THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 15. 1918. SOUTH SIDE BETTERMENTS AT STOCK YARDS TO COST $1,000,000 Hundred Additional Cattle Pens to Be Built; Traders' Quar ters to Be Rearranged on South Side. In accordance with an order issued by the Union Stock Yards company, the : readjustment of yardage facili ties, involving the exchange of places of the traders' division, long located at the east end of the yards, and the commission men, located at the west end, will be completed Saturday. The firms will be ready for business in their jiew locations Monday morning. 4'The change is intended primarily for the benefit of the shipper, and not for any special advantage to either t 're "traders or the commission men," said Manager Everett Buckingham. "Under the old arrangement the shipper was at a disadvantage in hav ing to move the cattle from the un loading pens at the east end of the yards clear through the length of the yards in order to get them to the commission pens where they are sold. This situation will now be eliminated bv allowine the commission men the use of the yards nearest to the un loading pens. Naturally they traders do not favor the idea of giving up the pens they have used for so long, but the change will benefit tit trade generally by helping the shipper out." i Twenty commission firms and 100 traders will be affected by the change. ,? The construction of 100 additional cattle pens at the west end of the yards, all with concrete floors and overhead walks, will begin within a few days. Overhead walks will also be '.built to extend over the entire 'Western' end, of the yards, for the benefit of prospective feeder buyers. Altogether the improvements at the .Stock yards, including new pens, -Chutes, scales, etc., will involve the expenditure of approximately $1,000, 000, according to Traffic Manager ,Carl Smith. The stock pens cover 160 acres, with 40 acres more used for other purposes. GIRL PURSUED BY ; WILD COW SAVES : LIFE BY FLIGHT i Little Helen Brix, 2803 Madison street, narrowly escaped injury when a wild cow, which had escaped from the 'pens of the Goldberg Bros.' In dependent Packing company, gave thase as she was returning from a $ tore in the vicinity of Twenty-eighth and Madison streets fnday atternoon As thei nfuriated animal charged, Helen ran and leaped across a ditch 'several feet wide. The animal then charged through a fence and chased wpman who was in a yard at Twenty-eighth and Madison streets, into .the house. j When Officers Baughman and Fer ris arrived on the scene the residents fii the neighborhood had sought ref uge, in a yard surrounded py a high board fence, and the cow apparently .was waiting for them to venture out. A bullet from a policeman's gun ended the brute's depredations. Another cow which had escaped was roped and re turned to the corral. CLOSE CALLFOR TWO WHEN AUTO ; GOES DOWN BANK . Two persons narrowly escaped seri ous! njury i-riday night, when an automobile in which they were riding went over an embankment in Spring !Lake park at the termination of Twentieth street, near Hoctor boule vard. ' C C Wilson, driver of the car, leape when he discovered the machine was uncontrollable. Mrs. Bossfield, Auburn, Neb., who was riding in the front seat, with Mr. Wilson, jumped as the car started over a second grade. The automobile plunged down the em bankment and lodged among some ' trees. The car was damaged badly. The two were following another .automobile, driven by Mr. Bossfield, hotel proprietor and automobile man, Auburn, Neb., and were on their way to Auburn, Neb. Mr. Bossfield kept going, unaware of the accident of the car behind. Efforts were made to stop him at Fort Crook, btu to no avail. RECOVER $1,500 ' OF STOLEN GOODS; SEIZE SUSPECT $. More than $1,5000 worth of mer chandise which was stolen from the Chicago Bargain Store, 4824 South Twenty-fourth street, the night of f une 13, was recovered by detectives, and Leo Pollard, colorea, alleged to have stolen the goods, was arrested. ' Pollard was arrested in a rooming house at Sixteenth and Pierce streets.. Nearly all of the goods was in his possession. Pollard confessed to selling the rest of the merchandise to J. Jackson, 1320 North Twenty fourth street. t Detectives say that Pollard was on parole from the Oklahoma peniten tiary, where he was sent for high way robbery. He was booked at the South Side station for robbery. Settlement Needs Fan. : The heat ware hag reached the Social Settlement, 2827 Q street, and settlement workers and instructors , are, feeling the need of the cooling breezes of an i electric fan. Anyone desirous of presenting a fan to the settlement is requested to call South ,'81 and to ask for Mrs. Caldwell. Yankees on Dreadnaught Looking for Submarines CN THE. TRAOc THE, fUBMAKlMe, This photo shows the firing of a five-inch gun aboard one of Uncle Sam's modern dreadnaughts. Since the advent of the American navy into European waters to co-operate with the British navy the sinkings by U-boats are said to have fallen off almost 80 per cent. Briej City News , South Side Brevities r.MI Franc. Ham. 1515 Jeff.rion treet, who ha. been til with appendicltlf, li rt Jerttd to be Improving. .fFl mn have been tailed by Local E. wtninion, board No. 2. Bouth Side ctly OMAHANS CONFER AT CAPITAL ON LABORJPROBLEM Norman and Kleffner Attend Meeting of Federal Agencies Planning to Bring Jobs and Men Together. Wanhinclon Bureau of The Omaha Bee. 1SU G Street. Washington, June 14. (Special Telegram.) George Norman, deputy commissioner of labor for Nebraska, and George J. Kleffner, state director of federal employment service of Omaha, are in Washington for various conferences on the labor situation. Mr. Norman is here to attend the convention of the public service reserve organisation for the pur pose of securing skilled labor for her of using his money to buv pro-! shipyards "id other governmental ac- visions for rrnr relatives; that he used tivitics. Kleriner today participated in abhslve language, threatened her life . the conference of state federal employ and forced her to leave her own home ! ment directors, meeting his fellow di and seek shelter elsewhere. She asks rectors for the first time since his ap- "r.y:- "" ,-uo,u' "l mice inuiui nrlnmpnt in ( IP nnc firm This body is devising ways and means to connect the "jobless with the job free of charge, the plan doitifc away with the private employment Hst Boot Print It New Beaoos Preaa Elet. Fans, $8. Burgess-Granden Co. Team of Mules Stolen A team of mules, owned by L. Shlller, Thirty- third and California streets, were stolen Thursday night. Up Go Prices It will cost you an aditional 50-cent piece to have your horse shod now. The Ilorseshoers' association of Omaha has agreed to boost the price from $2.50 to $3. Recovers From Operation Albert Krug, manager of the Krug; Products company, who was recently operated on for appendicitis, returned to his home Thursday and la convalescing. Prudent saving Id war times Is a hostage for opportunities of peace. Play safe by starting an account with Nebraska Savings & Loan Assn. 211 S. 18th St SI to S5.000 received. Oat Meal Price Cut The food ad ministration announces a cut of 1 1-3 cents a pound in the retail selling price of oat meal. Heretofore it has sold at 8 1-3 cents a pound. Until further notice it will be sold at 7 cents over the counter. Wife Seeks Freedom Mrs. Eliza beth Humer. who has filed divorce suit In district court against John Humer, alleges that John has accused children. Given Custody of Child Mrs. Agnes C. Smith, divorced wife of John C. Smith, was given custody of her 3-year-old child. Oeraldinn. hv order of Judge Day in district court Friday agencies, the scope of its activities be morning, the order merely strengthen- ing to secure places for every class of ing her right to the child, which was formerly ordered in district court. Mrs. Smith has as yet been unable to find Geraldine and she claims that her former husband still retains custody of her daughter, although without legal right. Candy Factory Closed For buying sugar without certificates, Gus Cades, who operates a candy factory in Nor folk, has b.en closed down for one week by J. J. Cleland, county admin istrator. Cleland also coupled a fine of $25 for the offense, which went to the Red Cross. The penalty has been approved by E. M. Fairfield, director of enforcement, Nebraska food admin istration, and becomes effective Im mediately. Though repeatedly warned, Cades refused to apply for a sugar certificate. Flue flreplace goods at Sunflerlands. Woodmen of World Picnic At Krug Park This Afternoon The Woodmen of the World mem bers will hold their annual picnic al New Krug park this afternoon. Col. C. L. Mather will be master of ceremonies and more than $300 in prizes will be offered in running race; and other athletic contests. Patriotic speeches and songs will be a feature of the program. The outing will begin in the afternoon. In addition the free diving attrac tion and the regular nark attractions as well as the grounds, will be open to everyone as usual. Central High Teaches Go From School Room to War Three members of the faculty of the High School of Commerce are going from the school room to the battlefield. They are E. S. McLain, O. J. Dirker and O. E. Turpin. All have been connected with the ac counting department and all have en listed in the army. The men were honor guests at a dinner Thursday night at the Castle hotel. B. A. Falzin presided and J. H. Beveridge, superintendent of Omaha schools, and Dwight Porter, principal of the High School of Com merce, gave short talks. Sixty Mechanics Wanted. The co-operative employment bu reau has received another call fo mechanics to work for the govern ment. Omaha's quota is 60 men. day for Vancouver Barracka. Wash. Those listed to go as brakemen are: Carl Kauf man, 2810 S street; Arthur Nector. 4723 South Nineteenth street; William Jl. Wright. o027 fioutn. Twenty-third street, anil Harry Livingston, 2209 Munroe street, alternate. Electrlral workers, John Joseph Ryan, 6212 South. Twenty-fifth gtreet, and Harry Bach man, 1618 N street. Telephone1 South !00 and order a ease of Oral or Lacatonade, the healthful, refreshing Horn Beveraga, delivered to your residence. Omaha Beveraga Co. Telephone Bouth 800 and order a ease of Oma or Lacatonade. the healthful, refreshing Home Beverage, delivered to your residence. Omaha Beveraga Co. Rev. Ford A. Ellis, pastor of South Side Christian church, will preach Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clook on 'The Certainty of Faith." and at night on "The Sin of the Nine." The Christian Endeavor euclety will meet at 7 p. m. Graduation exercises of the elrhth irrade class of Highland school were held Thurs day night. The graduates are Frank Ca row, Clari Carroll, Joe Challno, Ellen Dib ble. George Paly, Albert Joneschelt, Lena Lana, frank Sopoucek and Irene Seater. Jack Larkln, (304 South Thirty-alxth street, who has completed a special hospital training course for war service at the Mayo Institution. Rochester, Stlnn., rarne honi rrursuay for a 10-day visit. At the rVr,l abnr from the housemaid to the business manager of a large corpora tion. John B. Densmo're, director general of tile federal employment service, is presiding over these meetings, and to day took occasion to pay a high com pliment to Nebraska and the close co operation existing between the fed eral, state, county and city organiza tions for the procurement of labor. Omaha Office Places 2,740 in May. Mr. Kleffner reported to his 47 asso ciates that the employment office at Omaha had placed 2,740 people during the month of May. B. A. George, president of the Lin coln Commercial club, with Congress man Reavis appeared before the Council of National Defense with a request that priority of purchase of steel be granted the Cushman Motor rompany of Lincoln. This request was accompanied by a letter from the food administration stating that the Cushman company was engaged in the manufacture of harvesters and binders and on the strength of the food administration letter Mr. George was assured that the request would be granted. j After a conference with General Wood and Colonel Glover of the quar termaster's corps, H. E. Fredrickson. l!ie well known automobile man of Omaha, was today appointed a -civilian inspector in the motor truck trans port service and was ordered to De troit on inspection duty. Whether Mr. Fredrickson will be given a com mission is a matter to be decided later. Congressman Lobeck today filed with the secretary of state his appli cation for a place on the primary ballots for congress from the Second Nebraska district. Senator Norris Brown is in Wash ington on matters connected with the government and is a guest at the Willard. Only Two Pounds of Sugar May Be Bought at One Time Hereafter Mrs. Householder, if you live in a city or town, you may pur chase only two pounds of sugar at one time. If you live in a rural district, you are permitted to buy five pounds. This is the latest order emanating from the food administration office. In buying sugar there is no chance to cheat. The selling grocer keeps an account of the sugar sales, and these are checked at stated intervals by a government official. If some in dividual succeeds in cheating, that in dividual will be put on the black list and prohibited from buying sugar. Homes of Metz Brothers v Leased by Brownell Hall Former homes of Louis, Charles and Fred Metz, on South Twenty eighth street have been leased for a term of two years, with the privilege of rerwiwal for Brownell hall. The.houses at SS6-5S8 and 560 are large and roomy, with kpartmentj sufficiently large to make fine study rooms. The lighting and ventilation is good and the faculty and students of Brownell were fortunate in secur ing such admirable temporary qua ters. The former site of Brownell 'hall will probably be put on the market for sale. The leases for the present temporary . quarters were secured STOECKER TRIAL CLOSES; CASE IN HANDS OF JUDGE Defendant in Alimony Suit Is Scathingly Arraigned in Sum ming Up by Woman's Attorneys. Trial of the divorce suit. of There sia Stoecker, alleged common-law wife, against William Stoecker, a rich Omaha business man and former politician, ended late Friday after noon after an all-day session de voted to arguments of the contending lawyers before Judge Troup. I I o judge took the case under advisement and will render his decision in a few days as to whether the little Bo hemian woman is entitled to the di vorce and $1011,000, for which she is suing. Few facts brought out by law yers tor eitner tire piainun or de fendant in Friday's session hut were included in testimony offered during the early stages of the trial. One side contended that Theresia Stoecker should be given the rights of a wife and the defendant contended that .she in no way was entitled to mi.U rights. Upholds Woman's Reputation. Attorney McKenzie, representing the plaintiff, during his arguments in the morning, strongly upheld the character of the girl, at which, he con tended, the defense was aiming. lie branded as false the statements that Theresia had come to Omaha for any other purpose than to seek legitimate employment. Attorney Sidney Smith then took up the arguments, for the defense. He characterized the case as "one not lor divorce, but for the purpose of extracting money." He contended that Theresia knew of her guilt in her transactions with Stoecker and that she knew she was not married to the defendant. Attorney Gaines, for the defense, contended that the plaintiff had pre sented two alleged facts on which to base her claim. They were, he said, her testimony as to the verbal marriage contract and that the couple had lived together. "We are dealing with an ambitious girl," he said. Sutton Assails Stoecker. Attorney Sutton in his arguments later for the plaintiff, held her up as "a little flower who had been crushed by Stoecker." He made the declara tion that it was Stocker's intention the first time he ever saw the little Bohemian girl "to crush and destroy, by frightfulness and German kultu'r. this little girl." He made frequent mention of the word "kulttir," as ap plied to Stoecker. "If I believed that Stoecker took this girl out to balls and dances in this city, thinking that she was a prosti tute, as the defense has contended, I would say that he ought to be ridden out of town on a rail," he fairly shouted during a heated moment in his argument. "I do not think, how ever, that Stoecker believed that of this girl," he added, "hut I do believe that he thought she was the good girl that she is." Sale ! on Straws and Panamas i Leon's Factory Surplus Stock of Pana mas, Leghorns, Bangkoks and other high grade Straws now on Sale at 511 So. 16th Street, Her Grand Hotel Bldg. 85c 1 95c I $1,45 $1.95 $2.45 $3.45 HATTER These are the prices NOW of Hats that ' sell regularly from $2.00 to $8.50. Save V2 By Buying Today fhese Prices Are Only Good at Store No. 3 511 So. 16th. Her Grand Bldg. IIWWIMMIMMIII LEON L' , FOUND IN WEEDS; LOST TWO WEEKS; MAN NEAE DEATH Following fourteen days of physi cal torturei of hunger, thirst and ex posure, David Curry, hostler, Four teenth and Davenport streets, was found by Motorcycle Policeman Wright lying in a plot of weeds in the East Omaha river bottoms. Curry was barely able to talk. He made it understood that he had bteu wandering about the bottoms two weeks ago and suddenly lapsed in to unconsciousness. On May IS, police found Curry in a similar state in the hay loft of Simpson's Livery, Fourteenth and Davenport streets, where he had lain 16 days without food or drink. He was taken to the county hospital at the time and discharged just two weeks ago. Police Surgeon Foltz attended Cur ry Friday night and ordered him re moved to the hospital again. Merchants Soon Adopt Summer Hour Schedule All the downtown retail stores he longing to the Associated Retailers will go on their summer schedule of hours beginning next Monday. The stores will open as usual at 8:30 in the morning but will close at 5 in the afternoon every day except Sat urday, when they will close at 6 o'clock. This schedule holds until September 1. Benefit for Boys' Home. A benefit dance and card party will he given at Liberty hall, 4406 South Thirteenth street, Monday evening, June 17, the proceeds to go to Fathei Flannigan's Home for Boys. The ad mission fee is 25 cents. hull mlf'"' rvlca as railroad bn.kcmen j ration of his furlough be will go to Fo'n . ,nrwUSh the agency of George & ua ectriaa, ,na will lev. Moc j Kllcy to await orxiet. f.r aetivi wrvh i Co. ' ' . ' 2Cakes CuticuraSoap and 1 Box Ointment Heal Face Broken Out With Pimples and Blackheads, "For three years my face was broken out with pimples and blackheads. i ne pimples were small and red and were scattered over my face. They would gather nd break, leaving little holes In my skin, and at times they would itch and bdrn causing me to scratch. Sometimes I could'not a Wn. "I decided to try Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. In two weeks I found great relief so I kept on, and I only used one box of Cuticuta Ointment with two cakes of Cuticura Soap when I waa healed." (Signed) Mrs. T. F. Yum, 12th St. and 11th Ave., Cedar Rapida, Iowa, August 13, 1917. Most akin troubles might be pre vented by uainf Cuticura Soap and Ointment for toii.rt uses. Address post card: "Cntienra, Dept. It. Botton," Sold evarrwhtrc. Soap IBc. Ointment 25 and 50e. tn u 1 1 h-m nun -(" tj wmhhmiihhiiiii $32farYour01dStovel if you replace it with a D etroit T ewe jj Gas Range during June. Let Us Show You WHY They're Best jj tome and oee WIIY they bake better, WHY they save gas, "WHY I i they're, easiest cleaned, WHY they last longer and f WHY most convenient Special Terms of $5.00 Down and easy monthly pnyments. 'iiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiainnwiiiiiuititniiitHiMiiij I You'll Get i the Best of Service ! Z for your money if you put i I! your MOVING, PACK- : ING and STORAGE prob- i ; lems in our hands. ! OMAHA VAN ; I '! & STORAGE CO; (fi ilAtf IIPl,A H.i V 414-416-118 South 16 th Street 1 Phone Doug. 4163.' 1 806 So. 16th St J f iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiniiifiinj FOn NCWSPAPCR 1 AND C&TALOCUC I ADVERTISING I fas ,? "J Vv" HUTI-I II .T AVithPicfaira DEE ENGRAVING . DEPARTMENT Will Put A New Victrola In Your Home For $5.00 Yes, for $5.00 down you can now have any style Victrola you want. You pay as you play, These Victrolas are going fast and if you want une it behooves you to act quickly. This Is the new style XI, in Mahogany, English, Brown Mahogany, Golden and Fumed Oak- $115.00 The Victor factory has been six months bclund the demand for Victrolas they are today. But by maldng a special trip and spend ing two weeks in the east, I was able to secure all the Victrolas I wanted. They have arrived, and I am pleased to announce that I can now make immediate deliveries. I have selected the newest and choicest woods, viz., American Walnut, Fumed Oak, Early English Oaks, Waxed (Golden Oaks), Weathered Oaks, Driftwood Oaks and Mahogany. I now have -every style machine the Victor makes in any finish you desire. HEIiE ARE THE lTJCES-$22.50, $32.50, $50.00, $60.00, 500.00, $115.00, $175.00, $225.00, $275.00 to $500.00. My guarantee of forty years' standing goes with every machine. 1513-15 Douglas A, HOSPE CO. 1513-15 Douglas Oldest Victor Distributor iii Nebraska.