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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1918)
s - . - : ' . ' - - - - -. . . S - THE BEE: UMAHA, : MOWVAY, JUNE 24, 1318. 1 " 1 " ' i . . ' v - ; ; ; , BRINGING - I I I UR,Lv.euT,T II I I T O I ' iS7 I I ?. I ,,-.-- -V 1 FATHER JfLl JS i'"''. Copyright 1117. , IntaraatlonaJ esmca. )rawn for The Bee, by, George McManus i . vi c i i i i-i'O'-v. j rx I i in n't i i wHrvi-w ill n ic-rc-M u wsfv m.j i 1 . - " Jl I i - I V . 1 . 1 1 . 1 ffTTI fl - - I - 1 4 I I I 111 I I ' If II I I IV - I I I nOURKES SNARE TV0 FROM SIOUX : BY LATE RALLIES Three Run Drive in Ninth Wins I - -: First Game' and One Run Brings Victory in Tenth in Second. ..Eleventh hour rallies gave the Rourkes a dobule victory over the pesky Sioux yesterday afternoon much to the delight of 3,000 cash customers. Moth scores were 5 to 4. The first game was a regulation nine inning affair, but the second went "10 stanzas before the Jacksonians watched the victory. - It was a three-run rally which gave Omaha victory in the first game. With the core standing 4 to 2 in favor of the Sioux, Jackson's- men sent three runs scampering over the plate and won the game. Donica. battintr for OToole' started the festival with a single through the box. n Bashang slapped a safety to light, Jackson went out, but Han ford delivered apinch blow to center, scoring Domea and Uashang. 1 hen Tony Smith threw ban on Callahan's grounder and hanford counted with the winning tally. V - Tie in Ninth, , The Rourkes were leading in the second game when the ninth, came. Then the only walk Kopp issued dur ing the game proved fatal and Sioux City knotted the count, 4 to 4. But the Rourkes brought home the bacon in the tenth. After Callahan went , . down Mason walked and Holderman .-tent him to third with a single to, center. Delate scored Mason with a slow hit through second. The Rourkes wind up their scries at home tonight, playing the Sioux again at 6:45. Then the Jackson tribe hits the road and doesn't return until July 6. " irplin Takes First Game; ' C&tana City Wins Second Oklahoma City. June Graham pitching his farewell game before . going into the national army was un steady, and Joplin took the first game of a double header here today, 7 to 5. The locals won the second, 6 td 1. Score first game: JOPLIN. - OKLAHOMA CfTT. , . , AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E!. GarilsKMt S 1 I 0 OWcCleln.m 4 t S 0 Tonisn.Sb 4 S'S (Conrojr.Sl 4 S t 1 0 &UU.1. 4 1 T 4 Orlh,rf 4 119 4 4 lDUUUf 4 1 J 0 0 4 0 4 4 Bensn,!b 4 10 10 Kashler.rf 4 114 SRobnsn.rf t 10 1 0 4 0 1 1 0Morrt,lb S S14 0 1 -"olllns.o 4 14 0 OOConnr.o S 1 S 1 0 Itubbell.p S 1 0 Odraham.p 1 0 0 S 4 twcker.o 01 1 OSparks.p 10 0 3 0 UporsJ.p 6 0 0 0 Meadws.p t 0 0 1 0 . . :- Tabor 1 0 0 0 0 .ToUli It T ST T 1 t. : Totals SS It IT IT I Oklahoma Cit ........ o 0 0 0 1 1 1 08 Jopiln ...;,..,. I 0 0 I t 0 0 0 0 T 'Battei for fiparki In ninth. -Summary! ; Two-baaa bit: Itubbtll. lUtna tuna: Talk. Mt. Stolon ba.c: Morrla, McCIallan. Doubla play: Benaon to MeClellon to Morrla. HIU: Off Graham T in four lnnlnga; off Mubbslt. H In eight Innlnta. Baaca on balla: Off Graham. 1 off Mubbell, 4, struck out: By Huhbell, : by, Craham. 1; by Bparka. S. VM pitch: m Bparka. Paaatd balla: O'Connor. I, Time: ' IM, Umpire: Daley.' i Bcon4 fame. Score: . ' ' R. IT. K. Jeplln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 41 4 3 ; Oklahoma Clty.,1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 11 3 . Batteries: Caporal and Colltna; Tedeachl acd aO Connor. - St. Joseph and Des Moines Divide Double-Header ; St. Joseph! Mo., June 23. Blue, jackets double in the ninth, with two Jown, took the first game of the sea fn for the Saints from Des Moiiies. Ihe score was 2 to 1. In the second same of the double header, DeS Moines won after a running battle, 4 to 3. The hurling of Bluejacket in the initial contest was too much for the rsitors. The score: First game: DBS MOINES. 1 ; L BT. JOSEPH. - AB.H.O.A.E. f , AB.H.OAE PUnhn.lf 4 1 S 0 10 16 0 Thillps.iis 4 0 3 0 0Cooney,2b 3 14 4 0 4 S S S ODanlela.rf S S t 0 0 Wrght.3b S 1 0 1 OWatan.rf 4 0 3 0 0 Wrphy.ef 3 0 3 4 3 0 14 1 0 4 S S 2 4 0 0 4 0 Jlunter.rf 4 O S 0 OMrphy.Jb S 0 0 4 0 Lllya. 3 0 4 1 OBnwta.04 13 10 Wusser.p S 0 .1 .1,. 0BluJckt,P 3 S 0 1 0 , Totals 31 T24 0 Totals ttl 2817 "o Two out hen winning rtw scored. Pes Moines ...0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 bt Joseph ,t,..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 Earned runs: Des Moines, 1; St. Joseph, 2. Bases on balls: Off Slnsser. ; off Blue jacket, 1. Struck oat: By Musser. 1; Blue. Jket. t. fceft on bsses: Des Moines, : M. Joseph, 1. Two-basa hit: Bluejacket, tacrine hits: Murphy. Cooney, Danlela. felolen bases: Mueller, Brubaker, Coffey, Wright 2)t St. John. Umpire; Mullen. Time: 1:40. - , ..... . Serond game: , DE8 MOINES. . 8T. JOSEPH ' .. . V ,.AB.K.aA.B. . . AB.H.O.A.E. U$"'At i 1 ! ! 4 116 0 hllllpe,s 4 114 0Cooney,2b t 3 4 3 1 4 1 13 0 ODaniels.rf 4 3 S 0 0 Vrightlb 4 0 3:1 0Watson,rf 4 0 10 0 ?nhy,cf 4 I 4l 3 0.13 1 0 f 3 14 4 OKrkhm.lf 4 S 10 0 3nunter.rf S 1 0 0 0Mrphy,3b 4 0 14 4 l-llyn,a 4 0 3 S OBachant.o 4 0.3 1 o lu.p 4 0 0 1 lWsswo.p 410 11 . . Bonwtj.c 1 0 4 0 0 .Totals 34 T3714 1 - TotaU 34 4 27 IS S T Holnra .0 10 10 0 11 04 It Joseph. ..0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 03 Karned runs: Des Volnea, 2; St. Joseph. Bases on balls: Off Dressen, 3: off tswo, 3. Struck out: By Dreeeen 3; by wo. 3. Left on bases: Des Moines, T Joseph, 0. Two-bine bit: Murphy. Sac. v t bit; Phillips, stolen bases: Hunter A Good Day's Work 1 " j ' Tint Came: OMAFIA. AB. R. O. O 10 A. 0 O 4 1 0 1 t t 0 E. Baehanr, rf Jaekeon, lb Hanford. If Callahan, at 1 Maeon, Sb . . 0 Holderman, cf . . S ltefate, 2b .. 4 MrMenemy, a .. 3 OToole, p .... I Dontea 1 TotaU S5 5 11 IT 11 4 SIOCX CITY. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Dye, tb 0 1 1 0 Thomaaon, ci .. S 0 4 1 0 1 Klehle, If 5 1 t I O O Hunter, lb .... S 1 1 15 0 0 rimlth, m .... 4 1 1 0 5 1 Jonea, Sb .... 8 O 4) 1 t O l.rek, rf S O O 1 O 0 Kohrer, 0 4 O 1 1 1 0 Allleon, p 4 0 1 O 7 0 Total 40 4 8 SS '18 t Batted for O'Toola In ninth Inning-. Two out when winning run waa aeored. Omaha O S0OO000S- Mlte O 8 1 1 1 1 811 sioux city . .eooeotioi 4 Illta 0 1 8 0 8 1 1 1 Two-bate hltet Holderman. Rltehle. Harrl flea ' hltai Holderman, Itaahang. Htolrn baaesi Hunter, Hmlth, Hanford. Double playa: Allium to Jonea to Hunter. Htrnrk onti ny Allleon, 1. Baeea on ballm Off 4ITonle, 8 1 off Alllmn, 8. Ift.on baaea: Omaha, 8 Slonx City, 11. Time of fame: isnii. umpire) nnannon. Second dame: OMAHA. - If. PO, A. K. 1 0 0 0 O 1 0 O O10O 117 0 0 18 0 110 0 3 8 8 0 800 930 7 80 IS "o II. PO.A. E. O t 8 0 18 0 0 18 0 1 0 13 0 0 1 8 A 0 1 O 4 0 10 10 1 A 1 O 10,1 0 7 S8 15 "l naohanr, rf 4 O farkoon, lb 4 O Hanford, If 5 1 Callahan, si ,.S 0 Maann, Sb ....8 2 Holderman, rf 8 O Oefete, th .....8 1 MrMenemy, e ....... 8 0 Kopp, p 0 Totals 81 S SIOCX CITT. AB. R. Iye, 3b '.A 0 Thomaaon, ef .......S 1 Klrhle, If 4 0 Hunter, lb 3 1 Nmlth, as .8 0 lones Sb .',..........4 1 I.yrk, rf 4 II Kohrer, e 4 I Fletcher, p , ,4 - 0 Totals S One ant when winning run was scored. Omaha Jinn .01 1 0 0 S O 0 0 1 A Its 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 t1 Nioog City- Runs osiooooei ot Hits lssooeooi ot Three-baM tiltat Callahan. Vleicher. Two. he hit: MrMenemy. Hacrlflre hits: Hold erman (1). Kopp, Hmlth. Htruck out: By Kopp, A Fletcher, 4. Knees no ballet Off Kopp, It Fletcher, 9. Wild pitch I Fletch er. Ift on baaea I Omaha. 10 i Hinm fit.. Jime or garnet j no. I mplrei Shannon, (f). AfUrnbV. CnAtlV Vlrbhaw. ITmnl... Mullen. Time: 1:46. Hutchinson and Wichita Divide Double-Header Hutchinson, Kan., June 23. Hutch inson and Wichita divided two games mis attcrnoon, evcninsr ud the scries Berger was put out in the second game by Umpire Hulbert for umpire baiting. Before the game he paid a line ot $5 imposed yesterday, bcorel First game: WICHITA. HUTCHINSON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E S 3 1 3 OWufflt.Sb 3 0 3 3 0 4 13 0 ONee. 2b 3 0 1 S3 MBrld.lf 4 110 4 0 13 0 0 Coy.rf 4 0 1 0 0 Hlock.rf 3 3 3 0 0 Wshbn.Sb 4 13 1 4 114 1 Taryn.rf 4 2 11 3 0 10 0 4 14 1 4 3 10 0 Wallln.o 4 10 0 OManlon.o 4 0 110 Hovilk.p 6 1 0 H OKtslnk.p 4 14 0 0 Totals 40 11 27 10 3 Totals 33 1 27 12 4 Wichita 0 4 0 0 0 T 1 0 08 Hutchinson ..,.0 0000000 2 2 Earned runs: Hutchinson, 3; Wichita, 7. Two-base hits: Kotxelntk, , 3; Washburn, Hovllk, Berger (3), Marr. Home run: Ber ger. Bases on balls: Off Hovllk, J; off Kotselnlk, 7. Struck out: By Hovllk, 7; Kotselnlk, 0. Left on bsses: Hutchinson, S; Wlchlts, 13., Double plays: Wufril to Manlon to Bradley; Koestner to Washburn. Stolen bases: Cleveland, Marr. Sacrifice hits: Block, Kocstnsr. Umpire, Gilbert. Time, 1:07. WICHITA. HUTCHINSON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 1 OWurfll.Jb 4 0 1 0Nee.2b 3 0 3 IBrdly. lb 3 111 0 Hlock.rf 3 2 2 3 13 3 10 ONolt.rt 4 10 OManlon.o 4 0 6 0 Ilalnes.p 4 13 Harris, rf 1 4 M'Brde.lf 3 Coy.rf. cf 4 WahbrnJb 3 4 Marr.Sb 4 Wallln.o 3 Wldbr.p 3 0 0. Totals 30 7 27 13 1 Totals 31 4 34 S 2 Hutchinson ...00030010 4 Wichita ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned runs: Hutchinson, 3. Two-bsse hits: Petllgrew, Noll, Wsahburn. Bases on balla: Oft Walbauer, 3; oft Haines, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Pettlgrew and Wuftll by Waldbauer; Berger by Haines. Struck nut: By Haines, 4: by Waldbauer, 3. Left on bases: Hutchinson, 9; Wichita, 7. Double ptay: Berger, Washburn to Koestner. Stolen bases: Cleveland (1), Pettlgrew, Nolt, Coy. Umpire. Hulbert. Time: 1:60. American Asaoclatina. Milwaukee, Wis., June 33. Score first rn: R. 11. E. Milwaukee 6 8 2 'Louisville i Batteries: Kerr and Murphy; Shakleford and Meyers. Score second game: R. H. E. Milwaukee 6 9 1 Louisville 2 4 j Batteries: Kerr and Murphy; Stroud and Kocher. Kansss City, June 23. Score: R. H. E. Indianapolis 5 n K ensue City t 10 2 Batteries: Falkenberg and Schang; Ad ma, Jobnsoh and Onslow. Score aecond game: R. H. E. Indianapolis 4 4 j Ksnsas City 1 4 4 Batteries; Cavet and Schang; Hall and Blackburn. Minneapolis,' June 23. Score first game: R.H.E. Toledo , , j g 4 Minneapolis 8 S 0 , Batteries: McColl and. Kelley; ratteraon and Owena. - Score second game: R. H. E. Toledo 3 1 Minneapolis 5 jo 3 'Batteries: Brady. Sanders . and Kelley; Williams and Owens. St. Paul, Minn., June 23. Score first R. H. E. Columbua .s. ........ ..a 9 St. Paul j 1 Batteries: Zanlher and Hartley; Hall and Olenn. Score aecond game: R. If. E. Columbua 4 j 8L Paul j a 1 Battarlea: Brows and Hartley; Keating, Cook and Glenn 1 t CLEVELAND WINS LISTLESS GAME OFF CHICAGO, 3-2 Bagby Invincible Until Closing Innings; Liebold Stunned in Collision With Felsch, But Soon Revives. Chicago, June 23. Cleveland made it four out of five from Chicago to day by winning a listless 3 to 2 game. Bagby was invincible until the closing innings, while Cleveland got three runs off Danforth early. Liebold was stunned in a collision with Felsch. who caught O'Neill's fly in the sixth inning, but continued to play after being revived. Score: CHICAGO. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Lelbold.lf 4 M'Muln.3b S E.Colni,2b 3 4 4 J. Coins. rf 4 3 Jacol,o 4 1 4 0 4 1 1 Oil 1 'B 1 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 2 OChpmn.M 4 2 S 1 10 1 1 Oltnth.rf .1 lWbuKsIb 3 OWood.lf 4 0Evne,3b 4 OO'Netll.o J 0 Bagby. y 4 0 0 Totals 32 Danfrth.p 2 Benz.p 0 Murphy 1 8 27 0 1 .Totals 32 ( 27 13 1 Cleveland 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 03 1 02 Chicago 0 0 0 0 Two-base hit: Wood, Three-base hit: Felsch. Sacrifice Murphy. Stolen base: hit: Speaker. Double play- Evans to Johnston. Left on bases: Chicago, 6: Cleveland, S. First base on errors: Chl csgo, 1. Banes on balla: Off Danforth 4: off Bagby, 3. Hits: Off Danforth, 8 in eight Innings. Struck out: By Panforth, 2: by Bagby, 2. Wild pitch: Dantortn. Losing pitcher: Danforth. Senators Defeat Athletics. Washington, June 23. Washington bunched hits off Terry In two Innings today and defeated Philadelphia, 5 to 4, In the first game of the acrlra. Shaw, who re lieved Ayers In the fourth Inning, struck out eight men. Score: PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 I Shlton.lf 0 Oldrng.lf 3 OFoster.Sb 0 Milan. rf 0Mrgan,2b 1 OPIcnch.o 0'Ansth.o Ayres.p S'Schulte Shaw.p 6 Burns. lb 4 Ordnr.3b 4 Perkins, 0 4 Jmesn.rf 3 Dugan,2b 3 Perry, p 3 Totals 52 1 24 I Totals 36 11 27 10 3 Ran for riclnich In seventh. 'Batted tor Ayers In fourth. Philadelphia ..0 11 1 0 0 0 0 04 Washington ..00030002 5 Two-bsse hits: Judge, Walker. Three base hits: Burns. Stolen bases: Judge, Rice. Nacrlflro tills : Oldrlng, Dugan. Sacrifice fly: Shannon. Double plays: Judge to Foster; Shannon, Dugsn to Burns. Left on bases: Phllsilelphls, 8; Washington, 6. First base on errors: PhllsdelphlR, 1; Wash ington. 1. Bases on balls: Off Perry, 1; Shaw, 3. Hits: Off Ayers. 4 In three Innings; Shaw, 4 In six Innings. Hit by pltcehd ball: By Ayers (.Dugsn.) Struck out: By Ayres.l; by Perry, 4; by Shaw, 8. Balks: Shaw. Passed balls: Perkins. Winning pitcher: Shaw. St. fouls Evens With Detroit. Detroit, June 23. St. Louis evened the serlea with Detroit, by winning both games of a double-header toaay, taking the first, 4 to 1, and the second, to 2. Superior pitchtng and opportune hitting enabled tho visitors to win both games. Score: First Oame: DETROIT. ST. LOl'IS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 14 2 4 13 0 0 Vltt,3b 3 0 11 1 Austin, 3b 4 0 0 2 0 4 3 3 1 0 Staler. lb 3 3 13 0 1 Veach.lf 4 1 6 0 0 Deinlt.rf 2 0 5 0 0 3 0 8 2 3 110 0 Cunhm.rf 4 10 0 Oneden.Sb 4 13 4 0 Toung.Sb 3 0 2 3 ONuninkr.o 4 0 3 3 0 Telle.o 10 13 3 3 12 0 Spencer.o 10 3 1 OSothrn.p 3 0 0 3 1 Bolsnd.p 2 0 1 3 0 Covelskl.p 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 8 2" 11 2 Harper 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 ( 27 16 2 Batted for Boland in eighth. St. Iuls ... 20000200 04 Detroit 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Two-bsse hit: Johnson. Three-base hits: Veach. Stolen bases: Slsler (4), Demmitt, Tobln. Sacrifice hit: Demmitt. Sacrifice tly: Hellmann. Double plays: Uedeon and Slslerj Hellmsnn, Boland and Spencer. Left on bases: St. Louis, 3; Detroit, 6. First base on errors: Detroit, 1. Bases on balls: Off Boland, 2: Sothorcn, 3. Hits: Off Bo land, S In eight Innings; Covelrakle. none In one inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Boland (Hendrlx). Struck ouf: By Rothoron, 3: Boland, 1; Coveleskle, 1. Losing pitcher: Boland. Second Oame: st. Loi'is. DETnorr. AB.H.O.A.E. Tobln.rf 6 Austin, 3b 3 4 Demltt.rf 3 3 tle.deon.2b 4 Severeld.o 3 1 1 0 1 2 11 2 0 2 Ontlfth.ns 2 0Vltt,3h 0 OCobb.i-f 0 OVesch.lf 4 0 4 4 0 3 3 3 1 4 2 2 0 4 1 10 U 0,'unghm.rf 3 0 3 3 OVoung.Sb 3 0 2 3 OSpencer.c 3 12 1 PCovl.kle.p 3 11 1 O'Harper 10 0 Johnson ss 4 Davnprt.p 1 Shocker.p 1 Totals 33 7 27 14 1 Totals 30 7 27 13 3 Batted for Toung In ninth. 8t. Lonls 1 ,0 3 0 0 0 0 1 01 Detroit 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hit: Veach. Three-base hit: Slsler. Stolen base: Austin. Sacrifice fly. Demmitt. Double plays: Tobln to Slsler! Heilman to Vltt. Left on bases: St. Louis, S; Detroit, S. First on errors: St. Louis. 3. Basea on balls: Off Davenport. 4. Hits: Off Davenport, 6 in alx innings; off Shocker 1 In three Innings. Struck out: By Dav enport, 2; by Shocker, 2; by Coveleskle, 2. Passed ball: Severeid. Winning pitcher: Davenport Todays Sport Calendar Racing: Opening of summer meeting of Queens County Jockey club, Aqueduct, L. I. Whist: Annoal rongreas of American Whist league opens at Lake rhwld, N. V. ftoltt Ohio etate championship tourna ment opens at Cleveland. Tennis: threat Plains women's champion ship - tournament opens at Kansas 4'ltv. Soath Atlantis states championship tourna ment opens at Angueta. Delaware state men's championship tournament opens at Wilmington. Connecticut valley chamnlon shlp toarnamrnt opens at Springfield, Mass. Middle state championship tournament opens a South Orange, jr. J. Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGU W.t,. ...32 17 B. AMER. ASSN. W.L.Pct. Kansas City 28 18 .609 Milwaukee . .28 19 .604 Columbus .26 19.678 Pet. .653 .604 .649 Wichita .. Hutchinson Dps Moines Omaha . . . Ok la. City Joplin .... St. Joseph Sioux City 32 21 2 23 .25 25 .211 27 .22 25 21 30 16 34 .500 Louisville ..27 22 .651 .49lilndlanapolla 23 22.611 .468 St. Paul ...21 24.447 .412 Minneapolis 20 26 .435 .320 Toledo 13 34 .277 AMER. LEAGUE. NAT'L. LEAGUE. W.L-Pct. W.L.Pct Boston ... .36 24 .600 Chicago ....37 17 .685 New York .32 24 ,671New York .36 19 .648 Cleveland .35 27 .666j Boston 29 28.509 Chicago ...27 27 .500 Phlladel'la .24 29.453 Washington 31 31 .500 Cincinnati .24 32 .429 St. Louis ..27 31 .466 Brooklyn ..23 31 .426 Detroit 21 32 .407 3t. Louis ...22 81.415 Phlladel'la 21 35 .376 Pittsburgh .24 31.436 Yenterdays Results. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha, 5-C; Sioux City, 4-4. St. Joseph. 2-3; Des Moines, 1-4. Wichita, 8-0; Hutchinson. 2-4. Joplin, 7-1; Oklahoma City, 6-6. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Washington, 6; Philadelphia, 4. St. Louis, 4-4; Detroit, 1-2. Cleveland, 3; Chicago, 2. NATIONAL LEAOUE. Chicago, 3; St. Louis, 2. Pittsburgh, 4-15; Cincinnati, 1-1. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Milwaukee, 6-5; Louisville, 4-2. Kansas City 6-1; Indianapolis, 5-4. Minneapolis, ' 8-6; Toledo, 2-3, St. Paul, 2-2; Columbus, 0-3. Games Today. American League Chicago at Detroit; Cleveland at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Washington, Boston at New York. National Leauue St. Louis at Chicago, New York at Boston, Brooklyn at Phila delphia, Pittsburgh at Cincinnati. PIRATES EASILY WIN BOTH GAMES OFF CINCINNATI Second Contest Is Advanced From Next Wednesday; Toney Tries to Pitch Double-Header. Cincinnati, June 23. Pittsburgh easily won botli games of a double header here today, 4 to 1 and 15 to 1. The second game was advanced from next Wednesday by mutual consent. Toney tried to-pitch both games for Cincinnati, but was hit freely in each contest. In the second game lie was knocked out of the box in the sixth inning. Score: First game: PITTSBURGH. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Catnn, ss 3 0 1 7 Pfiroh.Sb 4 2 2 0 0 Rlgbee.rf 4 13 Carey, cf 2 2 0 Ctshw,2b 3 0 2 S 117 Hclimn.rf 3 0 2 M'chn.Sb 4 2 1 Rchmdt.o 4 11 Mayer.p 3 0 0 1 4 13 0 0 1 0 Neale.ct 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 Chase, lb 4 1112 1 0 0Magee,2b 4 3 2 2 0 0 OOrfth.rf 4 2 2 0 0 2 4 0 3 2 0 1 0 Allen, c 3 14 3 0 3 OToney.p 2 0 0 0 1 Smith. 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 29 7 27 13 Regan, p 0 0 0 0 0 Totala 34 9 27 IS Batted for Toney In eighth. Pittsburgh ....1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1-4 1 fl I Cincinnati ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base hits: t Oroh,; Carey, McKechnle. Three-bsso hit: Allen. Home run: Carey. Stolen bases: Mollwlli, McKechnle. Sacri fice hits: Carey (2). Cutshaw, Mollwltz, lilnrhinan. Double, plays: Allen to Black burne; Blackburne to Allen to Magee to Chase to Allen. Left on bases: Cincinnati, 6: Pittsburgh, 4. First base on errors: Pittsburgh, 1. Bases on balls: Off Toney, I. Hits: Off Toney, g In eight Innings; off liegan, 1 In one Inning. Struck out: By Toney, 1. Losing pitcher, Toney. , Second game: ETOAINETAOIN Crulse.e 1 0 0 0 0 PITTSBURGH. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. Catnn, ss 6 0 1 7 0Oroh,3b 4 2 0 6 0 5 3 11 4 13 0 0 6 3 3 0 2 110 0 t'tshw,2b 4 2 S 3 3 0 18 0 1 S 110 1 0Magee.2b 4 0 0 6 3 M'chne.3b 6 6 4 1 0 Grfth.rf 3 13 0 0 Archer.c. 6 12 1 0 3 0 13 0 Ilrmon.p 6 3 10 0 Allen. c 3 0 3 3 0 Toney.p 1 0 0 2 0 Totals 46 19 27 14 1 'H.Smth, 1 0 0 0 0 Q. Smth. p 1 0 0 S 1 Totals 21 4 27 20 t Batted for, Toney In sixth. Flttsburgh ..0 0 0 0 1 2 7 3 116 Cincinnati ...0 0000100 01 Two-base bits: Neale, Hinchman. Archer. Three-base hit: Carey. Stolen bases: Carey, Cutshaw, Hollwlta. Sacrifice hits: Mollwlts. Sacrifice fly: Neale. Left o nbases: Pitts burgh. 9; Cincinnati. 4. First bsse on errors: Pittsburgh, 3. Bases on balls: Off Toney, 1: off 0. Smith, 3: off Harmon, 2. Hits: Off Toney. 9 In sx Innings; off O. Smith. 10 In three innings. Struck out: By Q. Smith, 1: by Harmon. 2. Wild pitch: O. Smith (2). Losing pitcher: Toney. fobs Defeat St. Louis. Chicago, June 23. Phil Douglas won his game today by cracking out a single In the seventh inning which sent two runners across the plate. The score was 3 to 2. Score : ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 13 0 SFlack.rf 3 1 0 0 Bahd,3b 10 2 OBarber.rf 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 16 1 Cruise Hrnsby'.ss Paulete.rf !' Hnry.lf Distell,2b 0 1 4 0 3 0 0 S 2 4 2 110 0 1 5 4 0 10 0 2 0 ODeal.Sb 12 0 10 1 0 0Zelder.2b 3 12 2 0 3 2 lKIUifer.o 2 16 10 4 3 IDouglas p 3 1 1 4 0 2 10 10 0 Totala 33 8 27 13 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 jonzales.c 4 0 Doak.p 2 1 May.p 1 0 3etiel,3h 0 0 'Packard 1 1 Brock 1 0 Totals 35 0 24 IS 3 Batted for Balrd In eighth. Batted for Dlstell In ninth. Batted for Betsel In ninth. St. Louis l'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 Two-base hit: Balrd. Three-base hit: Hornsby. Stolen baaea. Paskert (2), Hoi locher. Sacrifice hit:' Dlstell. Left on bases: St Loula. 7; Chicago, . First base on errors: St Louis, 1; Chicago, 2. Bases on balls: Off Poak, 1. Hits: Off Doak. t In six and one-third innings; off May, none In two-thirds Inning; oft Sherdell, 2 in one Inning. Struck out: By Douglass. 0. Passed ball: Gonxalea. Losing pitcher: Doak, AMATEURS FAIL TO STAGE GAMES AT RIVE RVIEW Thousands Disappointed When Teams Do Not Appear; Other Games Draw ' - Well. Bv FRANK OUIGLEY. Large crowds greeted the local pill hoisters at the various park? jester day afternoon and as many of the games were as interesting as a Dia- tnnn Hirl nnuol r n vi Bccnnrror Knif iiiwisvt 4rl.IV IIUVVI IV a ill j j v. 11 V. I UWJj the fans and fannettes were able to spend a few hours in the air and sunshine and there hours were so crowaea witn excitement mat an their care and worries were tempor arily shipped to the undertaker. The base ball devotees that shank feeted it to Riverview park received a shock that will probably make them sick of the amateurs for some moons to come. Two games were sched uled and one was forfeited. The Homesteads put on the initial row with the Parsley Commission Co., but the second game was cancelled. Stags Out of Town. Because Uncle Sam cordially in vited three of the Stags to join the Anti-Kaiser league, Billiam Dolson, manager of the Stags, withdrew from the City league and Morris & Co. was tendered a game via the silver piatter metnod. evidently Manager Bill was able to glom a few strangers in this neighborhood, for the Stags played at Shenandoah, la., yesterday. These fellows must have thought it was April 1. Anyway they sure fooled approximately 3,000 fans that adorned the bleachers and side lines at Riverview park. Of course, these fans just split their sides with laugh ter after they had a sun bath for about an hour, and ball players were as scarce as diamonds on orphans. Morris & Co. received a forfeited game. A few of the packersville crew should have showed up and in formed the fans that their opponents j nao cancelled their bout. Longeways at Top. By collecting two games from the Beselins, the C. B. Longeways greased the track and slid into bunk one. In their first battle yesterday Carl McDowell put some on ice when he tickled one for the limit with a couple of his partners hugging the bags. Home runs were frequent in the second battle. The Longe ways poled, one in the second, one in the fourth, two in the seventh and one in the eighth. Although the Murphy-Did-Its lost the iron part of their lineup, never theless they are apparently strong enough for the Greater Omaha league. They still hold berth two. Bert Murphy is about as changeable as the weather. He told the writer he was going to cancel that duel booked at-Alma, Mich., but as his piayers were bugs to lamp the scen ery an a gratis round trip ticket, Bert decided in the negative relative to calling the game off. Now, as the mayor of Alma has granted a permit for the tangle to be pulled off on Sunday, the Murphys will cross bats at Alma. Mich., the noise day. Heard on the Lois. In the CitV IpBVun (h. I . ---- - -o.. .'ouuuni are BUM on the roof with the Central Furnitures scrambling close behind. "A couple of surprises were unloaded In the American league. The Florence Mer chants dropped a tussle to the Trimbles and the Sample-Harts failed to smother the McCafferys. Tho McCafferys are now going Ike a pralrla fire. Both pitchers did mar velous work. James Moore made 15 breeze tne atmosphere and allowed only four hits while his opponent, Skrupa. whiffed 15 and allowed only three hits. Another surprise happened in the Booster flu?, ,T he". the Trlmbl8 Brothers Juniors fell victims to the curlers hoisted by Rus- Tw.,lPBe f,th1 Rlggs ptleal "mpany. Twlrl.r Russell also helped to put this de- .kI l1 "iorae he climbed on one for the limit with the bases crowded. By losing this battle the Trimbles stepped back Jo position two and the J. I. Roots reg Istered nn the top floor. -.lhe ?".wy New" boys dumped their first game of the season to the Krajicek Juniors by the score of 13 to 7. Such a defeat was Tak'",i,r"I?d f by ,he Ncw children. ,? . ," " '"'!tprlay won the medal to date for upsetting the dope Tho Daily News team would like to ar Jor" F.recr,atu'e ,"h "J ""'-"'-town team nlSll t. rker.dRy- Add Sam Zlegman, Omaha Dally News. George Bernstein was E?.d.' eleCtedCa,"ln ohe Dally Nws Holmes Defeat Metcalfes In Greater Omaha Contest The Holrnes White Sox easily de feated the Metcalfs at Holmes park iUndaV hv 3 rnr. r.C A o 1 lie Holmes play the Fort Omaha H nrii.e I ...... J ' i , . . i iiieni ai uie iorr. Game will be called at 7 o'clock HOLMES. METCALFS Thorns, b 4 17 0 OWolcot.Sb 4 i T i 2 0 Clarke.:b 5 1 3 S 4 1 i o 0 Bakr.rt-cf 4 3 ,0 o OAchaU.rf S 0 2 0 0 Kemp.lf 4 12 0 OHanson.p 3 2 0 2 0 2 14 5 IWrlghtx ni l Reed.3b 4 0 0 2 0Probst,2b 4 0 110 3 0 2 O.OClulnne.lf 4 2 3 0 0 Lacy.o( 4 2 8 1 OChkntz rf 3 12 0 0 GranUP 4 0 0 3 lSomsen. .1 l i t i Muray.rf 1 1 0 0 0 Totals TlTtnTtl T,aU " 8:7 M01'"" 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 04 u ii o o 0 9 1 0 " Two-base hits: Baker. Lacy. Gulnne. j..-, us. r.aKer, Wright. Stolen base: Clarke. Doubts play: Paska to (Marie tn ! .c.,..i ..... m. by Hansen, 8. Umpire; Fox. Amateur Standings GREATER OMAHA LEAGUE. P. W. L. Pet. .778 .700 .566 .500 .600 .333 .222 .889 .667 .444 .444 .333 .000 .875 .818 .667 .400 .250 .000 .900 .818 .700 .500 .455 .364 .200 .091 c. B. Longeways.. 9 7 Murphy Did Its 10 7 (T. B. Metcalfs 6 Krajlceks 10 5 Armouri 8 4 Holmes White Sox...... 3 Beselin & Son 9 2 CITT LEAGUE. Nat. Cash Registers... 9 3 Central Furniture Store 9 6 Stags 9 4 Morris & Co 9 4 Alpha Camp, W. O. W. 9 3 W. G. Clarks 5 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Florence Merchants ... 8 7 Sample-Harts 11 9 McCaffrey Motor Co.... 9 6 Trimble Bros. .'.... ..10 4 C. B. Men's Fash. Shop 8 2 1 3 6 5 6 6 1 2 3 6 6 10 Social Settlement 10 BOOSTER LEAGUE. J. B. Roots 3 0 9 Trimble Bros., Jrs 11 9 Ramblers 10 7 Rlggs Optical Co 10 5 Townsends 11 5 Parsley Commission Co. 11 4 Homesteads 10 2 Harley-Davidsons 11 1 INTERCITY LEAGUE. Dally News 10 9 1 .900 Oresher Bros 7 4 3 .571 Krajicek Jrs 9 5 4 .656 World-Heralds 10 4 , 6 .400 Phillips Dept. Store.... 8 3 5 .075 Graham Ico Creams... 6 0 6 .000 GREATER OMAHA LEAGUE. Krajlceks, 3; Murphy Did Its, 7. Metcalfs, 2; Holmes White Sox, 4. H. Beselin & Son, 4; C. B. Longeways. 7. II. Beselin & Son, 2; C. B. Longeways, 12. CITT LEAGUE. Stags against Morris & Co., forfeited to Morris & Co. Central Furniture Store, 14; Alpha Camp, W. O. W., 6. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Florence Merchants, 3; Trimble Bros., 8. Ssmple-Harts, 2; McCaffrey Motor Co., 3.' BOOSTER LEAGUE. Ramblers, 8; Harley-Davidsons, 6. Trimble Juniors, 3; Rlggs Optical Co., 16. Tarsley Commission Co., 7: Homesteads, 9. J. B. Roots, 8; Townsends, 5. INTERCITY LEAGUE. Dally News, 7; Krajicek Juniors, 13. World-Herald, 4; Phillips Dept. Store, 14, Murphy-Did-Its Defeat Krajiceks by Score of 7-3 The Murphy-Did-Its won a fast and interesting game from the Krajiceks Sunday at Luxus park by the score of 7 to 3, the features of the game being AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. SBB"BI' aiaBaaaaB ltKmUmBUmtKBB BENEFIT OF THE SUFFERERS OF NORTHERN FRANCE AUDITORIUM Monday and Tuesday, June 24 and 25, 8 : 1 5 p. m. Tickets, 50c to $1.50 Box Office NOW NO WAR TAX "TWO SHOWS IN ONE" MAKERS OF HISTORY A Gorgeous, Patriotic Spectacle SANTRY NORTON Whirlwind Dancers VERA BERLINER The Violiniste With a Soul TAYLOR & GREEN Comedy Singing and Talking WM. FQX Presenta GLADYS BROCKWELL In "The Scarlet Road" CHARLIE CHAPLIN in 'The Roust about" THOTOPLAYS. HAMILTON ZV, HENRY WALTHALL In "Humdrum Brown" LOTHROP?Xd WILLIAM S. HART In "Blue Blaze Rawden" Wednesday TODAY an(j Tomorrow re Presents ,, Monk i,. 77 '"mi re ii ine ran -f or tne N, KOMANOFFS ---i the hitting of "Clink" Claire and the pitching of Hays. Score: MURPHYS. KRAJICEKS. AB. H. R. E. AB. H. B. E 6 11 0Mncuo,3b 4 1 0 : Coaay,2b 3 0 1 lDvork,2b 4 10 0 Clalre.3b 5 4 1 3 0 1 0 Hay.p 4 2 lv 0 Yost.c 4 2 2 C Rshnbg.c 3 10 OOst.lf 4 10 1 Mornk.rf 4 10 1 Vernon, cf 3 0 0 0 3 10 4 1 0 t 3 0 1 2Banz,rf 4 10 0 4 2 2 OKrnlsh.p 4 0 0 0 Totals 31 12 7 4 Totals 34 6 3 1 Murphys ... 00000041 7 Krajlceks ... 20000001 33 Two-base hits: Claire (3), Dvorak, Rush enberg. Double play: Vernon to Dvorak. Stolen bases: Claire, Moran, Yost, R. Telt man, Hazen, Mancuso. Struck out: By Hays, 8; Karnlsh, 5. Women Swimmers Set New Records in Delmonte Matches 4 Delmonte, Cal., June 23. A new world's record and two American rec ords were made here today in the first svfimming official racing ever held in which all .participants were women. Both records were made in the tank races by Miss Frances Cow ells of Alameda, Cal. In the 25-yard dash Miss Cowells defeated Dorothy Burns of San Fran- cisco in 13 seconds, taking from her opponent the previous world record of 14 2-5 seconds. Miss Cowells won the 220-yard 1 event in 2 minutes, 59 seconds, lower ing by three-fifths of' a second the previous American record held by Olga Dorfner of Philadelphia. In this event Miss Cowells for 200 yards. was timed at 2:41 4-5, setting up a new record for this distance. The meet was sanctioned hv th Pai-ifi. association of the Amateur Athletic ' union. Sixteen women participated." Emperor's Speech Garbled. - Washington, June' 22. Emperor' . William's latest speech was not per- -mitted to reach Austria-Hungary in its original form. An official dis patch from Switzerland today says the Zurich Volksreicht, on comparing the official text with the version pre: pared by the official Wolff :.gency for transmission to Austria, found several suggestive falsifications." TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR THE PAULIST CHORISTERS OF CHICAGO The World's Greatest Choir FATHER W. J. FINN, Director PHOTOPLAYS. 5 " "a 1-1 Clara Kimball Young -in- THE CLAW JUNE ELVIDGE In "A Woman of Redemption" Present fiit IMUUIJI , "Tyrant Fear mwm I W I Da i