Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE ' 20, 1918. 10 Want Ad Rates (Cub Witt Order.) per word cll loMrtlon ' to pw word for three consecutive Insertions .- lo per word for each additional tneertlon . No ad taken tor low than a total of 20c or teat tbaa lOo par day. C . ' ' "i : :i ' '' ? - - CHARGE. . 4 la par Una (count word to Uaa) Ana tlmt to par Uaa oaeb time, I eoneecutlve time t par Una oaeb time, 10 eoneecutlve Umoa situation wasted. Ita par line -par, week CARDS OF THANK AND . '', IXNEBAJ. NOTICES. 10a par Una....... ....aacta Insertion . Minimum Charge, (0 Cents.) Contract Batca On Application. For convenience of advartlaara waot sds ' ' will ba aecaptad at tba following offices: .MAIN OFFICB ...... "aa Building A mta Offlea 4110 North 14tb 81. Lake Offlea 1611 North 14th St Vistoa OffUw t467 South Hth Bt Park Offlea .........Kit Leavenworth Bt Walnut Offlo ....(It North 0th Bt . South Slds Hit N Bt Council Bluffa 14 Mala Bt. North - THB BSD will not ba reaponalbla for mora tbaa one taeorroet taaartloa of aa advertlss : mast ardarad for "more than ena tlma, tJaa THB TELEPHONE If yon cannot eon- vententiy bring ar aand roar ada to any of tba above) of floe. Aak for a Want Ad Taker and son will recelv tha aam food : service aa when delivering roar ad Is ' pereosa PHOXB TY1.EB 1,000. , . IV ant Ad Column Cloaa leaning Editions 120 M , ... inn... m nn p. if , Sunday Fdltlrme 1 P M Bsttirdfv Pining MOVIE PROGRAM North ALHAMBRA. 24TH AND PARKER WILLIAM DESMOND, in THE HONEST MAN. GRAND. - 1TH AND BINNEY BESSIE BARRISCALE, in -MADAME WHO." South APOLLO, 1TH AND LEAVENWORTH ELLA HALL, in "THE MOTHER'S SECRET." IDEAL. : " 14TH AND DORCAS : IrttfTIVT fTTTT I viviAin in "THE TROUBLE BUSTER ROilLFF. :25TH AND LEAVENWORTH WILLIAM RUSSELL, in . "SNAP JUDGMENT." MARRIAGE t.ICEXBEB. Per ml U to wd bava been Issued to tha i following! Name. ' Resldsnes Agar- tfamea adohi uiuh ...., ,,,, , Martha Velehradsky, Omaha ....... Max Rosenhaum, Omaha ............ ,' Call Rosin, Omaha 23 IS tt 0 t la. to Marry Aruoia, over ,,, Dells Hackett, Omaha, evar , . Arthur. ChrUtensen, Sargenta Bluff, ; Freda Carlson, etoux City, la. ..... Arthur A. Paklaar, Omaha ........ Lillian Maria Jsnsen, Omaha '...,.! Boons H. Kipling, Omaha , Ruth P. Xleburg, Omaha ' Anton T. Petrselka, Prague, Nab. , tl II J7 tl II IS to 21 tl to Maurice E. Parity, Bloux City, la. Fetl Hal. Slwua City. la. ........ IS It , BIRTHS AND DEATHS Ziaatha Katharlna Mtrukua, 1401 Plaroa,' fl! Agnaa Btavanaon. Kansas City. 10; Jama Hoard, jr.. 170 North Twenty-fourth v atraat, infants Lefoaava Churioh, E40T South Twanty-aightb etreet. Infant; Franola O. Conaall, till S trt, tt; Mra. Bartha tarratt, 1001 South Forty-third atrcet, 41: ' Edmund Oraee, till Q atraat, Infant; WIN 'Ham 3. Creadon, Norfolk. - Neb., 40 j Sella A. Klnnan, Coiad, Neb., 5; Mn. Llllle Jackson, 1321 Maple street, 4tj Irene Kuhn. 1531 North Fortieth street, 11; George Re worth I50T F etreet, IT; Wayne Thoma, tilt South Twenty-second street Blrtbe Clements and Zella Btrahla, till Xabora, Neb., girl; Arthur and Gertrude - Reese, La bora. Neb., girl; William and El vlng Moein, 1101 Davenport, girl; Benjamin and Ruby Gltttnge, 4011 North Thirtieth atraet, girl: Bernlce and Minnie Fallo, 1111 ''South Twenty-second, girl; Joseph and An tonio Pall, Emerson, Neb., girl; Edward and Carrie Kraua, IUI Burt etreet, girl; R,, Maxtla and Agnea Jonaa, tut Hamilton etreet, boy) E. Guilford and Etta Pomeroy, till Woolworth avenue,- boy; John and Lillle Borta. 1111 Drexel ttreet, girl; Frank and France Kleh. 1411 South Twenty-eighth atraet, boy; John and Mary Ponosha, ltll Canton atraet, girl; Frank and Mary Kepo wltoh, 4111 South Twenty-elghth atrest, boy; William and Emma Huffman, S807 Dewey avenue, bey; H. Kennedy and R. Alloa Jones, 1514 North Sixtieth street, girl; Harry and) Martha Carnes, Unadllla, Neb., boy; George and Antonetta Barry, lot Pierce street, boy; Joseph and Franoea Zeiulah, 1811 North Sixty-eighth etreet, girl) Orailo and Olovannlna Zerluca, 11? Flerea street, girl; Joseph and Jennie Spie gel. I4IS Caldwell street, boy; David and Anna Aokrman, Forty-eighth and Red mond, boy; Ernest and Berth Bwan, 114 south Twenty-eighth etreet, girl: Walter snd Viola Lnndqulst, ISS Miami etreet, boy; idney and ' Mary Williams. 4711 North rwenty-elghth atraet, boy; Harry and Buela E,wall, lilt Boyd street, boy; David and Dlu Jenklne, t4l South Twentieth street, boy; George and Florence Evans, tlOt Vanderaon. girl. ; BUILDING PERMITS ' ' tulldlng permit have been Issued to tha following: B. 1. Kopecky, 1830 South Thirtieth street, brick store building, 14,000; Frank Wins, 1701 South. Tenth street, frame shed. I too. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. LV&SRTAK.EK8 and licensed en.Ulamere; uw private ambulance. Call Webster 41 Willis a Crosby, nil N. ntn Bt tZZX A.' GENTLKmTn. undertaker and ambalraar, 1411 Farnam St Harney III. L JIAiS A ' RIEPEN. undertakers and em talmsra. Till B. lth Douglas llil. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers, 13d a Far. H. 400. E- L. DODDER CO., Funeral Directors. . F. L. Faro, Mgr., ltd and Cuming Bta, Phone Dougiaa stt. Auto ambulance. HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. ' Hoffmann quality eervlce. costa leas. 14th and Dodge Dougiaa 80l FLORISTS. I oatenelle Florist. LEEL.'LARMON 1114 Douglas St ' Dougiaa IS44, A. DONAGHUE Eat 1811. 1111 HARNET. Flower chipped everywhere. Exp. prepaid. PARKER FLOWER SHOP D. 1101. (VOOERS 'Florist 111 8. 16th. D. 1400. - fcATH Careful Florist. 1804 Farnam Bt L. Henderson. 1811 Farnam. D 1258. SPECIAL NOTICES STAGS. ATTENTION. . Omaha Drove No. Ill hereafter will meet on the first and third Friday of each month at 1:11 p. tn., Stags' club room, 1402 Dodge Bt., zd floor. H. STALET. Exalted Director. J. W. JOHNSTON. Recorder. WILL PARTY who witnessed the autumo bile accident at lltb and Jackson Hon. day p. m., June t, 1111, and offered ear. - vtoas to the Injured, kindly get tn com munication at once with E. E. Huntley, Oram BTChantre. Phone Harney 1678. MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offer aympathetlo aervlc In sudden sorrow: terpetual care: no aase menta: lots on eaey terms Pbone Wal. 110 THB largest display' or monument tn the United State. FRANK 6VOBODA. 1111- II 8. Hth. Phone Dougla 1871-1211. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. . Persona having lost aoma article would well to call op the offioe of the Omaha A CoancM Bluff Street Railway company U scenalB whether tbey left It la the Street car. - Many article each day are turned - ta sad the company la anxious t -restore them to tba rtgatrui owner. t. . OLEN One bay mare about 1.001 lb. open buggy, with tea gear; hired by lame man about It year old; sandy complexion y beral reward to finder. Palace Livery, D. (T, omehe, Neb. , REWARD wtU be paid for .eturo of Ford runabout . License No. 117111 ' agra No. 2124011. Stolen from Hth and . -oaglaa Friday algkt June 14 CaU Watnut 170 or notify police department THE WOMAN .who picked UP a c-mm pin set with pearls at 17th and -a at 1:41 p. m. Wednesday kindly ;i to was orace Cddle, X. w. & A. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS J"1 TOU loae anything and will advertlaa It here yon will surely recover It If round by an honest person. If you find any thing of value tba honest way la to ad vertise for the owner. LOST Spare auto tire, Firestone 7iS, be tween 40th and Dodge and Gretna; re turn and get reward. C. H. Aabton, 101 Farnam. LOST Off automobile Wednesday afternoon large else dress suit case. Communicate with W. A. Allen. Am. Smelting A Refining Co., Phone Tyler 464. Reward. ' LOST Bunch of railroad paasee made out to W. Mi Footer. Return to fifth floor. Merchant National Bank Bldg. Reward. LOST A mattrese. Sunday morning. Call Douglas U0. Reward. - IF you lost a bicycle call at 802- Pierce and eay what kind and where you loot It LOST Bow buckled, pin. Return Rome Hotel desk. Receive reward. For Sal MiceHaneous Bottles. ROOTBEER bottlea patent stoppers and others. Nat Steinberg, 1011 Har. P Furniture and Household Goodi. TAKE advantaae of our special June of tarings In- furniture and bouse furnishings. Including many thousands of dollars of merchandise bought from tnakore who are discontinuing making certain llnee on account of abnormal labor and material condition, purchased by ua about 60c on tha dollar. To Illustrate: Four-hole gaa , stove, regular 125. on sale, 113.50; slx- toot extension table, regular value, til. on (ale, 11.10; oild oak dining chairs, regular value, 14.10, on sale, 11,11; large rockera worth 11.10, on sale, 14.15. Coma early for tha eream of bargains. Wa make a specialty of complete homa out fit, also hotel and , rooming houses. Railroad fare free to out-of-town buyera within SO mllee of Omaha an purcbasea of 120 or more, STATE FURNITURE CO.; TeL Doug, HIT. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sta, FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS. Bade, springs, mattresses, dreessra chif foniers, table obatra. eblna and kitchen cabinet, rug and linoleum, trunk and .ult cases. ; atovea and Ice boxea, full line -croon wire, poultry netting, garden tool. 1ISI-47 North I4tn Bt TeL wen 1(07. Open till p. m FURNITURE and rugs tor sal. Oak bed. oak bookcase, oak dining room table and .h.lM a.W rafrt vara tar. - rues. lawn - mower and garden tools. Call lit North 41st St Walnut 16. - OAS atove and refrigerator; dining room ta ble and chairs, ad aeverai eeauwui In dian rugs: muit go. Call walnut leio, till Davenport. BREAKING up housekeeping; selling furni ture of every description; practically new. Call Walnut 1110. till Davenport ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full Una of furniture, saa and eoal oil etdvee. ruga, baby oatrlage, trunk, etc Loyal Furn. Co., 133 N. HtB. . LEATHER easy ohalra and rockera, twin brass beds, mahogany bed and dreeser; must be sold quickly, call walnut ilia. REFRIGERATOR, dining room furniture; fta Saving; must sell. Call Walnut mo. COMPLETE bedroom suite nearly new; very reasonable. Call Walnut 1610. FOR SALE One ftrst-clas Axmlnlster rug, txli feet, $25. 1781 Ida St. FOR SALE Ingrain rug and porcelain sink, Call Colfax 1811. TOR SALE Chiffonier and carpet sweeper. Call Walnut 1041. FURNISHINGS ' for five-room house. In good condition. Webster 741. ( D LAVAL SEPARATOR No. li good as Florence 111. SIX-BURNER Eclipse gas range for sale. Call Walnut 111. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE have aeverai Vlotrolaa that we took In en trcdi for aale; In gopa oonamon. Roue Phonograph Parlors, Cor. totb and Farnam Bta. WE TUNE, repair, reflnlsh and move pianos; all work absolutely guaranteed. Phone orders. Douglas lit. A. Hospa Co., lilt Dougla Bt. A. HOSPB CO., llli Douglas, have planoa to rent at 11.10 per month, or will sell on easy terms. - WILL pay cash or trade for any piano of standard mak. A. Hosp Co., lilt Doug. la St. ELECTRIC planoa, 1100 to 1200. Term. Omaha Reed Rattan co. - ' Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rest, repair, sell needle snd parts of sll sewing machine. MICKEbw " NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ; Hth and Harney Bta Doug Hit. Store and Office Fixtures WE buy, sell and mak desks. afe, how- caiee. shelving, etc Omaha Fixture a Sup nly CoH 11th and Douglsa P. 1714. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver I montha for i. central Typewriter Exchange, HOI Farnam. WE buy, aell or exohange typewr'tera; guar, typewriter 110 and up. writ tor list Midland Typewriter Co.. 1104 TAjdg. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE From dismantled brick plant: 71,000 tlra brick. 4,000 fire floor blocks. 1,000 feet l-lb. rail. - 1,000 feet 11 -lb. rail. A lot of band Iron l-ln.xl-H-ln. Malarial In first claia condition. f Reasonable prices; prompt shipment. 0. IflM.i.1 n p. cc w., Lfuir nnpiQi. 1 1.. FOR SALE A atenotype, not the lateat model, but a very good machine In per. feet condition! cost 1100. will sell for 130. Call Dougtaa 1711 before I In the morning. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather .learned. renovated and made-up In new feather proof ticking. 1107 Cuming. Dous 147. 21 CARS brick, 15.00 per M. White pine tlmbera. 135.00 per M. . H. Gross Lumber and Wrecking. FRESH country buttermilk; butter; beet of cream; strictly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Pbon South tit or Tyler 121. Wagner'. FOR BALE Thoroughbred Eptts pups. CaU 8. 1471; will deliver. CHERRIES, eurrants and" gooseberries at Ihm's fruit farm. Walnut 1181. WANTED TO BUY TlTMlIMQ . returned ana UXUAMVAiXO win gtv you th same good ervlc that he gave In the past Help win the war. Sell your old clothes, shoe, rug,, tool, trunk and buy W. 8. 8. Will call. Re, p. 1011. Offlea. 1515. WANTED Steam engineer tor email alee trio light plant, 100 KVA capacity. En. glneer to do own firing. State experience and salary expected, also how sooa avail able. Nebraska Eleotrio eompany, Wauaa, Neb. BB PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE SAM. SELL TOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE MB A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONE DOUG 1431 1311 DOUGLAS BT. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, need desk bought sold snd traded. J. C. Reed. 1101 Farnam. D. 1141. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST PRICES FOR CLOTHES. CALL U8 FIRST. DOUG. 14. CASH paid for diamonds, estate appralaed. Reee Jewelry Co- 401 8. Hth, ANNOUNCEMENTS Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. - Auto touring tent and camping auppltae. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNING CO. Accordeon Pleating. ACCOKDEON. aide, knife, sunburst, oox pleating, covered buttons, all alios And style; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye- : let cut work, button hole, pennants. . IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100-101 Brown Bldg. Pbone Doug. 1114. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co.. 131-7 Paxton Block. Pbone Doug. 1101. Baggage -and Express. RKPCBUC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages lees than 29 lbs.. It esnte. Douglsa 746J. THE ONLY WAY- ffi THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Billiard Parlor. PRIVATE .table tor pertlee at Holmee'. ' Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sta.. Omaha. N.a Bra, bronre, aluminum and machine rav iron eeetlng Chiropractors. PH.. Rr Eilward. J4!b k Far. SPINOGRA nam Dr. J. C Lawraaca. Baud Bids'.' O. 14 ANNOUNCEMENTS Costumes. FULL dree stilts for rent Opp. P. O. John Fcldman. 101 N. ltth Bt Douglas till. Contractors. J. ELKIN building repalre. Web. 717 Detectives; JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Evidence cured In all case Tyler UK. Dressmaking. MI88 STURDY, dresamakltig. Dcig. 3S. Dentists. D Bradbury. No pain. 12. W. O. W. Bldg. Tsffa Dent Rma. 101 Roe Bldg. D. 1181. Electric Vacuum Cleaners. WILL clean your ruga on the floor. Hoover machines Harney lllf. I use Film Developing. FfLMo developed: rolls. lOo; packa. lto: sne-day eervlce. Eaa Studio. Neville Blk., 16th and Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. FlTTPTf TM E lee trio washing machine. UU XVIYliX .lectrlo Irene and readlne- iampa. 1211 Cuming Bt Douglas till. Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC lawnmower sharpener; used lawnmowers. Call Walnut 107. Live Stock Hauling. WE will haul your live atock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO, i 1101 Farnam St Telephone Doug. 1101, Jewelry. )TAvTN'sw p' with UltmJrUD privilege to buy back at email profit. GROSS. 401 N. Hth St Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 114 Brandels Bldg T. !0. Ree '4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. 181 Brandels. D. tl STUROES A 8TURGES. U. 8. and foreign patents and trademarks. IS Bee Bldg. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUG , CLEANERS. Scientific Olive Oil Waahlng Persian Rug Cleaning Co.. 1:57 Farnam. H. 1841. Safes. BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. SAFES J. J Derlght Safe Co. Medical, PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. . DR. - E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Printing and Office Supplies. Watr-Brnhrt Ptg. Co.. 524 B. Hth Bt Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L., 211 8. 10th. Tailor. D. 1411. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 8. 11th. D. 521. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES Fitted Perfectly by Expert. Th W. O. Cleveland Co.. 1410-12 Hsmev Bt. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing Tourl PrlntlnroTl TViuelsa 4 BUSINESr CHANCES tlOOD going real estate business for sale! ' Owing to draft the Northwest Loan and Realty company will aell their going busi ness, Including equity In lands, contract . for sale of lands, good paper. Insurance and loan connection. Only good raa! estate office and business of Ita kind In : town located on ground floor on principal corner. Good opportunity for hustlere. This Is aa opportunity to get practically all tha going business In th Smith River valley, on of tbe best valleys In state of Montana; 111,000 buys tha business, In cluding th land and everything per taining to eompany'a affair. Addrts Northwest Losn and Realty Oo., Whit Sulphur Spring, Mont FOR SALE Land, loan and Insurance bust , neas, established five years, over 100 In. auranca poltolea on the book, llveat town In the west; bumper crop, building alone la worth three-fourth purchase price. Get busy if you mean buatnes. Address Box 4682. Omahs Bee, FOR SALE Downtown grocery and meat market; doing a strictly cash business; no deliveries : net profit from 14,000 to l,00l a year. Will stand tha closest Investiga tion. Will require 110,000 to handle It Box 4711, Bee. FOR SALE Plumbing business In on of th beit town of Wyoming. Complete stock snd building; plenty of business. Best of reason tor aelling. Would sell either with or without building. Address Box Y III, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Good paying reataurant at Bradihaw, Neb., and only one tn town: hai paying soda fountain and good steel range: owner must go to war at onca; established busineaa cheap. Address Charles B. Gardiner, Bradshaw, Neb. PATENTS For eitle cheap; come and sea' all my patents, i cave some I tnlnlc would be a mint to a man who has tha money to market them. James W. Kennedy, fit Third St., Council Bluffs Iowa. DRUG atora for aale or trade, Kansas City, wo., ciosein; best hotel and rooming bouse district; new tlxturea; clean ctoeks; oda fountain. Am busy physician. L Hawk, M. D., General Delivery. POOL HALL tor sale in good live town In eastern Neb. of about 1.000 inhabitant Money .maker; best of reason for telling. Addres Box Y 586, Omaha Bee. FIRST-CLASS well and windmill business, only one in town, good business and good territory. Address J. J Carey, Petersburg, Neb. ' BAKERY. oda fountain, baking oven. stock, furniture ami fixture for sale. Good town In a thriving county. . Win ilde Bakery. Wlnslde, Neb. GOOD paying - drug store, Cor. Hth and Davenport; new tlxturea and fountain, well assorted atock, excellent location. Will aell at Invoice. See u at onca. FOR SALE Cafe with aott drinks, to cream and confectionery in connection. Doing fine business. .Good reason for selling. Belmont cafe.v' Columbus, Neb. ANY builnea relating to Canada solid td; landa cared for, leased, aold, exchanged, cropped. Frank Crawford, Omaha and Roaetown, Bask. FOR BALE Cheap, general blacksmith, woodwork and ahoelng ahop In good town of 1,100. A snap. P. a Anderson, Belle ville, Kan. GUARANTY locate you; an Una business; mn .in i uuaiauw, . fuui uu.ui w F. V. Kntest Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Nab. BAKERY Confectlanery, ate., for aale. Net 1231 month. W. Chrlstlaneen, Mln- 1 den. Neb. RESTAURANT, aoft drinks, confectionery; win eell or trade. . Box 21. Overton, Neb. GROCERY ator and meat market for aale or trade, 4557 8. 81th St. South 4HI. - PARTNER wanted In good business, 15,000 required. R. B. LeRoy, Fort Dodge. I. STORE for aale; rent 11. Good businea. F. V. Knleat Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Cafe and fee cream parlor, at a big sacrifice. Irven Carroll, Nelson Neb. AUTOMOBILES OLD 'FORDS. NEW FORDS. i MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. . ... Before buylnsx a truck see Affordable Truck Co., Omaha made truck unit fits any Ford, make guaranteed 44 and 1-ton truck out of anybody' Ford, tilt F. O. B. Omaha. y I DEALERS WANTEDS Factory ,nd offlea 1207-16 8. 20th St DOUGLAS 2053. RADIATORS Wreoked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt large atock need radiator on -hand Maahtd fenders and lamp repaired llfta new. . New honey-combed Ford radiators. HH model. 132; 1117. 131. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRB WORKA 1111 Cuming St - - Omaha Neb NEW Maxwell care. 111 models, for eai. 130V eaeh. balance monthly payment a . desired. A.w' elrlctly ceatldeatiai, Bos OSes BS . v. ;,. . AUTOMOBILES AUTO PARTS CO. USED-CAR BARGAINS. W have mora care than we have room for 4coneeqently somebody 1 going . to make a good buy in tne next tew aay. If you are In the market for a high grade used-car, now I the time to get it. . All car (Old with th money-back guarantee, 5 1917 Bulck Light Si MS. prices ranging from 1700 to .1 t 100 New Hudson Super-Six 1.T60 HIS National Four 650 1H7 Ford touring 150 H14 Hucmoblle. starter and lights.. 400 1117 Reoublle truck, overhauled and reflnlehed 700 We will demonstrate any one of the above cars and .will trade for your old ear If you have one. AUTO PARTS CO. 2106 Farnam. LISTEN We will aave you 10 per cent on your tire bill. Trade your old tires for new One. Tubes vulcanized I cants eas ing 10 cents up. Rebuilt t In 1 casing for sal. II sp. u. & macnine tor aaia. U. a Vulcanlser Cc Branch 11. 220 a lltb St. Omaha. FOR 6ALE On account of draft the Cum Ing garage. This garage la in a fine lo cation anoT doing a rushing business. Owner of building will enlarge and give .a long lease. Cuming Garage, 2411 Cum ing Bt. - FORDS exchanged, bought and aold; wa re build your Ford with Kelaey atraamlln body like new; ears aold for eaah or tiro payments ,ol 8. Goldstrom. 1817 Farnam rat Harney 6541; agent wanted. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. ' All makea. With and without starter, tl to pick from. Phon D. 1241 or call at 1611 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell ' chummy roadster, high speed and power. Will accept Ford In Al condition as part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank, Route I, 76A, Benson, Neb. ALL kind of car tor blr. with or with out driver, by the mile or by th hour) Ford. 10o per mil. Dougla 7210 Ne braska 8ervle Garage. V CUMING GARAGE, 2416 Cuming St. D. 2811. Storage, day and night service, carbon burning, welding, general auto rs- pairing. ' i $NB Saxon Six Roadster, In tin condition; also American Roadater, cheap. North Bide Oarage, 4S0S N. 20th. WB ARB THE USED CAR MEN. . . TRAWVEB AUTO CO., -1111 Farnam Bt Douglas 1070. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1021 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 1210. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS . . McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th andf Jackson. Ford Agents. Doug. 1600 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick srtlon; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 3051 Farnam Bt Doug. 6036 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 1401 LEAVENWORTH BT. BARGAINS In used car ORR MOTOR BALES CO., 40th ' and Farnam. Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 1020 Farnam St, Omaha. Nab. J 10 FORD3 WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO.. tlOl FARNAM ST. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH, tlth and Farnam Bta. Douglas 1170. TELL A BINKLEY. Commercial body builders. 1311 Harney St D 1140. OAKLAND, 8enelble Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, lioo Farnam Bt WANTED TO BUY 1917 Ford coupelet for cash. Hoefelman, Platte Center, Neb. GOOD aecond-hand delivery car, cheap. In quire 1111. W. O. W. Bldg. OVERLAND 1114 model; fine shape; cheap for cash. Webeter 484. WANTED Secondhand burning In etand for Ford motor. Gurgles Oarage, Castana, la. Wanted. FORDS can burn half coal oil, or cheapeet gasoline, using our 1911 carburetor; 14 mllea per gallon guaranteed. Easy start ing. Great power Increase. Attach it youraelf. Big profit selling for ua. 10 . day' trial. Money back guarantee. Stylea to fit any automobile. Air-Frto-tlon Carburetor Company, 167 Madlion St, Dayton, O. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. Ho a mile, 16o per hour minimum charge. Sunday and holiday, toe par hour. FORD LIVERY CO., Dougiaa 1621. 1114 Howard St ' Repairing and Painting, EDWARDS. E. 8.. 1616 Hth St. Web eter UOt. For the beat results with repair wornr consult ua Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto, 111 S. Hth St. Douglas 1481. Tires and Supplies. TIRE pries wreckers. This Is no 1-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRB FACTORY. 421 & Hth. Agt Wanted. Omaha. Nab GUARANTEED TIRES ONB HALF PRICE. 1.000 Mile Guaranteed. SOxt, 17.71; IOxIVi. 18.75; ttxlH, 110.18', 13x4, 113.25: 14x4. 111.25: I5x4tt. 111.10. Writ u today for particular AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO, '1511 Davenport Bt. Omaha, D. 1114. TIRES. New lOxt Firestone....,,,,, 18.90 New ICxlH Non Bkld 11.10 New 12x3i Firestone 10x3 H Guaranteed Tubes 110 toxl Guaranteed Tubes 2.80 Good usod Ford tires 1.00 Other sixes in proportion. Retreading and vuloanlitng. OMAHA RADIATOR TIRB WORKS. 1918 Cuming St.' Omaha. Neb. BIG "bargains In brand new Urea and tubes. IS standard makea to aeleot from. Seeing Is believing. COMB IN. Wholesale and Retail. , Bend for- our price list . OMAHA CUT RATE TIRB CO., "Nebraska Tlra Bargain Center." Douglas till. 110 8. Hth St NEW TIRES AT V PRICE, ALL SIZES. NEW lOxt Republlo 88 76 Ford tubes. 13.00 NEW 10x3 H FIRESTONE non-skid. 114.71 NEW llxltt FIRESTONE tires 114.10 KAIMANS TIRB JOBBERS. 1711 Cuming. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatlo tlrea and eliminate your tiro troubles. Powell Sup ply Co.. 1051 Farnam Bt INSIST on G. G. quality retread and savs 10 per cent on your tires. Bargains tn new and allghtly used tlrea. O. a G. Tlra Co.. Sill Leaven'th Bt Tyler 1S61-W. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains tn used maehlnea. victor a.. Rooa. tha Motorcycle Man, 17th and Leav enworth. . . . PERSONAL TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: I. the undersigned, hereby notify th publio that I am In no way, directly or . Indirectly, connected with tbe Wa Berg Cb., office in the Woodmen of th World Building, thla city. I am fiscal agent for the Omaha Potaah and Refining com pany, office 631 First National bank . building. The president of thla company la r. J. FHsgerald; secretary, F. A. May. Neither the corporation with which I am connected nor any of Ita officer ha anything to do with tha Wra, Berg Co.. L. H. BERG, THB Salvation Army Industrial Home so llclts your old clothing, furniture, maga- sine. W collect We dletribut. 'Phon Doug. 4111 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1U0-1111-1114 Dodre Bt WANTED To adopt little girl between 1 and I years. No objection to cripple or atck child. If Intelligent Address, Box T M7, Omaha Beej I WILL not be responsible tor any debt contracted by my wife, AHca Clear M. P. Clear. - MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and scalp treatment 1803 Farnam 8U Room 2 MISS FISHER, sulpbur, ateam bathe and maasage, 271 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1551. MAE BRUGMAN. eclentlflo masseuee and baths 202 Ka roach Blk. Red 2727. MASSAGE and baths.. II las Halran. 222-2 Neville Block.:' .v Manicuring and maaa. Hit Farnam. - R, It. MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a surf leal operation. CaU or writ. Dr. Freak & Wrat (Of B tOig, SITUATIONS WANTED Male. POSITION wanted in bank by young man under draft age; high achool and bust ness educatton; no experience. Address Box 260, Orand Island. Neb. YOUNG man, aged 20. with 1 years elec trical experience, desires position with good electrical company. Earl Blacketer, Clarlnda. la. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, tba Na tlonal Cleaning and Service eompany. 1701 Leaver, vorth St. Harney toil. WANTED Housecleanlng by man and wife; experienced;- also lawnmowing. Webeter 1094. YOUNG man want job aa chauffeur, t year experience; good references Doug, las 171 or 7081. Female. WANTED Practical "Dougiaa 1451. nursing. 1371 8. Ith GIRL wants office poeltion. Call South 4305. - GUARANTEED dressmaking. CaU evenings Tyler 1004-W. EXPERIENCED lady wishea children to care for by week. Walnut 1461. . Laundry and Day Work. FIRST-CLASS laundrea wants day work for Wednesdays. webUer 1141. DAY work wanted by first-class laundress for first of week. Call Webeter 1191. COLORED woman wants work by the day or week. Call Webeter Hit. BUNDLES carefully laundered. CaU and deliver. Web. 4282. 1ST-CLASS laundress waits bundle wash ing. Web. 6894. . LAUNDRY work called for and deUvered. Webster 1961. EXP. laundress, bundle called for and de livered. Webstar 6812. ' LAUNDRESS, waahlng by tha hour. Web. 1017. BUNDLE waahlng; caU and deliver. Web' 1210. COLORED woman want work by th day or week. Call Webeter 1689. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 698. COLORED lady wanta day work, Har 6406. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2068. Day work and bundle washing. Web 1088. BUNDLE washing to take home. South Hit. 1ST claea ool. laundress with ref. Doug. 1711. WOMAN want day work: ref Web 2231. GIRL wlshe day work Webeter 2327. NEAT col, lady want day work. Doug. 6077. BUNDLE waahlng, lace curtain. Web. 1727. HELP WANTED MALE ' Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise tor "help" the ame way yot advert! to sell merchandise, and the dlfferenes In returns will surprise you. Tbe next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained snd experienced ad taker will assist you ta preparing your advertteement IF YOU have bad bank experience and are looking for a position in that Una consult us. W always have positions open for capable people. Bank positions only. THB CHARLES . WALTERS CO. 1434 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omaha. SALESMAN with auto, 100 and com. Bookkeeper, 1100-1140. Lumber yard manager, salary depends. Stock clerks, 150-160. THB MARTI COMPANY, llW, O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, mfg. experience, 1125 to iev; oooKxeepers 120-110-11U0-B0-IJ6; office clerks, 110-tl00-90-$86-76. WATTS REFERENCE CO., 1138 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. TRAVELING salesman (hardware) salary and ex. Bookkeepers, 8100-125; stsnos., 175-100. Co-operative Ref. Co., 1011 Cit Nat B'k Bldg. TRAVELING aaleeman, staple commodity, WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N, OFFICB clerk. High School graduate, ex perience not required, 175-186. WESTERN REFERENCE a BOND ASS'N. OMAHA railway maU clerk examination coming: hundred wanted; 190 month; aample question free. Franklin Initltut. Dept 121-F, Rochester, N. Y. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THB CANO AGENCY. 600 BEB BLDG. Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. , Apply iti person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. JOmS & LAMSON opera tors wanted; government and tractor work; good wages and bonus to ex perienced men; steady employment. Hart-Parr Co., Charles City, la. WANTED. Men in hat Dept who understand re bloc king hate. ALSO . SPOTTETO. PRESSERS. TAILORS. CLEANERS. Good wages and ateady work. Apply DRESHER BROS., 2317 FARNAM BT. WANTED Young man to work In tha press room. Apply to Supt, Be Publishing Co. WANTED Meat cutters, reliable, eapable of running small ahop. Call at Basket Stores Ottlce, 10S N. Ith St Call any day. ' WANTED. Grocery clerk capable of managing a small stors soon. Call at Basket Storaa ' Office. 10S North ttb Bt ASSISTANT to window trimmer; young man not subject to draft; prefer one from email, town, one who has fiad show window trimming experience In letter give ex perience, reference and salary wanted. 8. -N. Wolbach A Bone, Grand Island, Neb. WANTED Experienced egg candlera im mediately; prefer men who can rough and handle tipping gang during poultry sea son; good wage and steady work. It will pay you to tnveatigate thla ad. E. B. Higley company. Mason City, la. WANTED All-around printer, capable of taking care of mechanical department of country office. Including operation of cylinder press; permanent position; good wage. Bherm F. Meyer. Anita, la. COOPERS to make elack .barrels. Steady work, lOo per barrel, good board and room reasonable. Will refund railroad fan upon arrival. Write t or telegraph thfc Royal Brewing Co.. Weston, Mo. LABORERS WANTED. ERECTING MACHINERY, ETC., 40C PER HOUR. APPLY TO MR. WATTS. NEW ICB PLANT. 20TH AND POPPLE TON AVENUE STATION. MEN LEARN AVIATION MECHANICS . and AEROPLANE CONSTRUCTION. 6hop and field experience. Government needs you today. Write MOLER AVIATION 8CHOOL, Chicago. 111. FIRST-CLASS machinist "bperator wanted at once. Eight hour day work. Steady poeltion to right man. Write or wire State Publishing Co., Pierre, a Dak. BARBERS WANTED Beet town and high est prices. Guarantee 121. can make to 140. Enquire) Master Barber's association, 101 Pants gee Building, Seattle. Wash. WANTED A good, all ground blacksmith. Fred Peterson. Fremont Neb. ONB experienced married farm hand. Beg HL J. A, Leaden, Papjlllea, ' HELP WANTED MALE r Professions and Trades. li.00 A DAY All around Blacksmith and Horsesnoer wanted at once; ateady work. Ed Flake, Talmage, Neb. LABORERS wanted at 26th and Farnam St., at tha new building. Klene A Buach. contractors. f WANTED Barber at once; 118 per week guarantee. Phone or write M. R. Inger soil, Syracuse, Neb. WANTED First-class automobile me chanlc; good equipment and good wages. Gurgle Garage, Castana, la. LEARN barber trade. Ion or write Berber College. rales ow. Call 1124 Douslae at WANTED Upholsterer lor furniture depart ment Box 41406 Bee Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED to travel by auto or train, Iowa and Ne braska; aalary, expensea and bonua. Per manent territory; agreeable work; ex cellent future to salesman qualifying sat isfactorily, call 9 to 11 a. m., 117 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Responsible stock salesmen- to sell uon Bonding surety eompany stock: excellent proposition and good tor rltory. Call or write Bankers 8alea Agency. W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha WANTED Life Insurance aaleeman, Btfong western company; top commission paid to producer. Lowest rata In U. 8. A. Call or write. Guy T. Bates, Castls Hotel, Omaha, Neb. OPENING for exclusive representative. Ex perience unnecessary, food pay. Some thing legitimate and permanent Promo 'Uon chances for young men. Call Room 631 Hotel Castle. Agents and Canvassers. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE A propoel- tlon that is a money-maker to wide awake ener'gentlox salesmen is offered by s Life Insurance company, nearly a third of a century old; ratea lower than other . companies and dividends the greatest of any company In (America; all communi cations will ba held confidential; If in. terested addres Box Y-681, Omaha Bee. MANUFACTURERS' agent covering whole sale, retail, dry goods, drug and export trade, would represent additional lines Commission basis. Special Sales Service, 80 Fifth avenue. New York City. AGENTS Live ones, to sell the Pep Gaa Saver tor Ford and Met can; something new; good seller. Write G. A. Bevlngton. Gen. Del., Minneapolis, Minn. 7 Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced cook for cafe; white; good wage; Irven Carroll, Nelson, Neb. ' Boys. WANTED A boy to carry an Eve ning Bee route. Call at Circulation Dept., Bee Office, 104 Bee Building. WANTED AT ONCE, TRANSFER MEN WELLS-FARGO CO, UNION STATION. WANTED Boy to deliver an Eve ning Bee route, near 29th and Leavenworth Sts. Call at Bee Branch Of-' fice, 2615 Leavenworth St. WANTED A boy to deliver The Morning Bee -in Dundee. Call at Bee Branch Of fice, 40th and Cuming Sts. 'Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED-TEAMSTERS. v Steady Job and good pay. Call Walnut 104. UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO Miscellaneous. SPRAGUE TIRE & RUBBER CO, 18TH AND IZARD STS. Want 25 more laborers, i V ' ' $4 per day. Have all Carpenters we can use. LABORERS For track work, SO cents per. hour at start with car tare; 10 hrs. APPLY ' TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT. 22D AND NICHOLAS STS, OMASA & CO. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS. ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO, 1 APPLY UNION STATION. 1 WANTED Married or jingle man for gen eral team work; wllr furnish house, cow. to milk, fuel, etc.,' and will rent farm to right partlea and furnlah horse, im plement, etc; man must be experienced; will py wagea according to work done. Slnn'e Mulefoot Ranch. Alexandria, Neb. WANTED Competent bread maker for night work tn our bakery department. Ap ply F. Kinkelman, head baker Courtney A eompany, Omaha. WANTED 6 men to sell good on passen ger train; must- have cash security. Ap ply Rock Island News Stand. Fairbury. Neb. LABORERS wanted. H. Gross Lumber A Wrecking Co.. 21st and Paul Sta. ' ' WANTED A driver for Republlo truck. Ap ply Washington Market. 1407 Dougiaa St WANTED Married, experienced farm hand. A. A. Leadene. Box 121, Paplllion. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT needs 20.000 women clerke at Washington. Examination everywhere July 7. Experience unnecessary. Women '' desiring government position write for free particular to J. C Leonard (former civil eervlce examiner). 126 Kenol Bldg.. Washington. - IF XOU have had bank experience and are "looking for a position in that line, yonsult us. W always have positions open tor capable people. Bank poeltion only. THB CHARLES E. WALTERS CO. 1-424 First Nt'l Bk. Bldg., Omaha. WANTED Young lady. Clerical position tn office of large corporation. Hlgb school education and aoma experience preferred . Splendid opening for right person. Answer in own hand writing. Box till, omana sea , MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR Wanted at one, must be experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply ta persea at 1424 First Nat,. Beak Bid. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO and bookkeeper, email office, 1100; stenographers, 190, ISO, 175. 66; book keepers, 185, 75, 66; typist, 150; bill clerk, good at figures, 66. WATTS REF. ' CO.. 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. WANTED Young lady tor Ughtwork, must be ateady. No other need apply. - LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 118 South. Twelfth etreet '' STENO. and bookkeeper, 185; typist, 165-1701 office elks., 150-160; ledger clks..166-17j Co-Operattve Ref. Co.. 1011 City Nat'l Bans? COMPTOMETER operator. 176. . - WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASffNs. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to kari, telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St WANTED 10 experienced power sewing machine operators, alio girl to learn, light -clean, ateady work, pleasant surroundings, best wages in th olty. Apply at once. . Omaha Auto -Top Co.. 701-11 Soottt Hth St ' . - - WANTED Hand lronera and marker, and sorter for rough dry department and girl tor all departments. Evsns Model Laundry, Hth and Dougiaa. GIRLS warned for inspecting; experience not necessary. K. & C. Feature Film Co., 208 S. 13th Bt. ' LADY barber wanted. Week guaranteed. 802 Pierce St. WANTED GirJ to-learn fur machine saw ing, uaii uyier 130. f Saleswomen and Solicitors. AN educated, refined woman of mature' years, who has shown her ability In house hold affairs may learn of lucrative open ing in or out of the cltj by addressing Box 1336, Bee. - Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced cook, good wages; appointment by telephone. - Mrs. O. C. Redlck, Harney 121. References required. - ' ' - A NEAT colored girl wanted to help with light housework good wages; no Sun day work. Phone Harney 6337 after. 6. Residence, 1011 8. Hth Ave. WANTED White girl for general house work Two In family. No laundry work.' Go home nights. Call Colfax 4110. . till Vane St. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework. CaU Mra. W. , W, Hoagland, Walnut 1827. 'J WANT young white girl to assist with housework; small family; no washing! Call Walnut 465 or Walnut 1124. WANT young white girl to assist with housework, small family, no washing. Call Walnut 465 or Walnut 1114. - GIRL or woman wanted for housework on -farm; (ood wages. G. A. Sweet, Valley, Neb. WANTED Experienced cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 1614 Jackson. Harney 1914. COMPETENT white maid tor general house work. Call Harney 188. GOOD woman tor kitchen. No Sunday work. Good wage. 4921 South lid. - WANTED A woman to do plain cooking. Call Webster 2625. WANTED A second dining room - girl. Apply Clarks'on hospital, 2100 Howard Bt Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED At once, experienced waitress, also whit laundress. A. B. Wleland a Bros. Lekewood Park. Lake View, la. Miscellaneous. READY TO WEAR SALESWOMEN AT v TENTION: Large progresslv dry goods stdre in live town of ten thousand wishes to engage the services of first-class ready to wear saleswomen not clerk). . Must have selling ability with ample experi ence; permanent position to right party; state references, salary and whan eaa com. - Baron Bros., Mitchell, S. D. w , helimvXnted. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladlee and boya, learn barber trade; big demand: wages while ' learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St Trl-Ctty Barber CoUega. Phone D. 2147. MOLER Barber College wanta young men and ladle to learn the barber trad. CaU or write for free catalogue. . 110 a 14tb St, Omaha, Neb. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL Every day la enrollment day. . Book keeping, shorthand! stsnotypy. typewrit" lng, telegraphy, civil eervloe all commsra otal and English branohes. Catalogs tre. BOYLES COLLEGE. Dougiaa 1666 11th and Harney Bta. ' Van Sant School of Busineaa. Day and Evening Bchoola. 110 Omaha National Bank Bid. . Douclas 6110. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you fsli to find th room yon deslrs aWng these ads call at Tha Be off lee for a Room Llt Gives complete description of vacant rooms la all part of th city. New lists Issued every week. . - SANITARY modern rooms for men only. 13.60 per week. Sunshine Apartments, I0S N. 17th Bt J. B. Robinson, 441 Bee Bldg.. Dougiaa 8097. HANSCOM PARK district, larg east -front room; locked stall In garage; breakfast if desired. O West Park car Una, Har ney 1044. . ' - ' STRICTLY modern, well furnished, clean, single room, with larg closet respectable, quiet place, 19 to respectable, permanent gentleman. 711 N. 22d Bt MODERN furnished room for ma only at th Sunshine. 101 North 17th Bt : Reason able rent 904 SOUTH 25th avenue; 2 nice, cool rooms for two gentlemen; atrlctly modern. Tyler 2146-W. THE GRAYSTONE, 25th and Cass; nicely furnished rooms. Dougiaa 7894. ROOM tor rent, gentleman preferred. 1924 Bahler St. Colfax 1134. I LARGE sleeping rooms, June 16, Ver non, 204 8. 25th St Dougiaa 1942. 2019 PACIFIC Nicely furnished room, private family, parlor privilege. CLEAN., cool room for two; private fami ly. 2319 Harney. 1611 HOWARD ST. lng room. -Nicely furnished eleep- Housekeeping Rooms. 638 S. 27TH, suites housekeeping, let and 2d. gas ranges, refrigerator, also sleeping; all v cool, desirable for partiei employed, Har-' n-v Mil 2701 DAVENPORT 2-room suit In private brick house; elec lights, ru range; newly oecoraiea; garage, enaaa Harney 49.8. 304 DAVhiNPOKT ST. 8 front neatly fur nished modern housekeeping rooms, No children. , , 111 B. HTH Suits of rooms In strtotly . modern private home, aplandld neighbor. OOVHi LINCOLN Apta, 2101 Chicago. FurnisheJ housekeeping and sleeping room. Trlst - 2607. . . - T?KE.? fcukMS,lo rnja.'ifi oloS - IB 119 tit lotA Bt I BOOMS and bath, II. lm twwart k"?. i y r y I . t j ,1dy ' 1 54 .1