11 THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1918. J' FOR RENT ROOMS Unfurnished Rooms FOR RENT Four rooms upstairs, separate - entrance, til modern 919 S 27th St. Phon Tvler 2205-W. i - FOR RENT FURNISHED ELEGANTLY furnished apartment, lnclud ding three bedrooms and two bath. Southeast corner St. Repls. Two months Call Harney 8184 for appointment. Houses. 6 OR 6 ROOM?, shade; piano. famished, modern, cool, garage; references ex- changed. ' 2605 Emmet St. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 225 DODGE atreet, 8-roora mod. house. $67.50. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANT, 205 South 18th St. Douglas 722. 409 SOUTH 25th-Ave., 9 "rooms, $40.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536. S33 Securities Bids. $304 .No. 69th St. 7 rooms $15.00 692$ Bedford Ave., 6 rooms 12.50 OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASSN. 2568 Douglas, rooming house $33.00 ISIS North 16th, rooming: house SS.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 554. North. 114 N. 24TH ST. Excellent for roomers. F. D. WEAD, 310 S. 18th St T. 15L South 1315 S. 32D St. A modern 10-room house, with garage, room for three cars. A large leaping porch, every room In canvas and hand decorated; hot water heat; oil or coal furnace. Located on Hanscora Blvd. 4,142 S. J2D 7 rooms, modern, very rea sonable, $30.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1538. 3S3SecuHtlesBldg. 7-ROOM house, good repair; hardwood fin ish. 1619 Park Ave., $35 Phono Har. 1565. Miscellaneous. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY CREIOH SONS A CO. BEE BI.DO LIST vour property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANT. Realtors Tyler 789 Bhonet, Co Retain rnuelas 396 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. I ROOMS and bath; walking distance; near Twenty-fourth and Farnam, In very choice oca t ion. Janitor service, hot and cold water, heat, etc.; furnished. $31 pet month. Doug. 8140. i ROOMS with 6-room accommodation at the Undine. 2653 Dewey Ave. Phone Douglas 6888 or see janitor at Apt. TRAVER BROS. 819 First Nat'l Bank Bide FURNISHED LA TUNA APTS. 641 S. 24th St A large llv. room, a dress, room and closet combined, a kltch. and bath. comp. turn., best of service. D. 1!33 VIZARD Palace block, centrally located, $ or 4-room apt; also 4-room flat. Superb. Apply 220 N. 23d. Phone Red 43S2. 4.NGELUS APTS. 25tb Ave. and" Douglas! To sublet, one two-room apartment Har ney 1074. PETERS TRUST CO. Speclaltlsts In Apartment managament 3 A. MILTON APTS.. fireproof, fine lawn and flowers: best location, 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable Call D 1472 . North. MODERN Eatabrook Apta.. near postofflce. $22 G P Stebblns, 1610 Chicago ' THREE-ROOM, low rent, apartment at 17th and Maple Sts., phone Webster 3713. 4-ROOM semi-basement apt, new, $16.60. Aot 1, Maple court. 1815 Maple. Red 682 South. i AND 4-room modern apts. 816 S. 22d : St Tyler 2248 FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT 16th and Douglas, JO 60. steam heat, rent $116 per month. WORLD REALTY CO.. Douglas 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. FINE new store room and basement at 27th and Leavenworth streets. Steam heat. For particulars see Conrad Young, 222 Brandelg Theater Bldg- Douglas 1571. STORE tamer Cass and Sixteenth St. Fine business location. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago MODERN store, 16th St, near P. O. Low rent. Q. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room TUB! Bee building has offices that will pleasa you. Better Investigate. Key stone Investmen' Co.. Tyler 181. Garages and Barns OARAGE for rent Bids. 4313 S. 23d St.. South Miscellaneous. FOR RENT. Three-story and basement brick build ing, 1005 Farnam St.; elec. elevator, steam heat; 8,800 square feet floor space. 415-17 S. 11th; two-story and basement brick. In heart of produce commission dis trict; can divide. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. WANTED TO REN i Furnished Apartments and Houses. BUNGALOW or small house wanted by Lieutenant and Mrs. J. M. Bailey, Fort Omaha, during the, month of your sum mer vacation. Phone S3, Fort Omaha. Unfurnished Apartments atic Houses LIST your houses for rent with us and get results. More requests than houses, give us houses. Payne Invesment Co., Realtors. 637 Omaha National Bank Bldg.. D 1781 MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN A STORAGE CO Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400 Have your moving bandied lust as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we d it. Aek to se our dally rental lists FREE 8REK$ift FIDELITY 16TFI AND JACKSON DOUO 188. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSB Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 808 8 18th. Douglas 4163 filobe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tylr 230 or Douglas 4838 "' OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans, careful men Fur niture pack . storage 1417 Chloego D-3354 75 PTTPn Express Co., Moving. . j. IXLjLjLJ Parking and Storage 1507 Firnxni St VCh 5748 Doug 6148 WEST & SUTTON Piano, household moving: live stock hauled. D 8729 1(06 Cass St. REM ES TATE B'nesa Pr'rty WE WILL f?u your home or business property and pay cash. H A WOLF CO . Electric Bids Tyler 85 BUSINESS pruierty and Investments A P TUKEY and SON. 820 First National Bank Bldg M'lJAilUE INVESTMENT CO.. Income. Business and Trackage Specialist 16th snd Dodge St Douglas 411 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW CLOSE IN GARAGE $3,900 $500 CASH Just i years old r.n well built; has full cemented basementt with good hot air furnace; fruit cellar and gas plate at tachment; five nice rooms and tiled bath; also floored attic; many attractive fea tures about the place; also good steel gar age; street paved and paid for; within walking distance to public and parochial schools and Crelghton college. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1014 Harney St Tyler 50. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West BEMIS PARK HOME $4,350 buys an unusually well-built 1 story and attic, S-room modern house, fin ished in quarter-tawed white oak; oak floors on first floor, quarter-sawed pine j cond; tiled front vestibule, living room, dining room, kitchen first floor; 4 cor. bedrooms and bath second floor; stairway to floored attic; all walls back-plastered, canvassed ai.d hand decorated In oil; house alone cost owner over $7,200; lot alone worth $1,500. Terms: 1-3 cash, balance monthly. Immediate possession. Key at our office. See us about this at once. GEORGE & CO., City National Bank Bldg. Doug. 76$. BEMIS PARK, $6,50b CORNER LOT, SOUTH AND EA9T FRONT. A well built, 7-room, modern house, con sisting of large living room, with fire place, built-in bookcase, beam ceiling's dining room snd kitchen on the first floor; three large bedrooms and sleeping porch on the second floor; floored attic, garage and driveway; paving all paid. This Is a very attractive home. Investigate. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 8962. 919-20 City National. 4205 FRANKLIN STREET, PRICE. $3,550. One and a half blocks east of the Ben son and Deaf Institute car lines. Owner leaving city and offers for first time his home. Six rooms- and sleeping porch, oak finish, strictly modern, lot 40x160: $600 down and $25 per month. See this today. It won't last. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 4. A DANDY FOR $4,250. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A real home, full two-story, seven rooms and tiled bath, strictly modern, oak fin ish; lot 60x160 feet; dandy shade; paving paid. Well worth $5,000, but owner Is willing to sacrifice. Terms to right party. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 4$8. MAKE EXCESS PROFITS. By buying 4151 Davenport St. If you wish to rent it, will return 11 per cent gross. As a home it will return 100 per cent comfort. Has 8 rooms; living room, 14x28 ft.; 6 sleeping rooms; quarter sawed w. oak floos and trim on both floors. I am offering this at $3,000 below Us value Immediate possession. ED. O. HAMILTON, 103 BEE BLDG., Phone D. 6101. FINE MODERN HOME 8 rooms. In fine condition, hot water heat, corner lot, paved atreet, fins neighborhood, plenty large shade trees, owner non-resident, must sell: easy terms. Located In west part of Oma ha. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 CITY NATL BANK BI.DO. CAPITOL AVE., DUNDEE, $6,000. Fine bungalow, finished mostly In oak; large riving room with fireplace and four bedrooms: a very sightly location. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM 8T. 3621 HAMILTON STREET, $3,160. Oak and birch finished, very modern 8-room bungalow, with Bleeping porch. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM. BEMIS PARK Six rooms and bath, J-story modern house, east front, large lot. paved street. Make offer. Walnut 1431. 6-ROOM cottage and furniture. On paved street and car line. Would consider an acreage In exchange. Call H. 8966. Norh. MILLER PARK MINNE LUSA A SNAP FOR $4,750. Seven-room stucco bungalow, textile shingle roof, beautiful oak finish, fireplace, bookcases, sun room: every possible con veniences, choice decorations. Only ona block to park and car. If you want something complete, small upkeep and splendid value, let us show yta this. About halt cash, balance easy terms. Shown by appointment only. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg Tyler 498. SHERMAN AVE. BARGAIN. On car line, near Kountte Park and not far out. Well built just like new. i rooms and bath, oak finish, fine fixtures, full lot. paved street, for $3,400; $500 cash, balance on terms. You can't build the house for the price. Immediate pos session. P.J. TEBBENS (REALTOR), . 605 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. J18J. BARGAIN NORTH. $1,000 buys the 5-room cottage at No. 4003 N. 25th St.; water and toilet In house; lot 25x110 with barn In rear; $100 down and balance at $10 per month with Interest at 6 per cent BENSON & MYERS CO.. REALTORS. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 746 BARGAIN NORTH. $1,000 buys the 5-room cottage at 4003 North 25th street Water and toilet In house Lot 25x110 with barn In rear $100 down and balance at $10 per month, with Interest at 8 per cent. BENSON MYERS CO., REALTORS 424 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg D. 7748 SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE and large piece of ground, 120x150, on northwest corner 31st and Miami, for only $3,000. W. H. GATES. 647 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294 WE SELL, rent, Insure and make loans on city property. North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Xvf.. Col. 217. vFiNNB LUSA homes and lota offer tbt beat opportunity 'c Invest voui monev I'hone Tvler 1X7 THK BEST THTV IN OMAHA S-rnnm house electric lights and water. $2,250. Call .:oira.x vis. South REALIZE YOUR OPPORTUNITY 5 ROOMS MODERN AT $2,750. This house Is owned by a nonresident He Instructs us to cut the price for a quick sale. The house Is located at 1508 South 25th Ave.; the lot Is worth $900. The house Is an exceptional value. Three large rooms first floor and reception hall; two bedrooms and bath second floor; paved street; eaat front. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Tyler 50. 2344 South 34th St. Must be sold Immediately. 6-room. all modern, story and half house; gas and electric light, cement basement. We can sell this at a bargain price. You must act quickly. BENSON MEYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat'l Ban. Bldg.. Douglas 746. u.VE 6-r"om and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot; live In one and rent the other Price. $3,600 Terms. No. 2433 South 20th St. Norrls ft Norrls. 104 North 15th St Phone D 4270 $2,250. Five-room house, modern except heat and electrl light. 1911 S. 13th St. Easy term. Grlmmel. Phone Doug. 1616. W FARNAM SMITH A CO Real Estate and Insurancs. 1320 Farnnm St. Doug. 1064. Miscellaneous 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW $2,750 5 rooms modern, large south front, 60 foot lot, paving paid, 2 blocks to car line, 3 blocks to new school, property fine repair. This Is a snap and can be sold on psvments of $600 cash, balance month ly. Call us for an appointment. J. L. HIATT CO. QAA i'IRST NATIONAL Tyler 63 BANK BUILDING. F. D. WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE. clEAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous Would ou like an almost now 4 room modern home In a nice part of the city with small down payment and the balance like remT if ,0, make an appointment at once and see this snap; nice sire rooms and bath, all newly decorated, full cemented basement snd cement walks: fine neighborhood. Price $2,250 WALNUT 677. $100 CASH, nearly new 6-r.. mod . oak fin ish, acre, in Benson, $2,250. $100 Ca.h 8-r, mod. ex. heat, near Kennedy school. $1,500. $250 Cash Nearlv new 5-r. mod., near S4th and Wirt. $2,650. RASP BROS , 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 6-ROOM cottage, two blocks from car full lot. $3,000 Terms. $o00 cash, balance $30 per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block lit" you have a house for tale or rent, for quick results call Douglas 7160 or Webster 839. A. J. Davis Realty Co., 220 S. 13th. FOR RENT AND SALE. -HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMKNT8 PORTER at SHOTWELL. 102 S 17th St Douglas 801$ HOME8 AND H MESITES. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. (37 Om Nat Rk Rid Doug 1781 REAL ESTATE Unimproved South FOR SALE 3 lots, just south of Clmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Box Y 11 SS. Omaha Bee. LARGE garden lots, near car line, South Side, $140 to $200. $1.00 down, 50c per week; no interest; no taxes. Phone D. 6074. tm r- - i i , 11 - -n REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. ONE ACRE, 2-ROOM HOUSE, GARDEN ALL IN, $1,450 TERMS This Is located west of Benson; fine acre. About one-half tn potatoes, balance In tomatoes, beans, peas, cabbage; also berry bushes and fruit trees. Fine cave and well; good shed and chicken house. Small 2-room house, with electrlo lights. Call Tyler 60 and ask f . Mr. Clark. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1814 Harney St. ACRE and half, five-room bungalow; part modern. Benson 6S4-W. Acreage. 3 ACRES 8-room, mod. house, chickens, barn and other bldgs. necessary; garden and 100 chickens, $700 worth of fruit all go If sold now; good terms. Call Mr. Browne. Tyler 1672. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 913-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous FOR SALE Two beautiful lots just south of Elmwood park In Overlook addition; full else lots. 60x150. Owner leaving the city will sell cheap for cash. Act quick. Address Box Y 1155, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co Tyler 496 701 Om Nat Bank Bldg. List Your Property with J. J. MULVIHILU 200 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Douglas 9$. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WE want 100 mortgages on Omaha resi dences: funds on hand for quick closing E. H. LOUGEE, INC 838-40 Keellne Bid QUICK ACTION ON LOANS W. T GRAHAM, 804 Be Bldg. Douglas 158$. 5V2 PAUL PETERSON, 364 BRANOBI8 THEATER BLDG H. W. BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg Doug $715 CITY AND FARM LOANS 6. 6 and 6 Per Cent J H DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. 5V2 MONEY 5V2 O HARISON A MORTON. 919 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly F D Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha Pilvute Money 8HOPEN A COMPANY Douglas 4228 Real Estate, Loans and M ort gages. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY VV H Thomas & Son. Kceline Bldg LOW RATES C O CARLBERG. 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg D 685 Financial Wanted WANTED To borrow from private party. 31.450. secured by city property valued at $2,500; will pay 7 per cent. Address Box 9073, Omaha Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands JUNE 18TH. Our next excursion to McGehee. Ark W S FRANK Ml NEVILLE BLK Colorado Lands COLORADO LANDS. I own and control 25. COO acres In Chey enne and Lincoln counties. Colorado. Here are some of my special bargains: sections $13.50 per acre 1,280 acrea lO.OOperacre 1,330 acres 12.00 per acre 2,560 acres 15.00 per acre These lands are all 100 per cent tillable, situated In Cheyenne County; terms, 1-3 cash, balance, 6 annual paymenta at 6 per cent W. J. MORRHART, Mankato, Minn. FOR SALE 480 acres Burfalo county farm, to settle an estate; 230 acres pasture; 25 alfalfa; 20 of wild hay meadow, balance farm land. Land rolling with heavy clay subsoil Fenced and cross-fenced; 2 good wells and wlndmolls, 7-room house; barn 40x4$; other outbuildings: $ miles from railroad town; mall and telephone; sold subject to lease; possession March 1: price $43 per acre, half cash; terms on balance P O Box 125. Kearney. Neb Iowa Lands. $50,000 PRODUCED LAST YEAR .On 1.300-acre farm 38 miles from Stoux City. Ia.; three crops will pay for the farm and equipment; you can buy this farm for $135,000; one-third cash: balance mng time at 8 per cent interest. If bought soon: no farm having such soli ind buildings tn the middle west; posses sion March 1. next. See owner. 1320 S. 86th Ave., Omaha. Nebraska Lands OURTBEN miles north of Crawford. 480 acres. Fully 400 acres ar farmable and most of this cuts good hay. The other 80 acres drops down on Lone Tree creek and is heavily grassed, but a little rough. This Is an excellent small ranch proposition or a most excellent farm proposition, or a farm and ranch combined. The soil Is a heavy Pierre clay soil excellent for wheat and alfalfa or In fact any small grain crop, but a little heavy for cultivated crops. This place Is fenced and has a small barn for four head of horses, but no other Improvements. $14 per acre, with one third to one-half cash will handle this. Right joining this on the west I havo 240 acres with fully 220 acres farmable. The other 20 drops down on the Lone Tree creek. This place Is also fenced and has well and windmill but no other Improve ments. This Is also heavily grassed and cuts good upland hay. $15 per acre on terms of one-half cash takes this. Arah L. Hun gerford, Crawford, Dawes county. Neb. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade, medium priced land In Nebraska. Very little money required. C, Bradley, Wol bach, Neb., FARM AND RA1NCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 473-ACRES sub-Irrigated river bottom land, has not failed a crop In 30 years, 160 acrea hay meadow, 60 acres alfalfa, 80 acres crop, balance pasture, 3 miles from town. 3 fine groves of trees, orchard, small house, garage, cransrlea. several ranch sheds, burns and corrals Soil Is mostly dark sandy loam and well adapted to raining sugar beets, corn, wheat, al falfa, or for dairying Everything can he raised here that is raised on the two and three hundred-dollar Iowa and eastern Nebraska ler.d. also the heavily taxed Ir rigated land In a well settled community and on main line U. 1". R. R.. convenient to good markets. We Invite closest In vestigation. Price $125 per aera Writ or Inquire Box 5S. Og.illala. Neb ban1rT6Ttnty1ancii 5.120 ACRES. Three-fourths plow land and moat of It the very best kind of wheat land. 8.003 acres on the first bench are No. 1 wheat land and 1,000 acres In the valley for corn and alfalfa. Not 100 acres of waste land In entire tract Improvements consist of houses, barns, garage, engine house, black smith shop, etc. Fenced and cross fenced. Fine running water. 100 acres In cultiva tion; 130 acrea alfalfa. Stock may be purchased with place. Price $20 per acre; one-fourth cash; balance $ per cent WHITE & HOOVER, Sole Agents, 454 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NKBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS For best lands at beat prices wrl'e Ceo Antlll, Blair. Neb WE specialise In selling Nebraska ranches White & Hoover. 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE Stock ranch and live stock. 175 cattle, 30 horses. Deeded and leased land. Plenty of water. An Ideal place for dairying. Box 133. Sulphur, S. D. Wvoming Lands MR. LANDSEEKER Send for Our Booklet It's Yours for the Asking It tr'.ls you about the famous Wheat land Y ; otnlng Development company land: gives facta and figures which will convince you that It will pay to be In our next excursion, Monday, June 24. A FEW FACTS ABOUT OUR LAND. The average yield per acre for various crops. Is as follows: Sixty-pound wheat, 30 to 50 bushels. Forty-pound oats, 30 to 75 bushels. Three to five tons of alfalfa. 300 to 400 bushels of potatoes. Twenty tons of sugar beets. We raise an abundance of apples and small fruit. Over 30,000 acres to select from: located three to ten miles from Wheatland, Wyo. Good railroad town. Price $45.00 to $60.00 per acre, Including paid-up water rights, one-third to one-quarter down, balance easy terms. Yearly maintenance charge from 16 cents to 25 cents per acre. EXCURSIONS WEEKLY. LOW RAILROAD FARE. For full particulars call on, or address HENRY LEVI and C. M. RTLANDER, General Salea Agents. 854-857 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Telephone Douglas 584. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi ACM Rylander. 854 fimeha Nat'l RANCHES of all stses and kinds, east terms A K Patzman. Sill Karbach Blk CHOICE P-ARMS Nllsson 42 Ron Bldg FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't Hat your farm with oa If yon want to keep It B. P 8NOWDEN A SON, (10 Electrlo Bldg Douglas 8371 POULTRY AND PET STOCK 2,000 DAY OLD chicks. Rocks, Reds Or pingtons, Leghorns. Webster 1708. $213 Charles. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. A FEW good horses for sale; suitable for farm or city work; also harness and wagon. A Melcher, 1516 Leavenworth, Douglas 4898. FOR SALE CHEAP Horse ambulance; will make good delivery wagon. E. C. Ptsrce, Blair. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security 840. 6 mo., K. goods, total, $3 50 Smaller, larger am ts proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 432 Securities Bldg., 16th Farnam Ty 868 LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND IEWEI.RY 1 CI SMALLER LOANS O Of A 10 w C FLATAU EST 1888 '0 6TH FLR SECURITIES BLDG TY 850 DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rates Private loan booths Harry Ms'nshnek :514 Hodge D 819 11 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. By direction of the propirty committee of the board of regents of the University of Nebraska; separate bids will be received until 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday. June 28. 1818, at the office of the underslened for th construction of a laboratory building and the following equipments for same, via: heat ing and ventilating, elerinc wiring and plumbing, according to plans and specifica tions now on file at the office of the Su perintendent of Construction, room 207, Uni versity Administration Building. Lincoln, and on file at the offloa of John Lateneer and Sons. Bee Building, Omaha. Nebraska Said building to be erected on the University Medical College Campus. Omaha Nebraaka and to cost entire approximately $110,000 Bidders must confer with the Superintend ent and use the blanks prepared by him for building proposals. Bids must be accompan ied ,y cashier's checks or certificates of de posits as required by Instructions accom panying plans and specifications. Bids must be sealed and plainly marked "Laboratory Building" or "Laboratory Bulldlngr Equip menf as the case may be, on the outside. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. University of Nebraska, J. S. Dales. Secretary, Station A, Lincoln. No. 108. June 13, 16, 18. 23. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Florence E. Harris and husband to Frank 1!. Beem. Decatur street. 800 feet wat of Th'-tj -eighth street, south side. 60x130 $ 2.200 Edward Cassldy and wife to Kathar ine LentxinKor. sout.'fast corner Thirty. ninth and Is streets. 60 X138 310 Carl E Kolle and wife tc Robert J. Mitchell, northwst co'ntr Twenty seventh and Cuming streete, 126 X1S31 ' i00 Ja-ncs P Betich and wife to Ouy B. Robblns. Forty (list street. 40 feet south of Pratt street, east iIc, 80x134 '0 Robert W. York to Frfcd D. Wead. Peviinteenth atreet, 9:' fee' south of Chicago street, east side 66x66.. 110 Oeorge J. Hansen and wife to M. J Sc.homers, 1 h!rty-s"oid avenue 200 fet north of tcuvonwortb street, east side, 40xU0 ' '" !lnry W, Yates, Jr., et a!, treasurer to William H. Htrlbllr. Davenport atreet. 114.8 fet rust ct Thlrty- aocond avenue, aeuth siov. 87.4x106 7 100 W. A. Redlck and wife r Breeders & Farmers R'-mefiy and Supply Co.. Twanty-thtrri etieut. 100 fet north of Spracue street, east side, 121x150 '1000 Martin Rces and lfe te Anton P. Larsen, northeast conur Twenty seventh and Taylor streets. 4Sx 125V4 3.250 Joseph C. McConney ai.d wife to Laura A. McConncy, Thirty-first street. 169 feet Perth cf Poppleton avenue, east aide, SCtJSO Laura A. McConney to La era L. Me Conney, Thlrty-'lrst strert, 160 feet north of Poppleton avenue, east side. 60x150 M irtln W Lush and wife to LIrtle VY Williams. Thirty-eighth street, 90 feet south of Mason street, east side, 45x82 6,500 Harry Ackerman and wife to Wll- OMAHA LIVE STOCK Packers Buy Only Beef and Prices Slump 10 to 15 Cents; Hog; Run Large. Omsh.H. June IS. 1918. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Official Monday 7,68 10.42? 6.700 Estimate Tuesday .... 6. 000 18.1111 6,400 Two days this week . . 1S,6i!S 3937 12.100 Same days la?t week is. 260 31,40 8.161 Same days 3 wks ago. 13,048 13 645 9.636 Same days 3 wks. ago. 7.728 17,100 19.668 Same days year ago.. II. 89$ 16,28 7.029 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock ard, Omaha. Neb., for 34 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. June 18. 191S: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle, lloga. Sheep. H'r'a. C . M. & St. P 8 7 1 Wabash 1 Missouri ra.Mftc 6 Union Pacific 2S 61 14 C. it N V , east ...N1S 15 C. & N w.. west 45 71 3 1 C. St. P.. M AO 30 13 C, B k Q east.... 25 10 S C. H A- Q, west... 68 M J C. R. 1. A P., eust 18 7 I C . R 1. A P , west $ 3 1 Illinois Central 1 8 Chicago Gt. Western. 1 1 Total receipts 871 248 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 868 1.831 1.717 LOSS Morris A Co 883 Swift Co 1,926 Cudahy Packing Co.. 744 Armour & Co l.$25 Schwartt A Co J W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.. 25 Wilson Packing Co... 328 Swift, Denver F. B. Lewis 131 J. B Root A Co 35 Rosenstock Bros 11 F. O. Kellogg 70 Werthelmer A Degen 347 Sullivan Bros 87 M. A Kan. Calf Co.. $ Hlgglns 30 Huffman 13 Roth 28 Meyers 7 3.013 3.280 3.373 3.614 1.663 3,030 676 Olasaberg 1 John Harvey 304 Dennis A Francis 17 Jensen & Lungren Pat O'Day Other buyers 181 25 801 669 Totals 7.806 16.472 6.4S9 Cattle Receipts this morning were mod erate, numbering 6.000 head, making total for the two days 13,663 head. Packers teemed to want choice beef, but the early business was confined to these kinds and trading on the bulk of the offering 10c to 1 So lower than yesterday. An early top of $17.75 was paid for choice corn-fed beeves, which looked about steady with yeatorday. The bulk of the good to choice grades sold anywhere from $17.00 to $17.75 and the fair to good kinds from $16.75 to $16.76 and butcher stock was steady to easier and Blockers snd feeders considerably lower than yesterday. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice beeves, $17.00 18.00; fair to good beeves, $iri.75ir 16 75 ; common to fair beeves. $12.60 S. 15.60- good to choice yearlings. lt.00 16.25; fair to good yearlings. J13.2t.fa 15.00 common to fair yearllnga $9.60(913. 00; good to choice heifers, $13.00 15.00; good tn choice cows, $11.76014.00; fair to good cows, 19 60(511.60; common to fair cowa, $7. Tiff 9.60; prims feeders, lll.7612.60; good to choice feeders, $9.60M1.00; fair tn good feeders, IS 009.36; common to fair feeders. $7.60jf 8.60; good to choice stockers, $9.76 11.76; stock helfera, $8.00010.00; stock cows, $7.7609.25; stock calvoa, $8.00 10.60; veal calves, $8.60013.36; bulls, stags, eta., $10.00(613.00. Representative sales: Hogs There were 273 loads of hogs re ceived here today, estimated at 19,110 head, the heaviest receipts for any day this month. Shippers had a few ordera to (111 and purchased In the neighborhood of 60 loads at steady and In some eases stronger prices than yesterday. The most of their string was secured at around $16.60. Pack era were bearish in their attitude and al though they have purchased a few head at tho time of writing this report they were bidding 10O15O lower at $16.35016.40 and top at $16.50. Sheep There war 33 loads of sheep here today, estimated at 6,400 head, a very lib eral supply for this time of the year. The supply was a little late In being yarded and no trading had been done at the tuna or writing this report. There wss a fair sprinkling of ewes Included In the receipts, although the majority consisted of spring lambs Including a few Idaho s. The market was quotably steady. Quotations on sheep and Iambs: Shorn lambs, choice light, $16.76017.85; shorn lambs, fair to light, $16.26016.60; fair to choice wethers, $13.60014.60; fair to choice ewes, $12.00013.60; spring lambs, $16,000 20.25. ' Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 7 buck lambs 41 $14 00 3 buck lambs 40 14 00 6 buck lamhs 53 14 00 13 yearling lambs 86 15 60 15 Idaho spring lambs 68 19 75 50 Idaho spring lambs 56 19 75 60 Idaho spring lambs 69 19 75 66 shorn ewes 116 12 75 11 cull ewes $3 8 00 St. Loots Live Stock. St. Louis. Mo., June 18. Cattle Receipt, 11.200 head; market lower; native beef steers. $11.76017.60; yesrllng eteers and heifers. $9.504T18.60; cows. $7.60018.75; stockers nnd feeders. $3.60012.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00016 60; beef cows and heifers, $6.00013.60; native calves, $7. 7514. 00. Hogs Receipts, 13.500 head; market higher; light, $16.76016.90; plga, $16.25 16.76; mixed and butchers, $10.5016.86; good heavy, $16.60016.75; bulk, $16.60 16.85. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,500 head: market slow; lamhs, $17.00020.60; ewes, $12.Oft014. 00; cannera and choppers, $7.00 10.00. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., June 18. Cattle Re ceipts, 13.000 head; market weak; prime fed steers, $17.26011.00: dressed beef steers, $l$.60O,7.00; western steers, $14.00017.75; cows. $7.00014.00; heifers. $9.60015.00; stockers and feeders, $8.06016.60; bulls. $8.00011.60; calves. $8.60014 25. Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head; market higher; bulk, $16.40016.68; heavy, $16 600 16.75; packers and butchers, $16.60016.70; light, $16.26016.65; pigs, $16.60017.00. Sheep and Lsmbs Rseelpts, 6,000 head; market lower; lambs, $16.00019.00; year lings. $13.00016.76; wethers. $12.00016.00; ewes. $10.00013.60. Sioux City Live Stock. Sloui City, la., June 18. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,r00 bead; market steady; beef steers, strong at $11.00 017.60; fat cows and heifers, $8.75013.60; canners, $7 0008.50; stockera and feeders, $8.00011.25; calves, $1.0009.46; feeding cows and heifers, $7.60 (5P9.60. Hogs Rseelpts, 10,000 head: market 10c lower; light, $16.60; mixed. $16 40; heavy, $16.20; bulk of salea, $18.20016.50. Sheep and Lambs Market steady. South St. Tanl Live Stock Market. South St. Paul. Minn.. June 18. Cattle Receipts, 3.000 head; killers, steady; steers, $7.60017.60; cows and heifers, $8,00014.50; veal calves, steady, $7.00014 15; stockers and feeders, slow and weak, $6.60013.00. Hogs Receipts, 3,300 head; market higher; range, $16.00016.40; bulk, $16,200 16.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 150 head; market steady; lambs, $10.00018.00; weth ers, $7.00014.00; ewes, $5 00011.00. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., June 18. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000 head lower; steers. $12,000 17.60; cows and heifers. $7.00015.75; calves. $7.00014.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,600 head; market steady; top, $16.60; bulk, $16.40016.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3.000 head: market lower; clipped lambs, $16.00017.50; spring lambs, $15.00017.00; ewes, $7,000 13.25. ' New York Sugar. New York, June 18. Haw Sugar Steady ; centrifugal, 6.005c; fine granulated 7.45c. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ham McFarland. Frances street, 112 feet east of Ninth street, north sld. 37xl0ft 3.000 Rudolph Kltzberger ai.d wife to Henry Jensen, Jr., Twentieth street, 185 feet south of Deer Park boule vard, west side, 45x90 1,650 Harriet C. Smith to Floyd M. Smith. Thirtieth street. 133 feet north of Pacific street, east side, 132x168 1 William R. McFarland and wife to Harry Ackerman. California atreet, 342 feat west of Thirty-sixth street, south side. Irregular 8,400 Joseph Bretschnslder, at at, to Harry D. Hustead and wife, Tntrty-ftfth street, 28$ feet north of Grand avenue, west side, 30x120 1,650 GRAIN ANDPRODUGE Receipts Light; Cash Corn Steady; Late Sales Show Easier Trend; Oats Sell at Premium. Omaha, June 1$, 1918. Arrivals today were extremely light, with a total of 63 cars of all grains. Wheat re ceipts were 13 cars; corn. 34 cars; oats, 6 cars and barley 1 car. No rye was re ported In. Cash corn was about steady, early sales of the No. 3 white being made at $1 73. yesterday's price for this grade. Yellow and mixed corn were a ratlier slow saie. Salea made late In the day showed an easing off of premiums ranging from 1c to 2c. No. .1 white corn sold at II 70 and $1.72, and the No. 3 mixed at 11.61. Choice No, 1 h!tc corn sold at $1.77 today, 3 cents un der yesterday's price for this grade. Receipts of oats were only 6 cars, scarcely encuKh to make a market. These sold roudlly at a H-cent premium over yester day's flk-ures Standard oats sold at 76 cents and the No. 3 white at 75ty cents Sampls grade went at 72 cents for the bulk, while one car brought 73 cents. Rye was firm and ..irley not much changed. A lone car of barley was offered and this brought $1 07. urndlng No. 3. United States clearances were: Wheat and flour eo,uel to 147.000 bu ; oats. 498.000 bu. Wheat receipts today were 302.000 bu and shipments 63.000 hu., against receipts of 419.000 bu. and shipments of 266,000 bu lust year. Corn receipts todny were 788.000 ru. and shipments 248.000 bu.. sgalnst receipts of tiiii.Oiio bu. and shipments of 380,000 bu. hist year. Oats rccelpta today were 774,000 bu. and shipment 431,000 bu., against receipts of 794,000 bu. and shipments of 726,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn Oats. 228 6 I'hlraco 4 Omaha 13 Minneapolis 26$ Uuluth 10 Kansas City ,. 11 St. Loul 4 426 34 36 40 Winnipeg 26b These salea wore reported today: Corn No. 3 white: 1 rar, $1.72; No. 4 whlio: 1 car, $l.ti5; No. 6 while: 3 3-5 cart. II 27; snniple white: 8-5 car, 76c; No. 4 yil low: 2 cars, $1.48; No. 6 yellow: 1 car. $1.30; sample yellow: 1 car. $1.15; No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.4); No. 6 mixed: 2 cars, $1.36; No. i mixed: 1 rar, $1.30; 1 car, $1.26; sample mixed: 1 car. $1.15. Oats Standard : 1 car, 'fie; No. 3 white: 3 cars. 7 5c: sample white: 1 car. 734o: No. 3 mixed: I ear, 72'io. B.irley No. 3: 1 car. $1.07. Omaha Cash Prices Corn No. I white, $1.72: No 4 white, $1 65; No. 6 white, $1.17; sample white. 76c; No. 4 yellow, $1.48; No. 6 yellow. $1.36: No. 6 yellow, $1 $0; sample yellow, $1 16; No. 4 mixed. $1.40; No. 6 mixed, $1.35: No. 6 mixed, $1.2801.30; sample mixed. $1.16. Oats Standard, 76c; No. 8 white. T6Hc: sample, 72HC rinrley $1 07. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, etork and grain brokers 315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha Artlclel Open I "l llgh I Low I Close ITest Com, ' July 1 46Vi 1 46H 14384 1 U 14684 Aug. 1 48 1 48 1458k 1 45Vx 117 Oats. I July 72H 7244 7H4 71U T184 Aug. 57 67 66 66 H 67 Pork. July 42 26 43 40 43 16 43 18 41 TO Sep. 48 16 43 It 42 65 43 68 43 10 Lard. July 14 10 25 06 24 87 24 $1 24 10 Sep. $6 17 36 $0 35 10 IB 17 16 17 Ribs. July 23 00 23 00 33 86 31 85 83 06 Sep. 23 63 2 3 58 t3 32 23 $5 28 62 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVT8NOX9, Corn Undergo Decided Setback In Value, Owing to Favorable Crop Outlook. Chicago, June 18. Corn underwent a de cided setback In vslu,e todsy, largely owing to the spread of opinions that the present growth of the crop was far ahead of normal and that serious damage from hot weather was unlikely. Prices closed weak, 184 0$Hn net lower, witn July si. 48 to $1.44. and August $1.46 to $1.46. Oats lost H to "o. provisions at the outcome ranged from 660 decline to an advance of 2c. Government reports that the force of the hot wave had been btoken throughout a wide section, did much tn put the corn bulls at a disadvantage. Selling pressure In creased to a material extent compared with what has of Iale been th ruls and although numerous small rallies took place, ensuing declines showed a great deal mors Impetus. In the snd, many early buyers were at tempting to unload and the market was without support, despite some falling off In reoelpts and notwithstanding assertions that a fair shipping business had been dona of lata with the east. Lower temperaturea snd excellent crop re ports weakened oats. A slight revival of ex port business though acted partly as an off set. Provisions symspthlxed with the weakness cf grain. The only actlvs demand was from shorts In lard. Chicago, June II. Butter Higher: creamery. 36 0 48c. Eggs- Higher; receipts, 21,47$ rases; firsts, 810334c; ordinary f!rs:g 360$Oc; at mark, cases Included, 29088c. Potatoes Unchanged; receipts, new, II cars: old, 11 cars, Toultry Alive, steady; fowls, 37c; springs, 33040c. New York Coffee. New York, June 17. There wss no ma terial change on the market for coffee futures here todny. After opening un changed prices worked up a point or two on covering, with July selling at 8.04o and December at 8.37e, or 1 to 1 points net higher. The market closed net 2 points lower to 1 point higher. July. 8.01c; Sep tmber, 8.16c; October, 8.22c; Pecemher. 8.34c; January, 8.40e; March. $.62c; May, 8.66c. Coffee Spot, steady; Rio Ts, San tos 4s, loc to 11 Me. Offers of Santos 6s were reported In the cost and freight mar ket at .96o and of Rio 7s at T.80c; Lon don credits. Coffee Market. New York, June 18. Coffee futures opened at a decline of I to 3 points under some scattered liquidation, There were few buyers and actlvs months eased off another point or two rfnrfn th Hw T1v anM -fr 7.8o and December, 8.32, with the close snowing a net loss of 3 to 6 points. Julj 7.98c; September, 8.11c; October, 8.17c; De cember, 8.31c- January, 8.37c; March, 8.50c May, g.03o. 8pot coffee, quiet; Rio 7s, 8 So Santos 4s, 100110. Cost and freight of tors were about unchanged. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, June 18. Evaporated Apples Dull and weak; state, 14015c. Prunes Firm: California, $014e; Ore gons, 1414c. Aprlpots Quiet; choice, 17 c; extra choice, 18c; fancy, 12t20c. Teaches Quiet; standard, 12011c; choice. 1 3 e $ 1 4c. Raisins Steady: loose mueestois, 8c; choice to fancy seeded, lOijijcllc; seedless, 9Xc011c; London layers. $2.00. Turpentine and ltosln. Savannah, Oa., June 17. Turpentine firm. 57c; sal. a, 166 bbls.; receipts. 168 bbls. : shipments. 23 bbls ; stocks, 24,165 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales 631 bbls.; receipts, E81 bbls.; shipments, 100 bbls.; stocks. 96. 590 bbls. Quoto: B. D, B. F, O, H. I. $9 20: K. $9.26; M. $5 20; N, $9.86; WO, $9.45; WW, $11.50 bid. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Oa.. June 18. Turpentine Firm; 681i5.sc; aales, 335 bbls.; receipts, 604 bbls.; shipments, 341 bbls.; stocks. 24. 600 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,187 bbls.; receipts, 1,383 bbls.; shipments, 8,368 bbls.; stocks 89,010. Quote: B, $9 2609. 30; D, B, F O H, I, K, $9.3009.35; M, $9 3509.40; N. $9 40 9.66; WQ, $9.4509.66; WW. $9.80. New York Metal Market, New York, June 18. Metal exchange lead, uneattled; spot offered at $8.12 Spelter, firm, Eaat St. Louis delivery; spot, $7.8507.95. At Loudon, spot copper, 110 futures. 110; electrolytic, 1115. Spot tin. f329; futures, 329; lead, spot, 19 10s; fu tures, 28 10s. Spelter, spot 54: futures, 450. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. June 18. Corn Unchanged; No. 2 mixed, $1.6101.63; No. 1 white, $1.84 01.87; No. a yellow, $1.6301.64; July, $1.49; August, $1.62. Oats Unchanged; No. 2 white, 79e; No. 2 mixed, 74 076c. St. Lonls Grain. 8L Louis, Mo., June 18. Corn Lower; No. 1 track, $1.5801.61; No. 1 whits, $1,860 I. 88; July, $1.434. Oats Lower; No. 1, track, 74076e: July, 70fc NEW YORK STOCKS Market Becalmed; Trading Di minishes Steadily, With Un certain Drift; Call Money Stiffens. New York, June 18. The stock market was becalmed today, trading dlmlnlahlng stesdlly after the first hour, with an uncsr tain drift, although galna outnumbered de clines at the stagnant close. There was again a complete absence of Incentive or any developments bearing pertU nently upon values. So far aa Important stocks displayed any tendency at all, they were guided largely by the irregular course of auch leaders aa United Statea Steel and other prominent equipments, also Reading and shippings, " . these comprising fully 60 per cent of tha small turnover. Call money stiffened In response to a broader inquiry, holding at 6 per cent, but time funds for the shorter period eased, with no Increase of supply. Liberty bonds were Irregular. Total aalea (par value) aggregated $6,660,000. Old United Statea bonds advanced from to per cent on call. , Following Is a list of leading stocks and closing quotations: Closing. 8alea. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar. 1.100 68 67 67 American Can 3,700 46 45 45 Am. C. A Foundry. 4.700 80 71 80' Am. Locomotive .. 1,600 66 64 66 American 8. A R 76 Am. Sugar Ref.... 3.400 113 112 113 Am. T. A T 1,700 99 9364 18 Am. Z., L. A 8.... 1.100 17 16. 17 Anaconda Copper.. 6,200 65 63 64 Atchison .. 85 . A. O.AW. I. S. 8. L. . 200 107 107 107 Baltimore A Ohio . 500 66 64 644 Butte A Sup. Cop.. 300 33 23 14 ('al. Petroleum 200 20 $0 20 Canadian Pacific. 700 147 146 154 Ccn. Leather .... 1,000 61 67 67 Chesapeake & O.. 200 57 66 66 C. M. St. P.... 400 44 44 43 Chi. A Northwest $1 C, R. 1. A P. ctfs.. 1,000 1$ 22 13 Chlno Copper 18 Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 4,700 60 41 49 ' Corn Prod. Ref... tOO 41 40 II Crucible Steel .... $.700 65 64 64 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 3,100 31 11 II Die. Securities .... 1.800 69 59 $1 Krle 600 15 16 II Hen. Ulertlro .... 800 146 146 146 Den. Motors 4.400 137 183 137 , (i't North., pfd 89 O't North. Ore ctfs. 1,400 33 13 11 . Illinois Central (6 Insp. Copper 1,000 61 II 61 Int. M. M. pfd.... 13,800 106 101 101 Interna. Nickel , 17 Interna. Paper 16 K. C. Southern .... 100 II 11 It. Ken. Copper 100 32 11 33 Louis. A Nash 115 : Maxwell Motors .. 1,300 18 11 28 "' Mex. Petroleum .. 1.000 II 14 16 Miami Copper 27 ' Missouri Paclflo .. 100 21 23 28 Nevada Copper 144 . New York Cen.... 600 11 71 71: N. Y . N. H , & H.. 4,800 43 41 41 1 Norfolk & West iOi - Northern Paclflo , 16 2 Paclflo Mall 10 Pennsylvania TOO 44 41 43 , Pittsburgh Coal .. 51 Ray Con. Copper.. 400 $1 31 1184 Reading ... 11.600 13 II 11. Rep, Iron A Steel,. 11,100 II It 90 . Chat. Arls. Cop II ' Southern Pacific .. 100 $4 II 14 -Southern Railway. 700 14 34 14 Studsbaksr Cor. .. 1.100 46 44 45 Texas Co 100 141 146 148 - Union Paclflo .... 1,10(1111 111 111 , V. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 100 111 111 121 U. 8. Steel 106,600 104 101 103 : V. 8. Steel, pfd Ill Utah Copper 400 71 78 78 Wabash pfd "B" .. 14 Western Union .. 300 11 II 11 -Westlnghouse Elec. 600 41 41 4$ Totals sales tor the day, 180,000 shares. , Money Market. . New York, June 18. Mercantile Paper 4 months, I per cent: 8 months, 6 per cent; Sterling 60-day bills, $4.71; com mercial 60-day bill, on banks, $4.71; com- ' msrolal 60-day bills, $4.71; demand'' $4.75: cables, $4 74 7-16. .'j Bar Silver 91c. Mexican Dollars 7T. " , Government Bonds Irregular; railroad ' bonds, irregular. ' Tims Loans Steady: 60-days, 105 per cent; 10-daya, 10$ per dent; al. months, 606 par csnL Call Money Strong; high, 6 per cent; . tow, I per oent; ruling rate, 6 per cent; closing bid. 6 per cent; offered at per cent: last loan, 6 per cent. U. S. 2s reg.... 98 Hit. No. 1st 4a 86 do coupon ... 98(4 III. Cen. r. 4s.. 78 V. 8. 3s reg... 19 Int. M. M. 6s .. 1884 do coupon ... IK. C. S. r. 6s.. 71 7. 8. Lib. 1S.. 19 66L. A N. u 4s.. 85 ' V. S. 4s reg..,.106.Vf K A T st 4s 60 - do coupon ,,.106Mo. Pac g. 4s.. 57 am. F, S. 6s.. 96 Mont. Pow. 8s .. 88 4. T. A T. 0. 6s 89 N. Y. C. d. 6s 14 ' inglo-French 6s. 91 No. Pao. 4s.... 80 Arm. A Co. 4s 83 do 3s 18 Atchison g. 4s.. 10Or. 8. L. r. 4a.. 18. B. O. 0. 4s 79Pao. T. T. Is 10 Beth. St. r. Is.. IOPenn. con. 4s.. 96 " Cen. Leath. la.. 15 do gen. 4s.. IT Cen. Pac 1st.. 71 'Reading gen. 4a II C. O. e. 6s.. I114S L S F a 6s.. 67 ' C. B. Q. j. 4s l4So. Pao. o. 6s.. 10 C M 8 P 0 44s 7 4' So. By, Is 10 C It I P r 4s 61 Tsz. Pas. 1st.. 14 C ft S r ls.. 71 Union Paclflo 4s IS D. A R. O. r. Is 61 U, s. Rubber la.. 71 Dom. of Can Is 11 U. S. Steal 6s.. 17 Erie gen. 4s.... 61 Wabash lit .... 13 Gen. Else. Is.... IT 'Bid. New York General. : New York, June 11. Flour Steady 1 springs, $10.75011.36: winters, $10,860 11.15; Kansas, $10,10011.16. Corn Spot, quiet; kiln dried No. I ysl low, $1.66 and No. I yellow, 11.16 eoat and freight New York. Oats Spot, steady; standard I6 0 87e. Hay Dull; No. 1, $1.1091.10; No. $, $1.00 01.10; shipping, 60080c. Hops Quiet; state msdlum to choice If IT, 364lo; 1616, nominal; Faelflo coast, 1117, 20023c; 1111; 14016c. Pork Steady; mess, 147.60043.00; family! $54.00066.00; ahort clear. $46.0006100. Lard Steady; middle west, $34.70024.80. Tallow Steady; city spsclat, loose. 17c. Rice Firm; fancy head, 1O01OC1 bias rose, t09e. Butter Firm; receipts, 11,601 tubs;, creamery, higher than extras, 44 0 46o; creamery extraa (91 score), 44 c; firsts. 410430; packing stock current make No. 1, I2e. Sggs Firm; receipts, 11,441 eaaesi fresh gathered extraa, 39 040c; fresh gathered storage packed firsts, 37038c; do regular" packed extra firsts, 37038e; do firsts, 86 0 36s. Cheese Steady; receipts, 11,141 crates; state fresh specials, 31 024c; do average run, 33 4o. Poultry Live, unsettled f broilers, 400 60c; other prices unquoted; dressed steady, prices unchanged. Motors and fertilizers at 1 to I point gains relieved the monotony of tha final hour, leaders again easing. Th closing was firm. Liberty ts sold at 19.16 to 11.64; first 4s at 94.16 to 94.20; seoonds at 14.10 to 94.12 and 4s at 11.08 to 16.90. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, June IS. Cattle Reoelpts, 11, 000; good and choice corn fed steers, lOe to ' 15c lower: top, 117.76; others dull and un- , evenly lower; tn between yearlings and similar grades of butcher cattle, variously 75c to 11.60 lower than last Wednesday; best ealvt-a, 15a higher; others steady to lower Bef cattle, good to cholca and prime, $16.60017.90; common and med ium. $12.00010.60; butcher stock, cows nnd heifers, $7.90 014.60; canners and cutters, $8.7507.90; stockers and feeders, good to -choice and fancy selected, $11.26013.25: In ferior, common and medium, $8.7Sig11.25l veal calves, good to choice, $16.00016.50. . . Hogs Receipts. 32,000 head; market opened fully steady with beat time yester day, closed 6c to 10c lower; closing quota Hons: Bulk, $16.66016 .90; butchers. $16.51 016.90; packing. $16.00016.60; light. $16.85 OflS.90; rough, $16.50016.75; pig,, $16,609 16.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head; spring lambs. 25e to 50c higher; good . 'shorn lambs, strong to 15o higher, others v and sheep steady; fancy ews lambs and breeders. $18.50; shorn lambs, cholca and prime, $17.25017.75; medium and good, $16.50017.00; culls, $11.00011.10; spring . Iambs, good to choice, 111. 50OI0.60; ewes. -choice and prime, $11. $5013. 76: medium and good, $U.OO01$.OO; culls, $5.0001-00. Dry Goods. ' New York, June 18. Cotton goods and yarns today were quiet, price fixing discus- , slons being uppermoat and the trad dls ,' posed to await action at Washington on '"' Friday, when a meeting is to be held between trade authorities and government representatives. Silks wers quiet with prices steady. Men's wear was quiet. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS .ona ts Bloomlngton, III, on account of tha srtej Illness of her mother.