Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE BEE: OMAHA; FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1318. Went Ad Rates (Cub With Order I . ;; . asfta pat word .......,,.eacb insertion I par word for thro consecutive insertions la par word tor each additional Insertion No ad tskaa tor leu than a toUl of 10c - v mr lea thaa lOo pr-day ' - - CHARGE. ' a par Una (oount I words to lloa) oos tlmt la par Una aack tlm. I coneeuttv Unm f par Una aack tlma. 19 consecutive tlma SITUATION WANTED. Ma par line . P k CARDS Or THANKS AND ' rCNEKAl NOTICES. lla oar Una. ..each Insertion (Minimum Charge. 41 Cota.t . ' Ceatmct Bate Oo Application For ooaveatenee of advrtlra want ada win h kiii4 at tha followtn office: VAIN OFF1CB ne Building Amea Offloa ...4U0 North I4tb et l-ira Offlc . ...161 North 14th St Vinton Office. 2447 South llth St fark Office ........ .Silt Leavenworth Bt Walnat Offlca ..........til North 40th Bt .ma Hit. . Mil N Bt. Oounoil Bluffa 14 Main Bt. North THE BEE will not ba raaponalbla for mora than aaa inoorraci insertion m an iif aaaat oraaraa cor mora loao on uim rjaa TBB TELEPHONE It you eaoaot con venlently bring or aand your adi t anjr o ... - Aab fn . Want A i Takor and roa will receive tha am good MivtM mm wheta delivering lour ad la aaraoa. 1 v PHOfOt TT1.EB 1.000. Wan Ad flolnmna Close Svsalng Edition I'-0 vrAM.iH. V-Al.lnna v. 10:08 P. i M Sunday Editions 1 P M Sstnrdar Evening . ' MOVIE PROGRAM ...... Knrth . ALHAMBRAT 24TH AND PARKER BRYANT WASHBURN in "AGE 21." tilXD. . tarn Axn HINNI MAPflARTTA FISHER in -THE PRIMITIVE WOMAN." South A7rLLO tTH AND LEAVENWORTH "GLADYS HULETTE in "FOR SALE. TLZIL. HTH AND DORCAB CHARLES RICHMOND and ANNA 0. NILLSON In f1VF. PTHF.RE ' IASlFF. 2669 LEAVENWORT AfTC PICKFORD in HE SPIRIT OF M7." DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. t.-iu ur. a.r.h 1 (4 un Shall survived br bar husband, William, ona aoa. Jobs w.. ana two oaugnnrs, .vm ryn F. and Roaa. ;. - raaaral Saturday morning from raal' denes, 1141 North llth St. at 1:10 o'clock Holy Family church at I o'clock, In- torment Holy Bepulcnr cemetery, Mra. Emma, of 2574 Ida street, J una Berries at Hoffmann'! Funeral Horn . Friday at 1 p. m.l imormani ssirvisw aamatary, Council Bluffa, la. Daceaiad la survived by har huaband, Thomaa W.( and ww wuttwt v-'' . - - - J.OWKR Halan Francea, aged II yeare, ' daughtar of Mr. and Mra. Charlea Bowar. vm.i wrirtav aftarnonn. from tha raa. two sons, Ralph P. ana warwin w. . Jdaaoa. IS0 Raaa St, at 1 o'clock. Intar- rnt waat Lawn aamatary. FUNERAL pmECTORS. , K.ilkTAKERI and lloanaad en.jlamara; ataa prlata ambulenoa. Call Wabatar 47. wiina c. croeoy, iu rmibb. TIZA ' A. 1 GENTLEMAN, undartakar and ambalman 1411 Parnam Bt Haraay IH. EuLSS A RIEPEN. undartakara and am- Ulraara, T01 B. lth. uouia i.ia. "STACK & FALCONER ' fndapantiant Ondartahara, Hd Par. H. 400. B It DODDER CO- Funaral Dtractora. F. L. Faro. Mgr.. ltd nd Cuming Bta. Phnna pouglaa TT. Auto arobnlanoa. """ HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffmann quality aarvlca, coata laaa. tth and Podga. Paualaa MQ1. KONUMENT- CEMETERIES. d.T LAWN oftara aympathatlo aarvlca In auddao aorrow; lerpatual earai no aaaaaa iriunta: leu en aaay tarma. pnona wai, aaa. C A largaat dlaplay of nionumtnta Is tha - I ktat'aa. FRANK BVOBODA. 1111. : t ft llth. Fhoaaa Douglaa 1ITMI1I. ..CT HILL, tba eeroatary beautiful. 1 a or ainglo Intarmanta. Parpatual eara langtmanta. Tarma to ault Call Supt, ar 140a. FLORISTS. . v nla 1 lartata. LEE L. LARMON 1114 Doogiaa Bt Douglaa 1144. XTdQnaghue Eat. 1861. till HARNET. Ftowara ahlppad avarywhara. Eip. prepaid. ITT FLOWER SHOP 411 B. H. D. HOI; f ri Florlat. Ill B. lath., D. 1400. f .14 Careful Florlat. 104 Farnam 6t LV -Tiolran. 1111 Farnam, D 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tm following marriage llceneee have been laaaad:1 Name and Addraaa. . , Age. alph L. Belt, Denver, Colo.. II earl Hallaon. Englewood Kan..,,.... 17 naraaaa L. Landan. Omaha .......... SO laereta Matkawa, Omaha 10 'Albert A. Held, Trumbull. Nek..,,...... fcmnlo Grace Pratt, Omaha............ II Karmond L. Mareoa. Omaha. II Roaa Pearl Wagner. Omaha.,,,. ....... II Qaorga Wnaley Omaha 44 Joaaphlaa 8mlth, Omaha 14 Stanley Smith, Omaha ........ovarii .Carolina Mlelke, Omaha ......... .over II Plata MoVana, Omaha.,.,,,..., .., It Viol Jackaon, Omaha ............. It 7enatnga O. Baldwin, Omaha....,,.,.. It laartha J. Tyler, Omaha.,.,...,., 21 Paaa F. Bteharda, Omaha . . .'. ...... . .. . II aiargarat V. Moore. Omaha............ II Fatriek 3. Cleary, Omaha... IS aUtbleaa Xuaaell, Omaha.............. II Paul O. Haaea. Meadow, Neb.......... II fcarah M. Marrltt, South Bend, Neb..., II loka tekaafer, Columbua, Neb.....,,,. 41 Qenam AnaohuU. Columbua, Neb...... 40 Jeeaa C Norton, Dauglaa. Aril..,..,.... 4T Haud Btockhamk Omaha. , ............ 40 Fdward Kirk, Blair. Neb 14 (Vladya Bolataad, Blair, Neb...,....., It Arthur B. F. Wood, Fonda la ....v'l Pearl Myara, Mlaaourt Valley, la ,Tk Padra Florae, Omaha..,...,..,,.,.,.., It ; Paalda Nabareta, Omaha 14 BIRTHS AND DEATHS ' ' taaUa BlafU Uantello. 1121 Wtlllama 9TU age I yeara. Mildred Johnion, 144 toatk Twenty .fourth atreet. age 1 month; Joha Drefa. 1411 Booth Eighteenth atreet. a 71 yeara; Aaga E. Roeakllda, 1101 South .entn atreet, age :a yeara; Charlea Ander- ton. Bloomfleld. Neb, age 41 yeare. Blrtha Ira and Jeaale Bllvaa, 1101 South Fourteenth atreet. boy; William A. and Anna a. Laraan. 1014 Emmet atreet, boy; Howard aid Mary wiiaon, IS 12 Ohio atreet, boy Alfta and Antonla Longo, 1101 South Elev anth atreet, girl; Harry and Mary Kearden, O'Neill, Neb., boy; Philip and Ethna lie b annua, 1S2T Caaa atreet, girl: Vernoa and Vtata Gaerln. 1S0I North Sixty-eighth atreet. BUILDING PERMITS . Fermlta to build have been iaaued to tha following: B. Bernatela. 1014 South Twenty t fib atreet, repaint, coat 1160; B. B. Bray, Bngth Fifteenth atrt. garage, eoet ISO. ATTRACTIONS t LAGS FOR RENT OR SALE. E.VE f "!. lit N, UTH IT. SPECIAL NOTICES fc ILL PARTI" who wltnewed the auluino btle accident at 2tlb and Jackson lion day p. in., June 1, 1111. and ottered ser- . vices to the Injured, kindly get In com munication at once with E. E. Huntley, (train Exchange, Phone Harney 1471. LC3T-FOUND-REWARDS fe AHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAT COMPANT -Fenona having lost eoma article would well to eall up tba Office of the Omaha t Coaac't Bluffa Street Railway company . earla wbatbar thoy left It la tit oar. y articlea sack day are turned ta i tia twmpaay la anxious to restore t" rightful owners. - . WOAiAN who picked up a t at with pearl at 17th and t it 41 p. m. Wedneeday kindly i ( m odiit, LV.AA fin , - LOST-FOUND-REWARDS STOLEN One bay mare about 1,001 lbai opea buggy, with red gear; hired by lame man about II yeare aid; aandy complexion; liberal reward to finder. Palace Livery. D. 1ST. Omha. Neb. .r fOU Icee anything and will advertlee it her yon will aurely recover It If round , by an honeat peraon. If you find any. tnmg or vame tne ncceet way to w aa vartlae for tba owner. L08T AT AUDITORIUM Lady'a aweater. Plr.k with gray atrlpa around collar and cuffa Call Webeter 2ST1 and receive re ward LOST Spare auto tire, Fireatone 17x5, be iwoen-evm ana lhkii. nu uf.Li.a, ,v . . . n r r . i-. an. turn aoa gee rewarq. xi mdiuu, .u Farnam. LOST Off automobile Wedneaday afternoon large alia dreaa ault caaa. Communicate with W. A. Allen, Am. Smelting Refining Co., Phone Tyler 464 Reward. LOST Wednesday, black leather puree eon- . 1 ... L . I 1. . . A t. laming ail cbhovuq cn. wr ft. .v. Good reward, Hartley 70SJ. LOST Bow buckled pin. Return Rome Hotel deek. Receive reward. 14x4 TIRE, rim and Inner tube. Phone L. R. Hummel, Douglaa 4101 and get reward. For . Sale Miscellaneoeus Bottles. ROOTBEER bottlea patent atoppvra and othera Nat tetnberg, 1011 Har I1SI. Furniture and Household Gwods. TAKE advantage of our apeclal June- of terlnge In furniture and houae turnlahlnga. Including many thouaandf of dollara of merchandise bought from makera arho ' are dlacontlnulng making certain llnea on account of abnormal labor and material conditlona. nnrcbaaed by ua about 0c on the dollar. To Illustrate: Four-hole gaa atovea. regular 121 on aala, 111.10; elx. foot axtanelon tablea, regular value, 111. on aala, 11.10; aolld oak dining chalra, . regular value, 4.60, on aala, 11.11; large ' rockers worth 11.10, on, aala, 14.25. Come early for tha cream of, bargalna. Wa 2 make a apectalty of complete name out f Ua, J alao hotela and rooming faouaea. Ralfroad faro free to out-of-towa buyers within 10 mllea of Omaha on purchaaea . of 120 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO.. Tel. Doug. HIT. Cor, 14th and Dodge Bta FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beda, springe, mattresses, dressers, chif foniers, tablea. chalra, china and kitchen oablneta, ruga and Jlnoleum, trunka and tult caaea. aaa atovea and Ice boxsa, full line Screen wire, poultry netting, garden toola. 1I3I-4T North 14tb Bt Tel Web HOT. Open till I p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gaa and coal oil etovee. ruga, baby oairlagea, trunka, eta Loyal rurn. uo., in . leta. OAS stovo and refrigerator; dining room ta ble and chalra. ad eeveral beautiful in dlan ruga; must go. Call Walnut H10, 1111 Davenport BREAKING up houeekeeplng; aelllng furnl tura of every description; practically new, Call Walnut 2610. 41 11 Davenport. LEATHER aaay chalra and rockere, twin braaa beds, mahogany bed and dreaaer; must ba aold quickly. Call Walnut lio. HOUSEHOLD furniture for aala. lilt Har nay; all, will go thla week. Phone Harney till, ' ; REFRIGERATOR, dining room furniture; leaving; muat aell. Call walnut leio. COMPLETE bedroom suite nearly new; very reasonable. Call walnut leio. FURNISHINGS for five-room bouse, la good condition. Webster T45. Da LAVAL 8EPARATOR No. 16; good1 aa new, norence js. SIX-BURNER Ecllpaa gaa range for aala. Call Walnut 111. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WB have aeveral Vlctrolaa that wo took la on tradte for tale; la good .condition. Rouaa Phonograph Parlora, Cor. 10th and Farnam eta WE TUNE, repair, refinlah and move planoe; all work absolutely guaranteed, mono order. Douglaa 111, A. Hoapa Co., lilt Douglaa Bt A. HOSPB CO., 1111 Douglaa. have piano to rant at 11,10 par month, or will sail on easy term, WILL pay cash or trade for any piano of otandard make. A. Hoapa Co., 1111 Doug laa Bt ELECTRIC pianos, 100 to, 1200. Term. Omaha Reed Rattan Co. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rant, repair, aell needle and parts at all aewtng machine. MICHEL'S , i NEBRASKA CTCLB CO.. v llth and Harney Bta Doug till. Store and Office Fixtures WB buy, tell and make deek. as fee. show- esses, (helving, eto. Omaha Fixture sup Ply Co., 11th and Douglaa D. 1714. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver I mom he ror IS. central Typewriter Exchange 1101 Farnam. WB buy, aell or exchange typewr'tere; guar, lyyawriirra v nu up. nin, m Hat. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1401 Dodge. L. C. SMITH Typewriter, good aa new 121. Martin Investment co m tiranaeia B4dg. Douglas 4611. . Miscellaneous. FOR SALE From dismantled brick plant) Tl.000 fir brick. 4,000 fire floor block. ' 1.000 feet rails. 1,000 feat IS-lb. rail. ' , A lot of band Iron Mn.xt-14-tn. Material In first class condition. Reasonable price; prompt ahlpment S. QOkDBERO & CO., Cedar Raplda. Ia. FOR SALE A atenotype, not the lateat model, but a very good machine IB per. feet condition; coat 1100, will aall tor tit. Call Douglaa 171! before I In tha morning. FRESH country buttermilk; butter; beat of cream; strictly fresh eggii delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone South 111 or .... ,.DH.i K OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather ateamed. Tyler (II. Wagner. renoveieo ana meae up m new ivainer proor -icKing, iqt turning uoug ni FOR 8AI.B Thoroughbred Spit pupa, Call B, 1471; will deliver. . .- CHERRIES, currant and goosebarriea at Ihm'a fruit farm. Walnut 195. WANTED TO BUY ' TpVrTrTVfCJ haa Just returned and dUilN JUNO will glv you the same good aervlca that ha gav In tha past. Help win tha war. Bell your old elothea, ahoea, rugs, toola, trunka and buy W. 8. S. Will call. Res. D. 1031. Office, 1536. WANTED Steam engineer tor amall alee, trio light plant, 100 KVA capacity. En gineer to do own firing. Stat experience and aalary expected, alao how aoon avail, able. Nebraska Electrlo company, Wausa, ' Neb. - . B8 PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE SAM. BRLL TOUR OLD fcLOTHES AND BUT LIBERTT BONDS. GIVE MB : A TRIAL WILL CALL. PHONE DOUG 14JI.V 111! DOUGLAS ST. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desk bought, sold and traded. 1, C Reed. 1201 Farnam. t. 114. WK PAT YOU HIGHEST PRICES FOR CLOTHES. CALL US FIRST. DOUO. 4114. CASH paid tor diamonds, estate' appraised. Reeaa Jewelry Co.. 401 S. 16th. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aide, knife, unburst, pleating, covered button. all else and style; hemstitching, pleot edging, eye let cut work, button boles, pennanta IDEAL BUTTON" AND PLEATING CO.. 100-101 Brown Bldg. Pbono Doug. HW HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. v BUTTONS. O. U. VanArnam Pleating Ce., 16-t Paxtnn Block. Phone Doug 1101. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tenta and camping euppllee. BCOTT-OM AHA TENT ft AWNING CO. Bageatre and Exoress. RM'UBLIC Aufo EXPRESS COMPANT will haul everything for you. Package than 20 lbs.. Is rente. Douglea 7461. THE ONLY WAY THB OMAHA TRANSFER Ca Billiard Parlors. PR1VATB tablea for parttea at Hnlmea'. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO). 17th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronxa, aluminum and machine arav iron castings Cameras & Kodaks. HAVE an Eaatmau 1-A postcard aise, with ' new rang finder; Kodak good aa new; ' Cook Anaatlo mat len for aala or trad. Box 4T27 Omaha Bee. ' Contractors. J. JEUUM kttUdlas rapaUa, . .Wat. jil. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chiropractors. SPINOGRAPH. Dr. Edwards, 14th Far Dr J C Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 1441. Costumes. FULL dreaa suite for rent Opp. P. O. John Feldman, 101 N. llth St Douglaa 1121. Detectives. JA.MES ALLAN, 11? Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all eases Tyler 1111. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dressmaking. Do-ig. 6306. Dentists. D- Bradbury. No pain. 121 W O. W. Bldg. Tvft'a Dent Rm.. 101 Roaa Bldg. P. 1184. Electric Vacuum Cleaners. ' WILL c!eantyour ruga on tha floor. I use Hoover machines. Harney 111. Film Developing. FILMo developed; rolla, 10c: packs. Ho; sne-day service. Ease Btudio. Neville Bile, 16th and Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. ' rtTTPKTM Electrlo waahlng machines. U U l.Jll iMtrlo Irons and reading lamps 2221 Cuming Bt Douglaa 1611. i Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC sharpeners; called tor and de llvered; need lawnmowera for sale. Shop next Tiro Station. 2110 Leavenworth. Harney 1601. ELECTRIC lawnmower aharpener; uaed lawnmowera. Call Walnut 407. Live Stock Hauling. WE will haul vour Hva atnek LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO, 2201 Farnam St Telephone Doug. 2601. Jewelry. DLAMONDSr.gC 22 at small profit. GROSS. 401 Nr'lltb St Osteopaths. DR. MARLE WESSON. 114 Brandel Bldg T. 2 Rea 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold Inter- national patent Co.. 681 Brandela. P 1611. STURGES A STURGE3. U. 8. and foreign patents and trademarks. 110 Bee Bldg. Rug Cleaning. QUALITT RUG CLEANERS. Bcientlflo Ollv Ol) Waahlng Persian Rug Cleaning Co.. 1217 Farnam. H. 1142. 1 Safes. SAFES BAROAINS, 1211 Farnam. J. J Derlght Safe Co. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhart Ptg. Co., 124 8. llth St Tailors. Dledrlok. P. L 214 g. 20th, Tailor, D. 1411. Towel Supplies, Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. llth. D. 121. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES Fitted Parf.rtlY b Onarta Th W. O. Cleveland Co.. 1410-11 Harney Bt. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing jwngiasrrinTing ro . ti nnuriaa 44 BUSINESr CHANCES MR. MERCHANT Do you want to get out of business? Try our wonderful "Sale System" for results. We can get yon good farm or ranch land or w oan gat you tha "Spot Cah" and gat It quick. Try'u for quick result. Best of references fur nished. Owens Brokerages Co., Tat. Red. I14L 107 Keellne Bldg. GOOD going real estate buainesa for aala. vwius u uraii in iNormweei Man and Realty eompan will aell tbelr going busi ness, including equity In land, contract for al of lands, good paper. Insurance and loan oonneotlona. Only good real estate office and business of Its kind In town located on ground floor on principal oornar. Good opportunity for hustlers. Thi I an opportunity to get praotlcally all th going business In tha Smith River valley, ona of thsvbeat valleys la state of Montana; 118.000 buy th business. In eluding th land and everything per taining to company' affair; Address Northwsat Loan and Realty Co., White ouipnur oprinaa. wont FOR SALE Land, loan and lnaurance bust- neaa, eataciiienea nva years, over 100 In. suranca pollclee on tha books, llvest town In th weal; bumper cropa. building alona la worth three-fourth purchaa price. Get ' busy If you mean buainesa. - Addraes Bog ...a., villa ua m, . FOR BALE Downtown grocery and meat mantei ; aoing a itnotiy cash buainesa; no deliveries; net profit from 14.000 to 16.000 a year. Will aland the eloaeet Invaatlga tlon. Will require 110.000 to handle It Box 4721, Bee. FOR SALE Good paying reataurant at j oi.u.11.., nep., ana oniy on in town; ha paying coda fountain and good eteel range; owner muat go to war at once; v established buaineaa cheap. Address wnane oarainer, Bradahaw, Neb. PATENTS For sal cheap: coma and aeeall my patent. I have torn I think would be a mint to a man who ha th money to market them. Jamea W. Kennedy, 111 oi., vouncu Dtuir lowa. FOR SALE Tailoring and Dry Cleaning ouainess at a remaraaoip low price; am drafted and muat leave aoon; will atand thorough Investigation. F. Fran. Albert ijaa, jninn. POOL HALL tor aal la goad live town In eastern jhod. ol about 1,000 lnhabK,ante Money maker; beat of reason for aelllng. am i e, umana Boo, MUST aell a 17,000 atock of general mer chandise to" cloe eetate; look thla over and make your beat cash offer. J. O. Do- .i .... Aaministraipr, L,oag foia, web. BAKERY, soda fountain, baking oven, atock, furniture and ttxturea for eala. Oood town In a thriving county. Wln- pan.ry, yvinsiqo, IdeO. GOOD paying drug store. Cor. llth and Davenport; new fixtures and fountain, well assorted atock, excellent location. Will aell at InvAtoa a.. ... .... FOR SXLE Cafe with aoflTdrlnko.slce creajn wHiwMniwry ia ooaneccson. uoing fins buainesa Good reason .for sailing. o.imuni caia, uoiumoua. Neb. ANY buslneae relating to Canada aollclted; landa cared tor. leaaed, aold. exchanged, cropped. FraAk Crawford, Omaha and GUARANTY locate you; any line buaineaa; any etate. Guarantee air your buaineaa r. rvniesi. ae uiqgM nmi ha.. Neb, BAKERY Confeotlanery, ate, for aal. v Nat 1221 month. - W. Chrlstlanaen. Mln " den. Neb. ,. RESTAURANT, . soft drlnka, confeotlonery; win sen or traae. Box 82. Overton. Neb. GROCERY atore and meat market for eala or trade. 4I6T 8. llth St South 414. PARTNER wanted in good buelneae, li.000 repulred. R. B. LeRoy. Fort Dodge. Is. STORE for aale; rent 19. Good buaineaa F. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. ON account of health muat aell my bakery at once. W. O. ' Harvey. Knoxville. la. FOR SALE Cafe and Ice cream parlor at a big sacrifice. Irven Carroll. Nelson Neb. vAUTOMOBILES RADIATORS ;': Wrecked and leaky radiators repalresVl and rebuilt; large atock uaud radiator on ' band. Mashed tender and lamp repaired .' like new., .- . , . . ' - : New honey-combed Ford tadlatora. lilt model. 122; HIT. 121. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIR8 WORKS. . 1111 Cuming St . Qmaha, Nek BARGAINS IN USED CARS ' AU makea. With and without atartara, II to pick from. Phono D. 1141 or eall M 1111 Davenport, : . , , V aOTtVAM A.TJTO CO AUTOMOBILES OLD FORDS. ; , NEW FORDS MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. . Before buying a truck see Affordable Truck Co., Omaha mad truck unit fit any Ford, make guaranteed and 1-ton trucks out of anybody' Ford, till F. O. B. Omaha. DEALERS WANTED Factory and office 1207-11 8. 20th Bt DOUGLAS 2053. LISTEN We will aava you 10 per cent on your tire bill. Trad your old tires for new one. Tube vulcanised I cent cas ings 10 cents up. Rebuilt, S In 1 casing for sale, II np. D. A machine for tale. V. a Vulcanlzer Co- Branch 14. 120 S llth Bt. Omaha. FOR SALE On account of draft, the Cum. , ing garage. Thla garage 1 In a fin lo cation and dolngk a rushing buslneaa Owner of building will enlarge and give a long lease. Cuming Garage, 2411 Cum ing et FORDS exchanged, bought and sold; w re build your Ford with a Kelsey streamline body Ilka now; cars sold for cash or time payments. Sol 8. Qoldatrom, 1867 Farnam St Harney 6646; agent wanted. FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high epeed and power. Will accept Ford In Al condition part payment A bargalna- B. E. Frank. Koute e, i oa, censon, jseo. ALL kind of car for hire. wlthor with' out driver, by th mil or by the hour. Fords. 10s per mils. Douglaa 7290 Ne braska Service Garaaw. CUMING GARAGE. 2411 Cuming Bt, D 2871. Storage', day and night service, carbon burning, weldlpg, general auto re pairing. CHALMERS, speedster, 2-paaaenger....360 , Maxwell, l-paasenger 460 ' Butck Light Six , 100 BARNUM-SMITH CO., 2122 Cuming. NEW Maxwell cars. 1112 models, for eale. 1100 eaah. balance monthly payment a desired. Ar-wi strictly confidential Bo n2. Bee. ONE Saxon Six Roadster, In fins condition: alao American Roadster, cheap. North Side Garage, 4201 N. 20th. WE ARB THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St Douglaa 1074. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 2021 FARNAM ST DOUGLAS 6210. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Ca Hth and Jackaon. Ford Agents. Doug. 1600 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex Chang Co., 2061 Fatnam Bt. Doug. 6036 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 2406 LEAVENWORTH 8T. BARGAINS In used car ORR MOTOR BALES CO., 40th and Farnam. ' Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. 10 FORDT WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO., 2106 FARNAM ST. GOOD USED CARS. GUT L. SMITH, llth and Farnam St. Douglaa 1171 TELL BINKLET. Commercial body builder, lilt Harney St D 1640 OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 1100 Farnam St MAKE ma an offer on my model 84-B Wil ly Knight touring car. Excellent condi tion. Douglaa 1416. WANTED TO BUY HIT Ford coupelet for eaeh. Hoefelman, Platte center, Net). GOOD aecond-hand delivery car, cheap. In quire 1111. W. O. W. Bldg. OVERLAND 1014 model; fin ehape; cheap 'for eaah. Webster 414. WANTED Secondhand burning In atand for Ford motor. Qurglee Garage, Caatana, Ia. HUDSON Super-alx sedan In flrat class con dition for sale. Call 166, Council Bluffa, I a. Wanted. FORDS can burn half coal oil, or cheapest gasoline, uelng our 1111 carburetor; ll mile per gallon guaranteed. . Easy atart lng. Groat power Increaee, Attach It youraaif. Big profit aelllng for ua. 10 days' trial. . Money back guarantee. Stylea to fit any automobile. Atr-Frto-tton Carburetor Company, 117 Madison St. Dayton, O. - - Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF.' Ho a mile, !6o per hour minimum charge. Sunday and holidays, too par hour. FORD LIVERY CO., Douglas 1621. 1114 Howard Bt Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS, B. 8.. 1411 llth St Wab atar 1101. For th boat reault with repair wora consult ua Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. Ill a Hth St. Dougla 1481. Tires and Supplies. TIRE pries wreckers. This Is no 1-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 422 8. Hth. Agts Wanted. Omaha. Neb GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 1,000 Mile Guaranteed. . 10x1. 17.76; lOxJVi. 11.75; llxltft 110.16: 11x4. 112.85: 14x4, 112.25: !6x4tt. 116 60. Writ us today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. V ' Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO, 1619 Davenport 8t. Omaha. D. 1914. TIRES. New 80x1 F1reton Now 10x3 H Non Skid 1110 Now 12x14 Flretton 1S.S, SOxlU Guaranteed Tubes. t.10 a. a m a. . - m v..l i v tvxi uuar&nieea ibdu " fljl a. aP. 41eaa A AA uvvu uaivsa wa a mi a Other sties In proportion. Retreading and vulcanising. OMAHA RADIATOR At TIRE WORKS. 1111 Cuming 8t. Omaha, Neb. BIG bargalna In brand new Urea and tubes, 11 standard make to eelect from, seeing 1 believing. COMB IN. Wholeeal and RaaiL Send tor our prioa llat ' - OMAHA CUT RATE TIRB CO., "Nebraska Tlr Bargain Center." Pouglaa 2916. 110 8. Hth St NEW TIRES AT tt PRICE. ALL SIZES. NEW 10x1 Republlo It 75 Ford tube. 12.00 NEW 20x8H FIRESTONE non-kld. 114.75 NEW 12x3 FIRESTONE tire 114.10 KAIMAN S TIRB JOBBERS, nil vumins. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneurnatio tire and eliminate your tiro irouoira. v." "-v- OIT I.O., sdi nraimei. INSIST on G. et G. quality retread and aava 10 per cent oa your tires. - Bargains In new and slightly used tires. O. G. Tire Co.. 1411 Leaven'th Bt. Tyler- 1261-W j Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in ueed machines. Victor H. Rooa, th Motorcycle Man. 17th and Lsav- nwnrth. - PERSONAL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I, that undersigned, hereby notify th publlo that I am In no way, directly or Indirectly, connected vrith th Wm. Berg Co., offices In th Woodmen of th World . Building, tht city. I am fiscal agent for the Omaha Potaah and Refining com pany, offlcoa 122 Flrat National bank building. Th president of tola company la F. J. Fitxgerald; aecrotary, P. A. May. Neither th corporation with which I am connected nor. any et It ' officer ha anything to do with tha Wm. Berg Co. -L. H. BERG. THE Salvation Army Industrial Horn so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga- - tinea We collect. W dletrlbute. Phone Doug. 4116 ejjd our wagon will call. Call and Inspect w new horn. 1111-1111-1114 Dodge Bt ; - . WANTED To adop little girl between 1 .and years. No objection to cripple or ' lck child. If Intelligent, Address, Box T 687. Omaha Bee. I WILL not be responsible. for any debta contracted by my wife, Alice Clear M. P. Clear. - MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and scalp treatment 110 Farnam SU Boom 2. MISS FISHER, aulpbur, steam baths and massage. 171 Bran. The. Bldg. D. 1681. MAE BROOM AN. scientitlo masseuse and baths. 101 Karbach Blk. Bed 1T1T. MASSAGE and baths, ells Halraa. 251- Neville Block. ' Uaaiearla aad Baa. 1121 Faraaav m, it. MEDICAL RUPTURE (ucceaefully treated without , surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H Wray. ( Bee Bids; . , M ' SITUATIONS WANTED Male. POSITION wanted In bank by young man under draft age: high school and bust . ness sducatlon; no experience. Address Box 160, Grand Island. Neb. YOUNG man. aged 20, with 1 years sloe trlcal experience, desires position with good electrical company. Earl Blackster. Clarlnda. I a. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, tha Ka- ttonal Cleaning and Service company. 2701 Leavenworth Bt Harney 6012. WANTED Hooaecleanlng by man and wife; experienced; also lawnmowlng. Wabatar .. 2014. YOUNG man wants job as chauffeur, I years experience; good references. Doug las 171 or 7012. - Female. HOUSEKEEPER for old coupls or ears for elderly lady. 1601 N. 17th St Webster 464T. EXPERIENCED nurse maid; reference; go homo nights. Tyler 1611. WANTED Practical nursing. 117 8. 1th Douglas ,1451. GIRL wants office position. Call South 4301. GUARANTEED dressmaking. Call evenings Tysr 1004-W. EXPERIENCED lady wtahee children to car for by week. Walnut 1481. VI Laundry and Day Work. FIRST-CLASS laundresa want day work for Wednesdays. Web-ter 2142. DAY work wanted by flrat-class laundress for first of week. Call Webeter 1111. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4281. 1ST-CLAS3 laundreaa wants bundle wash ing. Web. 6814. LAUN DRY work called tor and delivered. Webster 1161. T EXP. laundresa, bundles called for and de livered Webster 1322 BUNDLE WASHING, rough dry and finish ed. Red 1671. , a LAUNDRESS, washing by th hour. Web. 1017. BUNDLE waahlng; call and deliver. Web. COLORED woman wants work by the day or ween. Call webeter 16. COLORED woman wants work by the day or week. can Webster 1699. DAY work wanted. Csil Webster 698. COLORED lady want day work. Har 6405. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2068. Day work and bundle waahlng. Web 1081. BUNDLE washing to take borne. South 1611 1ST claee col. laundresa with ret. Doug. 8712. WOMAN want day work: ref. Web 2221. GIRL wishes day work. Webster 2327. NEAT eol. lady wants day work. Doug. 6077. BUNDLE washing, lace curtains. Web. 1737. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertlss for "help" the ssms way yor advertlae to aell merchandise, and tha difference In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement BOOKKEEPER, mfg. experience, 1125 to 1160; bookkeepers, 126-U0-100-90-85; Offlos clerks, 110-tl00-90-85-76. WATTS REFERENCE CO., 1138 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. CORRESPONDENT clerks, 1125, 1140; stock clsrk, 880-190; bookkeeper, 1100-1116. THE MARTI COMPANT. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations oomlng; bundrsds wanted; 190 month; sample queatlons free. Franklin Institute. Dept 311-F, Rochester. N.-Y. CASHIER end- bookkeeper, 1125; Bkpe. 1100; Stenos.. 175-ITO; office clerks, 190-185-175. Co-Operatlva Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat. Bk. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. BOOKKEEPER, commission firm, 1125. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N rofets'ons and Trades. JONES & LAMSON opera tors wanted; government and tractotf work; go6d wages and bonus to ex perienced men; steady employment. Hart-Parr Co., Charles City, Ia. WE NEED CONDUCTORS ; AND MOTORMEN. Apoly in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL ' BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. MEN ABOVE DRAFT AGE. Learn an all th year round trad that will give permanent employment and good wage during peace a, well a war time. Learn len grinding and pee tacle making. W will teach you thla trad and pay reasonable wage while learning. Apply RIOGS OPTICAL CO. Til Brandela Store Bldg. X WANTED Young man to work In th pros room. Apply to Supt, Be Publishing Co. -" ; t V- WANTED Meat cutter, reliable, capable of running amall ahop. Call at Baaket Store Offloa, 101 N. 9th at Call any day. ., WANTED. . Grocery clerk capable of managing a mail store aoon. Call at Basket Store Otflc. 101 North Ith St. GLAZIER WANTED Wa wish on experi enced all around glaxler to take charge of oar alexins danartmant- Knal enmt lm. Mediately. Excellent wagea tor rtghtl man. CENTRAL NEBRASKA MILL WORK COMPANT, Hastings. Neb. WANTED Experienced egg candlera Im . mediately; prefer men who can rough and handle tipping gang during poultry sea son; good wages and ateady work. It will pay you to Investigate this ad. S. B. Hlgley company. Mason City, la. W' ANTED All-around printer, capable of taking care of mechanical department of country office, including operation of cylinder press; permanent position ; good wages. Shernt F. Meyers. Anita, I a. MEN WANTED to help Isy carpets; experi enced prof erred; also husky boy to work In carpet workroom; permanent positions. ORCHARD-WILH ELM CO, 414-18 South Hth Bt- COOPERS to make slack barrels. Steady work, lOo per barrel, good board and room reasonable. - Will refund railroad tar noon arrival. Write or telegraph th Royal Brewing Co., Weaton, Mo. WHITE chauffeur. Private residence. State mechanical and driving experience, where last employed, references, wages wanted and age. Permanent job If aatls factory. Apply Box llTOjpmaha Bee. - WANTED Ftrst-olaas automobile me chaalot good equipment and good wage. Ourgles Oarage, Caataaa, la. - . HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. LABORERS WANTED. ERECTING MACHINERY. ETC., 40C PER HOUR. APPLY TO MR. WATTS. NEW ICE PLANT, 20TH AND POPPLE TON AVENUE STATION. MEN LEARN AVIATION MECHANICS and AEROPLANE CONSTRUCTION. 6 hop and field experience. Government neede you today. Writs MOLER AVIATION SCHOOL, Chicago, 111. , BARBERS WANTED Beat town and high aeet prices. Guarantee 125. can make to 140. . Enquire Master Barber's association. 100 rantages Building. Seattle, Wash. Wanted Experienced atock room man. ahop foreman and eervlce foreman; Ford work only. Mortenaen at Burkhard garage. winner, a. u. M0 A DAY All around Blacksmith and ' Hnrseshoer wanted at once: ateady work. Ea Flake, Taimage. Neb. 1 . LABORERS wanted at 26th and Farnam SU., at the new building. Klene aV Buach. contractors. - ONE experienced married farm hand. Box 121. J. A. Leaders. Papllllon. LEARN barber trade, low ratea now Call or writ Barber College 1124 Donslss Bt MAN to work In garage, drive and fill cars. Call Stryker, Douglas 2710 . WANTED A good, all around blacksmith. Fred Peterson, -Frsmont, Neb. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart ment Box 41406 Be Salesmen and- Solicitors. FIRST class salesman wanted to handle - real estate proposition In Nebraska. Pre fer man with sales experience and one capable pf making goof salary. Will pay guarantee and commission to man who la a good live wire. Address Box Y-691, Omaha Bee. - . WANTED Reaponsible atock salesmen to aell Lion Bonding at Surety company atock; excellent proposition and good ter ritory. Call or writ Bankers Bales Agency. W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. WANTED Life Insurance salesman. Strong western company! top commissions paid to producers. Lowest rata In U. 8. A. Call or write. Guy T. Bates, Castls Hotel, umana, rveo. Agents and Canvassers. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE A proposi tion that is a money-maker to wide awake energentle salesmen Is offered by a Llts Insurance company, nearly a third of a century old; rate lower than other eompanle and dividend tha greateat of any company In America: all communi cation will be neld confidential; If in terested address Box Y-689. Omaha Bea. AGENTS Liv ones, to sell the Pep Gas Saver for Ford and Met cars; something new; good seller. Write G. A. Bevlr.gton. Gen. Del., Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Good live wire. Apply Duplex Tire Co., 1015 8. Main St. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced cook for cafe; white; good wagea; Irven Carroll, Nelson, Neb. Boys. ' WANTED A boy to carry an Eve ning Bee route. Call at Circulation Dept., Bee Office, 104 Bee Building. WANTED AT ONCE, TRANSFER MEN WELLS-FARGO CO.,' UNION STATION. WANTED Boy to deliver an Eve ning Bee rouie, near 29th and Leavenworth Sts. Call at Bee Branch Of fice, 261S Leavenworth St. WANTED A boy to deliver The' Morning Bee in Dundee. Call at Bee Branch Of fice, 40th and Cuming Sts Miscellaneous. LABORERS For track work, 10 cents per hour at tart with car fart; 10 hrs. APPLY TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT. 22D AND NICHOLAS STS., - OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS ' STREET RAILWAY. WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS, y ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., APPLY UNION STATION. WANTED Married or single man for gen eral inrro worn; win lurnlsn - house, cow. to milk, fuel, etc., and will rent farm to right parties and furnish horses. Im plements, etc; man muat be experienced; wllUpay wagea according to work dons. Birm s Muieioot Ranch. Alexandria. Neb. WANTED Competent bread maker for maui wui uur oaitery aeparimem. Ap ply F. Klnkelman, head baker Courtney m company vmana WANTED 6 men to sell goods on passen ger traina; must nave cash security. Ap ply Rock Island News Stand, Falrbury. Neb. WANTED Married man to work on farm. must b experienced. Telephone Chestnut 1341 Papllllon.- WANTED A driver tor Republlo truck. Ap- piy wasnmgton Market, 1407 Douglaa St WANTED Married, experienced farm hand. A. A. Leaaene. Box 121, Papllllon. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT needs 20.000 women clerks at Washington. Examinations everywhere July T. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions writ for free particular to J. C. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 525 Kenol Bldg.. Washington. STENO and bookkeeper, small office, 1100;' stenographers, o, 880, 375, 65; book keepers, 185, 75, (65; 'typist ISO; bill clerk, good at figures, 165. WATTS REF. CO., 1131 First National Bank. , MULT1GRAPH OPERATOR Wanted at once, must be experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply In person st 1424 First Nat. Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED, ledger clerk wanted tor wnoieaaie aepanment , ORCHARD-WILH ELM CO., 414-H South 16th St WANTED Young lady for-llght work, must be steady. No other need apply. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 111 South Twelfth street STENOGRAPHER and clerk, 8100. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. " THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. Professions and Trades. WANTED-rlO experienced power sewing machine operators, also girl to learn, tight" clean, ateady work, pleasant surroundings, best wages in ths city. Apply st once. Omaha Auto Top Co.. 709-11 South 15th 8t , - , ; FIVE women wanted aa passenger elevator -conductors. ORCHARD-WILHELM CO.,' 414-11 South llth Bt. WANTED Hand Ironera and marker and . sorter for rough dry department and glrla for all departments. Evan Mode) ' Laundry, llth and Pouglaa, HELP WANTED FEMALE ' Professions and Trades. WANTELV-Young Ladies to Uan, telephone operating. Good wages paid ' while har n ing, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F. LAMBERT. 1807 Dougtas St . WANTED Girl to learn fur machine sew-' Ing, Call Tyler 120. Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced cook, t good wages; appointment by telephone.' Mrs, O. C Redlck, Harney 121. Reference required. A NEAT colored girl wanted" to help with light housework; good wagea; no Bun. day work. Phone Harney 6337 after f Residence, 3013 8. 28th Ave. ? WANTED White, girl for general , house-. work Two In family. No laundry work.-' Go horn nights. CaU Colfax 4150. 1861 Vane St - " 1 WHITE girl or middle aged .woman fof general housework. Small house and onlj two . In family. Mrs. R. W. Craig, 1661 Jones St., phone Harney 6731. : - WANTED Strong white girl or practical ' nuraa to care for Invalid lady. Refer. ences. Harney 718. 1613 Farnam. CURL- or woman wanted for housework oi ' farm; good wages. G. A. Sweet. Valley, -Neb. - WANTED A housekeeper on the farm U , take full charge. Box T 690, Omaha Bee WANTED Experienced cook. - Mra N. B Updike, 1614 Jackson., Harney,. 2914. COMPETENT white maid for general house work. Call Harney 888. , WANTED A woman to do plain cooking. Call Webster 2625. . WANTED Girl for general housework.. Mrs. G. P. 8tebbins. Red 6476. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework: ; 8715 S. 25th St South 984. 1 HELP WANTED. , Male and Female. MAN and wife, without children, on private estate. Man for gardener and chorea, wife for general housework. Permanent job Good wages. State age, employment Box 9369, Bee. WANTED Men, iadiea and boya. learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or writ ,1402 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone D. 2147. WHITE couple, without children, for chauf- reur ana general housework. . Suburban home. Excellent Quarters, good wages.' Steady job. What are your qualifications T . Apply Box 9371, Omaha Bee. MOLER Barber College wsnts young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call , or writ for free catalogue, 110 8. 14th St. Omaha. Neb - ' i EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. ' DAY SCHOOL. -NIGHT SCHOOL Every day Is enrollment day. ' Book keeping, ahortnand. stenotypy, typewrit Ing, telegraphy civil service all commer olal and English branohea Catalogue free, ' BOYLES COLLEGE. Dougla 1666 18th and Harney Bta.' ' Van Sent School of Buaineaa. " " uay ana evening School. ' 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg.' ' ' Dons-las 6(i . ' FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. " If you fall to find the room you, daslr smong these ade call at Tha Bee office for a Room List Gtvss complete description of vacant room la all parts of the city New lists Issued every week. SANITARY modern room for men only ' "- " HuiiBum. n.ini IIIICII B, QUI N. 17th St. J. B. Robinson. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 8097. STRICTLY modern, well furnished, clean ' single room, with large closet, respectable ' quiet place, 19 to respectable, permanen BQiiueiliftn. lit Pi. uza Bt. MODERN furnished rooms tor men only at the Sunshine. 608 North 17tb SL Reason-' able rent 804 SOUTH 26th avenue; 2 nice, cool room! 'ortwo gentlemen; atrlctly modern. Tyle; THE GRA STONE, 26th and Cass; , nlceij .uiuiBiicq rooms, uougiaa 7894. 3019 PACIFIC Nicely furniahed room. It ynvaia lamuy, parlor privileges. ' CLEAN, cool room for two: -private faml- It. .010 TT ' . Housekeeping Rooms. - 538 8. 27TH, suites housekeeping, 1st andld gaa ranges, refrigerator, also sleeping; al cool, desirable for parties employed, Har ' ney 5932., 2701 DAVENPORT 2-room suite In prlvat. brick house; elec. lights, gas range ; newlj uecaraiwi garage, anaae. Harney 4889 8121 CALIFORNIA 2 and 8 furnishes rooms, modern, nice yard, ground floor, Harney 4001. . 2024 DAVENPORT ST. 3 front neatly fur-r nlshed modern, housekeeping, rooms. - No children. ... 615 8. 29TH Suite of rooms In strictly modern private home, splendid neighbor hood. . t THREE light housekeeping room, 17; close In. 220 N. 25th St 4 ROOMS and bath. 810. 2C39 Seward 8t Board and Rooms. 2561 DODGE Attractive single and double room, good board, walking distance, Hsr 6143. - - r Hotels. CLAREMONT INN, 17th and Jackson Transient guests. 1 a day; permanent guests, so a ween. Douglas 2785. COOL rooms. 12 week; alao apartments wltl Kiirni-neiUfl. .rgaen- noiei. ajo Hlurra itttui. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Four rooms upstairs, soparate entrance, - ail moaern. Phone Tyler 1206-W. - FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ELEGANTLY furnished apartment, lnolud ding three bedrooms and two baths. Southeast corner St Regis. Two months. Call Harney 6184 for appointment ' DOWNSTAIRS, modern, West Farnam horned four rooms and bath, newly furnished, entirely private, walking distance, free phone 45 per month. Box 9400, Be. UPSTAIRS modern West Farnam home; two tooms, kitchenette and bath, newly fur-' nished, entirely private; walking distance; free phone. 835 per month. Box 9399, Bee. Houses. AT Carter-- lake (Diets club) partly fur nlshed bungalow and canoe for 1160 eaah. or will rent, for 111 per .month. Call uougrias oape. FOR RENT HOUSES West 2225 DODGE street 1-room modern house. I6T.50. . . ' ALFRED C KENNEDY COMPANT. . 205 South Hth St , ' Douglas 722. 10-ROOM residence, near high school; keyl - on premises. 2601 Capitol Ave. Phone Har ney 4564. Rent 135. . 3304 No. 69th Bt., 7 rooms $15 (5 6121 Bedford Ave., I rooms.....!.. 12 40 OMAHA LOAN ft BLDG. ASS'N. ' FOR RENT July L 6-room, modern, Bemta park district 1320 Myrtls avenu. Rectal 130. F. M. Penney. Phone Doug. 187. 2568 Douglaa, rooming houae ....... .I3T00 , 1511 North Hth, rooming houae, ,..'. jj.oo unj n. rnapisEK, POUGLAS 854 10-ROOM. all modern house; oak finish and decorated; double sleeping porch; cloe ini to reaponaioi pany. mono Douglas 725$, l-BOOM modern cottsgst closa 1st, waer, 1531 Podg St, -