THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1918. 8 Want Ad Rates . . J . (Cash Witt Order t I pet word. ....each insertion so per word tot three conecutlv insertions la p word for ach additional Insertion No d taken tor less than total or 10c or less than I9e pr day CHARGE. o por llnTcount wordi lo lln I on time (o nt lino ch tlm. I conecutlv time lo pr Un oacb ton, tt consecutive tlroo SITUATION WANTED. v tg. Mf lint - ffm - " CARPS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL K0T1CE8. 100 por lino maorUoo (Minimum Charg. 60 Cent.! Contract Bate On Application For convenience of advertisers want ada will be accepted t the following offlcee: MAIN OFFICE Building Ami Offlco 4119 N ' 8t UkTofflcY ........... .16" North 14th St vi.m Offic i 8ob utk ft Park Office I61 Lvnwortn 8t Clnut Offlco M NorthJ,;0t H d"iWV"""xVii;i. St. North THB BB will not be reeponelblo for more than one Incorrect Ineertton ot aa advertise- meat ordered tor more than on time. Dae THB TELEPHONE it yon cannot con veniently bring or aend your 8s to any of -.a abovo office. Aak for Want Ad isker and yon will receive the earn gpd ervlc aa when delivering your ad In ""' PHONE TT1F-B 1.M0. Want Ad Colnmna Ctoeo venlng Edition. V, .10:00 P. U. ..nnii " - V. ... I..,..). Jundiiv Editions m r m MOVIE PROGRAM North LHAMB OLADT8 LESLIE. In "THE AMATEUR AUTHOR. EPISODE NO. 11. "THE HOUSE OF HATE." HWANU" ' iTH AND B1NNEY "HOUSE OF HATE" EPISODE NO 8. A CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY, South APOLLO! 2TH AND LEAVENWORTH 'THE WHIP" SUPER-FEATURE PLAT. DOROTHY DALTON, in "LOVE ME" BOHLTT jTTH AND LEAVENWORTH "TaS'ZAN OF THE APES" AND COMEDY. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. STEVENSON Mre. Agne Flemlnf, ace 10 rears; died at Kansas City, Mo., of pneu monia. She la survived by her mother and one brother, J. B. Funeral Wedneaday mornlni from the rosldenoo of her mother, J2J0 Poppleton Ave., at 1:10 to St Peter's church at . Internment Holy Bepmcner tnirt t nnofnih Loulee. beloved daugh tor ot Mr. and Mr.. F. W. Krello, 4601 Orover 8t., Juno 17, 1111. aged I montha 1 A.vm Funeral from Brailey A Dorranco chapel, llth and Cuming, Wedneaday at I p. m. interment rorest iwn m..-.,. CARD OP THANKS. ON behalf of the family, wo wleh to thank .ii .v. tcT their kindness and assistance during the laat Illness of our alater and aunt. Mr, jonann AIM tor the many beautiful tloral offer- Inge at her funeral. . .' . . MRS. A. JT. ANDERSEN. , - MRS, CHRI8 P. NILSON. ' ' MABRtAOE TJCENMCS. Permits to wed have been laaued to the 'r following; XI. .n liMrMI ' ., Age. Elmer L. Orubb, Rrd Oak. la Blanche Bubenklng, Red Oak, la. It Jamaa Parker Lee, Omaha.......... over M Haael Irene Everett,' Omaha....... over II Martin J. Conboy,- Omaha. ovar II Dorotbymaa Morearty. Omaha... .. .oyer l Jamee T. EnlHah, Omaha " Qenevlevo K. IJroaa, Omaha............ jii.a.j A ' TlpaUf Arnihl......'.....,, II fjUIHUIIU - Jeanetta Van Bant, Omaha............. William a. Smith, Omaha J Mary Hanaen, Omaha Theophelua E. Cameron, Omaha...... J Peart Coosa, Omaha ....,....... w Awatl. 1r.. Marauatte. Mich.... II 1 X!r w. Berlaan. Omaha..... . " Tih. W Volland. Omaha . . ........... 1 1 Vondalla B. Wallace, San Antonio, Tex., It Hllbert I JTohnaon, Fremont Neb., over II Roee Anna , Becker, Omaha. over II . u.,w lh-iiM. ' f rwln. Ta................. It Annlo Pamlg. Manning la. . . .. 10 BIRT,HS AND DEATHS ; , . Blrtha Tony and Sara Oullia. 6310 South Thirty second, girl; Stephen and Katharine Vaailoff, 2811 Q, bar; Walter and Jeanette Oiidewell, Sarpy county, girls Max and Vir ginia Kmmert, 4811 Underwood, girl; Krneet tnd EtU Archer, 16U South Thtrty-firet. Irl; Giovanni and Olusenplna Fldone, 1114 North Seventeenth, boy; Alfred and Beaele Belford, 4014 Drexal. girl., V rxiths Loute A. Dovel. Hamburg, la., 41 i Totan Shranek, Eighteenth and N, 71; Loulee r-.iln. tol North Eiahteenth. Infant; Em- ma Harte, lizt South Tenth; Eunice M. x Morgan, Flatlron apartmente. 44; Wllhel Tilna Kohach. Sutton. . Neb.. 10: Emma Ot- trie. Petersburg, Neb,, 11; Altda Lake, 1660 Saaa, 17; Edward Tore, Alnaley. Neb.. 1: 1.. V. auatefeon, . 1014 California, SS Baby PMyreen, 111 Spilt h Forty-nlnth ty""""- BUILDING PERMITS Permlta to build have been laaued to the following; Central Congregational church, S54S Har cey, brick church, 155,000; Eugene Hall, 1124 South Twenty-fifth, repalra, 1850; Second Church ot Christ. Scientist, 131-133 South Forty-first, 136,000; Marl Tlct, 1431 South Sixth, addition, 1200: F. A. Martin, 1710 Canton, auto shed, 6160; Dr. A. Romm, loot Burt, porch, 3200. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. UNDERTAKERS and licensed en.'jlamera; alao private ambulance. Call Webster 47 Wl.lta C Crosby. 1611 N. 14th St. IjHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer, 1411 Farnam 8t Harney 111. HULSB A RIEPEN. undertakers and em talmera, 701 8. 16th, , Douglaa 1281, STACK & FALCONER independent Undertaken, 13d A Far. H. 400. G L DODDER CO., Funeral Directors. F. L. Faro, Mgr., 114 and Cuming Sta. Phone Douglaa 177 Auto ambulance. HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. ' Hoffmann quality aarvtce. costs leas. 74th and Dodge. . Douglaa 3901 I: FLORISTS. onleneil Florists. LEE L LARMON 1314 Dougtaa St. Douglas 1344. A. DONAGHUE Est 1866. 1131 HARNET. Flowers shipped everywhere. Exp, prepaid FAKKEK rilWKH BHOt 411 B. 1. D. 8103. ROGERS Florist 111 8. 16th. D. 1400. BATH Careful Florist. 1804 Farnam St L Henderson. 1619 Farnam. D 1368 SPECIAL NOTICES WlLL PARTY who witnessed the automo- btla accident at llth and Jackson lion day p. m., Jon 1. 1918. and offered ser vlcea to th Injured, kindly get In com' i munlcatlon at one with B. E. Huntley, drain Exchange. Phona Harney 1873 MONUMENT ft CEMETERIES. PROSPECT Hill, th cemetery beautiful. Lot or aicgl Interment. Perpetual cara . arrangement. Term to ault Call Supt, Web. 1404. WEST LAWN offer sympathetic service In sodden Borrow; lerpetnal care; no auesa- menta: lot on easy term. Phona Wat 12. Jhe largest display of monument In tha United State. FRANK SVOBODA. 1115 - 16 B. llth. Phone Douglas 1871-6111. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Persona having lost acme artlcl would t rli tn call up th office ot th Omaha A Cane1 Bluffa Street Railway company U aacerialn wbttber tbey ft It la th trart car. . . ' Many arttelea sacb day are turned tn and th. company la anxious to restore them to th rightful nwners LOriT Buach of raltraad pasae mad out ta W,,M. Foster Return ta fifth floor. '' Merchants National Bank Bldg. Reward. EOST On Douglaa ST, lady'r pocketbook. containing dalt, card and money. Wb ter 198. .... LOST-FOUN P-REWARDS STOLEN Ono bay mare about 1.000 Iba; open buggy, with red gear; nirea ny urai man about 35 yeare old; sandy complexion; liberal reward to finder. Palace Livery, D. 1ST, Omnha. Neb. $S REWARD will be paid for return of Ford runabout. tacenee mo, imti Engine No. 2134014 Stolen from llth and Douglae Friday night, June 14 Vail Wlnut 470 or notify police department. TOU Icae anything and will advertlee It htrt you will aurely recover It If :ounl by an boneat person. If you find any thing of value the hones' way te to ad vertlee for the owner LOST Sunday evening between J2d and 41th fits., a beaded bag. containing Hand kerchief and key. Reward for return. 106 8. 4Sth. Phone Walnut J54. LOST Spare aM,to tire. Flr-stotie 3,xS, Be tween 40th ana I.ooge ana orema; r turn and get reward. C. H. Ashton. 01 Farnam. LOST A mattress. Sunday morning. Call Douglas 1106. Reward. IF you lout a bicycle call at 803 Pierce and say what Kinn ano wnere you iwt h. For Sale MisceDaneoeus Bottle ROOTBEER bottles patent stoppers ana others Nat. Steinberg, lil liar. Li. biob. Furniture and Household Goods. TAKE advantage of our special June ef- fertngs In furniture and nouse turnisnings. Including many thousanda of dollara of merchandise bought from makers who are discontinuing making certain llnea On account of abnormal labor and matorlal conditions, purchased by ua about 60c on the dollar. To Illustrate: Four-hole gas fovea, regular 126. on sale, 112.50; six foot extension tables, regular value. 111. on sale, 18.10; solid oak dining chaira. regular value, M.60, on sale, 11.81; large rockers worth $8.60. on sale, $4 25. Coma early for the cream of bargains. Wa maka a specialty of complete home out fits, also hotela and rooming houses. Railroad fare free to out-of-town buyers within 60 miles of Omaha on purchaaes of $20 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO.. Tel. Doug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sta. FiFrNITURE HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, aprlngs, mattreasea, arcasera. cnn fonlera, tables, chaira. china and kitchen cablneta, ruga and linoleum, trunks and ult cases. e;as stovea and Ice boxea. full line -creen wire, poultry netting, garden tools. 1131-47 North I4tb St Tel. Web 1807. Open till It. m k FURNITURE and rugs to saleT Oak bed. oak bookcase, oak dining room taDis ana chairs, oak refrigerator, rugs, lawn mower and garden tools. Call 61S North 41st St, Walnut 1168. OAS atova and refrigerator; dining room ta ble and chairs, ad aeveral beautitui In dian rugs; must go. , Call Walnut 1610, 1131 Davenport. ' BREAKINO up housekeeping; selling furni ture of every description; practically new. Call Wamut 1610. 6181 Davenport. ACTUAL TRUTH. FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gaa ana coal oil atovea, ruga, baby catrlages, trunks, ate Loyal Furn Co., I2J N. 16th. , TRAVELING ealeeman (hardware) salary and exp.; bookkeepers, tioo-izt; atenos., 176-1100. Co-Operative Ret. Co. 1015 Cy Nt. LEATHER easy chaira and rockera, twin brass beds, mahogany bed and dresser; must be sold quickly. Call Walnut 3610. REFRIGERATOR, dining room furniture; - leaving; must sell. Call Walnut 2610. COMPLETE bedroom aulte nearly new; very reaeonable. Call Walnut 1610. FOR SAlfe Ingrain rug and porcelain slnk.-'-Call Colfax 829U FOB SALE Chiffonier and carpet sweeper. Call Walnut 1041. V FURNISHINGS for five-room house, good condition. Webster 745. In SIX-BURNER Eellpaa gaa range for aale. Call Walnut 616. ' Pianos and Musical Instrument!. WE bavs aeveral Vlctrolas that we took In on tradm for sale; In good condition. Rouse Phonograph Parlors. Cor. 20tb and . Farnam Sta. , aT"HOSPB CO., 1611 Douglaa, huva pianos to rant at 13.60 per month, or win sen on easy term. ELECTRIC pianos,' 9100 to 1200. Terma. Omaiia Reed Rattan Co. Sewing Machines. "SEWING MACHINES ' Wa rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all aewlng machines. . , MICKET.'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Hth and Harney Sta. ' Doug 1661. Store and Office Fixtures WE buy. sell and make deaks. aafea, show . cases, ahelvlng, ato. Omaha Fixture A Sup ply Co.. llth and Douglaa D. 1714. Typewriters and Supplies. ttpkwrttkrs aold. rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 1 montha for id. central Typewriter- Exchanga, 1900 Farnam. wn huv. aell or exchange typewr'.ers auar. tvDewrltera 110 and up. Writ for list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 14,04 Podge Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. CHERRIES, currants and gooMeberrlea at Ihm'a fruit farm, 61st and Military Ave. Miscellaneous. FOR BALE From dismantled brick plant: 75,000 fire brick. 4,000 flra floor blocks. ( ' 1,000 feet 14-lb. rails. 1,000 feet 12-lb. rails, i A lot of band iron l-in.xl-16-tn. 1 ' Material. In first ' class condition. Reasonable prices: prompt shipment. 8. OOLDBERG A CO., Cedar Rapids, la. FOR SALE A atenotype, not the lateat f model, but a very good machine In per- lect conomon; cqhe viuv, win hii iur v. Call Douglaa 6711 before 1 In the morning, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather ateamed. renovated and mad OD In new feather proof Icklng. 1907 Cuming. Doug 1467 25 CARS brick, 15.00 per M,, White pin tlmbera, 125.00 per M. H. orose number and Wrecking, FRESH country buttermilk abutter; best of cream; atrlotly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phona South 215 or Tyler 629. Wagner'. THREE National cash rsglstera, two draw era: chean. Omaha Reed Rattan Co. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Spits pups. Call 8.' 1479; will dellveiv . CHERRIES, currants and gooseberrle at Ihm's fruit farm. Walnut 1935. WANTED TO BUY TT?MTTTC! ha Jut , returned and w.i-JAi XV A ii kj will give you tha same Wood aervloe that ha gave In the past Help win th war. Sell your old clothes, ahoea, ruga, tools, trunk and buy W. S. ft. Will call, Rea. D. 8032. Office. 2686. WANTED Steam engineer for email lec. trio light plant, 100 KVA capacity, sn gineer to do own firing. State experience and salary expected, alao how soon avail able. Nebraska Electrlo company, Wausa, Neb. BE PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE SAM- BELL TOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE ME A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONE DOUG 1489 Mill DOUGLAS ST. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desk bought aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 4146 WE PAY YOU HIGHEST PRICES FOR CLOTHES. CALL US FIRST. DOUG. 6914. H. GERBER IS KNOWN TO PAT THE HIGHE8T PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. D. 8444 CASH paid for diamonds, eatata appralaed. neese jewelry Co., 401 S. 16th. ANNOUNCEMENTS Awnings. AWNINUS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping supplle. nutJTT-UWAHA TENT At AWNING CO. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. (Ida, knife, (unburn, box pleating, covered button, all also and tyle; hemstitching, picot edging, eye ei cut work, button hole, pennant IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 100-101 Brown Bldg. Phone Doug. 191. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, BUTTONS. u. u. vanArnam Pleating Co.. I36-T Pax ton Block. Phone Doug. 1101. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Package ee man zo lb., 16 cents. Douglaa 7463. THE ONLY WAY SAS ,- THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO Billiard Parlor. r PRIVATE tables for parties 'at Holme'. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. . ' 37th and Martha Sis.. Omaha. Neb Bras, bronxe. -alamtnuia od machine gray Iron casting. - .. , . - ANNOUNCEMENTS Chiropractors. SPINOGRAFH. Dr. Edwards, S4th A Far- J C Lawrence. Balrd Bldg D. 1411. -7- Costumes. FL'I.L dreaa suits for rent Opp. P. O. John Feldman, 101 N ltth St Douglaa 1121. Contractors. J. ELKIN building repalra Web. 767 Detectives. JtMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Evidence erured In all caaea Tyler 1118 Dressmaking. STUS STURDY. drfsmaklfig Do-ig. 6336. Dentists. D- Bradbury No pain. 821 W. O. W. Bldg T-.ft'a Dent. Rma.. 108 Roee Bldg. D. 218 Electric Vacuum Cleaners. WILL clean your ruge on the floor. Hoover machlnesV Harney 1316. I uae Film Developing. FILMb developed; rolls, 10c; packa, 16o; me-day aervica. Ease Studio, Neville Blk., 14th and Harney Fixtures and Wiring. FlTTRlTTM Electric washing machines, LUXVili electrlo irons and reading lamps 2231 Cuming St. Douglaa 2611. Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC lawnmowr sharpener; used lawnmownrs. t'oll Walnut 807. Live Stock Hauling. WE will haul your live stock, i LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 2209 Farnam St. Telephone Doug. 2608. Jewelry. nr AMflmlw pv b"1 p'c wi,h UlAiUKjniJO privilege to buy back at email profit. OROS8. 403 N. 18th St Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 814 Brandfle Bldg. T 2961). Res 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold Inter national Patent Co.. 6ii3 Urandels. D 8H91. STURUES A HTUHQkS. U. 8. and foreign patenta and trademarks 330 Bee Bldg. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUO CLEANERS. Scientlflo Olive Oil Washing Peratan Rug Cleaning Co.. 1267 Farnam. H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1212 Farnam. J. J Derlght Safe Co. Medical. S ' PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for botk on rectal diseases with testi-J momais. DR. E. R. TARRY, i 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co., 524 8. 13th St Tailors. Dledrick, P. L.. 216 8. 20th. Tailor. D. 2433. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. llth. D. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experts. The W, (i. Cleveland Co.. 1410-12 Harney St. Wedding Stationery. WKDD1NO announcements and printing Douglaa Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES MR. MERCHANT Do you want to get out of business? Try our wonderful "Sales System" for results. W can get you good farm or ranch land or w can get you the "Spot Caah" and get It quick. Try u fjfr quick results. Best of references fur nlahed. . Owens Brokerage Co., Tel. Red. 8841. 207 Keellne Bldg. I UOOD going real estate business for aale. ' ... I , .3 , . . . 1 . T . Realty company will sell their going buai neaa, Including eiiulty in lands, contracts for sale of lands, good paper, insurance and loan connections. Only good real estate office and bualneea of Its kind In town located on ground floor on principal corner. Good opportunity for hustlers. This la an opportunity to get practically all the going business In the Smith River valley, one of the best valleys in state of Montana; 115,000 buys, the business, In. eluding tha lands and everything per talning to company'a affairs. Address Northwest Loan and Realty Co., White Sulphur Springs, Mont. FOR SALE Land, loan and Inaurance bus! neaa, established five years, over 200 In suranc policies on the books, llveat town In the west: bumper crops, building alone Is worth three-fourths purchase price. Get busy 4f you tnean business. Address Box 46H2. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Downtown grocery and meat market; doing a strictly cash business; no deliveries: net profits from 64,000 to $5,000 a year. Will stand the closest investiga tion. Will require 310,000 to handle it. Box 4729. Bee. FOR SALE Plumbing business In one of tn beBt towns of Wyoming. Complete stock and building; plenty of buslnesa Best of reason, for selling. Would aell either with or without building. Address Box Y 583, Omaha Be. FOR SALE Good paying restaurant at Bradshaw, Neb., and only on tn town: haa paying aoda fountain and good steel range; owner must go to war at once established business cheap. Address Charles E. Gardiner, Bradshaw, Neb. PATENTS For aale cheap; com and aee all my patenta. I have com I think would b a mint to a man who ha th money to mitrket them. Jamea W. Kennedy, tjl8 iniro tit., uouncit tiiurrs iowa. DRUG store for sale or trade, Kansaa City, Mo., closeln; best hotel and rooming house district; new fixtures; clean stocks; soda fountain. Am busy physician, I. Hawk, M.-. D., General Delivery. POOL HALL tor sal In good live town In eastern Neb. of about 1,000 Inhabitants Money maker; beat of reason for selling. Addresa Box Y 686, Omaha Bee. FIRST-CLASS well and windmill business. only on In town, good business and 'good territory. Addresa J. J Carey, Petersburg. Neb. ' , FOR SALE: Cafe with soft drlnka, Ice cream and confectionery in connection. Doing fin business. Good reason for selling. Belmont cafe, Columbus, Neb. ANY buslneaa relating to Canada solicited; landa Vared for, leaaed, aold, exchanged, cropped. Frank Crawford, Omaha and Rosetown, Sask. FOR 8ALE Cheap, general blacksmith. woodwork and shoeing shop In good, town of 1,600. A anap. P. 8. Anderson, Belle ville. Kan. .. ' , GUARANTY locat you; any lln business; any atate. uuarante sen your business. F V Knleat, Be Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. BAKERY Cnnfectlanery, etc., for sale. Net 1326 month. W. Christiansen. Mln- den. Neb. 4 RESTAURANT, soft , drinks, confectionery; will sell or trade. Box 22. Overton. Neb. GROCERY atore and meat market for aale or trade. 4557 8. 39th St. South 4169. PARTNER wanted In good buslriese, $6,000 required. R. B. LeRoy. Fort Dodge. la. STORE for aale; rent 19. Good business. F. v. Knleat, Be Bldg., Omaha. Neb. AUTOMOBILES RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large dock used radiator on hand Maah'd fender and lamp repaired like new. New honey-combed Ford radiator. 1111 model. $32; 1917. 121. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1818 Cuming St Omaha. Neb - LISTEN W will save you 60 per cent on your tlr bill. Trad your, old tire for new on. Tube vulcanlxed i cent cis ing 60 cent op Rebuilt. I In 1 eaalngs for sale. 13 tip. tl. 9. machinea for aale C S Vulranlsef C, Branch 16, 120 S llth Bt. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES OLD FORDS. NEW FORDS. MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Before buying a truck sea Affordable Truck Co., Omaha made truck unit Ilta any Ford, makea guaranteed and 1-ton trucks out of anybody's Ford. 1165 . O. B. Omaha. DEALERS WANTED Factory and office 1207-15 S. 20th St DOUGLAS 2053. FOBTdS exchanged, bought and aold; we re build your Ford with a Kelaey atreamllne body like new; cars sold for caab or time payments. Sol S. Ooldstrom. 2867 Farnam St. Harney 6548; agents wanted. BARGAINS IN USED CARS Ail makea. With and without startera. 16 to pick from. Phone D. 1241 or call at 1618 Davenport. BOYI.AN AUTO CO.. FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and power. Will accept Ford In Al condition as part payment. A bargain. B. E. Frank. Route 6. 7 5 A, Benson, Neb. 1317 Overland roadster, fully equipped and In good condition; will sell at bargain price If acted upon at once. Mr. R. J. Mayer. Douglaa 746. ALL kinds of cars for hire with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, 10c per mile. Douglas 1330 Ne braska Service Garage NEW Maxwell cara, 1918 models, for sale. 1300 cash, balance monthly payments a desired. Ap'ws strictly confidential. Box 8082. Bee. WANTED TO BUY Light auto. Describe, state terms; reliable party. Box 8958. Omaha Bee. CUMING OARAGE, 2U6 Cuming St., D 2831. Storage, day and night service, carbon burning, welding, general aulo re pairing. ONE Saxon Six Roadster, in fine condition; alao American Roadnter, cheap. North Slde Oarage, 4303 N. 20th. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. Douglas 1071. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1021 FARNAM ST. DOUGLA8 6290. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agent. Doug. 3500 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex cnange Co., 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6036 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. BARGAINS In used cars ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 0th and Farnam. Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. 60 FORD! WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO.. 2106 FARNAM ST. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam Sts Douglaa 1970. TELL & BINKLEY. Commercial body builders. 2311 Harney St D 1610. OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 2300 Farnam fit. WANTED TO BUY 1917 Ford coupelet for cash. Hoefelman, Platte Center, Neb. GOOD second-hand delivery car, cheap. In quire 1219. W. O W. Bldg. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A . FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 12c a mile. 35c per hour minimum charge. Sundays and holidays, 60c par hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 8622. 1814 Howard St Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. S., 2616 19th St. Web iter 1102. For the best result with repair worn consult u. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 816 S. 19th St Douglaa 64K8. Tires and Supplies. TIRE price wreckera. This Is no I-ln-1 tire COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 422 S. 13th. Agts Wanted. Omaha. Neb GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 3,000 Mile Guaranteed 10x3, $7.75; 30x3V. $8.75; 32x3H, $10.15; 33x4, $12.35; 34x4, $13.25; 35x4 Vj. $16.60. Writ ua today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1616 Davenport St. Omaha. D. 2914. TIRES. New 80x8 Firestone $4.90 New 30x3 Non Skid 13.50 New 32x3 '4 Firestone 15.85 30x3 "j Guaranteed Tubea ........ 3.10 30x3 Guaranteed Tubea 2.80 Good used Ford tire 6.00 Other sizes In proportion. Retreading and vulcanizing. OMAHA. RADIATOR & TIRE WORKS. 1918 Cuming St., Omaha. Neb. BIG bargains in brand new tlrea and tubes, 18 standard makea to select from. Seeing la believing. COME IN. Wholesale and Retail. Send for our price list. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. "Nebraska! Tire Bargain Center." Douglas 2916. 310 J-19th 8t. NEW-TIRES AT i, PRICET ALL SIZES" NEW 30x3 Republic 38 75 Ford tubes. $2.00 NEW 30x3V FIRESTONE non-skid. $14.76 NEW 32x3V. FIRESTONE tire $14.90 KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming. BUY Lee puncture-proor pneumatic tlrea and eliminate your tire trouble. Powell Sup ply Co.. 2051 Farnam St - INSIST on G. A G. quality retread and save 60 per cent on your tire. Bargain In new end slightly used tire. G. & G. Tlr Co., 2415 Leaven'th St Tyler 1261-W. Motorcycle and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain in used machinea. Victor H. Roos, th Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. EXTRAORDINARY bargain Powerplua In dian motorcycle, almost new, 2734 Blondo St PERSONAL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I. th undersigned, hereby notify the publio that 1 am In no way, directly or Indirectly, connected with tha Wm. Berg Co.offlcea In the Woodmen of th World Building, this city. 1 am fiscal agent for the Omaha Potash and Refining com pany, offices 623 First National bank building. The president of this company is F. J. Fitzgerald; aecretary, F. A, May. Neither the corporation with which I am connected nor any of Ita officers has anything to do with th. Wm. Berg Co. L. H. BERG. THE Salvation Army Industrial Horn to. licit your old clothing, furniture, maga ilnea. We collect W distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge 8t WANTED To adopt little girl between 1 and 6 years. No objection to cripple or aick child, it Intelligent Address, Box Y 687, Omaha Bee. OMAHA Bath Inat. Electric. tearo or tub baths, massage ot ai Iklnd. 118 Neville Blk. Douglaa 7381, 14th and Harney Sts. MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and acalp treatment 1801 Farnam St.. Room 1 MISS FISHER, aulphur, ateam hatha and massage. 379 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1569. MAE BRUGMAN. aclentlflc masseuse and baths. 103 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. MASSAGE and baths.. Miss Halran. 222-1 Neville Block. VINCENT POLIVKA Communicate with wife-(Mamie) of Chicago, important, Manicuring and maxJUjgl Farnam. R. It MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treavfd without a surgical operation. Call or writ. Dr. Frank H Wrav. J06 Be Bldg SITUATIONS WANTED Male POSITION wanted In bank by young man under draft age; high school and busl nesa education; -To experience. Address Box 160, Grand Island, Neb. YOUNG man, aged 10. with IVj yeara elec trical experience, desire position with good electrical company. Earl Blacketer, . Clarlnda, 1 . V SITUATIONS WANTED Male. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company. Z70 Leavei.orth St. Harney 6012 WANTED Housecleaning by man and wife; experienced; also lawnmowing. Weba'er 3094. YOUNG man want Job aa , chauffeur, I yeara' experience; good references. Doug las 376 or 7082. Female. GUARANTEED dressmaking Call evenings Tyler I004-W EXPERIENCED lady wishes children to care f..r by week. Walnut 34a3. WANTED Plain aewing. Douglaa 8094. adtlresa 190K Webster St. Dressmaking & Millinery wk. done. Red 8623 Laundry and Day Work. FIRST-CLASS lauudresa wants day work for Wednesdays. Web.ter 2143. DAY work wanted by first-class laundress for first of week. Call Webster 1391. COLORED woman wants work by tha day or week. Call Webster 1699. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. 1ST-CLASS iaundresa want bundle wash ing Web. 6894. - LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Wetiater 1963 EX1 laundress, bundlea called for and de livered Webater 6322 LAUNDRESS, washing by the hour 3017. Web BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished Red 66,3. BUNDLE washing; call and deliver. Web. 6230. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 698. COLORED lady wanta day work. Hai6406. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 206S. Day work and bundle washing Web 10 BUNDLE washing to take home. South 1613 1ST claps col. laundress with ref. Doug. 8712. WOMAN wants day work: ref. Web 2221. CHRL wishes day work. Webster 2327. NEAT col. lady wants day work. Doug. 6077. BUNDLE washing, lace curtainsr WebTT 7 2 7 HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" th urn way yop advertise to aell merchandise, and th difference tn return will surprise you. Th next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement TIMEKEEPER, salary depends. Stenographer, 390. Many others. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. TRAVELING salesman (hardware) salary and ex. Bookkeepers, 3100-125; stenes., 175-100. Co-Operative Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat. B'k Bldg. OMAHA railway mail clerk examinations coming; hundreds wanted; 390 month; sample queatlona free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 281-F, Rochester, N. Y. BOOKKEEPERS, $126-1100-390-185; office clerks, 8100 to $115; (stenographer, $90. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 113S First Nat'l Bank. BOOKKEEPER, Mfg. experience, for good firm, Beatrice, good future, $125. WATTS REF. CO, . 1138 1st National Bank. OFFICE clerk, high achool graduate, $75 $85. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. iProfecslons and Trades. JONES & LAMSON opera tors wanted; government and tractor work; good wages and bonus to ex perienced men ; steady employment. HSrt-Parr Co., Charles City, la. DRESHER BROS,, 2217 FARNAM. WE NEED CONDUCTORS . AND MOTORMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor. Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED. Men In hat Dept. who understand re blocking hats. ALSO SPOTTERS. PRESSERS. TAIL0RS. CLEANERS. Good wages and steady work. Apply DRESHER BROS., 2217 FARNAM ST. WANTED. HOUSEMAN. APPLY HOUSEKEEPER. HOTEL FONTENELLE. WANTED Young man to work in the press room. Apply to Supt., Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Meat cutter, reliable, capable ot running small shop. Call at Baaket stores Office, 108 N. 9th St. Call any day. WANTED. Grocery clerk capable of managing a small store soon. Call at Baaket Stores Office. 108 North 9th St WANTED Experienced egg candlera Im mediately; prefer men who can rough and handle tipping gang during poultry sea son; good wages and steady work. It will pay you to Investigate this ad. E. B. Higley company. Mason City, la. WANTED All-around printer, capable of taking care of mechanical department of country office, tncluding operation of cylinder press; permanent position,; good wages. Sherm F. Meyers, Anita, la. LABORERS WANTED. ERECTING MACHINERY, ETC., 40C PER HOUR. APPLY TO MR. WATTS, NEW ICE PLANT, 20TH AND POPPLE OP TON AVENUE 8TATION. MEN LEARN AVIATION MECHANICS ' and AEROPLANE CONSTRUCTION. Shop and field experience. Government . need you ' today. Writ MOLER AVIATION SCHOOL, Chicago. 111. FIRST-CLASS machinist operator wanted at once. Eight hour day work. Steady position to right man. Write or wire State Publishing Co., Pierre. 8. Dak. BARBERS WANTED Beat town and high st prices. Guarantee 825, can make to 140. Enquire Master Barber association, 100 Pantages Building. Seattle. Wash. $6.00 A DAY All around Blacksmith and Horseahoer wanted at once; steady work, Ed Flake, Talmage, Neb. LABORERS wanted at 26th and Farnam Sts., at the new building. Klene Buach, contractor. WANTED Barber at one; $11 per week guarantee. Phon or writ M. B. Inger- soll, Syracuse, Neb. LEARN barber trade, low rate now Call or writ Barber College 1124 Ooualss 8t WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart men! Box 41 408 Be ONE experienced married farm hand 121. J. A. Leaders. Paptlllon. Box COOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. , THE CANO AGENCY, 699 BEBBLjO. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Responsible stock salesmen to sell Lion Bonding Surety company tock: excellent proposition Md good ter ritory. Call or writ Banker Bales Agency. W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesman to cover rural rout In southwest Iowa. Car furnished. Salary. Steady situation. Can be bom Bundaya. Reference required. , Th Daily Non pareil, Council Bluffs. 'la. OPENING for exclusive representative. Ex perience unnecessary, good pay. Some thing legitimate and permanent Promo tion chance for young men. Call Room 631 Hotel Castle. Agents and Canvassers. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE A proposi tion that I a money-maker to wide awake energentic aalsmen Is offered by a Life Insurance compn fy. nearly a third of a century old; rates lower than other companies and dividends the greatest of any company tn America; all communi cations will be neld confidential; If In terested addresa Box Y-589. Omaha Bee. MANUFACTURERS' agent, covering whole sale, retail, dry goods, drug and export trade, would represent additional llnea. Commission basia. Special Salea Service. 80 Fifth avenue, New York City. Boys. v WANTED A boy to carry an Eve ning Bee route. Call at Circulation Dept., Bee Office, 104 Bee Building. WANTED AT ONCE, TRANSFER MEN WELLS-FARGO CO., UNION STATION. WANTED Boy to deliver an Eve ning Bee route, near 29th and Leavenworth Sts. Call at Bee Branch Of fice, 2615 ' Leavenworth St. WANTED A boy to deliver The Mornfng Bee in Dundee, Call at Bee Branch Of fice, 40th and Cuming Sts Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED-TEAMSTERS. Steady Job and good pay. Call Walnut 301. UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO Miscellaneous. SPRAGUE TIRE & RUBBER CO., 18TH AND IZARD STS. Want 25 more laborers, $4 per day. Have all Carpenters we can use. LABORERS For track work, 30 cenT per hour at tart with car fare; 10 hra. APPLT TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT. 22D AND NICHOLAS STS., OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS. ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., APPLY UNION STATION. WANTED Married or single man for gen eral farm work; will furnish house, cow to milk, fuel, etc., and will rent farm to right parties and furnish horses. Im plements, etc; man must; be experienced; win pay wages according- to work done. Sinn's Mulefoot Ranch. Alexandria, Neb. WANTED 6 men to sell roods on Daasen ger trains; must have cash aecurlty. Ap ply Rock Island News Stand. Falrbury. Neb. WANTED Man familiar with horses and to work around yard; on who can drive a car preferred. Good wages, board and room. Apply Box 9184, Omaha Bee. WANTED Man familiar with horses and to work around yard; one who can drive a car preferred. Good wages, board and rooms. Apply Box 91S4. Oman Bee. LABORERS wanted. H. Gross Lumber & Wrecking Co.. 21st and Paul Sts. WANTED-r-A driver for grocery wagon. Buffett A Sons. 315 S. 14th. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 women clerks at Washington. Examinations everywhere July 7. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positiona writ for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 525 Kenols Bldg., Washington. WANT.ED Young lady. Clerical position In office or large corporation. High school education and some experience preferred Splendid opening for right person. Answer in own hand writing. Box 9198, Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHERS, $95-$85-$80-$75-$65; bookkeepers, $S0-$75-165-150. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1139 First National Bank. MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR Wanted a once, must b experienced and fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply In person at 1424 First Nat. Bank Bldg WANTED Young lady for light work, must be steady. No other need apply. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 31$ South Tweirtn atreet. STENOGRAPHER, aecretary, $125. . WKSTBRMBBr BOND ASS N. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Two waitresses. ' " Very high wages. Ad dress Hotel Paddock, Beatrice, Neb. WANTED At once, experienced wattreaa. also whit laundress. A. B. Wieland ft Bra-, Lakewood Park. Lake View, la WANTED A cook at the Musaman House Chamberlain. S. D Professions and Trades riVn WANTED 10 experienced power aewing machtnt operators, also girl to learn, light clean, steady work, pleasant surroundings best wages in the city. Apply at once. Omaha Auto Top Co.. 709-11 South 15tb St. WANTED Hand ironers and marker and sorter for rougt dry department and girls for all departments. Evans Model Laundry, llth and Douglaa LADY barber wanted. 893 Plerc St - Week guaranteed HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies tt, lian telephone operating. v Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F. LAMBERT. 1807 Douglas St Household and Domestic. WANTED At "P. K." Ranch, IS mile from Sheridan, Wyo., cook, in owner' house, not mess house; $40 to 345 a month and keep; must do washing also: a good place and a good home for eome one Inquire Foster-Barker company, 700 Brandelr Bldg. WANTED A competent girl for general housesvork where second girl la kept; mall family and good wages. Harney 4042. 1320 S. 34th St. WANTED An experienced cook, good wages;, appointment by telephone. Mrs. O. C. Redick, Harney 121. Reference required. V WANTED White girl for general house work Two in family. No laundry work. Go home nights. Call Colfax 4150. 2868 Vane St. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework. Call Mrs. W. W. Hoagland, Walnut 1827. COMPETENT while girl for general house work, good wages. Mrs. Guy Liggett, 4821 Douglas. Tel Vat. 2443. MAID for rooming house; easy work; good hour and good wagers, with Sundays oft Call at 2680 Harney St. WANTED Experienced white cook where 2d girl la kept; no washing: best of wages. Mra. W D. Hosford. Harney 87. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mr. O P. atebbin. Red 6475 WANT young Iwhite girl , to assist with housework,, small family, no washing. Call Walnut 465 "oT Walnut 1924. WANTED Competent girl for houaework. Call Mrs. Byron C. Rogers. Phona Harney 6362. WANTED Experienced cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson. Harney 1914. COMPETENT white for general house work. Call Harney 888. GOOD woman for kitchen. No Sunday work. Good wages. 4923 South 33d. WANT, neat clean colored girl for general housework. No washing; good wages. , 6002 Cass. Walnut 392. WANTED Maids. ., Best pay In Omaha. Apply to housekeeper. Blackgton Hotel. WANTED A woman to d(T plain cooking. Call Webster 2626. WANTED A second dining room girt. Apply Clarkson hospital, 2100 Howard St Miscellaneous. READY TO WEAR SALESWOMEN AT TENTION: Large progressive dry good store In live town of ten thousand wishes to engage the services ot first-class ready to wear saleswomen (not clerk). Must have selling ability with ample experi ence; "permanent position to right Barty; atate references, salary and whan can come. Baron Bros., Mitchell, 8. D. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladle and boy, learn barber trade; big demand: wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ . 1401 Douj St Trl-City Barber College, Phon D. 1:147. ' CAPABLE man and wife for general work on farm; no children; references. Call Harney 1635 or address Box 106, Beeraer, Neb. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or writ for free catalogue, 110 8. 14tn St. Omaha, Neb. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotypy. typewrit, ing, telegraphy, civil service nil commer cial and English branahe. Catalogue tr. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1565 18th and Harney tta. Van Sant School of Buslnes. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bids'. Oouslaa 6810. , FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. It you fall to find the room yon desire among these ads call nt Th Be office tor Room Liat Give complete description ot vacant rooms la all parts at th city. New lint Issued very week. SANITARY modern room for men only. $2.50 per week. Sunshine Apartment. 60S N. 17th St. J. B. Robinson. 442 Be Bldg., Douglas 8097. ; HANSCOM PARK district, large east front room; locked stall in garage; breakfast If desired. O West Park car lln. Har ney 1044. MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine. 608 North 17tb St Reason able rent 904 SOUTH 25th avenue; 2 nice, cool room for two gentlemen; strictly modern. Tyler 2146-W. THE GRAYSTONE, 25th and Cass; nicely furnished rooms. Douglas 7994. ROOM for rent, gentleman preferred, 1924 Sahler St. Colfax 1134, t LARGE sleeping rooms, Jjine 15, Ver non, 204 S. 25th St. Douglas 8942. NICELY furnished room for rent Price reasonable. Douglas 9033. 206 S 26TH AVE. Modern, clean, room; walking distance. Phone Harney 2782. FURNISHED room for gentleman. 1614 Webster St. 1611 HOWARD SJ. Nicely furnished sleep- COOL furnished rooms. 1909-1911 Douglas St. Housekeeping Rooms 538 S. 27TH, suites housekeeping, 1st and 2d. gas ranges, refrigerator, also sleeping, all. cool, desirable for parties employed. Har ney 6932. 3121H CALIFORNIA 2 and 3 furnished rooms, modern, nice yard, ground floor. Harney 4001. VERY cool, shady, east frbnt, 3 rooms com pletely furnished. Also suite. $3.00. 604 S. 28thSt: tli S. 29TH Suite of rooms In strictly modern private home, splendid neighbor hood. LINCOLN Apts., 2102 Chicago Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tvler 2607. t SUITE of rooms, everything modern. 60S S. 27th St 1001 PARK "Ave. Three-room apartment, clean, cozy and aU modern. Harney 6610. INbundee Furnished or unfurnished house keeping rooms. Walnut 2582. 1 THREE light housekeeping rooms, $J; clos in. 220 N. 25th St. t ROOMS and bath. $10. 2639 Seward St. Board and Rooms. 2561 DODGE Attractive elm,-! and double room, good board, walking distance. Har 6143. ROOM and board for two or three. 124 S. 24th St. NEWLY furnished rooms, board optional. 614 N. 21st St. Hotels CLAREilONT INN. llth and Jackson. Transient guests, $1 a day: permanent guests, $5 a week. Douglaa 2786. COOL rooms. $2 week; also apartment wttt. kitchenettes, ogden hotsL Co. Bluff,. f