THE BEE: . OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 15.-1918. - 17,. Concluded by Ella Fleishman For Booklovers THE GOD OF VENGEANCE. By Sholom Ash. The Stratford Company. $t. This is a play written by Sholom TA$h,'the foremost writer in the Yid dish language at the present time. It was first produced by the famous di rector Max Reinhardt, and has been played all over Germany, Austria, Russia,' Poland, Holland, Norway, Sweden and Italy, having been trans lated into the languages of all these countries. . WHEN THE SOMME HAN BED. By Cap tain A. Radclyefe Duguiore. George U. - Doraa Company. '$1.75. The author, as Captain Dugmore, went through the great days of battle when the German line was smashed on the Somme and his account of these adventures until he was gassed form one of the most thrill ing '-records " of personal experience that have ever found their way past the censor. WITH GOD AND THIS COLORS. By Mrs. Leila Atwood Founit. . The Vlr Publish es Company. $0 cents. A mother's prayers for her soldier boy. ; GERMANY AS JT IS TODAY. By Cyril Brown. George H, Doran Company, f 1.35. Th,e author, one of the best known and ablest war correspondents writ ing today, in this book sets forth his Conclusions as tn what is tiannnino- inside Germany, what the facts" are its censorship is hiding from the world and whether it is standing the train. His work is a careful-study of economic, si, sal and financial con ditioija"jn Germany and is extremely Taluable" as . a , sound investigation which wastes no words in calling names; but gets down to the facts. . O. "ft, STAND TO. By Reginald Grant, D. Appleton Company. 11.(0. The rapid-fire tension of the, title strikes the keynote of this breathless story of a young gunner's experience during three years in the front line trenches of the Somme. It is a war story which gives all the excitement ana splendor of the greatest adven ture in the world and conveys a full "sense. of the glory and the sacrifice without ever becoming monotonous or horror-s kd. TWO THOUSAND QUESTIONS AND AN i SWERS ABOUT THli WAR. George H. "Doran Company. 2. Ki This catechism of the great war gives concise, concrete information about every phase of the conflict: food, munitions, prisoners, conscrip tion, spies, "who's who" in military and,, civilian life, and a host of other topics. Its form of question and an swer makes it a ready reference work, giving fajts in the most condensed form... In addition to the questions and answers the book includes maps, a pronouncing dictionary of war names, the flags of the nations en gaged, illustrations of methods of sig naling, of. war medals and army and fiavy insignia, and a record of the events of the war up to date. THE END OF THE WAR. By Walter ' E. j Weyl. The Macmillan Company. 2. t This book is based upon the as sumption that the allies can hold their, own and can thus exert a decisive in fluence upon the peace and upon the diplomacy that leads to peace. ' It if an appeal to America to assume lead ership, in that diplomacy, to eliminate imperialistic elements from the de riiands of our allies and to attempt a settlement based on internationalism. PERSONAL ; Grlmahaw. ,'! 11.60. How to make the most of your op portunities, how to achieve the fullest measure of development this is the subject of Dr. Grimshaw's book. The author does not, as do so many writ ers; on this topic, waste words in beautiful generalities. He is specific and" practical, aiming to show the stu dent the way to success in business, in society and in character develop ment. THE COMMUNITY CENTER. By Harry E Jackson. The Macmlllan Company. l! This book has been prepared to be used in connection with a campaign ' conducted jointly by the Council of National Defense and the bureau of education to organize local communi ties as a means of national defense. It is designed to serve the nation's immediate needs, and also the equally important needs of reconstruction Iays ahead. EFFICIENCY. By Robert The Macmllllan Company. t 5 flfl X TIWV Tl TH yfjl tern mi ms. m sn n rw smr 5 4 sjjaV 4M Vr vu tut u u nm uk cks u u w u lb w VA fier iW By Daddy-"The Mad Giant" A complete, new adventure each week, beginning Monday and ending Saturday. CHAPTER V. The Giant Get a Docking. (Previous chapters have told how Peggy and the King of the Wild Geeae plotted to kidnap the Giant of the woods and banish him to a lonely Island In Lake superior, the geese carrying him there In hia ham mock tn which he lias been captured.) THE Giant of the Woods as "he found himself borne upward by the army pf wild geese and birds grew dumb with astonishment.'- He didn't know whether he was awake or in a horrible nightmare.' When he got over his first amaze ment, however, his tongue gradually became loosened. "Well, of all the geewhillicker manifestations of eccentric phenom ena this is plumb sure the geewhil lickercst," he muttered savagely. Peggy., who was following the feath ered kidnapers in her airplane, had never heard such language as this be fore. It sounded to her like talk for which bad boys get their mouths washed out with soap and water. "You stop that swearing this in stant 1" she shouted. The Giant was more astonished than ever to hear a voice away up there in ti.e air. He squirmed about in the hammock trying to see her. but she kept behind him out of sight. "Who in thunderation are you?" he cried. "And what's the meaning of the fantastic phantasmagoria?" "You ought to be spanked for talk ing like that," warned Peggy, shout ing loudly to make- herself heard above the noise made by the flutter of wings. "I'll be flabbergasted, masticated, assimilated, ramificated if I can com prehend this rampantly freakish idio syncrasy," gasped the Giant, still trying to twist about so he could sec Peltry- ( She didn't know what to do. Such talk must be stopped at once. It didn't seem at all proper to her, par ticularly away up there in the pure clean air. She happened to look down. They vere flying over a large lake. This gave her an idea. In a book she had read how long, long ago the people used to curb the tongues of scolding, nagging women by fastening the naggers in ducking stools and dousing them in ponds un til they promised to nag no more. That's what she would do to the Giant. "Let's g ive him a ducking I" she cried to the king of the wild geese. Saving Daylight for Gardening The government has turned the clock ahead one hour. That gives you a good bit of time to "garden" before bid time. "Easy" meals, such as the following will save some more time. For Lunch or Dinner. Casserole of Meat and Potatoes Cornmeal Biscuits Radishes Canned or Fresh Fruit Barley Hermit Cakes Mutton Chops Boiled Potatoes Radishes Fresh Tomatoes Cornmeal Biscuits Maple Syrup For Lunch or Dinner. ' Mutton Roast Browned Potatoes Mint Sauce Swiss Chard ' Tomatoes Indian Pudding t Omelet Hashed Brown Potatoes Water Cress Salad Canned rr Fresh Fruit Barley Hermit Cakes Cornmeal Biscuits. 2 2-3 c. cornmeal. 3 T. fat. 1 t. salt. 1 0. liquid. S t. baking powder. Mix the dry materials together. Work in fat well. Combine liquid and dry materials, handling lightly, Shape as biscuits. Bake in a hot oven. Barley Hermit Cakes. '4 c. fat. 2 t. baking powder. : sugar. 1-3 c. chopped raisliif 1 egg. 'Ac. chopped nuts. 2 T. milk. 'i t. cinnamon. 2 c. barley flour. U t. cloves. Combine the ingredients as for cake, add enough barley flour to make a dough stiff enough to be rolled. Roll thin, shape with a small cookie cutter and bake on a tir sheet. ' Indian Pudding. 4 c. milk. t "K t. salt. - ; Vt c. cornmeal. t. ginger., 1-3 c. molasses. Cook the milk and the meal in a double boiler for 20 minutes, add mo lasses, salt aiid ginger. . Pour into a greased pudding dish and bake two hours in a slow oven. Serve with top milk. ProfD. F. Mattson. associate pro fessor in the Agricultural college of the University of Wisconsin, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Mattson, will visit Omaha for a few days the first of the week, en route to Yellowstone Park where he . will be engaged for the summer in governmental work. Mil HERS - x THE BEST MAROIU H'Kt J-e& MACARONI Wi t) Saturday Specials at the New Public ' Market Everything Strictly Cash Deliveries on Order of $5 and Over Pay Caeh, Carry Your Bundles and Help Win the War. Come and Take Advantage of These Specials. Come Early and Avoid the Rush, Grocery Department. 118 Milk Fed Sprnig Chickens. each.SOc Strictly Fresh Eggs, guaranteed, per dozen 28c and up Fancy Elgin Creamery Butter, lb... 41c Pull Cream Wisconsin Brick or Amer ican Cheese, per lb. 25c Lighthouse or Spotless Cleanser, S cans for 25c lOe Palm. Beach White Laundry Soap 6c Large cans of Corn, per can 10c Large cans of Peas, per can 10c No. 1 cans Tomatoes, per can .... 10c Large cans of Pumpkin or Sauerkraut, per can 10c Baby Lima Beans, in cans, can 10c Large Glass Mustard, per glass 5c E. C. Corn Flakes, per package 9c Fancy Handpicked White Navy Beans, per lb 14 Vc Fancy Jap Rice, per lb lOo 29-oz. Jars of Sweet or Sour Pickles, per jar 29c Large Cans of Pears, per can 15c White or Yellow Cornmeal, per lb 6c Bulk Rolled Oats, 4 lbs. for 25c Extra Fancy Dried Peaches, lb 15c Refrigerated Fruit and Vegetable Department. We handle nothing but the best and freshest fruits and vegetables at lowest prices. Extra Fancy Large Lemons, dox. ..40c Extra Fancy Large Pineapples, 30 siie, each 12 lc Extra Fancy Large Pineapples, 24 site, each 15c Large Bunches of New Home-Grown Radishes, 2 for 5c Large Bunches of New iiome-Grown Leaf Lettuce, 2 for 5c Extra Fancy Large Prunes, per lb. 12Vsc Extra Fancy Large Raisins, seeded or seedless, per lb 12'ic Refrigerated Meat Department. Our meats are kept strictly fresh and sanitary. We handle nothing but the highest quality meats at the lowest prices. 1918 Milk Fed Broilers, each 50c Strictly Fresh Dressed Chickens, lb. 25VjC Extra Lean Pig Pork Loins, lb 23 c Pure Cone Leaf Lard, lb 244e Steer Pot Roast, lb 19'ac Young Veal Stew. Ib 14Vic Lamb Stew, lb UVic Fancy Mutton Roast, Jb l7'ic Silver Leaf Lard, in pails, pail.... 75c Swift's Premium Regular Hams, lb... 31c Extra Lean Bacon, lb 43VsC Sugar Cured Hams, lb 21 Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. 56 Vie Don't forget our sanitary Delicatessen Department- We make our own salads and roast our own meats and poultry. Come and convince yourself by taking home a sample of our delicacies. We also have a complete line of Kosher sausages and salami's. Crippled French Soldiers Employed Making Toys Toy malang is one of the vocations encouraged in the re-education for war cripples in France. "The Ecole Joffre is situated in the city of Lyons, and now specializes in commercial training for the one armed and in the manufacture of toys," says Grace S. Harper, in .zr recent booklet. "Toy making is be ing studied here with serious pur pose. A beginning has been made in the wholesale manufacture of toys on the factory system by which the making of separate parts is assigned to the mutiles, whose physical han dicaps allow for easy operation of single processes only. A research expert is constantly experimenting on new models for manufacture. When I was there they had just tierfected a papier-mache horse, such as chil dren ride on to Banbury Cross and which, up to the present time, has reached Banbury 1 Cross only by way of Germany." Jascha Heifetz to Come. ' Of great interest to all music lov ers is the announcement that the fa mous violinist, Jascha Heifetz, will give a concert in Omaha during the winter under the auspices of the Tuesday Musical club. This wonder ful musician,, who is only 18 years of age, received an unprecedented ova tion in New York during the past winter, the house being sold out for weeks ahead. To aid in increased food production the members of the Denver Wo men's club have offered to plow any vacant lot in the city on condition that the owner will plant crops for chicken feed. "That'll teach him better than to use such talk!" "Goodl" honked the king. "Lower away, iqy hearties." Down swooped the fying army .0 suddenly that Peggy saw the Giant gasp as one docs when an elevator drops too fast. He looked over the edge of the hammock and saw himself plunging toward the lake. At that he let out such a howl that Peggy was struck with a pang of pity. Per haps she wouldn't need to duck him after all. But she was too late to stop the eager birds. They were keen to give the Giant a bath, and down he went with a great splash. As the birds rose again, the Giant came flopping and strangling, looking all the world like a big fish caught in a net. He coughed out both water and words, the later sounding to Peggy like "Pestiferous piscatorial percussion." "Down again!" cried Tcggy sternly, and the delighted birds soused him once more, letting him stay under so long that Peggy was beginning to grow anxious when he rose to the sur face gasping, thrashing, shivering and shaking. He looked so funny that Peggy laughed. The Giant heard the laugh and opened his mouth to say something. Before he could speak the Birds ducked him again and then again. This time the Giant was so full of water when he arose that he couldn't say anything. "Will vou promise to be good?" shouted Peggy. The Giant hastily nodded as he coughed and spluttered. "And not use such words again?" she continued. Once more the Giant nod ded. He was now very meek. More over, he was a great deal cleaner than before his bath. Peggy was astonished in the change. A whole lot of his bad looks seemed to be washed away. The Wild Geese were now honking their traveling cry. The King shouted goodby to Peggy. "Come and wsit us injhe Northland, Princess," he cried. "Cast off every body! We're on our way!" The Birds fluttered out of the way, and the Wild Geese stretched out in V-shaped lines, with the King at the head. They were all flying strongly and the Giant seemed no burden to them. ' "Goodby, Wild Geese! Goodby, Giant! Pleasant voyage to you!" shouted Peggy to them. As the Wild Geese mounted higher and higher and grew fainter and fainter in the distance, with the Giant still thrashing about in his hammock, the Birds and Peggy returned to the clearing for a happy jollification. The Birds sang and danced in their joy, and Peggy, forgetting her princely dignity, led in the frolic. In the midst of their celebration Bob Olink stumbled into one of the Giant's old snares and was caught. Peggy ran to release him. cutting him free with the Giant's knife. As she did so a chilling fear struck her heart. She had just remembered that the Wild Geese, tied fast to the Giant's hammock, had no way of free ing themselves at their journey's end. They would fly until exhausted and then the Giant would easily take them prisoner, killing them at his leisure. Oh, why hadn't I thought of this before I Through her hastiness she had sent the brave Wild Geese to cer tain death. Was it too late to save them? j Grasping her hatpin javelin, and not waiting even to tell the Birds what the matter was, she ran to the air plane. In a moment she was in desperatte chase afur the vanishing Wild Geese and the kidnapped Giant. (Tomorrow's chapter will tell of Peggy's swift flight after the Wild C.eese and of the strange, thrilling end of her pursuit.) Women To Train Disabled Soldiers in Arts A communication from Miss Ida Tarbell, chairman of the news depart ment of the women's committee of the Council of National Defense, to Sur geon General Gorgas of the army medical department reveals the fact that the craftswomen of the country are ready to help with the physical re construction of wounded men. The committee is receiving hundreds of letters from women versed in the P plied crafts who wish to assist b this work by instructing soldiers in weav ing, metal and wood work. From the tenafly weavers in New Jersey a typ ical letter has been sent by Miss Wini fred Mitche.ll asking if this industry can be utilized in the training tf dis abled men. v Eighty thousand American women are now employed in industries sup plying canned goods to the Wa arte Navy departments. $10,000 Stock Groceries Must Be Reduced. Save 35 Per Cent. Prices Good All Week. Open Sat., 9 P. M. Milk Fed Hens or Roast ing Chickens, 23C Young Veal Roasts 10 1.0i or Chops, lb 10 -I ft Pork Spare Ribs, 19 1.1r 5c White Naphtha Soap, bar 5c Large can Cleaner .... 5c 2 bars Castile Soap..,. 5c 2 boxes Tooth Picks ... 5c Brown Navy Beans, lb., ,5c Rub-No-More, pkg 6c Large Glass Mustard.. 5c Star Naptha Powder, pkg 5 Small cans Milk 5r Macaroni, pkg. ...... 7'jc Spaghetti, pkg 7Vc Can Baked Beans , . . . 7 , e Large No. 3 can Sweet Po tatoes, Hominy Iftn or Pumpkin ........... ,u" No. 2 can Tomatoes. . .10c 6 pkgs. Matches 25c 0 Rolls Toilet Paper... 25c Fancy Navy or 11 IJ. Luna Beans, lb.... " ' " Large Package Pancake Flour or Oat- Qq meal Choice Butterine, lb. X. 25c I Creamery Butter, lb a lb. Pail Bsat Peanut Buttsr . . . Large 25c pkg. Flakes, over 3 Dounds 15c pkgs. Lorn Makes or 42c 40c Wheat 15c Make Economy a Pleasure Kat plenty of Ice Cream. It's a local product saves less perishable foods wheat for instance, used in pastry and, it's wasteless, invigorating, nourishing. This special combination will greet you Sunday. PEACH MARMALADE VanilU Ice Cream With Best Puyallup Peaches. another famous preparation made by Ik b s iHii'i::. : i There's always a Hard- ""' XT' XL ing Dealer close by. J , r) Wheat Flakes, (or Onions, lb Fresh Tomatoes, in baskets Prunes, Ib Dried Peaches, lb.. . Raisins, lb Dried Apricots, lb.. . . Tall can Salmon. . . . No. 3 Large can PSars or Peaches . . Ginger Snaps or Broken Cookies, lb. . Rice, Ib. 10c 4-lb. sack Pancake Flour for 25c Sawtay, can 25c No. 3 can Syrup 15c Can Strawberries ...... 15c 10c . . . 2c ...10c .. 10c ...11c ...lie . . .20c . . 15c .15c 12 1-c Sat., only. Ib.. Liver or Neck Bonea. lb. Round, Sirloin or Porter house Steaks, Sugar Cured, Cel. Hams or Bacon or Salt M 1.0c Pork, lb " 1 " Frankfurters or 17 Pork Sausage, lb. . " 1 " Cooked Veal Loaf, lb... 25c Cooked Minced Ham, lb. .20c Cooked Boneless Ham, Ib ZSe Beef Boll, Ib IBVjc Choice Steak, lb 25c Summer Sausage, lb...25c Tall cans Milk, Canned Souns. can - Fresh Eggs, dot 28c Mail Orders filled at same prices. Largest cut price Mall Order Grocery and Meal Market In the state. Write for large price list. Boston 1fleat & Grocery Co. 113 No. 18th St. Opposite Postofflce. 2 Phones; D. 1089. Slackers beware! Your fata it at band, - L oyal citizens are after you, all oyer the land. A mcrica needs all her men in this fight, C ome, enlist, be k soldier, and do what ia right K aiser Wilhelm is forcing his men to the field, E very man in that country to his will must yield. R emember we live in the land of the free, . S o be gallant and true to our boys o'er the sea, B rave deeds are dona daily, both in air and in trench, 'E ngland has fought hard so have the French. ' ' ' ' v W ould you be content to let others do the work, . .. A nd you be looked on as the man who his duty did shirk? R ight now the WASHINGTON MARKET ia helping whip the Hun, If very customer we have knows our duty wa have dona. Kx. Fancy Boef Tenderloin, per lb. 3Se Kx. Fancy Pork, per lb. ....... .42'ie Veal Chops, per lb 28a Morrell's Baron, wrapped, per lb..,. 48a Kxtva Lean Bacon, per' lb.... 3Bo Pure Lard, per lb 29c Good Salt Pork, lh .20a Fancy Sirloin or Round Steak, lb...32'I Choice Steer Rump Roast, per lb. 2Bo I'.xl.ia Fancy Veal Roast, per lb. ,...28o Kxtra Fancy Young Veal Breast, with pocket for dressing, lb. .... 20a Fresh Spare Ribs, per Ib ...IBe Corn Flakes, 8 pkgs. for 25e Hugar Cured Skinned Hams, lb. 28 Choice Steer Shoulder Boast, lb, - 2Se Fancy Flank Steak, per lb. 30c Extra Finer Youna Veal Bound Steak, lb. 3Se Corn Beef, per Ib. S3 Vie Pork Rossi; per Ib..... 2S Extra Fancy Brick Cheese, by . brick 2Se Full American Cheese, per Ib, 2Se An Brands Creamery Butter, per lb.43c Swift's Winchester Breakfast Bacon, lh. srtte Choice Rib Roast, per Ib. 28 Kin Boiiine Hear, an Beef Tongue, per lb. I Vie One of the Largest Mall Order Houses la tbe Middle West, United States Food Administration License No, 0-27634. Visit Our Branch Market at McCrory So and lOe Store, ia Basomsmt. ? SAME GOODS SAME PRICES SAME HONEST WEIGHT The Washington Market 1407 DOUGLAS STREET. m M : " Youll never Ny t be undecided as to which X )f beverage to order for self k A friends or Tamily after you've tasted M I B.EVE RAGE HI THE F'ERY DAY SOFT DRiSiX M1 nil igSig.-pTysj I Not for a single second. Right off sudden your selection will be Gund's every time no matter what time or we your years regis ter. It's different better. a or iry it. mve a case sent home. Watch how everybody "goes" for it. To ba had wherever soft drinks are sold and thafs everywhere. By the glass bottle or case. ' raw Th Cund Company La Cross, Wis. KATSKEE BROKERAGE CO, Distributors 14th and Leavssv worth Sta. "BEVERAGE PUBOC MAMA .trauisfTi saim V. We ask your forbearance and co-operation in our efforts to give Omaha a most sanitary and finely equipped .Grocery and Meat Market. . ; TVe recently purchased the Empress, Market and since' have" taken oyer the. entire stocks of two other modern grocers. Tnese, along with" the Empress Market stock, will be placed on sale Sat urday f or quick removal. This market will be remodeled and made completely new throughout, but we must first reduce our stock to make room. 'om't Fail to Visit the . Empress Market Saturday Eggs, strictly fresh, per dozen... 27c Elgin Creamery Butter, per lb. . .43c FANCY DRESSED CHICKEN, ' per lb......... 25VjC Sardines', in oil, per can. . . f 7c steer pt Roast per lb. 22ic UUO AUUA, tail iOiUO . . . , ,VJ Finest brand bulk Coffee, per lb. .19c Ginger Snaps, per lb 12c Fancy Pink Salmon, two cans... 35c Karo Syrup, -gal. cans ...40c Pine Tree Matches, 6 boxes 25c Sawtay, 18-OUNCE cans 25c Campbell's Soups, all kinds, can. .11c Tomatoes, 15c size, per can 10c Egg Noodles, regularly 2 for 25c. 9c Veal Boast, per lb.....-.......22c CANNED FRUIT You can save money by buying in gallon quantities, thereby saving the cost of tin. - Choice of Fancy Pineapple, Peaches Apples," Tomatoes, per gal. 60c, Pork Loins, per lb.. ..... : 23c Pork Chops, per lb. ......... . .294c Leaf Lard, per lb. .......... . .24c Fancy Skinned Hams, per lb. . .280 Picnic Hams, per lb ...bbj Bacon Strips, per lb 22c Extra Fancy Lean Bacon, lb. . .42c Veal Stew, per lb. . . . ..... . . . . , ,14c V THE. NSW Telephone D. 462S. , Omaha. ' Nee. StOK ESSE D0UG.2793 310-12 5.163x1 113 SO. 16TH ST. DOUGLAS 2703. vm KT'WJCATtNO jaV5H