Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16

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Conducted by Ella Fleishman
iiii tr n 1 n li lniif
EiiM hy Irma H Gross
1 '-iiUI
, .Harriet Ruth's Cooking
4 Lesson
' Harriet Ruth Makes the Dessert,
r Harriet Ruth came home one after
noon to find mother ruhing around in
' the kitchen. Unexpected company
Jrom out of town had arrived and
mother had to- "piece out" what she
had originally planned. She had man
aged everything but the dessert and
she knew the half of a sponge cake
would never serve the whole num
ber. . ' - , , .
"Mother, let. me make something,
taid Harriet Ruth. '
"Oh, my dear," said mother. "Usu
ally I'm" glad of your help, but just
now I'm afraid I'm in too much of a
flurry." J . v
Harriet Ruth looked hurt. "You
never said that ' before, mother. I
thought I really helped you."
"You do, dear," mother said, ".but "
Mother stopped, then smiled sudden
ly., "I have it- just the thing we need."
She hesitated a minute. "It's a pretty
big job lor a little arm and if you
get tiredVyou call me, will you? Let's
have strawberry fluff on our sponge
cake. It's easy to put together, but it
does take time and. strength."
"Do you mean that pretty pink stuff
we had once, a long time ago, mother?
I just love it How shall I make it?"
- "Get a large bowl and a wire egg
beater. Put into the bowl one egg
white, unbeaten, a few grains of salt,
one-fourth cup sugar and 14 large
strawberries, crushed. Beat steadily,
- but' cot vigorously, for 20 minutes.
.Why don't you to out on the back
porch, where it'a cooler? Mind, now,
yon call me if yon get tired."
v Co-Operation
Mis. Gross will be very glad to
receive suggestions for the home
economics column or to answer, as
far as she is able, any questions
that her readers may ask.
, "Oh, I won't get tired mother. My
arm is real strong."
Alter 10 minutes mother slipped out
to the porch to see how things were
progiessing., Dorothy, the next door
neighbor, had come over and the little
girls 'took iurns beating the fluff. It
was not nearly stiff yet, but had
swelled jup.
"Is it all right, mother? Will it ever
get stiff?" ,
"Oh, yes, just have patience. It al
ways takes the full 20 minutes."
Before Harriet Ruth sat down to
dinner, she brought the sherbet
glasses into the pantry and put a
square of sponge cake in each. he
had a bowl of slightly crushed and
sugared strawberries in the icebox,
and a smalt saucedish of large whole
berries. She put the bowl of straw
berry fluff into the icebox also. '
While mother removed the dishes
froni the table before the dessert Har.
riet Ruth slipped into the pantry. She
put a spoonful of crushed strawberries
onto the square of cake in the sherbet
glass, theh a heaping spoonful of the
strawberry fluff and topped the whole
with a large berry.
When the company admired the
pretty dessert, mother smiled at Har
riet Ruth and said, "My small daugh
ter prepared it." ' .
Home Grown Berries fill.
.'V the Local Market Stalls
Berry season in Omaha is in; full
wing, witn.a fiumDer oi me wev
known representatives of the berry
family. Included among tnese are
strawberries, raspberries, gooseber
ries, blackberries and bananas. Maybe
you didn't know that the banana is a
berry. But it is at least in botany.
It has a pulpy pericarp and, there
fore, it is a berry. '
Bananas have been on the market,
of course, all winter and are well up
in the luxury class, selling around
10 cents a pound, which means 40
cents a dozen, for the kind that used
to cost IS cents. ; The high price of
ocean freights caused by the war is
. 'responsible for 40-cent bananas.
Straw, rasp, goose .nd blackberries
may be had at 25 cents a box of more
Recipes "
Pineapple Surprise. . . s
- e, rnar.hmaUow topping, ' . ,
T. water. . . '; '
'4 s nnt4 patch, cut tin.
e. canned plnaappla, eat (In.
"Whip the marshmallow topping and
s iter together to a short cream,
f out eight minutes. Mix the fruit
in well and serve on rounds of left
over sponge or angel cake. t
Pineapple Fritters.
!lc plntappl. , 1 t. baking powder.
) c. out flour. f tt. ' '
K t. salt. 1 e. milk.
To make the oat flour grind rolled
oats through food grjuder. Sift flour
with salt and baking powder; add the
milk and well-beaten egg, drain the
slices of pineapple, cut in two cross
wise and dip in the batter. Fry to a
golden brown in deep vegetole. Drain
on brown paper.'
I'arshmaKow and Raisin Sandwiches.
5,i e.marhmallow . chopped fin.
topping. o. chopped nut.
H . ratoln. . ( .
' Mix all the ingredients togetherand
, spread between crackers or thin slices
of battered war bread.
i Pineapple Sherbet
t . eranr Julc. H , Union juleo.
S . hrdded : e. ajrrup,
FlMtppla, - 1 q. water.
Add the syrup, pineapple and fruit
juices to the - waiter. Freeze until
firm. Serve in sherbet glasses.
Recipes for Two -
Welsh .Rarebit. .
1-1 . grated oh. Caynn :.
I T. vaporat4 milk. H ,
H t autar&, , X t butter.
lit lt s iJ- , S allcc tout. . ''
the cheese and evaporated milk
into dooble boiler. Mir the dry in
' gredients. - Add - the.yegg and beat
well. When the cheese is melted.
stir in the mixture of dry ingredients
and the egg, then the butter anj cook
until it thickens. Stir, constantly,
four over the toast and sekve at
once.- ' ' :-
Rice with Peanut Batter.
t o, 6okd rlc. t. pwnut butter.
1-1 . whit MUC. -
To the hot, white sauce add the
peanut butter and stir until melted;
add to the rice and mix with a fork.
Pour into baking dish, cover with.
outterea crumbs and hake a golden
brown. v "' a '
Dr. E. L. Alexander, who has been
confined to his home for the last two
months, owing to injuries received
in an automobile accident, is able to
Miss Virginia Bartium returns this
week from Bloomington, Ind, where
!.e,i head of the commercial de
partment in the high school. Miss
Earnum will stop en route in Chicago
and Waterloo, la.
Mrs. Hadley H. Stuart spent the
week-end at Camp Dodge.
Miss Mary Conboy of Stirling, Til,
is the guest . of Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Murphy. Miss Conboy will be brides
Vuli at the wedding of Miss Dorothy
T 'it Morearty and Mr. Martin J. Con
l "y, which will take place Tuesday.
Tfce Misses Catherine and Lucile
f "vL'je leave, today for Auburn,
I-'cVraska. to visit their uncle, .Mr.
atson R. Savidgc. - , ; '
Jlhi Van . Schaack of Evanston,
has been the guest of Miss.
I Hall for the past ten days,
:; cd to her home Thursday even-
.ri. Martin Harris has returned
2 j extended viiit in New York.
or less largeness. . They are all fine
berries, too. The strawberries are
home-grown. The others come from
the fouth.
Hpme-grown cherries of the sour
variety are also on the market for the
first time this year. Peaches from
the southland are fine and ripe now,
selling around 35 cents a dozen.
Hothouse tomatoes sell at 20 cents
a pound. Asparagus is 5 cents a
bunch. String and wax beans, green
peas, splendid head and leaf lettuce,
rhubarb in abundance all these
things are on the local markets.
Potatoes are almost a drug on .the
market. The old crop is still with
us in great abundance and some
stores sell them at 25 cents a peck,
which seems like the good old days
before the war. New potatoes are
also coming in from the south.
The advance guard of the water
melon erop is here. Prices are some
what high as yet
Mas Life Passed You By 1
On with the search for charml We
all want it; the consciousness that we
don't possess it makes each and every
non-factinator miserable.
The other day I attended a, tea
where were gathered together several
celebrities,' maculine and feminine, a
few ordinary folks and one or two
pretty little moving picture actresses.
Into the gathering came one of Amer
ica's foremost woman writers. She
was dressed in a suit that belonged
to the past spring not to the com
ing winter her haf was of straw in
stead of velvet And the woman her
self was thoroughly dowdy and unat
tractive looking. She was so con
scious of her work-a-day clothes and
her lack of physical attractiveness, in
contrast with the youth and beauty
flowering all around her that she was
miserable, awkward .and utterly dull.
Her really brilliant and charming
mind got all clouded over by terrified
sejf-consciousness; and the self-consciousness
was based on the date of
her clothes and the dustiness and
general lack of freshness that dis
torted her from head to foot.
"Oh, I didn't know there were go
ing to be a lot of people herd I've
come straight from work without
brushing or washing, or getting ready
for all these folks. I just thought
you and I were going to be alone,
dear I" she cried to the hostess.
And if she reads this article and
feels a little hurt at me for writing it
that won't hurt, her a bit I Why
hc lid any of us go to a friend we
i'ovi in dusty, unbrushed clothes or
locking so shabby and unattractive
that we cannot be gracious to the
people we meet in her home?
Clothes do play an important part in
transforming a stupid, unattractive
girl into a beautiful one. Please no
tice exactly what the fairy godmother
did for Cinderella.
Not Vanity.
I am not advocating vanity or con
ceitboth interfere with charm. I
am just advocating the careful groom
ing, the sensfJe selection of clothes,
the attractive arrangement -of your
personal background and atmosphere
that cannot be managed in public.
Then when you come out ir publi:
you know that your hairpins are in
placrand your collar is clean and you
don't have to spend your whole eve
ning thinking about yourself.
Who hasn't pitied the self-conscious,
unhappy looking man whose
brown oxfords and blue serge busi
ness suit and green tie stood out in
a dinner-coated assembly. If the
gentlemen of the oxfords and the
green tie is 99 per cent charming he
may rise above his clothes; but the
chances are that they will swamp him.
"The unlit lamp, the ungirt loin,"
are Browning's symbol of unprepar
edness. Well, you have 'to beteady
for happiness when it comes ready
and waiting or it will pass you by.
Charm js partly physical, partly
spiritual and partly mental. It is to
some extent a gift of the fairies and,
in a degree, a thing you actually go
out and get a thing you make to or
der. Life has a way of slipping by the
folks who are colorless, unattractive,
stupid, boresonre or so restless .and
incapable of staying "put" that when
opportunity rings the door bell they
re never home to hear the summons.
Most of us have a stupid way of
thinking that life owes us our desires,
so we trot around looking so unat
tractive that life mistakes us for flot
sam and jetsam instead of for real
ships, capable of carrying a cargo. If
we don't err in that direction fit may
make the blunder of sitting with fold
ed hands, waiting for the tide to carry
rich cargo right up into the little
backwater where e have anchored.
It won't.
Cultivate Charm.
The man or woman who makes up
his or her mind what he or she wants
and then goes after it gets it. Given
someone a strong soul wants to at
tract, he or she doesn't talk the be
loved to death, doesn't display his or
her nature as restless, pleasure-seek-
n. : a
Simple Simon's Signs.
Complete the letters of Simon's sign they will spell the name of a moun
tain. (Answer given tomorrow). '
Answer to yesterday's puzzle FAIRBANKS. ' .
Balanced Menus
For Two
R rank feat. . .
Bllcd Hunan,. .
, Corn Flake. t
Plain Omelet. Homlnr Patties.
, Coff.
"Wlh Rarebit, '
Rolled Oat. Bread and Butter.
' Canned Peache.
; Whipped Evaporated Milk.
Boaet Leg of Lamb.
Hint Sauce.
Browned Potatoes,
Tomato and Cucumber Salad,
w- French Dreeslng.
, Indian pudding with Sauce.
Dsvonthtr Farm Sausage,
Fried Apple.
Cornmeal Muffin.
Cream of Toamto Roup.
Rlc with Peanut Butter.
Fruit Salad, . ,
Kagout of Lamb.
Aiparagu Tip n Toait
Eicallopad Potatoea. ,
Plnaappl Ic.
' RolUd Oat Drop Cak.
The Finish
Out of that wonderful world where God is,
The Lords of Karma the path have whovyi.
And given- us lessons to learn in bodies
Oh, many the bodies our souls have known 1
In gem, and blossom, and sentient being,
In dull cave dweller and thinking man,
All things knowing, and feeling, and seeing
This is the purpose and this the plan.
Forms are fashioned in wide world places
From flame. and ether and common clay;
While egos wait in the high star spaces
'Till the call shall come, which they must obey.
Oh, never a wish or a hope lies hidden
Of good or evil in any heart
But back to earth shall the soul be bidden
To live out its longing, and play its part
Grief and pleasure and joy and sorrow,
Out of old sowings we gather them all
And the seed of today we shall harvest tomorrow,
' When our souls come back at the karmic call. -Over
and over the lesson learning,
Till, letter perfect, and meaning clear
Back on the spiral pathway turning
We carry the knowledge we gathered here.
The thought of that last journey back to Him
, When there is no more longing or desire
For anything but God left in my soul, ,
Shine in the distance like a great white flame
I think the way will lead through golden clouds
Skirting the shores of seas of amethyst
And winding gently upward; past old worlds,
Where body after body was outlives;
Past hells and heavens, where I had my day
With comrade Spirate from the lesser spheres
And paid my penalty for every sin '
And reaped reward for every act;
Past realms celestial and their singing hosts
(Where once I chanted with the cherubim)
Out into perfect silence. Suddenly
An all enveloping vast consciousness
Of long, long journeys finished; one more turn
Then glory, glory, glory infinite
And selfhood lost in being one with God.
The ray once more absorbed into the sun.
The cycle done. , ELLA VVHEELER WILCOX.
Offerings of
Interest for SATURDAY
We are offering Mea' Suits tomorrow at only $14.75. Men'i Ail-Wool Suits, in
Serges, Novelty Cloth, Cassimeres and Worsted; Young Men's and Conservative
Models; all new styles; positively a saving of $5 to $10; never have we been able
to offer such dependable merchandise at such low prices. f I ' tD
Come Saturday and be prepared to take one or more 2ti JL aXV It
of these Suits. All sizes. 33 to 41 .............. T B u
Men's and Boys' Furnishings Women & Misses' Coats. Suits
at Special Prices for Saturday and Dresses at a Saving of SO Per Cent
Mra's Blue Chambray Work ShirtsCol- JQ Women's and MUsos' Now Summer $1 1 QC
lars attached; 85c values. Sale Price. ... DS C Coats Values to $20. Sale Price. . . . P
i i
Athletic Union Suits-85c value. CO. Women's and MUsos Now Silk , (Q QQ
Sale Price Q7C Dre..e Values to 117.60. Sale Price. vO.OO
Men's and Boys' Caps All new styles and A Q Women's and MUsos' Suits All new (I 1 QC
shades; valuea to f 1.25. Sale Price... . . . tOC models; values to $22.50. Sale Price. P I X
Men's Straw Hats 12.50 values; Sailor fc f. En Children's Dro.os In Ginghams and Repsj QC
shape. Sale Price V 1 0J values to S2.00. Sale Price ............
Entire $15,000 Women's, Misses and Children's SHOE STOCK FORCED OUT to make
room for our enlarged Ladies' Ready-to-Wea r Dept. Sale now on. Prices below whole
sale coat. - . V
Women's Fiber . , 4 .T . imfyteftf.
:;:-i.48c:i lit mmsil WmMl
Ladios Lingerie
& Voile Bloueos,
12 88c
111 S. lCth St .Opposite1 Hayden's.:
ing and spendhtrift of energy, vitality
andiall the big qualities which ought
to be turned to real use.
The point is to find out in what
qualities you are attractive and then
to cultivate them. Being a poor imi
tation of Helen of Troy or Elizabeth
Browninar. or Mme. rfe StaM isn't half
as love-compelling as being an hon
est, earnest, tnendly, warm-hearted,
generous and well-groome4 little
Mary Smith!
Advice to
Broken Hearted.
Dear Ml Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I have
read your advice to the lovelorn for some
time and now come to you to help me In
my difficulties I am 15 year old and have
been going with a young man, four years
my enlor,for about two months. About
two weeks ago I discovered that he has
been going place with other girls, unknown
to me.
Now I haVA .TAn nl.ta With nlk..
but always told him about It. Taking this
inv i.uiiBiuar.uun ao you cninK ic right for
him to treat me In thi wayT
I love thi young man very much and my
heart will be broken, If he doe not change
his action, for I cannot live without him.
HoDlna to see mv trniihloa .n, iM
Omaha Bee, I am
Personally, I think your mind should be
tilled with studle and simple pleasure and
not love affairs. Although you may think
your heart I broken, I assure you that you
will recover. By all means, do not let this
young man think that you care for him,
hut treat him as a friend, for his feeling
for you Is evidently Impersonal.
t -Canteen
Dear Mis Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Kindly
advise If relative of soldier are allowed to
da canteen or Red Cross work either here
or abroad, that I If relative 1 In France
would I be allowed ttf do said work over
there? Could you furnish me with par
ticular In regard to canteen and Bed Cross
work ?
Thanking- you for all the Information you
can glv along thi line, I am
' No on who ha a relative In the service
will be accepted for eanteen work 'In Franc
bat thi rule doe not apply to Red Cros
nurse. You could dp canteen work here
a many girl are doing, but it I only ser
vice abroad that bars anyone related to a
soldier. For lervlc abroad you must b
between the ages of 25 and 36 years and
you must be able Jo pas a rigid physical
examination. Writ or call on Mr. A. L.
Reed at Red Crosa headquarters In the
Wead building. No peclal qualification
r necessary to do eanteen' work here. Send
your request to Mrs. Luther Kountze and
ah will place you on a team for work at
Auto Rides.
Dear Mis Fairfax: Seeing your good
advice to others, I thought you might help
me out. The other evening a couple girl
friends of mine and I went out. We were
waiting for a car and they were awful
crowded, so we had to wait about half
an hour. While we were waiting a car
cam up wtth three boy In It and theyf
loia us to coma, so we went, a I thought
one of the girl knew them and I went
Nqw, these boys treated us very nice and as
they were going where we were, they took
us there. Now, Miss Fairfax, do you
think this was all light, as a party that saw
us has been talking about us. I liked one
of the boys very much and would like to
see him agalnt I have dark hair and very
thick. How should I comb It. Could you
tell me what Is good for freckles. I have
heard of othlne double strength, but I'm
afraid It would do Injury to the kln.
Please answer In The Evening Bee. Thank
ing you In advance. BROWN EYES.
P. S. Please tell me what age you have to
be to be a Red Cross nurse. I am 18.
Don't accept Invitations to ride with young
men unless they are personal friends of
yours. In this case, I see no wrong In
what you did, but I would be very careful
in the future.
Brush your hair back In a soft pompadour
with small knot at the back, low on your
Double strength othlne I considered good
for freckles, but great care should be
taken when using It The safest remedy 1
lemon Juice and water, "applied every night
with a bit of cotton.
You have to be 25 years old before 'you
would be accepted a a Red Cross nurse.
Food Value of Pineapple
Pineapple is wonderfully5 adaptable
in combining with other foods" and is
highly recommended by physicians for
throat trouble. Many have even found
it very helpfuLin stomach trouble..-.
In fact, the adaptability's"! the pine
aoole as a food is eaual to its de
licious flavor. Pineapple may be
served as a dessert or salad by it
self, or combined with other fruits,
will add zest to any fruIF salad. Pine
apple fritters are fast becoming pop
ular. The crushed or grated pine
apple, sold under the same reliable
name as the best canned'whole slice ,
is used in making pineapple pie is a
great favorite.
Tidbits, which are segments of the
sliced pineapple, are most satisfac
tory, in fruit cocktails and in salads.
1 aaam t
n rTVitwii f T lTi f
1 1 v if
or Infants '
& hrslids
Cost YOU.
- SamoPrke
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. '
, Keep Horlick's Always on Hand
Quick Lunch; Home or Office.
ism. -toil ms
Rigger Bargains Than Ever at
the Big Bankrupt Sale of the
Loyal Shoe Stock
If you have not already
taken advantage" of our
low prices COME
Sale continues until the entire
stock is sold. Hundreds of pairs
of Men's and Women's high
gjade Shoes at less than rost
Beaton Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
1 .
We have stated repeatedly that purchasers of quarter
acre tracts of our property should make a fortune from their in
vestment - If our statements are true you most certainly should be will
ing to let us explain our plan in detail.
If we can show you where you can invest as little as $30,
where your money is safe with the best possible prospects of mak
ing you rich, you surely will join us and assist in our drilling oper
ations by buying quarter-acre tracts of our High Island property.
Please bear in mind that this is not a stock jobbing promo
tion scheme, but is a fair and square 50-50 proposition between
this company and our tract purchasers.
v Decide right now to write or phone TODAY or ree
trated bulletin, with government reports, maps and complete in
formation. Opportunity is pounding away at your door, and for your
own sake, we urge you to heed this call .
We are Operating Under Permit in Compliance with Laws of thi$ State.
u!ff oast
.740 First National Bank Bid i.
V--. ' -,r(
Tyler 333. .