,2 V i .Sj-.,,tiSff,. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; JUNE 23, 1918. 8 A i ;!! f '', Is: m ! t: !S IS! .J IS' i x i i- ift ;s: it! is- C. li' 1 a. 200,000 TROOPS SENT TO EUROPE IN TWO WEEKS U. S. Force in Franco Exceeds 900,000, Says Gen March; Battle Lull Vital' Factor in Favor of Allies. (By Associated Press.) '', Washington, June 22. Definite word from Rome of the defeat of the Austrian drive in Italy, coupled with the announcement of General March, chief of staff, that American troop movement to France had now exceed ed 900,000, added today to the grow ing cheerfulness that has been appar ent at the War department recently. General March told the newspaper men in his weekly conference that with the 900,000 mark passed, the United States is five months in ad vance of its schedule for troop move ments. At the same time he briefly outlined the battle positions in France and Italy and drew the conclu sion that the enemy was being held firmly on all fronts, though further great blows are to be expected. The chief of staff's statements fur nished the first authoritative informa tion as to progress in the tremendous exertion the government has been making to meet the challenge of the German drive in the west. When the first blow was struck on the Cam-brai-St. Quentin line March 21. troop shipments were behind schedule. To day they are five months ahead. Troops Moving Speedily. ' The spee'd with which the army is being moved to the front is sharply indicated by the fact that approxi mately 200,000 men have been em barked during the last two weeks. The total movement during May was not more than 240,000. It was only two weeks ago that Secretary Baker an nounced that more than 700,000 had been shipped a week later, at the first of his conferences with the news paper men. General March said the 800,000 mark had been passed, and today he placed the figure at more than 900,000. On this showing the 1,000,000 mark should be passed by July 1. Various factors enter into the problem of transportation,! however, which for bid a definite prediction. General March made it clear that time gained in getting abroad enough American troops to give Generat Foch a mastering superiority over the en - emy is tfie vital factor. Every day lost by the Germans in pressing their effort to achieve military victory be fore American aid can arrive in over whelming force is regarded as day nearer ultimate defeat for' them. Germany Preparing; to Renew Drive. "The general situation looks well," was General March's comment as he looked at the great war maps, where all the operations are marked out. "The lack of fighting along the French front is of primary importance to the allies, by giving us a chance to get more man power. "The present lull on the western front simply means that Germany is refitting her combat divisions and pre paring for another drive. It does not mean that the- great battle is over. 'We can look forward to a repeti tion of what we have .been passing through these past few months, as far is German activity is concerned," , A General March refused to comment j on the proposal to send an interna tional expedition into Siberia. Appar ently he, still takes the. view that this is as yet a political question, not a military matter. He was exceedingly reticent also as to American partici pation on the ltalian front , V China Will Furnish Troops . To Guard Siberia! Frontier London, June 22. Chinese soldiers ' are available for co-operation with the Japanese at Harbin and near the Siberian frontier and if necessary more will be sent. General Tuan Chi-Jui. Chinese premier and war minister, told the Peking correspond ent of the Daily Mail The premier added: ,;. 4 - "The threatening situation on our frontiers certainly demands safe guards, we aon t want the Dolsheviki in China." . , With reference to Chinese particf- . pation in the war on European battle fronts, the premier said:" "I would like to help the allies and would be glad to send 40,000 or 50, 000 troops, but am prevented by finan cial difficulties and the activities of ; the provincial rebels." Nebraska News Notes Colfax county will vote upon the proposition of erecting a new court house at the election this fall. The board of commissioners at a special meeting voted to adopt the , method used, in Platte county.fA tax of not to exceed 5 mills may be levied. County Agricultural Agent L. C Christie of Fremont has established labor agencies in every town and com munity center in the county in an ef fort to solve the labor problems that confront the farmer. A shortage of harvest labor is predicted. Wages for farm work range from $60 to $75 a month, while harvest hands will be paid from $3 to $4 a day. . The Cuming county eighth grade exercises of the pupils of the public schools took place at West Point. The class, which contained nearly 100 pupils, was the largest ever graduated from this grade in the county. Melvin R. Roberts, charged with the theft of an automobile at West Point, has pleaded guilty and was sentenced by Judge Welch to aterm of from one to seven years in the penitentiary. Sheriff Sexton conveyed him to Lincoln immediately. He was arrested with - the stolen car in Omaha, i Mrs. Harry O. Henry of Garfield township, Cuming county, died after a short illness. Mrs. Henry was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson:and was 28 years' of. age. She is survived by her parents, two oromers ana tnree sisters. ' Walter Scholtz, a farmer living two tnfles east of Genoa, was killed by a runaway mule team which he was driving home Saturday. He leaves a wife and several children, ' TRAFFIC STREAM FLOWS STEADILY DESPITEU-BOATS British Sea Power Increasing and Grip on Enemy Tighten ing, Says Archibald Hurd, Naval Expert. (Br Associated Press.) London, June 22. The necessity of keeping an eye upon the importance of sea power in the present conflict, despite the close attention claimed by the land battles, is emphasized by Ar chibald Hurd, the naval expert, writ ing in the Daily Telegraph. "We have been apt during the re cent offensives on the western front," Mr, Hurd writes, "to overlook after aspects of the warnotably the fundamental factor, which . is sea power. For a period of 15 months, during which our strength in ships has steadily declined, the downward tendency now has been definitely ar rested. Not only is our sea power in creasing, but our grip on the enemy fi firmer than at any previous period of the war. "Seven million tons of shipping enter or leave our ports monthly. Each ship is the target for enemy sub marines, yet there have been days in the present week when the enemy has not secured a single ship. "Twelve months ago we were with difficulty maintaining our stream of traffic, namely, that which brought us food and raw material. Today sup plies are flowing through this mam artery in greater volume than a year ago. At the same time another stream of traffic has started and mer chant shipping has bee", made avail able for the greatest transport move ment which has ever been carried out. "For three montha past American troops have been coming across the Atlantic by tens of thousands, far faster than at one time it was thought possible. That means that the balance between-the allies and the central powers isbeing adjusted in favor of the former. , "Viewing the war in its various as pects, naval, military and economic, we have every reason for confidence. The tide is distinctly turning and turning let us hope, for the last time. The submarine menace is being held. The allied armies are increasing in relative strength. The food positaion of this country, of France and of Italy is improving and shipbuilding, both in British and American yards, is proceeding at a greatly accelerated pace. There is assurance that by the end of December at least 4,000.000 tons will have been put into the water here and in the United States and that figure may be considerably exceeded. "In a word, the relative naval, mili tary and economic strength of the al lies is steadily imDrovinir. at a mo ment when the enemy is feeling the' cumulative crtects ot tne blockade maintained over a period of nearly four years with increasing stringency and of the war on land, which, not only has resulted in heavy casualties, but has drained the central powers of industrial workers." Home Rule for Ireland Postponed, Not Abandoned London, June 22. The British government regards its proposals of Irish home rul and rnnarrintinn aa postponed, but in no wise abandoned, the Times says it understands. Con scription will not be withdrawn nor - is re . win enons De reiaxea to trame a measure of self-government for Ire land. Recent events have convinced the government that the first business is to establish law and order, but its policy is unchanged. Germans Mass 'Prisoners Where Bombs May Drop Geneva, June 22. The Germans are massing more and more allied pris oners, both officers and men, along the Rhine and in frontier towns, says the Lausanne Gaiette. An Alsatian newspaper reports that five allied pris oners were killed and six wounded during a recent raid on Thionville, Germany. HOW SAFE ARE . YOUR FURS NOW? Dresher Brothers' Fur Sterge Vaults Can Yet, Accommodate Some " Treasured Fur Piece. The careless, happy-go-lucky per son Is Just the one who is apt to suf fer a loss of furs. Indifference to the seasons is what produces hairless patches on furs (due to the destruction of moths), ana recklessness in general is what invites loss of furs through burglary, fire, water, etc. Wouldn't it be fine to go to bed at night knowing that your furs are safe; absolutely safe during all of the summer months, and that you would be plentifully reimbursed should anything happen to 'em? Listen, friend! There is only one place in which to store furs away for the summer, and that is in the con crete and steel fur storage vaults at Dresher Brothers, the immense Dry Cleaners and Dvem At 99M 0017 Farnam St., Omaha. It would take an expert mechanic a couple of days to bore through these vaults; besides, every electrical alarm attachment known is also, made use' of. As far as "Raffles" or any other sort of a burglar is concerned, Dreshers will lay a cigar box full of silver dollars in the fur vaults and those dollars rightfully belong to any burglar who is clever enough to "jimmy" his way through the vaults in a single night. That's how safe your furs are here. m But, the most important part of it is that the Dresher Fur Vaults keep the furs at just the natural tempera ture of the clime in which fur-bearing animals roam about. Of course, if you wish your furs repaired, or cleaned, the time to do it is before vou have them stored, and Dreshers' Fur Workers can do this for you. Dreshers' Fur Workers will also make you attractive low prices on new fur pieces made to or fier during the summer months. Leave work at the plant, at Dresher the Tailors, 1515 Farnam St., or at the Dresher branches in the Burgess Nash or Brandeis Stores. . Dreshers pay express or parcel post Cirjr une way on any snipment. Adv. res Des Moines Publisher Asks Suspension of Tax Increases Washington, June 22. When representatives of the publishers as sociation closed their testimony to night, Chairman Kitchin told them he was "afraid we cannot get together at all" on the proposal to suspend the zone postage system, but said no new revenue tax on advertising is contemplated. , Gardner Cowles, of the Des Moines, Iowa, Register-Leader, and T. R. Williams, of the Pittsburgh Press, joined in asking for suspension of the increase and in characterizing the separation of the charge for adver tising as cumbersome. Preaching Forbidden In Teuton Language Norfolk, Neb., June 22. Preaching in foreign languages has been for bidden in Madison county by the council of defense in continuance of a fight against German language propaganda. 3 1MB I r Yf Sworn Statement of the Composition of the Formula of Nuxated Iron How it helps to increase strength nd build up delicate nerv ous, run-down folks. The Board ot Directors have authorized the broadest publication of the sworn state ment of the composition of the formula of Nuxated Iron, so that the publio may exam ine it for themselves and judge as to Its merits. It is conservatively estimated that this remarkable formula Is now being used by over three million people annually. Among those who have used and strongly endorsed It are many physicians who have been connected with the best hospitals and medical societies, Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, former Presidential Cabinet Official Secre. tary of the Treasury ; Vice Presidential Nom inee Chas. A. Towns, former member of Congress ; distinguished U. 8. Army Gen erals (Retired), Judge Atkinson of the United 8tates Court of Claims at Washing, ton and former Health Commissioner Kerr of Chicago. Newspapers everywhere ere Invited to sopy this statement for the benefit of their readers. It is suggested that physicians make a record of it and keep It in their )fflces so that they may intelligently an. twer questions of patients concerning it. Everybody is advised to cut it out and keep it. A copy of the actual sworn state ment will be sent to any one who desires such. It is as follows: Sworn state ment ef the AfnnnaHtHsk the formula of Nuxated Iron. lis Irnn Pimtonate Rnecial soeflifio Standard) (Quantity given f below.) I Sodium Glycerophosphates U. S. P. (Monsanto.) Calcium Glycerophosphates U. S. P. (Mon santo.) P. E. Nux Vomica U. S. P. Cascarlne Bitter Magnesium Carbonate Po. Ginger U. 8. P. Oil Cassia Cinnamon U. 8. P. Calcium Csrbonate Precip. U. 8. P. Each dose of two tablets of Nuxated Iron contains one and one-half grains of organic Iron in the form of iron peptonate, of a special specific standard, which, In our opin ion, possesses superior qualities to any other known form of iron. By using other makes of Iron Peptonate we could have put the same quantity of actual iron in the tab lets at less than one-fourth the cost to us, and by using metallic iron we could have accomplished the same thing at less than one-twelfth the eost; but by so doing we must have most certainly impaired their therapeutic efficacy. Glycerophosphates used In Nuxated Iron is one of the most expen sive tonio ingredients known. It is especial ly recommended to build up the nerve force and thereby increases brain power, as glyeer. ophosphates are ssld to contain phosphorus In that particular state so similar to that in which it la found in the nerve and brain cells of man. As will be seen from the above, two Im portant ingredients of Nuxated Iron (Iron Peptonate and Glycerophosphates) are very expensive products as compared with most other tonics. Under Such circumstances the temptation to adulteration and substitution by unscru pulous persons, is very great and the public is hereby warned to be eareful and see every bottle is plainly labeled "Nuxated Iron" by the Pae Health Laboratories, Paris, London nd Detroit, U. 8. A., as this is the only genuine article. If you have taken other forma of iron without success, this does not prove Nuxated Iron will not help you. We guarantee satisfaction to every purchaser or your money will be refunded. Take Nuxated Iron for Red Blood. Strength and Endurance In regard to the value ef Nuxated Iron, Dr. A. J. Newman, late Police Surgeon of the City of Chicago and former House Sur geon Jefferson Park Hospital, Chicago, says it has proven through his own tests of it to excel any preparation he has ever used for creating red blood, building up the nerves and strengthen'nir the muscles. Dr. J. W. Armisted, Grove Hill, Ala., gradu ate of the University of Alabama School of Medicine, Mobile. 1883. says: "In the cases " I used Nuxated Iron I have found more beneficial results than from any pre paration I have ever used in 84 years' prac tice.' Dr. James Francis Sullivan formerly Physician ot Bsllevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital, said: "Contrary to' gen eral opinion, lack of iron in the blood does not necessarily mean yoo do not have enough blood, but it means your blood is not of the right kind. If you feel tired in the morning; restless" at night; if yon suf fer from weakness or lack of vitality, go to your family doctor and have him take a specimen of your blood and examine IL and if it shows Iron deficiency, get him to srive you a prescription lor organic Iron Nuxated Iron. Do this so aa to be sore that yon do not get hold of some of the numerous forms of metallic iron prepara tions on the market which may do yon more harm than Rood. Or if you do not want to go to this trouble, purchase an original package of Nuxated Iron and see for yourself fist the words Nuxated Iron appear on the package Not Nux and Iron nor any other form of iron than Nuxated Iron." Iron is absolutely necessary to- enable yur blond to change your food into living tissue. With mt it no matter how much you eat or what yon eat your food merely passes through you without doing you ..any good, and as a consequence we become weak. pale, sickly looking, just as a plant in soil deficient In iron. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test. See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two tablets of Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks, then test your strength again and seei how much you hive gained. . t tnrmwe the sfrpiwth rd ti ate. lo Desks' tuns, ftild by diuiitsU vsryBr Thousand Metal Workers On Strike in Salt Lake Salt Lake Citv. Tune 22. Between 900 and 1,000 metal workers in Salt Lake City laid down their tools at noon today when demands for an in crease of $1 a day in wages were not met bv employers. Seven plants are said to be affected. An increase of 50 cents a day has been offered, accord- ing to a committee of employers, but this was refused by the men. Retailers Limited to Two Weeks' Supply of Sugar Sales of sugar by wholesalers to retailers hereafter will be limited to not more than a two-weeks' supply, according to a ruling promulgated Saturday by the federal food admin istration for Nebraska. Notification to all wholesalers is being sent by W. H. McCord, chairman of the state wholesale committee. The ruling goes farther in that it requests retailers to buy not more than five bags, wherever possible. The order, however, does not apply to 30 days' supplies bought and snipped previous to this ruling. For quick results, try Bee want ads. juupuvi a uicciU uiuutcu, ... .Washington, June ' 22. Emperor William's latest speech was not per mitted to reach Austria-Hungary in its original form. An official dis patch from Switzerland today says the Zurich Volksreicht, on comparing the official text with the version pre pared by the official Wolff agency for transmission to Austria, found several JUNE BRIDE GOOD FURNITURE IS AN INVESTMENT PAY ING 100 DIVIDENDS 'DAILY IN HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PRIDE OF POSSESSION ilartnun'i, the World's Greatest Home-Furnishing Organization cor dially welcomea the June Bride to look over its extensive assortments for ideas and suggestions in the proper equipment of the modern home. As a bridal gift, good furniture "the gift to the home" is always sure' of wannest appreciation. You will find in the gift assortments of this store suggestions which will solve the bridal problems. CONVENIENT TERMS OF PAYMENT GLADLY ARRANGED 1 II m 0 i 0 OUR MODEL KITCHEN CABINET Solid oak; entire top white en amel lined flour bin, etc. $23.75 AN EXCLUSIVE HIGH-GRADE QUEEN ANNE LIVING ROOM SET-Miuaran-teed "KARPENESQUE" construction. Marshall spring seat cushion; uphol stered in fine blue or rose silk damask; medallion pillows and bolster, uphol stered to match; attractive cane paneled sides and back. Antique mahogany finish. p j lii 1 J DAVENPORT illustrated; lo W3 and roll to match; only two p!l- $98.50 I CHAIR illustrated, Including medal lion pillow to match; 59150 COLONIAL DRESSER Base has swell front, 42 ins. wide, French bevel mirror 24x28, special $20.75 HA COMFORTABLE AND SPLENDIDLY DE SIGNED ROCKER, with frames of selected oak, fin ished golden; seat and back are upholstered in t genuine Spanish leather, over a com-, plete set of steel springs; strongly built; an exceptional value $11.37 Let Hartman Feather Tour Nest. APARTMENT style. 3-dcor, side icing Refrigerator; 60 pound ice capacity; white enamel lined; adjustable wire shelves; patent drip eup and drain $19.95 SPECIAL OFFERING of na tionally famous "Royal" easy chairs. "Push the button" and back reclines to any position; full spring back and scat; frames finished golden or fumed a rare value at this very special low price $18.89 Catalog Mailed Free to Out-of-Town Customers. A SPECIAL OFFERING In a high-side, sanitary wood crib, complete with flexible springs; measures 2-6x4-6; automatic drop sides; artis-' tically enameled in white; ex actly as Illustrated; quoted for this week only, special, at, Antique Ivory Bed, Sanitary Steel IUIIai. i!inm)l"V HI " S ' $9.25 Handsomely Dzskned Daing-Zoom Suit , in the Popular William csr Mary renoa SIX SPLENDIDLY-DESIGNED WIIXIAM AND MART DINlSQ ROOM CHAIRS Hlah-panel baclc, centsr panel aone in rnn! tenuln SDaBish ledther seat; Jacobean finish; com plete set ot si chairs, only. $29.75 ATTRACTIVE WILLIAM AND MART DININO TABLE Beautifully grained 4. inch ton: S-ft. extension: artistically' turned lesrs and stretch ers; Jacobean finish; priced specially at , $32.25 A NEATLY-DESIGNED AN TIQUE IVOK" BED Full size only; fitted with the Seng sanitary steel side rails ; splendidly finished; carefully constructed, and a rare value at this very low price...... $16.87 .u if COMFORTABLE, FULL-SIZE FIBRE REED GONDOLA Closely-woven fabric; large hood; rubber-tired wheels; interior upholstered t o match; your choice of differ ent finishes; offered for this week, at.. lafcM i i -t i nil, i i Jas OUR RUG DEPARTMENT Offers Wonderful Values This Week ...$2.25 ...$9.75 .$15.89 $17.50 .$21.59 27x54 Fancy Border Rag Rugs, assorted colors 9x18 Grass Rugs, atenoil border, only 912 Fibre Reversible Rug-, only 9x12 Brussels Ruga, splendid new patterns.. 8-6x11 Velvet Rugs, as sorted patterns; only... 8-3x10-6 Famous Rugs, wonderful values, at Royal Wilton ....$52.50 $22.65 eesseesjsa)sjssrisjBisiSBBBassBvsssisaysJs ALL-METAL. COLLAPSIBLE Folding go-cart -Complete with hood, heavy rubber tire wheels, adjustible back; frame construction: easily folded with one motion; cov ered In leather- a ZV.?' $8.05 EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH-GRADE. PULLMAN . DyOFOLD DAVEN-PORT--Easily converted from a comfortable settee to a roomy bed; fitted with comfortable wire-fabric Bprlngs; ample room, for bedding when closed ', priced for Monday, at, only Lotla XTL Bedroom Salt In Mahogany DRESSER. French plate mirror, 30x24 Inches. Four roomy drawers. Special at only $44.75 BED Clafldsomsiyi ornamented. Head, t tt. 7 In. high; foot proportionate; full sis, only $36.75 American Walmt or Brows Finish. CHIFFONIER DRRSSINO T A B LE Three lares adjustable French plate mirrors. Spe ctal at $31.85 Base Is In Splendidly decorat ed; six roomy drawers. Special- $38.75 HIGH-GKADE COUCH JIAMMOCK Has comfortable link fabric spring, fitted with, adjustable head rest; soft mattress, covered with heavy brown canvas; .magazine pockets at either end;Lpfice of swing (sun shade not J 1 i a h included), only p 1 1 ,iO $32.50 Purchase Jast a Few Cchmbia Records And Get Your OLUMBIA GRAFONOLA! At Haitman's With No P!on6y Down! The first payment on your sjrafonola' does not become due unU thirty days after you receive your machine. This offer applies on an model maehlne. Tou couldn't think of an offer which would make it easier for. you to have WORLD'S BEST MUSIC IN YOUR HOME. Grafonola Section, First Fleer. i TfliS MACHINE ILLUSTRATED is our Model No. 75 a marvelous instrument in every way. mahogany, wuinui or quanerea-oaK case: noids 75 records. Only $85.00 fa . FT I TOT 11 ss- t m A STRONGLY-BUILT, FIBRE REED ROCKER, in a new and pleasing design; has spring cushion seat, covered in figured oretonne; blgh, comfortable back; roomy seat; finished in baronial brown; suitable for simoom or porch; price, only $7.98 UN flfih W? 1 A Fits? 413 -15 -17 South 16th Street COLONIAL DRESSER, built of solid oak and finished golden; baa large 38-inch plank top, fitted with three roomy drawers; French bevel plate mirror; well- A1A At made throughout; lfl k exceptional value, at. VVtii fi