown are of light weight serge, gab ardine and Poire twills, v Fashionable models that will ; give the most satisfactory sort ' of service. . " $23.50, $31.50, $37.50 Excellent values in a comprehen sive but somewhat limited selec tion. V Wash Blouses No Wardrobe can claim completeness without the inclusion of several dainty wash blouses. The newest ones are ready for $2.95 to $5.95. Outing Dress $5.00 If ( you motor or picnic this dress will interest you. It clearly shows how attrac tive and practical an outing dress can be at a sensible price $5. ' In the Basement bur Car ISIS Harney St. 1217 Farnam St. 1917 Farnam St. 2412 Farnam St. 18th & Burt St. 24th. eV Amu. 3010 N. 24th. 1418 N. 24th. 24th & Fort. 24th eV Lake. 1913 Clark St. '). testes III I - i ... i a 8 fa Zabriskie Appointeu Sugar Administrator Washington, June 25. Food Admin istrator Hoover has selected G. .A. Zabriskie of the milling division -pi the administration to become sugai administrator and direct enforcement of drastc new sugar regulations, whiciiJ are announced shortly. eScefivX juiy i. .- Summer Smart, Comfortable Healthful This is the Corset age. No ' ,gown how ever simple or, elaborate is properly set off without its back ground, the corset, being ' correct. Red fern is the highest exponent, of Cor set art; it is the inspiration for all style designers. Its youthful lines .lure appreciated by every woman who wears a Redfern., $3.50 Upward , Expertly Fitted u. 'InlllllllllllllNllllllliilllDillilnilillllllllllllllllitllltllllllMIIIIII MOVING PACKING STORAGE ;1 OMAHA "AN & STORAGE CO. Phone Doug. 4163. 806 So. 16th St S ' ' - iilllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllIIIIIIHll J. for Sales with Pictures that tell Your Just One Application . and the Hairs Vanish - (toilet Talk) ' Any woman can keep her skin free' from unsightly hair or fuzz if she will follow these simple instructions: When hairy growths appear, apply a simple, paste, made by mixing soma water with powdered delatone. Apply this to hairy surface and after 2 or 8 Sinutes rub off, wash the skin and . e hairs are gone. This ia a harm less treatment, but be sure you get the real delatone. Adv. , FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Heme Cure That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Law ef Time. ' We have a New Mtthod thst core Asthma, and we want ou to try it at our expense. No matter whether rear ease Is ot lone standing or recent devclovment. whether it -Is present as Hay Fever or chronic asthma, you should send for a free trial ot our method. Ne matter in wnat climate you ' live, no matter what your age or occupa tion, if you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. - We especially want to send H to those apparently hopeless eases, where all forms of inhslers, douches, opium preparations, fames, "patent smokes," etc, have failed We want to show everyone at our own es pen so, that this new method is desicnedt ten md all difficult breathing, all wheesiaaY and all those terrible paroxysms at ence and for all time. ' This free offer is too important to neelesi a single day. Write now and then beyin the method at once. Bend no money. 8 imply mmu coupon nwv. in it ooay. - ' FREE ASTHMA COUPON .1 FRONTIER ASTHMA CO, Boom S41-T. Niagara and Hudson fits Buffalo, M. T. V Send free trial ef your method oi ' ' - ..... v.. Mr..... ..........,..,. f .... .i T' 4 S- GQ J 1 A life"" .' It):::, y Fi, 4