Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Little Mexican Girl to Wed
' Man Held by Officers;
All Trouble Disappears'
in Offing.
Tears changed to smiles, and the
.silver' lining suddenly appeared
through the cloud that had cast its
.shadow over the hopes of Lucy Alba,
., pretty 14-year-old Mexican girl, as she
' sat in the 'office of Police Captain
" Vanous, South Side station, Monday
i afternoon, and listened to an agent
" of the Department of Justice tell her
.- fiance, Alfonzo Servantes, that he
would escape prosecution on a charge
of white slavery if he would niarrjr
the girly immediately,
s Lucy was willing, .lfonzo was
more lhati willing. With the con
sent of the girl's mother, who, with
T.nrv'e hrntltpr ram. tr Omalia last
' Wednesday to search for her daugh
, ter who disappeared with Alfonzo
iu from the home in Kansas City a
'.v month ago, why shouldn't life take on
a rosy hue?
Lucy wiped a tear from her big
black eyes and smiled coyly a( her
"lover, as the' pair, acconipaniecl by
- Lucy's mother and brother, started
t Jor the court house to obtain a mar-
riage license. '
Brie) City News
- 0
"Uncle Si" Injured
In Auto Accident
At Illinois Home
M.-D. Huston, familiarly known at
: ;he stockyards as "Uncle Si" was
. Seriously injured in an automobile, ac-
cident at Monmouth, 111., last Friday,
, tccording to word received by Omaha
f 'riends Monday.
Mr. Huston is 75 jears old, and was
' t veteran stock and feeder dealer at
v the Exchange building urrtil two
v'cars ago, when he retired and moved
- Jack to his old home in Monmouth.
The message stated that he was
v run down by an automobile, which
massed over him, breaking his right
y eg and one rib and lacerating his
..Viace and hands.
Heavy Cattle Sale Record
Made on Market Monday
.A load of extra heavy pulp fed
- cattle from the Great Western Sugar
I company, ScottsblurT, Neb., brought
,'$18 per 100 pounds on the South Side
market Monday, equaling the rec
V ord for heavy cattle. - The- cattle
- averaged 1,669 pounds. This was the
third load of choice steers from the
Great Western Sugar company to
bring, top prices.
.Negro Held on Charges
" Brought by Young Negress
Fred McCain, negro, 32 years old,
!$P5 P street, was taken into custody
. oy federal 'officials Monday for in-
vestigation iu connection with the
xstimony ot Jessie brown, negress,
22 years old, who told the officers that
McCain had broucht her from Okla-
' t jorna to umana last March, and that
! , since that time they have lived as
1. J ' r i . .
nan anu wne at ine aDove aaaress.
Have Boot Print lv-Nw Beaeaa Press
Elev. Fans S8, Burgess-Granden Co.
J. C. Bixby & Son Co. have the con
tract for installing the plumbing in
Tabor Hall, Tabor college, Tabor, la.
Children's Party Today A chil
dren's party- will be held thU, after
noon at the Happy Hollow club. It
Is a special affair for the youngsters
of the membes' families.
Fined for Drunkenness A. L. Pat
tie, 4743 North Fortieth street, and 3,
L. Wagner, 2022 Harney street, were
fined $100 and costs, each, on charges
of drunkenness, in police court Mon
day morning.
Arrives Safely In France Charles
Reselman, who left Camp Funston,
Kan., recently, has informed his
father, William R. Reselman, 1458
South Eighteenth street, of his sat,e
arrival in France.
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlands.
Omaha Boy Scouts Leave
For Camp Near Decatur
Omaha Boy Scouts, 100 strong, de
parted yesterday morning for Camp
Welsh, near Decatur, Neb., where
the second annual Boy Scout encamp
ment will be held. The camp will last
10 days and, although several courses
in scout lore are planned for the boys,
opportunities for plenty of real boys'
play will be had.
A, large crowd is expected at the
camp next Sunday, which is visitors'
day. Although the boys will obey
Hoover's orders to the letter during
the week, on Sunday all food ad
ministrators will be forgotten in the
consumption of the goodies from
Leaves to Visit Son.
Mrs. John F.ggleson, Nineteenth
and Washington streets, and Mrs.
George Eggleston, sr., Forty-sixth
and Q streets, , left Sunday to visit
the latter's son, George, jr.,-at'Camp
Cody, N. M.x After a short visit
there, Mrs. John Eggleston will go
to join her husband, who is stationed
at Camp Fremont, Cal.
Girl Accused of Assault.
Mary Micella, 1121 Horth Eight
eenth street, was arrested Monday on
complaint of Sabastian Fisewero,
1 1 37 J-i i North Seventeenth street. She
is charged with assault and battery.
It is. alleged that the girl bit a chunk
out of Sebastian's cheek during a re
cent quarrel. The girl alleges that
the act was in self-defense as she was
being threatened with a gun.
cll mention 1 due to Vera Berliner, fre
quently called "The Kubelik In Petticoats."
The terrtfio struggle of a flrl to keep
pur In the unconventional society of New
York' Bohemia 1 told In the William Fox
photoplay "The Scarlet Road." In which
Oladyj Brockwell takes the leading role.
Strand Dorothy Dalton In "Tyrant rear"
It the daughter of a French Canadian In a
land where women are mere chattels. 8old
by her father to Juice Latour. a brutal
trapper, who eubeequently (ambles her
away to James Dermont, the keeper ot a
Tile resort in a gold settlement, she Is here
befriended by a besotted pianist, who had
one seen better days In a deep drift ot
snow they unearth the body of Latour. her
husband, and finally she finds happiness In
the love of the pianist, who, through love ot
her. has forsworn drinking and again found
his manhood.
Muse Clara Kimball Toung will be the-
offerlng today for the last times In "The
Claw," a thrilling story ot the African
veldt, in which Miss Toung charms man
and beast. She Is surrounded by a capable
cast, including MUton Sills, and as usual,
wears many charming gowns. Wednesday
comes Norma Talmadge In a return en
gagement of 'The Ghosts of Testerday."
Lathrop Henry Walthall In ths comedy
drama, "liumdruio Brown" will bs her to
day only. In ibe part of a business wan
with little Interest In things outside of his
office and eats, morning, and evening, Wal
thall portrays the awakening of Brown. The
story of Ins romance, how he changes into
a speedy and romantlo lover. Is a cllver
bit of characterization and a picture full
of action and laughs On Wednesday and
Thursday will be seen Louise Glaum In "An
Allen Enemy," a photodrama of great
power and dramatic situations.
Rolilff "The Heart of a Lion." with, Wil
liam Farnum In the leading role, will be
shown hero today and tomorrow. The play
is a virile tale of real men and shown with
spirit and action by this western star. The
play carries with it a lively love theme,
which ends happily. On Thursday will be
shown llaruarila Fischer in "The Primitive
Apollo Alice Brady In "Thr Knife," 'one
of the strongest drams of the year with
Miss Brady, will he shown here for the
last times today. The star has made the
most of the play in bringing out the dra
matic ICHfUlt'S BI1U A vivm Diwt J .,. wv....
' built of tho plot. The work of the support-
i . . i . , . .11.-- nrariu h-tner
INK CaL IS KUUU, j.nuj
frtiinfltA iii havlne had a number of the
members of the company with her for some
in the Silent Drama
Rialto In the "Fall of the Romanoffs"
is offered one of the finest of the
dramas of the Russian revolution. The plsry
centers about Rasputin, "the black" monk"
of Russia who was such a power In the
palace of the emperor. Illlodor, who plays
the leading part In the drama, was a close
personal friend and confident of Rasputin
and through his efforts the directors of
the play have been able to put Into the
play an amount of local atmosphere that
would have been Impossible ' had they not
had at hand some one who was famllar
with every detail of the life of Rasputin
and the life of the czar's household.
Sun Clara Williams in "Carmen of the
Klondike" depicts one of the most stirring
of tho powerful dramas of the northwest
whlch,4iave been produced. She takes the
part of Dorothy Harlen, a former vaude
ville actress, who goes to, Alaska to meet
her fianCae. who Is a young attorney start
ing In Skagway. On the boat she Is ap
proached by "Silk" McDonald of unenviable
reputation, aud when she repulses him he
swears to get even. His revenge Is taken
by making her lover, Cameron Stewart, ap
pear untrue to br when Stewart has gone
on a gold rush with the rest of the men
of Skagway. Among the thrilling scenes
of the play Is a knockdown fist fight be
tween Stewart and McDonald, which takes
several hundred feet of film and is one
of the best fight pictures ever produced
The scenes of the fight are laid In a burn
Ing building, from which the men rush
into the muddy street and battle in the
drlvng rain and ankle deep In mud while
crowd of miners, dance hall girls and
gamblers look on.
Empress "Makers of History," which
headlines the bill at the Empress for the
first half of the week, deserves the applause
It has received at every performance. Spe-
' Ideal "The House of Hate," In episode
No. 12, will be the big part of he program
for today with Antonio Moreno and Pearl
White In the leading roles. On Wednesday
will be shown Jullen Eltinge In "The Clever
Mrs. Fairfax," an interesting comedy drama
with Eltinge in his Impersonation of a
woman In the leading character. Tha big
feature of the week will be the Friday and
Saturday showing of "Tarzan of tha Apes"
with a children's matinee on Friday,
Grand Pearl White and Antonio Moreno
in the fourth episode of the serial, i'The
House of Hate," will be the feature 'for
Tuesday here with the Pathe news also on
the program. . "The House of Hate" Is one
of tho best of the mystery drama serials the
character of the i'hooded terror" lending
an added Interest tl a complicated plot. On
Wednesday will, be shown Ethel Clayton In
The Journey's End," a stirring comedy
drama and love story.
Alhambra William Farnum In "Rough
and Ready" will be seen here for the last
times, today. This Is one ot the favorite
plays of this star of western cowboy films
and he is certainly at home in his portrayal
of the life and actions of the hero of
the cattlemen. On Wednesday here will be
shown the Pathe news and Gladys Paulette
in "A Crooked Romance."
Girls! Make bleaching
lotion if skin is sunburn
ed, tanned or freckled
siinoio the iuice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White, shake well, and
you have a quarter pint of the best
freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and
complexion, beautifier, at very, very
small cost.
. Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ' ounces of Orchard
White for a few cents. Massage
this sweetly fragrant lotion into the
face, neck, arms and hands each day
and see how freckles, sunburn, wind
burn and tan disappear and how clear,
soft and white the skin becomes; Yes!
It is harmless. Adv.
One-Minute ,
. Store Talk
The world war is making
?"men thrifty, making them
look ahead, as one man said:
'r "We must finance our-.
selves; no one will do it
for us. I'm going to re
. trench right now by en
trenching myselfNirith a
.. good supply of service
able clothes. Judgment i
v tells me that now's the
s time to buy."
Are You Making ,N
the Most of Greater
7- Nebraska Values?
Victory Values
en's Wear
CorrriftteJ1 1917
BnwJeJeerKincaW tio&c
-T71CT0RY is won, not by a sin
V gle success, but by hard
fought advances, step by step,
over a period ot time.
Brandegee Kincaid
- , .
have won victory because step by
step, for 50 years they have main
tained their position in the frontline.
The worth and value of their genuine Fabrics, faultless
Styles, and precise Tailoring have won them a repu
tation much envied by tailoring, establishments.
These are indeed clothes you will like
living with, and your satisfaction, will
be the greater because theym are- (fctf) K
co moderately priced . . . $ & Q
Others at $30, $35, $10, $45 '.
Men's and Youn Men's Clothinr Entire
decond Floor Main Building and Annex
m-M JlW-v wv - II
ii iii iikjijijjjjiijii4
...... - - -- "
Store Hours:
8:30 A. M.
to 5 P. M.
BujRGEss-ta tow s-:
Store Hours:
30 A.M.
5 P.M.
Monday; June 24, 1918-
-Phone Douglas 137
; A day of thrift in these times of high cosVof living. Every section of this big service store contributes
extreme values in merchandise of practical and want ed sorts.
Men's Sport Shirts
at 2 for $1.00
An assortment including
tan and white shirts that are
ideal for picnic and vacation
wear FaSt col- J J QQ
ors; two for...
Burfeii-Nath Co.
Down Stairs Store
Smartly Trimmed Hats
A limited number of trim
med hats will be placed on
sale Tuesday, which are
wonderful values at the ri
diculously low 2 QQ
Burftit-Nash Co. Second Floor
Coutil Corset Special
Low bust, long skirt,
free hip, double steel bon
ing. Made of firm coutil,
two pair supporters. Sizes
Burgeii-Nash Co.
Down Stairs Store
White Porcelain Bowls
A four-piece set of f""
1 ...1. n,UUt nnl.- ' 4
UUVV1B VI r Illta yvi-
celain with blue
band trimming.
Sizes 6, 7, 8 and 9
inch. The complete
Burtasi'Naih Co. Down Stairs Stors
r1 w .. mrm
Children's Dresses at
Including those of gingham, per
cale and lawn, in a variety of col
ors. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Special,
Tuesday, two $1,Q0
Burf.M-Naih Co. Down Stairs Store
4 Pair $1
Choice of black, tan,
gray, palm beach and white
cotton hose. Slightly imper
fects, but wonderful values.
9 to 11. Tuesday, at
;rrrs s1-00
. Bure-Nh Co. Main Floor
Women's Union Suits
F7.mea II
A very special Value for
dollar day. Low neck and
I knee length union suits..
Burgeit-Naeh Co. Main Floor
Complete Map Outfit
Consisting of extra large size
triangle shape oil mop; 1
chemically treated duster, t
chemically treated broom
and large bottle d Art
cedar oil polishl V aUU
Burfess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
A Column of
Sport Silks
An assortment of plain and fancy
pongee sport silks. Very d1 A A
special at, a yard P 1 W
V (Main Floor)
Writing Paper
Three boxes of high-grade linen writ
ing paper in white or colors. Spe-
it. T.Td"y: $1.00
(Main Floor)
Why. Pan fr
50 sheets of wax paper in a roll;
a 1 Y"l 11 A . 4fe 4
priced special ior iAmar u iim
Day, 12 rolls for 11.VU
(Main Floor) j
Men8 Shirts
Negligee shirts in soft and stiff cuff
Btyles. Others with collar attached.
Splendid values J QQ
" " (Main Floor)
Men's Handkerchiefs
Large hemstitched cambric handker
chiefs, slightly soiled, from regular
stock, and specially M AA
priced, 10 for ........
(Main Floor)
Wash Goods
36 and 40-inch wash goods for sum
mer dresses. Large assortment of
patterns and colors; QQ
6 yards gt.irj stpro)
Coffee Boilers
All white enamele'd coffee boilers,
seamless; first quality; J1 A A
No. 9 size, at f 1 ,UU
(Down Stalra Store)
Coffee Pots
Seamless, all white enameled coffee
pots, first quality; CI 00
5-quart size at P 'vrv
(Down Stairs Store)
Wash Voiles N
40-inch fancy imported wash voiles
in all the most wanted d 1 A A
shades. Special, yard. . . . V
(Main Floor)
Draoeru Materials
tains; brown, blue, green, etc.; s
and 36-inch; 3 yards $ J QQ
(Down Stalra Store)
Marquisette Curtains
Beige color marquisette curtains.
34 inches wide, 2M yards long; hem
stitched edge, $1,00
pair .... ,JrJl,glJrt start)
Kimono Crepe
'Serpentine kimono crepe, lignt
grounds wun norni ueoKB
stripes. B yards $1.00
(Down Stalra Store)
Glass Baskets
Cut glass handled baskets with pretty
floral cuttings; special, d1 A A
Dollar Day .....l.W
- (Down Stairs Stora)
Sherbet Glasses
Footed sherbets, colonial pattern:
which are very specially priced
ffSf: ...:.$ l.oo
(Down Stairs Stors)
Stone Jars
B-gallon stone jars with cover, just
The right size for preserv- d 1 A A
ing eggs. Special ...... f " V
(Down Stairs Store)
Fancy Silks
Jap silk in a variety of patterns and
a wide selection of colors. J 1 A A
Priced, a yard V 1 vU
Burgesi-Naih Co. Main Floor
Clothes Hampers
Elm splint clothes hampers with cov
er, 23 inches high. Spe- d1 A A
cially priced at P X .WW
(Down Stairs Store)
Sugar and Creamer
Pretty shaped cut glass sugar and
cream sets, in assorted d1 A A
cuttings. Special, a set, P vr V
(Down Stairs Store)
"Burson" Hose
Women's black, white and ere am col
or Burson cotton hose, seconds;
splendid values at, QQ
pair "(ntoJm'stair Store)
Fiber Hose
Men's fiber silk hose in black aud
white, double heel and d1 A A
toe. Special, 4 pair P 1 .V V
. (Down Stairs Store)
Wash. Neckwear
Men's washobls four-ic-hands in d va
riety of patterns. SpeciaJ QQ
k (Down Stairs Store) ,
Children8 Hose
Sample cotton hose for children,
black or white; fin rib- d1 A A
bed; special, 4 pair.... vA.vrvl
(Main Floor)
White Cups & Saucers
6 Pair $1.00
For Tuesday we
offer white semi-'
porcelain cups and
saucers in fancy shapes, specially d 1 ff
priced, at 6 pair for P1 "vl
Burcess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora
Pure Thread Silk Hose
3 Pair $1
An assortment of women's
pure thread silk hose, seam
less, seconds; also women's
black, white and colored cot
ton hose, at 8 d1 AA
pairs for ...... Vl.vU
BurtM-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora
Men's Silk tieckwear
3 for $1.00gT
A splendid selection of silk
neckwear, open-end, four-in-hand,
bright colors and pretty
patterns. Specially priced for
Tuesday, at three $J QQ
BurgeM-Nuh Co. Main Floor
Enameled Tea Kettles
All white enameled
seamless tea kettles of
first quality. No. 7 and
9 sizes. Very specially
priced for
Tuesday, ea
Burisif-Naeh Co.
Down Stairs Stors
Leather Handbags at
Your choice of several
styles of hand bags "and flat
strap purses,' in seal and
morocco grain leather. Tues
dayspecial, at, $ 1 00
Burf.M-Naih Co. Msln Floor
Aluminum, Set Special
Wear-ever al
uminum sets con
sisting of 2-qr,
covered pan with
handles and 1V
lipped sauce pan.
The set, at
Burf ess-Nsth Co.' Down Stairs Stor.
Athletic Union Suits
2 for $1.00
Made of pin check
nainsook, closed
crotch style, with
elastic back. Sizes
34 to 46. Extreme
values, at 2 suits for
Burgeis.Nuh Co. Down Stairs Start
Crepe Toilet Paper
17 Rolls $1.00
17 rolls of crepe tissue toilet
paper for $1.00 is a very spe-
cially priced item for Tues
day dollar day in the Down
stairs Store. . .
Burgeti-Naih Co. -Downstairs
Star '