Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
THE- BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, iyi8. BRINGING voovl ha,vetomfor' ALL THE DljHEt YQQ SHE Srvs -swe fvoM,. THM NEW fJWO HttQEEHOOlN6 I TOLA HER THE OTHER ff XXJD FIRE HER IF JHE ODltT IMPROVE AN" SHE THOUGHT 1 MEANT VELL- tOU CO RWlHT OCrWN AND IAXE. HER UNDERbTSHO bHE'LL. r8 3 THAN UP HWt TO FAY FOR ,uu VMc, HER FATHER . Copyrlfbt. ' 1117, International News Ssrrica, HEX WHAT BANE. TOO t-j WANT ? ) rfl 1 i hi W ST ' I ev - . - - - w ST 1 II II n II I I II 'UU 1X1 HAKkb UE-n. 3 II EVERt D5H "bHE OREAK- LX. H r-s., V ill IIU II 1 1 IV , " ' "" JCVT II QC II 1(T J1 s. -r 'I ta I .T I II I T rffVV II a. CkTI Drawn foe The Bee by ' George McManus ,q;. . (- OMAHA DEFEATS BOOSTERS, 8 TO 7; TIIREEJTRAIGHT Manske, an Amateur, . Starts K for Rourkes, But Is Relieved 1 in Fourth to Discomfiture of Fans; Omaha made it three straight from De Moines last night, winning: from the Boosters, 8 to 7, Manske, an amateur from the Bluffs sand lots started for Omaha, but was relieved jiit the fourth with the bases full by Kopp. the tourtn also proved a Jonah for Musser, who was wild and relieved by Dressen. Manager Jackson was in bad with the fans when he Dulled Manske in the fourth. Manske had been pitch ing first class ball and the side should have been retired without a score, had he been riven Kilt edge support The Council Bluffs Longeways, with whom Manske made a "rep" before entering professional ball, attended the game in a body with nearly fifty Bluffs admirers of ras new hurler. This was Manske'f first game in an Omaha uniform on the home lot. The Rourkes scored first blood in the second when Donica was given a base on balls, sacrificed to second by Holderman and scored on " De fate's three-base blow to1 right. In the third Bashang led off with a sin gle and stole second. Jackson walked. Bashang scored on Hanford's single. Jackson was thrown out at third by ,e welly n when Callahan dumped one in front of the plate. Donica hit to short and Callahan was forced at sec ond. Donica pulled off a delayed steal and Hanford rushed home. Holder man was bit by a pitched ball. Don ica scored on Defate's second hit. McMenamy struck out l it,. Am.,. more Mores after .two men were down. Jackson, Hanford and Calla han walked and Jackson and Hanford scored when Donica singled - to left. Donica scored in the sixth. ; After being safe on Phillips' error he stole second and scored on ; Holderman's single, Kopp singled in theeighth and as Bashang walked he raced to second, Lewellyn went into the air and threw the ball to center field, Kopp going to third. He scored when Breert made a bad throw in. Des Moines scored 'four runs in the fourth. Breen walked and went to second on Murphy's Single. Cof fey walked, filling the bases. Bash ang missed a high fly df Hunter's and Breen and Murphy scored. Cal lahan booted Lewellyn's grounder and Hunter scored on St John's sin gle. Phillips hit for two bases in the seventh and scored on Breen's one-base blow. Murphy hit for two bases in the -eighth and scored on Hunter's single. Lewellyn flew out to Holderman and Hunter went to second on a bad throw in. He scored on Dressen's single. ; An attempt by the Boosters to tie up the game in the ninth failed after Breen hadt hit a double with only one down. Lopp tightened up and Wright and Murphy were easy OUIS. OMrt.. M AH. K. H. PO. A. X. Unsung, rf j. s 1 1 1 1 Jackson, lb ..J l o 1 1 Hanford. If k 1 s i Callahan, M 4 0 a S I Itonira lb ...4 S 1 1 1 e Holdsrman, It ......1. 0 1 1, e 1 Iterate, 2b 4 O S Mcllrnamjr, .......4 t , S 1 Mature, p ,, e 0 1 o ivopp, p I 13 10 nti. M i i n u 1 ; , DES MOINES. ft. John, If ,, ..;' 14 0 0 FhllUpa, as a i .j, i s J Brw, ef 4 IS 1 l Wrtcht b ....;... t - l to Marphjr, lb .........5 S S T O int(T, lb ....... ...S 10 4 0 Hunter, rf t ,.4 S 11 0 0 lewellyn, ,...,.... o S t Mummv t 0 i t lreMen, p ., t f t 0 0 0 ToUta S8 1,10 24 S Omaha. 1 S S oil Ueo Moluet 0004001 S 07 M-haaA kto. Mnrphy. (2, Breen, PWUIp. " Sacrifice ! hlUj Javkwn Holderman. Stolen bailees iMalea, it), Baebanr. Jacfcun, Holderman. ItauMa plant Callahan to Drft to Jack "''V Off Manek., 1 la three and one- ,.nnl,n1 J0""' in d two thlrda Innlncei Momer, 4 la three and two- Ilm"' and one third lnnln(. Bane balUt Off Mamke, .T' ' Omaha, 10; lea Molnet, 1. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Shan- Hutchinson Wins Six-Inning Game Off Oklahoma City - Hutchinson, Kan., June 20. The . game with Oklahoma City today was called at the end of the sixth inning tO allow the Visitors to catch a train , when the score was 4 to a in favor of trie locals, bcore: , , . . ; R. H. E v'sianoroa wiry ........f 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 I Hutchinson ,.,...,ul till' 14 I Batteries: Hewitt and O'Connor; Haines . and Marlon. A. - , . Vichita Wins Last Game Of Series From Joplin, 8-1 Wichita, Kan.. June 20. Wichita yon the last game of the series this evening with Joplin 8 to 1. Score: .. . ' R.H.B. 7-ol1n j........ 00010008 6 1 4 1 .ichlta ....... 00300230 08 S 3 Batteries Hubbell Ml 'Colling. Bovllk L 'J.r,iW..'v. - Todays Sport Calendar Athletic Annual Junior outdoor track and field ehamplonnhlp of the Metropoli tan A. A. 17., at t'eltlo park, Mew York City. Shooting MarrUnd State trapehootlnf toumamrnt open at Baltimore. Wrestling Earl Caddork against Ed "Strangler" Lewie, at I)es Moines. Boxing Eddie HeGoorty against Phil Harrison, 10 rounds, at Racine. WASHINGTON IN RALLY DEFEATS NEW YORK BY 4-1 Finneran Permits Only One Hit Up to Seventh Innir.g, When the Senators Score Twice. New York, June 20. Washington defeated New York in the second game of the serier here today, 4 to 1. Finneran permitted oniy 1 hit up to the seventh inning, when Washington scored twice on a base on balls, Mi lan's trlDle and Rice's double. Morgan drove in 2 more runs for Washington in the ninth, after Rice had been purposely passed. Score: V WASHINGTON. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.JJ. AB.H,U.A.Bi. Photon,! f S 0 1 0 OOllholy.rf sosoo Foiter.Sb (OSS lMlller.rf 31000 Judg,lb 4 1 S I 4 1 1 S 0 MUan.ct 1111 OBakarSb 4 10 10 Rice rf S 1 S 1 0 Pratt, 2b 8 3 4 S 0 U,m.ihl 13 0 4 3 0 10 M' 4 0 3 4 OBodle.lf 4 0 3 1 0 Plclntch.o 110 4 0 S 0 1 Hrpr,p I 0 0 1 CHannn,o o s a v .- rineran.p i v i a v Totala 31 1 SI 11 l'Walters 110 0 0 Totals 35 S37 14 1 Batted for Finneran In fourth. Washington .00000030 11 New York .. OOOOOPtii v i Two-base hits: Plpp, Rice. Peoklnpaugh, Judge. Three-bane hit: Milan. Double plays: Judge, McBrlde, juage; rrau, i-ipp; Rice, Ptclnlch. Left on bases: New York I; Washington, ,S. First base on errors: New York. 1: Washington.. 1. Bases on balls: Off Finneran. '3; Harpsr, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Harper (Gllhooley). Struck out: B Finneran, 3; Harper 4. Wild . pltchel Harper. . , Boston ana Atnienco -umne mu. Boston. June 30. Boston and Phlladel- hta divided a double-header here today, Philadelphia winning the first game, 3 to 0, and Boston the aecond, S to 0. Oregg was too much for Boston In the, opener, allow ing only three Infield .hits. A home run over the left field fence with a man on In the ninth gave Philadelphia Us two runs. In the second game, hcou rerry oi the Athletics, suffered his seventh straight defeat. Scores: . PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. 8hs.non.BB 4 OHooper.rf 4 3 1 Oldrlng.lf 3 4 0Shean,2b 8 0 4 3 0 8 OWhtmn.lf 3 0 3 OM' 4 0 10 OThomaSb 3 0 3 OScotUss 4 13 OAgnew.o 3 0 3 OJones.p 3 0 1 4 010 Oardnr.Sb 4 McAvoy.e S Bavdsn rf 3 Dugan.Jb 3 Oregg.p S Totals 30 t 37 U 0 Totals 23 3 37 16 0 Philadelphia 00000000 33 Boston v v v Two-base hit: Gardner. Home run: Walk er. Sacrifice hits: ghran, Oldrlng. Double plays: Jones, Shean, Mrlnnls: Scott, Shean. Mclnnla. Left on bases: Phllndelphla, 3; Boston, 7. Bases on balls: Off Jones, 1; Oregg, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Oregg (Agnew). Struck out: By Jones, a; uregg 3. Second n-am: PHILADLPHIA. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 0 18 OHooper.rf 8 3 10 0 Oldrng.lf 3 1 0 0 0Hhean.2t 3 110 0 3 3 10 OStrunk.ct 8 0 8 0 0 Burns,lb 3 0 14 1 ORuth.lf 3 0 8 1 0 Ordnr.Sb 4 0 18 i0M'lnnls,lb 4 1 11 1 0 Perklns.e 2 0 11 OThmas.Sb 8 l 8 o Dvdson.rf 3 0 11 . 8 0 0 3,0 3 13 3 oachang.a 114 10 Perry.p 8 0 0 3 OLeonard.p 1 0 0 3 0 Mlynaz.p 10 0 10 Totalo 37 4 84 18 0 Totals 21 0 27 16 0 Philadelphia 00000000 00 Boston ..' 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 3 Three-bsse hits: Hooper, Mclnnls. Sacrifice hits: Davidson, Strunk, Shean. Double plays:. Ruth to Svhang, Perry to Perkins to Burns, Davidson to Perkins, Molyneaux to Shean to Mclnnls. Left qn bases: Boston, t; Philadelphia, 6. Bases on balls: Off Leonard, 3; off Perry, 4; off lyneaux, 2. Hits: Off Leonard, 4 In five and one-third Innings; off Molyneaux, none In three and two-thirds Innings. Struck out: By Perry, 3; by Leonard, 3. 'Winning pitcher: , Moly neaux. White Sox Defeat Cleveland. Chicago, June 20. Chicago defeated Cleveland. S to 4, In ten Innings today after two batting rallies In the seventh Inning when they tied the count, and In the tenth, when they won. Prior to the game three autographed base balls were auctioned off. The first auto graphed by Billy Sunday, the evangelist, brought 210. One by Mrs. Woodrow Wilson was sold for 31.4(0 and one bearing the autograph, of the president, was sold at 15,659. Score: CLEVELAND. . CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 17 1 Bhpmn.ns 4 0 3 3 3 3 3 1 lMrphy.rf 4 1 0 1 0 0 I) 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 1 0Ruaell 0 0 OWaver.Sb 1 1 lE.CIins,2b 3 1 4 0 0 Gondii. lb 3 1 3 0 lLbold.lf S 3 Roth.rf 4 3 0 0 Wmgas,2b 4 0 13 Wood, If 4 13 0 Evans,3b 4 0 4 1 ONell.o. 4 0 8 0 Morton, p 8 1 12 Cvlskle,p 10 0 0 O'RIsber? 4 1 Si-halk.o 4 O Totala 36 728 11 4Clcotte.p Jourdan Pnforth.p Mosul 1 0 0 4 0 110 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 36 3 30 11 4 One out when winning run scored. Ran for McMuilen In aeventh. Ratted for Clcotte In eighth. Ran for Weaver In ninth. Cleveland 1 OOOO3OO0 04 Chicago . 0,1 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 16 Two-base ' hits: Murphy, Johnson: Three base hits: Roth (3), Speaker. Leibold, Rel berg. Sacrifice hits: McMullln. Chapman. Double play: Gandll (unassisted). Left on bases: Chicago, 8; Cleveland, 4. First base on errors: Chicago. 1; Cleveland, 8. Bases on balls: Oft Clcotte, 1: off Morton, 3; off Coveieskie, 2. Hits: Off Morton. 4 In six Innings, pone out In seventh; eft Coveieskie, in three and one-third Innings; off Cl cotte, S In seven Innings; off Danforth, 1 In three Innings, struck out: By Clcotte, r oy Morton, it by Covelskle, 3; hy Dan forth, 3. Winning pitcher: Danforth: loa. Utosj vitofeor, covouus, M m V PIRATES BREAK LOSING STREAK, DEFEATING CUBS Hendryx Hit Hard by Pitts burgh Team, But Poor Run ning Holds Score Down to 3 to 1. Pittsburgh, June 20, Pittsburgh broke its losing streak today by de feating Chicago, 3 to 1. Hendryx was hit hard by the locals, but poor base running held the Pirates' score down Sanders gave Chicago only two hits and no runs until the seventh, when he passed two men and had three balls on the next batsman. He was then relieved by Cooper. Score: . CHICAGO. PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E. Flack.rf 4 12 10 4 2 14 0 4 Mann, If 3 8 2 Deal.Sb 8 Zlder.2b 4 Klllfer.o 4 Hndryx.p 8 10 3 lBtgnee.lf 4 10 0 4 011 1 0Ctahaw,2b 3 3 1 1 3 0 3 1 13 1 S 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 3 1 4 0 0 0 4 1 OHnrhn.rf 3 S 0M'Kne,3b 4 1 0 Schmidt, o 2 8 0Sanders,b 1 Cooper.p 1 Totals 30 4 24 15 1 Totals 30 10 27 18 2 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Pittsburgh ....0 0200100 3 Two-base hit: McKechnle. Stolen base: Flack. Sacrifice hits: Cutshaw, Schmidt, Bander. Double plays: Schmidt to Mc Kechnle. Left on bases: Chicago, 7; Pitts burgh, 7. First base on errors: Chicago, 3; Pittsburgh, 1. Bases on balls: Off Sanders, 4: Cooper, 1. Hits: Off Hendryx, 1 In eight Innings; Sanders, 3 In six Innings, (none out in seventh): Cooper 3 In three Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Hendryx (Hlnchman). Struck out: By Hendryx, 8; Cooper, 1. Winning pitcher: Sanders. Los ing pitcher, Hendryx. Divide Double-Header. Philadelphia, June 20. Wild throws by Stock and Luderus gava Boston the first gams of today's double-header, 6 to 4, In 10 Innings, but Philadelphia's first Inning was enough to win the second game, 6 to 4. In this contest Ragan passed the first three local batters, and hits by Luderus and Ad ams and an error by Smith made the total five. Hearne blanked the locals for the rest of the game. Score, first game: BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E. Rawllns sa 4 112 4 13 4 0 Heriog.2b 'Massey ILSmh.2b 8 0 Wilms, cf 4 3 4 0 0 0 OStock.Sb S 3 3 3 1 0 OLuderslb S 0 8 0 1 1 OCravath.rf 4 3 3 0 0 0 4 3 3 1 0 7 0McGfn.2b 4 18 10 Wlklnd.rf rCSmh.Sb 6 3 11 1 0 Burns.o 4 16 3 0 0 OPrndgst.p 8 0 0 3 0 Rehg.lf 8 11 Wllaon.o S 3 S 1 Adams 10 0 0 Nehf.p t 0 0 Totals.. 38 11 80 It 2 Totals.. 37 11 30 1 J 1 Batted for Hersog In ninth Batted for Prendergast In 10th. Boston 1 10000 0 20 26 Philadelphia ......0 00310000 04 Two-base hit: Hersog, Wilson, Cravath, Luderus. Stolen bases: J. C. Smith, Cravath, Meusel. Sacrifice hits: Neht, Wlckland. Sac rifice files: Rawllngs, J. C. Smith, Prender gast. Left on bases: Boston, 8; Philadelphia, 11. First base on errors: Boston, 2 Bases on balls: Off N'ehf, 0; off Prendergast, St Struck out: By Nehf, t; by Prendergast, 4. Score, second game: BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.B AB.H.O.A.B. Rawllns sa 4 118 8 10 3 0 ILSmh,2b S 5 3 1 1 1 0 1 3 3 1 3 110 0 0 3 113 0 0 OLuders.Ib 4 1 14 0 0 3 lCravath.rf 3 3 10 0 0 4 3 8 0 0 0 8 0 S 8 0 0 OAdams.o 8 14 3 0 0 OWatson.p 4 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 Totals.. 30 ( 27 12 0 0 0 0 0 Wlklnd.rf 3 JCSmh,8b 3 3 0 10 4 16 Henry.o Massey Wllaon.o Ragan, p Hearne.p Kelly Totals.. 33 10 24 8 1 Batted for Henry In sixth. Bated for Hearne In ninth. Boston ...1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 14 Philadelphia 80000000 6 Two-base hits: J. C 8mlth, J. L. Smith, Stock Stolen bases, McUafflgan, Adams, Meusel, Williams. Sacrifice hits: Konetchy, Rawllngs. Sacrifice flies: Konetchy, Cravath. Double plays: Rawllngs to J. L. Smith to Konetchy, J. C. Smith to Konetchy. Left on baaes: Boston, 8; Philadelphia, 7. Bases on balls: Off Ragan, 4: off Hearne. 1; off Wataon. 8 Hits: Oft Ragan, 3 In ona Inning; off Hearne, T In seven Innings. Struck out: By Hearne, 3; by Wataon, 4. Losing pitcher: Ragan. Shutout for Brooklyn. rBooklyn, June 20. The Giants hit Jack Coombs In timely fashion today, while "Red" Causey was favored by brilliant support. New York winning, 6 to 0. Holke made a home run In the eighth with two men on base. Score : NEW YORK BROOKLYN. AB.H.O; A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Burns. If 4 3 3 1 OJhnstn.rt 3 0 10 0 Thorpe.lf 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 Toung.rf S 0 0 0 4 3 13 S 3 0 6 4 11 3 0 S 1 4 Zmrmn.Sb 4 3 1 4 0O'Marat3b 4 1 13 0 0Doolan.2b McCarty.c 4 16 1 lMIUer.c Rodrlgx.2b 4 12 0 OCoombs.p Causey.p 4 10 4 OHehl.p 0 'ZWheat Totals..37 10 27 16 1 . Totals .31 7 27 18 0 Ran for Daubert In ninth. New York 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 06 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base hits: Z. Wheat. Myers. Coombs. Threebase hit: MeCarty. Home run: Holke. Stolen bases: Burns, Thorpe, Young, Doolan. Double play: Burns to Holke. Left on bases: New-York, 6; Brooklyn, 6. Bases on balls: Off WToombs. 1: off Causey, 1. Hits: Oft Coombs. 10 In eight Innings; oft Hehl, 0 In ene inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Hehl, Thorpe. Struck out: By Coombs. 3; by Caus ey, 3. Losing pitcher: Coombs. Escoba Out of Derby. Latonia, Ky, June 20. K. D. Alexander's fine colt Escoba which would have been one of the favorites tor the Latonia derby next Saturday, will not start in that event. " He bowed a tendon in his race yesterday with Beaver Kill and can hardly be made ready for another race before next falL This leaves eieht starters for the derby of which H,'P. Whit- n5y Jonren will be a strong favorite, ! Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. AMER. ASSN. M'LPct.l , W.UPct. Wichita ...30 15 .667j Kansas City 26 18.619 Hutchinson 30 19.612 Des Moines 26 22 .632 Omaha ....23 23 .600 Milwaukee .26 17 .605 Columbus ..23 18 .661 Louisville ..25 20.656 Indianapolis 2120.613 St. Paul ...20 28 .465 Minneapolis 17 25 .405 Toledo 13 31.270 Joplln 21 22 .488 Okla. City 23 26 .469 St. Joseph '.20 27 .426 Sioux City .14 82 .804 AMER. LEAGUE. NATL. LEAGUE. W.L.Prt. Boston ..,.35 24 .593 W.L.Pot. Chicago .. 35 16 .666 New York '.35 17.673 Boston 28 27 .609 New York ..81 23 .674 Cleveland ..32 27 .642 Chicago ...27 24 .629Clnclnnati ..23 28 .451 Washington 29 30 .492Phlladel'ia .23 28.451 St. Louis ..25 29 .463Plttsburgh .2130.412 Detroit 20 20.400St. Louts ...20 29 .408 Pblladel'la 21 33 .389 Brooklyn ...2131.404 Yesterday's Results. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha, 8; Des Moines, 7. Hutchinson, 4; Oklahoma City, 0. Wichita. 8; Joplln, 1. St. Joseph 8; Sioux City, 0. 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 2-0; Boston, 0-3. Washington, 4; New York, 1. Chicago, 1; Cleveland, 0. (Other games not played). NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York, 6; Brooklyn, 0. Boston 6-4; Philadelphia, 4-6. Pittsburgh, 3; Chicago, 1. St. Louls-Cinclnnatl, postponed, rain, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Toledo, 4; St. Paul. 8. Indianapolis, 2; Milwaukee 3. (Game called.) Kansas City, 6: Louisville, 2. Columbus, 5; Minneapolis, 3. Games Today. WESTERN LEAGUE. Des Moines at Omaha. Sioux City at St. Joseph. Oklahoma City at Hutchinson. Joplln at Wichita. NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York at Brooklyn. Boston at Philadelphia. Chicago at Pittsburgh. Cincinnati at St Louis. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland at Chicago. Washington at New York. Philadelphia at Boston. St. Louis at Detroit. Sioux City Pitchers Batted All Over Field by St. Joseph St. Joseph, Mo., June 20. St. Joseph batted Sioux City pitchers all ever the field today and won, 8 to 0. Score: SIOUX CITY, ST. JOSEPH. AB.H.O. Dye.2b 4 14 4 11 Tho' 4 13 Relchle.lf 4 0 1 A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. 4 OBrub'r.BS S 1 4 3 0 4 0 Watson, rf 4 lMuel' 4 0Murp'y,3b 4 OBono's.lf 4 lSnead,2b 3 OBachant.o 4 ICurtls.p 4 111 2 0 12 M'Qr'or.rt 4 Jonei.Sb 4 Rohrer.o 8 Fleto'er.p 3 Wells.p 0 Lynch, o . 0 0 Totals 36 14 27 14 1 Totals 31 3 24 13 4 Sioux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 St. Joseph 1 1010060 8 Earned runs: St. Joseph, 6. Bases on balls: Curtis, 2. Struck out: Fletcher, 2; Curtis, 1. Left on bases: Sioux City, 7 St. Joseph, 6. Two-base hits: Daniels (2); Thomason, Mueller. Three-base hits: Snead (2). Double plays: Brubaker to Snead to Mueller. Innings pitched: By Fletcher, 7; Wells, 1. Hits and runs: Off Fletcher, 13 and 8; off Wells, 1 and 0. Losing pitcher: Fletcher. Hit by pitched ball: Hunter by Curtis. Sao hit: Snead. Umpire: Meyers: Time: 1:35. Miss Sears, Tennis Star, Beaten by Claire Cassel Philadelphia, June 20. Miss Elean ora Sears, Pennsylvania and eastern states' singles tennis .champion, was defeated today in the women's nation al tennis tournament at the Philadel phia Cricket club by Miss Claire Cas sel, New York, in the second round of the singles in straight sets. The score was 6-2, 6-4. Miss Eleanor Goss of New York, will be one of the finalists in the singles division. In the semi-final match today she defeated Miss Helen Ledoux of Swartmore. in straight sets, 6-3, 6-4. Another surprise was furnished when Miss Goss and Miss Marian Zinderstein of Boston, defeated Mrs. George W. Wightman and Miss Sears, 4-6, 6-3, 6-3. By their victories today, Miss Molla Biurstedt, national champion, and F. B. A. Alexander, New York, and Mrs. Wightman and Irving C. Wneht of Boston, will meet tomorow in the final round for the mixed doubles championship. Pitcher "Dutch" Leonard Placed in Draft Class Fresno, Cal., June 20. Hubert ("Dutch") Leonard, pitcher for the Boston American league base ball team, today was placed in Class 1 by the Fresno city selective service hoarrl. Leonard had been olaced in Class 2, but was moved up as a re sult of the reclassification order of the provost marshal general. He mar ried after the draft law went :nto ef fect. American Association. . Kansas City. Mo Juna 30. Scors: R.H.E. Louisville 3 0 1 Kansas City 6 8 1 Batteries Stroud, Boardman and Kocher; Hall and Onslow. St. Paul, Minn. June 20. Score: R.H.E. Toledo ...4 10 2 St. Paul 311 1 Batteries McColl, Sanders and Kelly; Hall and Glenn. Milwaukee, Juna 20. Score: R.H.E. Indianapolis .......3 T 1 Milwaukee .....3 f 0 Batteries Northrop and Schang; Faeth, Murchlaon and Huhn. (Called end ninth to allow Indianapolis to catch train). Minneapolis, June 20. Score: I R.H.B. Minneapolis J 2 4 3 Columbus S f t Batteries Llndberg, Williams and Owens; LGeorgs and Wagner, ' - Blaine Young Shatters Golf Course Record: Then is Beaten by Bush Kansas City, Mo., June 20. (Spe cial Telegram) After shattering the course record on the second nine today with a 33, Blaine Young of Omaha blew up on that same nine in the afternoon and was beaten by Reuben Bush of New Orleans( 4 up and three, which put Bush in the semi-finals. Young was 4 down at the turn in the morning and on the second nine recovered so that he was 1 up at the end of the morning 18. He held his own to the 27th hole and on the very nine that he broke the record in the morning he went to pieces and lost 4 up and 3 to play. The only other Omaha golfer left in the tournament now is M. J. Swartz, who will play J. B. Anderson of Salina, Kan., tomarrow in the finals of the President's Cup consol idations. . Griggs eliminated Arthur Bone brake, the Kansas state champion, 3 up and 2 to play, in fighting his way to the semi-finals, and Campbell elim inated Henry Decker, former Kan sas City champion, Campbell won 3 and 2. Conley's opponent was E. A. Lieb man of Oklahoma City, whom he defeated 5 up and 4 to play. At the turn of the morning round the Kansas Cityan was 1 down but he improved his game on the last nine and had the Oklahoman 2 down for the first eighteen holes. Jeff Tesreau Jumps Giant Club for Steel Loop Team New York. June 20. "Jeff" Tes reau, who came to the New York National League club as a pitcher, from the Texas league in 1910, today joined the Bethlehem club of the Steel league. John B. .Foster, secretary of the New York club, said Tesreau recent ly told Manager McGraw he was "disgusted with base ball and wanted to get into some other business." Tesreau, according to Foster, is in Class 4 of the ' draft, so that his change was not actuated by desire to escape military service. Pitcher Rankin Johnson Is Sold to St. Louis Cards Milwaukee, Wis., June 20. Rankin Johnson, pitcher of the Milwaukee American Association club, has been traded to the St. Louis Nationals for Pitcher Kozelnick of the Topeka Western League team, it was an nounced here tonight. Johnson for merly pitched for the Cleveland club of the American League. Kozelnick is the property of the Cardinals. AMUSEMENTS. How many people own or drive Ford Cars in the City of Omaha? Be at Krug Park Friday, June 21 and you will htve gome idea, B judging from the number who have booked parking for Friday. It's Ford Day B it s Your Day and best of all, every one owning or driving a Ford Car will be admitted to the Park FREE. Try handling the Horses in he Kentuck Derby 8 They are not at all fractious, but they're some hard to gov ern. Get in a car and take a ride in the Monoflyer the second of its kind install ed in the United States. Fishing is fine at the Park's Fish Pond IT'S SPLENDID ANGLING AND MIGHTY FINE SPORT Large crowds are delighted daily riding the Giant Coaster If there's no breese elsewhere, you'll find it on the coaster. ADMISSION TO PARK, 10c. Bullet Ends Boxer's Career. Hollister, Cal., June 20. Eddie Campi, one time aspirant for the light weight boxing championship, died here today from effects of an acci dental gunshot wound received yesterday. PHOTOPLAYS. William "Up Romance Road" A delightful search for adventure, which, when found, develops a whirlwind series of events, wherein the hero defeats a plot to sink a transport and wins the love of a charming girl. WH Sail?"11 llfJflS TODAY AND Believe Me Zantippet AMUSEMENTS. EMPRESS BIG DOUBLE BILL MERYL PRINCE GIRLS Quartette of female loveliness IN "Melodies De LuV BURT SHEPARD & CO. Australia's Foremost Whip Eirpert LACOSTA & CLIFTON Com. Sketch, "In Just Man" DIEBEL & RAY "Wait a Minute" BERTLYTELL -m- "THE TRAIL TO YESTERDAY" A Screen Drama of Love and Peril. BASE BALL OMAHA vs. DES MOINES June 18, 19, 20, 21. ROURKE PARK Friday, June 21, Ladies' Day Games Called 6:45. 1, ..... a i m&sgTii fipR Presents IOfi ja ssassssia. BENEFIT OF THE SUFFERERS OF NORTHERN FRANCE AUDITORIUM Monday and Tuesday, June 24 and 25, 8 : 1 5 p. m. , Tickets, 50c to $1.50 Box Office NOW NO WAR TAX Sioux City Hurler Goes To Ohio to Enter Service St. Joseph, Mo., June 20. Pitcher. Howard McGranor of Sioux City left tonight for Chillicothe, O, where he has been called by his draft board to report for service. PHOTOPtATS. Russell IN SATURDAY l8(h & DOUGIA Presents Elsie "The Lie" TOM MIX in "ACE HIGH" HAMILTON?.1: 40th and imilton GERALDINE FARRAR. in "THE DEVIL'S STONE" LOTHROPr Today and Saturday, ANNETTE KELLERMAN, in "A DAUGHTER OF THE GODS" Read the Gmaha Daily Bee AMUSEMENTS. TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR THE PAULIST CHORISTERS v OF CHICAGO The World's Greatest Choir FATHER W. i. FINN, Directo I;