THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1918. 19 HELP WANTEDFEMALE Professions and Trades! T WANTED Young Ltdies to lean, telephone operating. - Good wages, paid while learning, rapid advance , ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F. LAMBERT. 1807 Douglas St t ' : WANTED Hand lroner and marker and sorter for rough, dry department and girl for all departments. Evan Model Laundry, 11th and Douglas. Household and Domestic. WANTED A competent girl tor general faeuiework where aeoond flrl la kept; mall -family and rood wage. Harney 1 4043. 1S20 8. 84th St . WANTED While girl tor general house - work Two In family. No laundry work. Go home nights. Call Colfax 4150. 2858 . Vane St. WANTED Girl for general homework; I in family; wages $8 per week. Mrs. R. C. Sherman, 132 N. 38th Ave. Phone Harney $71. - A COMPETENT white maid, with good ref. ' erenees, to do housework. Douglas 6360, . 404 N. 22d. WANTED Experienced white oook where 2d girl is kept; no washing; best of wages. Mrs. W. D. Hosford. Harney 17. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing. Three In family. Best wages. . Phone Harney 6409. ' A WOMAN to do cooking and general , housework on farm. State wages. Ad- areas Mrs. Herman rrieae, .-Newcastle, rtmo. WANT young white girl to assist with housework, small family, no washing. Call Walnut 466 Or Walnut 1924. WANTED A middle aged lady as house ' keeper with three children, 4 to 10 years old. Leslie Edwards, Albion, Neb. COMPETENT girl for general housework; . no laundry wor'c and good wages. 3315 Burt St. Harney lo.t. WANTED An experienced white second girl; highest wages. 426 N. 38th St. 'Phone Harney 668. I WANTED An experienced cook; good wag , e. Appointment by telephone. Harney 121. References required. WANTED Competent girl for housework. a Call Mrs. Byron C. Rogers. Phone Harney 6353. WANTED Experienced oook. Mrs. N. BL - Updike, 8614 Jackson. Harney 1934. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. Qr. P. Stebbln. Kea ti WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing or Ironing. 8521 Farnam. EXPERIENCED cook wanted. Jessie Mil lard, 500 South 88th St WANTED A maid for general housework. Call Harney 6731. . Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Two waitresses. Very high wages. Ad dress Hotel Paddock, Beatnce, Neb. A'ANTED At once, experienced waitress, also whits laundress. A. B. Wlsland ft ' Bros., Lakewood Park, Lake .View, la. WANTED A cool,at tbe.Muasman House. Chamberlain, S. 0. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trad. Special rates and Inducements. t TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEOB. 1408 Douglas St. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys, learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writs 1401 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone D. 2147. MOLER Barber College wants- young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or writ for tree catalogue, 110 8. 14tb St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm; must be experienced; house furnished. F. C. Crocker, Fllley, Neb. WANTED A pianist and violinist Apply . with violin at Welch s Cafeteria. Base ment City National Bank Bldg. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE, DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping. shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English brsnohe. Catalogue tree. BOYLES COLLEGE. Dong las 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. Van 6ant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 110 Omaha National Bank Bids. Dousrla 6880. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. ,. It yon fall to find the room yon ' desire among these ads call at The Be of flea for. a Room List Gives " oomplete desoriptlon of vacant rooms in all parts) of ths city. New lists Issued every week. ' SANITARY modern rooms for men only. ; $1.60 per week. Sunshine Apartments, 608 N. 17th St J. B. Robinson. 442 Bee Bldg., 1 FURNISHED modern rooms on bath room floor, us of phone, lawn and porch; everything furnished. Web. 24T1. 1121 CALIFORNIA 2 or 3 furnished - rooms, modern, nice yard, ground floor. Harney 4001. MODERN furnished rooms tor men only at th Sunshine. 608 North 17th St Reason able rent BEAUTIFULLY furnished sun parlor; prt vste home. Harney 2248. a COOL ROOM for gentleman In private , family, 834 8. 26th. D. 6638. vloVELT furnished room, closeln, reasonable, 'for gentleman. Tyler 8358. LARGE, attractive rooms, with or without board; also garags. 3210 Farnam. THE GRAY8TONB, 25th and Cass; nicely furnished rooms. Douglas 7114. 111 NORTH 31ST. Ay., nicely furnished room, private home. Harney 1188. I LARQB sleeping room, June 15, Var- non. 104 B. 35th St Douglas 8443, I NICE outsld rooms, walking distance. Tyler 1578-W. 118 N. 23d. ROOM for rent In private family tor gentle men. 105 Park Ave. H. 8407. NICELY, furnished room for rent Price reasonable. Douglas 1033. Houaekeenina Rnomi tHREE rooms for light housekeeping. In private family; no other roomers; every thing furnished; 325 per month to per manent couple. Harny 8887. I NICE front rooms range. Ice box. Well furnished, next to bath. room. 2602 Dodg. St. ' Us SO. 27TH ST. Suite of housekeeping , rooms on 2d floor; 1 large room on 1st ' floor, joining kitchen. H. 5932. Ill S. 29TH Suit of rooms In strictly modern private horn, splendid neighbor i hood. tlNCOLN Apt., 2102 Chicago. Furnished - housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tyler a07. " PLEASANT, light housekeeping rooms, south exposure, walking distance. ' 2620 Harney Bt VjOl DAVENPORT 2-r. suit In1 prlvat brick houss; alec, lights, gas range; newly decorated; garage, shad. - Harney 4989. Kitchenette furnished complete, also leep ing rooms 3210 Farnam. Douglas 3757. 1421 HARNEY Light clean, cool rooms; good location; reasonable. SUITE of rooms, - everything modem. 801 8. 27th St ' RQO'"'3 and bath. IIP. m Seward St LaRQS, cool basement room. 2641 Dodge FOR RENT ROOMS Board and Rooms. . LARGE modern front room la prlvat . . . . . ,m - ' a S.1 . nome, prsaarasi is duiitc . vive w ear lines. Webster 1845. 2161 DODGE Attractive slngl and double room, good board, walking distance, war. 8143. NEWLY furnished rooms, boar optlonaL 614 N. 21st St Hotels. CLAREMONT INN.. 17th and Jackson. Transient guests, 11 a aay; permanent guests, 8 a week. Douglas 1718. COOL rooms, 13 week; also apartments with kitchenettes. Ogden hotel Co. Blurrs. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Four rooms upstairs, spaxai entrance, all modern. sis o. sua ou Phoh Tyler 1205-W. 4 ROOMS modern, light and beat, furnished. Cheapest rooms in city, oe -nose nwuw at 2430 Bristol. Web. 6744. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. 10-ROOM furnished rooming house, lit . South Twentieth street Convenient to business district Present roomer desirous of remaining. Apply City Trust coin ,. pany, ISO Omaha National Bank Bldg., Telephone Douglas T89. AT ONCE Clean, cool, 8-room. well fur nished home, lovely yard. Harney 1447. mornings or evenings. FURNISHED 6-room house and sleeping porch , at 1651 Pacific Phon Walnut SI 90 of Harney 8007. FOR RENT HOUSES West FOR RENT. T rooms all modern hous and garage, 2820 Harney St, 140. J. H. DUMONT CO., Realtcra, 416-11 Keelln Bldg, Douglas 890. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 524 S. 86th St., on of the cool spots of th city, I room cottage, strictly modern, oak floor, whit woodwork, shades, linoleum on kit chen floor, no children; $27.50 a month, Harney SSS0. . 2224 DODGE street, 8-room mod. hous, 167.60. Alfred C. Kennedy Company. 205 South 18th 8t Douglas 728. 2568 Douglas, rooming house 133.00 1516 North 16th, rooming houss.... 33.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 564. HIGH CLASS, 8-room modern house. Best condltton, large living room. Possession July 1. E. O. Hamilton, 108 Bee Bldg. 7-ROOM house; hot water heat; walking; distance, Harney 3049. North. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat 1147 N. 17th St. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat 1015 Miami. St. Webster 6048. 7-ROOM modern house. 3866 Hamilton St D. 1538. South THREE-room house for rent 1031 8. 20th St. Phone Harney 4672. Misccllaneour 407 N. 28d St., I rms, all mod. ...$26.00 1537 S. 26th St., 6 rms, all mod.... 35.00 1010 Pacific St., 4 rms, part mod., 16.00 2602 Chicago St. ( rms, mod. ex. ht. 18.00 2407 Jones St., 9 rms, all mod 30.00 - BIRKETT ft COMPANY, 850 Bee Bldg., Doug.631. 3859 California St. 8 rms $30.00 401 S. 25th Ave., I rms 40.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 838 Securities Bldg. LIST your property for rent or sal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 723. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS ft CO.. BEE BLDG. Shopeti ACoRewtaU Douglas 428s. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. I ROOMS and bath; walking distance; near Twenty-fourth and Farnam, In very choice location. Janitor service, hot and eold water, heat, etc.; furnished. $83 par month. Doug. 3140. 1 ROOMS with 6-room accommodation at th Undine, 1661 Dewey Ave. Phon Douglas 5886 or "see janitor at Apt. TRAVER BROS., 818 First Nafl Bank Bldg. TIZARD Palace block, centrally located, t or 4-room apt.; also 4-room flat. Superb. Apply at 120 N. 23d. Phon Red 4222. ANGELU3 APTS. 26th Ave. and Douglas. To sublet, on two-room apartment Har ney 2074. PETERS TRUST CO. Specie It lata In Apartment managament HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; tine lawn and flowers: best location, 24th and Farnam. Prions reasonable. Call D. 1472. North. MODERN Estabrook Apt., near postofflca, $22. G. P. Stebbln. 1610 Chicago. 2627 N. 16TH ST. 5 rooms, $20; all modern. Phon Web. 4478. THREE-ROOM, low rent, apartment at 17th and Maple Sts., phon Webster 8718. 4-ROOM seml-fcaaement apt., new, 316.60. Apt 1, Maple court 1816 Maple, Red (81. - South. I AND 4-room modern apt. 11$ 8. 13d Bt Tyler 2248. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT 15th and Douglas. 20x 60, steam heat rent $115 per month. WORLD REALTY CO., Douglas 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. $50 per month 707 South 16th street. $70 per month 617 South 16th street $100 per month 214 South 16th street GEORGE & CO.. DOUG. 756. STORE Corner Cass and Sixteenth St. Fine business location. G. P. Btebblns. 1610 Chicago. MODERN store, 16th St., near P. O. Low rent O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room HURRY Ther are only a few vacant offices left In Th Bee Building. Key stone Investment Co., Tyler 131. Miscellaneous. WAREHOUSE SACE. 39,000 sq. ft. of floor space In the American .Hand Sewed Shoe Co. Bdg., N. W. corner 12th and Harney sts. Hy draulic elevator; steam heat and sprinkler system. GEORGE & CO.. DOUG. 756. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments nd Houses. LIST your houses for rent with us and get results. More request than houses, give us bouses. Payne Invesment Co., Realtors. 637 Omaha National Bank Bldg.. D 1781. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN at STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; of tic on Howard St., between 16th and 14th. Phon Tyler $400. Have your moving handled just at you would an order for new furniture. That' th way we do It Ask to set our dally rental list. tfPFW RENTAL a. xvi j 1 1 fiBRVrri. r ILJi jLli. I 16TH AND JACKSON. DOTJO. 888. STORAGE, MOVING,' PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSH. Beparat locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 S. 16th. Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real servlc In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 220 or Douglas 4388. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; careful man. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. D-3364 J C. REFT) Eror CO.. Moving. U. j. IXEjCjU poking and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Wb S741 Doug 8148 WEST SUTTON. Piano, household moving; ilv tock 4auled. D 8729 1806 Cats Bt REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyer for 5 and 6-room house and bungalow with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty '-q Tyier ess 701 On Nat Bank Bldg. List Your Property with J J. J. MULVIHILL, .. . . tOO Brands! Thee, Bldg. Douglas 1$. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West 5-R00M New Bungalow An Acre in Garden Owner-Has Left In Benson Gardens, just ens block from paved road and transportation. This fin suburban horn ha . electrlo lights, beautiful fixtures, hot air furnace, (hades all in; ground Is In excellent condition. All plowed and harrowed already planted to garden growing tin. Price $3,960; $300 cash, $37.60 per month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Hxrney St Phone Tyler 50. BEMIS PARK HOME. $6,350 buys an unusually well-built 2 story and attlo 8-room modern house, finished In qusrter sawed whit oak with oak floors on 1st floor and quarter sawed pin on 3d; has a tiled front vestibule, living room, dining room.- kitchen 1st floor; 4 corner bedrooms and bath 2d floor; stairway -W floored attic, all wall back plastered, canvassed and hand decorated In oil; hous alone coat owner over $7,200; lot alone worth $1,600; terms, 1-$ cash, balance monthly. Immediate possession. Key at our office. Se us about this at once. GEORGE & CO., DOUGLAS 756. BEST BARGAIN IN BEMIS PARK. A very Veil built horn, located on th Boulevard, handy to car line; must sell and th price is right; has 4 larg rooms on th 1st floor, with fireplace, and tour nice bedroom on th Id floor, besides sleeping porch; full basement and larg attlo: lot 61x140, with beauti. ful shad trees; substantial garage, $1,000 cash will handle. GLOVER SPAIN, Douglas $962. 119-20 City National. FINE MODERN HOME I rooms. In fin condition, hot water heat corner lot paved street fin . neighborhood, plenty larg ahad trees, owner non-resident must sell; easy term. Located In west part of Oma- S.hS. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 212 CITY NATL BANK BLDG. A GREAT BARGAIN, i 4151 Davenport high class modern 2-r. quartered oak trim and floor; living room 14x3$ ft, open fireplace, central hall, hous newly painted; price reduced 20 per cent for quick sale; will cost at least 15 psr cent more to build hous alone than 1 asked for houe and lot. ED O. HAMILTON, 10$ Be Bldg. D. 6101. CAPITOL AVE., DUNDEE. $5,000. Fin bungalow, finished mostly In oak; larg living room with fireplace and four bedrooms; a very sightly location. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. BEMIS PARK Six rooms and bath, 2-story modern house, east front, largs lot, paved street. Make offer. Walnut 1431. North. 5-R00M BUNGALOW LARGE CORNER LOT, $3,250 Five rooms, modern, oak finish, full basement, furnace heat, corner lot paving paid. Property In fin repair. Near 3Sth and Ames avenue. Price, $3,250. Hous alone worth th money. J. L. HIATT CO., 900 First Nafl Bank Bldg. Tyler 62. SNAP I SNAP I SNAP1 t larg rooms, xf. hall and bath) strictly modorn, ak finish, nicely decorated throughout window shades, screens, .ate., nice lot, paved street 1 paid for, near Kounts Park, cheap at $2,600, but want your best offer. P. J. TEBBENS CO. (REALTORS.) 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Phon D. 3182. . BARGAIN NORTH. 1,000 buys ths 5-room cottage at 4001 North 25th street Water and toilet In hous. Lot 25x110 with barn la rear. $100 down and balano at $10 par month, with Interest at 8 per cent. BENSON & MYERS CO., REALTORS. 424 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. D. 7746. FORT ST., home, nice 5-r., all mod. home; 1 bedroom and bath on eecond floor; lot 60x130; paved St., large garage; lo cated near 16th. Price $3,100; $200 cash; balance Ilk rant RASP BROS., 210 Keelln Bldg. Tyjer 721. LATEST IN A BUNGALOW 5 rooms on the first floor, finished In oak, 1 rooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor, unfinished; full cement basement; modern; 1 block from the car. 4647 Bedford Ave. WB SELL. Rent Insure and mak Loans oo City property, North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO, I 84th and Ames Ave CoL 11T. s THE BEST BUY IN OMAHA. Five-room houss, eleotrlo lights and water, $2,250. Call Colfax 4094. M1NNB LU8A home and lota offer the beat opportunity to Invest your money Phon Tyler 187 South. 8 R. HOUSE FOR ONLY 31,300. Bath and gaa, at $116 South 18th, lot 80x130, with nlo shad and barn, H GATES 647 Omaha Nat'l Bk, Bldg. D. 1234. ONE 6-room and on 4-room cottage, both on on lot; Ilv In on and rent the other. Price, $2,600. Terms. No. 2421 South 20th St Norrls St Norrls. 104 North 16th St. Phon D. 4270. WANTED To borrow from private party, $450, secured by city property valued at $2,500; will pay 7 per cent Address Box 9072, Omaha Bee. 6-ROOM mod. cottage on 20th St., near Vin ton, all clear; to settle estate will be sold cheap on easy terms. Call Mr. Browne, Tyler 1671. FIELD club district, 7-room modern house, garage, lot 70x165. Price $4,250. a A. Grlmmel. Phone Doug. 1815. "" W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St Doug. 1064. Miscellaneous. $300 DOWN AND $20 PER MONTH 6-room, strictly modem bungalow, lo rted on a corner lot with new garage. Pin finish throughout, larg lot 50x130. Priced at $2,500 a snap. Payne Investment Company. Realtors 637 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 17$1. Would you like an almost new 4 room modern horns In a nlc part of th city with small down payment and th balanc Ilk runtT If so, mak an appointment at one and se this nap; nlc sir room and bath, all newly decoratad, full cemented basement and cement walks; fin neighborhood. Pric $2,260. WALNUT 677. 6-ROOM cottage, two blocks from car. full lot. $2,000. Terms, $300 cash, balano ao per month. - BENSON AND CARMICHAEL 643 Paxton Block. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMKNTB PORTER A 8HOTWELL, 283 8. 17th 8t Douglas 6013. HOMES AND H0MESITE3, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 137 Om Nat Bk. Bldg Doug. 1781. F D WT5AD SELLS REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE B'nest Pr'pty WB WILL buy your horn or business propsrty and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO Blectrto Bldr Trior IS, BUSINESS property and Investment. A. P. TTJKEY and SON, 630 First National Bank Bldg. M CAGUB INVESTMENT CO.. Income, Business and Trackag Specialist I5tn and Dodg Bt. Douglas til. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE Giant Belgian and Rufua red nares. e. w. Gift carter Lake club, Webster 1481. 3,000 DAY OLD chicks. Rocks. Reds Or. plngtons. Leghorns. Webster 1708. 2212 Charles. 100 SNOW Whit Raek baby bik lor saie. sensoa zsi. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE Trackage for Lease Close in, 35,000 sq. ft. This I only a few block from th heart of towa with fin level haul In. Good office building and frame storehouse and sheds. Very favorable. Long term leaas can b obtained. Call ea u for further particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Company, 233 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR EXCHANGE $3,000. clear city In come and $3,000 preferred stock, 7 per cent guaranteed, for farm or land In Neb. or Iowa; describe land' and location or no attention. W. G. Tsmpleton, 514 B Bldg. FOR SALS or exchange, modern brick hotel. Joplln, Mo. Will exchange tor farm near Omaha. Dr. B. Owen, 817 Virginia St, Joplln. Mo GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eaetern Neb farm Mr Pe. 211 Bran Th t Wldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved WettT CLBARVIEW LOTS. $1 DOWN. $1 A WEEK. PATNB SLATER CO REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. HIGH and sightly Dundee lota, $$7$ t $1,160. Easy terms. . Loan arranged for building purposes. Phon IX (074, Bhulsr A Cary, Resltors. Acreage. DUNDEE HOME $12,000, One-Third Cash A beautiful brlck-veneer and stucco home, wtth two lota and gang. This hous has birch-mahogany woodwork In first story, whit enamel In second, also In kitchen and aun room, built-in buffet; oak floor upstair and down; full ce mented basement; hot water heat; Rudd automatlo water heater; porcelain laun dry tubs, and a child's bedroom, suitable for sleeping porch. It overlook Fair acres and Elmwood park. Lst us show It to you. J. H. Dumont & Co. (Realtors.) 416-18 Keelln Bldg. Douglas 690. ACRES NEAR OMAA. If you want the best locsted acres at the very lowest prices and on the eaalest terrr, either In th west northwest or southwest part of th city, close to trans portation and paved road, In tracts' from one to 10 acres, you will always find that we have th beat and most desir able list to select from; w also have a number of pieces that are Improved that w can give possession of at ones. Call Tyler 60 anytime and make arrangements to have on of our (alesmen show you what w hav to offer or call at the office and we will b pleased to talk to you about "ACRES." HASTINGS 4s HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Bt Phon Tyler 50. ACRES-HALF ACRES. QUARTER ACRES. In Caldwell's Acres, Omaha's newest acreage subdivision, located southwest of Field club. Prices low. Terms easy. Call THE BYRON REED CO. Phone Doug. 297. 212 S. 17th SUMMER RESORTS LAKEVIEW oottages, nicely adapted tor young men, on Carter lake. Webster 6041. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WB want 100 mortgsges on Omaha resi dences: fund on hand for quick closing E. H, LOUGEE, INC, 538-40 Keelln Bldg. QUICK ACTION ON LOANS W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Be Bldg. Douglas 1688. DIVIDENDS OF 5 PER CENT OR MORS.' On dollar start an aooount OMAHA LOAN BLDG. ASSOCIATION. J V2 O PAUL PETERSON, 5V2 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG H. W. BINDER, Money oa hand for mortgage loan. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. , O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1715. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6, 6H and 6 Per Cent 3. H. DUMONT CO., Keelln Bldg. n fif MONET 5V2 "72 1 HARISON MORTON. 911 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bt. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. Kloks Investment Co.. Omaha. Piivate Money. SHOPEN COMPANY. Douglas 4338. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG. 812 Bran dels Theater Bldg D 686 Financial Wanted. WANTED TO BORROW $2,000 at 6 per cent for 5 years. Will give an absolute first mortgart and pay all taxes. Answer Box 8884 Omaha Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. JUNE 18TH. Our next excursion to McQehs. Ark. W. 8 FRANK, 101 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE 480 acres Buffalo oounty farm, to settle an estate; 230 acres pasturs; 16 alfalfa; 20 of wild hay meadow, balanc farm land. Land rolling with heavy clay subsoil Fenced and cross-fenced; t good wells and wlndmolls; 7-room houss; barn 40x42; other outbuildings; t miles from railroad town; mall and telephone sold subject to lease; possession March 1; price $42 per acre, half cash; terms on balanc. P. O. Box 126. Kearney, Neb. Iowa Lands. $50,000 PRODUCED LAST YEAR On 1,800-acr farm $6 miles from Sioux City, la.; three crops will pay for th farm and equipment; you can buy this farm tor $135,000; one-third cash: balanc .long time at per cent Interest It bought soon; no farm having such soil and buildings In the mlddl west; posses sion March 1, next See owner, 1820 8. 35th At., Omaha. ' ' Kansas Lands. FOR SALE 200 acres good, level Improved farm, near town; 126 In ,fln wheat: belt goes; also 500 acres tin alfalfa land, Im proved, near town; 60 alfalfa, 50 wheat 80 meadow. Address Hellen, Fort Scott, Kan. Missouri Landi. DANDY 40 acres, big house, orchard, near fown; $1,200: terms. McGrath, Mountain View, Mo. , Nebraska Lands. LOOK INTO THIS. Hav 5 quarter of land, 4 miles from Big Spring. Neb., six miles from Brule, Neb., under ditch, $90 per acre; .level just above ditch, $60 per acre; table land good for cultivation or pasture, $26 per acre; th quarter under ditch and th quarter just above th ditch 1 all under cultivation, wheat and corn, and 1 looking fin. On-thlrd of this orop goes with th land ; land Is all fenced, lays on fine publlo road, two windmills en plao. Th best bargain In this western country. Will take halt oash. balano I year. Will sell all or part Better get In on this quick, or you will miss th wheat and corn orop, and th land Is going up each day. Will only hold th above prlc open for on week. Writ m at one when yon can Investigate this land. Can show It any time. Remember that this year' crop will pay ont-thtrd ot th prlc of land. Addrea t. W. Whltworth, Car V. P. R. R Ogallala, Neb. WRITE me for picture and price my farm and ranch in good Old Dawe County Arab L, Hungerford Crawford. - Neb WK specialise In lllng Nebraska ranches. Whit Hoover, 46 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' OMAHA LIYE STOCK Cattle Show Strength; flog Market 10 to 15 Cents Higher; Large Run of Sheep. Omaha, June 14, 191$. Reolpt wer: Cattl. Hots. Sheen. Official Monday ..... 7,74$ 3,398 4,347 Official Tueaday ..... 8,513 11.4S5 3,814 Official Wednesday .. 8.950 11,871 2,753 Official Thuraday .... 8,264 11,889 3.846 Estimate Friday ..... 1,600 7,400 6,300 Five days this week. 33,074 44.43 18.760 Sam day last week. 30.848 48,664 21,711 Sam days 3 wks. sgo.17.890 33,256 29,9t4 8am day 1 wks. ago.33,353 S,7:0 29,501 Sam day year ago.. 38,391 37,966 18.113 Cattle Receipts this morning numbered 1.600 head, or 66 cars, making offerings for th) week 33,074 head. Trading v. as fully steady on what steers were on sale. For cornfod beef packers paid up to $17.76 and for one load of pulp fed cattl averag ing 1,377 pounds $17.76 was paid, and $17.35. iae oaiancs oi us neaa. uooa steers wer quotable from $17.36 to $18.00, and fair to good warmed up grades from $16.00 to $17.00 and on down for th commoner grades. Yearlings sold strong all around, quotable from $15.60 to $16.60 on th good to choice, and on down, acoordtng to quality and flesh. Butcher stock was steady on what few bead wer her. For th weok beat tera are fully 15o higher, and on th medium grade held about steady. Prim yearlings were steady tor the week, me dium grades 6076o lower. Blockers were stesdy today and 60c $1.00 lower for th week. Quotation on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $17.36818.00; fair to good beeves, $16.00Q17.00; common to fair beeves, $12 60 015.76; good to choice yearlings, 815.6d9 16.60; fair to good yearlings, $13.26015 00: common to fair lyearllngs. $9.10013100; good to cholo heifers, $12.00016.00; good to choice cows, $12.00 14.00; fair to good cows, $9.75011.75; common to fair rows, $7.7608 50; prims feeders, $12.00018.00; good to choli feeders, $8 $0011.00; fair to good feeders, $8.0009.26; common to fair feeders, $7.6008 60; goody to ohotc stock ers, $10.00012.00; stock heifers, $8,000 10.26; stock cons, $7.7609.26; stock calves, $3.00010.50; veal calves. $3.50013.76: bulls. stags, etc.. $10.00013 00. Hoga There wer 106 load of hogs re reived her today, estimated at 7,400 head. The trad was aotlv from th opening, wtth clearance being made In th majority of th receipt early In, the morning. The market was variously quoted from 10o to 15o hlghery The bulk for the day was $16.36 016.46, with tops at $16,55. Ths market will average 15o higher. Sheep Ther wer 33 loads of sheep re ceived today, estimated at 6,800 head, mak ing th total run for th week 18,760 head. With th largest run for any day this week, trading began fairly early In the morning. A string of Idaho lambs, the first here for some time, sold at $20.86; shorn lambs sold at $17.85, snd swes at $13.60. These prices looked steady to a shad higher than yester day. , Quotations on sheep: Shorn Ismbs, choice light, $16.75017.28: shorn lambs, fair light, $16.26016.60; fair to choice wethera, $14.6016. 75f fair to choice ewes, $12.60018.85; lambs, $16.00020.60. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr, 1611 Idaho lambs 4 $20 25 179 culls 63 18 60 3 cull ewes 110 8 50 15 cull ewes 88 9 AO 4 ewe 75 13 00 136 ewes 120 13 60 82 spring lambs 47 20 25 181 shorn lambs 79 15 00 1 shorn ewe 190 13 26 68 shorn ewes 129 13 00 35 cull ewes 100 10 26 1 spring lamb 70 20 60 46 cull lambs 42 14 60 137 cull lambs .. 47 20 00 49 cull lambs 40 14 00 426 shorn lambs 82 17 85 Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo,, June 14 Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000 head;' market, steady: prime fed steers, $1.7.25018.00; dressed beef steers, $13.60017 00; western steers. $14.00017.80; helfera, $1.00015 26; stockers and feeders, $8.00016.60; bulls, $3.00012.00; calves, $8 25014 00. Hoga iRecelpts, 8,000 bead; market, steady; bulk, $1.S01.60; heavy, $16 40 tp 16 56; packers and butchers. $16.30016.60; light, $16.36016.45; pigs, $16.2616.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head; market atsady; lambs, $16.00020.00; yearlings, $14.00017.00; wethers, $12,000 16.00; ewes, $11.00014.00. St. Joseph Llv Stock Market. St. oJsenh. Mo.. Jun 14. Cattle Re ceipts, 700 head; steady: stsers, $12,000 17 76: cows and heifers. 17 oairie.uu; calves, $7.00 0 14.00 Hogs Receipts, 1,600 head; higher; top, $18.45; bulk, $16.20018 86. Sheep Receipts, 1,600 head; steady; lambs, $16.00020,00; ewes, $8.00014.00. fcew York Metal. New York, Jun 14. Metal exchange quote lead quiet; spot, $7.60 07.80. Spelter, firm; East St Louis spot, $7.6507.76. Lead Spot, 129 10s: futures, 50. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 4T1-ACRES sub-Irrigated rlvsr bottom land, has not failed a crop In 10 years, 160 acres hay meadow, 60 acres alfalfa, 60 acres crop, balanc pasture, 1 miles from town, I fin groves of trees, orchard, small houss, garags, granaries, several ranch sheds, barns and corrals. Soil Is mostly dark sandy loam and well adapted to raising sugar beets, corn, wheat al falfa, or for dairying. Everything can be raised "here that Is raised on th two f and three hundred-dollar Iowa and eastern rveDrasKa Ulna, aiao in neaviiy isxea ir rigated land. In a' well settled community and on main line U. P. R. R., convenient to good markets. W Invite closest In vestigation. Price $125 per acre. Write or Inquire Box 68, Ogallala, Neb. A SNAP In cattle ranch. 1.440 acres finally Improved, all new buildings. Two hundred acres In crop. Best of black land, no sand or rock. This 1 on the market for only 10 day. Price 126 per acre. Half cash. Good terms on balanc. B. Combs, Blgnall. Neb. - NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best price wrl'e Geo ptlll, Blair. Neb, South Dakota Lands, FOR SALE Stock ranch and., live stock. 176 cattl. 10 horses. Deeded and leaaed land. Plenty of water. An Ideal place for dairying. Box 133, Sulphur, S. D, Oregon Lands. YOUNG man not afraid to work, to help develop Mollybedenum mln. Apply after 10 a. m. 729 S. 18th. Wvomtng Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $6$ per a., 1 Including paid-up water right Henry Levi O. M Rylander. $64 Oman Nat'l RANCHES of all slies and kinds, sas; terms. A 4. Pstxman. 301 Kybsch Blk CHOICE FARMH Ntlason. 422 Rose Bldg Miscellaneous, $3,60$ DOWN SECURES 20 COWS, 163 ACRE FARM I and pr. horses, colt, cows are Holstetns, registered bull, heifers, 4 calves, pigs, hns, mower, rake, wagons, harness, plow, harrow, cultivators, com plantar, gas engine,- ensilage cutter, saw rig, cream separator, manure aprssder, grain drill, etc. Cream collected at door, skim fed hogs. Black loam tillage; spring-watered pasture for 60 head; home wood; orchard. 9-room slate-roof houae, 80-ft. basement barn, 100 ton silo, stables, large poultry houses, etc. Taken soon, owner's price for all 86,609. $2,500 down. Details page 8 Strout's catalogue. Also In fine farming section, near big city, 25-acre fruit, garden and poultry farm with stock, tools, growing crop, fruit, berries, cottage home, barn, etc., all for only $1,600, only $760 down. All details page 21 Strout's big catalogue of this and other farm bar gains, many with stock, tools, growing crop Included; mailed free. K. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY, 205 South 18th street, Ornah. Neb. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't llat your farm with us If you want to keep It. a P. SNOWDEN A BON. imim llnsi'fl! 11.1,1m P""1" ,3T1, MONEY TO LOAN Organised by th Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, piano and note aa security 140, 6 mo.. It good, tot!, $3.60 Smaller, larger am't. proportional rat PROVIDENT LOAM BOCIETT 431 Securities Bldg., lthFrnam Ty. 866 LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 101 SMALLER LOAtJS. O Of 10 W. C. FLATAU EST. 1892. JO 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. TY 150. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. Prlvat loan booth Harr Ua las hock, 2111 Dodge. XX $119. Est, $$$1. GRAIN ANDPRODDCE Active Cora Market; Cash Oats Show Weakness; Bye Unchanged; Barley Trade Strong. Omaha, Jun 1$, 1911. Actual grain receipts today wer 1$ oar of wheat 67 car of corn, It ear of oats and 1 car ot barley, a total of II ears. An actlv market for corn developed to day, with cash premiums praotlcally un changed for th No. 1. I and 4 grade ot all varlettea. Milling corn was In good 1- mand and sold readily at yesterday's prices. The off grade stuff waa also disposed of with very little trouble, th No. ana sam el grade selling from $1.49 to $1.00 a bushel. No. 1 whit sold at $1.71 to $1.71; No. $ yellow at $1.57. and No, 1 mixed at $1.53. Cash oats were weak, compared with corn. all th better grades showing a dsclln ot a full cent Receipts war II oars, but th btds offered wer not very attractive, many ot theae tvelng held over. Standard oats sold at 74x40 and ths No. I whit at 740, while th No. 4 whit and sarapl grade brought 7$ Ho and 71c, respectively. Ry waa nominally not mucn onangea. Barley was strong, advancing 60, th No. $ grade selling at $1.10. Clearances wer, corn, Dusneis; eat, none. Primary wheat receipt war 170,000 bushels, and ' shipments 75,000 bushels, against receipts ot 406,000 bushel, and ship ments of 661,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts wer 818,00$ bushels, and shipments 466.000 bushel, sgtnst re ceipt ot 1,105.000 bushels, and shipments of 632,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipt were 831.000 bush els, and shipment 440.000 bushels, sgalnst receipts of 634,000 bushels, and shipment ot 198,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Cora. Oat, Chicago 1 11$ 134 Minneapolis ..,,108 ... .. Duluth I Omaha II 57 II Kansas City 4 61 11 St Loul I 41 4$ Winnipeg , ,..100 ... Theae ssles wer reported today: Corn No. I white: 4 car. $1.71; 1 car, $1.76. No. $ white: I cars,, $1.7$; I cars. $1.72. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.86; I cars. $1.64: 4-6 car. $1.63. No. I whits: 1 $-6 cars. $1.51. No. 6 whit: I oar. $1.40; I cars, $1.80. Sample whltet 1 oar, $1.11; 1 oar, $1.00. No. I yellowt 1 oar, $1.84. No. I yellow: 1 cars, $1.57. No. 4 yellow: 4 cars. $1.63. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.40. No. 8 yellow: I car, $1,30, Sampl yel low: 1 car, $1.00. No, 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.56. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.63. No. I mixed: 1 cars, $1.40; 1-5 car, $1.40. No. mixed: 1 tar, $1.26; 1 $-1 car, $1.30. Sam ple mixed: 1 car, $1.15; 1 car, $1.11. Oats Standard: 1 . car, 74 o. No. 1 white: 1 car, 74 4c No. 4 whit: 1 car, 73 Ho. Bampl white: I car. Tie. Barley No. I: 1 car. $1,10. Omaha Cash Prices Corn No. I whit, $1.760176: No. I white, $1.7101.71; No. 4 white, $1.6301.66; No. I white, $1.51; No. 6 white, $1.3001.40: sampl whit, $1.0$ 0119; No. I yellow, $164; No I yellow, $167; No. 4 yellow, $1.$$; No. I yellow, 11.40; No. 8 yellow, $1.80; sampl yellow, $1.00; No. 1 mixed, $1.67; No. I mixed, $1,66; No. I mixed, $1.6$; No I mixed. $1.40; No. I mixed, $11001 $5 sampl mixed, Jl.15. Oats Standard. T4K0! No. I White, T4H0I No. 4 white, 7 3 He: sample. Tie. Barley No 3, $1,10. Rye No. 1, $1.75. Chicago closing price, furnished Th Be by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Artlclal Open High Low Close Yest Corn. July 69 ' 70H 69H 68 H 69 Aug. 84 14V, 63Vs $4Vs $4H Oats. July 1 43 1 44 141H 1 43 143H Auk. I 1 46 1 46 143 1 44 146 Pork. July 41 60 I 41 60 41 15 41 26 41 10 Sep 41 60 ' 41 $0 Lard. July 14 $0 34 80 24 12 24 11 24 17 Sep. 24 62 24 62 24 37 34 17 24 47 Ribs. July 24 48 4.46 33 II II II 21 41 Sep. II 87 21 67 22 72 II 76 21 88 CHICAGO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS. fcrslstent Selling Forces Sharp DoUn la ' Chicago, Jun 14. Pprslstent sailing, du Isrgely to auspicious 1 weatner ana crop oonaitions, xoroea material uvbuiigh wui in I II O uurn iiimnoi.. , ,-,"- settled, lflo net lower, with July . . . ..a. .... . 81. sa ana Augusi 11 im- Ishcd unchanged to Ho off and provisions down. 6016c. ir . A- ahftvn hutar In th first hour, weakness characterized th corn market almost th entlr day. Compre hensive report attributed Jfl a leading au thority indicated that th crop tatus gen erally was abov th avrag and that cul tivation was being ruanea. neaiaes, mo wn&n . fnnnid Btinweit flfl ItkfllihOOd of any Important adverss cbang In th. mat ter el temperature or 01 moisture uppi7. Some talk of relllng on th part of ast ern distributors, noted also a a bearish Influence. Th transient arly bulge In prices, as wall as me raonsrm uui rally at th olose, wa ascTlbed to tempo rary scarcity of offerings In th pit Oats wer relatively firm because of som peslmlstlo orop reports, th first of th season. Th gist of th report wa ! nmatiiM rlnenlnsr had taka ' slao Ih part of Missouri and Kansas, Previsions receded wua corn, ah hp turn In hog value falted a a eounter balance Corn No. I yllow, nominal; No. I jllow, $1.6401 68; No. 4 ysllow, $1.6601-54. Oats No. I whits, 767$c; standard, 7778a Rye No. 1, $1. $8O10. Barley $1.00OL36. Timothy $5,0008.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $23.92. Ribs $21.74021.2.. Chicago, Jun 14. Butter Unchanged. Egg Higher; receipts, 11,266 cases; firms, !0j32c; ordinary firsts, 260 80'to; at mark,' cases Included, 390120. Potatoes Lower; new, receipts, 65 ears; Louisiana and Texas sacked turnips, 11.40 02.66; white, $1.100125; old, receipts, 14 cars; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minneapolis, bulk, I1.60O1.60; sacks, $1.701.80. z New York General Market. New York, June 14 Corn Spot steady, kiln dried No. I yellow, $!.$ and No. 4 yellow, $1.55, cost anil frleght Naw York. Oats Spot unsettled, standard, 6l 0 86e. Hay Weak; No. I, $1.20ll,80; No. $, $1.00 01.10; shipping, 6OO8O0. Lard Weak; tulddlewest, $33.80014.00. a,m DMrm! renelnta. 11.641 tub. Creamery higher than extra! 44 0 46c; x trss (92 score) 44; firsts, 4243c; pack- . A. si ol in I aioctc currant, ihiki woe n v I7 QU.u Deitalnta 9 A t til !- Fresh gathered extras, I80$9; fresh gathered storaia packed firsts, 160$8c; Ac resrular Backed extra first. $60$Bo; ao, nrsis, nfo. Cheese Firm; receipt, 1,108 boxes. State, whole milk fresh special, 23OI4o; do aversg run, 23e. 47 0 60c; other price not settled. Dressed, steady, nncnangsa. Kansas City Grata. Kansas City, Mo., Jun 14. Corn No. 1 tnl1. 11 B0dM.43: No. I whit. 11.820 1.86; No. 2 yellow, $1.8201.66; July, $1.46; Auxuat. 81.48U. Oats Lower; No. 1 whit. T7o; No. I mixed. 76O75U0. ' Kanaa City, Mo Jun 14. Butter Creamery, 40c; firsts, 38H; econds, 87oi packing, 290. K(?g Firsts, lie; seconds, 24c. Poultry Hens, 23c; roosters, 17c; broil era, 30 35c. Boston Wool Markt, Boston, June 14 The Commercial Bulletin will auy tomorrow: "The naw clip domestic wools are beginning to arrive In the eastern markets and valuations hav already bean marketed In order to give the mill supplies a rapidly as possible. In this connection the govurnment progrma Is being enlarged to meet th neds of th situation." Minneapolis (iraln. Minneapolis, Jun 14. Com No, 1 yl low, $1,66 1.65. Oats No. 8 white, 76OI0c. ' Flax-$3.850J.7. Rye $1.082.00. Barley 86c 0$ 1.1 7. Bran $28.25033.25. Ht Loul Grain, St. Louis, Mo., June 14. Corn No. 1 truck, $1.61; No. 1 whit. $1.801.61; July, 11.44 bid. Oats No. 1 track. 78 c; July, 18 e. New York Cotton Market. New York, Jun 14. Cotton closed stesdy at a not advance of 13 points on August, while other months wer net four point lower to six points higher. Linseed. Duluth, Minn., Jun i4. Linseed $1.87; artlvtd, $3.17, - ' . i .... NEW YORK STOCKS ExtensiTe trains in Values Ma. terially Reduced in Later . Dealings ; U. S. Steel Con. spicuous Feature. NEW YORK. Jun 14. Reversing It) oours of th previous session, today' stock 1 terroedlate wa atrong la th early and in. termedlat period, but yielded very gen- , rally toward th end, materially reduc- -Ing some of th more extensive gains, Further favorable war advice, absence ' of expected disturbances In th money mar. , ket and additional . Brilliant crop report accompanied th early buyliig and lm- . palled considerable covering of short eon tracts. Throughout th day United States Tteel ' ws th consplcuoua feature, eupplemect- ; ing yestsraay s-poini gain wun an aa- . dltlanal 11-4 point, holding Ilttl more ' -than halt at th end. . Fertilisers, leathers and paper were 1 to I point higher at their best Italian exchange wa atrong aa a re- ult of th adoption of remedial measures. - Liberty International bond war Irregu lar. Total sales (psr value) aggregated $5,175,000. Dun' Trade Review--' NEW YORK, Jun 14. Dun' tomorrow : will ayt "Great fundamental change, affecting both domeatle and foreign commerce, are ot frequent occurrence and cause consld- i erable healtatlon but lea unsettlement and confusion than might have been expected. Clos cooperation between prlvat Inter ests and representative of th government, , promptly effected wherever th occasion , require It render th many economic ,, adjustments eastsr of accomplishment and the absence ot conspicuous dlqturbanc in v any quarter continue a gratifying and re- ' assuring feature. That th canter of n. ergte In th vtgorou prosecution of th war Implies (till lighter restriction on or dlnary operation ther ha been elear recogntlon and scarcely a week passes without th development ot som aotlon having a larg bearing oa th future oours of business. "Weekly bank clearing $5,111,151,117.' Amer. Beat Sugar.. Ot1, American Can $.300 46 48 46 Amr. C. ft F 8.100 80 71 71 y Amer. Locomotive. 1.400 64 64 64 Amer. S. ft R 3.100 78 76 77 Amer. Sugar Rsf.. 1,300 111 111 HI Amer. T. ft T.... 1.100 18, 97 I7'4j Amer. Z L. ft 8., 4,600 18 18 17 Anaconda Copper.. 10,100 11 44 $4. Atchison 14 A., O. ft W. I. S. L 1,10$ 108 108 107 ' Bal. ft Ohio 1.400 65 65 55 ' Butt ft Stip. Cop. 1.700 26 23 16 Cal Petroleum .. 100 St 10 19 Canadian Paciflo 1,100 149 148 147 Central Leather ,. 1.00$ 67 $7 .87 Ches. ft Ohto .... 100 IT 56 16 .., . C, M. A Bt. P.... .... .... 43.. 1 CM. ft N. W .... .... 11 C, R. I. ft P. etfs. ,1,(00 11 ,12 11 Chine Cop. x. dlv. .... .... . 17 , Colo. F. ft t 1,300 41 48 48 ' Corn Product Ref. 1.000 43 41 41 , , Crurlbl Steel .... 1,500 15 84 15 Cuba Can Sugar.. 3,600 11 11 11 Distiller' Socur... 15,800 11 10 10 Erl 400 16 16 15 ' Gen. Eleotrlo .... 700 147 146 141 General Motor .. 4,100 113 111 111 , Ot. No. pfd .... 81 i Ot. No. Or atfs.. 7,800 11 11 18 Illinois Central ., .... 11 Inspiration Copper. 1.900 51 50 II Int. M. M. pfd.:.. 11,100 105 103 104 International Nickel 800 17 17 17 International Paper. 4,700 18 17 87 K. C Southern II Kenecott Copper ,. 1,300 11 81 12 Loul. ft Naahvltl ..... .... .... 116 - Maxwell Motor .. ..... '17 Mexican Petroleum 1,400 15 14 14 Miami Copper .... 00 17 17 IT t Missouri Pacific, 4.400 . 13 21 18 Nevada Copper.... 400 11 II ! New York Central. 100 72 71 71 N. Y., N. H. ft H. 1,100 43 41 41 Norfolk ft Western .... .... 103 Northern Paolfio .. 100 17 17 17 Pacific Mall 16 Pennsylvania 44 Pittsburgh Coal .. 100 61 61 II - ' Ray Con. Coppar. 100 13 11 13 Reading .1 ... 17.800 11 10 11 Republlo I. ft S... 10,400 17 11 17 Shattuck AH, Cop .... .... 16 4 .. Southern Paciflo .. 1,700 14 18 83 Southern Railway., 1.10ft 14 13 14 Btudebakar Corp. ,. 4,400 ' 4 45 46 TexaaCo. 1,800 149 141 143 Union Paciflo .... 4,100 121. 121 121 U. S. Ind. AlcohoL. 1,000 124 123 133 U. 8. Steel 131.800 104 102 10.1 V. 8. tStel pfd ... . ...... ...t ..... HI Utah Cop., ex. dlv. .... Wabash pfd "B". 100 14 24, 13 , . Western Union ... 1 Westlnghous Eleo. 5,600 44 43 44 Total ! for th day, lie, coo snare. . ' Nw York Money Market.' t ' Nw York. Jun 14. Mrcatll papr 4 and month, I. Sterling 80-day bills, . 14.71: commercial 80-day bills on banks, $4.71: commercial 80-day bill, $4.71; de mand. 14.75 1-5: cable. $4,75 7-1$. Franc demand. $5.71 $-14; oables, $5,70. Guilders, demand. 61oi cables. 61 HO. lit, aomana, 11.161 cable. $8.80; ruble, demand, 1I0 cable, 14o, nominal. Bar tlver,l9e; Mexican aonars, 770, Government bonds, Irregulars railroad bonds, Irregular. Tim loans, steady: 10 day. lOl 7 eent; 10 day, 6 01 per cent; tlx month 56 per oent. . . . t .. ' - ,.:v- call money, atrong: nign. pr ent low. I or eent: ruling rat, I per cant; eloalni bid, I pr entloffrd at 5 par oentj laal loan, I par cant. ' ..;..... U. 8. I reg.... 18 Ot. NO. lst it , do eounon ...11 'lit c:n. r. ., vs U. 8. 8 reg... II Int M. M. I .. 11 do eounon ...99K. C. B. r. 6s.. 71 V. 8. Lib. 1.. 19.88'L. ft N. un. 4.. 84 U. 8. 4 rg..,.106'M K A T ISt 4 SO do coupon ...105Mo. Pao. ten. e Am. r. 8. I.. llMant. Power 6.. 11 A. T. T. e, I 19N. ,Y. C. d. Is.. 14 . Vr Anglo-French I. 11 No. pao. 4 80 : Arm. ft Co. 4 II do 1 6 Atchison g. is.. 80or. B. u r. 4 iih B. ft O. e. 4 78 Pao. T, ft T. 6 10 : Beth. 8t. r. 610 Penn. o. 4s 18 ; Cen. -4wath. 6 15 do gen. 4.. 87 Cen Paciflo lt 71 Reading gen. 14 81 v i C. ft O. o. 5.. 80S. L. ft 8. F. a. 8 87 . C B. Q. j. 4 94 80. Pao. e. 6.. 10 C M ft 8 P o 4 74 So. Ry. 1 81 ' C R I ft P r 4s 87Tex. ft Pas. lst 88" C. ft 8. r. 4s 71Unlon Paciflo 4 14 -P. ft R. O. r. I.. 6!U. 8. Rubber 6 71 Dom. of Can. 5s 914, U. 8. Steel Is.. 17 . Erl gen. 4 ..66 Wbaph lt .... $4 Gn. EL 6 .. II Bid. Offrd. Omaha Hay Market. ' . . . - Receipt of prairie hay and alfalfa, , light; demand, fair; market, steady with, price unchanged; oat and wheat straw ' are some higher. Cholo upland pralrl hay. $19.00; No. 1 upland pralrl hay, J1I.0AO16.00; No. I upland prairie hay, $11.00014.00; No. I upland pralrl hay, $6. 00O9.00. " . No. 1 midland pralrl hay, $11.80 01$. Ill . No. 1 midland pralrl hay, $1O.5O014.OO No. 1 lawland pralrl hay, $10.0012.00j , No. 1 lowland pralrl hay, $7.0001.00; No. -I lowland pralrl hay, $5.004.00. Choice alfalfa, $14.00; No. 1 alfalfa, $19.60011 10. Standard alfalfa, $16.00011.0$: No. 1 1- . .. falfa, $11.50011-001 No. I alfalfa, $10,600 : 1.AA - " V., : .1 . Oa't traw, $$.000100. ' Wheat atraw. $7.5008 60. Bt. Paul live Stock. Bt Paul, Jun 14. Cattle Receipt, 1.804 ' head; market weak; steers, $7.60617.50: cows and hslfers, $8.00 0 14.60; veal calve steady at $7.00014.26; stockers and feeder, slow and wsak at $1.50012.60, Hogs Receipts, 4.700 head; market : lower) range of prices, $15.15015-40; bulU 01 saies, a1g.uD3s1s.1v. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 110 head; -market steady; lamb. $10.00018.00; weth ers, $7.00014.60; ewes, $6.00014.00. Sioux' City Live Stock Market, t Blouk. City, la , June 14 Cattle Re. . celnts. 1.000 head: market strong: berf . steers. $11.00 17.60; fat cow and heifers, -$8 7616 10; canners, $7.268.60: cslves, 38.00OI0.t5; feeding: cow and heifer, $7.50 . OI.00 V !.,-,. Hogs Receipts, 8.300 head: market. 10a . higher; light, $16.40; mixed, $16.80; heavy. $16.2G bulk ot sales, $16.20016.30, ' v ' Sheep Receipts, 10$' head; market steady. . 4 s. j Coffe Market. 7 . , K New York, Jun 14. Coffee Future wer Steady today. Price opened at. aa ; advene of 1 point end th market closed . . . . . . . . . a , . t I . . a. up from t.Ole to 8.01a, while May held' round 1.85o. July, t.03o; September, 8.16cj " October, 8.21c: December, 8.35o; January , ?, I.410J March, 1. 61c: May, 1.87o. . Spot Irregular, Rio 7. lo; Santo 10Uc . - New York Sugar. .. " .:,-. New York, June 14. Raw Sugar teadTf . centrifugal, I.OOSo; tin granulated, 7.45c h Jones to Honduras. V Washington, June 14.T. Sambola1- j ones : 01 Louisiana was jiuaunaiea , . today by President Wilson to be v minister to Honduras. " -v