Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1918, Page 6, Image 6
. . THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY.- JUNE 24, Want Ad Rates r (Cash With Order. J per word each insertion to. per word (or three consecutive Insertions le per word (or ch additional Ineertlon No ad Ukeo (or leea than a total o( 0c or less than loo per day CHARGE. e per line (count worda to Itne) one time i e per una eacn time, consecutive mnr 1 par Una eacb time. SB consecutive tlraee SITrATION WANTED. IS par line P CARD OK THANKS AND H XKK.U NOTICES. It per Una each inaertlon (Minimum Charge. 60 Centa l Contract Kate On Application Pot convenience ot advertisers want ads will be accepted at the following offices: WAIN OFFICE Hulldlnf Ames Office North Mtn 81 Lk Office 2516 North J4tb St. Vinton Office 2467 South lth at Park office 2616 Leavenworth St Walnut Office all North th St. South Side N St. Council Bluff H Main St.. North THE BSE will not be responsible f'ir more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertise (riant ordered for more than one time. Use THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently bring or send your ads to any of the bov offices Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will receive the ssme good when delivering vour ad In Person I'HONK TVI.KR l.'HM. Wnnt Ad Columns Close tTriitlnna 12:00 M Mnrnlne Edlllne 10 00 P. Si Unndav FMittnns 1 P M Ssfitrdr-v F.venlng MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALHAMHRA 24TH AND PARKER PAULINE FREDERICK. IN "MADAME PAULETTE." (.RAND 16TH AND B1NNEY TACK PICK FORD. IN "HIS MAJESTY BUNKER BEAN." South APOLLO SITU AND LEAVENWORTH ALICE BRADY, IN "THE KNIFE." JtOHLFF S5TH AND LEAVENWORTH FRANCIS X. PUSHMAN AND BEVERLY BAYNE. IN "THE BRASS CHECK." FUNERAL DIRECTORS. UNDERTAKERS and licensed en.Ulamars; also private ambulance, call webater i. ' Willie a Crosby. JMl N. ntn tn. JiHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and ' embalmsr. 1411 Farnam Bt Harney 113. HULSB RIEPEN. undertakers and em- talmere. 701 8. 16th. Douglas 1220. ; STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaker, 33d Far. H. 400. Q. L, DODDER CO.. Funeral Director. F. t. Fero, Mgr., 2 3d and Cuming ate. Phone Douglsa 677. Auto ambulance. HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. Ho((mann quality service, costa less. 4th and Dodge. Douglaa HOI. FLORISTS. TSaS- LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglaa St ' Douglaa $244. STDONAGHUE ulfZA. Flowers shipped everywhere. Exp, prepaid. PARKER FLOWER SHOP 411 S. U. D. 1101 roqEBjFlorlat. Ill B. 16th. D. 1400. BATH Careful Florist. 1804 Farnam Bt L. Henderson. Hit Farnam. D 1268. MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. WTCST LAWN of fere sympathetic aarvlc In audden anrrow; icrpetual care: no assess ments; lota on easy terma Fnone wniw. TUB largaat display ot monuments In the United States. FRANK 8VOBODA. 1215 " ' S 13th. Phones Dnuglaa Jlj'ti ATTRACTIONS FLAGS FOR RENT OR ' BEE. 11 N. 15TH ST SALE. E. E. SPECIAL NOTICES ""ATTENTION, PAINTERS 1 Painters Local No. 1Q9 will bold election of officers and business agent next Monday night, June .".24th. it Labor 'Temple, hall No 9. AM members are urged to at tend. ' WILL PARTY who witnessed the automo bile accident at 19th and Jackson Mon day p. m., June I, 1911. and offered ear vices to the Injured, kindly get tn com mnnlcatlon at once with K. B. Huntley, Sraln Fschange Phone Harney 167J. arm as-iiiiwi 1- tt - ma LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost soma article would 4 veil tn call up the office of the Omaha sVCeanoM Bluffs Street Railway company U ascertain whether they Isft It Id ti street oar. Many artlclea each day are turned tr. and the company la anxious to rsatore them to tha rightful owners Jf YOU lose anything and will advertise It her yon will surely recover tt If Toond by an honest person. If you find any. thing of value th honest way Is to ad- ' vsrtlso for the owner. WILL person finding diamond solitaire ring, wedding ring, cameo and onyx rings In Brandela wash room kindly re torn them to owner and receive very lib eral reward. Colfax 1204. For SaleMiscellaneoeut Bottles. ROOT BEER bottles patent stoppers and ethers. Nat Steinberg. 1011 Har. D. 1166. Furniture and Household Goods. TAKE advantage of our special June of ferlnga In furniture and house furnishings, Including many thousands of dollara of xnerohandla bought from makera who are discontinuing making certain 'lines on account ( abnormal labor and material condltlone, purchased by as about 60c on th dollar. To illustrate: Four-hole gas stoves, regular 125, on aale, 112.60; six. foot extension tsbles, regular value. 111. on aale, 18.10! eolld oak dining chairs, regular value, 14.60, on aale, 11.98; large rockers worth 18.60, on aale, 14.15. Come early for the cream of bargains. We make a specialty of complete home out fits, also botela and rooming houses. Railroad far free to out-of-town buyers within 60 miles ot Omaha on purchases - ot 120 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., Tel. Doug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Bta. FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, chif foniers, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinet, rugs and linoleum, trunks and jult oasea. gas stoves snd Ice boxes, full line -creen wire, poultry netting, gar dsn tools. 1831.-47 North I4tb St Tel Web 1607. Open till I p. m, ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line ot furniture, gss snd coal oil atovea. rugs, baby carriages, trunks, etc Loyal Furn ,.Co;: "3 N- 16th- FOR SALE Two bed spreads made of mer cerised thread No. 3. Prices 1325 and 1175. Red 7510. TYLER 1115. Furniture of flva-room cot. tags for sale. walnut bedroom Red C844. set, two fine paintings. e LAVAL SEPARATOR No. 16; good aa new. Florence 12. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE have several Vlctroins ibat we took In on trades for sale; In good condition. Rouse Phonograph Parlors, Cor. 20tb and Farnam Sts. WE TUNE, repair, refiulsh and move planes; all woik absolutely guaranteed. Phona orders. Douglaa 181. A Hospe Co., 151 Douglaa St. A- HOSPE CO., 1511 Dougiaa. have planoa to rent at 13.60 per month, or will sell on easy terms WILL pay cash or trade for any piano ot atandard make. A. Hospe Co.. I'li Doug las St. ELECTRIC pianos. 1100 to 1200. Terms Omaha Reed Rattan Co. Clothing and Furs. FOR SALE Full dreaa suit, slse 86. ney 6380. liar- Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES V rent, repair, sell needle and parts 4f all sewing machines. MICKEb-41 t ' NEBRASKA CYCIJB'CO.. ; tlth and Harney Rta Doug. 1661. tiNGER sewing machine for sale; good working order. Tyler XI2I, ' FOR SALE Miscellaneous Store and Office Fixtures WE buy. aell and make desks, as fee. show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Sup ply Co.. Uth and Douglas D. 3724. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR SALE A stenotype. not the lateat model, but a very good machine In per fect condition; cost 1100. will eell for 20 Call Douglas 5713 before S In the morning TYPEWRITERS eold.reniTdf Tndre paired" Rent an Oliver 3 months for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange IMS Farnam WE buy. aell or exchange typewr'era, guar typewriters 110 and up Writ for list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1(04 L. C SMITH Typewriter, good as new $25. Martin Investment Co . 53 Brandels Hid Douglas i.CvI Cameras & Kodaks. HAVE an KaHtroan 3-A postcard size, with new range finder; Kodak good as new; Cook Anaatlc mat lens for sale or trade. Box 4727 Omaha Bee. Dairy Products. FRESH country buttermilk; buttr; best of cream; strictly fresh eitRS; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone South 21 5 ur Tyler 629 Wasner's. Lumber and Building Materials. FOR SALE From dismantled brick plant! 76.000 fire brick. 4.000 fire floor blocks ' 2.000 feet l-lb. rails. 2,000 feet 12-lb. rails. A lot of band Iron 6-1 n.xS -1 6-!n. Material In first class condition. Reasonable prices; prompt tihipment. H. GOLDBERG ,. CO., Cedar Kaiilils. la. Miscellaneous. TEN carpenter's work benchi'h, one two horse stake wagon, cheap. Omaha Plain ing mill Co. Phone Webster 060 after 7 p. m. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed, renovated and made up In new feather proof "Irking 1907 Cuming. Doug 2467. CHERRIES. currantsand gooseberries at Dim's fruit farm. Walnut 1985. WANTED TO BUY JENKINS ; ft ust . returned and Ive you the same good aervlce that he gave In the past Help win the war. Sell your old clothes, shoes, rugs, tools, trunks and bny W. 8. S. Will call. Res. D. 032. Office, 2835. BE PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE 8AM. BELL TOUR OLD CLOTH E8 AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE ME -A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONE DOUG 1431. 12)1 DOUGLAS ST. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded, J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 WOULD like to buy good used upright piano and pay some money and work out halanc ofpayments by washing. Call Webater 431T9. WB PAY YOU HIGHEST PRICES CLOTHES. CALL US FIRST. DOUG. FOR 6914 CASH paid for diamonds, estate appraised. Reese Jewelry Co.. 401 8 ljh. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all alsea and atylea; hemstitching, ptcot edging, eye let cat work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO., 100-108 Brown Bldg. Phone Doug. 19SS HEMSTITCHING, PLEATINO, BUTTONS. O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., tll-T Paxtnn Block. Phone Doug. 1101, Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping supplies. BGOTT-OM AHA TENT A AWNINO CO. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages less than 20 lbs.. 15 cents. Douglas 7453. Billiard Parlors. PRIVATE tables for parties at Holmes'. TUT?, n NT V W A V w. o. w. Bid. Auuvyxsux tiiti Dour las 216. THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha Sta Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Chiropractors BPINOORAPH. Dr. Edwards, 24th & Far nam. Dr J C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 1411. Contractors. J. ELKIN building repairs Web. 767 Costumes. FULL dress suits for rant Opp. P. O. John reinman, ius w. igtn BL Douglaa 8111. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evldenoe "enured in all cases Tyler 1181. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dressmaking Do'ig. 6396. Dentists. P- Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. 9. W. Bldg. T-vffa Dent. Hmi., 808 Roae Bldg. D. 1181 Electric Vacuum Cleaners. WILL clean your rugs on the floor. I Use Hoover machines. Harney 1915. Film Developing. FJLMo developed; rolls, 10c; packs, lio; me-day ssrvlce. Rase Studio. Neville Blk., iwtn ana Harney. Fixtures and Wiring RTTptfTXJ Electrlo washing machines, 1XUAVXV1.1V electrlo Irons snd resdlng lamp. 1221 Cuming Bt Douglaa 2511. Live Stock Hauling. WB will haul your live stock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 8101 Farnam 8t Telephone Doug. 1608. Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC sharpeners; called fur and de livered; used lawnmowers for sale. Shop at Maxotlre Station, 2910 Leavenworth. Harney 1808. Jewelry. DIAMONDS w pay be,t prlc w,,h iyirXiUUiM-FO privilege to buy back atamall profit GROSS. 401 N. 16th St. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, tH Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. Res 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold Inter national Patent Co.. 683 Brandela. D 6611. STURGES & STUROES, U. 8. and foreign patents and trademarks. S30 Bee Rldg. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUG CLEANERS. , Bclentlflo Olive Oil Washing Persian Rug Cleaning Co., 1257 Farnam. H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. .1. J. Derlght Safe Co Medical. PILES fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surreal oper ation. Cure Ruaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhsrt Ptg. Co.. 624 8. 13th St. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L., 216 S. SOth. Tailor D 2432. Jowel Supplie s, Omaha Towel Supply 20 11th. D. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES Fitted Pe-fectty by Experts The W O Cleveland Co. Uin-lJ Hnrnev St Wedding Statiomry. WEDDING announcements and printing t Douglas Printing Co Tel nnuc'a t'i BUSINEr CHANCES 1,000 MEN TO BUY GUARANTEED OIL STOCK. From a company that has good pro ducing wells. No wild cat scheme or fake but straight goods. Dividends June 30 and September 30. Money back with 10 per cent aijiled If not satisfied. Bailey Investment Co.. Kansas City. Mo. FOR SALE Best business in town of 1,200 - population bakery and cafo fixtures, fine soda fountain, doing better than 11,000 cash sales per month. Will sell for II. 600, and Invoice merchandise. Are aell Ing on account of health. Address Box X-iit, Omaha Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Downtown grocery and meat market; doing a strictly cash business; no deliveries; net profits from 14.000 to 15.000 a year. Will stand the closest Investiga tion. Will require 110.000 to handis It. rtnx 4721. Bee. PHYSICIAN and surgeon with hospital ex perience wants an excellent location at once In town from 800 population up. Please give full particulars In first letter. Address Dr. L. Park, General Delivery. Omaha. Neh. FOR HALE A well established sheet metal works of 20 years; machines, tools and stock will Invoice about $1,0')0; reason, dath of owner. For information address V. H. Hmitli, 60! East Ninth street. Fre mont. Neh. COAL .MEN ATTENTION Mine your own coal. I have for sale 80 acres thoroughly drilled coal land. Ready for Immediate development, 160 miles of Omaha; rail road connection all directions. P. E. Vail, I20 Sherman avenue, Evanston, III. Fort SALE Best paying drug store in live county neat town of 2.500 In east central Nebraska. Big money maker. Invoices iibout IS. 000. Owner wants to retire. Act ouick, Address Box V 596. Omaha Bee FOR SALE Tailoring and Dry Cleaning business at a remarkably low price; am drafted and must leave soon; will stand thoroiiKh Investigation. F. Franz. Albert l,e,i, Minn. MlST he-ll a li.OOO stock of general mer . hxmlixe to close estate; look this over and make your best cash offer. J. G. Do lirty, Administrator, Lodge Pole, Neb. BAKERY, sod'ii fountain, baking overT Modi, furniture and fixtures for sale. Good town In a thriving county. Win side Bakery. Wlnslde, Neb. GOOD paying rtmg store. Cor. 16th and Davenport; new fixtures and fountain, well assorted stock, excellent location. Will sell at Invoice. See us at once. FOR HALE Cafe with aoft drinks, ice cream and confectionery In connection. Doing fine business. Good reason for selling. Belmont cafe. Columbus. Neb. ANY business relating to Canada solicited; Ian cared for, leased, sold, exchanged, cropped. Frank Crawford, Omaha and Rosetown, Sask. FOR SALE First class meat market In town of 1.500; all fixtures new and sani tary. Reason for selling will be drafted soon. G. F. Courtney, Randolph, Neb. FOR SALE Harness business In best farm Ing country In Nebraska. Only shop in town. Write to Joe Jenlk, Lodge Polo. Neb FOR SALE Cafe and lunch counter at Antloch, Neb., doing good business. Ad dress. Don Cotton, Antioch, Neb. GUARANTY locate you; any line business any state. Guarantee sell your business. F V Knteat. Bes Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. BAKERY Confectlanery, etc., for aale. Nets 1225 month. W. Christiansen. Mln den, Neb. PARTNER wanted In good business, lu.OOO required. R. B LeRoy, Kort Dodge. la. STORE for aale; rent 19. Good business. V. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. ON account of health must sell my bakery atonce. W. O. Harvey. Knoxvllle, la. FOR SALE Cafe and Ice cream parlor at a big sacrifice. Irven Carroll, Nelson Neb, AUTOMOBILES w OLD FORDS. NEW FORDS "MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Before buying a truck see Affordable Truck Co., Omaha made truck unit fits any Ford, makes guaranteed and 1-ton trucks out of snybody'a Ford. 1165 F. O. B. Omaha. DEALERS WANTED Factory and office 1207-16 8. 20th Bt DOUGLAS 2053. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on hand Mashid fendera and lamps repaired like new. New honey-combed Ford radiators, till model, 122; 1917, 123. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1918 Cuming St Omaha. Neb. LISTEN We will save you 60 per cent on your tire bill. Trade your old tire for new one. Tube vulcanized 6 cent cas Ings 60 cents up. Rebuilt, 2 In 1 casings for sals, IS up. U. 8. machines for sale. U. S. Vulcanlser Co., Branch 18. 120 8 18th St.. Omaha FOR SALE On account of draft the Cunv mg garage. This garage Is In a fine lo cation and doing a rushing business, Owner of building will enlarge and give a long lease. Cuming Garage, 2413 Cum Ing St. FORDS exchanged, bought and aold; we re build your Ford with a Kelsey streamline body like now: cara sold for cash or time payments. Sol S. Goldstrora. 2867 Farnam St. Harney 6646; agenta wanted. FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and power. Will accept Ford In Al condition as part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank. Route 6, 75A, Benson, Neb. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. Wltb and without starters. 15 to pick from. Phone D. 1241 or call at 1516 Davenport. BOYLAN, AUTO CO.. CUMING GARAGE, 2416 Cuming St., D. 2S31. Storage, day and night service, carbon burning, welding, general auto re. pairing. , CHALMERS, speedster, 2-pasaenger. . . .1360 Maxwell, 6-passenger 450 Bulck Light Six 100 BARNUM-SMITH CO.. 2121 Cuming. TELL A BINKLEY. Commercial body butldere. 1311 Harney St. D 1640 OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 2300 Farnam Bt. WB ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam St Douglas 1071. HUDSON Super Six. late 1917 model, perfect condition, 11,350, fully equipped. Box 4630 Omaha Bee. FOR SALE One complete Hudford attach ment for one-ton Ford truck. Call Doug las 4SS3. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 2028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6290. 5-PASSENGKR Stoddart-Dayton, in excel lent condition: must sell; leaving city, 2111 S. 24th St. Douglas S170. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 10 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6036 QUALITY USE D CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. BARGAINS In used cars ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. USjD CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES 2020 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. 50 KORD'i WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO., 2105 FARNAM ST. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L SMITH, nth and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1170. BARGAINS IN USED KORL) CARS McCaffrey Motor Co jjijh and Jackson, Ford Agents Dnua S600 ONU Saxon Six Roadster, in fine condition: also American Roadster, cheap North Side Oarage, 4303 N. 20th WANTED To BUY 1917 Ford coupelet for cash. Hoefelman, Platte Center, Neb. HUDSON Super-six sedan In first i lass con dition for sale. Call 266. Council niuffs. la ONE Ford truck as good as new. Will sell cheap Millard Hole GOOD second-hand delivery car. cheap, ln nulre 1219 W W nine Auto Jiverv and Garages. RiiNT A FORI DRIVE IT YOURSELF l-'c a mile. 3.c per hour minimum charge bunduys and holidays, COc per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. loula 3622 1314 Howard St. Repairing andPainting. Edwards'" e. s.. "si'u i9ttf""si. web- ter lit) J For the beat results with rerali wora consult ur Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE Ct) Anything electrical about vour auto. 316 N-19th St. Douglas 64XS Tires and Supplies TIRE bargains at unheard of prices; all brand new. 18 standard makes. Come In and let our goods and prices settle the argument. SEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. "Nebraska's Tire Bargain Center." Douglas 2916. 310 S. 19th St. INSIST on G. & O. quality retread and save 60 per cent on your Urea. Bargains In new and slightly used tires. O. AO. Tlr Co., 1415 Leaven'th St. Tyler H61-W. AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 1.000 Miles Guaranteed. 30x3. 17 75; 30i3H. $1.75; 82x3H. $10.25; 33x4. 112 35: 34x4. 113 25; 35x4 116 50. Write ua today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Experj Radiator and1 Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., lftiej Davenport St Omaha. D. 1914. TIRES. New 303 Firestone H.S0 New 30x34 Non Skid 12.50 New 3:x3'i Firestone 15.15 3)x3 , Guaranteed Tubes S.10 3ux3 Guaranteed Good used Ford Other sizes Id and vulcanizing. Tubes 2.80 tires I0 proportion. Retreading OMAHA RADIATOR 1918 Cuming St., A TIRE WORKS. Omaha. Neb. NEW TIRES AT PRICE. ALL 8IZES. NEW 30x3 Republic IS 75 Ford tubes. 12.00 NEW 30x31,4 FIRESTONE non-skid. 114.75 NEW 32x3'4 FIRESTONE tires 114.90 KAI.MANS TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup' nlv Co JOM Farnam St TIRE price wreckers. This la no 2-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 412 S 13th Agts Wanted. Omaha. Neb Motorcycles and Bicycles j FOR SALE Three-speed electric equipment II ill ley - un v luauii iiejiuiv.jn.ic, iuii ouv miles; excellent conditions. Call South 202 or .South 2394. Address 2206 Drexel St. . B. Burton. FOR KALE Indian motorcycle and side car In splendid condition. Owner gon to war. Can be seen at 1502 Spencer St or Inquire Webster 4301. H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. victor H. Roos. the Motorcycle Man. 27lb and Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so. Holts your old clothing, furniture, maga zlnes. We collect We distribute. Phon Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. WANTED To adopt little girl between and 6 years. No objection to cripple or sick child. It Intelligent Address, Box Y 687. Omaha Bee. MISS ALLEN Masaage, facial and scalp treatment 1802 Karnam St, Room 1 MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths massage, 379 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. and 659. MAE BRUGMAN. scientific masseuse baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. snd MASSAGE and Neville Biock. baths. Miss Halran. 222-b BATHS and massage, Neville block. Miss Halran, 222-3 Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. II MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H Writ. 308 Bee Bldg SITUATIONS WANTED Male. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Or tracer wants position In or out of Omaha. Box 9550, Bee. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tlonal Cleaning and Service company, 2709 Leavenworth St. Harney 6012. WANTED Housecleanlng by man and wife; experienced; also lawnmowlng. Webater 3094. LAWNS mowed. 9457. Delaney. Floors polished. Douglas Female. HOUSEKEEPER for old couple or care for elderly lady. 1608 N. 17th St Webster 4647. EXPERIENCED nurse maid; reference; go home nights. Tyler 3699. WANTED Practical Douglas 8461. nursing. 1371 8. Ith WOMAN wants day work: ref. Web. 2221. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work, good ref. Mary Carter, Web. 3733. GUARANTEED dressmaking. Call evening Tyler 2004-W. DAY work wanted by first-class laundress for first of week. Call Webster 1391. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. 1ST-CLASS laundress want bundle wash ing. Web. 6894. drtas, WeT Ilvered ster 6323. BUNDLE WASHING, rough dry and finish ed. Red 6673. LAUNDRESS. washing by th hour. Web. 3017. BUNDLE washing; call and deliver. Web. 6230. COLORED woman wants work by the day or week. Call Webster 1699. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 698. COLORED lady wants day work. Har 6405. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2058. Day work and bundle washing. Web 1088. BUNDLE washing to take home. South 1611. 1ST class col. laundress with ref. Doug. 8712. GIRL wishes day work Webster 2327. NEAT col. lady wants day work. Doug. 6077, BUNDLE washing, lace curtains. Web. 1727. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN . WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the ssme way yop advertise to sell merchandise, and th difference In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help cell Tyler 1000. A trained snd experienced ad taker will assist you in prsparlng your advertisement OMAHA railway mail clerk examinations coming: hundreds wanted; 190 month; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 231 -F. Rochester. N. Y. EXPERIENCED man bookkeeper for club accounts, good salary and meals. Mr. Mowery. Douglas 2374. TYPIST, exp., 184. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, mfg. exp., 1125. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 113 First National Bank. BOOKKEEPER, milling firm. $125-$136. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. .'rofebs ons and Trades WANTED AT ONCE 40 union bricklayers for U. S. government general hos pital, Denver, Colo. ; wages $7; six weeks steadv work for good men. The C. S. Lambie Co., Contractors. P. 0. Box 1986, Denver, Colo. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor. Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Toung man to work In the press room. Apply to Supt.. Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Experienced egg candlers Im mediately; prefer men who can rough and handle tipping gang during poultry sea son; good wagea and steady work. It will pay yon to Investigate this ad. E. B. Hlgley compan.-. Mason City, la. TEAMSTER $31 per week. Wagner, (01 N. Sixteenth street. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED. TRUCKERS and WAREHOUSE MEN. Good pay. 29th and C Street, South Side. OMAHA FLOUR MILLS CO. MEN ABOVE DRAFT AGE. Learn an all the year round trade that will give permanent employment and good wages auring peace ss well ss war times. Learn lens grinding and spec tacle making-. We will teach you thli trade and pay reasonable wages while learning. Apply RIGGS OPTICAL CO. "69 Brandela Store Bldg. WANTED BUSHELMEN FOR ALTERA TION WORK. APPLY TO MANAGER OF CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. HAY- V&N BKUTMERS, WANTED AT ONCE TRANSFER MEN. ' WELLS-FA RGO CO.. UNION STATION. ASSISTANT TO WINDOW TRIMMER young man not subject to draft; prefer one from small town who has had show window trimming experience. In letter give experience, references and salary wanted. S. N. WOLBACH SONS. GRAND ISLAND. NEB. WANTED Meat cutters, reliable, capable of running small shop. Call at Basket Stores Office, 108 N, 9th St. Call any day WANTED All-around printer, capable of taking care of mechanical department of country office. Including operation of cylinder press; permanent position; good wages. Sherm F. Meyers, Anita, la. 414-18 South 16th St. WHITE chauffeur. Private residence. State mechanical and driving experience, where last employed, references, wages wanted and age. Permanent Job If satisfactory. Apply Box 9370 Omaha Bee. Experienced man cook wanted at Nixon's farm, 18 miles from Bushnell, Neb. Good pay and rood place for right party. Steady employment Write J. A. Nixon, Bushnell, Neb. MEN LEARN AVIATION MECHANICS and AEROPLANE CONSTRUCTION. Shop and field experience. Government needs you today. Write MOLER AVIATION SCHOOL, Chicago, 111. Wanted Experienced stock room man. shop foreman and service foreman; Ford work only. Mortensen & Burkhard garage. Winner. S. D. WANTED Thirty carpenters. New man facturlng building. Havelock, Neb. One Mock west Burlington depot. W. J. As senmacher Co., Contractors, WANTED Man or young man for travel Ing show; must be about 6 ft. 3 In. Ex perlence not required. Good position for right man. Box 9549, Bee. WANTED At once, a first class Hoffman pressman; will start at 820. Steady em ployment Vallet Cleaners, Sioux Falls, S. D. WANTED First-class automobile me chanlc; good equipment and good wages. Gurgles Garage. Castana. Ia. 86.00 A DAY All around Blacksmith and Horseshoer wanted at once: steady work. Ed Flake. Talmage. Neb. WANTED Linotype operator at once. Ap ply Omaha Typesetting Co., 310 South 12th St. WANTED Experienced automobile repair man. Apply aervlce department, Guy L. Smith, Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets. PLUMBER and tinner wanted at once, 84.50 per day and more If worth It. J. Wilson Dunlap, Ia. WANTED First class finisher. ORCHARD-WILHELM CO., 414-18 South 16th St. ONE experienced married farm hand. Box 121. J. A. Leaders, Papllllon. EARN barber trade, low ratea now Call or write Barber College 1124 Dnuala Bt WANTED A good, all around blacksmith. Fred Peterson. Fremont, Neb. WANTED Upholsterer lor furniture depart ment Box 41406 Bee Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED. EXPERIENCED AUTOMOBILE SALES MAN BY FIRM REPRESENTING ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR AUTOMO BILES IN THE MARKET. GOOD OPPOR TUNITY FOR RIGHT MAN. PREFER PARTY WELL ACQUAINTED IN OMA HA. ADDRESS BOX 4724. BEE. FIRST class salesman wanted to handle real estate proposition In Nebraska. Pre fer man with sales experience and one capable of making good salary. Will pay guarantee and commission to man who is a g'ood live wire. Address Box Y-691. Omaha Bee. SALESMEN. We want 60 live wire salesmen, 650, 651, 652 Brandels Bldg. Apply SALESMEN to Bell stock: $1,000 000 bank organizing; strong directorate: commis sion; send references. Leads given; per manent place possible. Fidelity Trust Co., Hlppee Bldg., Des Moines, la. DENTAL salesman, to travel Nebraska and Iowa: state age. experience and refer ences. Address Y 593. Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE A proposi tion that la a money-maker to wide awake ejiergentlc salesmen is offered by a Life Insurance company, nearly a third of a century old: rates lower than other companies and dividends the greatest of any company in America; all communi cations Tvlll be neld confidential: If In terested address Box Y-5S9. Omaha Bee. WANTED Good live wire. Tire Co.. 1015 S. Main St. Apply Duplex Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored waiters; permanent po sitions, best ray best meals and best treatment In Omaha. Apply to head waiter. Blackstone Hotel. WANTED Experienced cook for cafe; white; good wages; Irven Carroll, Nelson. Neb Boys. WANTED A boy to carry an Eve ning Bee route. Call at Circulation Dept.. Bee Office. 104 Bee Building. WANTED Boy to deliver an Eve ning Bee route, near 29th and Leavenworth Sts. Call at Bee Branch Of fice. 2615 Leavenworth St. WANTED A boy to deliver The Morning Bee in Dundee. Call at Bee Branch Of fice, 40th and Cuming Sts. HELP WANTED MALE Boys. WANTED Boy, good pay to right party. OMAHA BROOM FACTORY. 1346 South Twentieth street Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED TEAMSTERS. Steady Job; good pay. Call Walnut 101 UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO. v am to Driver for Ford truck. Weir Co . .... -iiiui miu LUQlins, Miscellaneous. LABORERS For track work, 30 cents per hour at start with car fare; 10 hours. APPLY TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT 22D AND NICHOLAS STS., OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. APPLY UNION STATION. WANTED Married or single man for gen- mrnj won; win lurnisn house, cow to milk, fuel, etc., and will rent farm to right parties and furnish horses. Im plements, etc; man must be experienced: will pay wages according to work done. oinn a Muieroot Ranch. Alexandria. Neb. WANTED 6 men to sell goods on pasaen- oi i.niii.. must nave, easn security. Ap ply Rock Island News Stand Falrbury. Neb. WANTED Warehouse men. Apply tosu penntendent CARPENTER PAPER CO. 9th and "Harney. WANTED Married, experienced farm hand L.eaaens. hox 121, Papllllon. Neb WANTED Experienced married farm hand. .. k. iesners, rapimon. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 women clerks l "asnington. Examinations everywhere July 7 Experience unnecessary Women desiring government positions writ for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former civil service examiner). 625 Kenols Bldg.. Washington. MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR Wanted at once, must be experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply ... tomwii m mi rirsr fat. Bank Bldg. YOUNG lady bookkeeper who writea good, ior nig.i-ciasa jewelry store. Box 94S2. Omaha Bee. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. irtc mau AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. BOOKKEEPER. 17K.4s WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. YOUNG saleswoman for high class lewelrv store. Box 9481. Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. WANTED-Young Ladies tc lari, telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT. 1807 Douglas St v Arn iiiJ 10 experienced power sewing machine operators, also girl to learn, light tiean, sieaay worK, pleasant surroundings, oesi wages in the city. Apply at once. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709-11 South 15tb WANTED Hand Ironers and marker and sorter ior rough dry department and girls for all departments. Evans Mode' Laundry. 11th and Douglas Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced saleslady In ladles ana children s ready-to-wear. Give ref. erence, state number years' experience ana mention salary expected. The Jamie son House Furnishing Co., Trinidad. Colo. Household and Domestic. WANTED White girl for general house work. Two in family. No laundry work, will pay good wages. Must go home nights. Colfax 4051, 2868 Vane St. A NEAT colored girl wanted to help with light Housework ; good wages; no Sun day work. Phone Harney 6337 after 6. Residence, 3012 S. 28th Ave.. GIRL for general housework In family of three; no children; references required. Cail Harney 915. Room 434, The Black stone. WANTED White girl for general house work. Small family. References re quired. Mrs. A. T. Hansen, 3514 Seward St. Walnut 2164. WANTED An experienced cook, good wages: appointment by telephone. Mrs. O. C. Redlck. Harney 121. References required. WANTED Cook, and also housemaid; must no tnorougniy competent; best wages; references required. Mrs. G. A. Roberts, Wal. 326. RELIABLE white girl for general house work, good wages. 4823 Douglas St Telephone Walnut 2443. WANTED Good girl for general house work, two In family, nb washing. Mrs. Remington, Harney 3104. WANTED Experienced cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike. 3614 Jackson. Harney 2934. COMPETENT girl for general housework. go home nignts. Webster 6034. GIRL or woman wanted for housework on farm: good wages. G. A. Sweet, V4ley, U.h COMPETENT white maid for general house work. Call Harney 388. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. O. P. Stebhins. Red 6475. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework 3715 S. 25th St South 934. GIRL to assist with general housework. 6119 Davenport. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Chambermaid, keeper Hotel Fontenlle. Apply to bouss- Miscellaneous. NEAT, reliable girl to answer phone. Good wages. Harney euis. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE IN SILK HOSIERT. WHITE GOOD. SHOE DEPTS APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED Men. ladles and boys, learn barber trade; big demand; wages while lesrnlng; strictly modern. Call or write 1401 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College Phone D 2147 MOI.ER Barber College wants young men and ladles to lesrn the barber trad a. Cell or arrlte for free catalogue, 110 8. 14tb Sl, Omaha, Neb. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE, DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotypy. typewrit Ing. telegraphy, civil service all eommw clal and English branahea. Catalonia Ins, BOYLES COLLEGE. Doaglaa 1665 18th and Harney at, Van Bant School of B amine Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dooarlsa 681 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If your fall to find th room yon .. desire among these ds call at Th Bee office for a Room List Glvea complete description of vacant room In all parts of th city New lists Issued every week. THE COCHRANE. 1708 Jackson St. Phone Tyler 1543. Strictly modern, hot and cold running water In rooms. Summer rates. 2223 HOWARD, room In private family for one or two ladles. Walking distance. Apartment 2, Mayfalr. Phone Red" 1158. EAST front room, modern home: Hanscom Park district. Stall In garage, on car line. Harney 1044. MODERN furnished rooms for men only at th Sunshine. 608 North 17th St Reason able rent PLEASANT room, private family, 131 N. ojsi Ave. ROOMS Large and small, walking dis tance. "Vernon." 204 S. 25th. 222S FARNAM Nice rooms for good per- mmient, pusiness people. ROOM in private family for gentleman. walking distance. Phone Har. 6407. LOVELY furnished room, close in, reason able, for gentleman. Tyler 3358. NICELY furnished sleeping room with run-'' nlng water In room. 1819 Cass. Tyler 3245. NICELY furnished southeast room for 1 or z parties. Douglas 8848. 2404 Davenport. ruttmsHED room Webster 6893. In private family. LOVELY furnished room, close In, reason able for gentleman. Tyler 3368. 3019 PACIFIC Nicely furnished room In prl vate family, parlor privileges. 205 S. 25TH AVE. Apt. 7, furnished. roomT private family. MODERN, nearly new furnished front room for rent at 2120 California. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO-room, .well furnished apartment for couple employed, private home, west side; Hanscom park district. Harney 2692. LINCOLN apartments. 2102 Chicago 's!., fur nished housekeeping and sleeping 'ooms. Tyler 2607. 3701 DAVENPORT 2-room suite in private brick . housa; alec, lights, gas range; newly decorated; garage, shndo. Harney 4989. ONE housekeeping room, two sleeping rooms for rent: reasonable; all modern. 813 North Sixteenth. 2902 DODGE Suit ot clean, neatly furn ished rooms on second floor; laundry privilege?, garage room. I0S4 DAVENPORT ST. 3 front neatly fur nished modern housekeeping rooms. No children. 312 N. 22D Nice neat housekeeping rooms. Reasonable. Douglas 9378. PARLOR floor, nice cool, well furnished suite, porch and shade, $4. 604 S. 28th, 3 ROOMS, modern. with private family. 1909 Ctss. MODERN housekeeping rooms, with gas, near postoffice, low rent. Doug. 6295 THREE rooms and bath, 220 N. 25th 45t Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Four rooms upstairs, separai entrance, ' all modern. 919 S. 27th St. Phone Tyler 2205-W Board and Rooms. EXCLUSIVE heme; cool, front room, beau, tlfully furnished in mahogany, twin beds;: breakfast and dinner; two gentlemen or couple employed. Harney 3309. 2561 DODGE Attractive single and double room, good board, walking distance. Har 6143. Hotels. CLAREMONT INN. 17th find Jackson. Transient guests, $1 a day; permanent guests. $6 a week. Douglas 2765. COOL rooms. $2 week; also apartments with kitchenettes. Mgden hotel fn R'nff FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ELEGANTLY furnished apartment, includ ding three bedrooms and two baths. Southeast corner St. Regis. Two months Call Harney 6184 for appointment. DOWNSTAIRS, modern. West Farnam home, four rooms and bath, newly furnished, entirely private, walklnir distance, free phone $45 per month. Box 9400, Bee. UPSTAIRS modern West Farnam home: two rooms, kitchenette and bath, newly fur nished, entirely private; walking distance: free phone. $35 per month. Box 9399. Bee. BEAUTIFULLY furnished apartment, with I cool porch; walking distance. Apply 220s N. 23d. - TWO or 4-room furnished apartments, pri vate bath. 1112 South Uth St. Houses. AT Carter lake (Dletz club) partlf- fur nished bungalow and canoe for $160 cash, or will rent for $12 per month. Call Douglas 6866. 6 OR 6 ROOMS, shade, piano, furnished, modern, cool. garage; references ex- : changed. 2605 Emmet St Webster 6949. SIX-room house, furnished; modern. July 15 to September 1. Harney 0C0. FOR RENT Modern furnished home, rea sonable. Inquire 1711 Dodge St. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 2225 DODGE street, 8-room modern house. $67.50. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY. 205 South 18th St. Douglas 722. 409 SOUTH 25th Ave., 9 rooms. $40.00. . ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg.' 10-ROOM residence, near high school; keys on premises. 2601 Capitol Ave, Phone Har ney 6564. Rent $35. 3304 No. 69th St.. 7 rooms $15.0(1' 6922 Bedford Ave., 6 rooms 12.50 OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASS'N. FOR RENT July 1. 6-room, modern. Bemls park district. 3320 Myrtle avenue. Rental $30. F. M. Penney. Phone Doug. 937. 2568 Douglas, rooming house $33.00 1516 North 16th, rooming house 33.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS S54, SEVEN rooms modern, $25, near postoffice. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Crlcago. 7-ROOM house, hot water heat; walking distance. Harney 2049. North. 7-ROOM modern bouse, 3866 Hamilton St. D. 1528. FINE 6-room cottage. 1147 N. 17th St. Modern except heat. $22.50 Modern six-room house, throp; key next door. 1807 Lo- 6.ROOM house, part modern, $14. 270S Seward St. Red 682. South 2316 S. 32D St. A modern 10-room house, with garage, room for three car. A large sleeping porch, every room In canva and hand decorated; hot water heat; oil or coal furnace. Located on Hanscom Blvd. 7-ROOM house, good repair; hardwood fin ish. 1519 Park Ave.. 136. Phon Har. 166$. Miscellaneous. ALL MODERN $23.00; 4360 Charles, six rooms and barn, newly painted. (Can also be bought right.) $30.00; 207 North Twenty-thlrd. eight rooms, cemented basement (good plac for roomers, walking distance.) $30.00; 2720 Howard, eight rooms (four bedrooms), walking distance. $55.00; six rooms all modern and sleep porch, furnished; July 1 to Sept. 1. $65.00; 106 South Thlrt-aighth. At rooms furnished, July 1 to Sept- 16. . MODERN EXCEPT HEAT $10.00; 1554 North Sixteenth, four rooms upstairs, walking distance. $10.00; 1556 North Sixteenth, four room upstairs, walking distance. $11.00; 1557 North Seventeenth, four rooms upatatrs, walking distance. Newly decorated. Payne Investment Company Realtors, 537 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Dong. 1711. " LlbT your property for rent or al with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtora, Tylat TIH 1 J i